Jeanette Prologue the rest

Story by Zelda Zebra on SoFurry

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#2 of Jeanette book

"What the ..." shouted Bill.

"Follow me or you will become lost in here."

With an effort of will, Bill followed the tiny horse.

"Here we are," said the horse "Go through this door and that should take care of everything." Abandoning him in front of a door, which looked just like all the doors they had passed, the tiny horse vanished. No smoke or flash the creature was simply gone.

Had they walked in a circle? Was this the door back to his apartment? Oh well magic was something Bill had known nothing about. He took hold of the doorknob, closed his eyes, opened the door, and stepped through. Two sensations told him things were dreadfully wrong, first the feel of the wind up the skirt and second the wind on her tail. Bill / Jeanette spun around just in time to see the door lose substance and begin to drift away on the wind. Jeanette chased the door for a short while before striking a defiant pose, shaking her fist, and shouting "You lying bastards. If I ever get my hands on you, I'm going to shove my tail so far up your noses you'll never smell anything else."

Well, better find a highway thought Jeanette. Maybe a fan will spot me 'can I have your autograph, a quick feel, and where can I drop you'. Ooh, those two sleaze-balls thought Jeanette stamping her feet when I find them. About then she noticed the release of a now familiar tightness under her tail. "Well Jeanette you're not going to be welcome at parties until you get control of that spray mechanism, and I better get used to Jeanette."

After a brief look around, Jeanette began walking down hill. Almost immediately, she came to a road or perhaps a well-traveled trail. She turned right for no apparent reason other than she thought it would take her west. As she walked, Jeanette noticed that everything was familiar and strange at the same time. The trees looked perfectly ordinary, but she couldn't identify any of them. The birds were ordinary but again she did not recognize any of them either.

After about two hours of walking, Jeanette came to a stone bridge. I have to get these socks off, and rinse out this skirt. Thought Jeanette, as she sat on the stone rail of the bridge to remove her shoes and discarded the socks. Next she took off the skirt, and climbed down to the water's edge. At the waters edge Jeanette took a quick look around thinking to herself I have been more exposed than this, and with cameras rolling. The skirt came clean with very little work. Holding the skirt up for a better look Jeanette thought to herself. That was easier than I expected. Skunk was supposed to be very, hard to get out of things. Oh well, let's not to complain about trivial concerns. Speaking aloud as she climbed back up the bank. "It's not like I don't have enough to think about already."

Jeanette laid out the skirt to dry on the bridge railing, and then sat on the railing with her feet dangling over the water. She tried to take stock of her situation. Ticking things off on her fingers, she thought. I am a skunk, and probably stuck as such. I have no idea where I am, I am getting hungry, and while I hunt just fine in a grocery store I don't think I am near one now.