Welcome to to the Next Year

Story by Grizzled Bear on SoFurry

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#26 of Cycled life

OK....nother bit out...things going very slowly right now....oh well, can't say much at the moment, things to try and fix/do/make/repeat....if anyone wants to tell me that as you get older things get better that would be greatly appreciated, at the moment i don't even care if you're lying about it...

Lucas woke up the next morning, letting out a long yawn as he did. His muzzle hit something, but he didn't have to wonder what it was. He nuzzled the object in front of him and felt Jake pull on him a bit. Even though the bed was a lot smaller he wouldn't have traded just being able to wake up to Jake for anything. It was nice to have the bear's scent so close, which he was breathing in slowly. He chuckled when he realized Jake had slept with his shirt on. He could tell that Jake was still asleep, the bear mumbling in his sleep like he always did.

Lucas drifted back to sleep a few more times, but was constantly aware of whether the bear was asleep or not. After an hour or so he felt Jake stir and looked up at the bear, who just mumbled a bit louder and pulled more on him. He couldn't help but chuckle, which made Jake pull on him more, as if trying to silence him. "You still planning on sleeping Big-guy?"

Jake mumbled and wished that it was quieter. It wasn't that he had a problem with the noise, if there was a noise to wake up to it was that one. He just still felt a bit tired and sleep was still in him. He opened an eye and saw Lucas smiling at him, which forced a smile out of himself. He felt the wolf's fur on his paw, and he rubbed the fur lightly. When he closed his eye again he knew that it would be impossible to go back to sleep, not because of a lack of trying-Lucas just tried harder.

"Jake," Lucas said once.

"Jake...hey, Jake," Lucas said and shook the bear.

"Jake, Jake, Jake, Jake, Jake," Lucas began to repeat and shake the bear consistently.

Jake groaned and rolled over onto Lucas. He opened his eyes and stared at the blurry image of his mate, though he knew every feature that was in front of him. He was pretty sure that without his glasses his vision would be so terrible he could be called legally blind. "What do you want Puppy?"

Lucas smiled, "Good morning,"

Jake stared at the wolf for a moment before laying his head back down, this time onto Lucas, "Good night,"

Lucas chuckled, getting Jake up was never easy. He hugged the bear closer to him and began to rub Jake's back. He moved his paws lower, until Jake finally looked up, just before he reached the bear's butt.

Jake looked up at Lucas, "Stop that pervert,"

Lucas smiled and moved his paws up the bear's back again, "Aww...I thought you liked it Big-guy,"

Jake stopped his words. Saying he did doomed him to the wolf's roaming paws, and saying he didn't mean Lucas would tease him about it forever. He just stared at the wolf, not really doing anything else. After a few moments Lucas returned the smile and he just stared at the wolf for a bit. A few minutes later he chuckled, "OK, OK...I'm awake,"

Lucas grinned quickly and kissed Jake lightly on the lips, "Good," he said and hugged the bear more. He felt Jake's paws move down his body a bit and just tussle with his fur for a moment. His fur touched the bear's shirt, and he always hated how Jake would forget to take off his clothes when he slept. When Jake yawned he grimaced a little and then chuckled.

"What?" Jake asked, smiling at Lucas.

"You have a terrible morning breath right now,"

"No I don't,"

"You do today Big-guy," Lucas said and the bear just stared at him lightly.

"You never minded any of it before," Jake said and leaned forward to kiss Lucas, but the wolf avoided it. He pulled away and stared at Lucas who just shook his head.

"Brush your teeth,"

"You're kidding me," Jake said, staring at Lucas.

"I'm going to brush mine too. Mine is probably not much better,"

Jake laid his head on Lucas's chest, "Come-on..." he said, a bit pleadingly.

"Sorry Big-guy...normally you're a lot more fun to kiss in the mornings,"

Jake blushed lightly but still smiled at Lucas, "Why not today then...you been kissing someone else and think they're breath is better while I was away?"

Lucas chuckled and pulled on Jake, "Yeah, you got me...I was thinking one day 'hey, I wonder if I can find a guy with a great breath' so I just went out and found myself one,"

"Is that a confession?"

Lucas laughed and tried to push Jake off of him. He felt Jake breathe on him more and pushed a bit harder, "Stop it Big-guy, you're being a jerk," he said while laughing.

Jake stopped and held his breath for a moment. "Well, how was he?"

"What? Who is he?"

"The guy with great breath,"

Lucas chuckled, "He's amazing...but his breath sucks right now and he won't believe me,"

"Hmm...nice twist Puppy," Jake said and rolled off his mate.

"Who says I'm lying," Lucas said as he sat up. He moved off to the bathroom as Jake began to dig through one of his bags. He turned on the faucet and put some tooth paste onto it. The bear soon joined him and began to brush his teeth quickly. When Lucas finished he smiled at Jake and walked off. He closed the door to his bathroom and almost expected Jake to be out within a second of his own departure. The bear took a few seconds, and then a minute, and then another. He moved closer to the door and knocked on it. The door opened after a minute and Jake leaned down to him. Lucas smiled at his mate, "Are you bett-" he was trying to get out before letting out a small yelp as Jake pulled him into a kiss.

Jake felt Lucas tense up quickly and just pulled more on his mate. After a few seconds the wolf began to return the kiss. He chuckled lightly and felt Lucas wrap his arms around him. As the kiss continued he began to growl lightly, his chest vibrating as he did so. He felt Lucas pull away and he nuzzled the wolf, "Better?"

Lucas chuckled and rubbed the bear's back, "Much," he said and kissed Jake on the lips again. He smiled and felt Jake nuzzle him, "See, with me you'll never get a cavity,"

Jake looked up at Lucas, "Or a good morning kiss it seems like,"

"Normally it's not bad...but today...it's like you ate my uncle's roast beef,"

"The one that had the red and green bits of stuff in it?" Jake asked, remembering his plate from last night. All of the food had been great, he'd actually gone back for seconds, and then for thirds, not counting desert.

"You did..." Lucas said, as if it suddenly explained it. Jake was right, normally kissing him in the mornings wasn't troublesome at all-quite the opposite. He just laughed and saw Jake still staring at him. He moved a paw and rubbed Jake's stomach, "His roast gives you horrible breath...not sure why...it just does,"

Jake smiled and leaned down to the wolf. His nose was touching his mate's and he could feel Lucas's breaths on him, "So...that means I still get my morning kisses?"

"Only if you never eat that dish again,"

"I think that trade is more than fair," Jake said and felt Lucas lick his nose. He leaned forward and kissed the wolf again, this time more gently. It was just a slow kiss, one they could enjoy more freely. His growl became stronger as the wolf pulled on him and he moved Lucas to the bed.

Lucas landed on the bed with a thud and grunted into Jake's mouth. The bear's tongue ran over his own and he felt the bear's paws run over his chest. It was nice to be with Jake again, this was their first time alone in awhile. Before they had been together but next to when the bear picked him up and kissed him when he first arrived they hadn't really kissed. The time in the kitchen was there but he wasn't sure he could really count the bear nearly biting his tongue off a great kiss. He could still taste the flavor of whatever the bear brushed his teeth with and felt Jake pull away a bit.

Jake pulled away and licked Lucas's nose, "Thank you puppy,"

Lucas smiled and nuzzled his mate, "Not a problem Big-guy...do you want to grab a bite to eat?"

