Jeanette Prologue

Story by Zelda Zebra on SoFurry

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#1 of Jeanette book


Bill had been looking forward to this day for a month, now. Today would be his last day as "Jeanette Le Pew." He knew had screwed up stealing the porn downloads. They caught him, and now he had paid for it in kind! A month in a black and white fur-covered body designed by a couple of "adult film producers" was punishment enough! And what was the point of a tail anyway? Especially one, nearly four feet long, when upright it stood over his head! OK he had learned something from this experience, mostly how to pose for raunchy photos, and just how raunchy the porn business could be. Today was day 30 and the last photo shoot for Jeanette. Tonight he would be Bill again.

"Hay love, how did the shoot go today?" asked Larry as he tried to give his best selling model a hug.

"Don't you hay love me Larry! Today is the day I am finished. I did everything you and Jerry told me I had to do to 'work' off those images. So how does the change back work Larry?" Jeanette's voice was cold as ice, as she pushed Larry away yet again. Larry was one of the most easily disliked people Bill had ever met. There was nothing that stood out about him he was just ... Bill didn't have a word for what it was about Larry he didn't like and at a month old neither did Jeanette.

As Jerry entered the room Jeanette greeted him with much less ice in her voice "Oh hi Jerry." It was not that Bill liked him any more than he liked Larry but as Jeanette she trusted Jerry. That was of course absurd Jerry and Larry were partners. Jeanette just could not help it when Jerry was talking it all just sounded so ordinary. When it felt wrong Jerry always made her feel like it was her lack of experience. That with time and practice it would be all right.

"And a good afternoon to you Jeanette, today's shoot must have gone very well. I can't remember seeing the cameraman so excited. Why the long face Larry?"

"Jeanette wants to quit."

"Damn right I want to quit. I want my life back as Bill Defoe, IT specialist for a bank. I did what you told me I had to do, and now I'm through. So how do we do this, Larry?"

"With all the money we could make! You are our best seller right now ..."

"Larry, that is not my problem," Jeanette cut him off mid sentence as the smell of burning rubber began filling the air.

"What is that smell, Jerry?"

"Must be something in the neighborhood Larry, I've noticed it a couple of times this month."

"What about changing me back? It hasn't been all bad. But I am not interested in spending one more day as a 140 lb. upright skunk with big breasts and a four foot long tail." Bill had a tendency to exaggerate the length of the tail since it was constantly in the way. It knocked things off tables when she was moving around the apartment, and it was still getting caught painfully in doors. In the shower he stepped on it, and in bed she had to be careful when rolling from side to side or it would get caught in the covers or underneath him. Most of all Bill tended to think of it as part of Jeanette, and he'd had quite enough of that confusion.

Jeanette's tail was straight up as she stamped her feet for emphasis. She was not sure why, but stamping the feet just felt right, and it helped relieve a growing tightness under the tail.

"Now dear, I know this has been difficult for you, but you are getting so good at it, and this is going too well to quit now. It will run its course but until then please let us pay you one and a half times scale." Jerry approached Jeanette and reached out to take her hands.

"Don't 'now dear' me Jerry!" Jeanette stepped away from jerry and stamped again, more angrily. "I am done!"

"Ya know Jerry. She is rather stuck. I just don't see the bank hiring her back looking like she does." Said Larry as he stepped up beside Jerry and they both broke out laughing. "Jeanette we'll all just have to keep making money and getting rich. So we will ..."

Jeanette turned her back on them, too angry to look at them. She stamped her feet in frustration and leaned forward at the waist to stalk off to the bedroom when she realized Larry and Jerry were no longer laughing, but screaming, and coughing. She turned around to see them holding their faces. Then she noticed the tightness under the tail was gone. Oh goody, I sprayed them. How am I going to get that out of the carpet? She thought. Hold on there! I sprayed them! They'll never get that out of their hair. Quickly as she could, Jeanette rushed to the door to cut off escape.

"Well boys it would seem you're having second thoughts about backing out on our original deal."

"We'll make it right!" screamed Jerry "Just let us out! We can't breathe, and it burns our eyes!"

Jeanette moved away from the door but did not open it. "I will see you tomorrow then?"

"Yes yes yes we WILL make it right just let us out!"

Jeanette opened the door. "There you go boys."

With their eyes, still burning from Jeanette's spray Larry hit the door jam on the way out and Jerry crashed into the far wall. Jeanette wished very much she could dispel the odor. Judging from Larry and Jerry's reaction the apartment would be unbearable when he was Bill again. Oh well, finding a new apartment is a small price to pay. Jerry and Larry seemed to recover their ability to run without crashing into things as they proceeded down the hall.

"Larry, where did the smell go?"

"I don't care as long as it is gone and I can see again."

"What are we going to do?" asked Jerry.

