Rick II: The Cavern

Story by Trim Six on SoFurry

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#2 of Rick

Ugh. I have no idea how YiffStar's system of story-series works, so could someone please show me how? I'd like to throw this into a series thing for people who want to check out the series as a whole. Or something. I dunno. Anyhow, here's the second part to Rick's tale. Or tail as it may be.

  • * * "Al?" The alpha of the current pack perked and paused in his tracks. The other wolves followed suite. "What?" "Why'd we pick up this cat?" The alpha shook his head in disappointment. "We're going to be making a point out of him. Something that quadrupeds just love to do is yammer on about their terrible experiences. The more of a terrible experience we give this impurity here--" he nodded in the direction of Rick, "--the more he'll talk. The more he'll talk, the more he'll prove our point." The wolf who did not answer the question perked his ears. "What point?" Al growled. "That impure creatures should not be walking through our forest! God, what is wrong with you two? Have you been paying any attention to what our leader has been telling us?" He scowled and marched on again. The two wolves carrying the anthro-cat on their backs followed. Rick was sound asleep on his back on the two that carried him. The wolf who had asked the first question perked up again. "Well... why not let him go now?" They stopped again. "God damn it. Okay, listen. We're going to be keeping him for a while. We're going to humiliate him, turn him into our bitch, and then 'turn him loose.' By this, I mean we'll let him believe that he escaped. He'll find his way back home, and tell his leaders about how badly he was treated by wolves in the forest. His leaders will tell other leaders what happened in the forest. News will spread throughout the community, and no one will want to come here, fearing they'll become our bitches as well." There was a pause, and then a resounding, "oh." Al scowled. "It wasn't that hard to pay attention to him the first time, was it? Idiots." Rick sighed softly as he began doodling in class. He was always bored in his math class, since he could read from the book and learn, which was exactly what the teacher was doing. Every day, the teacher would just preach from the book, as if it were the bible of all that is logarithms. He threw a straight line across the paper, then two random dots along that line. He slowly began sketching out a part of the forest that he was in over the weekend. The teacher scowled and stomped his foot, which got Rick's attention. "Rick, if this were an art class, you'd be getting an A, but as far as I'm concerned, in this class, arithmetic comes first! Got it?" In his mind, Rick rolled his eyes, but his face was misleading. He just nodded and said, "yes, sir." Five minutes later, he was back to drawing, but looking up as he saw the teacher spin around from the corner of his eye. Brrring! "Oh finally," Rick thought to himself. The door to the classroom was flung open, a hard, white light flooding the tiles of the room. Rick smiled as he saw this, watching his peers fly out the door and move on to their next classes. He stuffed his books into his backpack and zipped it up. He hefted it up onto his back, walked through the seats, and out through the door. A deep and unfamiliar bark boomed out. Rick groaned slightly, his eyes fluttering open. Everything was still a blur. He was on the ground, and didn't try moving as of yet. His tail idly twitched along in the dirt. Apparently there was a discussion going on between the group of wolves. Even the main wolf that spoke to him was speaking his native dialect with the others. Still remaining flat on the ground, pretending he was still passed out, he listened but did not understand. "So, you've finally brought an example," was what that unfamiliar string of barks inquired. The alpha of the scouting group nodded. "Yes, sir. We have. We found him lost in our territory, noted his species, and took him in." "Have you done anything to him?" Another nod. "Yes, sir. My fellows tore of the cat's clothes and raped him until he passed out. From there, we picked him up and carried him along until we reached here." Rick's eyes finally focused. He used his slight night vision skills to gaze around the room. Or cave, as it was. He was in a cave. A real cave. This was apparently where the wolves had taken him. He blushed a little in his ears, starting to whimper lightly to himself as he tried to remember his parents, his friends and other family members. The lead wolf perked. "He awakens already." The alpha's ears tilted backward on his head, but quickly perked. "So he does. Shall we leave you alone with him, sir?" A nod. The three wolves padded out of the cave, the alpha barking at the two. They scampered off, and the alpha simply went on alone. Rick idly listened to the wolves scampering off, sighing deeply as he just lay in the dirt floor of the cave. The leader padded up to him. "Sit still." Rick just lay there anyhow. The wolf slowly sniffed over his body. If the wolf were to stand on his hind legs, he would easily be