Adolphus' tails 04: Intelligence from a new source

Story by Avanti Halfhorse on SoFurry

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#7 of Adolphus' tails

Hello again exceedingly patient followers of my various writings, I have finally managed to get around to finishing the forth part in the Adolphus saga. I can be reached at [email protected] in accordance with the prophecy and do remember that the thermal erase pens aren't designed for Queensland summers (almost lost a couple of pages because of it).

PS: Sorry to those of you who are not fond of reading male on male, but in this day and age, I could be sued for discrimination if I don't diversify. (AH: I joke now, but one day this could be true.)

PPS: Don't bother suing, I don't have anything worth taking.

Sometimes, one must release an aspect of oneself to truly feel themselves. - Avanti Halfhorse

Kala and Meynel, tired from their sexual escapades, were sleeping in Felicity's bed, free from their mechanical bindings, but wrapped in each-other's arms. However Felicity had gone to wash herself and taken Celdepah with her to assist and to perform another duty.

In her experiences, Felicity had found that whilst she could arouse herself in many different ways, she had discovered that only certain things could truly satisfy this need. At first, she could satisfy herself with Kala's tongue or her own paw. Of course, as she grew older, she had found she needed different things. Her first change of taste was the need for a stallion's cock within her body, filling her with his infertile seed. This sated her tastes for a while, but in time, this wore thin and out of unsated anger, Felicity sold her first male slave at the age of 15, after only owning him for seven months. Feeling that she needed a more lively slave, Felicity bought herself a hornier colt slave; untrained, yet as randy as she was. The willingness of Felicity's second slave allowed her to try new and more interesting things. At first, Felicity simply decided to deal with her needs as she had them, which to begin with wasn't much of an issue, until she found herself becoming aroused at almost any time of day. Staying true to her needs, she fulfilled her desired for sex whenever it arose, which meant she sometimes found herself in places where it wasn't polite behaviour for a princess to be engaging in such acts as receiving oral sex, but her desire to be pleased could not be ignored. This continued for several weeks, having sex in privies, in back alleys and once in her parent's bedroom, as it was the closest room she could find at the time. Her spree of lewd sex came to an abrupt end when her father caught her indulging with her slave in the kitchen pantry during a banquet. Felicity's father was furious and he had Felicity's slave castrated almost immediately before being sold. To punish his daughter further, he purchased Felicity's next slave, Meynel. Felicity was furious with her father's actions and took out her anger on Meynel for a week, until Kala talked her out of it. Upon hearing of her new mistress' needs, Meynel decided she would help.

Only a few weeks earlier, Meynel had heard of a new treatment that allowed a female to sleep with any fertile male and not risk pregnancy, quite a profitable substance in a city of carnal pleasures. So once a week, Felicity and Meynel would sneak out of the palace late at night, purchase a jar of this ointment and have sex with a couple of strange males. This went on for many months, until Felicity was well into her Sixteenth year. She was found out when one of the guards told her father he had seen her hanging around in one of the pubs. The king was enraged, but Felicity's mother came to her rescue and told him that this was the result of forbidding her from having a personal male slave.

Felicity went through several more phases like this, where she would try something new and bore of it in time. Her current taste was for something a tad unorthodox for a stallion and mare to engage in, yet Felicity's interest in it was peaked after overhearing a conversation between Razher and Gareth on the subject.

With the door to the en suite closed, Felicity stood by the basin, leaned forward to put her paws on the counter and lifted up her tail to show off her damp mare slit and tail-hole pucker to Celdepah whilst he dipped his fingers in a jar of lubricating lotion which Felicity kept in the bathroom for such times. With his fingers well lubricated, Celdepah gently clasped the dock of Felicity's tail with his clean paw and began to massage the lubricant over the flesh of Felicity's tailhole. He cautiously slipped two of his thick fingers through the tight ring of muscle and began to massage the lubricant against the warm flesh. Experience had taught him well just what he had to do to ensure he wasn't scolded by his mistress. With the lubricant spread, he continued to carefully masturbate Felicity's tailhole until she had become comfortable with the intrusion. With this achieved, Felicity told him that he could proceed.