"What time is it?"

"Nearly noon...we slept in today,"

Jake rolled off of Lucas and got up. "Yeah...we have that party thing tonight too don't we?"

"Yep..." Lucas said, remembering it also. He did want to see his friends but he was also ready to just be able to relax. He moved over and grabbed a shirt, throwing it on and going to the door, "How about you fix us something nice,"

Jake shrugged his shoulders, "Just show me what's in the kitchen,"

Lucas chuckled and they walked down the hallway. He could smell something cooking and found his father in the kitchen.

Mr. Vadikson looked up and saw the two, "Finally getting up are we?"

Lucas nodded and looked at his father. "What are you cooking?"

"I'm cooking us lunch,"

Jake looked in the kitchen and smiled, "So I don't have to..." he said and saw the wolf look at him.

Mr. Vadikson looked at Jake and then grinned, "Actually you do. If you're going to be cooking for my son you're going to be cooking good food,"

Lucas felt his face go red, to hear his father say that. "Dad...he's a fine cook already," he said and just blushed more.

Mr. Vadikson laughed as his son almost attempted to hide his face, that was the first time he'd felt as though he actually embarrassed Lucas. He hadn't meant for it to sound as it did, like he was being the fatherly figure that tried to embarrass someone, though it was pretty funny. He just looked over at Jake and smiled, "OK, time to learn what food is supposed to taste like,"

"I'm not a terrible cook you know," Jake said as he looked around at what the wolf was cooking.

"But by the end of the break you'll be a great one," Mr. Vadikson said, as though it was his new personal goal.

Lucas looked at his father and sighed, he'd set his mind to something, and it was to make Jake a good cook. He almost felt bad for the bear. He stood up and looked at the two of them, "I'm going to watch TV," he said, but wasn't really noticed. His father was already telling the bear about how to correctly brush over food.

He watched a show for a few minutes, the smell of cooking food consistently getting stronger and stronger. It smelled really good and he was looking forward to what his mate and father could come up with. After a half hour it was ready, signaled by Jake calling for him. He ran into the kitchen and saw his father putting ice in some glasses while Jake finished putting everything onto plates. He looked at the bear, "You survived one lesson,"

"Yeah...I should survive the whole thing," Jake said as he placed a plate onto the corner of the cabinet. He checked to make sure the stove and everything in the kitchen was off and then walked to the table. It all seemed good and with just half an hour he'd learned a good bit from the wolf. Mostly Mr. Vadikson just made sure that he was slightly competent in the kitchen, which the wolf said he was. Mr. Vadikson never praised him, just nodded his head and would say 'not bad' or something to that effect. It was actually depressing in some respects, how the wolf seemed like some evil professor, but that aura around him was gone now-it was apparently reserved for the kitchen.

Lucas smiled as his father set down the glasses and took a seat next to Jake. He looked over at Lucas, "You think his food is better than mine?"

Lucas looked at his father and then at Jake then back to his father, "What can I say, you're slipping in your old age," he said with a chuckle. He could tell his father was actually a bit insulted though. There were few things his father took pride in, but cooking was one of them. The fact that Lucas compared Jake to him made him wonder and he thought it was funny how his father acted like it was almost a competition. He looked over at his mate again who looked at him, a bit confused. "I never said it was better,"

Mr. Vadikson furrowed his eyes and sighed, "He's not bad...I'll let him cook diner for us tomorrow...I shouldn't judge based off just what I've seen today,"

"I'm right here..." Jake said.

Mr. Vadikson looked over at Jake and realized his own behavior. He threw away his demeanor, "Sorry...I can get...competitive,"


"Don't let it get to you Big-guy," Lucas said and chuckled at his father.

Mr. Vadikson smiled, "You'll have to forgive me if I act a bit...cruel,"

"It couldn't be as bad as spring break,"

Mr. Vadikson chuckled but his son spoke before he could.

"You're in for a road," Lucas said and looked down at the food. He took a bite out of one of the dishes and smiled, "This is going to be fun for me though...I get lots of good food,"

Jake grimaced at his mate, "You're evil,"

"It taste good," Lucas said as he took another bite.

"Evil does?" Mr. Vadikson asked, chuckling lightly.

"No...the food does," Lucas said and looked at his father, "jerk," he said under his breath as his father laughed again.

"So are you two excited about tonight?" Mr. Vadikson asked, taking a sip of tea as he did so.

"I think it'll be fun," Lucas said and looked over at Jake, "What do you think?"

Jake shrugged his shoulders. He looked over at Lucas's father, "Mr. Vadikson...don't believe your son; you're a way better cook than me," he said, admiring how the food tasted.

Mr. Vadikson grinned, "Thank you,"

Lucas sighed, looking over at his father, "I hope by the end of break your eating your words..."

Mr. Vadikson laughed, and took another bite from a dish the bear had helped to fix. It was good; Jake did have a lot of skill and knew what he was doing. Teaching the bear was going to be fun-to say the least. The idea of having someone else cook for him sounded nice, he was always the cook and the idea of Jake cooking for them whenever he was around was nice. "Well, is it formal or something? Tuxs?"

Lucas felt his ears perk and saw Jake grimace, "I hope not...that'd be disgusting,"

Jake nodded his head, "It's just a new year...nothing special,"

"Think about what you just said for a moment Jake," Mr. Vadikson said and saw Jake chuckle a little.

"Well...I mean...ehh...yeah it's special I guess," Jake said, agreeing with the wolf now. He looked over at his mate and frowned, "If it is all dressy I don't know if I can go,"

"Why not?" Lucas asked.

"I don't have any good clothes...I left all my good clothes back at Kirson," Jake said with a sigh.

"You can wear something of mine then...we're about the same size...they'll just be a bit loose on you," Mr. Vadikson said with a chuckle.

"I don't want to imp-" Jake was saying but Mr. Vadikson cut him off.

"You're borrowing the clothes...end of discussion,"

Jake nodded his head and heard his mate chuckle. The rest of the meal passed calmly as they just talked lightly about the party. Apparently while they went to be with Lucas's friends some of Lucas's family friends were coming up to have their own little party. The wolf seemed excited about it.

Mr. Vadikson smiled, "Yeah...get to see some of my old mates,"

Jake looked over, a bit surprised. "Wait, I thoug-what I mean is...I mean...what?" he asked. Apparently it was obvious and the two were already trying to explain it to him. He felt his mouth hanging open a little.

Mr. Vadikson looked over at his son, "He's still not really getting it all I guess?"

"Well, I just explained us being mates...I mean...ehh," Lucas said and looked back at Jake. The bear seemed completely lost and he grimaced. He'd thought he'd explained relationships in his family and among his species but he'd just glanced over them. Now Jake was lost in whatever they were talking about.

Mr. Vadikson took a sip of his drink and sighed, "OK...Jake...I guess I'll explain it to you..."

Jake looked over at Mr. Vadikson and then at Lucas. His mate smiled at him and nodded his head. He sighed and looked over at Mr. Vadikson, waiting for the wolf to continue.

"OK...well, the mates I have aren't like between you and Lucas. You two aren't just regular mates...your 'mateship', so to call it, is different. What I have with other people is just a great friendship, a bond with them because we're just that close. It's not like with you two though, there are no marks or anything...as I guess you have,"

Jake glanced down at his shoulder and just looked back at Mr. Vadikson.

