The Lost Chapters

Story by Luminarius on SoFurry

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The Lost Chapters: By: Me! o w o

Asavion looked to the resting body of Lute with a wild eye. It had been so long.

He chuckled aloud.

The last moment he ever saw of his darling was when she had murderously turned on him at the Pillar of Cencrus, with eyes filled with fear and hate towards him. How bitter her words were, yet how sweet her gaze was to those accompanying her.

_ Aurelius. Lumen._ The names rang like acidic omens in his mind; the souls of the accursed.

Asavion twisted away from her body chained onto the two metal bars and stared about the Palace of Ruin.

The air was dusty and filled with the sour taint of death, and the hall to which he sat was illuminated by a series of high chandeliers--once elegant, but long since fallen from grace. Their glassy remains held nothing but the reflections of despair and failing light.

The real luminary in the room was of Lutarine.

He snuck a bitter glance towards Lute.

Her skin, still so smooth and kissed with the color of pale peaches, rested fitfully against the cold stone floor. Her hair fell like an unfathomable veil over her rounded face, shaded of honeyed hues and dark symphonies.

He longed for the words to which escaped soft lips, and Asavion desired, not for the first time, of the passionate wiles of her angelic syntax...

Asavion shut his eyes and dragged a cold claw across the once beautiful tapestry on the nearest wall. In the moment of soft rage, he caught his breath, and when he opened his eyes, a cracked mirror beheld his image.

His dragon scales had risen to the base of his neck, and beneath a pair of ink-black britches a tail rose from the ground.

His hands held the sharpness of claws, with grey talons to match his dark grey and well controlled hair. His face was once youthful, but lines of hate painted his considerably handsome structure. His orange eyes hung above a sharp nose, and defined jawline added onto a face, pale with pain. Asavion stared at the sharp angle of his chin and realized with a frown that he appeared slightly older than he was. Just eighteen and his face betrayed the true age with a more-mature, mid-twenties visage.

He turned away and scanned the room once more. It felt as if everything in the room was cursed by Lute's infernal, yet tantalizing aura; as if every object was something of sin, yet suspended beautifully on the brink of pure passion. The effect both infuriated yet condemned Asavion with desirous feelings.

Once upon a time, the love of the two Dragon-Halflings was enough to combat the rage of the world, but soon the accursed Council brought their problems back into light, claiming with a foul certainty that the Orbs of the world had been stolen. The incompetence of the group was simply unforgivable--and by his actions and his actions alone--would he be able to resolve the issue.

But Lute. Ah, Lute.

He gave another cold chuckle before continuing the fevered pacing of the marble floors.

Lute believed that assassinating the fools was cruel. That removing the impurities of the humans was unethical. It was a blasphemous notion.

He would show his darling_cruel_.

Asavion stopped the pacing and looked to the treasure which he captured only hours ago. She sat limply on a pentagram of hexed marble, breathing softly from a delicate frame. Her arms were bound with heavy links spun of metal and Obsidius-Crystal, removing her magical abilities enough to render her benign. She sat untainted in her cloth regalia, which were given to her by the council themselves.

He smirked towards her white energies and took a step in her direction, feeling with more certainty that her body was going to endure the pains to which she put him through. He wanted to torture her. Her betrayal was beyond the pale, and the mercies which he may spare would not fall short of death.

"Wake up, Lutarine. There's someone who hasn't seen you for a while, who is simply dying to speak with you ..." Asavion's voice called, cutting through the near ancient silence of the Hall of Ruin.

Immediately Lute's eyes flicked open, her equilibrium met with the disharmony of ominous energies pressing in on her, leaving her victim to the wiles of the demons she felt roaming the halls. The ceiling was an infinity above her, painted with murals depicting the dissolution of grand cities, and spun with dark black spider webs. The air smelled curiously familiar, but sent chills down her spine, as she began to speculate the various places she could have been.

Yet there was something odder about the place which separated it from all of the rest. Lute stared out from the windows to view the landscape and noticed with a shock, that a pure grey expanse engulfed the ground and sky.

She gasped aloud and realized where she was.

"The Palace of Ruin." She whispered, just above a breath. She tilted her head up to analyze her situation but in the motion, she interweaved her bright blue eyes into the discordant October eyes of Asavion.

