Coffee and Cream (Commission for Morokai)

Story by Artide on SoFurry

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It is with surreptitious contempt that Marduk finds himself grinding his teeth together, fighting back a groan of annoyance directed solely at the group of girls at the table next to him. The rising din of their nonsensical chatter irked him to a point where he almost wanted to go over to them and tell them to quiet themselves, but then he deflated and sighed heavily. He was never one for long, drawn-out fights (or confrontations whatsoever) especially when teenage girls were involved. Even more so, as he eyed the rising steam from their drinks and the strangely functional chic key chains armed to the teeth with mace.

He closed the book he was reading shut and traced a finger over the gloss of the cover, deeply regretting moving from the row of shelves behind him to sit down and have his ears talked off. It was hard enough to concentrate in the growing noise of the café's rush hour without the help of hip teen clientele and their oddly piercing howls of laughter. It was one of those hip combinations of bookstore and café that have shown a recent devolution and was now mostly café. Marduk grumbled under his breath as he sat up, grabbing a hold of the book and thinking to himself that he could find a quieter part of the bookstore to sit down and read.

He had started to walk out of the café area before a voice behind him caught his attention. The laughter and loud noises from the group of teenage girls behind him cut silent, making his ears swivel backwards in interest.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave," the voice was saying. Marduk turned his head in surprise and interest and caught the sight of an arctic fox standing over the group of teenagers with his paws on his hips, glaring with rising vehemence at the crowd of teenagers. "You're being loud."

"And if we don't?" one of the girls was brave -or stupid-enough to ask. The arctic fox's features morphed into a steady grin, and Marduk shivered at it. That grin seemed deadlier to him than the glare.

"I'll kick your ass out myself," the fox said, his grin splitting wider at the idea.

"Y-you can't do that!" the teenage said, but didn't look as confident as before.

"Try me."

The girl clenched her paw into a fist before shaking it and putting it down on the table. He turned to the other teenagers and tried to regain her composure.

"Come on, this place is lame anyway," she announced to the rest of the crew, who tried to make as much of a noise and a mess as possible. They finalized their escape with a thrown plastic coffee cup still half-full with coffee. The brown liquid stained the countertop and spread down to the floor below, collecting in swirling puddles on the white tile.

"Great..." the fox grumbled, reaching into his green apron for a washrag. He tried mopping up what was on the table as best he could. Marduk watched on in interest for a second before setting down his book on a nearby table and moving over to help the arctic fox, grabbing a handful of paper towels and crouching next to the fox. He started to mop up the remains of the coffee.

"Thanks," the fox said, managing a genuine smile. "I think that's all we're going to get out of these rags." He put the brown-stained washrag on the table and surveyed the growing mess. "I'm going have to get the mop," he sighed forlornly, but shrugged it off.

"Well, maybe I can help?" Marduk offered. He hated when people were that immature.

The snow fox surveyed Marduk with a mixture of incredibility and interest, before he settled with a slow, easy smile that made the wolf's insides twist unexpectedly. The fox was really cute...He shook the feeling and held the fox's gaze until he registered that the arctic was speaking.

"Thanks for the offer, but shouldn't you be off enjoying lattes and cappuccinos and reading the finer points in great contemporary literature?" the fox said, standing up and wiping his brown-stained paws on some of the napkins Marduk had brought over. The wolf was taken aback.

"Isn't that stereotyping?" he wondered, and the snow fox shrugged.

"I suppose," he said. "Isn't it true?"

Marduk shook his head. "I hate the taste of coffee. It's much too bitter for me. I only drink water, or if I can down it, some soda."

"Well, aren't you special?" asked the fox, who was grinning widely. The wolf's insides twisted again and he looked away, a blush tingeing the caramel-brown of his fur.

"I'm not different...just Marduk," he said, scratching the scruff of his neck with an awkward paw. The fox hummed under his breath, tossing a large ball of soggy napkins in the trash and wiping his paws on his green apron.