"There are a few types of bonds in our groups but I don't want to bore you with the details of them. Some of them don't really matter, and honestly the only reason we keep them in our mind is because from a young age it's just how we classify relationship levels," Mr. Vadikson said and looked over at his son. He smiled and took in another breath, "You see, there are friendships...those are all pretty self explanatory, there are also relationships that are more enemy based but those aren't important. I'll focus on the mate part,"

"Well, there are about four types-two based on a friendship and the other two are...more intimate so to speak. What I have with my friends is just how it sounds...just friendship. There is familial and brotherly...those should be self explanatory. Familial is on a family basis, as is though brotherly is more personal, more...caring I guess. It's pretty much like that person is your brother...just not by blood. I have some familial mates and I have some brotherly mates. It is generally understood by the context which type you are talking about...well, I mean you didn't catch it, but we usually know. The other two types are different. Neither is really better than the other...what I mean is that you two are not at a lower level of being mates than anyone else. As I said...it's more intimate...it's closer. Most people only have one or two of these types mates in their life time. My wife is such an example as are you two. You two probably know about how it is. The two can actually be combined and well, this isn't really a well understood thing, what I mean is that it's not some exact science..."

Jake looked over at Lucas, "So...that's why your family thinks we're too young to be...the type of mates we are,"

Lucas nodded his head, "Yeah...that's basically it..."

"It's uncommon, and I won't lie...I bet a lot of them think that you two made a pretty big mistake...especially Lucas, because he is the one who introduced you into this...though you're a part of it now Jake; you're equal to us in it. I can only hope my son explained a bit of what being a mate is," Mr. Vadikson said and looked over at Lucas.

"He did," Jake said and looked at Mr. Vadikson. He could tell that he thought his son hadn't really taught him much about these types of things, but he didn't care.

"Good...but back to why they think you made a mistake...it's because of how this type of 'mateship' is supposed to be. It isn't something that you throw around or that is really common, especially between two guys...even more so because you two are young too. I think it's a bit funny...they're more concerned at the fact that both of you are young than the fact that you're both guys. I'll give you both that you're more mature than I was or anyone I knew at your age, but most people still think you're rushing this. You're both young and have your entire lives before you, and yet you've already committed to each other...mated to each other,"

Lucas put a paw on Jake's leg, "And I meant it...I've messed up once already but I'm different now...we're both still growing up I guess,"

Mr. Vadikson smiled at his son, "I wasn't trying to insult either of you. It's just that you both need to understand what it really means...Jake you understand it right?"

Jake smiled at Lucas, "I knew a long time ago. I think I told Lucas how much he meant to me before he ever did the same..."

"Yeah...Jake has been the fast mover in this relationship...and I've usually been the slack...I've messed up already and it is hard, but through the times all I really ever realize is that I want to be with him that much more," Lucas said and sighed a little. Even though it was during the summer he could never forget about hurting Jake, and he wasn't sure he ever really forgave himself for it either; it was always there. He knew he'd never do it purposefully again though, that he really did want to be with the bear. "I wasn't the mate I needed to be, not when we first began, or over the summer, but...well, we both know that we're still working on it,"

Jake nodded his head, "Does it sound like we got this handled?" he asked with a chuckle.

"Ya'll are getting it...but there's still a lot of room you two have yet to explore,"

Jake cocked his head, "How?"

"Well...life is always changing...but that's more what I want to talk to you two about later...not right now..." Mr. Vadikson said and stood up. He looked at the two, "You two are good for each other...if I have never said that then I can only hope I implied it. Just one note...your 'mateship' isn't all that important...it's just how other people classify you two...just always keep yourselves together, you know...all that mushy stuff that I'd never be caught dead saying out loud," he said and began to walk off. He turned around once more, "Oh, and Lucas...you're on the dishes,"

Lucas frowned at his father, "I didn't cook the meal though,"

Jake stood up and moved away from his mate, "Exactly," he said with a chuckle.


The rest of the day passed calmly and soon it seemed like they were already about to leave. Jake made sure that his fur was nice and dry, not looking like he was mangy or unkempt. He looked over at the shirt laid out for him, one of Mr. Vadikson's that the wolf lent him. It was a bit more colorful than he usually wore, but it was still a nice shirt. It was a light shade of green, and he had on a pair of khaki pants to match. He reached for the shirt and buttoned it up, looking in the mirror as he did. He leaned forward and looked over himself. He looked nice, his glasses weren't distracting to his image, though they did make him look a bit nerdy, his fur wasn't going crazy on him, he'd trimmed up his bearded muzzle, and was making sure that nothing seemed out of place. He snarled at the image, though he was just looking for anything in his teeth and seeing how they looked. There wasn't a time before he could remember thinking about his appearance this much, but he wanted to look nice. It wasn't that he really cared what people thought, but still, he wanted to look nice, at least for Lucas. A knock at the door brought him out of his strenuous self-examination.

"Jake, you almost ready yet?" Lucas yelled from the other side.

"Yeah, I'm sorry...I'll be right there," Jake yelled as he began to walk towards the door, throwing a mint into his mouth as he did. He took one last look at himself and smiled, hoping the wolf would think he looked nice. Letting out a small sigh he took another breath and opened the door. Lucas was leaning against the wall waiting for him.

Lucas saw the bear and smiled at him, "You look nice Big-guy,"

"Is this OK?"

"What? You mean how you look?" Lucas asked and walked over and looked over the bear, "Yeah, it's a good look for you, remember back in spring; I told you that you look good in brighter colors,"

Jake gave his best smile, but it didn't look very good. He knew that much when Lucas began to laugh at him.

"That was scary,"

"Was it bad?"

"It's almost like you tried to smile but half of your face is numb or something...you nervous?"

"No...I'm fine," Jake said, but he knew the wolf saw through it. Something caught his attention and he took another whiff of the air. He looked down at the wolf, "Are you wearing cologne?"

Lucas took a whiff and looked back at Jake, "Too much?"

Jake smiled and wafted some of the scent, breathing it in a bit more, "Nah...it's fine I guess...just took me by surprise. You've never worn cologne before...it's nice though...I mean I don't mind it you know...it's not your normal scent,"

"Which is better?" Lucas asked, grinning lightly.

"Which do you think?"

Lucas smiled, "Well, you look good Big-guy," he said and pulled the bear's shirt down a little, "I still think you could show a bit more..."

Jake swatted the wolf's paw away, "I'm fine without showing any more of myself...pervert," he said and rebuttoned the top notch of his shirt, which Lucas had undone.

Lucas smiled, "I'm just saying...I enjoy it...to see you showing a bit of fur,"

"I'm just saying," Jake said and smiled at the wolf, "you're a pervert,"

Lucas laughed and put an arm around Jake, "You look nice regardless,"

"So do you,"

Lucas smiled at the bear, "Thank you," he said and chuckled. He had on a dark blue shirt with and they walked into the living room heading for the door, and sadly didn't make it very far.

"Isn't that cute?" one of his father's friends asked.

Lucas sighed and reached for the door and he felt a paw on his shoulder.

"Aren't you going to stay around?"

