Caedece - Chapter 1

Story by Vayne_Arunion on SoFurry

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#1 of caedece

Bzzt...bzzt...bzzt...bzzt..."God I'm up, I'm up," Vayne said to no one inparticular, as he rolled over and hit his alarm clock. Why his parents decided to punish him by turning his automated sytem to his room was beyond him. He didn't do anything wrong, unless having his grades drop some and throwing a party without his parents permission was bad. But alas he would never understand his parents. Rolling over Vayne got up and crawled out of his bed and headed to his bathroom as was his custom evey morning. When he got into the bathroom he couldn't help but stare at himself in the mirror. Standing at 5'5" and weighing a little over 130 lbs, he couldn't help but not like what was staring back at him. He had a sswimmers build, even though he didn't swim for his school you could always catch him at the pool. He was most proud about his six pack that just became really noticable a few months back. He was so proud of it that he just couldn't help but show it off whenever he got a chance. Vayne knew that he had a good body, but the thing that he loved the most about himself that always managed to have people talk about him was his eyes. His left eye was a very firece violet were as his right eye was the lightest ice blue possible. He constantly fucked with people because of his eyes and he had even more fun with people who didn't know about his eyes. The last thing that some people talked about was his shoulder length blond hair that he let frame his face naturaly.

After looking himself over in the mirror Vayne decided that he was going to get a shower and since it was a Friday and he didn't have school he was going to take his time. Stepping into the shower Vayne couldn't help but moan as the water cascaded down over him. This was one of his favorite times of the day because it was just him and he had peace. The only thing better than his shower was spending time with his big burly boyfriend Sam. Just thinking about Sam and the things they did the previous afternoon had him hard. Vayne slowly carressed his 7 in shaft and moaned softly. He couldn't wait to have Sam back in him. Vayne started sliding his hand up and down on his shaft thinking about the great sex he and Sam had. Vayne still couldn't get over the fact that his boyfriend had a 9.5 in cock. It filled him so completly and just the memory of that rod inside him had him at the edge. Reaching behind himself he took the first two fingers of his left hand and shoved them inside him and started playing sith his prostate. Just playing with his prostate brought him to a shudderingg climax. Vayne felt very happy just flotting there in his after glow but at the same time he couldn't help but think that..that was a waste of good cum. Vayne finished his shower and got out slowly dryig himself. After drying himself he wrapped the towel around his waist and walked into his room and got a new pair of briefs on and put on a pair of brown cargo shorts and a Phantom Brothers shirt.

Walking down the stairs into the kitchen he was suprised to see his mother still home. He was hoping that he would be able to come down and have anything that he wanted for breakfast. "Good morning sweety," said Vaynes mom.

"Good morning. What are you still doing here I thought you had to work today?"

"I do, but I don't have to be there till this afternoon cause that is when the shoot takes place. I thought that we could go shopping and we could get you some new clothes for your trip next week."

"That's cool, as long as you don't take me into girly stores. Just because I am gay doesn't mean you can dress me as a girl." Stiffling a laugh Vaynes mom couldn't help but think back to what she did to her son soon after he came out to her and his father.


Vayne was 15 when he came out to his parents. It was like any other day when he got the courage to finaly confront his parents and tell them that he was gay. That morning Vayne made sure that he was up before his parents so that he could tell them that he wanted to talk to them that night and he was hoping that both of them could be home that night. Seeing that whatever he wanted to talk to them about both of Vaynes parents agreed to be home that night.

Arriving home before his parents Vayne had some more time to think on how he was going to confront his parents about this. I can just come out and say Mom, Dad...I am gay, thought Vayne. But at the same time he could slowly ease them into the fact that he was gay. Both of his parents arrived home about the same time that night cause they were worried that something horrible was happening with their son, so they made arrangments with theirr jobs, so they could be home early that night. Walking into the house both parents could see their son pacing in the living room looking like he was wrestleing with something in his mind. Coughing to get his sons attention, "Vayne were home son please calm down and tell us what is going on. You are worring me and you mother."

"Could you both please sit down I don't know how you are going to take this." Vayne asked.

"Sure son just get it out you know you can to us with anything that is bothering you.", said his mom.

