Under the Silver Moon

Story by Qortez on SoFurry

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This story does contain adult content, if you are not interested in that sort of thing then navigate away from this page, if such does strike your fancy than read up and tell me what you think.

The only things worse than the foul creatures reek was the taste of their blood on his pallet, his breath came heavy, his muscles ached, these creatures didn't seem to know when to give up...or more accurately...they knew the tiring warriors could not keep this up forever.

Though they held back for the moment giving the group a slight reprieve, they simply had not expected to take such casualties ambushing such a small party in the depths of the caverns.

Tramer let the sword in his right hand go limp, the tip stabbing into the rock below, "Trena, Rachel...you ok?" he asked, glancing behind him seeing a young eleven girl, as well as a fiery female human, their clothing was tattered and soiled, and they were breathing just as hard as Tramer.

"Ya..." was the weary answer from the elf Maiden, "Though we cant keep...this up much longer" the human girl replied.

Looking down to his right a Stout dwarf stood defiant, staring down the creatures as if to scare them away using his sheer will alone...Tramer was surprised it don't not work, seeing the ferocity in the dwarfs features.

"We don't need magic!" the dwarf chuckled, "From what I have seen of these swine you and me my brother can take them with a hand tied behind each of our backs!" he continued, not a hint of fear in his voice or on features as he raised his battle axe above his head.

Tramer simply smiled halfheartedly, he was honored to have the dwarf refer to him as brother...it was rare for a human to earn such respect from a dwarf to be complement so. All the same Tramer was able to see the situation a bit more clearly than the battle drunk dwarf...a seemingly endless wave of troll like creatures...far more primitive than the trolls he knew of...though trolls were the closest things these creatures looked like...or smelt like for that matter. Furthermore with the girls getting exhausted, the group of four stood little chance without magic, himself and the dwarf would fight to the end, and he did not fear dying in such a battle...though he could not wrap his head around the thought of Trena and Rachel being next...

"Qortez, it has been a honor my brother" Tramer said as he raised his twin blades, the enchanted steel glistened in the dim light,

"It returns?" an all to familiar voice echoed in Tramer's mind, the blades he wielded, though they granted him with great power...came at a cost. "What returns?" Tramer mumbled under his breath, his expressions changing from their usual calm to a scowl.

The dwarf looked to Tramer, worry on his face...since he had found those durn blades Tramer had not quite been himself, seeing the man he had known since he was no taller than himself...talking to folks that were not there...though in the end Tramer always said he was fine....and Qortez trusted Tramer before any mortal.

Trena and Rachel were less confident than the dwarf as they exchanged worried glances, the four were all child hood friends...and in the last few weeks seeing Tramer act so...though the two were quickly pulled from there unconsciously shared thought as loud thud shook the caverns. At first they assumed it was a battle drum...more of these creatures coming, though it quickly became apparent that the creatures were not responsible... as many began to run in fear it was clear they likely knew the source.

The thud was quickly fallowed by another, and another, it was a quick beat, getting ominously close, only a hand full of the creatures remained, though their attention was far from the group as their heads kept darting off to the side, a large dark passageway being what they keep looking to, after a moment even the last decided it was not worth it and ran.

Tramer just let a sigh..."We escape one evil...to be granted the other" he said in an irritated voice, something rather unlike the usually calm man.

The girls took a stance readying what little magic they had left in them, the dwarf held his axe to his chest ready for anything, Tramer let his swords fall limp, his temper cooling he took a moment to consider the situation..."Should we follow the creatures...or take are chances with what scared them away?" he asked. He already knew the answer, and so with the silence of the group he took a fighting stance, one sword held high over his head, the other low below his torso.

All four tensed as they saw a massive shadow form in the passageway, images of fangs and claws tore at the group's imaginations, though all were left speechless as movement came from the passage.

A tall and slender woman approached, her beauty was unlike anything the four had ever seen! Even the two girls could not help but gawk. Her elegant silver hair went to her waist, her skin was fair and seemed free of any mark, her eyes were a dark and deep blue, she wore a simple white dress, which only complemented her features more.