Taking more lubricant, he rubbed it along length of his cock to ensure that no part of his member was without the slick lotion before placing the flare of his cock against his Mistress' awaiting pucker. Felicity gave a gasp as she felt the relaxed flare of her slave's cock press against her ring of muscle and slip through until the flare popped past. Now he would wait whilst she clenched and unclenched to pass the stinging in her tailhole. She looked back at him, her body now relaxed and gave a nod, which her slave took as the signal to continue, so he pushed his large member deeper and deeper into her bowels.

Whilst he would never say so, he did admit to himself that his Mistress' warm bowels did make a change to her marehood, which he had been forced to study in great detail. Now was the only time that his Mistress did allow him to have his head, free from having to worry too much about her sexual cravings and desires, simply letting him do things closer to the way nature intended, simply thrusting in a warm, moist hole until he felt relieved. No techniques or orders of arousal, merely sex, and in his exploitative line of work, these simple changes were welcome. He began with no need or haste, taking his time and letting his stamina return, drained by his previous performance. A few minutes passed and his body's fatigue dropped away for long enough that he could increase his speed, cautious that his stroke did not drift sideways too far, lest he slip, jam and incur the wraith of a rather sore-tailed Mistress. (AH: Being 'sore-tailed' was a particularly stallion phrase for the results of rough anal sex. As a stallion's member was long but relatively narrow, any situation where a stallion was thrusting with too much enthusiasm, he risked slipping and trying to force an awkward member into his partner's tailhole, causing bruising. In equines, this forced them to walk around for the next few days with a hooked tail to try and avoid any unnecessary pressure on their bruised tailhole. This hooked tail, when combined with a rather obvious gait, is subsequently described as 'sore-tail.) He could always increase the speed of his thrusting later when he was only using shorter strokes, but for now, the slow and steady approach was sufficient. His Mistress soon began to clench herself around his member in a rather pleasing way, a signal that her body was willing to participate in this unorthodox union. This was important for him to finish his assigned task, for if his Mistress' body gave him no stimulation what-so-ever, he would have a difficult time finishing when he was supposed to. His Mistress panted as his paws grasped her hips. Somehow, she enjoyed this, or she at least lied to herself that she did.

He began to feel his own drive increasing and he knew he could now go faster. He stepped closer and began to thrust himself as deep as his body would allow, the tip of his sheath rubbing against his Mistress' tailhole with each forward stroke. His pacing increased, now using only half his member's length with each push of his hips. He was exceedingly knowledgeable about his Mistress' desires and he needed to time himself to his Mistress' rhythm with reasonable accuracy, for if he came early, she would be left unsatisfied and in a rather unfulfilled mood; yet if he took too long, he risked losing her attention and again leaving her rather unhappy with him. He only had a small band of time in which he could complete his task properly, to achieve his Mistress' climax. The random grasping and clenching of her tailhole told him that his Mistress was ready and he could finish soon.

He arched his neck forward and grasped the crest of his Mistress' mane within his teeth, before grabbing one of her legs at the knee and lifting it up to allow him deeper access. He listened to her whinny and pant hornily as her muscled ring clenched with desperation around his member whilst it gave short, quick thrusts. He could feel his release getting closer, his own grunting a sure sign of this.

Two or three quick thrusts and he could feel his body begin to pump his semen deep into the warm bowels of his Mistress. He had completed his task and this became evident to him as his Mistress moaned with content. Job finished, he released the grips he had assumed and slowly withdrew his member.

