Within The Lab: Judgement

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#8 of The Lab

Dr. Ann McNickle leaned forward on the podium and smiled as the cameras flashed towards her. Her eyes flickered towards the people that had gathered around for the news conference while she kept herself completely composed in the face of the microphones that had lined the edges of the speaking stand. She was no stranger to being in the public eye after her years of success, but today wasn't about her success but something more disturbing. She let her fingers curl just along the edges of the wooden stand before she cleared her throat and looked down at the note cards that she had prepared for the news conference.

"I'm saddened to inform you that the rumors you've all heard are true. I have strived for conditions for our animals that are ethical. My hope was to use our studies to further our hopes for restoring endangered species to the wild while respecting the domesticated animals in our care." She looked down slightly, "It's come to my attention that Dr. Yuung, who has been in my employ for six years now, has ignored the wishes and ethics of our business. His practices with the laboratory animals are not only cruel and inhumane, but illegal. I hold myself accountable for now looking into complaints sooner and everything in our power is going to try and save the lives of the animals we found left in his lab. And sadly, to end the suffering of those we cannot save."

"Dr. McNickle! How long has this been going on?" One of the reporters pushed his way to the front and she winced.

"As far as we can tell, two years. It started just after he was past his probation period, but from what we've seen in our records he carefully covered it up. "

"Are the leaked photos and videos accurate?" Another called out.

"Sadly, yes. Many of the animals could not be saved and even now we've yet to determine if their conditions were for scientific reasons or if he acted negligently." She didn't want to think about those pictures. She'd seen the reality and that had been enough to make her almost lose her dinner.

"Are the police after him? Is he still in your employ?"

"NO! He is not in my employ. It seems that after he was found out he left the state or possibly the country. He raided our computer banks and saved much of our untested and future research so I can only imagine he hopes to set himself up in another country and sell that knowledge to gain his own laboratory or position in a company. The police are currently looking for him, but sadly they have professed little hope in finding him if he's left the country."

"What about the fines? Are you being shut down? How much responsibility are you taking for this?" She shifted slightly as another smattering of flashes dazzled her eyes so that she gave a shake of her head.

"I'm not being shut down, but I will take on the fines as I should have watched him closer. It will be to my everlasting sadness that this happened within my walls and it will never happen again." She paused and allowed herself a tight smile, "Those with information on him or possible whereabouts should contact the police immediately. I'm sure wherever Dr. Yuung is justice will be received for those that he harmed. He can't hide from the police or me forever. "


Edward Yuung winced slightly as he started to come awake and realized his body was cramped and chilled to the point tremors were running over his body. He tried to look around to see where exactly he was, but only darkness met his eyes. It was through several attempts that he managed to feel against the ground he was laying on and found flooring to be cold and damp. It wasn't smooth like tile, it was roughened more like concrete. In fact the entire room smelled like a dank old basement that hadn't been cleaned out in ages. He slowly shifted and found his arms were tied firmly against his ankles so that he was forced into a fetal position that left his muscles aching in protest of the treatment. The bindings were almost tight enough to cut off blood flow to his extremities and made him struggle to twist his way out fruitlessly.

He had strange memories of how he had been captured. He'd been running a series of fast paced experiments in the lab for the last few years at the behest of a cigarette company and pest control company. It was extra money in his pocket and interested him far more than the near pet like existence he was required to use when working with Dr. McNickle's animals. He'd only joined her staff for the credentials. She was a rising star in the world of bioscience and he wanted to be a part of that, but the way she ran things made it hard to make his own impact. Once he had gotten his own small part of the building for his personal lab he found it easier to run his own tests in peace and quiet. So what if the animal's died in the end? Rats, mice, rabbits, and dogs were lab animals, not pets!

He never would have joined up with her had he known how viciously she upheld animal rights. If she wanted that, she should have been a vet or perhaps a zoo keeper. Science didn't have time to pamper each furred or scaled animal they worked on. He'd known the day he came to work and saw his door ajar that someone had finally gotten into his inner lab. It was in his own private section that he worked on various drugs designed to eliminate pests by drugging on and carrying it to rest as well as smoke dangers. The latter was an old experiment, but with the public outcries against smoking it was his most lucrative. He'd gone into the room to find some things subtly moved and that's when he decided it was time to get out of dodge before he was reported or confronted.

