To Be Somebody...Lost Chapter

Story by Rurikredwolf on SoFurry

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#5 of To Be Somebody...

Wait what...I wrote an 18+ story? Oh snap! I must have been drugged by the parasites that dwell within my ceiling.

Anyway, I decided to write this thanks to my friends going 'DO IT!' I normally don't give into peer pressure like that, but to be honest, I was actually planning on doing this scene in the original story, but I cut it at the last second thanks to...well...I dunno why I did. Mostly because I write at school a lot and if I teacher looks over to see 'HE STARTED TO POUND HER SILLY WITH HIS MAN LENGTH', I would be pretty much dead.

This takes place between chapter four and the final chapter of "To Be Somebody...". I doubt any of you honestly care and want to go straight for the porn like the brainless sex-crazed people you are. Sheesh, I can't even believe I am writing this. First time writing an 18+ thing and I really don't plan on any more.

In fact, to spite you for not reading the others (This is directed to the people who care only for sex.), I won't tell you what is going on. You'll have to read to figure it out.


*waits to see this hit a billion favorites or something*

Cyrno never felt so alive on the way back from the cave. His new mate, his queen, flew beside him. How her scales shimmered in the moonlight and radiated her elegance once again. It was all he could do not to blush thinking about her, but then again, what did he have to hide? He just spilled his heart for her. Shiva likely wouldn't mind if he stared.

In fact, she stared back at him, a loving smile etched on her muzzle. How he had dreamed for this night to come, yet it never seemed possible. The rules of the kingdom would never allow it a hundred years ago; especially since what he was doing could be considered as incest. But what did he care? He was happy.

Cyrno landed in her room once more, yawning. Apparently his confession took more out of him than he had expected. Shiva landed beside him on his blind side. Turning so he could see her, he saw that she was waiting for him to look before brushing up against his scales.

"Really Cyrno, I never did expect you to find and grow all of those flowers," Shiva said, "I knew you were always a softie, but never that soft."

Cyrno chuckled, "Well, I'm glad I managed to surprise you."

"Oh trust me; even without that, I would have been surprised that you actually came through." Shiva teased, licking under his chin. Cyrno let off a small growl in pleasure.

"I was too. I couldn't just let you walk away, though." Wrapping his tail and wing around her, he pulled her as close as possible.

"Mmm..." Shiva drifted her tail to his stomach. He eyed her curiously, but said nothing. It felt like really good and he felt his back left leg jerking.

After another moment of the sensation, Cyrno reluctantly pulled away. His knees were buckling from fatigue and he immediately went into Shiva's bed, about to fall asleep the second he hit it. His queen crawled in beside him, lying on her side, lightly running her claws down his body.

Flipping so that he was on his back, Cyrno stared the best he could into his lover's eyes. It was there he noticed something about her eyes. There was a slightly darker part on it that was looking directly at him. Tilting his head a bit, he realized wasn't just seeing things. The realization of what it was brought a smile to his face; he could see where she was looking now.

For the longest time, he had difficulty following where she was looking. Of course, he wasn't going to tell her that just yet: he still wanted to see where her eyes drifted. To his surprise, she flashed him another smile before slowly turning her gaze south. At that same moment, her claws ran over his groin area, causing him to gasp.

"S-Shiva...what are you doing?" he asked seconds later, his instincts blaring at him like a foghorn to run out of the room.

"I know you aren't naïve enough to realize what I am suggesting..." Shiva's voice was incredibly seductive...almost on Aura's level, but with more love than lust.

Cyrno swallowed. He wasn't expecting this to happen so soon, yet he couldn't deny that he always wanted this. It was customary that the future king and queen to mate after the ceremony...but it hasn't even happened yet! Was she really going to break the code with him...again?

"I-I do know where you are going but...isn't it too soon?" Cyrno tried to worm his way out of the situation. He was so god damn tired!

"Depends on your definition of soon." Shiva winked at him, running her claws over his area once again, "I've seen you asleep and moaning my name. Needless to say, when I first saw what really was between your legs...I honestly freaked out, but that's not the point."

Cyrno laughed; he didn't expect her to say that. "It's true...I'll be the first to admit it."

"So relax then. I've already seen them, and no doubt you have seen my slit before."

"Actually I haven't."

Shiva raised her eye brow disbelievingly, but shrugged. Adjusting herself, Cyrno got a clear picture of her slit and, to be honest with himself, he thought it would be...bigger. The diagrams he always saw in his education lied to him! Regardless, he wondered how he could get inside of it. He experimentally touched it, earning a groan from Shiva.

It felt really damp, but he knew that was because she was turned on, for lack of better term. He wondered how long she had been like this. Like males, females had a small patch of scales that covered their private areas and could be removed with a single thought. At first, Cyrno thought it was magic when he was getting lectured, but then realized afterwards it was like moving a claw for them.

Lightly running his talon down the length, he realized it was only about an inch or two long. This earned him another moan from Shiva, who was now watching him play with her clit. It was the first time Cyrno had ever touched one, so he was quite fascinated with it. Lightly placing a talon side, he felt her shudder a bit.