"Well, 'just Marduk'," he said teasingly. "You can call me Artie." He held out his white paw as an offering. Marduk grasped his hand, gasping at how warm it was. The warmth spread through his arms and before he knew it he was blushing anew.

"So...uh..." he said distractedly, "I'm sorry those kids were jerks." Artie nodded and lifted the dirty washrag, depositing it in a pocket in his apron. Below him the brown coffee swirled over the tile that he wasn't able to mop up, making Artie swear under his breath.

"Well, I gotta go find a mop. Thanks for the help, cutie" -at this, the wolf's breath hitched in his throat-"but I think I got it from here," the snow fox winked, giving Marduk one last gleaming smile before turning around and walking away, his tail lifting and flagging, giving Marduk the perfect opportunity to openly stare at the way the fox's ass moved with his steps, shifting in weight as he moved out of Marduk's line of sight and slipped into a door marked 'Employees Only.'

Marduk's eyes followed the line of the fox's curves very intently until the fox was out of his line of sight. He stood there stupidly for a minute before a stray drop of drool from his muzzle fell onto his paw and he blushed brightly at it. When had he started drooling? His obvious arousal had also made itself known in another rather physical away, and if possible his muzzle grew warmer. He looked around at the rest of the people in the café and quickly adjusted his pants to remove the growing pressure against his sheath, which had somehow gotten fuller and harder as he gazed at the fox. He tried to draw attention away from it by clapping his paws together and rubbing them nervously, turning to find an empty seat.

The brown wolf sighed and sat down, thankfully away from the growing puddle of coffee that was still racing down the tile. He breathed heavily, trying to collect his thoughts and cool his blood. His mind automatically shifted to thoughts of the fox, and he willed them away, his muzzle heating up again. He didn't want to think about the fox, about the smooth, subtle curves of the lithe vulpine form, and he especially didn't want to deal with how he had been staring at the fox's tail as he sauntered away. To think of that would raise a whole mess of questions that the wolf didn't want to confront.

Marduk had always considered himself straight, and decided to clear his mind by looking at anything else behind him, trying to distract himself from thoughts on what his growing arousal might or might not mean. Try as he might, however, the wolf's thoughts inevitably returned to the white fox and the creaminess of his fur, the bright sheen of it from the florescent lighting, and the fox's easy, steady smile that made Marduk's heart splutter and stutter.

He shook his head to try and clear the arousal before anyone caught the sense of wolf musk, which would have been highly embarrassing. Especially if Artie had come back and got a whiff...Marduk thought he would die of embarrassment if anything of the sort happened. So when the fox did return a few minutes later with a yellow mop bucket and a severely displeased look on his muzzle, Marduk stood still for a minute. He didn't want to just run away, because he would feel bad about ditching Artie. Plus, a part of him wanted to be in the vulpine's company for as long as possible. He pushed that thought aside and walked over to the arctic fox as he readied the mop.

"I...I'll do that for you if you want," Marduk said, blushing again. He really needed to stop that, especially in the company of the fox. Artie looked surprised at the wolf's appearance, but his look of shock was replaced by one of his slow, easy smiles that caused damage on Marduk's circulatory system.

"You know, most customers wouldn't offer to do my job for me," he said, and suddenly Marduk thought he might have offended the fox by hinting that he couldn't do his job. He opened his mouth to apologize, but the fox held up a paw to silence him, his green eyes twinkling with mirth. Marduk looked away, the constant blush on his muzzle spreading to his ears. "Relax," said the fox. He gripped the handle of the mop and started to sop up the excess remains of the coffee on the floor, moving back and forth with slow, methodical motions.

Marduk stood there awkwardly, trying not to be in the fox's way while not wanting to void himself of the vulpine's presence completely. He looked around at the other people in the room, eyes passing over a raccoon and a couple of squirrels in the corner. Finally his eyes settled on the book he had left on the table. The white fox followed his line of sight.

