Flying Mile High Chapter 21

Story by dolphin_dreamer on SoFurry

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#3 of Flying Mile High

Big thank you to RuthofPern for writing the M/M love making scene and editting the story as usual.


8:48pm, Singapore time: Janice was completely heartbroken when she heard Ruth's departure through the radio, echoing from the open cockpit door into the lounge where she was secured.

"Uhhh.... SingApaw Grrownd, Tang Gey Rrra tree five niner Superjumbo. Rrrequest uh..... push buck"

"Tang Gey Ra tree five niner push buck approov runway 20 centre, QNH 1015"

"1015, pushbuck approov uh..... runway 20 centre, Tang Gey tree five niner"

Kyle licked away her tears and cut though the make-shift restraint Ruth created.

"He didn't love me, and now I'm carrying his baby."

Janice wrapped her arms around Kyle's and burst into tears again.

"There there, hush now. You know I'm still here to protect you." Kyle cooed, as he gently rubbed at her flopped ears.

Janice withdrew her face from Kyle and wiped away her tears.

"Kyle, if you really love me... I want you to take me. Make me your bitch." She sobbed.

Kyle flinched at her remark, surprised by her mental state.

"Janice, we don't know each other very well, and you only want to have sex with me because it's just your hormones acting up against you. I've never told anyone this but, I'm still a virgin with no experience. I don't want you to end up regretting what you've done. Besides, you know I don't want to hurt you in any way."

Janice's heart skipped a beat, the last few words Kyle spoke of began circling through her head. Janice began to recall the night she lost her virginity to her guardian angel.

"I'm going into the terminal to buy a few things. I'll see you in a few."


Joe took a quick glance out of the window and saw the tow truck pushing the sloth away from the gate. He decided to stop and watch the whale prepare itself for the long trip to London.


Joe turned around and was greeted by a familiar face.

"Hey! Kirandeep! Long time no see!"

"Please, call me Kai. You know that very well since I was based in Sydney."

Joe turned his head back to the window and saw the crew start 2 of the 4 Rolls Royce engines.

"So how's the Singaporean division?" Joe asked.

"Great! Finally feel at home again with other Singaporeans, but it's a big shame that there aren't a lot of Punjabi pilots. Nah Beh! If I was still based in Sydney I would be a Captain, but they put me in for FO on A380. So Joe, what are you doing here?"

"Charter flight. Took a Brit from Sydney to Cairns, and then flew him to Singapore after a last minute change of plan. What about you?"

"Saying goodbye to my girlfriend. Wah Lao! Last night she touched down from London and almost hooked up with a passenger. You won't believe it, the moment she found out which flight he was returning to London on, she called the chief flight attendant and demanded to take her place!"

It took Joe a good second before he understood what Kai meant.

"Wait, you're allowing your girlfriend to hook up with a random stranger?"

Kai shook his head with disgust.

"Lin Lao Hia, you know how I don't believe in polygamy. You forgot my flight down to Osaka?"

Joe thought for a bit and remembered the pictures he found on Kai's laptop when he left it in his house by mistake. During his layover in Japan, Kai managed to knock up the three Japanese flight attendants who'd flown with him and another tow girls from the Virgin Atlantic crew who happened to be staying in the same hotel.

"Anyways, I told her to video tape it and share it with me when she returns back home."



Joe picked up his phone and read the new message he received.

'Just a little heads up, we will be departing in around 1 hour. Now that Ruth has departed, Janice has been released. Kyle went to do some shopping just in case you run into him. Can you go check for the latest issue of Global Woman?


Gwen (Williams)'

"I gotta go Kai, fiancee calling. Nice seeing you again! Don't forget to e-mail me!"


Kyle felt awkward being the only man in the Christian Dior shop, as he made his way around the different shelves, searching for a dress that would suit Janice.

"Excuse me sir, the men's section is over there." Gestured the shop keeper.

Kyle took it as an opportunity to ask a professional's opinion.

"What dress would look good on a Golden Retriever?"

