Leo Story.txt

Story by porsche454 on SoFurry

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Something to Remember by Porsche454

The time clock punched the timecard, a sigh of relief escaping his mouth. He loosened the neck tie and unbuttoned his green dress shirt and hung them inside his locker. Stagnant air filled the employee locker room as he changed into his street clothes. "Hey Leo, you doing anything tonight?" a colleague asked, walking into the locker room. Leo looked up from tying his shoes, gazing at the floor, deep in thought. "I know...... I have something...., but I can't remember what," Leo stammered, biting his lip as he tried to recall. He slowly rose to his feet and transferred his phone and wallet into his jean's pockets. "Ah, well, if you don't remember, we'll be at the club downtown, you should join us." "No, I know it's important," Leo added, combing his muddled brown hair into a more organized chaotic look. He closed the door to his locker and walked out, still trying to remember; it was on the tip of his tongue. "See ya tomorrow Leo!" the colleague exclaimed. Leo remained unresponsive as he walked through the metal doors into the maintenance hallway. The roar of people filled the corridor as he neared the opening into the mall. Leo walked through the mall, his cell phone vibrated in his back pocket. He crammed his hand into the tight jean pocket, checking his phone. The calendar icon flashed on his screen, "Today: One year Living Together Anniversary." He groaned, hating his poor memory. Lenz is going to have my ass if I don't get him anything... Leo slid his phone back into the confined pocket of his jeans. He stroked his trimmed goatee as he contemplated a gift idea. His brow furrowed, a new shop caught his attention, "Latex and More." He smirked, "Lenz is going to love this anniversary." The glass door slid open, the smell of rubber assaulting his nostrils. Naughty ideas popped into his mind as he saw the 'exotic' products, his smirk transitioning to a grin. "Hello! Welcome to Latex and More, your one stop shop for ANYthing latex," a man chimed from behind the counter. "My name is Chris. May I help you with anything?" the man smiled, sauntering towards Leo. His hazel eyes roved Leo's body. "Hi Chris, I'm looking for a gift for my mate," Leo replied, "it's our 'living together' anniversary, and I, we, really enjoy experimenting. " Leo examined the salesman's latex clad body. His athletic chest hugged by a black latex suit, name written in grey on his left pectoral. Abs trailed down his abdomen, the latex coating it smoothly. Chris wore grey latex shorts, leaving nothing for the imagination. His legs were taut, firm, the latex contouring to every crease and bulge of his muscles. His strong, well defined arm wrapped around Leo's shoulder as he led him through the store. "I know just what you need," Chris whispered. They passed through the toy section, gags and dildos grabbing Leo's attention. "Do you think he would like one?" Chris asked. "No, he's not into toys as much as....I am," Leo replied, pulling himself from the section as he proceeded. "Well, how about clothing?" Chris inquired, gesturing to his boxers. "Hmmm.....maybe," Leo stammered, blushing as he adored Chris' bulge. "Hey, sexy, my eyes are up here," Chris stated, snapping Leo from his junk. Hangers ground against steel racks as Chris plucked various latex attire. They passed the shirts and pants, Leo discouraging all the selections. "He isn't so.......flamboyant. Subtle and secretive is more his thing. He likes wearing stuff like underarmor," Leo explained, shaking his head at a bright orange long sleeve shirt. Chris placed it back on the rack slowly, pondering of something that would meet the request. Chris checked that Leo was the only witness. "Wait here," he whispered, hurrying to the back room. Leo gawked at Chris' ass. His long brown hair tussled as he shook himself out of it. He stroked his goatee, roaming through the toy section as he waited. Leo gazed at the various dildos, the smooth latex gliding across his fingertips. His tight jeans constricted his tenting crotch, head filling with lust. A hand on his shoulder tapped him back into reality. "Careful now, you use it you buy it," Chris chuckled. "Hahaha, ya," Leo meekly smiled, "So