"Hello, love." He growled with an imperial grin.

The room dropped a few degrees.

"Asavion." She whispered, suddenly at loss of breath. Her skin pricked with the onset of goose-bumps trailing from the nape of her neck down to her feet.

Asavion recoiled and let a bladed gaze cut straight through Lute. "You remember me. How posh." His words were mirthless, and even as he spoke, his dark aura could be seen rising behind his body, the silhouette of dragon's wings outlined in faint shadow. His eyes held an unmistakable hunger.

Lute couldn't speak. Lute couldn't even breathe. His presence pressed down at her from every angle, and only by the sheer power of her will was she able to push aside the fear to speak a single sentence.

"What do you want from me, Asavion?" She asked, with a taint of abhorrence towards him.

He gave a theatrical frown and stepped onto the plinth of her prison. "I want to give you my love." He spoke darkly, and let the frown fade into a fang-crowned smirk.

Lute blinked in a mixture of despair and disgust.

"You'll do no such thing to me." She replied with a snap, avoiding his glance, but glaring out from a near window as if it still had the same rebellious effect.

It didn't.

"Hm. Is that so?" He asked with an air of bemusement. He stepped ever closer, and only when his mouth was inches away from her neck, did Lute begin to curse her sharp tongue.

"I don't believe that you are in a position to dictate that." Asavion whispered slowly-- coldly into her ear.

Lute growled aloud and attempted to viciously snap at the face of Asavion, but he easily stopped it with a swift seize of her jaw.

He held the bottom of her face with a strong claw and stared deep into her eyes. Still they held the same bitterness of their last encounter. Lute glared at him with every ounce of her vehemence. But the icy hues of Asavion chilled her stare. She couldn't quite handle it, and turned away--much to the displeasure of Asavion.

"Look at me, Lute. Quavering beneath me will get you nowhere." His voice sliced through her thoughts, and with the magics spun into his speech, she became forced to obey his will. She stared reluctantly towards his handsome face.

He smiled again, knowing that his voice still had the power that it always had over her. He looked into her eyes, and after a few moments realized that deep behind her gaze was a slight attachment to him.

He drew back and gave a pleasure-filled laugh.

"Do you desire me, Lute?"

Lute could not answer his question with the words she would have preferred. She would be lying if she said 'no' to his question.

He laughed again, sending shivers down Lute's back.

"You should know, I am debating whether or not I desire you as well. Do I desire the wills of your flesh, or the silence of your breath...?"

Lute turned away once again, feeling that all hope had abandoned her. Where were the heroes of Lumen and Aurelius? Dead, she presumed. Or dying. The horde of gargoyle-demons would have enveloped the two in a matter of minutes.

Silently, angrily, a tear drifted down the cheek of Lute, the tear of hope that Lute was counting on--now gone, fallen to the floor to evaporate into nothingness.

Asavion didn't notice the tear--he was too busy thinking of a definite plan for her body, pacing and murmuring madly to himself. His eyes stared at the ground fitfully, and occasionally he would sneak a glance at Lute, thinking that she may hold the answer. But after a few more moments of this, Asavion stopped.

"...Or, I could release you."

At the sound of the words, Lute couldn't help but to stir excitedly in her shackles. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in, wishing with her entire being that he would. Perhaps in his insanity, he would let her go. At this point she would do anything to be released-- anything but submit to the creed of his appetite.

Asavion gave Lute a hunter-like smile. "Yes. I think I shall remove the shackles..." He was beginning to sound slightly hysterical, and to accentuate the idea, a wild grin appeared on his face. "Would you like that Lute?"

His tone had in it something darkly perplexing, but the words were too excellent not to draw hope upon.

"Of course." She answered curtly, feeling a glimmer of optimism grow in her chest.

He chuckled faintly. "So be it." He uttered the ancient words of release, and immediately the shakes fell off of her wrists, leaving her with just the heavy metal cuffs, still studded with the Obsidius-Crystal.

Lute stared at the plinth to see if the shackle's release war more than just fantasies of her sleep-stricken mind, and after taking a moment to confirm their reality, she peered up questioningly to Asavion. But the moment she saw his expression, Lute knew that something was terribly off in the offer.

