Welcome Home

Story by Dragon Knight on SoFurry

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Many years had gone by since Zeng saved his land from the evil that was Kairos. he lived out his days with his wife Linda and the rest of his family tending to the needs of the kingdom and keeping any stray dragons and other beasts far off the lands of his ancestors.

After a long day of patrolling Zeng went for a long well deserved rest in his bed chambers but noticed a dim light coming from the door and upon entering there laid his vixen wife completely nude under the sheets and smirking at him as she shyfuly turned away.

"Good afternoon my king."


Zeng wasted no time in laying his sword aside and moving in on his queen as he kissed her while she removed his vest and necklace, ignoring the sweat on his body. Zeng knew that she was in heat and the thought of him being away from her for so long was driving her mad until at last they were all alone with nothing to bother them with a little help from Sharon and Alicia taking care of the farm problems while Saline attended council.

"Oh god Zeng i've missed you! mmm..."

"I can tell."

After a few moments of foreplay Zeng finally plunged himself into her making her murr with pleasure as she looked at him with a toothy grin before he began pounding her viciously making her squeal and squirm with pleasure.

"AAAH!! UH!....UH!!"



Linda had never seen Zeng like this in her whole life. it was like he was a completely different person as he snarled and growled licking at every part of her chest making her eyes roll back as she flared up and panted uncontrollably as she clinged to the sheets with all her might, legs high in the air and her fur all static with pleasure.

"UH! UH!! Oh Zeng I love you!!!"

"And I love youUUUU!!!!"


With several more thrusts Zeng filled her up with his seed, it felt like it would never stop showing that his wife being in heat also drove him nuts, after snapping out of their animal like trance the lovers simply kissed and rolled around in the sheets still attatched until both laid next to each other sound asleep as Sharon came into the room.



Seeing her son relaxed and satisfied warmed her heart as she placed a sign on the door saying "do NOT disturb!" as she quietly walked back down the hall while back in the room Linda gave a contented sigh as she placed her lovers hand on her belly.

"Was all this waiting worth it?"

"I hope so."