what you got there?" "This, is very advanced, you shouldn't even know that they exist." He presented Leo a smooth black cube. "It's a box?" Leo inquired, tilting his head a little. "Not quite," Chris replied, grinning as his hand tapped on the top of the box. A lid opened from the seamless surface, revealing a pair of matte black latex cloth. "Discrete, simple, and form fitting," Chris explained, "made of nano latex material for the best comfort.........and stimulation." "It seems rather pricey. How much is it?" Leo asked. "Technically, this shouldn't exist. So.......how about you buy whatever you want, and I'll give it to you," Chris offered, pressing his hand against Leo's tented jeans "That......would be........great," Leo moaned, "but I'm taken Chris...." "I know, just love teasing the customers," Chris snickered, seizing his advancements. "So, choose whatever you want, and I'll ring you up." Chris winked at him and sauntered to the counter, holding the box for Leo. Leo concentrated and looked through the store, overwhelmed by the things he would love to purchase. After fifteen minutes of searching, he grabbed a hot magenta nine inch dildo, fuchsia barbs ran down the spine from a spaded head. As he walked to the counter, a display of latex boxers caught his eye, "On Sale: $14.99each." He looked through the stack and chose a pair of iridescent blue boxers with a scale pattern. "Hello Chris. I think I'm ready for checkout," Leo said, placing his items on the counter. "You're a very naughty boy," Chris flirted, scanning the dildo and boxers, "That'll be $43.39." Leo paid with the credit card reader as Chris placed his purchases in a black and grey latex bag, along with the box. "Here are your things and here is the receipt. If you have ANY problems, any, you can call me on the number in the back. I'm sorry, but I never caught your name," Chris said, extending his hand to Leo. "Oh! I'm Leo, sorry," he answered, blushing in embarrassment as he shook Chris' hand. "Well, Leo, it was nice to meet and I enjoyed serving you today. Have a naughty Anniversary," Chris wished, smirking at Leo. "I sure will, thanks to you," Leo gushed, waving Chris good bye as he left. He slowed his pace, phone vibrating in his back pocket. He pried the phone up to his ear and answered, "Hello?" "Hey Leo, when you coming home?" Lenz zealously asked. "I'll be home in fifteen. Why?" Leo replied. "Why?! It's our dating anniversary. You better not have forgotten." "That was today! I didn't get you anything, I feel really bad," Leo lied, toying with Lenz. "Ug, well, your memory isn't that great, and I should have told you when we had breakfast..." "I'll make it up after dinner, I promise...," Leo planned, grinning ear to ear as he reached the car. "MMmmm, hurry home, I can't wait," Lenz murmured, hanging up the phone. The phone pressed to Leo's ass cheek as he slid the phone back into the back pocket. Engine purred as he drove out of the parking structure. Leo glanced at the bag frequently, anxious to surprise Lenz with his gift. Lenz stirred the chicken and checked the rice. He untied the apron and folded it, the apartment door opening as he served dinner. Leo snuck into the apartment, placing the gift bag behind the couch. He closed the door, ensuring that Lenz heard his arrival. "Lenz, I'm home!" he proclaimed, walking to the kitchen. "Just on time, dinner is ready," Lenz replied, placing Leo's plate on the table. Laughter and amusement bellowing from the kitchen table as they ate their hearty meal. Utensils clanked as lenz finished his meal. He ran his hand up Leo's thigh. "So you're in charge of desert?" Lenz asked, walking to the sink with his plate. "Yes, and it will be exuberant," Leo teased, "I'll go and get things ready." Leo went and grabbed the bag as Lenz cleaned up the kitchen. He entered the bedroom to change into his latex boxers, placing Lenz's gift onto the bed along with a note. The dishes were washed and the lights were off, Lenz sauntered from the kitchen and into the bedroom. The bedroom was empty, noticing that Leo was using the bathroom. Fervently, he pulled his shirt off and unbuttoned his pants, pausing as he noticed the black box on the bed. Lenz was flattered and unfolded the heart shaped note: "My memory isn't that bad ^_^ Happy Anniversary!"