"Okay well the thing is....I...I...I am...God this is hard." Taking some deep breaths to slow his heart rate down and to get his thoughts straight Vayne started again. "Mom, Dad....I am....I am gay. There I said it I am gay and know you hate me, I can see it in your eyes." Vayne started to tear up because of the looks he was getting from his parents. His mother just stared at her son in shock and as everything slowly clicked in her head on what her son had told her, she could see that he was about to brake down into tears. So she imediatly got up and ran to comfort her son. "Oh baby I could never hate you. You will always be my little boy and I couldn't hate you for who you are. If you would like I can have some of the people from my work talk to you cause you know a lot of those guys are gay."

Pamela Arunion was one of the worlds most successful fashion designers that got her start as a model at the age of 18. When she had her son 8 years later she decided to become a designer and for the past 5 years she has been named on of the worlds hottest women, even though she has a child. She was fine with her son being gay because a lot of the people that work for her and with her were gay, so she saw no problem with that.

Pamela looked to her husband to come and help there son, but was suprised when he just stood up and walked out of the room. He didn't even acknowledge their son. That hurt Vayne very badly because one of the people he most wanted support from was his dad. He was Vaynes hero because he was such a nice guy and he built his company up from the very ground and was now one of the worlds most renowned C.E.O.s of Croms Manufacturing. Frank Arunion couldn't believe that his son just told him that he was gay. All that was going through his mind was that he was never going to have grandkids and that made him vey sad. Because he basicaly shut down the only thing he could do was stand up and walk out of the living room and head to his bedroom.

After that night it took his father a few weeks to fully accept his son and be comfortable in that knowledge. But during those few weeks Pamela took her son to work to talk to some co-workers and she also planned to take her son shopping for new clothes. She wanted to play a joke on her son and when the day came that they were to go shopping together she took him to a store that specialized in crossdressers. Vayne couldn't believe that his mom would bring him to a place like this exspecially since he wasn't a crossdresser. When he saw the look on his mom's face he couldn't help but blush. She couldn't get over the look that he gave her and started to laugh out loud at him. Needless to say Vayne rarely let his mom go shopping for clothes with him again.


On their way to the mall Pamela couldn't help but start asking her son questions about his upcoming trip. She couldn't remember where he was going cause work has been very stressful lately. "So where are you going again Vayne?" asked Pamela.

"I am going to Alpha Centari and you know that mom."

"Oh yeah that's right. I totaly forgot that was where you were going. You are going to like it out there, it is very beuatiful this time of year."

"I know that is why I chose to go to this place."

"Thats all fine and good but I want you to be safe. "

"I will be mom and you know that I wont be alone. Sam will be there and he is my big, burly, and handsome boyfriend that won't let anything happen to me. Plus the whole senior class will be there also."

"I know but you know I don't feel safe with you going out there without me or your father with you. Don't forget what happened to your cousin Charles."

"I won't forget about him, how could I?" Vayne asked. Charles was 18 years old when he just disapeared of off a routine flight from Earth to the Moon. His body was never recovered and the only thing that family could hope was that he was in slavery and not dead. "Good so you won't have a problem calling me every day letting me know that you are safe then." Pamela asked.

"Yes mom I will make sure to call you evey day and let you know that I am safe. Now can we please get to the mall, I have some things that I would like to get."

As they arrived at the mall Vayne wass the first to get out of the vehicle and he told his mom that he would meet her at the food court. He hadd some things that he needed to get. Running into the mall Vayne ran to the nearest jewelry store to get the item that he wanted to get. Looking into the glass displays he was happy to see the rings that they had on display. He wanted to get him and Sam some promise rings because he loved him and he wanted them to be together for the rest of their lives. He planned on getting the rings for their 2 anniversery that was going to be on the third night of their trip. "Ma'am can I have this pair of rings right here." The pair of rings that Vayne was pointing out were both made of platinum and etched into them was a pair of angel wings. "Sure sir, right away. Is that going to be all for you sir?" asked the lady behind the counter.

"Yes ma'am, that will be all." Collecting the rings from the lady, Vayne paid for them and then headed to the food court to meet up with his mother.

