War At Dawn

Story by Shadow_Fur96 on SoFurry

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#2 of Mat and Drey

My chest felt heavy, breathing was quite an effort. I pulled my hands out from under my head and felt a warm, furry body on top of me. I heaved my eyelids open and saw Drey had passed out. He breathed heavily and his hot breath felt good on my neck. He was lying on his belly with his chin on my chest, his wet nose just inches from my face. I giggled and smiled seeing him so comfortable on me; he was so warm, like a heating blanket.

I heard two people talking down the hall, although, it was more screaming then talking I knew the screaming all too well, it was Mom and Dad arguing. I made out only a few words, "Mat" "Drey" and "Faggots". My heart immediately began to pound in my chest, my ears began to ring and my eyes were wide with fear. "Drey!" I yelped. I shook his body but he only stirred putting a giant paw on my face and he dragged it down stretching my lips and eyes downward. "Drey get the 'F' up already!" I shoved him off me and he rolled completely off the bed landing on the floor with a thud. "Oops," I muttered. His head popped above the side of the bed and he mumbled, "What did I do?"

I realized the screaming had stopped; Drey's crash landing must have alerted the rents I was awake. "SHUSH!!!" I hushed at him. He bit his lip and his eyes grew wide, so wide his pupils shrunk to dots. "What?" I whispered to him I looked away and began to turn my head but i heard a clap and a sudden sting surged through my face. The world flashed pink red and purple, my body was thrown across the bed, then opening my tearing eyes to see the large hand that slapped my cheek, I saw my father standing at the foot of the bed, his eyes glaring through mine.

His nostrils flared and his bared teeth were clenched so tightly I saw the muscle of his jaw flexed. He roared, "You stupid faggot!" his hand that had slapped me clenching into a fist, his entire arm trembling as I saw him walk around the bed to the side where Drey was backing up against a wall. I could see his intention immediately, "Dad!" I screamed, but he kept walking towards Drey. Drey's ears were flat against his head and he whined in fear. "Fuck off!" I screamed jumping onto my Dad's neck my body weight pulled him down sideways slamming his head into the dry wall, the entire room shook.

My Dad ripped his head out of the wall and grabbed me by my hair. "AH!" I yelled in pain. But a hand covered my mouth and then pushed me against the wall lifting me a few feet off the floor. I tried to scream for my Mom but only a muffled mutter escaped through the hand clasped around my lips. "I'm going to kill you, you fucking fag," he said it so close to me his "F's" spat in my face. He reached behind him grabbing something but i closed my eyes, I waited for the end of it all but I heard a loud bark, almost like a short roar, a grunt, and then a thud on the floor. I fell from where I was being held, and collapsed onto my knees, I opened my eyes praying that my Dad was gone.

My neck was sore like my face and head, everything was throbbing painfully, but I turned my head to see Drey standing, his back to me; a small penknife in his shoulder, blood trailing down his back soaking his boxers and denim shorts, some of it trailed down his arms dripping off his claws but one of his once white paws was smothered in blood and I knew exactly who's it was. I stood, my head feeling like a lead weight, and leaned to see around Drey, there lay my father dead as a doornail. Blood drooled from his neck, a bone jutting out from his shoulder and his face scratched so deep I saw the bone lying underneath the meat.

I looked up to Drey, tears streamed down his face. The penknife had cut just above his eyebrow before it stabbed into his shoulder. "Drey, are you okay??" I got no reply for what seemed like an hour i finally got the courgae to say something else "Drey please talk to me," I begged. His eyes glanced at me, and his entire being softened, he turned and stepped towards me but winced and fell onto a knee when he tried to lift his arm to embrace me. "Oh my god!" I fell to his side helping him up. I let him lean on my back as I led him to the bed. I told him to sit upright to keep the wound above his heart as to minimize the blood loss and I ran downstairs for my Mom.