Edward had known from the start of his experiments that he would eventually have to make a hasty exit. Part of what he did was illegal and truthfully he didn't see the reasoning for pampering animals he planned on killing eventually. If one grew too attached to them it would only hinder the process and possibly develop emotional connections. It was just the smart way to work. He'd planned on ripping some of the research from McNickle's computers as well as his own research before hopping a plan towards Brazil. From there he could go where ever he wanted and with the research he would be welcomed with opened arms. It was all supposed to go off without a hitch, but the night he'd started hacking into the system he'd found himself confronting his boss. He winced a bit at his own memories of the evening.

"Edward, we have to talk." Her voice had been cold and precise, but rather then instilling fear or dread in him he just gave a slight smile.

"I don't think we do, Ann. I think the best thing for it is for us to part ways amiably." He turned to smile at her with the flash drive pushed deep into his pocket. "I think it's best for you at least."

"I'm not a fool, I know what you've been doing under this facility's name. I've tracked your dealings for the last two years and found that money and research that you promised to us when you were hired on has been flawed and sketchy at best. Have you used all this time to perform your work under my nose? Why would you even accept a job here if you don't believe in our mission!" He couldn't but smile at the hurt in her voice. Some part of him would always see females as the weaker gender, they always let emotions rule instead of their heads.

"Let's not play games, Ann. I've gotten a good nest egg set away and now I've got enough research to secure a job worthy of me." He shook his head. "I'll make this simple for you. You can let me go and cover up this stain on your business so it's name isn't tarnished or you can raise a fuss. But remember, the moment you raise a fuss I can ensure that a paper trail is found with your signatures condoning my research. How many of the zoos and wild life preserves would be willing to help you if they knew you allowed research such as mine to happen?"

He held all the cards in his hands, or so he thought. He had been sure she would stammer and be outraged, but his options were quite clear. He had everything set. He didn't even have to go to his house after this, it had already been cleared out and most of his belongings sent on to his temporary housing in Brazil. He'd given her a sinful smile as he passed on by and that was when his memory went blank. Not entirely blank, there was one moment he felt a shock hit his body as electricity exploded over him and then it was all dark until he had woken up here. What the hell? It couldn't be a jail cell, they wouldn't have stripped him down this way. What was going on?


Ann left the conference with her mind still afire with the disturbing news of one of her own having done such atrocities in her lab. The sights and smells of the lab wouldn't leave her any time soon, they were driven into her mind until it was all she could think of. She thought she'd created something good and unique in her laboratory, something that others would follow as an example on a revolutionary way to handle their animals. Instead she was left shaken with the idea that one person had crumbled that foundation with his greed. She pulled into her driveway and sat in her car for a moment with her head resting right against the steering wheel. How could Yuung have done this to her? To her animals?

Her fingers clenched against the steering wheel as she remembered the interns cleaning out the lab and bags of dead animals, those she'd had to personally put down, the litters of baby rats they'd had to euthanize for deformities. The images were a nightmare in her own mind as she looked at her house and realized that she had the means to ensure it would never happen again. Her mood darkened as her heart beat started to pound faster against her chest. She could teach him a lesson, a lesson much like he had tried to teach her. If the world was a cruel dark place and she was wrong, then she should change her ways. What better person to start with then the one who had proven to her that it had to be this way.

She got out of the car and went into the house with her mind still afire with the new ideas. She hung her keys up and put away her bag before she opened up the small fridge that was in the mini office space she'd created. Sometimes it was easier to work from home then in a busy lab and she certainly enjoyed her own private place. It wasn't nearly as large as her work, but it had the bare necessities for late night research as well as some of the newer creations that she'd been experimenting with. The fridge held bottle upon bottle of various chemicals and drugs. Each one was carefully labeled in her own hand writing as she picked out several of them. Her next stop were the cabinets where she picked out the supplies she needed. She didn't want to come upstairs until she was done. She pulled out her cell phone for one last small matter of business.

"Jonathan," She said her backers name with a friendly tone, after years of working together they'd found a strange sort of friendship.

"Ahh Ann, I just watched you on the news. Nasty business going on. How are you doing?" His voice held a taste of his concern that made her smile to herself.

"I was just going to attend to that nasty business and thought you might enjoy a bit of a show for our website." She offered and leaned back against the edge of her counter. "I know we haven't had much since poor Steve's last mating and litter. Perhaps it's time to revive interest in it."