Lucas turned around and smiled at one of the wolves, a grey one. It was his father's old roommate, one whom he found pretty annoying, "Well, we really need to head out, let you old people enjoy your own party,"

The grey wolf chuckled, "Who's your date?"

Lucas looked over at Jake, who was obviously confused. He smiled at the bear and then looked back, "This is Jake,"

"Come-on Mark, don't be mean to Lucas," another person said, a cheetah. The cat looked at Lucas and smiled, "It's been a long time Lucas, you've grown more,"

Lucas smiled at the cat, "Hey Carl...it's nice to see you," he said. It really was nice to see some of them, they were kind of like additional family, but he also wanted to go ahead and head out.

The cat looked over at Jake, "You must be Lucas's mate we've heard about?"

Jake looked over at Lucas, who just shrugged his shoulders. He didn't know if the cat accepted it or not, but he still shook the cat's paw. It was strange. The cat, Carl, was shorter than him by at least two feet. The grip was pretty weak too; his own paw nearly engulfed the cats. Apparently his size was something the cat took great note of, as did most of the people who came in now. There were about ten people; all had either a husband or wife. He wasn't sure who was Mr. Vadikson's mates and who were just the people who were married to the mates-the entire thing was a bit over his head. As more people came in he looked over at Lucas, getting more nervous.

"He's big," Carl's wife said, thinking she was whispering.

"OK...we're heading out," Lucas said and grabbed Jake's arm. This time it was his father who stopped him.


Lucas stopped with his paw on the door handle. He groaned and looked back at his father, "Yeah?"

Mr. Vadikson chuckled; it was his first time seeing his son eager to get away from the house, eager to go on his date. Jake made him see a lot of first in his son, things he had thought he'd never seen in his son, but things he'd always wanted to see. He moved forward and hugged them both very briefly and then looked at his son, "When do you plan to be back?"

"Sometime next year," Lucas said with a smile.


"Are you going to give me a curfew?" Lucas asked, his face showing a bit of disbelief.

"No, I just don't want you out too late tonight...be careful tonight, OK?" Mr. Vadikson said.

Lucas smiled lightly, and nodded his head, "I will be...don't worry, I've already decided that whichever one of us is the least wasted is the designated driver...that or we'll catch a cab...unless we spend all our money on drinks, in which case we'll take turns-deciding on who can walk in a straight line the longest," he said and pulled on his mate. He opened the door.

Jake couldn't help but laugh as he was pulled on by Lucas, "Don't worry...as he said, I'll have him home by next year,"

Mr. Vadikson moved to the door, "If I even expect either of you had a single sip of anything that isn't legal I'll have you both hanging by your necks!"

Lucas laughed as they both ran to the car. He got in and looked over at Jake, "You know...despite how strange having them all come up was...they just completely confirmed that my nick name for you is perfect Big-guy,"

"I thought it was an innuendo,"

Lucas smiled at Jake, "That's my own little secret to it,"

Jake blushed a little, "Shouldn't we get moving?"

"Yeah, I guess we should," Lucas said and leaned over and kissed the bear once on the cheek. They began to drive and talked as they did. After half an hour they arrived at a restaurant, a pretty nice one. The wolf looked over at him and smiled, "You ready for this Big-guy?"

Jake let out a sigh and looked over at his mate, "I guess,"

"If you get uncomfortable just let me know,"

"I'm sorry...I'm not exactly great to just take out in public am I?"

Lucas cocked his head and looked at the bear, "What do you mean? Jake, don't apologize, don't think I've given up on bringing up your self esteem either. After all I still think you should be showing a bit more...but hey, maybe I just have a thing for you because you're just that great,"

Jake blushed again and opened the door. He didn't say anything; he couldn't really think of what there was to say. He got out as did Lucas, and he looked over at Lucas. He smiled at the wolf, "Thank you..."

"It's my pleasure...really,"

Jake rolled his eyes and they walked to the front of the restaurant, where Lucas's friends were waiting. They smiled and waved. Jake noticed that it was Alex was with a collie, Sam was with Jenny, and Gina was with another fox. They all seemed to be a pair and he realized that they all had dates.

"Hey you guys...the table ready yet?" Lucas asked as he walked up.

"Almost...they said it would be a few minutes. You two made it just in time," Sam said as he looked over the two.

Jake felt a bit underdressed. The three girls had on nice dresses, Sam had on a tux, and Alex had on a nice tie with his outfit, and the other had on a tux also. He was just in a decent shirt, nothing more. He chuckled lightly and felt a bit warm, already feeling nervous-as though he was messing up already. "It's good to see you guys," he said, his voice betraying what he wanted to be a calm demeanor.

"Jake...are you OK?" Gina asked, noticing how the bear's voice cracked.

"Are you coming down with something? I hear there's a flu or something going around the place," Sam said.

Jake just shook his head, not really trusting his voice at the moment. He was glad his mate was helping though.

"Maybe there's just something in his throat..." Lucas said and looked over at Jake, "You OK?"

Jake coughed and looked away, a bit embarrassed by how things were going thus far. He looked back at the group, "Yeah...sorry...just got a bit choked up I guess,"

Alex smiled as a pager in his paw began to buzz. He looked up at the group, "Well, that's us guys...let's go eat,"

Jake moved to the door and held it open for everyone, glad that his actions were more reliable than his tongue was at the moment. Lucas waited for him and the wolf leaned up to him as they walked to their table.

"Relax Big-guy...don't try so hard, just be yourself," Lucas whispered to the bear.

Jake looked down at his mate and nodded. They went to the table and he noticed how Sam and Alex pulled out the seats for their dates. He looked at Lucas who just laughed and sat down.

"Come-on Jake...we're civilized," Lucas said and smiled at the bear.

"What? It's proper chivalry," Sam said.

Jenny giggled, "Yeah...but that raises some interesting questions,"

Lucas felt his ears perk up. He looked over at the tigress and wondered what she meant; it didn't seem like this was going well. She seemed to be waiting till everyone was sitting down to continue.

"So...which one of you is...well, you know, the one who wears the pants in the relationship?" Gina asked, as if she had read her friend's mind.

Lucas felt his jaw drop, and he looked at the other faces at the table. Apparently, and thankfully, it appeared that only Jenny and Gina thought the question was OK. Sam and Alex were both shaking their heads and looking at the floor. Lucas looked at the two, "Really...that's the stuff you want to know? We both wear pants,"

"That's not what she meant Lucas..." Jenny said and looked over at Jake, "Is it you?"

Jake felt his face go red; it was like the chance for civil conversation was about as good as wining the lottery. He looked over at Alex, "So...how long does your break last?"

"Come-on..." Gina said.

"Gina...we both make the decisions...please...just stop this," Lucas said and wasn't sure whether he was just embarrassed of the questions or of his friends.

Sam laughed and looked over at the girls, "You two need to take a hint...don't ask them that stuff...it'd be like us pointing out when ya'll are having your periods. The laws of basic courtesy still apply, guys don't ask girls certain things, and vice-versa,"

Gina looked over at Sam and glared at him.