"Shouldn't you put that back?" asked Artie, nodding towards the book. Marduk nodded slowly.

"Yeah...but I'll be back in a few minutes," he promised. Artie smiled again, moving close enough to the wolf that Marduk could smell the pleasant scent of the arctic's breath. The cream-and-brown wolf back pedaled quickly, his face flaming red.

"You're so cute," the fox commented, and the wolf spluttered.

"I...uh...I..." he tried to choke out. The fox moved forward, placing his paw against the wolf's muzzle.

"I'm off my shift in a few minutes. Want to go grab a bite to eat?"

Marduk started walking over to the book and moved to the shelf that he remembered taking it from. He left the open area of the café behind him as he weaved between rows of shelves and various shoppers grazing the titles with unwavering focus. He avoided two otter children running down the aisles and managed to place his book back. He steeled himself from running back to the fox and it both confused and upset him that he had to physical force his tail from wagging like an overexcited puppy.

He didn't know why he was so excited. Something about the fox grabbed his attention and kept it there, kept the wolf's mind constantly circling back to the vulpine form. His mind swirled with the implications that could have. He was never terribly good at making friends, and thought that maybe the fox could be the first really good friend Marduk had made in a while. But something clawed at the back of his mind like a tiny voice in the base of his skull that whispered and told him that maybe he wasn't exactly looking for friendship in the fox. That thought made him stop dead on his way back, and his eyes widened. What did that mean to him, then? Was he attracted to the fox?

He could definitely admit that there was something appealing about the vulpine, something that made his sheath stir at very inopportune times, and it was something that he had only felt when looking at the females around him, or at home with his computer. It scared him, and the implications were so monstrous that Marduk started scanning the titles of the books he was walking past in order to give himself something to focus on. He could squash those questions and deal with them later.

By the time he reached the café again, the fox was gone. Marduk's ears turned down and he sat down in a chair to steady himself. On one paw, he was glad for the excuse to clear his mind of thoughts of the fox, but on the other he sorely missed the fox's company. This was insane! Someone he had just met; a male fox at that. Things were getting so confusing for the wolf.

"Are you coming?" Marduk looked up in surprise to see Artie standing there, wearing a small green hat, his eyes framed by glasses and the same slow, easy smirk on his muzzle. He held out his paw for the wolf to grab, who looked away from the fox, the bridge of his cream-brown muzzle flushed with pink before taking the fox's paw with his.

Together they emerged out into the bright sunlight of the shopping plaza, the downtown area that was already abuzz of the usual hustle and bustle of business and noise. Marduk always got kind of nervous around such large crowds, which had led to him to ducking into the bookstore in the first place. Artie however, grinned at the sounds and smells that were usually associated with the place. He loved how_alive_ everything felt, and made no attempt to hide it.

Marduk suddenly realized he was still grasping onto the fox's paw and let go almost immediately, the light pink across his muzzle deepening into a flaming red. What if someone had seen him? What if one of his friends had seen him?

Artie looked at him curiously but didn't say anything, a knowing smile spread across his muzzle, making Marduk's blush spread even further.

They stopped in front of a cheap eatery place that Marduk had seen once or twice, but too nervous to try for himself. To his surprise, he enjoyed the food and enjoyed the company even more; talking in long, low voices with the fox about all kinds of matters. The fox seemed pleased that he had started to talk with much less hesitancy than just a few hours before, but graciously ignored the subjects that would have the wolf blushing and stammering. Marduk was certainly glad things had turned out the way they did; he had never expected that running into a bookstore for some peace and quiet would lead to meeting a new and amazing friend.

By the time the sun had set on their time -literally, the wolf had noticed, taking a quick glance at the fading orange and red outside - the fox got up and stretched, letting his joints pop and crack leisurely. Marduk looked away again, trying not to stare too hard at the fox's lithe form.