Lenz ran his hands across the smooth surface of the box, a section popped open from the flush surface. He lifted the lid open, revealing the black latex clothing. "That is cool," he stammered, running his hands across the soft latex clothing. He collected the latex garments from the box and laid the pants and top upon the table. His jeans and under wears were tossed to the side as he exposed his excited cock, all eight inches of it. Lenz searched the box for any additional goods, finding a coupling gel for the outfit. He smeared his body with the gel, biting his lip as he rubbed it over his cock. The latex slid over his slickened legs as he slipped into the latex pants. His cock hugged his crotch as he released the mouth of the pants, a moan of pleasure escaping his lips. He slid into the sleeveless top, nipples perking through the latex. Leo walked out of the bathroom, pausing as he saw Lenz roaming his black latex clad body. The blue latex boxers began to tent as he placed the dildo on the night table. Lenz gasped as Leo squeezed his ass, stepping in front of him. "You like your gift?" Leo hummed, his hands running across Lenz's firm latex chest. "Mmmm, yes," Lenz moaned, glancing down Leo's body, grinning at the latex boxers. "Got a something for yourself?," he added, embracing Leo into a kiss. He lowered the both of them onto the cool sheets, breaking the kiss as he rubbed his hands on Leo's sides. "It was....on sale," Leo whimpered. Lenz began to sweat as the latex raised his body heat, increasing his lust. Leo's nipples perked as he groped Lenz's muscular chest. Eyes filled with lust as his hand lowered to Lenz's groin, massaging the trapped erection. "Don't stop......," Lenz whined, the black latex tightening around his erect shaft, enveloping it into a hefty sheath. "How about this?" Leo grinned, fondling Lenz's balls as they expanded in his grip. "MMmm! You're such a tease!" Lenz roared, his hands gripping his partner's shoulders as the gray tip of his shaft crawled from his sheath. Leo gaped at Lenz's flared tip, a waft of Lenz's musk smacking him in the ole factories, consuming his worries. The black latex coated Lenz's feet, merging them into grey hooves, while a gray latex tail draped over his tight equine-like ass. The black latex crawled into his sphincter, plumping his ass. Lenz glanced at the night table, noticing the unusual hot magenta dildo. "My turn," he insisted, flipping Leo onto all fours upon the edge of the bed.. "Careful big boy," Leo muttered, presenting his ass to Lenz. Lenz bent down and massaged Leo's inner thigh. His tongue lapped at Leo's latex clad ass, radiating heat across the blue latex boxers. The softening latex molded to his ass, making it firm, as the latex smoothen his cock bulge to his groin. Leo moaned as the latex pressed to his asshole, slowly crawling into him. Lenz extended his right hand to the night table, grabbing the dildo. The blue latex crept up Leo's abdomen, Lenz spreading it with his caressing left hand. While Lenz, with the right hand, pressed the faux cock's tip against Leo's saliva coated pucker, sliding it in slowly. Leo's hands gripped the cool sheets, groaning as the first of five barbs stretched his supple ass. Lenz pressed on, slowly sliding the rest of the toy into Leo's tight ass until it hilted, three inches still remaining. Leo was panting from the pleasure as the toy began to heat up and pulse. Lenz released his grip on the warming dildo, and watched in fascination as it began to push itself into Leo, wrapping his right hand around his beckoning shaft. He began to stroke his shaft, grey pre still flowing from the tip, dripping onto the crisp sheets, while his left hand spread more of the blue latex to Leo's chest and shoulders. . "I..I...I haven't gone that deep.......before," Leo huffed, pressure building in his groin. Leo looked between his arms and saw a bulge appearing at his flat groin. The base of the dildo stretched his taut ass wide, slowly edging its last inch into him, causing him to scream in pleasure. The hot magenta dildo stained his pucker a vibrant pink, vanishing as his rectum sealed it within. Leo batted his eyes in lust as the warm dildo squirmed inside him, almost as if it was alive. He opened his eyes as the pressure increased at his crotch. A slit opened before Leo's eyes, the pink tip of the dildo pushing through it. He shivered in bliss as he felt the tight slit press around HIS cock. The cock stretched the cock slit more as a bulge at the base of the shaft pressed itself out. Blue crème pre dripped from his magenta tip, moistening the sheets beneath him. Lenz's nostrils flared, catching the scent of Leo's aromatic cum. Lenz quickened his stroking, the black latex