"Really? I take it your little problem was located then?" Jonathan's voice was definitely amused.

"Mmm yes, I'm going to do some pest control in the basement actually. I'd like to rig up the cameras, but I'll need you to do some creative editing."

"I can see why." There was the sound of rustling papers. "I think this should do very well, go ahead, Ann. I'll set things up and we'll run the video later tonight after I've made sure certain things aren't easily identified. Do I get to know what you're planning?"

"Oh Jonanthan, that would be telling!" Her laughter felt breath and quick as she was already imagining what she was going to do. It would be a glorious new beginning for her former employee.


Edward tried to relieve the painful cramping of his muscles by shifting around on the floor. He writhed and twisted, but he was left feeling the scrape of the cold cement against the curve of his hip. He didn't know how long he'd been down here, but he was starting to feel the cold. It rocked through him until he was trembling slightly from head to feet. The gag that cut between his lips kept him silent despite the fact he'd made no attempt to yell. He wouldn't waste his energy that way, he'd find a way out of here and then be on his way to Rio. If this truly was Ann's doing he was relatively sure the bleeding heart would be all too eager to let him go in exchange for him not turning her in. She was oh so predictable.

There was a noise at the top of the stares and suddenly a shaft of light pierced the darkness so that he had to squint against it to make out outline of stares. That was all he managed to see before a click announced the lights flooding overhead. He let out a muffled cry as bright fluorescent light spilled overhead and made him squeeze his eyes tight against. It was as if someone had just stabbed a knife through his eye. He heard the creaking of wood and assumed that Ann must be coming down to check on him or let him go. Though the disturbing sensation of being naked made him wonder if she had other plans for him entirely. Even thinking that made him twist his lips in almost amusement, the woman was probably still a virgin.

"Ah Edward, awake are you? I assume you're not experiencing any adverse side effects of being shocked." A pair of fingers rested right against his neck and he risked opening one eye against the light to see her crouched down next to him. "Good, it's slightly higher than normal, but still well within range."

She stood up briskly and he had trouble making her out against the light that was shining down on them overhead. His vision came back to him slowly so he was able to make out the rather clean basement around him. Much of it had the look as if she were in the process of converting it into a work space but had stopped just at reaching nearly half done. There was an examine table and several stainless steel counters, some half made cupboards and what looked like a box of various odds and ends. The only thing that looked as if some effort had been made to completely set up was a laptop perched on one of the clean counters and even that was just booting up. Some wires lead to it as Ann seemed to be sorting them out.

"I should thank you for being so kind as to teach me a lesson, you know." Her voice was almost conversational as she pulled out small high tech looking webcams from the mess of wires. "I'd foolishly hoped that there would be others that shared my dreams and perhaps there are, but not without the ones who don't taking advantage of me."

Edward frowned and tried to work his lips around the gag to reply. Did she want him to feel sorry for her? It certainly wasn't his fault that she was a bad just of character and lived in some dressed up make believe land of light and kittens. She started to set up the cameras while he watched and the familiar chiming music of the computer booting up filled the room. He pushed slightly with one of his elbows so that he could maneuver himself into a sitting position. It was still awkward, but at least it covered parts of him he most definitely wanted covered. The curve of his naked rump bit right against the damp ground while he glared over towards her. Was she trying to embarrass him into making a confession?

"Now, we're going to teach you a lesson since you were so kind as to teach me one. I have to admit I'm rather torn on what lesson you should be taught though. I really should turn you into a rat like those you decided to use as toys, but that would be too good for you. In fact I think I'll offer you something far more attractive but longer lived. A rat has such a very short life span after all." She mulled the words as if she were at war with herself while he stared at her blankly over the gag. What sort of reaction did she want him to give her? What did she mean turn him into?


Ann watched Yuung carefully for a few minutes. He wasn't a bad looking guy all and all. His hair was short and so black there were blue highlights in some places, his features were delicate and almost feminine when looked at in the right angle. It was a shame he had to be so ugly on the inside. His narrow eyes stared at her accusingly and she watched them for a few moments while she weighed her choices and finally gave her head a little bit of a shake before turning back to the computer screen. It took her a few attempts to bring up the software she could use to share the stream just with Jonathan, but she managed and gave a smile at the camera before moving out of view. She lowered the view of each camera so that they were facing the metal table rather then her.