"Do you want a low cut dress?" Queried the shop keeper.

"Yes." Lied Kyle, not knowing what she meant.

"Please follow me."

Kyle noticed a few of the other shoppers glancing at him as he made his way around the store. He was soon handed a 'Rose Fonce - Dior Wool Guipure dress.'

"Do you think this will suit him?"

Kyle tried to imagine Janice wearing the dress and presumed that it will look good on her.

"Get me a medium size. How much is this?"

"3500 Singaporean Dollars or 2776.68 US dollars excluding VAT."

Kyle gulped at the thought of paying more than half of his monthly salary. He didn't have a credit card that can charge that much money.

"I'll pay by cheque."

"Great, if you will please follow me to the cashier. So you and your friend enjoyed cross dressing?"

"WHAT?!?" Kyle shouted, distracting the other women from their scavenging for the expensive clothing.


9:19pm, Bali time: The crew bus pulled up outside the one star motel in Bali. The tired flight crew from TA437 poured out in the evening air, and headed up the steps to the check in booth. They flashed their security passes at the bored clerk, and were each handed a key to a single occupancy flop room.

Harry picked his key up and looked at the tag. Number sixteen on the second floor. He hung by the lifts and watched out of the corner of his eye as Chris grabbed his after Henrietta, the flashy little cat from first class had slipped hers into her pocket. Chris sauntered over to the staircase, and flashed his tag at Harry. Number eighteen. Harry winked and flashed his, eliciting a smile from the tired looking beagle.

"Next door," Harry whispered, as they started to climb the stairs with Henrietta in front of them.

"Not for long I think..." Chris whispered back, and tweaked at the Dingo's pendulum-ing tail, causing Harry to slap him with it.

"Not in view of the hotel staff you idiot...We'll get chucked out," Harry urged, turning his head to see if anyone had reacted to the foreplay.

Chris giggled playfully, as he knew that he had done it out of sight of the staff. Grace, the tiger's body behind them had shielded them from view from the foyer, but she playfully waved a claw at them with a grin on her face.

Henrietta strode down the corridor to the end, and opened her door stepping in, and then closed it with a firm thud and a snick of the lock. Chris took the end room opposite, and Harry paused outside room sixteen. He looked across at Grace who winked, indicating that she would keep her lips sealed if they were to use his room, opposite hers. He nodded with a grin, then held up five fingers to Chris to indicate how long to wait.

Chris grinned, and closed his door, locking it as Harry and Grace entered theirs. Harry turned and looked at the un-sprung bed. It consisted of a grey bottom sheet on a thin mattress, sitting on a plywood box. It thunked hollowly as he dropped his night bag into the thin, plain duvet that was all that had been provided. A single pillow rested against the wall near the window, which opened out onto view of a waste strewn alley. A lamp with no shade completed the scene in the main room, with a battered fourteen inch TV that was missing buttons on the desk next to a telephone.

He sighed. "Paradise as usual I see Tangara...only the best for your staff eh..." he muttered, and opened the partition door to take in the compact shower room. That at least was clean. The suite seemed new enough, but the toilet pan was stained with the overuse of bleaching agents, and his nose wrinkled at the fake flowery smell of crushed Hibiscus from the single blue toilet block hanging forlornly in its cage under the rim. The shower cubicle was of a good size though, and he decided then and there, that if Chris was agreeable, he would encourage their fore-play in the water, even if he was not particularly fond of it, being an outback species.

He quickly squatted on the toilet, and made sure he was cleared out enough, for what he hoped was to follow. It would only be their second time as partners, but since that delightful hunk of brown and white patched fur in the next room, had drawn the same flight as him, his life had been looking decidedly better. He finished, and carefully cleaned himself, then ran a filed claw around the inside of his muscle with a shred of paper to make sure he was as pure as he could be.

He heard the toilet on the other side of the thin wall flush, and he grinned knowing that Chris had performed the same bit of etiquette before planning on joining him. He pressed his own handle, and knocked three times on the wall quietly. The echoing knocks were answered, and he closed the en-suite's door, going to sit on the bed, waiting in anticipation.