"Before you go any further, you have to expose yourself to me..." Shiva stopped him, "I need something to play with."

Cyrno sighed and relaxed, feeling his erection go past the sheath it was in. He watched as Shiva blinked in surprise, poking both of his members. Like most reptiles, Cyrno had a hemi-penis and an internal pair of testacies. When her finger touched his white rods, he felt another wave of electricity go through his body.

"Alright, you can continue." Shiva slowly began to rub both of his penises. Cyrno laid his head back with a 'thwump'.

However, instead of continuing to press his fingers in, he instead retracted and ran her juices on his forked tongue. It tasted...bitter? He was lied to again! He was always told that it tasted like sweat nectar or something like that. Oh well, it wasn't bitter enough to stop him from cleaning his claw. Cyrno was sure he would get-JNGLKA.

His brain frazzled a bit when Shiva ran her tongue along his left length. In fact, his fatigue flew away faster than a celebrity from his crazy fans. Before he even put his claw back to her spot, she giggled slightly.

"Y'know, I always imagined me doing that to you for a while." she smiled ever so sweetly at him.

"I always thought you were above those thoughts..." Cyrno replied. Well, it was nice to see that he wasn't the only one with thoughts of sex.

"I am a bit of a sex fiend, but my body belongs to you and you only. Just be prepared to stay up for an hour or two longer at random moments." Shiva gave his hemi another lick.

Cyrno grinned inwardly, as he couldn't exactly do that when he was returning the favor to her. The liquid that came out was very cold indeed, but that make it more enthralling to lick her dry. Seriously, this was like a puddle of water that always seemed to fill back up no matter what he did.

Lifting her body so that her body was on top of his, he placed her tunnel in front of his mouth. Getting a devious idea, he stuck his tongue into her passage, earning a yelp of surprise from him. Inside, he thought his much needed appendage was going to be squeezed off. It made him wonder how it would feel to mate with her properly.

In return from the invasion of her vagina, Shiva took both of his members into her mouth, earning another eye-twitching shock. Not that it was a bad thing, but it made him freeze. Wrapping his claws around her mid-section, he pulled her down more. He had no idea where that instinct came from, but it was better than the one that made him scream like a hatchling.

Shiva suddenly raised her head, "If you need to, feel free to thrust or whatever males do when getting this. Just go gentle...I don't want to feel like I am suffocating just yet." With that said, she dropped her head back down.

Her tongue was nothing short of amazing. The way it squeezed and constricted; massaging and jacking him. This felt way better than his clumsy attempts at pleasuring himself. The cold air inside of her maw made it all the more arousing. Retracting his tongue, he made shallower licks while toying with the edges with his talon. He was rewarded by his efforts by multiple-AGJLKAGA!

Shiva started to suck. It completely took him off guard and made his brain explode more than it did previously. It was the most pleasurable experience he felt in his entire life! Forget that moment where she simply licked him; this was the highlight! Well, other than professing his love.

Suddenly, he felt the urge to thrust deep into her maw, but he refrained from doing so. He didn't want to go all the way just yet, but maybe just a bit. Curling his tail around, he pressed softly on Shiva's head, forcing her down further. She didn't resist until she almost entirely took him. He could feel the tips touching the back of her throat.

Eventually, Shiva started to bob her head up and down and already Cyrno thought he was going to climax. Yet, despite all of this, he could not stop licking her. It was the strangest taste in his life. At the same time, it was also the oddest thing he smelled. In fact, it reminded him of how it smelled after it rained.

In a way, it kind of is raining... Cyrno thought seconds later before mentally slapping himself as his horrendously bad joke.

Suddenly Shiva's tail made him press deeper into her slit. From the steamy romance novels he read, this was about that time where she was about to orgasm. Of course, he could be wrong and she could be returning the favor. He really felt like he was about to suffocate, but if he were to die, this would be where he wanted to be.

Sure enough, Shiva groaning into his cocks and a small splash of juices hit him in the face. However, instead of doing what the males did in the romance novels, he instead clutched his face and started to freak out. Shiva got off of him and held him down, a look of horror and worry on her muzzle.

"What happened?" she demanded.

"Your orgasm hit my eye-rag and I'm terrified it's gonna seep through!" Cyrno frantically replied, tearing off the patch, leaving her to gasp.

Cyrno's missing eye was indeed...missing. A cruel scar ran from his left forehead, just above the socket, and all the way to the top of his cheek. It was a mangled mess of burnt, mutilated flesh that no scales could grow from. Where his eye was, a gaping socket rested.

Realizing that he just exposed his wound in the middle of their mating, he turned away. However, her claw dragged his muzzle back to face her, lightly pecking him on the nose.

"You don't need to hide it from me, Cyrno." She whispered, her claw still around his crotch, "If I were concerned about how you looked, I would have gone right for that second suitor. Relax a bit; we'll get you a new one shortly."

"Shortly?" Cyrno inquired.

"Well, I finished in your face, so it's fair you do the same to me."

With that said, Shiva placed her mouth back on and resumed her ministrations. Cyrno still kept his upper half raised for a few moments, still a bit scared at what had happened. Even if it wasn't connected to his brain, her juices would be inside of his head and he didn't know what damage that would cause.

