The Will To Control: chapter1

Story by trigger12 on SoFurry

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Ah, another story. Man im slow XC

anyways, this is an origin story featuring a certain dragoness some of you might know quite well by now :d



The sun shined over the rocky cliffs at the mountainside. Birds chirped in the early morning, and the raging waterfalls were heard from miles away. As heard from a curious creature. Naked in the sunlight, a rather maturely aged looking female of a dragoness' species climbed down the Cliffside, reaching the bottom on instinct.

She sniffed at the air, all new to her like a newborn. She had no memories except for waking up atop the mountain, and all the sights she saw on her way down. She had little if any cares at the moment. The only thing that was her concern was her belly rumbling, and a desire to put something in her mouth, and ingest it. She had already tried eating grass, rocks, a few bugs and birds, but she had spat them all out. Needless to say it wasn't to her tastes.

As she continued to crawl down into the nearby forest, she found a corpse. It was a knights old, dead and rotting behind after he died. She didn't even understand what it all was, but it smelt awful, which made her instinctively back away from it. It wasn't an instinct of fear, but she had a bad feeling when took in the horrible smelling scent. It wasn't long until she found her way to a lake at the end of the water fall.

She wasn't alone however, as there was another body in similar clothing and armor as the corpse she found, except this one was alive, and drinking from the lake. She watched curiously as this creature took handfuls of the water and poured it in his mouth. She blinked, heading closer to the edge and doing the exact same thing. She found it felt good. Not content with small handfuls, she soon bent her head down and drunk right from the lake.

Unsurprisingly enough, it caught the attention of the knights during his refreshment after a hard fight. He saw the creature was apparently female, scaled differently and shaped differently from other dragons he had seen. Red scales with yellow stripes along her arms, a head of short purplish hair, with pointed horns. She was shaped like a well matured and bountiful woman, with large breasts from his point of view, as well as catching glimpses of her nipples, which were black and stuck out quite well from her other colors. She could feel she was being watched somehow, and looked up at him, giving a curious tilt of her head.

Her curiousness was soon drawn elsewhere. She could feel warmth all along her body, and her belly was still rumbling. She fidgeted around as she became sensitive. Pretty soon she figured out where the hottest part of her body was...right between her legs. She reached down, running her hand along the flesh there. She shivered at sensation it brought. It felt good, very good. She continued to poke and probe at the weird opening, finding herself shivering with every touch. She panted, and found out it was getting wetter, and even moving against her fingers.

The knight just watched in awe as she continued to finger herself. She seemed to want to get as deep as she could. Her fingers weren't doing it for her anymore, as she wanted something longer. She looked around, and found a twig. It seems larger than her fingers, and she poked it into herself without hesitation. Despite the pointy and jagged surface, of the object, it wasn't causing and pain or damage seemingly.

He shook his head, incredulous at the sight. "Hey, what are you doing?" he shouted. She didn't pay any mind to it. He got up and walked to wards her. "Are you mad?" he shouted at her again. "That's going to leave scratches...hello?" He resorted to snapping his fingers in front of her.

That got her attention; finally, as she looked up at him with needing eyes, pulling out the twig as it were nothing, as it too was no longer satisfying her. She searched for something bigger or longer at least. She saw a long shiny thing with a weird end to it. It was his sword. She reached for it and yanked it out of its sheath, much to his surprise. She stared into it, seeing her face for a little while, but once again her attention was drawn below.

"What are you doing with..." he stopped mid sentence as she lied down, and lined the sword up with herself, and simply shoved it in. With that shocking sigh, he left in a hurry. "You can keep that sword you devil woman!" he screamed.

Meanwhile; a portal had opened up at the very edge of the mountainside, a feline stepping through. He bore a trench coat, and a few scars from a fight a few moments ago, which healed right up. As soon as he walked a few paces onward, he heard moans coming from his left. His ears perked up, and he went in the direction. Soon he was at the lake and found the female creature, squirming and moaning in the grass.

"Wow, someone's having a good time." He snickered to himself, until he had a glimpse of what exactly she was doing, and what she was doing it with. "Wow, shit!" He blurted out. It was one of the most bizarre things he had seen all day, watching her...with that sword. "Ummmm... do you realize that's a sharp blade there." She wasn't listening, only moaning, and panting, and enjoying it.

This seemed...either masochistic, or just desperate. Either one, he couldn't just stand there. He reached down, and pulled that sword away from her, it seemed to only be dripping with clear sex juices, and no blood, thankfully. She looked up at him as he tossed it away. Her next panted breath caught a whiff of something; something.....sweet and salty.

The next thing he saw was the creature lunging at him, pinning him to the ground, and stuffing her nose into his face. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" The feline retorted, but still no listening from her. She pressed her nose against him, sniffing at his face, his neck, chest, and eventually lower. "Oh, wow, hey!"

He found himself shivering as her cold nose touched various places, soon more concentrated below. It seemed she may have found what she was looking for, pressing her face against him there, causing a gasp of surprise out of the feline guest. Then, as if it was second nature to her, she grabbed hold of the waistline of his pants, hooked her fingers in and yanked them down.

The feline couldn't help but laugh, being cut off by another gasp as her nose continued to sniff; now making contact his exposed member, causing shivers to run up his spine. 'Oh wow, free blowjob...' he thought to himself as she examined his penis. She backed away a bit as it twitched and grew harder. The smell then became more potent, as she pressed her nose onto the glands, making its host shiver. Her tongue wondered out of her mouth, sliding along, finding it tasting good.....really good.

Within seconds, the feline found his length nearly getting swallowed whole as she went down. Now he knew what a straw felt like, what with getting slurped on so hungrily. He sure didn't last long either, grunting as he came suddenly. The creature just gulped it down like it was nothing, or rather, not enough.

"Oh...damn..." The feline trembled. " can let go now....oh." She didn't, only persisting until he came again, and again, and again. Now he was trying desperately to pull her off, thrusting his hips backwards, pulling on her. What finally did it was a swift pull to her horns, and with a yelp she was yanked off.

"Sensitive horns, that's good." He panted, yanking his pants up before she got up again. "Ill remember that if..." She lunged again, only to be yanked back by the horn again. "You really don't know when to quit, do you?"

He took off his trench coat and grabbed her, then pinned her down so he could use it as a makeshift rope, to bind her arms together. Despite this, she still managed to lunge at him, though only to be kicked off again and again. Eventually the feline managed to subdue her, by simply grabbing her by one of her horns no less, and dragged her with him as he walked off, with almost no protests from her.

"I know someone who might know about this kind of thing, and I think I could use someone like you....maybe."

With that, he lifted her into his arms, still holding her horn, and journeyed onwards, opening a portal.

To Be Continued...