Lucas saw Sam look over and mouthed a heartfelt thank you to the bull. He'd never expected those kinds of questions, and his face was still red with embarrassment. Jake was trying to distract himself with Alex telling him about their schedule for school. A waiter came up and took orders for their drinks, everyone ordering a drink. Thankfully the girls didn't ask anything to that extent again; in fact the conversation was much more pleasant. They ordered too and talked as they ate, everyone seeming to have a good time so far. Lucas was glad to see that his mate was relaxed a bit; he knew it wasn't easy for Jake to do that around people-especially when they knew about him being gay. As they ate he looked over at the bear, "How's your meal?"

Jake looked at Lucas and smiled, "It's fine...you want some?"

Lucas looked down at the plate, "What'd you get?"

"Salmon...here, it's good, you'll enjoy it," Jake said as he put a piece onto his fork and then put it onto the wolf's plate.

Lucas looked over at Jake, swallowing the bite, "It's nice...I've had better though,"

Jake chuckled, "I need to learn how to cook fish...that'd be awesome,"

"You cook?" Gina asked.

Jake shrugged his shoulders, "If you want to call it that,"

Lucas laughed, "Don't believe his humility. He's a great cook, one of the best, he just doesn't want anyone to know or my dad to kill him because of it,"

Jenny laughed, "But Lucas, you're dad is a good cook,"

Lucas sighed, "Why does it always become a competition between you guys...can't I like both of their cooking?"

Jake chuckled, "Yeah...he's much better though," The conversation flowed well, he was glad that he was able to relax. He could fell Lucas's leg rub against his own at some points and he always thought the wolf was trying to get his attention. Whenever he looked over though it seemed liked Lucas wasn't even aware of what he was doing. The wolf could carry on a conversation and seem completely unaware of anything he was doing. After they finished eating they left for the party, and arrived after a drive on the highway. It was in a big city, and Jake felt like it was going to be very formal, once again feeling as though he was underdressed. It was nearly ten, and he knew the party would last well past midnight. Jake saw the party from a bit away and looked at Gina, "That seems like a pretty big shindig,"

"Shindig?" Alex asked with a slight laugh.

"Yeah...umm...you know, a party," Jake said, realizing that they may not get what he meant. The group chuckled a little and he blushed lightly, he hadn't meant to make a joke. His mate patted him on the shoulder and smiled at him, also laughing a little.

"It's large...but it'll be fun. You know what they say, the more the merrier," Gina said and pulled on her date as she moved faster. Her date chuckled and kept up with her. They all moved a bit faster and were soon inside.

Lucas smiled at how many people were around, it was a nice party. The lighting changed according to the song, but was never very bright. At most it always held a pleasant dimness. He felt Jake shuffle a bit closer to him and looked up at his mate, "You gonna be OK Big-guy?"

Jake nodded his head and looked out at everyone. He wished it was as easy for him as it seemed for Lucas, the wolf could always be so calm looking. The next thing he felt was himself being pulled through the crowd. He kept as close as he could to Lucas, but also looked out at the crowd. There was a huge variety, it almost seemed like a college campus all put into one area. He found himself being pulled to a big table, and he stood near Lucas, as Gina ran up and hugged someone around their neck.

Lucas leaned up next to Jake's ear, "That's Gina's father...he is the guy in charge of one part of the company,"

"Oh...he's a part of the head then?" Jake asked.

Lucas nodded his head. Lucas heard Gina talking with her father and looked around for a few moments. When he heard her talking about who came with who his ears perked up. The next thing that he noticed was being called over, along with Jake. He looked up at Jake, who seemed even more nervous now.

"So, Lucas came with Jake...he's the bear," Gina said and pointed at Jake.

Jake nodded in the fox's direction, but that apparently wasn't good enough. The fox stood up and extended a paw to the bear. Jake reached out and shook the fox's paw, which was pretty small. His paw nearly engulfed it.

The fox looked over at Lucas, "It's good to see you again Lucas,"

"You too sir," Lucas replied and looked over at Jake. He could tell Jake was even more nervous now, but that he was also fighting it. He regretted telling Jake that Gina's father was such a key person, he knew the bear was afraid more now.

"Make yourselves comfortable," Gina's father said and returned to his own table of friends.

Jake let out a sigh of relief. They began to move to a table and Alex took off his jacket and set it over a chair. He turned to his date and asked her out to dance, as did everyone else. Jake looked over at Lucas who looked at him too. His mate nodded to the dance floor and Jake looked out, "I can't dance,"

"Just two-step,"

"I don't even what that is," Jake said, still a bit unsure. The next thing he felt was Lucas pulling him to the floor.

Lucas smiled at his mate, "I'll teach you a few things,"

Jake just felt his face go red, "I'm a terrible dancer though,"

Lucas pulled Jake a little and smiled, "Tell me what the beat of the music is,"

Jake looked at the wolf and then sighed. He closed his eyes and focused on the sound for a few seconds and then began to speak, "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,"


"It's a nine eight beat...I took a music theory in high school..." Jake said, wondering if he'd messed up. It was a technoish song and the beat was slightly hard to pick out under all the synthesized sounds.

Lucas laughed, the bear really had no idea how to find the beat. Sure he could find the beat of the song and its time notation but he didn't understand how to be with it. Lucas swayed back and forth, "Just move your feet to the rhythm then...count it out in your head,"

Jake sighed, "I tried this at prom in high school...my feet just don't move,"

Lucas chuckled and before he could say anything Gina was trying to help the bear. He felt himself pushed away and the fox quickly took over.

"OK Jake...it's simple," Gina said brightly as she began to talk the bear through everything she knew about dancing. The fox was the one to go to about getting out of one's own box, she was peppy enough to make anyone seem more lively.

Lucas looked over at her date, "So...how's it going?"

The fox chuckled, "I just got ditched for a gay guy..."

Lucas laughed, he knew that Gina's date didn't mean it offensively. He was actually a pretty nice guy. He looked at his mate, "Well...my date was just stolen if you want to think of it that way,"

The fox laughed, "I guess we're both here stag for a minute...I'm going to go get Gina something to drink,"

Lucas chuckled and watched as his mate tried to catch onto the rhythm. It was kind of like watching a child learn how to dance, though children were much quicker learner. He laughed as the bear stumbled a bit. He knew that it was just Jake being nervous, the bear had great coordination, but his mate was now like someone who'd yet learned to walk. After nearly twenty minutes Gina walked over to Lucas. He couldn't help but laugh at the fox, she seemed slightly flustered.

"He...really has no rhythm!" Gina exclaimed. She looked felt a paw around her and saw her date, handing her a glass of punch. She took it and sighed, "He has the right stuff and all that...I mean, he knows the beat...but he can't do anything with it!"

Jake sighed, "That's what I've been trying to tell her for the past half hour, but no, she thinks I can still dance,"

"Come-on Big-guy...you can dance, I know you can," Lucas said and pulled on his mate, heading towards the dance area again. He felt Jake resist a little, but the bear was laughing also.

"I really can't dance you know," Jake said, laughing as his mate pulled on him still.

Lucas smiled as his mate stumbled a bit, but was glad to hear Jake laughing also. He pushed on the bear but kept his paws on his arms. Before he was too far away he pulled Jake back to him, the bear hitting against him with a 'huff' and he looked up at his mate.

"What are you doing?" Jake asked as Lucas seemed to just push him around.