Awestruck as he was Tramer was still aware, the sound that had scared off the creatures had to come from somewhere, "Halt..." he called forward halfheartedly, clearly confused by the situation.

The woman simply smiled, raising a hand she lightly brought it down as if to simply wave, in reaction a massive thud echoed in the cave, "If one gets creative with magic, one can fend off armies with no more than a flick of the wrist" she said in a angelic voice that almost seemed to reach into the inner most depth on ones soul.

"Durn good timing if I don't say so me'self" the dwarf said chipper as he lowered his axe.

"What are you doing in these depth?" came the quick words heavy in elven accent from Trena.

Tramer did not interrupt Trena's question, it did seem a bit too convenient to find anyone else down here.

"I could ask the same of you" the girl said a clear calm voice, "I heard a band of fools had headed into the depth of the catacombs...something about recovering the lost gems of Rotoain" she continued, "I have spent a deal of my life exploring these caves...I know the dangers...though by time I found of your journey, you had long since set off, so I followed to do what I could"

Sheathing his blades he let out a sigh, "And now that you have found us and saved the day?" he asked wondering if she was simply a thief looking to get to the spoils.

"I help you get out of course" she replied simply, her expression was as though there was no other response in her mind.

"What's your name young lass" the dwarf said as he approached.

The girl paused for a moment, "Sorra" she said making a bowing motion to the dwarf.

"Aw...Sorra, what a fine name that be, myself I am Qortez, the tall one behind me is Tramer are leader, behind him the elf full of scorn..." the stout dwarf paused looking back to Trena with a chuckle "is Trena, and the red head is Rachel"

"It is a pleasure to meet you all, I am just glad I arrived in time...when I Saw how many their numbers had swelled to...I worried even I would not be able to scare them away in time." Sorra said, a hint of worry crossing her face, "Well, let us be off, we should not linger, they will return with far greater forces."

"Greater forces?" Tramer mumbled as he followed without question...as the way they had came in was by chance in the same direction as the way the creatures had fled.

"I don't trust her..." Trena said in little more than a whisper as she approached Tramer and Qortez.

"We don't have much of a choice...either we follow her and have a chance...or we go and try and to share drinks with our previous...friends"_ _Tramer stated, keeping his voice down so as to keep Sorra from hearing.

The trek was far shorter than the group had expected, only about fifteen minutes of walking had passed before hints of sunlight were becoming visible, "Wish we would have known about this entrance." Tramer stated as he stepped into the fresh air of the open cavern, the welcome sun worming his face.

"Would have certainly beat having to deal with all those undead guarding the tomb entrance." the dwarf added.

"We are in you debt." Tramer stated as he made a bowing motion to the mysterious young girl.

"It was my pleasure." she said plainly.

The five then set back for the closest town, a night or two in a good inn, and a few tankards of ale were what the group needed. Though Sorra kept with the group and shared in their conversation she refused any drink, simply saying "Alcohol didn't agree with her./...". Qortez pushed the subject for a bit, though before long he was snoring under a random table and bugged Sorra no more.

"This one is not what they seem...they never lie, but the truth never shows"_ _again the all too familiar voice echoed inside Tramer's mind, his eyes were locked on the young girl, her beauty still mesmerizing as she chuckled at the now unconscious dwarf.

"NEWS!!" a man yelled as he burst into the inn, his breath came in gasps as he nearly doubled over, "...theee....the...fort" he stopped as the innkeeper handed him mug of water, chugging the liquid he took a moment to catch his breath, "the Fortress of Gorin is under siege!" he said, worry overtaking his expression, "the dragon armies are on the move..." he said in a broken voice.

Tramer looked deep into his mug as if looking for some desperate response, when they had left the fort they had believed they would have months before the dragons of the north would make their move...clearly they had been mistaken. "We must return to the fortress..." Tramer said in a stern voice, "They will not be able to hold long, with the two stones we recovered we might be able buy some time." he continued as he rose to his feet, stumbling slightly it was clear just as the dwarf, Tramer himself had had a bit too much to drink.