beginning to coat his arms. Muscles increased in definition as his legs contorted into digit-grade. His slim frame bulked slightly, more athletic as his core muscles strengthened. The black latex continued to spread down his arm, covering his hand. His little finger conjoined to his ring finger, grey nails adorned his digits as they completed. Lenz rubbed his fat cock upon Leo's ass cheeks, lining himself up for invasion. Leo growled in anticipation, the blue latex crawling upon his skin at its own accord, completely coating his body, stopping at his neck. Lenz reached his left hand around and grabbed a hold of Leo's new cock, massaging it. Leo cringed from the alien feel of his barbed cock being toyed with by Lenz's strong hands. "You ready for it?" Lenz asked, his equine shaft resting upon Leo's ass crack. "Ya-AAAaaarrrrrr!" Leo roared, Lenz not hesitating. He thrust into Leo's ass with both hands on Leo's waist, hilting at the medial ring. Leo's head swam in pleasure, his cock slapping his abdomen with each thrust. The pre splashed onto his belly scales, causing that portion to lighten in contrast to the rest of his blue latex clad body. Leo's ass clenched and massaged around Lenz's thick shaft, causing Lenz to loll a grey equine tongue from his mouth. The black latex progressed up Lenz's neck, thickening a little bit as it advanced to his jaw line. The lower jaw elongated, pulling the rest of his face into a short equine muzzle. He neighed, a grey haired mane travelling down the back of his neck from his coated hair. His balls pulled into his groin, climax nearing. Lenz pulled Leo into him, planting his full shaft length into his mate. His cum rushed through the long shaft, erupting into Leo's ass, jet after jet flowing into him. Leo winced, pushing to keep himself pressed to Lenz's cock, the radiating heat made his legs wobble as he collapsed onto his chest. Leo groaned as a shock zapped down his spine, mass jutting out above his ass. Lenz reeled backwards from the impact of Leo's new reptilian tail socking him in the abs, causing him to yank out of Leo sharply, landing his ass on the floor. Lenz rubbed his abdomen in discomfort, looking up to the bed. Leo rose from the bed, gray seed traveling down his thighs, and glanced down at Lenz. "My turn," Leo growled, his magenta cock still erect with blue crème drooling down the tapered shaft. Leo leapt from the bed and pinned Lenz to the floor. Leo's muscles rippled, his lithe frame expanding with muscle as Lenz struggled for dominance. "Nu...u. uuuhh," Leo grinned, "it's my turn pony boy." Leo's fingernails turned into cream colored claws, while his feet contorted into raptor feet, successfully suppressing all of Lenz's struggling. Leo wrapped his hands around Lenz's flanks, raising his ass into the air. Lenz clinched his eyes shut as Leo pressed his magenta cock into his tight ass, his gray tail flowing to the floor. Leo kept balance with his tail, using it to thrust harder into his mate. He lolled his reptilian tongue out in pleasurable success, the blue latex beginning to creep up his neck. His muddled hair was covered, becoming red as it transitioned to running down along his spine. Leo's face pressed out into a raptor muzzle, his goatee becoming a red patch of fur at his chin. His bulge spread Lenz's tense ass while he thrust, raising Leo to climax quickly. He planted his cock fully into Lenz, roaring in bliss as his internal balls churned spewing his blue spunk into Lenz's ass. Leo pulled his cock from Lenz's pummeled ass, laying him back down upon the floor gingerly. Blue seed spilled from Lenz's ass onto the oak floor boards, Lenz panting from the exertion of being dominated. Leo bent down and began to lick Lenz's flaccid shaft clean. A moan of pleasure escaped Lenz's muzzle as Leo began suckling upon his equine shaft, the stimulation causing his shaft to engorge. Leo savored the equine's pre, sweet, strong, and a bit of latex. Lenz decided to return the favor and began 'cleaning' Leo's exotic cock as well. Lenz's moan reverberated against Lenz's shaft, causing him to shiver. Lenz pondered upon the slight blueberry taste he got from Lenz, the sweetness accompanied by the taste latex. They suckled and teased each other's cocks enjoying the new taste of each other's pre. They both grew exhausted, both sexually and physically. Lenz and Leo detached themselves from each other's shafts, lapping the last bit of pre. They crawled their way onto the bed and snuggled up for the night on top of the clean portion of the bed. Lenz passed out first, his muzzle laying a top of Leo's shoulder. Leo looked at his slumbering lover, a smile across his reptilian face. "Love you." Lenz unconsciously smiled in response.