VigoRx - 3.2 - Baling

Story by IJrge on SoFurry

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VigoRxChapter 3 - The WoodsPart 2 - BalingDown in the kitchenBrett crouches to avoid the ceiling, still not fully recovered from the morning exercise. He raises the freezer chest door and drops the bucket of spooge down by the others, covering it with the sloppy clean up towel. He drops the lid, and pulls up the stack of notes beside. He listens to a few moments of moaning, as the house creaks with a new wave of swaying bodies. He thumbs through some of Bob's notes and readings. He drops some crystals into hot water and sucks on instant flavored coffee, as his finger traces a line of data.In the Master BedroomBob groans as Grant's ample ass tightens around his expanding two and a half feet of triggering cock. His muscular seven foot frame grasps madly at Grant's sides, as his thickening lats, deltoids and biceps muscle him tighter in. Grant moans, "Fuck! I can feel you growing inside me.."Brett swings the door open, slapping it into Michael's ass, as Michael slaps his pelvis into Jean's. "Anybody seen Bob," He asks sheepishly.  Grant motions over his giant back, then leans over to make out with Michael as he grows to meet Grant's height. Brett eyes, but can't see over Grant's sculpted hills of back muscle. He nudges Jean instead, who was flipping between ecstasy and wincing, as Michael's cock reached it's full four feet inside him. He manages a distant, "what?"Excitedly Brett points, "Am I reading this right?"Jean eyes it then plants his head face first in his palms, while his spine lengthens him out along the floor, and Michael fills him from behind. He manages a gusting, "yes!" Then arches back to rub his temple against Michael's glistening chest muscles. "Ooooh," he groans, "We didn't see any persistent effects of your metabolized sperm on subjects."A booming voice growls, "Seems once we get the initial excess drugs out of our systems, our cum only causes temporary changes, so we're not infectious!" Brett turns to see Bob coming to scrape his bald cap near the 12 foot ceilings, as he grips his leathery paws onto Grant's boulder shoulders and pulls near five feet of cock into Grant. The seventeen foot beast he's fucking cries adulation as Brent backs out the room ecstatic.  Out in the YardShaking his head of sex smells, he strides happily from the side door, deciding to enjoy the less pungent air in the barn, the distraction of tending for animals over another long clean up.  Cinching his overalls, the bibs almost felt too loose on his nearly recovered seven foot frame. Caught up playing with a stubborn strap, he stumbles onto the bale waiting at the center of the runway. The rustle of dried grass above catches his attention so that he can see a moment of a bale before it hits his chest. Sputtering up dust as he stands, he raises a squint eye up into a blue jean crotch. Taking a off kilter stride, ducking past a beam, he sees a smirk aiming towards him.  "Samuel?"  Brett stutters.Samuel looks serious for a moment, eyeing Brett. A confused brow follows a confused sounding, "Morning Brett.""Something wrong?"Samuel waves his head side to side slowly, glances up to think. Looking back to Brett, he says, "Guess I thought you were taller." Brett blushes. Samuel mulls if he had gone mad. Uncertain, he drags a crusty hanky from his pocket and sniffs to see if it has any smell. His nose cringes, eliciting a sneeze and a wave of warmth. He muses that at least the rag seems real.  Brett watches curiously for a moment. "I guess I was wearing some pretty big boots."Taking the test to the next level, Samuel places the a corner of the rag in his mouth and suck down a little of the salty flavors. "Not that big.." Samuel murmurs through the cloth disappointed.Brett hangs his hands on his suspenders, draping the swath of cloth down around his abs and giving Samuel an inadvertent good view of the goods. "Sorry to disappoint. Wish there was something I could do," he shrugs. He felt bad for the cute kid. Didn't seem right when he wasn't charmingly smiling.Samuel's eyes glance south, and the smirk suddenly hits his cheeks again. Tucking the cloth in his pocket and dropping from the rafters, he swaggers to Brett. Looking up, he mentions, "Guess you are a little taller."Brett blushes and stammers over some wells and I guesses."Ain't that cute, when you mince words?" Samuel chides jokingly.The red on Brett's cheeks brightens another shade. "Cute? I don't know... Not sure I'm mincing. Just," Brett rambles a bit smitten, as the charm continues to glow off Samuel's chuckling face, "I guess a little, but what does..."  "Man, Look at ya!" Samuel's fist bounces off Brett's ample chest. "Never thought this was under that sweater. Like a built athlete."Brett just clams up, not sure how to take the complement or explain the new muscle."That got your tongue? That's alright, I like the tall silent types," Samuel says with a wink.Smiling uncontrolled, Brett blurts, "I can't tell if you're coming on to me or just giving me shit.""Can't it be both," Samuel laughs.Brett raises a finger and taps Samuel off balance. "See, right there," He laughs. "I just can't tell."Stumbling back, Samuel adds, his smirk still working its magic, "Just messing with you. Just messing with you." He saunters back, and taps a fist into Brett's upper arm. "just messing with you, you know.." He pauses and looks Brett square in the eyes, "Unless you're into that sort of thing?' He asks with a mischievous sparkle.Standing straight for a moment, jaw cricking perplexed and making Samuel's body bob with laughter all the more, Brett stares at Samuel. His mind mulling questions, he isn't noticing the straps come loose from his hands thoroughly draping on his overalls.  Samuel takes a looks down. "Trying to start something there?" he asks, while he drags a bale towards horses snickering and nipping for position for food. His great smile never wavering, and his eyes not leaving Brett's or hesitating to look down, as Brett dumbfounded lets more golden treasure trail tease out. "Curtains don't match the carpet, I see."Abruptly Brett realizes shaft is starting to show over the bib of the overalls, and pulls and holds them to his shoulders, while somehow blushing even harder. "Oh! The hair?" He deflects, "Accident with some chemicals. Bleached the hairdo in the process.."Tossing hay over the fence, horse nipping and darting bites as they jockey for priority, Samuel says, "didn't mean to stop the show." Coming back for the second bale, he goads, "But I suppose you couldn't compete much with me, anyways."Brett raises a brow. "Really?" Choosing his words, he asks, "Find that a little hard to swallow, right now."Hiding his conniving smile with a turn to shelve the second bale, he teases, "Trust me. You would find it hard to swallow." Samuel takes a moment to shift his stiffening shaft up under his belt with a shiver. The rag was real, Samuel realizes, while cutting the twine and tossing a couple leaves to the straggling youngest filly.  A smug grin spreads across Brett. "Alright. Now I know you're flirting, because there's no way you can beat what's under here." he accents with a flap of his bib.Unbuttoning his way through his shirt, with a slow cocky walk, he says, "Sounds like a wager. Twenty bucks?"Brett teases the bib down. "You got it."Samuel extends a hand, his shirt enticingly split and allowing a hint of nice abdominals lightly furred. "Make it official. Shake on it."Brett's hand grips like iron. "Jokes on you," Brett begins to explain, while his other drops to his side, allowing the overalls to hit the floor. "I'm definitely bigger, and," Brett lets his little over six and a half inches lay flaccid thick between his meaty thighs ready for Samuel to gawk at. "And I am!" he pauses to emphasize, "gay. Not as timid as you think.""Shit."Brett's face raises proud."I was betting on it."Brett's face flummoxes confused.With a crowing, "Boom!" Samuel practically tears his zipper asunder, and lets the pants hit the floor. Ten wet inches stand erect and aimed at Brett. Stepping close, Samuel brings Brett's cock head to his base, while his head comes to slick Brett's golden pubes. "Got ya!'  "Holy crap," Brett blurts, caught off guard. Gathering himself, he screws his brow down incredulously, "That's cheating."Wiggling his hips to make it slap the sides of his belly, Samuel adds a shake of his head. "I do not believe hardness was discussed in our wager, just size."A moment is wasted watching the cock bobble hypnotically about. "Fine," Brett smirks, giving his length a tug. "Give me a minute, double or nothing."Samuel nods enthusiastically. "Deal."Brett laughs and turns his back to start waking the length. "Knew you were flirting."Samuel sneaks the rag from his pocket and peals open the center to bite off a mouthful of the congealed contents. His cock dribbles excitedly, anticipating the wild ride this untested dose was about to unleash. Brett grunts as the blood floods down to his