How it all begins

Story by Tattle Tail on SoFurry

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The Massive Hyena stomped through the woodlands in a bit of a mood, he was tired, hungry, cold and he itched, all but the last one he could stand but the itching was rapidly reaching a point to drive him mad.

Taking a moment to scratch his fur again Ja'Con cursed the Universe at large for his current predicament, a week ago he had been just another male in the pack, child of the Matriarch and one of the biggest hunters his people had ever seen, and then the Mchawi had tried to force herself on him, not that he was opposed to the sex but the Mchawi was several generations older than his own queen, when he refused she declared him evil, possessed of a queens spirit and tried to have him killed.

Thankfully one of his sisters had warned him before the clan summoned him for the trial and he had fled, north into the cold winds and away from everything he ever knew.

Now he was alone, in a land he didn't know and couldn't understand and being eaten by things he couldn't see with no dust to roll in, his cloth's were designed to keep him cool in the scorching African day and to blend into the golden brown grass that his prey usually consumed, in the dark browns and greens of this new land he found hunting to be a greater challenge than expected.

Taking a deep breath of the cool air Ja'Con smiled as a scent drifted past, fresh, young and tasty the scent promised at the minimum food, with a bit of luck it could possibly solve all his problems at once.

Dropping into a crouch Ja'Con followed the scent through the strange woods and quickly started to pick up on other things from his prey, female maybe sixteen seasons just old enough to get out of the den, just starting her season. As the light scent filled his nose Ja'Con felt another urge pull at his body before shaking it off, once he had eaten he could search for pleasure.

After a minute of tracking Ja'Con frowned as another odor crossed his nose, older male and stinking of rotting meat, another Carnivore had picked up his victims scent and was closing quickly.

Breaking into a run Ja'Con ignored the whipping branches and grasping weeds that tried to slow him down as he raced for his dinner.

Ahead he heard a shriek and a snarl, putting as much effort as possible into his legs the Hyena burst through into the clearing and finally saw his opponent and prey, a massive snarling form loomed over a small grey rabbit as she coward on the ground, a dark mark spreading across her face as a drop of blood formed on a split lip.

Ignoring the victim Ja'Con let out a rippling snarl of warning towards his opponent as the larger form turned towards him, the grey male was both larger and older than himself but Ja'Con could already tell that his muscles were not designed for the type of fighting he was, this was an ambush predator like the Cheetah bitches that had challenged him from time to time, all built for speed and sudden strikes.

Taking another step into the clearing Ja'Con let his hackles rise to be as impressive as he could before letting out a second deeper snarl, while he doubted this dog would speak the same language as himself the communication between male hunters was universal.

As the other Carnivore lowered his head and bared his fangs Ja'Con took note of the stance, lower to the ground with the muscles bunched up in the lower back, this was one well used to going for the belly and under throat of his prey in sudden strikes, while effective in groups and for prey that kept all their weapons on their heads this style of fighting was a quick way to end up dead when confronting the larger predators of the plains, predators that he had fought and killed before.

Baring his teeth Ja'Con charged, after a moment's hesitation the older male fell back and Ja'Con took his place above the still stunned rabbit taking a moment to glance at her the Hyena decided to claim her completely.

Reaching down Ja'Con got a grip on the smaller beings hair and pulled the shrieking form to her feet, getting a grip on the females throat Ja'Con applied pressure until she was thrashing silently in his grip as her small hands struggled against his, reaching under the struggling form Ja'Con rubbed the small rabbits vagina, smiling at the voyeur Ja'Con got a grip on the rabbits crotch before shoving his middle finger into her tight core and letting go of her throat, as her weight forced her further down onto his finger the sudden rush of blood to her head blurred the spike of pain as he ripped through her virginity and opened her up for further abuse.

Shifting her back so her thrashings wouldn't force him to drop her Ja'Con started to pump his finger into the smaller female as he started to back out of the clearing leaving the large carnivore alone, hungry and aroused thanks to the scents the moaning female was giving off, as the tree's closed in around him once more Ja'Con turned with his prize and fled deeper into the woods, he would definite need a secluded place to sate all his hungers.


(A/N) Let me know what you think and I might upload some more.