"To be of any effect we need the remaining six!" Trena yelled.

"Trena is right, the two though powerful...We would not buy much time..." the more petite voice of Rachel added.

"Gorin is the only natural or man made choke point from the northern lands...if it falls dragons will overtake us...in the high mountains their flight does them little good in the thin cold air, though in the low valleys..." he paused thinking back to horrid memories of battles since past, "They would be unstoppable." he continued.

"You are both right." Sorra said interrupting the group, "If you rush back now you would only be prolonging the inevitable...and if you simply continued on your journey...they would overtake the fortress and soon after all of this land...the gems would be too little too late" she finished, her voice a fair bit more optimistic than it probably should have been. "Do you not see the best course of action?" she added looking to Tramer, whom now stood beside her.

"Split up..." he said under his breath, he hated the idea...though it made sense...most could go with the gems they had and help defend the fort...while one continued looking for the other gems. "Qortez, Trena, Rachel, you are all to head back and report to the commander, take the gems we have." he ordered.

"What! You went slow in the head?!" the dwarf mumbled from under his table, "How will you gather the gems alone?" he coined, his eyes never opening.

With a chuckle Tramer approached, "Well, for one the two we have would have been a walk in the park if someone was not shaking the entire cave" he said gently kicking the dwarf, his layers of chain mail and plat clanked and rubbed making everyone chuckle to themselves.

"I will go with you." Sorra added, "I am a adept magic user."

Tramer paused looking back to the woman, a questioning expression came to his features, though in the end he had no reason...not to trust her, she did save all their lives, she deserved as much as a bit of trust he ended up concluding.

"It's decided, me and Sorra will continue searching, you guys keep the enemy at bay." he said looking over everyone, a smile cracking on his face as Qortez started snoring again.

Shortly after the decision everyone made for bed...except the dwarf...in his armor no one wasted the time to try and move him, Rachel getting him a blanket and pillow form the room, he would do fine where he was.

"It's not a good idea." Trena stated.

"Do you have anything better?" Tramer rebuked, the hour was early in the morning, the sun still had yet to rise, though as was often the case himself and Trena found each other wandering around on through sleepless nights.

"..." with no reply Trena turned away, her elven posture slacking as she leaned up against a nearby wall, "I don't trust her..." she said her voice unusually timid.

"Is that a hint of jealousy?" Tramer said with a chuckle, he knew such would fire her back up to her usual self, the two were close...and at a time more than close, though long ago they decided it best if their relationship remained platonic.


Tramer was taken off guard as she didn't yell at him, she didn't say anything at all. "What's the matter?" he said his voice now dead serious.

Running off with tears rolling down her checks, she was gone before Tramer had a chance to react.

Just standing flabbergasted for several moments he tried to retrace what he had said to see if he could figure out what he had done...it was unlike her to react like this.

"Sorry..." a familiar voice said sheepishly from behind.

"Sorra!" Tramer said a bit surprised by her presence, under usual circumstances not even an elf could sneak up on him...though she got within how many feet? He soon dismissed the thought, he was distracted, that was all.

"I did not mean to come between you two, I did not know you were...together..." she said in an apologetic tone.

"No, no...it's not that, we're just friends, we have been through a lot and she is worried" he said looking off into the darkness of the forest, "At least I think that's it?" he added with a shrug, "Don't take this the wrong way...though I never have been able to figure you women out."

Sorra simply smiled, "Any clue where the next stones are?" she asked taking note a subject change was much in order.

"Two towns south from here there is a legend of a magical stone keep in an abandoned mages tower...from the description it sounds like what we're looking for..." he said looking over to Sorra, "It's the best we've got..."

"The town of Corbros? Or the village of Saha?" Sorra asked as she thought back to all the small towns and villages in the area.

"In-between actually, the tower is just off the from the town, though not quite to the village." Tramer replied, impressed this young girl seemed to know the land so well, perhaps she would come of use for more than simply magic. "You know these lands well?"

"You could say that..." she replied in a content tone.

The morning passed all too quick for the weary adventures, before they knew it their farewells had been said and Tramer and Sorra were waving as Trena, Rachel and Qortez started off in the other direction.

