fangs and claws intro

Story by superhiro220 on SoFurry

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#1 of fangs and claws

"Shit, they're both hitting us. They must really want us dead if they are working together on this..." Ames said as he looked at the map. I stayed in the corner pretending to be asleep because if there are three things he hates its vampires, werewolves, and me. The vampires for sucking his wife dry, the werewolves for ripping his children to shreds, and me for "deflowering" his "Little Girl" in the back of "his truck" while me and her were dating... I seem to be at the top of his shit list because he talks the most about how I "stole" his daughter's "innocence" and how he thinks i am, and i quote,"a sexual demon more blood sucking than any vampire and and hornier than any werewolf". I think he bashes on me because i tend to be the closest target of his aggression... i draw attention to myself. I stay quiet most of the time and take on the harder tasks without being asked so he wont yell and wake the undead, something we actually want to avoid because that will mean the end of yellow team. "JAMES," Ames yells, "YOU WILL BE OUR TORCH BEARER FOR THE WEEK!"

"WHAT, THAT'S NOT FAIR! WHAT ABOUT SICKLY QUICK JOE OR LIGHTNING LEGS LOUIE?" I asked, pissed that this was the third week in a row i got picked. "James you know Louis was bitten two days ago and is getting ready to be burned and Joseph has the flu... Kid we're counting on you to get the supply chopper's attention and have them air drop to the school." I sighed not knowing what was waiting for me... every end is a beginning right... well my end brought a hell of a new beginning for me...