When they had gotten outside it was already night, the streets and shops littered with iridescent lights that bathed them both in a warm orange glow. Artie turned around and regarded Marduk casually, as if they hadn't just met in a bookstore a few hours ago, a sly grin sliding onto his muzzle.

"Wanna come home with me?"

Marduk's eyes nearly popped out of his skull, and he severely hoped that the wheezing splutters weren't coming from his muzzle. Artie looked at him as he tried to regain composure and ended up taking a deep breath and holding up his paws.

"I'm not...I mean I don't...I've never..." the wolf said, backing away from the arctic fox. "I don't know if I'm..." he blushed again, not able to say the words he had been avoiding all day. The arctic fox nodded in understanding and approached Marduk slowly and cautiously, as not to frighten him.

"You don't know if you like guys?" he offered, and Marduk let out a long sigh that was punctuated by a whimper.


Suddenly the fox embraced him, wrapping his arms around the wolf's soft fur and squeezing lightly; the pressure calmed Marduk down almost instantly and he murred at the contact, giving into the warmth of the fox's embrace.

"I'll be gentle," Artie promised, muttering into Marduk's ears. The wolf sighed and melted into the embrace.

Right now, it just felt good to be held and he didn't want to worry himself with stupid questions. Those could wait for when he wasn't here with this fox, at a time when he had space and the capacity to think about it. For right now, he just wanted to feel.

"Oh...okay," the wolf said, slowly and shakily brought his arms to wrap around the fox's. When they broke, Artie grabbed Marduk by the paw and led him to his car.

The car ride was filled with a nervous energy, something that Marduk could almost grasp palpably. His thought process ran along the lines of 'oh my god, I'm about to do this with a guy' and it scared him. It scared him to the point that he wanted to leave the car and bolt out as fast as possible. But that would be rude to the fox, who had been so nice to him, had do something. It would be especially rude to Marduk himself. If he didn't see this through until the end, how would he know the answers to the questions he had been avoiding all day?

Artie's apartment was sparsely furnished, but Marduk could only describe the humble abode as comfortable. Despite his current situation, he felt like he could curl up on the couch for a while and be at ease. The fox closed the door behind him, making the wolf jump. He looked around for Artie, who nodded towards the door.

"Don't worry, it's open. You can leave at any time," he explained. The wolf let out a sigh of relief, turning back towards the apartment and the décor. It was nice and quaint and...Marduk's thought process derailed as he felt a paw tug on his. He looked back to the arctic fox and blushed a bit. Artie tugged harder on his paw, dragging him into a warm hug that the wolf murred and sank into.

"Well..." the fox said, muffled in the brown fur of Marduk's neck. "We can start slow if you want."

Marduk blushed harder and nodded; his muzzle warm.

"Oh...okay..." the wolf said nervously.

"Do you feel comfortable with me not wearing anything?" Artie asked. Marduk nodded slowly, taking a deep breath as the fox disengaged from the hug and stood in front of him. Moving to a small coffee table next to them, Artie put his glasses and his cap down, smoothing the ruffled fur on the bridge of his muzzle. He grasped the edge of his shirt and lifted it off of his body, revealing a slightly pudgy belly and chest under pure white fur.

He put the shirt next to his hat and undid his belt, slowly sliding it off and unzipping his pants. Marduk gulped and blushed, not wanting to look away. Usually he shied away from anything that embarrassed him like this, but for some reason the arctic fox's smooth, soft curves and clean white fur held his attention. He couldn't look away, he didn't want to look away...Mesmerized beyond his usual shy self, Marduk stared openly as Artie slid his shorts down, revealing his slightly swollen sheathe and fuzzy fox bits to the wolf, who meeped and blushed brighter than ever.

The black head of the fox's cock was already slipping free of the fox's sheathe, and breathing in Marduk suddenly got a heady dose of the fox's musk across his nostrils. He murred unconsciously, his own sheath starting to harden at the smell of the other male's arousal. Artie's trademark smile spread on his muzzle as he appraised Marduk up and down.