three inches taller than Rick! It was rather scary for the cat, so was of course obedient. The inspection stopped, and an emotion struck the wolves face. It was the first time Rick had seen any emotion on any of these creatures. And it was a sadistic smile. "I take it you enjoyed yourself, kitty." Oh how his ears perked. They were so high on his head that they could be mistaken as hot pink triangles. The pink turned into a deep crimson, and the instant this color change happened, Rick replied, "no! Why would I enjoy rape?!" The leader just continued to smile and smile his wolven grin. He made a sound that was similar to a quadrupedic "tsk," and padded around the cat in circles. "I disagree. My nose doesn't lie to me, though lips can deceive so easily. You cannot rape the willing." Rick's face was in total shock. Did he actually enjoy those wolves mating him? Playing with him? Showing him an amazing new type of pleasure--wait, it wasn't pleasure! "You see. When a two-legged, impure feline such as yourself enjoys what's going on, and this is especially true for mating of any kind, they tend to give off a certain scent. This scent is given off by the sweat that comes from underneath their fur. This is exactly why they are impure--they are able to do this. A normal, pure animal, a quadrupedic animal, one who walks on four legs, pants. You are clearly impure." Rick just blushed heavily, still thinking about if he liked it or not. "And being impure, you give off that scent. You gave off that scent because you enjoyed it, you filthy feline." Rick squirmed on the ground. "You enjoyed it as those animals tore off your clothes, did you not? You enjoyed it when they forced you to the ground, putting you in a bitch's position. You're not pure enough to even be a bitch. You are a cat. You could never be a bitch." Rick started to whimper, his toes curling up into his feet as he lay on the ground. The wolf slowly crawled over him, all four paws at the two sides of Rick's body. The wolf stuck his muzzle not too far from Rick's face. "It felt good, didn't it?" The wolf sniffed at Rick's short muzzle, grinning. "It felt good to have that wolf's dick slide into your throat and then spit, didn't it? It felt good to have that knot tie into you like a bitch, didn't it? You enjoyed it. And you even came afterward. You filthy cat." Rick just continued to blush, and then slowly turned his head, crying softly. The wolf lowered his muzzle and licked up the tears that flowed from one of his eyes. "You may speak." Rick sniffled a little, and just turned his head. With a soft whimper in his throat, he responded. "You're right." The wolf just smiled brought, and licked the front of the cat's muzzle. "That's what I wanted to hear. Now. What is your name?" Rick whimpered softly as the wolf was now showing him affection. That was odd. "R--Rick. My name is Rick." The wolf continued that wolven smile. Perhaps he was the only one who could show quadrupedic emotions? "Ah, Rick. I do not have a name, but I am the leader of these wolves who brought you here. I issued them to bring you here. I saw you walking through the forest," he lied, "and wanted you to be ours. Regardless of your impurity, you are a beautiful creature," he continued to deceive. Rick's eyes were starting to well with emotions from the tender words. He smiled, and his crying stopped. "Th--thank you..." The wolf licked his muzzle again, chuckling. "Of course." He did, however, let out a soft pant, which could be translated to a sigh, and hopped off Rick's figure. "There is a proposition I have for you, however." Rick listened contently now, lifting himself up onto his back paws. "I'm listening." The wolf smirked deviously out of the sight of the feline, but very quickly changed his expression. He turned around and changed his face back to the slightly depressed and serious look it was. "Well. We would like you to be our bitch. We can never find bitches around here, and since I like you, I was wondering if you would be ours?" Rick just sat there in disbelief. He blushed heavily, and now after getting the peptalk of how much he liked being mounted by those powerful wolves, he just nodded. He had no idea how to get back, so he went along with it. "I w--I will." The wolf smiled a faux contented smile. "Good." He padded over to the cat, and then crawled over him, forcing him back to the ground again. "Now, lay down. I must mark you as mine." The cat blinked, then blushed a deep crimson. He knew what this meant. His lips curled up a tad in disgust, but he then nodded again. "Okay," he said with a tinge of uncertainty. The wolf shifted his body a little, then squatted slightly. His eyes squinted, the pink tip of his flesh poking from the sheath of his genitals. He let out a soft growl as he then started releasing a yellow stream across the feline's body. Rick wriggled a little under the big creature, but was quickly growled at, causing him to pause. "Don't move while I do this." The stream just continued to fly and splatter along the contrasting black fur of Rick's body. After what seemed like forever, but in reality was only roughly twelve seconds, the stream