The College Experience

Story by Seigi on SoFurry

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This is my half of a trade with ill_dingo on FA

edited by my mate jpekari


Walking past two iron gates the male canine stopped and looked at the large campus ahead of him. The male wore tight fitting blue jeans that showed off his firm rump with sky blue shirt stopping above his belly button. He had orange fur with white fur running from his muzzle down to his neck, shoulders, down his chest, and stomach. He still could turn heads with what he was wearing; which did happen as several furs heading to their classes stopped and stared at him.

"OK let's see here..." The canine said pulling out a piece of paper from his back pocket and looked his schedule over. "I have sociology, economy, religion, logic, administrative law, and culinary. Well I wonder if there's going to be some cute guys in my classes." Shivering as a slight winter chill hit him the canine walked, with a slight bounce, to his first class. ~~~~~~~~~~ Jess, a standard white and red male fox, sat in the back of the large classroom bored out of his skull waiting for class to start, wishing it was still winter break. Jumping in his seat as he felt a paw touch his shoulder, Jess turned his head to find a large black white wolf sanding behind him.

"Shit James I told you not to startle me like that!" Jess said in a lurid voice to the grinning wolf.

"Yea whatever foxy, so is it true what people are saying?" James asked moving to the right of the fox.

"Is what true?"

"That you and that bull, Scott, got together yesterday and had a bit of 'fun'." The wolf let out a low whistle and started talking before the fox had a chance to say anything. "You foxes can take any size cant'cha?"

"I did nothing like that I swear! I'm not gay! I am as straight as an arrow! Who ever said that lied, because I don't like guys I love women and I love pussy!" Jess exclaimed so loud that the few students that were in the room turned and stared at him.

"Dude you seriously don't know how easy it is to get you to do that!" James chuckled almost on the brink of laughing as Jess looked down blushing, feeling the eyes from the other students on him.

"Whatever James, but I'm not gay got it?" Jess spoke in a hushed tone as James quit his snickering.

The wolf was about to speak but a mob of furs entered the room and sat down before the bell rang. Patting the fox's shoulder, James went off to his seat and Jess lifted his head hoping the day could just end already. Glancing near the door Jess saw an orange and white husky walking into the room catching his attention. Making his way past the rows of students, several of them staring and one giving a snort of disgust, the fox watched as the Siberian husky sit in an empty desk next to him.

"Hi, I'm Jess." The fox said as the husky sat down to the left of the fox, and pulled out a notebook as an elderly looking drake walked into the room and stood in front of a blackboard.

"Umm, Hi I'm Joey."

"You must be new here right? I haven't seen you around here before."

"Yea I am. I just moved in during winter break."

"Cool. So where did you live before?" Jess asked as the drake began calling out names of students in the class.

"Alaska, I used to be part of a sled team, but some things happened and I had to move."

"Oh, well that's cool."

"Yea it was."

Jess and Joey stopped talking as the drake called out their names and began class soon after. As time went by Jess leaned on his right paw and looked to his left, catching sight of the husky taking notes attentively as the professor continued with his speech. Looking the husky over as best he could with out being caught, Jess let out a very soft murr unintentionally as he eyed the new student.

Time seemed to fly by as the vulpine watched the husky until the bell rang signaling the end of class. As the students stood up and started to leave, Jess glanced at Joey's backside and down to his rear, the husky's tail swayed side to side almost like Joey was intentionally trying to seduce anyone behind him. The fox noticed his pants were becoming a bit tighter on him than they were from the beginning of class.

As everyone got out of class Jess hurried to his next class hoping that nobody saw the slight bulge he had. The vulpine sighed as he got to his next class and sat down, the image of the husky he had met still lodged in his mind. The rest of the class Jess was barely able to concentrate as the day went on, and classes came and went. Half way through his fifth class the fox was able to focus on what was being taught.

Gathering his belongings and putting them away in his backpack Jess headed off to lunch. Walking into a large room filled with rows of long table occupied by anthros of various kinds, the smell of food thick in the air. Jess made his way to a line leading to an assortment of things to eat. Grabbing a tray the vulpine waited in a fairly short line as more furs showed up behind him. As Jess's thoughts returned on the husky from earlier he noticed something familiar about the canine in front of him. Tapping the furs shoulder the fox recognized it was the husky he met earlier.