The two traveled to the tower only to find it a false lead, though there was a massive jewel keep in the tower, no magic resided in it. For many months the two continued their travels, Tramer quickly starting to trust the mysteries young girl as much as any of his other companions. They found two more stones on their journey before hearing word of the fort, it seemed the Daedrac had joined forces with the defenders of the fort, the strange creatures thought to be the mix of a dragon and human were hated by both, though when the dragons burned their cities in the north to the ground they quickly were able to put their hatred for humans aside for a moment.

This news was strangely disturbing to Tramer, it seemed all too convenient, he knew the saying "The enemy of my enemy is my friend..." though that only applied in a black and white world...rarely did such exist.

"What are you looking at?" Sorra's voice inquired as she approached.

It was only then that Tramer realized he had been staring blankly forward for a good deal of time, "N--nothing, its nothing." he replied trying to arrange his thoughts.

"You have not been yourself since the messenger?" a look of worry crossing the girls face, "Was it not good news?"

"Very good...too good." he lightly bit on his tongue as was habit when he was torn, "I have fought the Daedrac before...they're more dragon than human...in the past they have served the Dragons..." he said his eyes again fading in thought, "Why would the dragons destroy their cities?" he added looking over to Sorra.

"Good question? Though Dragon's are mysterious creatures...perhaps their arrogance led them to believe the Daedrac were not needed?" her voice calm and clear, her expressions was still one of worry, she did not like seeing Tramer like this...his usual strong posture slumped over looking as a man half drained of life, his usual unwavering voice was filled with worry..."Your friends are still there? Right?"

Tramer chuckled lightly, "Ya..." he said giving Sorra a halfhearted smile.

"See, you trust them, if there is something amiss they will deal with it accordingly." she said smiling herself, glad to see Tramer's heat lifted...even if only a slight bit. "Now! ...where are we going?" she said looking around puzzled.

Tramer smiled warmly at Sorra with a chuckle soon followed by a sigh, "There should be an abandoned city a few miles ahead, supposedly in the treasury of the castle...there are several of the stones we seek..." he paused looking forward toward there destination, "from the rumor...possibly all four the remaining..." he added his tone that of halfhearted hope.

Sorra made no reply, she simply found herself staring warmly at the man, a smile on her face as she watched him, "he's a good man"_ _she thought to herself, such worry for others, his friends...even more for people he didn't even know, it seemed almost as his heart could fit all the people of the world. She admired such undying devotion to life, though at times she could help but wonder his careering would end with humans...dwarfs...elves...if he was faced with it, would he care for any other? Her head hung low with such thoughts, in her heart she knew he would...she hoped...

Such thoughts though were set aside when the pair arrived at the city, a ghost town more accurately, broken windows and doors ajar, countless weeds and even a few trees dotted the crumbling roods, the forest was already trying to reclaim this place.

"Lets not wander here any longer than necessary" Tramer said glancing around, "Something about this place is unsettling..." he added looking to Sorra, his eyes lingered for a moment taking in her features, she had a very shapely body, one any man could not help but gawk at, her hair was glimmering silver a facet he had never even seen with the elves, though far beyond her body her mind and soul intrigued Tramer, she was a strange one to say the least, she knew the land well, names of cities, towns, some of which that had been abandoned years before. Where in cities she seemed confused by some of the simplest things...like in a inn she had thought they paid to sleep in the main floor...she had clearly never been exposed to a tavern...though reluctant at first she ended up drinking till Tramer had to carry her out of the tavern singing...though she swore she would never touch a mug again when she awoke the next day, Tramer found himself smiling at the thought.

"Yes?" Sorra asked, a confused expression on her face.

"N--nothing...just..." his voice trailed off as he lightly spurred his horse forward.

Sorra found herself blushing lightly, she was glad he set forward, she thought about inquiring further on his ...just... though he seemed to be blushing himself, she didn't need him to see her red cheeks. The pair settled in an old abandoned Inn, the structure seeming to have suffered less damage from the passing of time compared to much of the rest of the city.

