James the savior:1 The gift.

Story by unforiegncontaminit on SoFurry

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James lay still listening to the sounds of the night... wating....Damn where was it! He grew impatient as the summer air slowly shifted his hair. asiren began to sound far away. "Shit!"he swore"She better be here." he began to hear the rumble of a tank roling down the road, he rose from the hiding place and shook the dirt off his shaggy bear pelt. the tank lined him up in a moument, he stode and waited, the cannon fired. as the dust cleared the crater left in the earth baecomes increasingly silent, the tank is about to pull away, when out of the rubble comes the sound of energy crackling, stirring, growing then a figure, a bear with wings appears from the sky and flys to the crater. The bear looks down and sheds a single tear that slowly falls to the limp body.

The corpse began to glow with light, stirring, and growing brighter. The Beaar rose to its feat but the angel was gone, enveloped in this new bears soul. The tank, thourghly scarred shitless, fired again but just made this bear slide a inch or two. James saw the tank try to drive away but was on it in a moment. his hand, though sharp, should not have ripped it so easily. But it did, just of with the top, leaving the human crew alive. seven secounds of violence so incredible that it can't be put to words, later, and al that remain are prints of a bear. The rescue helocopter was flying overhead, james noticed as he flagged it down, it was marked with a flag he knew well. suddenly a streak of silver flew overhead and collided with the chopper."oohhh, Fuck!" james roared, five minutes later he was at the crash, piece after piece he ripped it appart, looking, Where is she?he basically yelled at himself when he found who he was looking for.... laying apart from the rest of the ship, a female alaskin timber wolf. just lieing there out cold with a gsh on her leg. James couldn't believe it, his mind fogged as he hefted her over his back, then he began to run as fast as he could, not seeing that time seeed to slow around him, had his eyes opened he would see flashes of that eary silver light... he fell and skid to a stop.... at a building? He looked and saw the same flag this time with a crimsin cross next to it. "but, how?" he thought, i couldn't have crossed 4,000 miles in twelve seconds he just couldn't. He kicked the door in and yelled for help. As he fell unconcios he saw three lab coats running at him.....then nothing at all.

he awoke at the soud of a groan near him, strange, he was in a bed. He looked and could see the timber wolf across the room, her heart beating steady. James tried to stand when he saw that all he wore was a hospital gown! After a moment of awkward nothing a docter, a monkey, enter the room. James roared and almost made the distracted ape have a heart attack, "please, i am not like the human apes!" he screeched, James calmed slightly as he walked over. "it's Ezikiel, E for short." " James" he hoffed" how is she?" "almost at full recoery, she would have died you know..." E trailed off looking nervous" she is tame yes?" James roared again. " Her name, is Lin!" After many such conversations James new that noone trusted the wolf tribes. Even the trusted timbers.

After a Hour she also woke, "uuhhhhh, J-James is that you?" he snapped to her side "yes Lin I'm here." "i saw an angel bear! and he said it wasn't my time!" "hush now, we all have to see someday..." he trailed off, something about what he said. Strange. Lin opened her eyes slowly a tear rolled down slowly " but it was you James! i thought you had died! oohhh, but nows not the time its been so long that we thought it a recovery mission." " only three years of human torture isn't bad." He lied. Bad. "well? you big idiot are you going to kiss me?" " Lin, three years away from my fiance and she imediatly want's a kiss." "or better" she whisppered in his ear. " this place IS only occupied by three apes." he thought as he locked the door, " Oh, turn around!" she yelled as James turned he was surprised to see that she was completly naked with her d-cups swaying in her motion. James really didn't need to think, did he? disrobed in a second flat his foot and a half member falls out fully erect. she strode over and kneeled befor his dick.

five minutes later she hade his dick in her maw and was sucking softly, as she began to lick he could not hold himself and grabbed her head pulled out as he came all across her tongue and face. at this, lin got on the bed and exposed her wet pussy to the room, bieng James. He climed up and lined his cock to her slit before she slamed it all the way in with one slam. at this she began to moan and arch wildly. he thrust in at a steady rate. after many minutes he could feel it, " LINNNNN!!!" he roared head back, as he realeased into her. at this she came and soaked his crotch with her cum. he pulled out with an audible 'pop!' Lin turned and licked him clean. They cuddled up, and drffted to sleep.

To ****Cunt-inue******next is better