His Mistress offered her hollow thanks, but his thoughts were already back on his duties as her words offered no satisfaction. He cleaned himself up with diligence as his Mistress lay slumped upon the counter, savouring the warmth her body had craved a few minutes before. By the time his Mistress had calmed, he was already standing beside her with a wet towel. She cleaned herself up, wiping the sweat from her face, her nectar from her thighs and the excess from around her tailhole. Satisfied at her cleanliness, she made her way to bed, knowing he would be along shortly, as soon as he had finished tidying up.

Having been dismissed for the day, Gareth had decided it best for him to get changed and do what he did best. Gareth was put away to rest and Gabrielle took his place. He rather enjoyed dressing up as a filly. It wasn't that he had any issues with being a stallion, he simply found that he could express his passive desires better when he acted like a filly. (AH: Strange as it may seem, but in the matriarchal structure of equines, you were more likely to find submissive behaviours in mares and fillies than in stallions and colts. Subsequently, any colt or stallion who lacked a degree of strength and ambition, but still wanted the attention of the stronger males, would dress, act and flirt like an omega mare/filly. Surprisingly, this was a rather popular thing amongst many males of different species who wanted a one night stand, but without the risk of siring young or ending up with vastly lighter pockets. When the omega males of other species caught on, the practice spread rather quickly. But as the old saying in Balazaar goes, 'none can turn their tail quite like a horse can,' and it refers to the fact that it is sometimes hard to tell just who you are flirting with, until you slide your paw up the leg of a rather willing filly, only to find a thickening member.)

Gareth did find that his thoughts changed the moment he donned the filly garb. Whilst Gareth did admire Felicity's body from a stallion's perspective, the moment Gabrielle surfaced, all he felt was a strong sense of envy at Felicity's body.

With the last few ribbons tied into his mane and the simple peasant-filly dress fitting close to his form, Gabrielle took one last look in the mirror. The slender form of Gareth the grey stallion had disappeared into the pretty form of Gabrielle. With just a touch of pink blush dabbed into the white fur upon his cheeks, he was ready to go tease the stallions. (AH: Just so you are aware, despite the actual white colouring, white horses are referred to as greys. Ask me not why, I just do as I am told.)

Experience had taught Gabrielle where to head when he wanted information specific to any particular topic He also knew some of the mercenaries attached to the mysterious company of soldiers went to drink and indulge in carnal pleasures. He listened intently to the conversations going on at the Bloody Blade, but few new words were spoken on plans. He also asked about the Red Wolf to some of the mercenaries, but none were willing to talk about someone who appeared better than themselves. Gabrielle spent some time asking around, but when these lines of questioning and pleading turned up nothing, he decided to head elsewhere, for not only were his curiosities unanswered, but his tailhole was also rather unfilled!

As he walked out of the Bloody Blade, wondering if he should go hit either the Tipsy Dragon or Frisky Filly, he ran right into a mercenary tiger who had been watching him when he had been inside.

"Well hello there," the tiger said with a smile as he quickly looked Gabrielle up and down.

"I am sorry sir," Gabrielle replied with a curtsy before trying to walk past.

"Not so fast little miss," the tiger said as he made his move into Gabrielle's path. "I believe that we each have something the other wants."

"Oh?" Gabrielle asked, cautious of the tiger's motives. "What in Faredae's name makes you think you know what I want?"

"Actually, you have two wants," the tiger answered as he leaned forward to whisper the rest of his answer into Gabrielle's ear, "and I am more than willing to supply them both."

"Seems awfully generous of you, sir."

"I am a generous male," he said as he stood up straight.

Something in Gabrielle's mind told him to take a mental step or two back and observe the situation, one part of it was his training and the other was his experience.