"Good evening and I'm glad you could join me again. I know how many of you have requested I offer new video, so I've decided to answer those e-mails with this. I'd like you to meet our volunteer for this evening." She flourished her hand to the bound naked man. "He's got quite an odd set of requests for me, but I've felt more than able to answer the task."

She watched Yuung's eyes widen and he threw his head back and forth in annoyance as he saw his own face on camera. What did he think was going to happen? Did he assume that he was going to just be shown on webcam? Did he think she was playing a game? He'd find out soon enough. She approached him with slow steps that made her hips roll slightly as she licked the top of her lips with a bright pink tongue and moved down to wrap her hand under his upper arm. She gave a pull, and moved her other hand down to unsnap the bonds that held his ankles against his lower legs so he could awkwardly stand up. He swayed in place a few moments before she managed to settle him and let him lean back against the exam table.

"Now our volunteer here has decided to let you watch his process with us as a special treat. He'll be a fine addition along with our old friends the snake and wolf I think. I've got him gagged due to the fact he gets nervous and talks, and we certainly don't want you finding out who he is! Why think of his embarrassment!" Her voice grew mocking as she gave a sudden push with her hand against his chest.

She was pleased to see he was still out it from the modified tazer that had been used on him and the cramped position she'd tied him up in. At least that made her job easier, not that she had much fear of him struggling against her. He had never been physically more than average like many of the people in her building. Perhaps he thought exercising his mind was enough and overlooked the obvious advantages of working out. She moved to push him back even as he made a muffled protesting noise when his back was pressed against chilled metal. The restraints that she had worked onto his hands were easily clipped to a set of restraints on either side of table before she moved to straighten up his legs.

Ann spared a moment of amusement when she watched him try to cover himself up when his legs were pulled down and the flaccid shaft was revealed to the camera's eager gaze. He wasn't badly made in that area. She pulled his legs out firmly until the leather and chain restraints on his legs were stretched out to hook right against the base of the table. He writhed a little bit as she moved back towards the computer to check on the shots she had of him. It took a little adjustment to make sure that the multiple cameras caught each angle to the best of its ability. She wanted to make sure that she had the perfect shots to remember this moment by. Not even Steve had angered as much as Edward had managed too.

A barely contained rage ran through her as she remembered the room that she'd walked into not more than a handful of days ago. The scent of burned fur from where he had cremated failed experiments lingered on the air and there had still been half dead animals in cages. The experiments had ranged from the morbid to the downright cruel. The conditions they were given had been deplorable and most cages had been only roughly cleaned. Even Steve's treatment of the dogs had been disgusting, but the slow torture that Yuung had used on his experiments had surpassed that. She gave a tight lipped smile as she thought of Steve, she would soon be bearing her third litter and with the help of the injections had taken no harm from the multiple pregnancies. It was quite a feat, one she would have to outdo with Edward.


Edward trembled with cold from the metal table that ran along his back and his cheeks flushed red in angry humiliation at the way he was stretched out as if to display his body. His member was exposed plainly in the lights that were turned on him. He might have felt something more strongly if she gave any indication on what she wanted to do with him, but all she did was make sure he was securely put in place before leaving. He followed her movements with a sense of anger and frustration before she returned with a small canister and a mask that looked like the type one would give a patient oxygen with. He shifted his lips around the gag and horrifyingly felt some drool roll down from the curve of her lips.

"You know, I'm very glad you didn't look too deeply into my research. I would have hated to have this spoiled because you'd stolen it." She set the canister down with a clacking sound next to him before her hand moved to lift his head upwards. "This is a less direct source of the drug, but in concentrated amounts it can be even more potent."

The edge of the rubber mask was placed firmly over his head and he felt it push just over the bridge of his nose while he tried to jerk back away from it. It was only when it was in place did she move a scalpel down to slice through the dirty cloth that made up the gag. He tried to work his jaws when it was pulled out from under the mask, but was stopped when her hand pushed the mask firmly into place. It suctioned on around the skin so that he could feel it tugging right around the edges of his nose and mouth. He had a brief look at Ann's face before she moved to twist the top of the gas canister and a cool blast of air hit against his nose.

"What is this?! Stop this you crazy bitch." He spoke the words swiftly before trying to hold his breath while the gas flooded the area inside of the mask.

"Tsk, manners. This is just what you asked for, my dear. And this is exactly what you're going to get."