****************************** One week later ***************************************

"Welcome Class of 3000, we are glad to get this trip underway. So enjoy yourselves and we are expecting smooth sailing. So once again enjoy yourselves and have fun." said the captain of the ship that Vayne and all of his classmates were on. Vayne looked over to his left and couldn't help but smile cause walking towards him was his sexxy boyfriend. Sam stood at a muscular height of 6'2" and weighed 230 lbs of pure muscle. He had short brown hair and his eyes were a stricking emerald green. Sam walked straight up to Vayne and the fisrt thing that he did was pick his baby up and give him a very passionate kiss. They stayed locked in their kiss for a few minutes and would have stayed longer together if it wasn't for their need to breath. Breaking apart from each other Vayne had a silly grin on his face and said "What took you so long baby I was getting worried that you forgot about me."

"I could never forget about you and you know that. I was just putting my stuff in our room so that was I don't have to do that later and we can just snuggle with each other more."

"Oh that sounds like fun. Why don't we go to the room and just relax and be togther since we couldn't see each other during the week. But no sex you have to wait on that cause I have something special planned for our anniversery."

"Come on tell me what is happening, I will acted suprised when that day gets here you know you want to tell me."

"Nope I am not going to tell you that will just have to wait till then."

"Am I going to have to tickle to till you tell what is going on cause I will and I an not afraid of you." Upon hearing the words tickle you Vayne took of running because Sam was the only one that knew were he was ticklish and when Sam would tickle him he would do or say just about anything to get Sam to stop. "Hey slow down, you know you can't run from me forever. I will get you and when I do I will make sure to tickle you till you spill the beans on what you have planned."

Sam chased Vayne all over the ship and he didn't realize how fast of a runner Vayne was. Vayne was doing everything that he could to avoid Sam because he wanted things to be special and he didn't want to be tickled because he knew that he would wind up telling Sam everything. As he was running from Sam, Vayne looked back at him and stuck his tonge out at Sam. Not watching were he was going and he tripped over a lounge chair and went head first towards the deck. Sam seeing what was happening with Vayne ran faster towards Vayne so he could try and catch him. Sam couldn't make it in time and Vayne landed on the deck with a hard thud. Still running to Vayne, Sam couldn't help but cringe at the sound that he made landing. Vayne was knocked unconcious when he landed and didn't feel Sam scooping him up and taking him to their room.

Slowly coming to Vayne didn't know where he was and he couldn't see anything. Where ever he was it was pitch black. Groaning he tried to sit up and was suprised to feel that there was an arm drapped over his chest. Not knowing who's arm was on him Vayne started to get scared. Upon feeling the movement beside him Sam awoke to the sounds of labored breathing, that sounded like the person beside him was scared. Sam reached over and turned on the bedsied lamp, so he could see Vayne's face. Immediatly sincing what was wrong Sam grabbed Vayne and wrapped him up in his arms. "Shh....its okay baby I'm here. I'm here." Sam said. Upon hearing Sam's voice Vayne started to cry. When Vayne's tears slowed down he started to talk to hi boyfriend. "Oh baby...I...(sob)....I....I....I thought you were someone else. I thought that I wasn't on the ship anymore."

"Its okay, its okay. I wouldn't let anything happen to you. You have my word on that, you know I love you."

"Don't leave me, ever. I feel so lost with out you there."

"I will never leave you. You are my heart and soul. I couldn't live without you by my side."

"Thank you. I know you could have anybody you want, but I am glad it is me that you want cause you are also my heart and soul ever since the first time I met you. I knew from that point that I needed you in my life, but I didn't expect this and for that I am grateful. But on that note I think that we can go ahead and have our anniversery early. All I need you to do is leave the room and I will call you back in when I am ready. Okay."

"Okay......but why can't I just stay in here with you.

"Because that would ruin the suprise, so go on shew. Get going it won't take me log to get ready." Getting up out of the bed Sam walked over to his clothes and put them back on. After he put his clothes back on he left the room to stand out in the hall and await the suprise from Vayne. As soon as Sam was out of the room Vayne got out of the bed and quickly removed all of his clothing. After that was done he ran over to his stuff and grabbed all the candles that he had brought with him and spread them around the room, lighting them as he went. When that was done he grabbed the pair of rings and jumped on the bed and called out to Sam lettng him know that it was okay to come back into the room. Stepping back into the room Sam got a very big suprise, in the form of his love nude on the bed and candles spread around the room. "What is all this for?" aske Sam.