"Now you," he murred. Marduk nodded, almost dumbly, as his arousal was blasting full force. Shyness no longer took precedence, and his thought process was pretty much non-existent. Now he was a horny wolf and he needed to get off.

Without thinking, Marduk lifted his own shirt and pants off, revealing his half-hard cock to the fox's eager gaze, the mixed scent of their combined musk making him almost heady with the smell. The fox murred low in his throat and grabbed the wolf's paws again. This time, there was no embarrassment as Marduk was dragged into the fox's bedroom and together they landed on the bed.

Muzzles wrapped together and paws blazed trails down each other's fur. Marduk gasped at the heat, the fire causing his shaft to twitch and drool precum that drooled onto the fur of his belly. All of the sensations drove him wild and he blushed and moaned as he felt the fox tweak a nipple and assault his throat with his teeth and tongue. Suddenly Artie's paw dipped lower, rubbing down his spine and briefly running through his tail, which was trying hard not to wag like a puppy. Marduk gasped as he felt a paw cup his ass and a finger push under his tail.

Suddenly he broke away from the fox, scooting towards the end of the bed in a blind panic. Artie looked up curiously, but didn't comment until the wolf had regained control over his breathing. Still blushing and still half-lost in pleasure, Marduk calmed down enough to speak.

"I...I've never...I don't want...It's just so fast," he choked out, looking away from the fox, who nodded. He didn't smile this time; he completely understood how scary and nervous first times could be, especially with another male. He patted the wolf's knee comfortingly and tried his best to sound reassuring.

"Hey...I know how it is. I've been there, too," he said. Marduk looked up at the fox and nodded slowly. "We'll go nice and slow, okay?" Marduk nodded, faster this time, and Artie leaned over to swipe his tongue over the wolf's lips.

He pushed forward; wrapping his muzzle around Marduk's and held him there for a breathless second. Marduk murred and moaned into the fox's mouth and moved his paws to wrap around Artie's waist. Artie scooted closer and trailed a claw down Marduk's chest, running over a nipple slowly. The wolf arched into the touch and let out a disjointed whimper into their kiss. When they broke apart Marduk groaned out as the fox tweaked a nipple roughly and then dragged his claws down the wolf's stomach.

Moving from his muzzle, Artie nicked and lipped at the wolf's jaw and neck, burrowing his maw into the wolf's scruff as his paws moved towards, over the wolf's stomach and down past his sheath, one paw closing around the wolf's balls and the other one tracing lines over the top of his thigh. Marduk sucked in a breath through his teeth at the teasing gestures, so close to his straining and glistening cock.

The arctic fox trailed his tongue towards it, stopping to lick down the wolf's chest and lap hungrily at a nipple, causing Marduk to cry out in pleasure and buck against the fox. Artie closed his teeth around one of Marduk's nipples, the pressure and the touch of his tongue against the wolf's soft flesh made Marduk moan in pleasure, arching deeper and forcing the fox to put more pressure against it.

Artie moved from the wolf's nipples and kissed his stomach, trailing down until his muzzle was hovering over Marduk's cock. He looked up at the wolf, who was blushing brightly, before smiling widely.

"Nice and slow, right?" he asked, before sliding the entire shaft into his muzzle, burying his snout in the wolf's pubic fur. Marduk opened his muzzle and tilted it back in a soundless howl. His body seized up as he felt the fox's tongue rub against the underside of his shaft and groaned out at the feeling, a spurt of pre-cum painting the inside of the fox's muzzle with warm, sticky fluid.

Artie lifted his muzzle off of the wolf's cock with a wet pop, lapping up the beads of precum that had formed at the tip. He licked downwards over the red, throbbing flesh of the twitching wolf meat, the fox's tongue rubbing over Marduk's swelling knot and further over his sheath. He kissed and nipped his way over the wolf's balls and towards his real prize: the wolf's pink pucker that was straining underneath Marduk's wagging tail.