The tiger was at least two metres ten and had a body that looked rather like it fitted his height, complete with broad shoulders and a chest that looked full of muscles. He almost reminded Gabrielle of Adolphus in his body's form. He smiled with the seductive smile of a male who had dangerous intentions, not evil, merely bad. He presented himself in a way that made Gabrielle feel that he would be heart-broken tomorrow morning, but that was only going to come after a very unforgettable night. He carried a sabre at his side and he had the rough skin on his paws to suggest he knew more than just how to hold it. What Gabrielle found most interesting was that his fur was white in colour with grey stripes, as opposed to the oranges and blacks he normally saw on tigers. The other thing that was different was the manner in which he dressed. Most mercenaries wore dark clothes of a heavy weave, sometimes even with a layer or two of leather armour beneath their tunic. (Gabrielle had even come across a few who refused to take off their armour after they had gone back to their room for a night of fun.) Regardless of what they wore though, a soldier carried upon his chest a crest of his kingdom or company and wore them with great pride. Yet this tiger dressed rather strangely, regardless of who or what he was. His cloak was rather dusty and looked a bit tattered at the bottom, but beneath this rough cloth were clothes of considerable wealth. They weren't garments of royalty or nobility, but they suggested that this tiger had a rather full coin purse. And beneath this layer of fine texture and weave, he was naked, no layers of leather for protection.

Gabrielle was exceedingly intrigued by this tiger and could already imagine just what he was offering, but Gabrielle knew that not all males wanted a night with a false female, some did want the genuine article, so it was best for him to allude to his true nature in order to avoid any shocks.

"I must warn you good sir that all that glitters is not gold," Gabrielle said respectfully.

"I am well aware," the tiger replied without letting his smile slip in the slightest, "but none can turn tail as a horse can and from the rumours I have heard, you Balazaar horses turn a particularly fine tail."

Gabrielle admitted to himself that he had never been flattered before by anyone in response to his caution.

"You certainly are very charming sir," Gabrielle said with a smile, trying not to let his blush show too much. "May I ask your name?"

"Then perhaps I have three things that you desire," the tiger replied without changing from his seductive tone, "and judging by the change in your stance and the idle flicks of your tail, your first priority appears to be an unfilled desire as opposed to a need to know."

Gabrielle blushed readily now, embarrassed that he had been read so easily, and by a tiger of all things.

"I am sorry if I have embarrassed you my little filly," the tiger added, "and I do apologise for being so up-front, but it has been several weeks of travel, all being rather lonely."

"Then perhaps we had best return to your quarters?" Gabrielle asked, a smile coming to his lips.

Whilst a soft bed and a warm room are preferred for such activities, when one's desires are strong enough, you can find yourself caring not for comfort or privacy when your wanting desire is sufficient. Gabrielle came to understand this all too well as he was forced down a side alley, not one block from the Bloody Blade, by the strong kiss of his masculine escort.

"Are you sure that we shouldn't wait?" Gabrielle asked, more because he felt compelled to ask as opposed to any desire to cease.

"We could," the tiger replied between nibbles of Gabrielle's neck, "but do you want to?"

Gabrielle found his back pressing against a wall, surprised that he had been walking backwards.

"So shall we get onto what is crossing both our minds or do you really want to postpone the fun?"

Gabrielle couldn't think of what to say, his paws pressed against the wall behind him. The tiger stepped closer to Gabrielle so their noses were touching and Gabrielle could feel the slow breaths of the tiger flow over his cheeks. He let out a squeal as he felt a fingertip slowly trace along the underside of his member through his dress.

"Do you think I should ask for a second opinion," the tiger asked quietly, "or are you and your body in agreement that we should start now?"

Gabrielle simply gave a quiet whinny before he was silenced by the tiger's firm kiss.

[AH: Those not thrilled by the idea of male on male sex, you can skip the italics, I promise not to drop any story plot. One of these days, I will learn not to pack so many sex scenes into a story. Yes, one day, which isn't today. On with the gay, cross-dressing sex.]

Gabrielle panted as the tiger ran a paw down over his leg until it was under his skirt line and sliding his paw up Gabrielle's leg, drawing up the skirt as he went until his gentle touch grasped the base of Gabrielle's now firm member.