"I'm going you paws-on how to dance course," Lucas said. He smiled at his mate, "Now, just be a bit rhythmic for me Big-guy, I know you have rhythm,"

Jake blushed and moved back a little then forward, to which his mate smiled and repeated the process. It wasn't much, but Lucas was always encouraging him on. Slowly a song seemed to pass, followed by another, and then another. With every song he loosened up a bit, and his mate was constantly complimenting him. It wasn't amazing, but Jake felt like he was having fun with it. He was actually able to relax, and to just have fun and dance with Lucas. More songs passed and after a bit they made their way back to their table, and Jake went to get the wolf a drink. When he made it back the wolf was leaning back and looking out at the dance floor, "Looking at the guys?"

Lucas looked up at his mate and scoffed as he took the drink, "Nah...I prefer my men to be more like...you. If you want to go out there so I can watch you dance for a few minutes then I'm sure you'd have my eyes,"

Jake rolled his eyes and sat down next to his mate. He was glad that Gina and her date hadn't heard the comment, or his face would've been blood red. After a bit Alex and his date along with Sam and Jenny came over. They all sat down and took a break, all a bit tired.

Alex looked over at Jake, "You getting better at dancing,"

"I butcher all that's right about how dancing," Jake said with a chuckle.

Lucas smiled, "He's...getting pretty good," he said. He looked over at Jake who was sipping from his drink. For the next bit they sat around and talked. Slowly the clock moved closer and closer to twelve. The music calmed down and soon a small globe dropped down. The minutes began to count down. First, ten till, then five, then two, and now it was just one minute till the New Year came upon them. Lucas looked over at his mate and smiled.

The crowd began to count down.










"One!" the crowd yelled with a happy cheer. The clock changed and a little bit of paper and what seemed like ribbons dropped down from some net in the roofing. Most couples began a kiss.

Jake looked at Lucas who was looking at him also. They both took a moment to just look around. It was almost comical to see everyone trying to dig into one another's face, but they weren't. They gave each other a light smile and leaned forward, kissing each other lightly on the lips before pulling away. Lucas smiled at the bear, "Happy New Year,"

Jake returned the smile, "Happy New Year to you too,"

Eventually others managed to pry their faces away from each other. Jake found it almost comical; to kiss someone just like that due to a new year coming in. When he did that to the wolf it was because they were both feeling something, not because the earth had managed to spin around the sun once more. He was fine just looking into his mate's eyes A different sound began to fill the room, a slow song. It was nice, and people began to get up and move away. Jake looked at Lucas and felt his heart beat a bit faster. He was nervous; his chest felt like it was beating itself from the inside out. He grabbed his mate's paw, "Do you want to dance?" he asked, his nervousness coming through.

Lucas smiled at his mate, surprised he'd made the first move. He nodded his head and stood up. While everyone was still sitting down they were moving off. It was strange, but he felt proud of Jake; proud that the bear had made the first move. The fact that Jake made the first move was important to him since he knew how nervous the bear was about doing anything in public-especially with him in this manner. They were on the floor and he smiled at his mate. They took a few steps of a dance and Jake stepped on his feet almost every time. He looked up at Jake, who was grimacing. He could tell the bear was just too nervous. He wrapped his arms around Jake, "Just relax Big-guy...like back home...if you were to just turn on the radio,"

Jake smiled and remembered the instance his mate was talking about. It was actually the night that they became mates. He closed his eyes and felt Lucas rest his head on his shoulder. They both began to move slowly, and he enjoyed the pace. He felt the wolf gently nuzzle against him and returned the affection.

Lucas let out a sigh and pulled a bit closer to Jake. He enjoyed being close to his mate. It was a nice pace. He continued to nuzzle the bear and breathed his scent in-which was light and crisp on his senses. He enjoyed it a lot, it was great to be near his mate, to have him hold him closely. The song ended after a few minutes, and Lucas pulled his head away from the bear's shoulder. He looked up at Jake and kissed him lightly on the lips.

Jake smiled as the wolf kissed him and pulled him a bit closer. He felt Lucas nestling closer to him, burying his head into his chest. They danced for another song, and then the slow songs stopped for a moment. Jake felt Lucas pull away and they both stood together for a moment. He looked around and saw a few people glancing at the two of them, and he felt his face go a bit red.

"Don't worry about it Big-guy..." Lucas said, also noticing the stares. He hadn't expected to go under the radar. It wasn't like people would ignore someone as big as Jake, a hefty bear who was holding another male, and occasionally kissing. He chuckled lightly and kissed his mate again, "Come-on, let's go sit down,"

Jake followed the wolf, keeping close and not looking around. He wasn't ashamed of being with Lucas, but he was embarrassed. While he'd been dancing he'd just let the world seep out of existence for him, but now he knew that he'd drawn a bit of attention. It wasn't like they were in the limelight, but there were still a bit of stares. He sat down with Lucas and let out a sigh. Before they were well situated someone else sat by them.

"Lucas...is that you?" a voice asked.

Lucas looked at the person and leaned forward. He stared for a few moments, "Sarah?"

"Yeah," a ferret said. She was lean and tall, a generic color to her. "I thought I saw you, but I wasn't really sure..."

"Yep, it's me,"

"You look different," Sarah said.

Lucas frowned a little. He guessed that his fur was changing on him. It had been nearly two years, and he wondered just how much his fur hue had changed. He was reminded again of the disorder, which was constantly making his fur a lighter color. He chuckled and looked at her, "You look different too...so how is it going?"

"It's going well, I'm on my break for college...how about you?"

"Me too..."

"I'm with Tory, and Katie...we're all just hanging out like old times," Sarah said with a small sigh. She turned her attention to Jake, "So...who's your friend?"

"This is Jake," Lucas said, smiling at his mate.

"Ok...well...were my eyes bad, or were you two dancing?"

Lucas nodded his head, "Yeah, he's my mate,"

"Oh," Sarah said, nothing more escaping her lips. It was pretty obvious she had just come over to confirm the suspicion, almost as obvious as it was that her friends were watching. Lucas looked over and waved at them, and they waved back unsurely. Sarah coughed and stood up, "Well...it was good to see you again,"

"You too," Lucas said and waved as the ferret walked off. He couldn't help but chuckle at her, it was funny to watch. As Sarah walked away Alex and Sam came over and both sat down. Alex was sweating and panting, while Sam seemed much steadier. Lucas looked over at the mastiff and laughed.

"You OK man?" Jake asked as Alex leaned over and coughed.

"She's...crazy," Alex said, gasping for air in between words.

Sam laughed and looked out on the dance floor, "His date has moved on to the next piece of fresh meat,"

Lucas laughed, "You going to take that?" he asked as he looked out on the dance floor. Sure enough the mastiff's date was with another male.

"He knows better than to try anything...I'd snap his neck," Alex said as he leaned back into the chair.

"You two pretty serious?" Jake asked, referring to the two.

"Been going out since the beginning of the year...I like her, she likes me...I think we're serious enough," Alex said, a bit more solemn now. He looked out at the floor and smiled at his date. "She's smart, sweet, and aggressive on the floor...a dangerous combination for me,"

Sam chuckled, "Yeah...he goes for the dangerous combos...looking for that next hit,"

"Drugs...needing that sweet combo that causes you to feel like your alive, but it will end up killing you," Lucas said jokingly as he laughed at the dog.

"Well aren't you a regular Romeo...and Jake is..." Alex said, not able to finish the analogy.