He took an experimental sniff and grinned lewdly when he found it to smell clean with a hint of soap, the only other smell the overpowering aroma of horny wolf, and his muffled voice reached Marduk's ears when he spoke. "Wolfie got all clean for a foxy?" he murred. Marduk blushed brightly at this. It wasn't that he had washed himself so thoroughly because he had expected to end up in bed with a fox (and a male one, at that) but he hated feeling dirty anywhere. It was a personal quirk of his, he guessed.

He tried to relay this to the fox, getting so far as to say "I...just hate feeling dirty anywhere so I clea-nngh!" his voice was broken in a sharp, low howl as the fox swiped his tongue over the pink tailhole, the soft flesh quivering and trembling at the fox's touch. Artie stuck his tongue out and ran it across the length of the wolf's clenched tailhole.

"O-oh god," the wolf moaned, too far gone to even blush. The sensations felt so good, like his nerve endings were screaming in pleasure all down his body. He tried to tell Artie how he felt when the fox put more pressure behind his licks, lewdly attacking the wolf's pink pucker until the force causing him to stop lapping at the tail hole and pressed inside.

"Oh nngh, oh my god!" Marduk nearly howled out loud, his entire body seized up as a large stream of pre shot from his cock and landed on his stomach, messy splatters that surprised even him. He had never made this much pre when he pawed by himself, but this felt a hundred times better than pawing or anything he had done by himself.

Artie spread the wolf's muscles open, lapping at the walls of Marduk's insides and causing the wolf to keen loudly. He grinned to himself as he pushed forward, writhing his tongue around and making sure to scrape all of the points he knew would drive the wolf wild, driving his tongue deeper until his muzzle was pushed roughly against the gaping hole, his tongue swirling around and his canines scraping roughly against Marduk's rim.

The wolf was lost in pleasure, his cock swelling and shuddering underneath him, almost to the point of bursting. The fox driving his tongue deep into Marduk's insides was causing the wolf's mind to blank out, lost so deep in pleasure. He grunted and groaned, trying to spear himself deeper onto the fox's warm muscle, crying out as he felt Artie's teeth nick and nibble on his rim. Oh god...the fox was eating him. He was eating him! Marduk felt the teeth scrape against him as pleasurable shudders wracked his body and he ground his tailhole back against the muzzle, wanting the fox to devour him and leave nothing left.

Marduk couldn't hold back anymore and his paw fell to his crotch, wrapping around his weeping wolfhood and pumping it only a few times before he threw his muzzle back and baying his heart out, his inner walls clamping down on the fox's tongue as he came all over his stomach, the pungent smell of wolf seed sharp to the fox's nose.

Artie withdrew himself from the twitching, panting wolf above him, trailing his paw through some of the lighter-brown patches of fur that ran down Marduk's leg as he drew himself up, hovering over the wolf. It was also so hot to do that to guys, especially cute little wolfies who mewled and moaned and begged until they came all over themselves. Artie moaned as his cock twitched under him and his arousal drove him to wrap his paw around it, grasping the thick black length and pumping a few times before he moaned and came, his cum arching over and landing on Marduk's chest and muzzle who was just recovering from his own orgasm.

Artie fell in the bed and grinned, lolling his tongue out as he lied back in bliss next to the brown wolf. Artie looked over the wolf next to him and curled into him slightly.

"So," he said. "Read any good books lately?"

4/22/11 - 4/27/11


_Intercession_ by: Artide When Brandon hears the door slam, he knows something is wrong. He moves from his precarious perch on the couch just in time to see a pair of black paws moving up the stairs and can't seem to shake the sense of foreboding...

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How to Catch a Train

_How to Catch a Train_ by: Artide Marcus moved past a large iron gate, eyes taking in the waning light of the station; the gleaming demi-city nestled between monolithic skyscrapers that reflected the glow and bathed the whole area in...

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