"Glad to feel I am still such a hit with the mares," the tiger whispered as he stroked the lower half of Gabrielle's cock.

Gabrielle said nothing, lost in the depths of his desiring mind as the tiger drew himself closer.

"However, I am sure you would prefer I played with your tail, as opposed to this fine example of marehood."

The only thing Gabrielle could do was nod as he turned himself around, giving his tail a quick flick as he felt the tiger pressing himself against him.

"Such a firm rump," the tiger whispered as he grasped Gabrielle's rump and squeezed. "It appears as if you are quite the active little filly, aren't you?"

Gabrielle gave a nod as the tiger pulled up his dress, exposing his taught, bare rump.

"Not a fan of underwear, little filly?"

Gabrielle shook his head as the tiger placed a finger upon his muscular pucker.

"I didn't think you were the type to hide your assets , something I can certainly appreciate."

Gabrielle gave a whimper as he felt a finger push through the ring of muscle under his tail.

"So tight, so much anticipation."

Gabrielle heard shuffling behind him and looked over his shoulder to observe that his partner was wriggling his erect feline member from from the top of his trousers.

"No foreplay?" Gabrielle asked as he watched the tiger give his member a few idle strokes with his other paw.

"Oh we shall have a lot of time to catch up on that later," the tiger said as he withdrew his finger, "but I am willing to say you are wanting to get rid of that knot inside of you first, correct?"

Gabrielle felt two strong paws upon his hips, holding up his dress, as the hot touch of a firm feline member against his tail, free from his dress' confides.

[AH: Ah, what a jerk I am, interrupting the sex for a piece of irrelevant history and social behaviour. As anthros lost their stronger environmental resistance of their full-blood cousins, they developed and began to wear clothes. For their tails, they would often stitch a hole in the back of the dress, ensuring that a free flick of the tail didn't flash their more intimate parts. Now back to the sex!]

Gabrielle gave his tail a flick to the side to pull it out of the way, allowing his partner a full view, who kindly assisted by running Gabrielle's tail through the gap between his thumb and forefinger, to ensure all of the stray tail hairs were out of the way before moving that little bit closer, pressing his member firmly against Gabrielle's tailhole.

"Ready little filly?"

"Uhuh," Gabrielle said with a nod.

He felt the feline member slowly spread his tail rose as it slid in, lubricated with enthusiasm and arousal. A moan escaped Gabrielle's lips, the release he felt almost palpable within his mouth. He could feel the fleshy barbs within his body, adding a rather ticklish texture to the firm feeling of member within. Each thrust was firm and had enough force that each time the tiger's ball pressed against his own, he could almost feel his hooves lifting off the ground. The tiger's strength was phenomenal and Gabrielle could feel each thrust pressing deep within, rubbing against sweet spots that had been aching for stimulation all day long. Each thrust also made his own member throb in time. He could feel his precum dribbling down his member, cooling in the night air. Gabrielle moaned and whinnied as his tailhole was worked by the feline. His head and chest pressed against the cool stone wall in front of him, his member begging for some physical stimulation. Gabrielle was surprised when he felt the tiger push himself closer and clasp a paw around his begging member. It immediately gave an enthusiastic throb in response to this touch, a thick dollop of precum spurting forth to land against the wall.

"Feels like you're almost ready," the tiger whispered into Gabrielle's ear as he gave him shorter thrusts, "which is good as I do enjoy nothing more than a clasping passage to milk me dry."

Gabrielle then felt the tiger's jaws latch around the crest of his neck whilst his paw gave the flare of Gabrielle's member a squeeze. Gabrielle's body gave way like a dam to the floods and he could feel the throbbing of his member as his body released. He gave a loud neigh as his cum spurt forth, the force of his orgasm making it hit the wall before him. His tailhole clenched desperately in time with the pulsing of his cock. The tiger growled as his member flared within Gabrielle's tailhole and began to ejaculate the warm seed into Gabrielle's passage. Gabrielle felt the sublime warmth as it spilled into his clenching bowels.