"Find the old man that sold us the costumes, either that or get a dart gun and find a veterinarian that won't ask questions."

As a neighbor's door started to open Jeanette quickly closed Bill's door. I hope Mrs. Robertson didn't see me. How could I ever explain this?

"William I know you are in there. What is going on? What was that dreadful smell? And who are those men that keep hanging around. They are up too no good! Oh, someone is burning tires again. William answer me."

"Mrs. Robertson I still have this nasty flu, and ... uh ... a sinus infection. I can't smell a thing."

"William you sound different. You should get that checked."

"Thank you. If I am not feeling better by tomorrow, I will. I really must be getting back to bed. Thank you for checking up on me." Jeanette quietly moved away from the door. That won't work much longer.

Mrs. Robertson shaking her head returned to her apartment. "What a strange boy." She muttered to herself, "This used to be such a nice building."

At home in their office, Larry telephoned the old man known to him only as Rodolfo. "...Yes she sprayed us! ... I have run over a 5 pound skunk before, but let me tell you when a 150 pound skunk lets go, it's worse than you can imagine ... Wait, let me write this down ... yes ... uhha ... ok ... got it. That will take care of everything you say. OK."

"Jerry!" yelled Larry as he hung up the phone. "We can do this."

"Good I wasn't looking forward to telling her we couldn't change her back."

Ring ... rings ... "Hello, oh hi da' ... Mr. Defoe ... Your son. He just stepped out ... I know ... Is there anything you want me to tell him. He has been looking forward to the game Saturday ... OK I will tell him. Good bye." This cannot go on much longer. What would I do if he came over here? Yipe.

Ring .... Rings .... What is so special about today? I don't normally talk to three people in a week, and it is just noon. "Hello ... Oh it's you ... You have! ... This afternoon ... I should wear something comfortable? ... It is none of your business what am I wearing now ... Good by Larry." Hot damn those bastards are going to do it. I was afraid they wouldn't or couldn't.

Thrilled at the promise of being Bill again he ran into his bedroom and grabbed a shirt, T-shirt, jockey shorts, denim skirt, blue jeans, shoes, and socks. He slipped out of the robe, and walked to the bathroom to shower. When 'working' Bill tended to think of herself as Jeanette, it helped him keep this episode separate from the rest of his life, or so he hoped. Either way Jeanette always showered after a shoot, as if she could wash off the hand prints of the other actors. What was he going to do with all this shampoo? Wondered Bill as Jeanette worked up a great lather might as well send it back clean. Rinsing took longer than any other part of the shower. Jeanette's coat could hold a lot of shampoo, but drying was easy. The truth of the matter was that Jeanette's coat shed water very well. In fact, it took some work to get wet all the way to the skin.

Bill finished drying off, and put on his shirt. He had been bigger in the shoulders, and Jeanette was bigger in the chest, so it worked out fairly well. Pants were another matter. He was going to wear them tonight, and visit his father, but they would not accommodate Jeanette's tail. So for now it had to be just the skirt with the hole and buckle to accommodate the tail. Next came the shoes, the socks rumpled the fur on the feet and ankles. Jeanette never wore socks, but Bill was not going to have his bare feet in shoes of any kind, and so rumpled fur was the compromise.

Setting the bundle of clothes that she could not where, but that he would need, on the kitchen table Bill was ready to go, and hungry. Tonight I can go shopping, and get a three pound steak, but in the mean time what can I hunt up in the icebox?

After what seemed like an eternity of endless solitaire on his computer Bill heard Jerry and Larry let themselves in through his front door, an annoying habit of theirs.

"So how will you two make this work?"

Jerry explained in his typically comforting manner that "Larry will draw a door on the wall with this chalk. Then Jeanette you will open it and walk through the door. Presto chango everything is taken care of."

"That's all there is to it? I thought it would be more complicated than that."

To which Jerry responded, "So after being changed into a five and a half foot tall skunk by wearing a costume changing back is supposed to be complicated?"

"Point Jerry, when do we start?"

"Right now" Said Larry as he began drawing on the wall between Bill's living room and his bead room. Larry tended to get carried away in all things artistic and this was to be no exception. He drew a door, door frame, trim, hinges, panels, and finally a doorknob.

"So what happens now you two?"

Before either of them could answer, there was a knock on the newly drawn door.

Bill / Jeanette walked to the door, took hold of the doorknob and pulled. The door opened, to reveal a tiny horse like a creature shrouded in an obscuring mist. "May I help you?" asked Bill, not at all sure what to do.

"Jeanette Le Pew?"


"Come then, I don't have all day."

Bill looked at Jerry and Larry. They just shrugged.

"Are you coming, or are you going to remain as you are?"

Bill grabbed the clothes he had set aside and quickly stepped through the door. Immediately Jerry and Larry rushed over shut the door and began erasing the chalk.