Deep Thoughts

Story by Betancore on SoFurry

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Contains sex, male on male, and other such things, dont read if you dont like.

"Why do you enjoy this so much?" Greg thought as his legs were pinned back against his chest by a very large framed figured that had nestled itself near his bottom. Hot breathing was soon against his small hole, this made Greg almost impatient. Greg was a decently built human, just under six feet tall. His friend, however, was a massive black bear, well over 7 feet tall, thick soft hair and nice green eyes. The room was very nicely decorated, Pictures of landscapes, A sizable television, And a kingside bed, and a camera on a stand to the right of the bed. "I can't believe you let me tape this." a much deeper and richer voice said.

The voice belonged to Tony, the large bear whose nose was about an inch away from Greg's tail hole. "well i figured if it turned you on even more than usual to be on film maybe you would be a little more rough...." said the little human as the big bear slide his tongue against his hole. The bear not taking his time anymore, after an hour of foreplay, decided it was time for him to stretch this human wide. Greg's face went flush red as he felt the familiar, yet alien tongue, worming against his hole. A sudden cool breeze against his damp hole made him think that the bear was done, Until he felt the bear almost ram his mouth back against his hole. Greg's mouth hung open as the bear had just shoved about 2 inches of his long bear tongue inside the little pale skinned human. Only for a moment did the bear let the human adjust to the abnormally thick tongue implanted in his backside, before worming some more deep into the writhing human infront of him. Looking over the humans rock hard inches, Tony saw that Greg was now drooling with pleasure. "boy if just my tongue does that, wait until I'm balls deep in here!" thought Tony. The bears monster was hard as rock between his legs and he tongue fucked his little human plaything, throbbing and dripping precum onto the sheets below. With a loud slurp, and a groan from Greg, the bear pulled his tongue free. Smiling the human knew what was coming next. Tony let the wet human hole fall to the bed, and the human sat up slightly, looking at the spire of bearmeat that would soon be buried in him. The bear spit in his hand and rubbed his length from tip to base, "you know what's coming don't ya?" grinning. Tony loved nothing more than having a tight ass wrapped around his monster, it wasn't often that he found a willing bottom to accept his 10inch pleasure stick, even though the length wasnt what most people cringed about, it was the thickness, almost 3 inches across.

Tony added some more spit to his monster, before lining up the tapered head to the still moist hole before him. "you ready?" not really a question, just a statement, Because Tony wasn't going to stop, he wouldn't, not this close to the sweet tightness of a hole that he hadn't had before. Greg smiled and relaxed as he felt the tip against his hole, he knew the bear would go slow, he just didn't know how well he would take something like what the bear had. Sure he had toys, and his husband...... Greg stopped thinking, trying to push any thoughts of his handsome lover out of his mind. Greg came back to reality quickly as he felt his ass open around the thick head of the bears cock. Tony grunted, the impossible tightness wrapping around his cock was almost unmanageable, He had to hold back from simply ramming himself all in at once. Shifting his weight forward he looks at Greg, "well 1/5 the way there buddy" grinning, as he continues pushing into the groaning human. Greg, feels the tightness in his stomach grow, He hears Tony called "halfway" before stopping to let the human adjust. "god your huge." groans out Greg. "well you've got about," pushing slighty harder, " 8 inches in ya right now" says Tony leaning down close to the humans face " 2 left, and guess what happens then?" he said before kissing the humans lips and returning to his in power position over the medium framed man wrapped around his cock. " what?" grunts Greg. And with a quick shove Tony's furry balls touch the humans smooth bottom for the first time. "I'm going to own you." in a low almost scary tone utters the bear, Whose cock is now balls deep within the human.

Greg hearing this looks up with a slight fear in his eyes. Laughing, Tony lifts the humans legs up over his shoulders, " scare ya? Well im not trying to scare ya, but I will probably make your ass unpleasureable to most after this". he said rocking his hips forward into the human. Greg sighed with relief, and for a brief second while the bear was still, his mind wondered back to his husband..... Shaking his head slightly, he reach up to grab the bears large forarms. "bring it on big guy!". Tony needed no further encouragement as he pulled back about five inches of the tightest hole he had ever had, and slammed back in. Tony was grinning as he fucked the human below him, pushing back and forth, driving his monster into the tighthole. After a while he rolled over onto his back, pulling Greg on top of him, and bouncing the little human on his cock. "Uhhh, keep doing that" Greg groaned. Tony wasted no time in grabbing the humans small hips and began furiously pimping his hips upward, slamming his cock into the now loose hole. Tony didnt even notice his friends orgasm until he was spraying towards him, hot white globs of cum shot across the bears chest and onto his chin, he even managed to catch one in his mouth. Smiling as the human shook ontop of him moaning, he pulled the human down to the thick base of his cock, and swirled his hips left to right. Tony felt his itch growing, knowing he wouldn't last long, and he didn't, as soon as he felt Greg involuntarily clench around his cock, it exploded inside the human. Wave after wave of hot cum flooded the tiny humans bottom. After the heat died down, and both of them covered in sweat, the bear moved up into a sitting position, "now try to clench up, unless you wanna wash the sheets.". The human trying his best to clench still impaled on the monster cock.

As the bear was just about to pull Greg off his cock he slipped his hand under his friend and plugged his friends hole with two thick fingers as his cock popped out. "oh god" moaned Greg, as he stood beside the bed, shutting off the camera, with the bear's fingers up his ass. "oh you like it" teased Tony. "I'm good now.... You can let go...." Greg said. The fingers were pulled free and a small glob of thick bear spunk fell to the floor before Greg could stop the flow. "I think you should clean me up now" Tony grinned holding his cumstained fingers up toward Greg's face, while his other hand shook his still semihard monster cock that was coated in a thick slime. " hmmm dont have to ask me twice" he human said as he took the large hand presented to him and licked then sucked each of the two fingers completely clean. Before crawling onto the bed between the bear's massive legs and licking up from the base of the thick shaft that was, just a few moments ago, deep inside him. The bear groaned at the sensation of his spent cock being licked, and to the best of the humans ability sucked. After Greg was done cleaning the softening monster, he watched it contently as it shrank back down to it's soft state, still bigger than most are when hard, Greg crawled over the large gut and chest until his face to face with his massive lover. "you know, Andy would be mighty angry if he found out about this...." Tony said as the human kissed him. !! "don't say that name now!!" Greg hissed back to the bear that now looked displeased. "well I enjoyed it" Tony said smiling again. "good, hopefully we will be able to do this again soon." As they cuddled against eachother and fell asleep, Greg couldn't help but think back to Andy, his strong german Shepard husband away on his business trip.

First ever story,(so be gentle) short i know, thought up while at work, based on true events.