Asavion met her gaze with a chuckle, and moved to seat himself in the throne-like chair across from her and spoke, examining his nails casually as he did so.

"So, this is the deal. I've released you."

Lute nodded, hanging onto every word.

"And we're going to play a game of hide and seek..." His face twisted into the delight that the grim reaper would have shortly before taking his victim. "If I cannot find you, you get to go free."

"And...?" Lute questioned, feeling cold sweat trickle down her back, "...An-and if you c-catch me?"

"Ah." Asavion's voice exploded into a dozen lustful chuckles. "If I catch you, I will devour your entire body."

The room suddenly lost all heat.

"I'll give you to the count of ten." He explained, holding up ten fateful fingers. "Ten..." He began.

Lute stayed in her place not a moment longer than she had to, running from the black-cursed halls to her wild destination. Already the countdown began, and the runic hourglass was ticking away to her ultimate demise...

The chase had begun.


The walls screamed cautions down to Lute with their portraits of destruction and discord, bringing each beat of her frantic heart more fear at every step. The words of Asavion were enough to chill her down to the bone, but were also enough to inspire rage in her. How dare he touch her? If she had her abilities available, she would personally burn a hole through his façade.

But alas.

Lute gave an angry sigh and scurried around the corner. The floor was smooth and slippery, and she nearly fell a few times while searching for an egress.

The Palace of Ruin was not on her side today. A second hall stretched out before her, with a single door resting on the latter end of it. She peered back around the corner and nearly fainted when the stark silence of the hall met her ears.

She began her chase against time with a doubled effort, feeling that the voice of Asavion would reveal itself at any instant.

It did.

"Time is up Lute..." Asavion whispered down the hall in a sing-song voice. She couldn't exactly place where his voice was coming from, but it sounded frightfully close.

Without another thought, she attempted to race down the hall to get to the door, but immediately after her footsteps echoed off of the stone floors, the footsteps of her pursuer came crashing after her.

She dare not peer around to locate the sound--her body was all in flight mode. Only the efforts of placing one foot before the other and getting closer to the great wooden door were in her mind. If her dragon form wasn't going to come out and aid her, she would have to rely on the human body for support, which was inevitably proving to be obsolete to Asavion's Demi-Form.

A sound of shrieking air cut through above Lute's head, and only by pure reflex did she duck down to evade one of Asavion's vicious swipes.

The sound of a second attack came at her-- And suddenly, there she was, bursting through the door to the other side, and slamming it as hard as possible behind her.

There was a sudden shout of pure rage at the narrow escape before the echoes of pursuit faded into a profound silence, and Lute could no longer feel Asavion near her. She gave a sigh of relief, but soon remembered that he could find her if she stayed out in the open. Lute turned to view her surroundings. Somehow she ended up in a round, tower-like room, with multiple landings accompanied by a high spiral of stairs.

She swore aloud at the amount of time it would take her to climb up the stairs-- and behind the door, she could hear the hunting tactic of Asavion change direction. He was searching for a weakness in the Palace's runed walls, knowing that his prey was only a single doorway away.

Lutarine scrambled up a single set of stairs, her nerves fatigued by the time she arrived at the next landing. A single door framed the wall, and called to her with its magnificent ability to conceal her. She pushed it open and much to her relief, a huge library expanded in front of her, its shelves of books offering haven and information on how to escape. She softly closed the door behind her and hurried down aisle after aisle searching for a book on how to escape the chapeaux. Her time was ticking away fast, and in a few moments, Asavion could pinpoint her location, simply by scent.

Her eyes trailed over title after title of tomes, the covers faintly illuminated by the glass ceiling high above her head. In the dusty gloom, however, there were many doors connecting the Library to others rooms of the Palace. It raised the possibility that he would end up here.

She fevered her search and when the click of a doorknob echoed through the powerfully silent Library, her blood ran cold. For the first time, Lute was shrouded with fear that Asavion would find her. Past that point, she didn't want to imagine what he would do to her.

It sounded as if it originated from the opposite end of the library, and by the hard taps on the black stone floor, he would reach her in less than a minute. She frantically turned away from the section of books, painstakingly written in the AncientLanguage, and decided to search a second part of the library. She tried to remove the unmaskable sounds of her footsteps by summoning her dragon wings, but the Obsidius-Crystals stood as a block and a sponge to all of her magical energies, devouring them like black holes.