Edward struggled to hold his breath as he glared up at her and refused to give her the satisfaction of seeing panic in his eyes. She could have any manner of drugs in the gas she was trying to force him to breathe in. Most likely it was some sort of poison to get revenge for the handful of animals he had sacrificed for his research or a hallucinogenic designed to make him believe he was insane. His chest started to ache with the desire to suck in a breath as he felt the small amount of drug he'd already inhaled work at making him feel lightheaded. He might have been able to hold out for at least long enough to figure out how to contort his face to make the mask slip and become less air tight if it weren't for the Doctor's intercession.

Suddenly a hand slipped down and he felt fingers slip up along the edges of his thighs and then they wrapped right around the tip of his soft shaft. He let out a muted cry just before another finger went down to roll under the edges of his balls. The touch was enough to shock him into sucking in a rough breath of the drug that flooded the mask. It smelled slightly sweet as he drew in another breath the moment her hand wrapped right around his tip and gave it a slow pull before slipping down towards the base. He writhed against the table while he tried to jerk his legs free. A feeling of outrage and violation warred inside of him as another lungful of the drug flooded inside of his chest so that it seemed to ache and tighten.


"Mmm well now, and here I thought you'd be rather small." Ann let her fingers massage and then slip along the edges of the shaft while she felt the weight of it start to fill out. "I'm pleasantly surprised. Though it's such a pity you had to turn out to be such a horrible cruel person."

The warm silken skin started to pull tight over the thickness of the man's cock while she let her palm move down to fondle the softness of his balls. She looked up at his slanted eyes to see the anger and embarrassment in them while she purposefully moved out of the way so that the camera's could catch each and every detail. It started soft and slack but under each touch it hardened up until it curved upwards along the arch of the stomach and she could wrap her entire hand around it to pump up and down slowly. Edward's hips rose up in reaction as she let out a protesting cry and his breathing started to speed up just as she wanted it too.

"Stop." He growled out through gritted teeth.

"I don't think so. Relax, most people never get to experience a chance at an entire new outlook and way of life." She gave another smile as she watched a thick viscous drop of precum start to drool free from the tip. "My my, you do enjoy this don't you?"

She watched his body as the muscles started to twitch and shiver in reaction to the drug taking effect. She'd yet to try this out, though she had high hopes for it. It was fitting that it would be tried out on someone who took so much pleasure in not caring about the side effects on those he worked with. The first true sight of something happening was the jerking along his chest and a splash of fur that seemed to spill out from beneath it. The fur ran out in a rippling wave as she distracted him with another pull of his cock making him thrust up into her hand before dropping back. He stood nearly nine inches long with the thick mushroomed tip drooling out strands of pre to dribble down along the underside.

Ann felt a keen pleasure forcing him to remain on the very edge of pleasure while his body started to change. She moved her fingers all the way up until she was rubbing right around the very tip of him until he was jerking against the restraints on the table. He let out a muffled snarl of rage as if protesting it but it soon turned into a moan as she moved her fingers down to roll them over the swell of his balls. She pulled lightly at the soft sac and then moved her other hand up to tease around him. The fur started to spread down along his stomach as the surface changes seemed to happen far faster then the other two men she had changed. She could see the cream color turning into a rich chocolate brown near the curve of his hips as he seemed to have noticed for the first time he was changing.

"What's going on! STOP THIS!" His eyes looked almost unfocused as he looked down at both his turgid cock and the fur sprouting over him. "It's just the drugs..j-just the drugs." He panted out as if half believing he were watching something in his own mind. What a foolish man.


Edward was horrified to watch his body react to the soft feminine touch along his cock. He'd always seen Ann as a cold and clinical woman, never even seen her as someone to go out on a date. Yet the fingers started to move and he couldn't stop the shudder of pleasure that ran through him as he started to pump his hips upwards. The movements forced the thickened tip right along her palm before he dropped back with a groan. For some reason it felt more sensitive then he'd ever experienced, even when it hadn't been his own touch. His cheeks burned a dark red in humiliation as he caught a glimpse of the camera's that were recording his shame. The worst was when he arched his hips up to thrust almost desperately into her touch.

He felt rippling shudders pass through him and he cried out under his breath as he watched himself start to change right before his eyes. It had to be some sort of mind altering drug! The fur spread from his chest and he could feel the muscles beneath the skin start to jerk and twitch. The first real change that made him let out a sharp sound of fear was the push of his lips and nose. They extended out from his face and dislodged the mask while he crossed his eyes to see it turning into a broad short muzzle. His hands jerked upwards automatically to try and touch it, but it only jerked against the restraint. As he watched a series of long white whiskers spilled out on either side as his cheeks almost like a cats.