recently massive appendage, still getting used to the new feel, all the while asking in mumbles, "what am I doing? This is going to go bad so fast." Samuel sucks the rag clean, while he steps out his pooled pants. A self coaxing, "C'mon," comes through the rag, as the first tingles start in his gut. Brett keeps trying to talk himself out of it, but pictures Samuel's smile and the abs and gorgeous cock sneaking out his unbuttoned shirt has a shiver running from his rapidly rising cock. A wave overtaking him, Samuel slumps to a knee, the rag falling free. Whole body throbbing, he watches Brett's back begin to flex into each stroke. Bringing it to a full straining thirteen and a half inches, Brett sucks in a long wanting breath. "Hope you didn't need those twenty dollars," he says turning.  Brett's eyes drop onto Samuel. The man's reddened face huffs hard breaths, kicking up clouds off the dusty runway.  He sees muscles bunch Samuel's shirt in the corners of the arms, the back starting to bow, as Samuel sputters in convulsions, "Think I may have tried too much this time."With a labored moan, his back bones pop and muscles swell over their top. The shirt rides up his spine. A fine fuzzy sculpted ass reveals beneath. Samuel arches his body, the valley of the spine deepens with a wave rolling down. He sits up, staring into his body as the short sleeves ride up tight into his pits. The meat of his biceps pops the arm seams, and soon his shoulders threaten to do the same. Leaning back, the smirk rides onto his cheek, overwhelming the previous concern, as he sees sweat run down between the cleft of his swollen pecs and through a valley of eight tensioning abdominal mounds. The droplets roll around the thick base of his pulsing cock to mingle with flowing precum and fall off his building heavy sac. Samuel runs a palm down through the sweat of his stomach, the veins of his forearm snaking around burgeoning muscles, as the hand flexes to feel the inch deep crevices of his eight-pack. The hand comes to struggle a grip around the cock base, attempting to sway the limb as it turgidly swells and extends towards Samuel's chest. Standing, his body leveling high at eight feet, Samuel waggles an obscene length as it matures to an even fifteen inches. Eyes fluttering up to Brett, he says, "Never had that happen before."  Brett stammers half attentively, eyes rolling up and down the prize fighter build on Samuel, "You cheater." His cock throbs a bit of clear fluid off the head as Samuel strides closer.Samuel relaxes his broad constricted shoulders, tattering the rags of shirt right in two, square along his spine. "Cheater? I don't know what you're talking about," he says, as he flexes his arms up to flare his deltoids and rip through shirt remnants like paper. "I don't believe there were any rules against eating your supercharged spunk to grow your cock bigger." Samuel laughs, beginning to feel up and down his new body."You ate some of my spunk?" Brett asks surprised.Samuel flexes his shoulders forward, making his pecs swell to foot deep slabs. "I saw you hulk out yesterday, and..." a moment of uncharacteristic blush, "saw what came with it. Don't think I could win against what I saw last night." Eyes wandering into lusting reminiscence, he shakes his head back to the present, "Anyways, I scooped up a little of the aftermath just to play with." Samuel grips both arms up, flexing bolder biceps into view. "When I later tasted some, my cock got so swollen that it grew." Finishing the feeling himself with handling the substantial heft in his balls, he confesses, "Though I have to admit, when I ate the whole rag full, I didn't know it could do this. Thought I was just going to give you a run for your money in the cock size, not body."  Eyeing Brett and his own shaft, Samuel sneaks closer. "Speaking of money," Samuel says with a widening smile, as he kneels his cock base to Brett's. Gripping the shafts together, making them both shiver, he eyes the lengths. "Got ya by an inch," he laughs, raising his hulking arms in victory. "Forty bucks!" he cheers with a, "Wooo!"

VigoRx - 3.1 - Morning Wood

VigoRx chpt1 - chpt2 -     Chapter 3 - The WoodsPart 1 - Morning WoodHalf an hour before the break of dawnA rooster crows through the cracked window, and Brett...

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VigoRx - 2.5 - Clean Up

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VigoRx - 2.4 - Getting Off the Beaten Path

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