And that was when she heard it.

The sickly sweet voice of Asavion drifted from above the bookshelves to grace her ears.

"Darling...I can feel you all around me...You cannot escape me now..." He stepped deliberately from shelf to shelf, scanning with his keen eyes for his prey.

Lute held her breath and tiptoed away from his voice, and before he made it to the end of the row to discover her, she sprinted to the nearest bookshelf in an attempt to conceal herself for enough time to escape him.

But Asavion had well anticipated this. Before she knew it, her body was catapulted off of the ground in a violent burst of black flames, sending her crashing atop of an old desk.

The pure force of the impact knocked the air out of her lungs and she gasped for breath, ineffectively first, but more successfully by the second time.

However, it took precious seconds away from her, and the malevolent form of Asavion was already stalking towards her, his arms tucked curtly behind his back.

From his throat, a deep chuckle penetrated Lute's ears above the ringing of everything else, and as he neared her dazed body, it spiraled out into a demented laugh, engulfing her mind.

"Well, well, well. Look at what we've here. The most beautiful piece of Dragon that I have ever laid my eyes upon..." His words were sweet, but his eyes betrayed his statement with their demonic glint. In any normal case, Lute would have been flattered by the words.

This was not a normal case.

She spat at his direction, scurrying back with weakened and aching arms. "Don't you dare touch me, Asavion." She cried, her voice cracking and ending in a shriek.

Asavion neither blinked nor paused at her words. He continued steadily forward.

"Lute, you're so alluring when you're fearful of me..." Asavion adjusted his black silk bow around his neck as he moved closer. "I feel I am honored the pleasure of your body..." He added, his voice fading away into the motion of licking his cruel lips.

Lute was on the edge of the desk by now, and the sting of the fall brought pain to her limbs in waves, leaving her psychically unable to stand up to retreat.

She attempted to slip off and sprint again, but her limbs would not coordinate with her. An electrifying wave of pain shot up her leg the moment it touched the floor. She gasped and threw her arms back upon the table to steady herself.

Asavion gave her an arrogant look of pity. "You look pathetic."

Lute jerked her head back to him and cursed the foulest expression she could manage, shortly before adding, "...So, stuff it, you bastard."

Asavion frowned, but seemed completely unworried. He stopped a few feet away from her and stared at Lute for a moment.

"Now, now, Lute. I can spare you my mercies..."

"I don't want you or your filthy mercies." She said, trying to stand by her own two feet.

Asavion ignored her. "You could live, if you only bowed down to me." His voice sounded lustful for the action, as if by her simply admitting to inferiority, he would be empowered by something more valuable than her life.

No words could be truer.

A wave of pain shot up Lute's foot and she fell to the floor, gasping for breath, but still trying to find a new and creative way of telling Asavion to 'fuck off'.

"Lutarine, you know that you want it...Just accept me as your dominance, and I shall spare you your life. You could be my Queen..."

Every time he spoke her name, it felt like needles were diving into her thoughts, as if they were trying to sew her ideas to Asavion. She fought to refute the feeling, but she knew that in his proposal was a ring of truth.

As a Runic Commander, Asavion could leave out the truth, but he could never lie. It was terrifying to know that the words held legitimacy-- but even more daunting to accept was the thought that Lute considered his offer.

With a last attempt, Lute pushed herself up and stared at Asavion. He was still as attractive as ever, his body ever-youthful, toned and dressed from head to toe in the most royal of garments. He may have lost some of his apathy for others, but he would always have some way to love Lute.

Lute was sure of that.

Asavion even knew it himself, but coupled with the love was a consuming desire for the body of Lutarine.

"My patience runs short. Make your decision, or suffer my wrath." His words were cool, and casual, as if he half-expected the answer to be in favor of his wishes.

Lute said nothing more, but held his gaze.

"Very well, Lute. Your fate is set."


Lute's heart was pounding loud in her ears, and only the face of Asavion hung in her vision, as he made his statement. But Lute could never answer the question. In his presence, the ability to lie became harder and harder, and when she was faced with the query, she was afraid of what would issue from her mouth.