"What I can't do something romantic for us?"

"No, you can I just wasn't expecting this." Noticing that Vayne was holding something he asked, "By the way what is that that you are holding?"

"Oh this, its just something that I picked up, hoping that you would do the honor of wearing it for me. "

"What is it?"

"A promise ring. I know we can't be officially married until we are out of school but I was hoping that you would do the honor of being my husband." With tears in his eyes Sam walked over to the bed and kneeled before his love and grabbed ahold of his hands saying, "I would be glad to be your husband." With that said Sam leaned into Vayne giving him a kiss with as much passion as he could muster. Slowly they pulled apart both breathing heavily. Standing up Sam started to pull his shirt over his head and remove it. At the same time Vayne was unbuttoning and unzipping his shorts. Grabbing ahold of his shorts and boxers Vayne pulled down on them realaseing Sam erection. Looking down on Vayne, Sam had a smile upon his face, "You know I think someone else also like the idea of being your husband. Don't cha think." Sam said.

"I would have to agree with you on that." Grabbing Sam's erection Vayne slowly leaned forward and placed his tounge on the tip, slowly licking at it. "God that feels good." Slowly Vayne traced the side of Sam's cock till he got to his pubes. Licking back up the shaft, he stopped at Sam's most sinsitive spot spending a few moments just licking that one spot right under the tip. Seeing the pleasure that he was giving his love Vayne opened his mouth and slid Sam's cock in and he started to suck on him. Vayne started going down Sam's shaft at a slow pace and Sam couldn't help but groan out at the pleasure he was recieving. Vayne took as much of Sam's erection in his mouth without deep throating him. "God baby that feels amazing, keep going." said Sam. Pulling away from Sam, Vayne pulled Sam on top of him to where there erections were rubbinnng against each other. As they were rubbing together Sam leaned down and started kissing Vayne passionatly. Slowly grinding into Vayne's crotch, Sam's cock slid down into the cleft of Vayne's ass nudging at his entrance. Vayne broke the kiss to get some of his breath back, "Come on baby put it in me, I need you inside me."

"Where is the lube."

"It's in my bag at the top." As soon as Sam heard that he quickly got up off of Vayne and ran to the bag to grab the lube. Once grabbed Sam got back on the bed and poured a good amount of lube into his hand and he rubbed it all over his cock. Sam tossed the lube aside and he got between Vayne's legs and he rubbed his lubed covered cock at Vayne's entrance. "Come on stop teasing me and put it in already." Vayne said while short on breath. Sam started pushing against the tight rosebud that he was pressed against. Vayne felt Sam push into himself and he couldn't hold back his moan of pure pleasure. Sam just keep pushing into Vayne slowly until he fully hilted inside of him. Sam just sat there when he got fully in Vayne because he loved the feeling of being inside of Vayne. Sam slowly pulled out about halfway and the he thrusted back in. Sam started a forwards and backwards moving in and out of Vayne. He was slowly picking up speed. "Harder." Vayne said while moaning. Sam was hitting his prostate on every thrust in. Vayne could feel his orgasm coming on. Sam's thrust started getting eractic and he could feel that he was almost there. "Do you....want stay"

"YES.....cum in me. I want you to stay in me." After saying that Vayne heard Sam say, "I'm cumming.", and he felt Sam start to pulse insided of him. A few seconds after Sam started to unload inside of him, Vayne started to shot his load between their chest. After he came Sam collapsed on top of Vayne and basked in his afterglow. After catching his breath Sam slowly pulled out of Vayne and rolled to his side and pulled Vayne into his chest so he could hold him. Vayne was so happy just to be in the arms of his lover and future husband that he drifted off to sleep in those strong arms. Sam smiled down at Vayne as he drifted of to sleep and he couldn't help but feel extremely happy that he had his love in his arms. With the thought of Vayne being his husband on his mind Sam drifted off to sleep with that being his last thought. Some time later both Sam and Vayne were awoken from the sound of an explosion on the ship somewhere. "What was that?"


This was my first attempt at writing a story that has sex in it. ANy comments on how to improve this story and make it better will be appreciated. I am open to any and all comments be they good or bad.