He heard a door in the corridor close softly, and then the pad of unshod paws approach his own portal, and a scratch on the wooden frame. Harry stood quickly, and quietly let Chris in, closing and locking the door behind him.

Chris pounced on him from behind as soon as the key turned in the lock, and hung of the wiry dingo's shoulders, nibbling playfully at his pointy and erect ears, and swinging his unshod paws around Harry's waist. Harry staggered backwards, until his legs hit the beds tail board, and his knees collapsed, toppling them onto the bed with a crash, and Chris had the wind knocked from his chest with a gasp, as Harry landed on top of him.

They paused for a second, listening to see if the noise had attracted unwanted attention, but all was quiet. Harry rolled off Chris, and stood holding his hand out with a grin, pulling him up into a embrace, and kissing him with a combined wrestling of tongues.

"You taste good tonight blue..." Harry panted.

" are not to bad yourself either you know..." Chris returned through their locked lips.

"I think we should move to the shower mate...the wat..." Harry yelped as Chris nipped at his tongue with his teeth.

"Will cover our play?" Chris finished for him with a sly grin, and started to unbutton Harry's blazer.

The dingo grinned, and gently slid the knot on Chris's Tangara tie loose, and pulled it over the beagles floppy ears, making sure that they covered his eyes for a few seconds, as he flicked his bushy tail between his legs, and brushed at the tightening crotch opposite him.

Chris nipped at Harry's fingers with his teeth as he reached the final button on his partners blazer, groaning as he felt the thick brush, stroke at his covered sheath. "Not until we are fully stripped mate, or you can bloody explain to fancy pants on the plane, why I need new pants, you Aussie devil!!"

Harry giggled, and moved his attention to Chris's shirt. His blazer was already absent, so he assumed it was in the beagle's abandoned room. Chris removed Harry's tie, and then moved towards unbuttoning his shirt, but not before tweaking his nipples through the thin cotton. Harry gasped at Chris's contact, and nearly tore his buttons off as he jumped back a pace. He pinched at the the beagles nose, and undid his shirt himself, before slipping out of it and dropping it on the bed behind them.

Chris grinned, and made a show of spinning slowly on the spot as the waning light from outside played across his washboard stomach. He was proud of the way that he kept himself, fighting the usual dumpiness his breed was known for. Harry was a bundle of tan wires as the last beams of sun glanced across his thinly furred ribcage. He leaned forward and nipped at Chris's nipples with his teeth, and then slowly undid his own belt, revolving as he dropped his trousers and pants, before kicking then off into the beagles face.

Chris grabbed them from the air with a snap of his jaws, and then inhaled the musk from where the dingo's sheath had been resting on the fabric, then threw them at the headboard and returned the gesture with his own lower clothing. Harry batted them away though, and dropped to his knees to sample the muskiness direct from the source, rolling his tongue over the white haired sheath, teasing at the pink tip as Chris gasped in pleasure above.

Chris's shaft started swelling at Harry's teasing ministrations, and he felt himself start to emit beads of pre, as his seven inches started to swell and firm in the dingo's pointed muzzle. He reached down and started to tease and play with the tufts on his partners ears, as he picked up his gentle tongue rolling around his shaft. He gasped, as he felt his glans touch at Harry's throat muscles, and tapped him on the head to stop his uncontrollable urge to complete.

Harry glanced up at him with a wink, and withdrew his muzzle, before heading into the en-suite with a wink and turning the shower on. Chris controlled his waving shaft and followed, closing the door behind him, then sat in the shower tray, and lay back, sliding under Harry's tail as the water started to flatten out his brush. Carefully he ran a finely manicured claw around the dingo's ring, and then started to play with the tawny globes that were hanging above his entrance, guarding it like a pair of fuzzy tennis balls, swinging from a old garden game. The water was sluicing down the dingo's body above him, dribbling in rivulets into his wide open mouth, sampling the pre that was rapidly starting to mix with it from the emerging shaft above him.