"Come to me. Now." Asavion commanded after a moment of silence.

Lute didn't even contemplate moving, but she could feel his words weave their beautiful magics into her mind. It wasn't long before the words pressured her to do as asked, feeling as if there was something that would make her go insane if she didn't.

Slowly, the tip of her foot inched forward towards Asavion, and a moment later, the second foot followed suit.

She stared down at her feet in horror and realized that her weakness towards him was consuming her. She tried to pull back, but only succeeded in making her foot twitch, and move faster afterward.

And inch by cold inch she moved closer to Asavion, despite knowing how much her heart rebelled against him.

Asavion spread his arms and let his lips curl into an imperious grin, as she slowly reached the area before him. Once she halted her movement between his arms, Lute attempted to glower up at Asavion, but her face remained blank. She could no longer pretend that she 'hated' Asavion. She never hated him.

Immediately, Asavion clutched Lute's waist, pulling her hard against the last few inches of his body.

"You're mine." He whispered, his words the hottest thing to brush down Lute's back, causing her to curl at his voice. All of a sudden, Lute wished with her entire being that she was somewhere else.

She wished that she was standing back in the City of Archeron, where they first met. When the world didn't have problems to shove into their lives, and when the two could hold each other without knowing that murder was a sub-motive.

"Lute." Asavion, breathed, his face tantalizingly close to her neck. "I made a promise."

She tilted up her head at him, savoring in his body-warmth, but knowing that it would most likely be the last warmth she would feel.

"Asavion, I am afraid." Lute murmured away from his face, feeling terrible for letting the thought slip through her teeth. His presence was intoxicating.

Asavion didn't answer but instead licked Lute's neck, with a long, hot tongue, dripping with his hungry saliva.

"You have good reason to be afraid. You're going to be devoured whole. And I am going to enjoy every moment of it."

Her heart skipped a beat. Was the interpretation of his deal more literal, or was it going to be her bloody demise? His words were all truth, but every move he played was expertly carried out, as if he spent years in finding the right words, playing the right pieces. It was pure dread knowing that Asavion could identify the piece she was going to play before she could have even imagined it.

Lute shuddered in his arms. Suddenly she felt very small and very insignificant. Her only hope was to cast herself to Asavion. She peered back up at him catiously, and asking with her eyes what was next.

Asavion met her gaze and let his long dragon tongue slide from her neck to her lips where he enveloped them with his own. A hot tongue slid into her mouth and immediately Asavion began to bite at her soft lips. They were cold, but his body heat pressed steadily against hers.

As he bit into her lips, he could feel a change in her breath occur. It was still fast, but less wild, a more focused breath.

He smirked, still kissing her, when he realized what it meant.

His tongue nearly tangled with Lute's and when she let her arms drift onto his shoulders, he gave her lips a fanged bite, inducing her warm blood to mix with her sweet saliva-- a medicine to remedy the hate that he poured into her capture.

Asavion could feel himself more prepared to take Lute in his abstract interpretation the longer he consumed her blood. It drove his mind mad with lust, and he realized with certainty that Lute was the most delicious Dragon he had ever tasted.

He stopped and withdrew his tongue. He knew that if he ordered Lute to do something for him or with him, she would oblige. But his goal was to get her to pleasure him of her own volition.

"Bite me, Lutarine." He asked softly, trying to conjure up as much of the romance in his voice as he had when he was younger. Nothing would ever be the same from there, but the only thing that had changed since then was the amount of longing he had to simply touch Lute.

Lute stopped and swallowed the extra of her saliva. It made her feel sick that the wicked tongue of Asavion make her feel

She growled aloud and jumped upon the offer, biting hard into his lips, drawing out the crimson liquid onto her tongue.

And she swallowed it with a relish unbeknownst to her. He was making her do things that her body did not want, but her dragon side, her animalistic side, wanted enough to make her obey his dark will.

Asavion's lips curled into a masochistic smile. She enjoyed him. It sent his blood racing to think that he could devour more of her, and both would enjoy it.

"Can my blood heal your cold, or must I continue?" He asked in a breathy murmur.

She shook her head. "I need more," She'd uttered, sounding shaky but thirsty at the same time.

Those were the words that Asavion wanted to hear.
