L.H.A - Chapter Two - Part Two

Story by randwulf09 on SoFurry


I laid there on my back looking from one female to the other and they did the same. I watched as they looked at each other, then to me, then to the others in the room. After what seemed like a eternity I felt myself begin to grow bored and a bit tired from the peace and quiet. I yawned and rolled onto my side as if to go to sleep. I didn't realize that it would set off the events that followed.

Soon after I had rolled onto my side the female to my left turned to the others in the room and started yelling, my hands moving to cover my canine like ears as the females shrill voice filled the room "WHAT IS THIS!?! DO YOU KNOW WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO YOU WHEN WE REPORT THIS?!" I didn't need to see their reactions to sense the tension in the room. I shook my head a bit as I slowly began to stand up. I was almost to my feet when I was grabbed and pulled towards the door like a rag doll.

I blinked a bit, surprised. The female who had grabbed me was stronger then the one who had put me in the closet. A lot stronger. I turned my head to look at her. Except for the word female I was drawing blanks. My right ear twitched as I heard the other female beginning to speak. All I heard before I was pushed out the door was "W...we found him in the forest.." I tilted my head to the side quizzically. The word forest had a odd sense of familiarity and for once the haze in my mind began to vanish a bit. I saw things and felt words go through my mind. Before i could grasp them I was forced from my thoughts and pushed against something hard.

I made a unfamiliar sound that was unlike the one i had made earlier. It was more of a "erf" I shook my head to clear the thoughts from my mind completly. The female had pretty much tossed me onto the ground and that's where I stayed. I tilted my head to the side quizzically and the female just stood there a few feet away staring at me. After a few moments of silence she lifted her head and began to speak through me "What do we do? He looks like a failed attempt at a male clone...I wouldn't even know were to begin a report about this."

My ears picked up a light sigh from behind me and my head instinctivly turned towards the sound. I watched the large female stomp towards my direction before stopping a few feet away before beginning to speak in a much quieter and softer tone then she had been earlier "A problem like this might just be left in the dark. Only tara, sky, her cubs and us know of him." I heard a crunch and turned my head back in the direction of the other female. She had moved closer and was now looking me over. I tilted my head to the side curiously. Without realizing it I had given her a half smile.

She stood up and placed her hands on her hips while she began to speak again "We should have it tested. He may not be a failed clone, even if he is he can be recycled for another try...i mean...with the exception of that weird pelt color he seems to be in good shape." I blinked as I heard the female call me a it and blinked once more when I heard her say recycle. I didn't know much but I knew that it didn't sound like such a good thing.

The females had both looked at one another before looking back at me. I didn't really know what to do but I had the urge to open my mouth and so I did. Immediatly I knew it was a bad idea. All that came out was some feral sound that was similar to a murr mixed with a growl. I shook my head and just went back to sitting there. I knew what I wanted to say but when I opened my mouth nothing would come out. I had picked up enough of what the creatures had said to at least mimic some of their words and piece them together into something.

I sighed and shook my head again. I could tell something was wrong with me and it wasn't what the female had been speaking off. I wasn't a failed clone, at least I didn't think I was. I closed my eyes and tried to mentally shift through the thoughts that hid in the haze but everything was too far out of reach for me to think clearly. My hands clenched into fists instinctivly as I began to get irritated. Deep down I knew, although i wasn't sure how, that I could do all the things that these creatures did.

I lifted my right arm and grasped the hand of the female in front of me. I was ready to let go incase she reacted negatively but I was glad when she didn't. All she did was say "What?!" before she began to move backwards a bit. I grasped her hand a bit firmer before pulling myself up. I was getting tired to sitting on the ground and it seemed that standing was a good way to show that I wasnt a failure.

The female finally stopped moving backwards once I was standing at full height. I stood almost a head taller then her and upon realizing this the female seemed to become a bit scared. It rolled from her body. I growled at her softly before pushing away from her. For a few seconds I stood on my own but after that I began to sway and eventually fell to all fours. I scoffed and tried to stand on my own. I managed to make it to a squatting position before the females began to speak to one another in a almost whisper

"He seems to be trying to stand."

"Seems so...but why?"

I turned my head to watch the females as I tried once more to stand from the squatting position I had rested at. This time I managed it but the feat came at a price. I ground my teeth against each other as a sudden pain shot through my body. I tried to remain standing as I fought through the pain. I stomped my right foot in a sort of mental attempt to force the pain away but nearly collapsed as a crack and several pops came from my hips, knees and ankles.

My body began to fall forward and I saw the females try to catch me but I pushed them away while quickly lifting my right foot to place it on the ground in front of me, my weight being shifted and placed onto my other leg. For a few seconds I stood there a bit unsteady but once the shaking stopped I stood just fine. I felt a smile spread across my lips. It felt good to do it on my own, even if I didn't know why. I waited a while before trying to stand like the two females.

I was a bit surprised to see that I was taller then the other female as well. They both had a sort of puzzled expression on their face and then one of them seemed to brighten before saying "oohhhh! I get it." She turned to the other female, smiling "Let's take him to get tested...I'll fill you in later." The other female just stood there continuing to stare with that puzzled expression on her face before finally nodding.

I tried to pretend not to notice those that stared at me as I walked by. Beneath their gaze I began to feel my face get hot and tried to move closer to the large female to my left, as if I was trying to hide. She gently pushed me back to the middle of herself and the other female. I remained there as we continued to walk slowly, hoping that the stares would stop soon since they made me feel so akward.

No sooner had that thought passed through my mind had the female next to me stopped. I turned my head to watch her, my body continuing two more steps before stopping as well. She was looking at something. I tilted my head upwards to look as well. There was a big red shape there. I stared at it quizzically until the female broke my concentration "We are here. Male. Head inside and just do as you are told." I mimicked the females reaction from earlier and nodded my head. It seemed like the right response since the female moved behind me and pushed me through the doors of the building.

My eyes closed quickly as I was nearly blinded once entering. My ears perked to the sound of a female voice. I was too interested in the lights to really pay attention to the voice until it got louder. I flattened my ears against my head and looked around. There wasn't anything around me yet I could have sworn that I heard a voice. I started to turn around before the female's voice echoed through the room again "I said to step forward onto the yellow line now hu..." the voice stopped there for a few seconds before picking up again "That thing right there by the wall. It's on the floor. Step on it.."

I couldn't help but feel a bit odd. my face began to heat up again. While it was doing that I began to look around the room, searching for the thing near the wall yet on the floor. Twice I looked. Finally I understood what she meant. On the floor by the far wall sat the thing she had been talking about. I walked to it and stood on it. I tilted my head curiously and bent over a little to look at it. yellow. line. she had said that didn't she? I blinked a little before standing up. Now that I had time to think about it I had the feeling that those two words fit the object.

[ going to take me a bit to get back on track. been quite a while since i last wrote xD. but i need to run for a few. Helping my brother repo. finish when i get back...and I need some info. anyone who reads should be able to tell that hes having problems remembering stuff. hes almost like a child in a way...do you want me to keep that in or take it out? also...ive been mainly writing in a sort of by the minute style. should i keep doing that or just skip parts?]

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