His teeth changed along the inside of his lips before the changes ran further up along his head. He could feel other changes as well, the jerking of his arms shifted as his muscles started to tighten and bones grew shorter. Even his nails ached as he felt them start to grow thicker and push out from his finger tips. His hands grew smaller and more slender while the fur coated them. It had to be the drugs! They were making him feel things that weren't really happening! Even his skeletal system seemed to start to change as his skin felt tighter along his chest lower body. He turned his head down to try and look over the formed muzzle and felt his ears twitch on either side of his head as they started to grow longer and tapered down to points.

He flickered his eyes around wildly and jerked his hands roughly against the restraints as his entire upper body felt as if it were growing more slender by the moment. To his shock he was able to pull one of his now slender wrists free and he gave his head a shake until he felt his long rabbit like ears flapping against one another. It wasn't his hand! A hard fingered and dark clawed paw met his eyes as he tried to overcome his shock and then he rocked upwards again and bleated out a cry as Ann's fingers started to move faster over his cock. His own precum drooled heavily down from the tip as his hips started to move faster upwards. The tightness and sensations started to trail lower down his body as he did so.

"Don't look so shocked, Edward, I think you're lucky to be put into this shape." Ann's voice mocked him and he tried to responded but only a garbled animalistic noise spilled free. "Keep on smiling for the camera now. I'm sure everyone who watches this will love to see how eager you are to enjoy your last male orgasm."

Panic rushed through the former doctor's mind at those words. Last male orgasm? What was she trying to tell him? Oh god he couldn't think with the fingers working right around the thickness of his tip. He arched his back and desperately tried to get his paws down to stop her from touching him. The shortened limbs couldn't reach down even as he struggled to sit up his balance wouldn't allow him. Especially not with the way he responded to the pumping hand that kept his cock hard and aroused. It was as if he couldn't stop the way he hunched himself up to thrust into the palm of her hand. The hot spill of his precum drooled down against his belly fur and spilled over the tips of her fingers as he writhed and suddenly he felt his thighs starting to grow larger.

To his horror they spread and the muscles bulged just beneath the edge of his skin while rich dark fur covered him. His knees seemed to grow longer and he struggled against the table to let out bleating cries of horror as he watched his feet start to steadily grow. They lengthened as the toe nails curved and darkened into claws like his paws had. He realized in horror that he was turning into a wallaby! He knew the shape of one! The feet grew longer and longer until they were nearly triple their normal length and his entire lower body seemed larger as he grew shorter. The restraints on his feet ached at the tightness as they tried to confined the thickened ankles.

Ann's fingers started to move faster on his cock while he groaned and writhed against the table as the sensations started to center along the edges of his loins. He could feel the way the muscles tensed just along the curve of his ass and he flexed slightly while flattening his long ears against his head. The strange feel of those muscles being moved made him wince in embarrassment that wasn't lessened by the he could hear the wet pumping sounds of the hand over his cock. It felt almost too good, but the violation of being used like this made his eyes tear up and his lips twist back showing his teeth.

Pressure suddenly grew right along the underside of his ass and he felt something pushing out right from the top of his ass cheeks. He writhed and twisted as he felt a thick tail starting to grow from him and move between his legs. He would have worried more about it if it weren't for the fact he could feel his cock stiffening even more. His breath caught in his throat while his balls started to pull up between his thighs and his eyes jerked up in fear and horror as he felt the orgasm starting to build. He missed the fact that his cock was growing rapidly smaller in the pumping and squeezing female hand. His jaws spread open while he let out a muffled groan.

"There's a good 'boy', enjoy the last one you'll ever have." Ann's voice reached his ears just as his orgasm rocked through his body.

He lurched up against the table as his cock spasmed and the first hot rush of cum was forced up the narrow tube to erupt out of the tip. Rope after rope of the pearly semen splattered right against his cream colored belly while he twisted and jerked helplessly under the manipulating fingers that pulled right around his thick glans. Each new spasm spilled more of his seed out as his alls tightened up along the underside of his body and forced more up. He leaned his head back and let out a wordless cry of pleasure as it was all captured by the loving eye of the camera. Not even missing the way it splattered and puddle right over the indentation of his belly.