"Hi there Jess." Joey said smiling at the fox.

"Hi Joey, so how's you're first day here going?"

"Oh it's been great! I actually can't wait for my next class." Joey said as both males picked out what they wanted to eat.

"Really? Well what's you're next class?" Jess asked after both paid for their food and found a place to sit; Jess sitting across from Joey near the edge of an almost empty table.

Pulling out a slip of paper Joey checked his schedule again. "I have culinary in room 212."

"I have that class too!"

"Hay that's great, now I don't have to class and not know anyone there!" Joey exclaimed before picking up his hot dog and started to take a bite.

"Hey how much do you wanna bet he could take the whole thing?" A passing student asked his friend heckling the husky.

Taking the hot dog out of his mouth Joey turned to face the furs. "This is nothing to what I can take. Maybe later we can meet up and see just how much of you I can take, and maybe you're friend can join in too." The husky gave a quick wink before turning back around and started eating.

"I can't believe you just said that!" Jess chuckled some as the two students walked away.

"What? I don't care if someone knows I'm gay. Haters gonna hate, and I won't let what they think effect me being who I am."

"Wow that's a great way to think."

"Thank you." The husky said after swallowing the food he was chewing.

The minutes ticked by as both furs ate their lunches and talked, before having to head off to their next class. Walking into a medium sized room Jess and Joey walked over to one of many two person stations and waited for the other students to enter the room. As the students settled down the class was greeted by a male lynx in a chiefs uniform. After the lynx checked to see who was there he set everybody up with partner. Jess smiled inwardly as he heard that Joey was his partner.

Throughout class both males went from listening to the teachers instructions and about safety to talking to each other. Mid way through class the teacher had everyone try and make a tomato soup with garlic and basil, but unfortunately, Jess had put in the wrong ingredients the first time he tried to make it. By the time class had ended Joey had made the soup perfectly, while the fox had ruined his dish multiple times.

"Jess don't worry you'll do better tomorrow I know it!" Joey said patting the fox's shoulder as they walked out of the class.

"Yea I guess you're right. Anyways it was nice meeting you Joey and I'd love to hang out with you, but I have some homework to get done."

"OK guess I'll see you tomorrow then." Jess watched as the husky tuned and walked away, as he made his way down the hall he groped a few unsuspecting male's rears until he turned a corner. Jess chuckled shaking his head as he turned and walked to his dorm room. Opening the door the vulpine stumbled on some discarded clothes from one of his two roommates. Mumbling under his breath his kicked the clothes into a corner then went to his room and sat down at his small desk.

Pulling out his notebooks Jess started to get to work. Working though problem after problem the thought of Joey crept into the fox's mind. After a while Jess gave up on his work and set his pencil down and leaned back in his chair, looking at the ceiling, as he let the image of the husky flood his mind.

Jess sighed as he looked back down at his notebook. Closing the book Jess stood up and grunted as he stretched before moving to his small bed and flopping himself down upon it. Rolling over he moved his hands behind his head and closed his eyes mulling over the events from today. 'Why can't I get him out of my head?' Jess thought as he opened up his eyes. 'Oh well...maybe some sleep can clear my mind.' ~~~~~~~~~~ The rest of the week had gone by rather smoothly, Jess even managed not to ruin some of the food he cooked in culinary a couple of times, as Jess and Joey got to know each other more.

"Hay Joey want to come to my dorm and hang out? My roommates are going to be out so we'll have the place to ourselves." Jess asked as both males walked out of their last class of the day.

"Sure that sounds like it'll be fun!" Following the fox they reached Jess's dorm, opening it up the vulpine let out a sigh seeing a mess of clothes on the ground.

"I'm sorry for the mess my roommates don't pick up after themselves often, and I thought they had before they left.

"Oh don't worry, I don't mind, really." Joey said as he stumbled over a shirt as he followed the fox to a small couch.

"I can clean it up a bit, it's not a problem." Jess suddenly felt two paws on his shoulders that pushed him towards the couch, as the husky turned him around and sat him down.

"So what do you want to do?" Joey asked sitting down next to the vulpine.

"Well there's always TV." "Do you have a remote?" Glancing around Jess sighed a bit not knowing were the remote was.

"It's probably somewhere under the mess." As he started to get up Jess felt a paw tug on the base of his tail that sent him back down onto the cushions of the couch, and Joey standing up next to him.