His balls withdrew from their guard, as Harry reached his full nine inches, and he leant forward resting his panting muzzle on his elbows, against the tiles, as Chris started to run his tongue around his ever pinkening ring. He groaned as he felt the beagles flat and fuzzy tongue force its entry, into his sanctum, fighting against the need to paste the tiles under his chin with his puppy seed until it had a more suitable home to be wasted in. He knew it was his turn tonight, as Chris had shown him what his shorter, but thicker shaft could do to his ass in their first encounter.

Harry's knees nearly buckled, as Chris's tongue tip coiled at his prostate, kneading at it for its juices. "Stop!" he gasped fitfully, in intense concentration. "Or I won't be able to return last times favour!"

Chris withdrew his tongue, and looked up at Harry between his now tightly withdrawn balls. "Well you had better do something about that then blue, before it wont fit!" He tweaked at the swelling knot that was forming above his muzzle, and then slid out from under the water flattened bush that was ticking his nose, and turned onto his knee's, switching his whip tail to one side, and showing his nuts were just as tightly withdrawn, and settling on all fours in the waters kneading flow.

Harry moved behind him, and teased at the beagles exposed ring with a claw, and then guided his pre dribbling tip to the water lubed crater. "This my friend, is going to be quick. You are way to good for little old me at foreplay...You ready?"

"I will have to stick around and give you lessons then mate...I am more than ready. Now dock your bird in the terminal, then ease my jetway to discharge its passengers, before the rip the doors off themselves!" Chris laughed at him over his shoulder, and then gasped as Harry slid his slender inches into his rippling sphincter, until his ring closed around the dingo's burgeoning knot.

Harry felt himself locked in position, and started quick jerking thrusts, agitating his mates prostate until he felt the walls enclosing his shaft start to pulse. He reached one hand under Chris's belly and quickly began to jerk at the beagles shaft until his seed began fountaining out between his finger tips. As Chris's orgasm took hold, his walls pushed Harry into filling his bowels with ropes of his own pent up life makers, gasping as every pleasurable nerve in his body was lit in their combined bliss.

His knot locked his crotch tightly against the beagles heavier frame as their orgasms came to their mutual conclusions. Chris grinned at Harry over his shoulder, and then walked his hands up the tiled wall in front of him, and twisted around to grasp Harry's muzzle in a deep and sensual kiss, letting the water play gently over his back and the dingo's chest as they tongue wrestled until his knot deflated enough to slip out with a quiet slurp.

"I think that we must do this more often mate," Chris whispered into the dingo's perked ears as he turned to face him.

"I think that we must too..." Harry whispered back, nipping at the plastered flaps of skin that hung loosely over his soul-mates drums.

They kissed some more, and then cleaned each others sheaths and rings of the evidence of their play gently, then towelled each other dry playfully, before crawling under the thin duvet together to the creaking beds protestations.

"We must make sure you are back where you should be, before hissy pants knocks on the door in the morning," Harry whispered in the sleepy dogs ears.

"Fuck her, she knows already. The maids won't be on duty before we have to depart for the return leg... let me answer the door to her. Give the gossip mill something other than Captain Williams to talk about." Chris replied with gentle peck at Harry's nose.

"You sure?" Harry queried.

"I am sure mate...let them talk, I am more than happy to be your mate..." he whispered in reply and closed his eyes into sleep.

"So my mate, am I..." Harry sighed, and laid his head on Chris's arm and drifted into his own slumber.


9:39pm, Singapore time: A group of Air Tangara flight attendants glided past Joe, dragging their suitcases and chattering away in Singlish. From what Joe could comprehend from their exaggerated tone and overuse of slang, they spoke of a white dragon that made love to a colleague named 'Xiu Meah'. They were expressing their frustration for missing him out by one leg while the handover crew are taking him to London.

'Must be Ruth, it explains how strange the girls were behaving at the gate' he thought as the Asian crew faded away into the distance. Joe found a little newsagent and remembered the text he received from Gwen. Joe looked at all the magazines on the rack; they had business reviews for the boring people, anime magazines for the geeks, pornographic magazines for the lonely and men's health magazines for... Joe.