Jake looked at the mastiff, "Hey...he's hardly a Romeo,"

Lucas scoffed, "Wow...thanks for the support Big-guy,"

"I guess your best bet for a Juliet was with Lana...she's here you know," Alex said with a chuckle which was cut off by a growl. He looked over at Lucas, but it hadn't come from him, it was from Jake. The table was eerily quiet and no one really spoke.

Jake suppressed his growl and stood up, "I'm going to get a drink..." he said and began to move away. He looked back at Lucas, "You want anything?"

"I'll have whatever you get..." Lucas said and grimaced as his mate turned around and walked off, heading in the opposite direction of the refreshments. Lucas looked over at Alex, who knew he'd done something.

"Umm...is there something going on?" Sam asked.

Lucas frowned as he looked at his friends, "It's...my fault...I was dating Jake before Lana, and then I broke it off with him-after I'd told him we were mates. So then I just practically abandoned him...I hurt him...but I'm making up for it...I messed up a lot...that's the short version,"

Alex looked over at Sam, eyeing him to not say anything more.

Lucas sighed, "It's my fault..." he said again. He just breathed slowly and tried to ignore the fact that the mood was ruined at the moment. He shook his head and looked up at his friends, "Sorry you guys...just forget about it...we're here to have fun...I'm going to stay here, make sure Jake is OK, you guys go have fun. We'll join you guys soon,"

"That's what I'm talking about!" Sam said happily. He wasn't trying to ignore the situation at hand, it was just how he dealt with things. When everyone else would be sad he tried to encourage everyone. It was just how he did things. He grabbed Alex, "Come-on, you're date is getting frisky looks like,"

Lucas smiled as they both moved off. As they did he saw a glass being set down next to him. He looked up and saw his mate. Jake still looked a bit angry and sat, it was obvious the bear wasn't happy. He looked up at Jake, "You OK Big-guy?"

"I'm sorry...I overreacted," Jake said as he sat down. He nodded at the drink, "It's some orange mango twist thing...I don't know if it'll be any good,"

Lucas knew his mate didn't really feel like talking about it. He took a sip of the drink and smiled, "It's fine...thanks,"

Jake just nodded.

"Hey, it's going to be OK..."

"It is OK...It's just me,"

Lucas watched as Jake sipped from the drink. He sighed and grabbed the bear's wrist, also grabbing his attention, "Jake...are you OK,"

Jake looked over at Lucas and gave him a weak smile, "I'm sorry...I'm not trying to be such a downer..."

"Jake, I'm there for you, ups and downs...if you want to talk then I'm there, you know that,"

"I don't really want to talk,"

"I'm still there then,"

Jake looked over at Lucas and smiled, "Thank you,"

Lucas smiled and stood up, "I'm going to make you smile...or drop to the floor...either way, you're coming with me," he said and pulled the bear up. He chuckled as Jake chugged down the rest of his drink. As he pulled Jake to the dance floor the bear threw his drink away and Lucas spun him so that they were together again. He smiled at the bear and felt Jake actually take the lead, "Hmm...this is a change,"

Jake smiled and put his own face an inch away from his mate's, "I just want to get lost with you for a bit,"

"Hmm...they say I'm a smooth talker," Lucas replied with a mocking tone. He let out a grunt as Jake pushed him away and then pulled him back to him. For someone who couldn't dance the bear seemed to be doing very well. He couldn't help but laugh as the bear danced with him, he could hear Jake laughing too. The song ended and Lucas stopped, taking a breath.

"How come you couldn't do that a few hours ago?" Gina asked, her foot tapping as she stared at Jake.

Jake shrugged his shoulders, "I didn't feel like it,"

Gina let out an angry sigh, "Men," she said with a huff.

Lucas laughed and looked over at his mate, "He's really good at this...if he can finally get his tail moving,"

Jenny laughed, "You two are perfect for each other...both just as apathetic as the other,"

"Come-on...Lucas isn't apathetic," Sam said, "He's just...lazy,"

"Thanks..." Lucas said and let out a yawn, Jake doing so at the same time. He looked over at his mate, "You're getting tired,"

"Says you," Jake said and yawned again. He felt Lucas put an arm around him.

"I think we need to head out you guys," Lucas said and looked around the room. It had thinned out substantially.

"Yeah...we're about to do the same," Sam said and stretched.

"We'll all leave together," Alex said as he pulled a bit on his date.

They all stayed for a few more minutes making sure they were ready and then began to head out. Along the way Lucas saw Lana, and knew that Jake noticed it too. He looked up at the bear, "You OK?"

Jake stared at Lana for a moment, he'd never even met her before. He nodded at her and continued to walk with Lucas. He knew that hating her was stupid, and he didn't hate her, but to say he wanted to see her was a lie. It was just the fact that she had been with Lucas that disturbed him. The otter seemed to glare at him though, and he guessed that she may hate him. Shaking his head he looked back down at his mate, "I'm fine,"

Lucas nestled closer to the bear, "Let's get back to the house,"

Jake nodded his head. They walked with the group and everyone said their goodbyes as they made their ways to their cars. Everyone was soon gone, and they were in the car now. Jake told the wolf he would drive, and Lucas agreed after a small debate. His mate was sitting up and he chuckled, "You should rest...get some sleep,"

"I'm going to stay awake," Lucas said. He turned off the radio, there had been enough music for one night. As they drove down the highway he looked over at Jake, "So, you really are OK?"

Jake looked over at Lucas, "I'm fine..." he said. He really did feel OK, it wasn't like he was torn up inside. He knew that if he continued to hold onto past feelings of sadness or regret then there would be no room for new days of hope. Besides, any bad day with his mate was greater than an amazing day without him. He chuckled lightly, "But...one thing is bothering me...what did she have I didn't?"

Lucas laughed, "A shallow and hollow personality...she is an 'easy' one to date,"

Jake grimaced at the words, sadly not able to take them as a joke.

Lucas immediately caught the bear's emotions and put a paw on his shoulder, "We never did anything I've done with you...we were both just a couple. There was never any connection and I'm sorry for breaking your trust...I told you that,"

"I believe you," Jake said and chuckled again. He hated that he was unable to take some jokes, even if he could dish them, he couldn't take them. He felt Lucas's head lean over onto his shoulder, "I'm sorry...I really am a tough guy to get through,"

Lucas smiled, "Yeah, you are tough..."

"That's not what I meant," Jake said with a sigh.

Lucas smiled and hated that they weren't any closer, "It's what I meant though," he said could tell Jake was blushing. He looked up at his mate, "Don't worry about anything in the past...it's buried, right?"

"It is in your mind?"

Lucas nodded, "All the bad things,"

Jake smiled, "Mine too..."

"So...did you have fun tonight?" Lucas asked.

Jake nodded, "It was great...I was pretty surprised...I'm sorry I'm such a terrible dancer,"

"You were fine Jake," Lucas said with laugh. Dancing with Jake, in both the slow and fast songs, had been fun. "I enjoyed it a lot,"

Jake smiled, "Thanks...I did too,"

"Yep, I got to see you moving on the dance floor...I don't think it could've been better,"

Jake blushed, "You were with me...I think that would make it better," he said and felt a paw on his chest.