"I'll find it pup don't worry."

"Well I can at least help." Jess said getting up as Joey started to move across the room.

"I know, but you've seemed distracted this past week. Sit down and relax I'll find it."

"Well I've had something on my mind, but its nothing that can keep me from finding a remote." Jess chuckled as he watched the husky bend over and moved a pair of pants tossing them into a corner. The short shorts the husky wore hugged Joey's rump tightly; looking closely Jess could barely make out the outline of the husky's sack. As he watched, Joey's tail seemed to move on its own, side to side, as he slowly stood straight he looked over his shoulder and smirked making the fox blush and look away as quickly as he could.

Trying to act like nothing had happened Jess padded over to a chair, he took a shirt of the seat and grinned seeing what they were looking for on it.

"Found it!" Jess said holding up the remote showing it to Joey before they went back to the couch. Jess sitting back down he found that Joey was standing in front of him grinning some.

"What is it? Is something wrong?"

"I just figured it out."

"What are you talking about?" Jess asked puzzled watching the husky move closer to him.

Straddling the fox Joey pushed his right pointer finger against the vulpine's chest as he moved his muzzle in closer. "It took me a while, but I just figured out you're gay."

Before Jess could respond Joey leaned in close and pressed his lips against the vulpine's. For a moment Jess' mind couldn't register what was happening until his eyes widened, his body tensing up. The world seemed to slow down to just them in the room as the kiss continued. Jess eventually relaxed his body, closing his eyes, as he rubbed his paws up the husky's sides. Joey heard a soft murr from the fox as he tilted his head and slipped his tongue into the other male's maw.

It seemed like hours went by as their tongues rubbed against each other, exploring each others maws, before they pulled away form the kiss to breath in some much needed air. Opening his eyes slowly Jess saw that Joey was smiling at him, the husky's arms warped around his neck keeping them both close together. They both stared into each other's eyes.

Joey sat back some, his paws traveling down the fox's chest. "It took a while, but what really gave it away was the blush you had after I caught you staring at my ass and also . . . this." Joey said as he rubbed a slight bulge in Jess's pants making the vulpine groan softly.

"P-please don't." Jess said moving the husky's paw off of his crouch as he blushed and looked away.

"Why?" Joey asked with a look of confusion on his face from the vulpine's response.

"I...I'm not," Jess stammered on the answer, part of him wanting to say the last word while a nagging feeling told him not too. Joey cupped the vulpine's cheek and moved his muzzle so they were looking at each other face to face.

"You don't know you're sexuality do you?" Joey asked with a gentle tone in his voice.

"I do though! I'm not . . . well I think . . ." Jess started but was silenced as the husky put a finger on his lips.

"Then tell me if you not gay, then why'd you kiss me back like that?" The vulpine lowered his head as he thought the question over in his mind.

"I... I dunno." Jess said after a while as he looked back at the husky.

"Okay, and how did it feel?"

"Well I - it felt . . . almost natural." Jess let out a sigh as the paw on his cheek moved to his chest. "I'm just not sure . . ."

Both furs were silent, except the sound of their breathing, as the minutes went by. "Jess I can help you if you want me to. I would be honored if you'd let me help you."

"I don't know Joey . . . I don't think that I can."

"And I bet you never thought you'd ever kiss a guy back like that too." Jess' cheeks flushed a deep red as the husky smirked at him.

"Yes well . . . I never thought a guy would kiss me before."

"Joey this is something you don't want to keep dwelling on over and over. It's best to know what you're sexuality is instead of question it."

"But I don't want to do something I might regret."

"How do you know you'll regret it if you didn't try it? Look, please let me help you ok?" Jess watched as the male leaned forwards some as he asked. A small voice in his mind told him no, but something in him, some longing desire screamed at him yes.

"I don't want to force you into something you don't want to do ok?" Joey said seeing the confusion on the fox's face as he leaned back. Joey was taken aback as the fox grasped his arm and pulled him close.

"I never said I wouldn't try," Jess took in a deep breath as the words lumped in his throat. "But if I say stop . . . at any time will you stop?"

"Of course I'll stop Jess." Joey said, a hint of sincerity in his voice, as he tried to keep his tail from wagging; he leaned in to kiss the fox but a black paw stopped him.

"There's umm . . . just one more thing ok?"

"Sure what is it?"

