When Parents Come Home Early

Story by Sargonia on SoFurry

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#4 of Tales from Lyon

Long title I know but I hope you all get a kick out of this one. I meant to have it done s...

Long title I know but I hope you all get a kick out of this one. I meant to have it done sooner to celebrate over 25000+ views but school got in the way >.>

*edit* I fixed a few errors and after realizing where this story fit in I remembered the Admiral isn't an Admiral yet so he is now the Captain. I already have an idea for Part 6 of the series (which being even follows these characters) which takes place a few years down the road. I think I'm going to make a journal post about it.

Richard took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling thinking of wonderful thoughts. Wake up sex with Paul. The two of them rolling around in Paul's bed still naked from last night panting, kissing. Richard would run his paws through Paul's sandy fur taking some fox nipples in his hands and then his mouth where he would sensually nip at them. He would run his dick up and down his lover's crack before slowly penetrating and when Paul let out a moan he'd give another love nip where his neck met the clavicle. Richard who use this time to show that he was a great lover showing off all his thrusts to Paul. Maybe he would end up on bottom with Paul riding him with some deep kissing. Rich could suck and lick at the fox's body while his hands rested in the small of his back.

Enough his throbbing member screamed at his brain. Turnover and fuck his brains out! Rich got a huge smile on his maw and turned over on his side to find that he was the only one in the bed. His eye twitch and his dick drooped. He could just rub one out but Paul might get mad if he got caught.

That was a strange thought and Rich shook his head in disbelief at it. Why would Paul get mad that Rich was masturbating in his bed. It would be odd if they hadn't just had sex the night before. It would be however, insensitive to leave Paul out of the fun and it might be fun to walk around his friend's house with a hard on that maybe Paul would do something about it.

Rich rose out of bed looked around the upstairs for his new lover. He heard some clanging downstairs and figured he must be in the kitchen. This could end very well for the very aroused wolf. New scenarios popped in his head all of them ending with him creaming into one of the fox's orifice. When he entered into the kitchen he almost creamed himself. Standing by the stove clothed in only an apron was Paul. The wolf crossed the room carefully wrapping his arms around the fox putting his hard length in his rump.

"Murr, what's this wonderful surprise?"

"Well I had so much fun last night that I thought we might have some more this morning."

"You were thinking dirty thoughts about me weren't you."

"I couldn't help myself."

"Well I'm cooking breakfast."

"I'd much rather have you."

"That's a little cheesy."

"But you like it."

"I do. Now have a seat." Rich frowned but he obeyed taking a seat at the table. To his surprise Paul turned the stove off and took a seat in Rich's lap wrapping his arms around the wolf's neck. They kissed and Paul could feel Rich's member push into his stomach through the apron probably getting pre all over it. Paul's member started to inch its way out of its sheath as they deepened their kiss. Rich moved his hands to Paul's body running them down his back taking the two mounds known as his butt into his paws giving them a gentle squeeze. Paul let out a yip.

"Sorry babe but I can't wait any longer." He lifted Paul up onto the table which put the fox's tail hole at waist level. He lined himself up and pushed the apron out of the way at the same time. He kissed Paul and slowly entered the fox.

"Oh my lord! What are you two doing on my grandmother's dining room set!" Rich's eyes shot open and looked over to the door way to see a tall Red Fox in a dark blue uniform standing there with a even bigger white wolf in a similar uniform. Needless to say Rich was suddenly flaccid as his blood pressure skyrocketed.

A few minutes later he was fully dressed and sitting on the couch in the living room twiddling his thumbs while Paul was with his dad somewhere else in the house. Sitting across from him in a large chair was the Captain who Paul never really mention other than just as the Captain so he was a mysterious character to Rich. He looked up at the Admiral only to see two golden irises staring back which was a little unnerving.

He took a deep breath and finally spoke up asking "so how much trouble is Paul going to be in."

"You were having sex in my kitchen" the large wolf replied in a dark raspy voice. Rich gulped as several scenarios raced through his head. All of them bad.

"I know it's weird about us but I think that I love him and I know it's not polite to, um, do it on other people's furniture but..."

