Battle Scars

Story by Shadow_Fur96 on SoFurry

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#3 of Mat and Drey

Darting out of of my bedroom door I rushed through the seemingly never ending hallway. Being wealthy had its disadvantages, one being that it takes an athelete runner to get to a room on the other side of the house in under 5 minutes. I turned around the corner and thundered down the stairs jumping from 8th step up thudding onto the floor, having no shoes it stung like mad when my fleet clapped with the tile. "MOM!" I screamed. No reply. I screamed again feeling my eyes tearing up again. I felt them trail down my cheek, "No you can't cry now, stop crying just get the emergency kit and get back to him," he was all I could think about. The knife in his shoulder, the blood, his face it all made me shudder. "Just get back to him," I kept thinking that over and over again to keep myself focused. My mom was no where to be found so I tore through every cabinet I could reach then moved on to any others. I ravaged through the pantry closet; still nothing to useful to be found. "Shit, now i gotta improvise," I muttered.

Lunging for the cabinets under the sink i found a bottle of peroxide and grabbed the roll of paper towels off the ring next to the sink. My eyes darting back and forth scanning for anything that may be of even the slightest use. My eyes fell upon the rag hanging off the trash compactor, i snatched the rag and bolted up the stairs as fast as i could slipping at least 3 times, the second time hitting my lip on one of steps and dropping the rag. I finally made it back up the stairs after what seemed like only a few seconds.

I came into the room and saw Drey still sitting as motionless as a statue. I crawled across the bed as to have a better position next to him, I slung the rag over his head and said, "Bite down on this," he obeyed silently and winced as my elbow grazed the knife protruding from his fur. The blood seemed to have slowed, alot of it had dried and scabbed on his fur, matting it and turning a brownish color. "I'm gonna pull it out then press these paper towels down on it okay?" i explained, he nodded and closed his eyes. I grasped the knife and pulled, the blade came out very easily and hardly any blood started running again. I tore at least 20 towels from the role and held them ontop of the wound. The blood seeped through just slightly rubbing off on my hands. " okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine," he replied nonchalantly. His voice sounded like a computer talking, it scared me, he wasn't scared, he wasn't worried, he was barely breathing, he just stared out the window infront of him. I took the paper towels from the wound and took the rag slowly from his mouth. I wrapped it around his shoulder and under his armpit then tied a knot. The blood had stopped and he didn't look like he'd need stitches, the knife had barely gone in past the tip of the blade. "Are you okay?" he said, this time he sounded normal, like the old Drey.

"I'm fine," I replied sitting on the side of the bed with him. I didn't know what to do so i buisied myself with pouring some peroxide onto the cloth letting it soak in to hold it on the wound. "Thank you," I said, my neck started to throb where my dad had nearly strangled me to death, a shiver shot through my arm knowing it probably would have been me with a knife sticking out of my shoulder had it not been for him. "I'm sorry you got hurt,"

"Heh, it's nothing compared to the pain i would have felt if I had lost you," he said. He leaned back grabbing my cell phone off the little end table by the head of my bed and dialed 911.

The ambulance came, officers questioned him and I, but they mostly questioned him, they asked questions repeatedly and he'd growl everytime they implied he killed my Dad not out of self defense, but out of anger. I had to be with him because they said he wouldn't talk, even if I had just left for a few minutes to talk to a different officer. The medic gave him a proper bandage and said I did I good job at keeping the wound clean. He said Drey would be fine and the authorities left us both standing on the walkway between the driveway and the door to the mansion behind us. I asked out loud the question that had been in the back of my mind since i couldn't find her anywhere in the house, "Where's Mom?"