The moon was high in the sky when Sorra began to stir, a slight moan escaping her lips her eyes opened, finding her hand rubbing in between her legs a she let a slight frustrated grown still half asleep and irritated she was not able to finish her dream, now fully awake she continued to rub herself, her juices starting to wet her dress. Reluctantly pulling her hand from in between her legs she rose to her feet, this was just not working, she needed more stimulation. An image of Tramer flashed though her mind, a major subject of the dream she had just woken from, "no...I cant..."_ _she thought grinding her teeth seeing the man sleeping soundly.

Heading out of the Inn she untied one of the two horses, Tramer's large stallion. Leading the horse off toward a dense patch of growth in the city the young woman was far too distracted to notice a shadow following well within eye sight.

Tramer had stirred as Sorra left the Inn, getting a bit worried seeing her untying a horse he followed silently, he lost sight of her for a moment as she entered a dense patch of growth where the forest had reclaimed part of the city, he was not ready for what his eyes showed him, Sorra was well in the process of changing, her elegant form was shifting, her skin changing to brilliant silver scales, a long tail sprouting from behind. Slumping down leaning agents a brick wall Tramer watched dumbfounded as this new trusted companion turned out to be a dragon...the enemy... though he had never seen a silver dragon before, this caught him as odd, though he was not able to linger on the thought, it seemed this dragon had a purpose for bringing the horse.

The horse tied to an old post where it was able to do little as the woman shifted into her true form, clearly fearful the beast pulled and strained against the ropes that bound it, though to no avail. Sorra turned away from the creature, this only seemed to confuse the animal further, raising her tail and lifting it to the side her swollen sex was clear, and her scent seemed to even grasp the attention of the near panicking horse. Clearly confused the horse did calm a bit. Backing up toward the beast seeing it was getting the idea Sorra paused arching her back as the horse's snout made contact with her needing sex. The beast tasted the dragoness its broad tongue grazing her most sensitive areas, though she was taken rather off guard the large beast quickly jumped up mounting the dragoness with surprising speed, even though this was the reaction she wished for it was all happening a bit to quickly, before she could think more on it though she gasp as the horses member found its mark, instinctively she raised her hindquarters giving her mate better access, hilting the very willing female the horse paused for a moment, Sorra let a long moan, moving her own hips as the horse began to thrust she timed her movements with that of the beast on top of her. Though before long the horse's breathing quickened, and then with a deep thrust he was spent, releasing a mass of seed deep within the dragoness, Sorra arched her back even more, the deep warmth within her setting fire to her blood as no flame ever could, though she was not to her climax, even with the horses seed spilling from her she was not yet satisfied.

Finished for the moment the horse pulled himself off the dragoness and bleated triumphantly, Sorra stood still keeping her tail raised, she burned with passion, looking back to the horse needingly as if it would understand. Needing stimulation of any manner she backed up to the post that the horse was tied to, rubbing up against the structure created some sensation, a low growl of frustration escaped her muzzle as it clearly was not enough. Then just as all seemed lost the horse nipped at her rear smarts, normally she would eaten the beast for such, though at the moment the attention of the animal was all that mattered in her mind, turning her rear to face the animal without pause she made sure her tail was not in the way, and in short order the beast was again on top her, her long slender tongue hung from her agape jaw as the horse again slid into her now well lubricated passage. She was close now, a steady mur of pleasure came from her throat in anticipation of the sensation building between her legs. Her maw wide open she raised her head high in the air as her climax overtook her, arching her back she rose her rump allowing the horse to penetrate even deeper into her passage, "Tramer..." she muttered clearly envisioning something other than a beast on her back. The horse quickly came to is climax as well, her tight passage milking its member, hot spurts of his seed spilling out her womb already well filled, a combination of fluids dripped down her thighs soaking the scales of her legs and underbelly. Again content the horse pulled himself off in short order.

Sorra fell to the ground her legs weak from the power of her orgasm, her eyes closed as her body began to return to her human form, letting herself rest for a moment clearly she had yet to notice that she had had an audience.