"It was nice. So, if I want to make you loosen up should I get you to dance like that all the time? It wouldn't be bad to see you moving like that," Lucas said and nuzzled the bear.

"I wouldn't push your luck,"

Lucas smiled, "Yeah...I guess," he said and they drove for a bit. He looked up at Jake and kissed him on the side of the cheek. When he pulled away he just leaned on the bear's shoulder.

"Thanks Puppy,"

Lucas rolled his eyes and nuzzled the bear again. He closed his eyes but knew sleep would be impossible. If he did manage to fall asleep in this position then it would probably kill his neck. After a bit on the road they did make it back to the house. Lucas watched as they pulled in. He looked over at his clock, it was four in the morning. He chuckled, "So...which one of us is going to pretend to be wasted?"

Jake rolled his eyes, "Will anyone still be up?"

"My dad might be...but I think it'll be just us,"

Jake smiled, "That'd be nice..."

"Control yourself Big-guy,"

Jake laughed, "I am," he said as he stepped out of the car. He and Lucas had been with each other again for awhile. They'd yet to have sex though, and it was wearing on him. It wasn't a life force for their relationship, but both were more than ready to have a bit of release with the other. He didn't deny his lust for the wolf, but they could both put it off for a time, though that time was growing much too long. It'd been a month since he'd last been with Lucas, and at some points he felt like he was about to break down near the wolf.

"I know...you're doing a great job...we'll get the entire place to ourselves soon...and then we can enjoy ourselves,"

"Are you saying you don't enjoy yourself with me when I'm not naked?"

Lucas laughed and hugged his mate, "No, that's not what I meant...you know what I meant Big-guy. It's not like it was easy for me either you know..."

"Poor puppy," Jake said as he began to walk up the drive way. He heard Lucas running and knew what was about ot happen. He braced himself for it and as Lucas jumped on his back he caught the wolf. He felt Lucas nuzzle his head.

Lucas hugged Jake and held onto him.

Jake sighed, "Too lazy to walk on your own Puppy?"

Lucas nuzzled Jake more and moved his paws over the bear's chest, "Nah...I've just got you, so...why not use it,"

Jake chuckled as he moved up the steps. He jiggled the door handle but it was locked and he looked up at Lucas. He felt the wolf come down from his back and watched as he unlocked the door. When they were both inside they began to move to the wolf's room. As they walked past the kitchen a voice mad them jump.

"Good night?" Mr. Vadikson asked.

Lucas nearly yelped in surprise. He looked at the kitchen, "What are you still doing up?"

Mr. Vadikson was putting a few dishes away, "I'm just finishing up here...I'm glad you two are back...I was getting worried," he said and saw his son open his mouth but continued, "I know, I know...you're both adults now and can take care of yourselves. It's just my job to worry about you sometimes, you know?"

Lucas smiled and nodded. He knew that his father just wanted them to be safe.

"So...have fun?" Mr. Vadikson asked as he dried his paws on a towel. He took off his hsirt and threw it down. He stretched and began to head to his door.

"Yeah..." Lucas said, knowing his father was too tired to carry on the conversation. As his father got the door he chuckled and wished him a good night, which Jake did too as the wolf waved them good-bye. Lucas looked up at Jake, "Now we have the entire house to ourselves for sure,"

"They're still here though,"

Lucas smiled and took a step closer to Jake, "Yeah...but I doubt that they'd get up...and as long as you managed to not bellow like you usually d-" he was saying before being taken into the bear's grasp.

"Who are you saying bellows? I just get a bit excited...it's not different than you howling and barking like a mad person,"

Lucas chuckled, "Did I say it was a bad thing?"

Jake smiled, "Nah...It's nice to hear you...let's me know I'm good at my job,"

"Your job? Your job is to do what exactly?" Lucas asked, his ears perked up.

Jake smiled and kissed Lucas once on the lips, "To make you happy,"

Lucas smiled, he didn't have a response for that. It wasn't a comment used to entice him, he could tell that Jake just genuinely meant it. He nuzzled the bear and felt Jake return the actions. It was nice to be near the bear and a paw slipped through his mate's shirt. He could feel the bear moving beneath the touch and there was a bump, making them both stop. He didn't really care though. He just stared at the bear and kissed him on the lips before pulling back, "I hope I can do the same,"

Jake smiled and nuzzled Lucas, "You do...trust me,"

Lucas leaned forward and kissed his mate. He heard a moan escape him, both of them, and there was a louder bump.

Jake blushed, he'd landed against the wall. He chuckled and pulled forward. He looked down at his mate, "To the bedroom Puppy?"

"My thoughts exactly Big-guy," Lucas said and they both walked to it. He was sure that his father was actually already asleep. When he got to his room he relaxed. His mate was in the bathroom, and he felt his tail twitch behind him. He let out tired yawn and stretched. After a minute he began to undo his shirt and as he slid it over his head he let out a yelp as a pair of arms wrapped around him.

"Miss me?"

Lucas smiled and threw the shirt away. His mate had managed to sneak up on him, as he always did. It was just one of Jake's talents. He pried himself away from Jake's arms and locked the door behind him. He turned back to the bear and moved forward. Instead of kissing the bear he just worked on the bear's shirt, "Jake...you can have something on when we go to sleep...but no more shirts..."

Jake chuckled and felt his mate pulling on the shirt. He let it fall and wrapped his arms around his mate again, their bodies touching more closely. He spun around and pushed Lucas down onto the bed, landing on top of his mate. His paws traveled over Lucas's body and they both let out a yawn. After that he looked at his mate, who looked at him too, and a laugh escaped them both. He kissed Lucas on the nose and pulled away, leaning his head on the wolf's chest, "I guess...we need our sleep,"

Lucas yawned again, "Mood killer?"

"Nah...I can wait another day or two Puppy," Jake said, and kissed the wolf's chest a few times. He moved up his mate's chest and stopped at his neck, nipping at it a few times and making Lucas's breathing become a bit ragged. He pulled away and smiled, "Now...don't you usually sleep with less on?"

Lucas pushed on Jake, "I will if you do,"


Lucas laughed and looked at his mate, "What? You tell me to strip and yet I'm still the pervert?"

Jake smiled and kissed Lucas on the lips, "Yep..." he said. His paws worked on Lucas's pants and he soon had them undone. He stood up and worked on his own. He let them slide off. He looked at Lucas, who just shrugged his shoulders.

"You can keep the briefs... " Lucas said and pulled on his mate, "You look nice,"

Jake blushed as he lay down next to his mate. He felt Lucas nuzzle at his chest and pulled on him lightly. He was tired. At some points he felt embarrassed to be in the buff around Lucas, it was funny actually. He knew that Lucas didn't mind, in fact, he was pretty sure Lucas would've preferred that, but he could never be totally comfortable. The wolf was never light on the praise though, and it helped. Even if he just kept on his underwear it was still a bit embarrassing, though the benefits were better. It was just the feeling of Lucas against him, how it felt to be closer to his mate that made it all worth it. The wolf could make anything better. He felt a pair of paws run around him and he pulled on Lucas a bit more.

"Well...we should get some sleep,"

Jake smiled and nodded. He leaned down near Lucas's ear, "I love you," he said in a low tone and Lucas nestled closer to him.

"I love you too," Lucas said and felt Jake kiss the top of his head. He smiled and nuzzled under the bear's muzzle.