"Well umm . . ." Jess blushed as he looked away from the husky.

"What is it?"

"I've never had sex before."

Joey gave a soft smile as he cupped the vulpine's left cheek with his right paw. "Don't worry Jess I'll make sure you're first time will be the best thing you'll ever feel ok?" The fox nodded as Joey's left paw traveled down his chest.

"Ok then. Now let me do all the work ok? I want you to enjoy every moment of this."

"Alright." Is all the fox said before Joey leaned in and pressed his soft furred lips against his. Jess tensed up at the sudden movement but quickly relaxed as he tilted his head feeling the males tongue snake into his maw and explore his crevice. The fox used his tongue to fight the foreign invader in his maw.

Jess let out a soft whine as the kiss was parted to fast for him only to murr as soft kisses were planted on his neck. The fox panted lightly as furred paws rubbed along his body and kisses traveled down his torso. As Joey reached the bottom of the fox's shirt he slowly pulled the black cloth up and off the vulpine.

The husky tossed the shirt to the side as he stroked Jess' chest biting his lower lip as he looked over the males slim body. Joey smiled feeling the bulge press against his sex as he continued tracing the out lines of slight amount of muscle on Jess's stomach.

"Looks like you're enjoying this." Joey said as Jess blushed. Joey crawled down off the couch and kneeled on the ground; spreading Jess' legs wide as he moved himself closer to the large mound in the fox's blue jeans. Moving his paws to the jeans buttons Joey heard a groan as the jeans were undone and the zipper pulled down. Lifting his lower body up the fox felt his pants pull down and Joey murred seeing a large wet spot on his boxers.

Jess watched nervously as the canine in front of him licked his bulge just lightly enough that he could feel the tongue drag against the cloth, just before pulling the boxers down. Joey let out a groan seeing the swollen white sheath in front of his nose; the thick musk hitting his nose made his own member stir as chills ran down his spine.

The husky murred as he licked the white furry sac, watching as the pink tip of the fox's length poked out of its holder. Jess laid his head back resting it on the couch, his breathing quickening, as the new sensation of a warm broad tongue lap at balls slowly filled his mind.

"Oohh Joey that feels sooo good." Jess panted letting his tongue fall out of his mouth.

Joey smiled as dragged his tongue up the sac and sheath, tasting the pre forming at the tip of the fox's shaft causing the vulpine to groan and buck his hips slightly. Gripping the shaft with his right paw Joey pulled the sheath down the semi hard length. Leaning in close the husky licked up the member, his nose rubbing against the shaft as well, until he got to the head of the thick male meat.

Wrapping his lips around the tip Joey rubbed his tongue against the tip as he brought his head down the growing fox hood causing Jess to groan as he tried to grip the couch. Jess moaned loudly feeling his cock surrounded by such warmth as Joey dug his nose against his pubic fur. The fox lifted his head up to watch the husky start to bob his head up and down his thick shaft, inches of his manhood disappearing and reappearing in the hot husky maw over and over, moaning louder new feelings of bliss through his body. ~~~~~ "So Alex what do you want to do?" A white lupine asked the arctic fox as he nuzzled into his neck.

"I don't know Levi. What do you feel like doing?" Alex replied to the wolf stopping in front of their dorm room door.

"Like you have to ask?" Levi chuckled thrusting his hips into the fox's rear playfully making the vulpine giggle as he reached out to open the door.

"Oh you're a naughty one aren't you?" Alex said as the door swung open, and froze at the sight in front of them. ~~~~~

Jess groaned and moaned as the husky sucked on his hard cock faster, the sucking sounds coming from the canine driving him closer to the brink. Joey heard the fox's breathing become different as he suckled the tip of the shaft. Looking up the husky saw a surprised look on the fox's face and a brighter light on him. Pulling off of the shaft Joey turned his head seeing two white furred figures in the doorway.

"W-we're sorry this isn't our room." The smaller of the two, a white fox, stammered as he and the white wolf moved back into the hallway shutting the door behind them. For a moment the two males waited for something to happen before Joey turned back around.

"Well I didn't expect that to happen." He said getting up and padding over to the door and locking it.

"Uhhhh . . . Y-Yeah, did not expect that to happen either..." Jess finally said as the husky walked back over to him and took hold of his fully hard 6 inch cock making him groan.