Lying back, Cyrno realized that he was quite close to his own climax. He could feel the pressure building at the base and wondered if she would allow him to go off in her face or in her mouth. Perhaps both? If the former, she would have to explain why she had semen on her face and expose herself.

Pressing his tail down again, he started to thrust into her mouth a bit, biting his lower lip. Shiva remained calm throughout his movements, still sucking and tonguing him. The snake-like appendage was squeezing the heads of his hemi and felt himself getting closer to the edge.

"S-Shiva, I'm gonna...." he moaned.

In response, she doubled her efforts and made it almost impossible to resist the ending any longer. With a small growl, he came right into her mouth. The first spurt seemed to turn her off and she released his drakehood, the gooey blue liquid landing on her muzzle and tongue. Seeing here there, enjoying herself in his brought endless joy to his muzzle.

"Not bad...I honestly expected less, but then again, I've never done that before." Shiva licked what she could off of her muzzle before cleaning off his shafts. Figuring that he may as well do something, he cleaned her off as well before getting rid of the liquid around his eye.

"So what are we gonna do about my eye-rag?" Cyrno refused to call it a patch. It really was just a strip of cloth, after all.

Shiva gently took it in her claws and examined it. To his surprise, she giggled. "There is nothing on here, Cyrno. Not even the hint of a damp spot. Let me put it back on..."

Cyrno let out a sigh of relief. That rag had lasted him through the remainder of the war and giving it up was sort of like losing a friend. Maybe he would write a poem about that later. His thoughts were muffled when Shiva tied it back onto him. Once she did, he felt complete again.

"Erm...what now?" Cyrno asked, already knowing the answer.

"We seal it for real, Cyrno. Don't worry; I won't let myself be pregnant after this." Shiva rolled onto her back, exposing her still damp clit.

Nodding, Cyrno rolled over so that he was on top of her, his hemi pressed against her opening. As soon as he did, he felt the slightest bit of regret. Where it came from, he didn't know. For a moment, he just didn't want to continue; to not satisfy himself and his lover; to not complete his dream.

Shiva noted this and asked what was wrong, but he said nothing smiled. Slowly, he started to force his way in, her tightness already making the regretful thoughts vanish. Despite this, he felt like this was his only chance to do this with her. The overbearing thought that something was going to happen tomorrow that would forever forbid them to mate again.

If that was the case, he had to do it now. With more determination, he hilted her. Cyrno couldn't help but suck in a large gulp of breath before pulling out to the head, slowly easing his way into her once more. All the while, he kept his gaze on his mate's face. The heartwarming look on her closed eyes as she moaned his name was all the encouragement he needed.

Slowly but surely, he increased his pace. Already slick from their previous orgasms, it was quite easy to slide in and out. Nevertheless, it amazed him how such a tiny thing could hold what he had to offer. Nature confuzzled him at times, but it was so worth it not to know how it worked.

All four of her claws wrapped around his body, urging him closer and deeper into her. Nibbling gently on her neck, he was rewards by another moan of his name. The only worry that continuously nagged at him like his nanny was if someone were to walk in on them. Maybe they could convince him or her not to tell. Or just let Shiva do the talking as he would be trying to shrink into a corner.

On and on he pumped into her, eventually feeling his orgasm return. Yet, this time, it was easier to control. Shiva opened her eyes and looked directly into his, kissing him on the muzzle, their tongues intertwining. He could taste his ejaculation and no doubt she could taste her own love juice. His semen was...well, bitter as well, but less tasty. Still, he never broke the kiss.

That was, of course, until he felt her walls close in on her. Her eyes widened and just hung her jaw out, a silent scream of pleasure on her lips. The silky folds seemed to urge him for his own orgasm, and he was happy to oblige. His sticky coating painted her womb. After he was done, he slowed to a halt, panting and sweating heavily.

Shiva was in the same state. Reaching her claw up, she leaned in and kissed him again. "This...this was the best moment of my life," She whispered to him.

Cyrno couldn't agree more on the subject, but his voice failed him. The best he could do was bobble his head to the point where he thought it was going to fly off and hit the ceiling. If that happened, he would have died happy, knowing that he was somebody to her.

"I say...we get cleaned off...before we go to bed." Shiva relaxed her limbs and he, with great difficulty, pulled out of her.

"Yeah...I don't...want to go to bed...sticky. Plus, if someone...finds us..." Cyrno started off on his worrying streak.

"Exactly." Shiva cut him off, "Let's go to the royal bathing area. Screw the rules about separate sexes...I want to be with you."

"Alright...race ya there?" Cyrno asked.

"I dunno about racing...but I'll see how well I can do."

I still consider this to be a satire of most sex scene. Seriously, this was easier to write than I thought O_o. Dare I say I Yeah, I had fun; it was entertaining to have Cyrno's narration. The writing itself was a bit choppy, but I don't give a fuck (AHA, SEE WHAT I DID THAR?)

Hope you enjoyed it too. *goes back to playing Spiderman: Shattered Dimentions*