"Calm down, his father is more worried than angry. I on the other hand. You had sex, in my kitchen."

"So this has nothing to do with me and Paul being together?"

"Yes it has everything to do with you and Paul being together. You were having sex in my kitchen! I eat in my kitchen! I cook in my kitchen! Now you've had sex with Paul in my kitchen! Where else did you have sex with Paul! Not my bathroom I hope. No, no, don't tell me. I don't want to know. I'll just disinfect everything later because knowing teenagers you probably did it everywhere and anywhere you could fit."

"So Paul's not in trouble?"

"What part of you two had sex in my kitchen don't you understand?!"

"Well we didn't get that far."

"It doesn't matter if you ejaculated or not, it's still sex! It look's like Paul's dad is done with him, you two better go off while I clean the house." Rich rose up and walked over to Paul who led him out of the house through the back. The two adults watched them through the kitchen window.

"I don't know if I like this."

"Don't worry so much, Paul can handle himself."

"That's what I'm worried about. What are Richard's intentions? How long has this been going on?"

"I think they've been beating around the bush for a while now."

"Have they or is Paul just using Rich."

"I doubt that. Paul isn't a sex addict, he was just a poor kid in a bad situation."

"I know, but I just can't help but worry if this is good for him."

"Rich is a kid after my own heart I think."

"Oh really?"

"Why have we never had sex in the kitchen?"

"It's where we eat!"

"Well I'm a bit hungry."

"Oh Go..."

"So Paul what did your dad say to you?" The fox stopped and lean up against a tree. They had been walking for a while following a creek that ran behind the neighborhood.

"He was worried about me."

"Because of me?"

"It has nothing to do with you being a he if that's what you're thinking. It's just I made a lot of poor choices when I was younger, before my dad adopted me."

"You're adopted?" Paul just looked at Rich in shock.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah. Why? Is it that obvious?"

"My dad's a Kitsune. Like, THE Kitsune, the ones from the stories. Kitsune are all pureblood red foxes."


"Rich, I'm not a red fox."

"Well how was I suppose to know that your dad didn't knock up some other kind of fox."

"Corsac Rich, for like the hundredth time I'm pure Corsac fox. I don't have a drop of red blood in me. That is also a highly unlikely event because the last time I check my dad's interests were similar to mine."

"Wait, your dad..."

"Isn't a fan of vagina."

"Oh, so..."

"No, my love of penis has been a lifelong love of mine, which is why my dad was worried. Before he adopted me and we moved here to Lyon, I lived on Saint Lou and my life there wasn't the greatest."

"You did drugs?"

"No, it has nothing to do with drugs."

"Were you in a gang?"


"Oh I got it! A global diet pill pyramid scheme!"

"WHAT!? That doesn't even make any sense! No, I was a prostitute!" He suddenly realized how loud he had shouted that and was glad they were so far out in the woods.

"Whoa..." said the wolf as his eyes got real big.

"I know that you must think bad of me now and I know that you probably don't want to see me anymore and..."

"...that ... is ... awesome!"

"...wait, what?"

"How many guys can say they're doing a porn star!"

"Did you hear what I said? I said prostitute, not porn star."

"I mean that has to be everyone dreams. They would be all like Rich man how you going and I'd be all like, dating a porn star! Man they are going to be so jealous."

"You are unbelievable sometimes you know that" he said resting his forehead in his paw.

"Yeah but you love it" the wolf said sticking out his tongue, a tongue that Paul caught in his mouth. The kiss lasted a while and there was some groping involved.

"You're right. You know dad didn't let us finish and there's no one around for miles."

"You mean you want to get buck wild, in the wild?"

"Don't kill the mood" he said going in for another kiss. "Now how bout we pick up where we left off." Little to Rich's knowledge Paul had undone his pants and now pushed them off letting Rich's growing wolfhood go free. Paul pushed Rich up against a tree and got down on his knees so that he was face level with Rich's genitals. "First we got to get this ready."