"I don't think we should stop just because those two interrupted us." Joey spoke in a soft seductive voice as he slowly pumped the male meat in his paw; pre flowing from the tip and smearing into his paw fur as he squeezed it every time his paw reached the base, Jess moaning out.

Joey leaned in and kissed along the fox's neck stroking the dick faster. Feeling the vulpine's knot begin to expand Joey stopped pawing the length making Jess whine softly.

"I-I'm so close . . please don't stop." Jess panted watching the other canine step back.

"Don't worry Jess; you'll cum, just not yet." Joey said as he brought the paw that had been on the fox cock to his muzzle and licked slowly the pre from his fingers. After cleaning his fingers he reached for the bottom of his pink tee and pulled it over his head. Jess watched as Joey turned around and heard the sound of a button being undone and a zipper going down. Slowly pulling his shorts down Joey looked over his shoulder as he rocked his hips side to side as the shorts slid down his body and onto the floor.

Turning around Joey stood for a moment showing off his 7 inches of hard pink husky cock. Padding back to the couch he then straddled the fox, lowering his body over Jess' sensitive shaft. Jess let out a murr as Joey's rear and tail fur rubbed against his hard shaft. Joey wrapped his right arm around the vulpine's neck as he lifted himself up while moving his left paw to grasp the fox cock and positioned it under his tail base.

Lowering himself Joey let out a soft groan as the tip of the vulpine's shaft began opening his ring; Jess simply in a silent moan from the new feeling of heat on his dick. Jess wrapped his arms around Joey's waist as he pressed his head into the husky's neck feeling inches of his throbbing shaft entered Joey's hot tunnel.

"Oh g-god Joey . . this is . . amazing! You feel amazing!" Jess panted as the husky settled into his lap. Joey groaned in response as he raised himself up the thick fox cock and lowered himself back down, his dick throbbed as the canine shaft moved through his body. Both moaning as Joey impaled himself over and over and over.

Jess felt waves of pleasure wash over his being as his knot grew and pressed against the husky's ring with each downwards movement. Joey moaned as the vulpine's length rubbed against his prostate, his own pre dripping cock rubbed in between his and Jess's furred stomachs sending him in a state of bliss, as his knot began to grow.

Jess lowered his paws to Joey's hips as they pulled away from each other, the husky throwing his head back moaning louder as he started pumping his throbbing shaft in his right paw. Jess panted hard as he brought Joey down on his shaft hard while he rolled his hips up sending his knot into the husky's tail ring as an urge to tie with the male grew stronger.

"J-jess tie w-with me . . ." Joey pleaded feeling his orgasm closing fast, his knot now its full size. The fox nodded digging his claws into the husky's hips as he brought him down his rigid shaft as hard as he could until with a subtle *pop* and a yelp from Joey signaling his knot had lodged itself into the husky. Joey screamed in pleasure as the large knot assaulted his prostate as he squeezed his own knot causing his pulsing length to send a shower of white cum into the air covering the furs chests and stomachs.

Jess' eyes rolled up as he threw his head back as the sudden pressure on his knot, ropes of his hot lust up into the husky filling him as his balls contracted emptying their contents, both moaning out together.

Joey leaned his tired body into the fox as they embraced each other, as they looked into each others eyes before kissing each other deeply. Parting from the kiss Joey wrapped his arms around the fox's neck; rubbing his nose with Jess'.

"So how was . . . you're first time?"

"I - It was incredible Joey. Thank you for being my first."

Joey smiled before laying his head on the fox's chest. "You're welcome Jess. I'm glad I was you're first."


"I can't believe I opened the wrong door!" The arctic fox said walking into the dorm room, soon followed by a white lupine.

"Hey Alex at least this time we're in the right room." The wolf joked as he walked behind Alex and started kissing his neck. "But they did give me a few ideas."

"You already had ideas before seeing them," Alex giggled as Levi turned him around to face him.

Levi had a yearning look in his eyes as he let out a low lust filled growl. "Heh you bet I did cutie. How 'bout we take this to the bedroom and I'll show you what I had in mind."

"Mmmm that sounds like plan Lev." The arctic murred as Levi gently pushed him forwards causing him to walk backwards; the wolf leaned forwards kissing him as they made their way across the medium sized room, and into a closed door leading to Levi's room. Blindly searching for the door knob a white fox paw finally found it and turned it, the door opened which sent two furs sprawling into the small room. Alex let out a faint grunt as he hit the ground; Levi barely had time to send his paws forwards keeping himself from hitting the ground.