Joe quietly read the highlights from the cover to himself. "Gordon Summers answers the question: How to increase her level of pleasure when having sex? Top tips from experts on toning your abs!" 'Fuck yeah I need this!' thought Joe, as he took it to the counter.

"20 dollars please," yawned the lioness sitting behind the counter.

Joe took out his wallet but realised he doesn't have any Singaporean money.

"Do you take Australian dollars or credit?"

"We accept Visa or Mastercard"

Joe handed over his credit card and typed his pin number into the machine.

"I almost forgot, do you have the newest addition to Global Woman? Before things get awkward, it's for my fiancée."

The shop keeper reached into a box and pulled out a magazine which features a husky air hostess on the cover.

"You mean this one? Just came in today."

"No way!" mumbled Joe as he stared blankly at the cover, not knowing how to react. 'Must be him' thought Joe as he dropped his credit card on the floor.


9:55pm: Janice hid herself under the covers in the bedroom as Gwen challenged Kyle about the dress he bought when he went 'shopping' in the terminal. "Kyle, let me get this straight. Ruth wanted her naked for a reason, which is to humiliate her in every way possible. You went back into the terminal and bought her dress?"

"Listen Gwen, I think Ruth wanted her naked, so she couldn't follow him. We don't want any undue attention when we land in Syd...."

"Undue attention? She is a disgrace to every member of flight crew around the world! Even Richard Branson wouldn't allow any of his Virgin (*sic* as in Virgin Atlantic) sluts to rape their passengers! She needs to be humiliated in any way possible. Look at Ruth; do you think he can still face his mate with the same look across his face?"

"Ruth aside, do you think management wants to handle the press? Naked Tangara hostie on Tarmac! How ugly is that? When they question management about the situation, they might end up spilling the beans on Janice's instability and her dreams of becoming a pilot are gone. Haven't you forgotten the terms and conditions Ruth set for her? Besides; once the media finds out Ruth's associated with her being naked, they'll go charging up to his door in Britain, like there's no tomorrow. Don't you think it's a bit too much, when you see yourself naked on every newspaper and magazine front cover?"

"I agree with Kyle, stop arguing and get ready for departure." Interrupted Joe as he walked back in through the door.

Gwen gave the two of them a death glare, and stalked back to the cockpit.

"You alright Kyle?"

"Yea, I'm fine mate."

"Take your time with Janice, Gwen and I won't interrupt you. I'm presuming that we will be pushing back in a couple of minutes." Joe gave Kyle a wink and went to join his fiancée in the flight deck. Joe confirmed that the cabin door was locked and set to evacuation mode as he punched the passcode into the flight deck door lock combination. He opened the door and sat next to Gwen in the right hand seat. "Captain you've been through a lot. Do you want me to do the flying?" He asked, as he handed over the magazine issue she had wanted him to buy, and smiled at the expression on Gwen's face when she saw the husky hostess.

"Yes, I'm fucking knackered. Isn't that Sarah, the Chief Flight Attendant when we flew to Honolulu with? How I stay fit at 11,000 metres without a gym, this should be interesting."

"Gwen, please call for clearance. We're going home!"


Kyle knocked on the door of the bedroom and opened it with a slight creek to see if Janice is okay.

"Janice, it's me Kyle. Are you okay?" He whispered. Before he could respond, Kyle felt a strong tug from his tie as he was violently pulled into the bedroom. A current of fear ran across his system, shocking him like electricity as the door behind him was slammed shut. A surge of pain and pleasure began to build on his neck as Janice bit his neck, threw his tie to one side and unbuttoned his polo shirt.

"Kyle, Janice this is Joe. We will be departing shortly, please make sure you are seated for departure." Boomed the PA.

"Fuck safety," Kyle growled, as he was thrown violently onto the mattress with Janice on top of him. The Retriever dug her tongue into his mouth and took away his first kiss through a series of oral wresting and lip caressing.