stopped. The wolf let out a soft, approving yip, and began lapping at the cat's face. Rick was now confused, but instinctively began licking back at that tongue. The wolf closed his eyes and murred, sincerely enjoying that texture. He quickly pulled away. "Mmmm... felines. I love their tongues," he muttered as he pulled away. He then grinned. "Okay, bitch. Your first order is to use your mouth to mate me." Rick blushed heavily, but nodded. "You may use your paws," he used that term loosely, "to at least get me fully exposed. Now, get to it." Rick flushed and nodded, then slowly shifted onto his hands and knees and crawled over to the underside of the wolf, gazing at his slightly damp sheath tip, his pink cock tip. Two amazing black orbs stared him back in the face, the cat's eyes slowly blinking while he looked at them. He breathed in deep and sighed contently, reaching out to pet them. This caused the wolf to let out a pleased "rrrr" sound, his tail starting to wag. Rick smiled as he got this reaction. Rick's fingers slid along the sac, and then along the sheath, until his fingers coiled around it. He began gently stroking it back and fourth, trying to get more of that pink wolven cock into sight. He was a success, as the wolf became half erect at five inches. Rick gazed at the length, gave it a gentle sniff, then slowly took the tip into his mouth, purring gently as he suckled at it. The wolf began to pant softly, his eyes closed and his muzzle lowered. Rick began pushing more of that prick into his mouth, the tip spitting at his tongue with round after round of pre. This caused the cat to wince slightly, but it didn't stop him. The tapered tip slid across his tongue, the sandpapery texture flowing through the concentrated nerves on the wolf's dick, causing him to whimper slightly with delight, causing more of his cock to stand out. Eight inches, now, and still not fully erect. Almost there, though. Rick gulped down about six inches of it, before he had to pause. He pulled back, and went right back to that same spot, his lips curled around the flesh while his teeth were hidden by his lips. His tongue fluttered all along the dog's flesh, giving him as much pleasure as he could. "Ohhh, good bitch," the wolf moaned out. His tail wagged very swiftly, his tool fully erect and the knot swelling a little, showing his arousal. Rick pushed his mouth back and fourth, and soon enough, the wolf was meeting his mouth's thrusts. The wolf was panting harder and harder, trying his best to hold back so he could enjoy the cat's tongue. Rick was surprisingly enjoying himself too, pooling that pre onto his tongue as he moved back and fourth. The wolf growled and then began humping madly at Rick's mouth. The leader quickly pulled his dick out of the male's mouth. "Turn around!" Rick did as asked, knowing know what was going to happen. He spun around under the wolf, getting on his hands and knees, pressing his back to the wolf's chest. Accordingly, the wolf wrapped his paws around Rick's chest, and began humping at his rump. It wasn't long until that big, fat dick found its way underneath Rick's tail. He yelped with a tinge of pain as it quickly penetrated him, hilting itself up to the tip of the knot. It wasn't long before the wolf was full-on mating him, rutting his body like he were a true wolf. The leader growled and began muttering. "Yeah. You're our bitch. We'll do this to you whenever we like. Whenever." The leader growled and bit hard on Rick's neck, causing the cat to yowl out loudly. Rick became fully erect from the thought of being used whenever and for whatever. It turned him on. He didn't want to be, but he was. The hard pounding to his prostate was driving him wild, and was giving him great delight. The knot began to swell as the thick rod slid back and fourth at an amazingly fast pace. Rick panted happily, pushing his body back against the wolf, wanting to feel every last inch of that wonderful cock. He finally could no longer take it, and shifted his weight onto the ground, lowering his chest. The wolf grinned as he submitted, but didn't notice the cat's paw reaching back to stroke his own tool. The cat meowled out into the cave as he felt a pleasure than he had never felt before from touching himself. His anus constriced around that ten-inch wolven flesh burying itself in him, and this in turn caused the wolf to bite harder, causing Rick to whimper. Without warning, the wolf's hips began moving faster and harder, the knot threatening to pop in every once in a while. Rick mewled loudly and finally came, spitting his thick ropes of white onto the brown floor. The wolf pushed his knot into the boy at the right time, as the cat's anus constricted around it as he came. The wolf growled and bit harder, now drawing blood, as he impregnated his bitch, his hips twitching a little. Rick whimpered in pain as he emptied his balls on the ground, the wolf doing the same into his rump. Rick slowly fell limp on the ground, tied by his captor. The leader pulled away and let out a wolfish pant. He eyed the blood and began licking it up. "Mmmm. I'm going to enjoy having you around." And so would Rick.