"Pup are you alright?" The wolf asked concern high in his voice.

"Y - Yea I'm fine," the vulpine replied as the last bit of faint pain left his body. Looking into the wolf's blue eyes, griping the lupine's hips Alex pulled him close. "Think we should continue here?"

"Sure that means less chance of us falling again." Levi chuckled settling down on top of the fox and continued their interrupted kiss. The furs murred as they rubbed paws along each others bodies as their embrace heated. Levi pulled away from the kiss and smooched down along the fox's neck. Alex bit his lower lip watching the wolf move down his chest and stomach stopping at his bulging crotch.

Alex let out a soft whine as Levi meticulously unbuttoned his straining pants. Pulling the zipper down the fox grunted as the wolf gave a hard yank pulling his pants and underwear down to his knees. Levi grinned as he sat up and undid his pants and let them fall down to his thighs revealing his swelled sheath.

"Please don't make me wait Lev." Alex begged the other male in a puppy like whine making the wolf grin wider.

"Get on you're hands and knees and I'll give you what you want love."

Obliging the lupine's request the vulpine shifted his weight as he rolled over onto his stomach. Propping himself up as his mate wanted Alex felt two furred paws grip his rear and pull him back into a thick male meat causing him to groan in response. Looking back the fox smirked at his mate watching him slowly dry hump his rear; the wolf's length slowly emerging from its furry holster spreading small amounts of pre against his furred ass.

"Babe don't tease me!" The vulpine whined wiggling his rear on the shaft.

"If that's what you really want hun." Levi said with a murr as he pulled his sheath down his semi hard rod; angling his cock he pushed his tip against his lovers hole enticingly electing a small groan from the fox. Turning his head around Alex's eyes almost fluttered feeling the hardening length spread his ring open and enter him.

"Ooh Lev you feel sooo good." Alex moaned laying his head down on the carpet as his tail hole was stretched more feeling the length in him throbbed growing harder. Levi let out a long pleasure filled sigh pushing his hips forwards until his hips met the fox's furred cheeks; his cock fully hard feeling the heat of his lover's passage around his shaft.

The wolf placed his right paw on the vulpine's back as he pulled out of the fox save for the tip as he pushed himself back into the male; pre streaming out of his tip helping lubricate his slow thrusts. Both males panted as the wolf continued bucking into the fox while Levi picked up a steady speed. Leaning down the white lupine rested himself on Alex's back, nuzzling into his neck, as a stray paw found its way under the fox and to a pre cum dripping cock.

The fox let out a loud an audible groan as his fox cock was pumped in the wolves paw sending waves of ecstasy coursing through his body; his knot forming rapidly as it was stroked faster. The wolf let out a growl as he bit into the scruff of the vulpine's neck, Alex moaning at the sudden action. Levi began thrusting faster into his mate feeling his knot stretching the male under him and the impending need to tie growing stronger with each passing second.

"L-lev I'm getting close." Alex moaned only getting a muffled grunting sound from the lupine whose bucking became more powerful. The large bulb hitting his rear worked itself a little farther into him, until suddenly with a slamming thrust forcing the fat knot into him sent Levi into a bucking frenzy biting somewhat harder onto the fur in his mouth.

Alex rolled his eyes as his moans became faster and higher in pitch feeling the tremendous waves of pleasure fill him; his cock throbbing harder and harder as the furred paw became a blur of white. Alex couldn't hold back anymore as he let out a blissful scream as waves or cum rocketed out of his cock and onto the wolf paw and floor. Levi began seeing spots as he tried to thrust as deep and hard into the cumming fox, the hot tunnel around his shaft mixed with the hard squeezing sent him over the edge as his bone hard cock shot of ropes of his burning seed into his lover.

Alex groaned as the wolf's thrusts became slower and deeper, the wolven cum in him just barely seeping out of him, until Levi stopped and released his hold on Alex's scruff. Licking the spot were he bit the wolf settled himself down nursing his lover's neck, both panting as they came down off their climaxes.

"God, hun that was amazing . . ." Alex murred after a while breaking the silence as he turned his head with a smile.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it babe." Levi said kissing the fox's nose. "You up for another round?"