Even through his orgasm he felt something was wrong, something was different. His balls pulled up and he could feel them snugged so tightly against his body that it was almost painful. His eyes snapped open and bulged as his balls were pulled into his body. They melted just between his thighs as his pulsing cock started to shrink between the gripping and rubbing fingers. He twisted and let out another wordless cry as his cock pulled all the way back and Ann's fingers slipped free. A thick strand of cum linked the tip to her fingers as she let it disappear into the rolls of flesh that formed the plush outer lips of a feminine sex. He could even feel the way that his internal organs were shifting away to make room for things he had never had!

"Enjoy this sensation, the next time you feel this.." Her fingers moved to rub the pearly cum around his..no HER belly and spread it right along an area that had started to feel tender and aching. "It'll be from whatever I decide to mate you. I think you might not be as lucky as the others for what you've done. You deserve to experience punishment fitting your crime."


Ann looked over at the bound wallaby as the change slowly came to an end leaving not race of the man that had been there. The only trace that anything male had pooled right on the curve of her chest and the thick cream was drooling just along the edges. Her lips curved in a slightly sinful smile as she let her fingers move in to dip into the thickness of the seed and then moved down to graze it over the newly formed folds. The lingering arousal was left in the sight wetness that coated right around the edges of the puff lips that she soon had glazed with the last male orgasm that she would ever experience.

"Now now, what do we have here?" She tilted her head down as Edward curved herself upwards with a groan around her belly.

She tilted her head to watch as the skin rippled and then formed a tear shaped opening just along the lower belly. The fur around the edges grew coarser rather than soft as she watched the pouch form. She moved a finger up to trace along the thickness of the lips around the pouch and felt a shudder run through the newly formed female's body. She slowly pushed her fingers into the pouch and felt the warm flesh wrap around her digits before she rolled them in and then out to get the sensation for the opening. It was almost strangely like the female's sex as she felt the slightly soft flesh within it and started to swirl in circles.

The wallaby twisted and kicked out with her powerful hind legs in reaction as she started to feel about inside of the pouch. She spread her fingers open wider so that the opening gaped for a moment and the skin stretched taught along the ridges of her knuckles before she continued to press into it. The lower pouch of the belly started to bulge with her fingers and she let her fingers explore. The skin was mostly silky and smooth under her seeking touch until she found the ridges of something rounded and tight just along the underside of her belly. She had to think a moment before she realized exactly what she'd found. A low purring laugh erupted out of her throat.


Edward struggled against the sensations that were wrapping around her body. The scent of male on the air pricked her senses whether she wanted it to or not. It didn't seem to matter that it was her own scent on the air, it still made something like arousal tremble through her body. Things were only made worse the moment she felt the fingers move from playing with the semen on her belly to trail down and rub it along the newly formed sex. She let out a cry and tried to kick away from the sensation of her own cum rubbing and being drooled over the outside lips and slipping in between them. The only thing that made it stop was the sudden clenching of her stomach and the feel of the flesh shifting along the lower portion of her belly.

The skin pulled together and started to move until she realized it was slowly forming a pouch! A pouch on her body! Oh god it was true, she really was being turned into a wallaby! As she watched the coarse fur form a tear shaped opening she tried to suck her breath in to ignore it. But Ann gave her no chance to ignore or try to avoid what had changed. What was so obviously inhuman. It was with a shock that she felt the sudden brush of fingers against the newly formed pouch against her lower belly. They were suddenly sinking into the opening to touch places and nerves she had never experienced in her life. They pushed inwards and started to spread the walls wider and she let out a startled groan as they began driving deeper inside of her pouch.

She felt the fingers seek lower down along her pouch and rub along the skin until they brushed against nubs that sent sudden shudder of pleasure running right along her spine. Her back arched and she curled her toe tips slightly before letting out a moaning cry just under her throat. She writhed against the table as they teased and pulled against the tender nipples that had formed there. The doctor's fingers rolled the nipples back and forth as she sucked in a breath as she watched her stomach bulge with the movements of the hand pushed deep inside of her pouch. The skin seemed to stretch no matter how much of the hand and fist was forced into her pouch.

"I think you're going to be the prize of my lab, Edward. I think it's time I branched out into hybridization, don't you think?" The doctor's words hovered over her as if she were judge, jury and executioner. For the first time Edward felt the first rush of true fear thrill through her.

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