Paul took the red wolf dick in his hand while he undid his pants with the other. He stoke it a few time while he nuzzled his maw into the other's pelvis taking in the wolf's musk. They both hadn't showered so they reeked of man sex which only made their libidos hotter. Paul's tongue shot out and wrapped around the dark sheath that had been pushed back by the exposed member. He took that tongue and made his way up the shaft all the way to the tip which he circles around before taking in into his maw.

Rich let out a moan as he shivered at the feeling of having his dick engulfed by Paul's warm moist maw. He tried to think back to his thoughts earlier this morning but he couldn't focus as a rough fox tongue worked its way around inside a tight fox mouth which his dick currently occupied. Paul pulled the hard wolf member out of mouth with a slick slurping sound and got up to quickly move to the next phase.

Rich started to whimper but quickly fell quiet when he saw where this was going. Paul got up and let his pants fall to the ground stepping out of them. He moved to another tree, bracing himself presenting his rear to the wolf who was following him, stepping out of his pants, like a zombie. It wasn't brains he was after, it was sweet fox ass. They kissed and Rich moved down without Paul having to say anything.

Rich put his nose into the fox crack and breathed slowly into it. He was assaulted with fox musk and their previous encounter. His tongue extended out to see of it tasted just like it smelled and it was similar, definitely different from last night. He licked and swirled until the tight ring gave way and he started to tongue fuck the fox. Paul pushed back against Rich's muzzle which he took as a sign it was time to drive this to home base. He pulled his tongue out with a satisfying slurp and stood up pushing his erection into Paul's crack.

Rich kissed Paul once more and slowly drilled into him. Paul was a little shocked at the force the wolf was putting behind it but he was enjoying. Each thrust was breath taking as Paul's hot man meat pushed against his equally hot walls of his rectum. They both moaned and wined in rhythm with Rich's balls slapping against his fox taint. Sweat dripping and their hearts pounding as Rich slipped in and out of Paul picking up speed.

"Har..Harder Rich, fill me with that wolf cock." Paul was in for it as Rich's knot grew as it pounded into the loosened pink whole. Again and again as Rich plowed forth was Paul's still sensitive prostate poked and prodded by hard dick. That usually pressure was building and he knew that he wouldn't last much longer. He started to push back to meet his lover's thrusts causing them to unleash more moans and shivers.

"God Rich! Fuck!" His body contracted as several streams of fox seed shot out onto the forest floor. He made sure to clamp down with his anus onto the dick still thrusting into him to make sure that Rich got off. He started to thrust backwards again "Fill me you stud." This was all Rich needed being that he was a very horny teenager who was ball deep into a tight butt and he made his finally mighty thrust pushing his knot into the fox whose eyes shot open with the sudden extra stretch. Within seconds he was spilling is wolf spunk into Paul was still in shock of the feeling. It wasn't that it had hurt it was just, it felt different.

They stood there for a several seconds panting before collapsing backwards onto the ground. They sat there in silence until Rich could safely remove himself from the fox and then took each other in an embrace and a kiss.

"That was amazing" exclaimed Rich. Paul just smiled that he had made his wolf happy since he knew some other things that would simply blow his mind.

"Yeah it sure was, you couldn't have made me happier." They laid there in teenage bliss until a rumble interrupted them.

"So Paul, think you dad could make us something to eat?"

"Oh Lord All Mighty no! My dad cannot cook. Captain does all the cooking as well as the house work because dad can't be trusted with a ladder and the yard work because he doesn't trust dad with his rose garden plus the lawn mower just scares him."

"So what does your dad do?"

"The paperwork."

"So, think the Captain will cook us something to eat?"

"Sure, I think he likes you." They got up and started to put their pants up.

"How can you tell?"

"Well, being in the Federation Navy, he could kill you before you knew what was going on. Since he didn't kill you, I think he likes you."

"Oh, that's nice to know." The fox licked the side of the wolf's face.

"There's no reason to worry, my dad would never let him get the carpet dirty." He sprinted off towards the house.

"Wait, you're joking right. Paul, that's not funny! You don't say that kind of stuff after we have sex! Come back here!" He ran off to chase the fox...