He moaned and panted as the last of his pent up stresses dribbled from the tip of his cock onto the cobblestones beneath him and the comforting warmth of the tiger's seed within eased the last of his mad urges.

"Thank you," Gabrielle panted as he felt the tiger pull his member free from his tailhole, the barbs gently teasing his pucker as they came free.

"Why do you thank me?" The tiger enquired as he he gave Gabrielle's bare rump a rub with his paw. "Planning on leaving me so soon, little filly?"

"No!" Gabrielle denied hastily. "I'm just grateful that we didn't wait until we got back to the room."

"I just hope you haven't completely lost that need of yours."

"Of course not sir, still willing and ready for one such as yourself."

"That is comforting to hear," the tiger said as he gave Gabrielle's rump a quick pinch.

"What's going on out here?"

Gabrielle and his feline lover were both caught unawares by an old stallion coming out a door on the opposite side of the alley, brandishing a lantern to see what all the commotion outside had been.

"Nothing my good stallion," the tiger said as he looked back over his shoulder at the stallion, "just warming up this little filly on my way back to my room with her."

"And why didn't you wait?"

"Why, she was simply begging to be broken in. Did you come to lend a paw good sir?"

The old stallion gave a snort as he turned around and made his way back inside.

"When I was your age, young tiger, I could reign in three or four fillies a night and I certainly did not require the assistance of anyone."

There was a slam of a door and Gabrielle gave a giggle.

"What's so funny?" the tiger enquired.

"Did I really tire you so, sir tiger?" Gabrielle asked with an innocent tone to her voice.

"Of course not. I was merely being polite and asking if that fine gentlestallion wanted to indulge in your fine beauty as well."

Gabrielle blushed heavily as he fixed his dress up.

For Gabrielle, the next four or five hours were a complete blur of sexual frenzy, filled with orgasm after orgasm, leaving him with a warm feeling within and a rather stuffed set of desires. His tiger lover of the evening lay beside him, panting and sweating, as Gabrielle lay next to him upon his own stomach, both clad only in their sweat-soaked fur.

"Enjoy yourself little filly?" the tiger enquired as he walked his fingers over Gabrielle's rump.

"Very much so, good sir," Gabrielle replied with a smile.

"I am glad that my companion has drawn the same pleasures from our activities that I have. As a gentletiger, I do believe such activities should be enjoyable for both parties, which certainly makes things more appealing."

'He has satisfied me more times than I can count,' Gabrielle thought to himself, this thought causing him to smile subconsciously, 'yet he speaks as if he hasn't won my approval yet. He puts many gentlestallions to shame.'

And Gabrielle certainly had experience on the subject. If he had been lucky, the male who he normally attracted might have given him a helping paw as he worked Gabrielle's tailhole, desperate to reach his own climax, but not too worried about poor Gabrielle's pleasure. The usual male Gabrielle came across had little thought to anything except his own pleasure, but they at least had respect for Gabrielle. The worst would not give Gabrielle any respect at all, leaving him with semen in his fur or all over his face and muzzle.

"Now shall we discuss business?" the tiger enquired.

"Sorry?" Gabrielle asked, caught in the confusion of being dragged back from the depths of his exhausted mind to reality.

"You were asking about the Red Wolf earlier this evening, weren't you?"

"Oh yes, of course."

Gabrielle blushed, feeling foolish for forgetting why he had gone out that night.

"In my travels, I have managed to track the Red Wolf's history back to his origins in the Rosalette and Temperfield conflict. Both families had been fighting over control of the Blanket passes for almost three generations, for control of those passages ensured control of the trade and subsequently, the money. Part of the Red Wolf's fame comes from his leadership of a strike group for the Temperfield. His skills with the sword, said to be the other part of his fame, are believed to be quite impressive, so impressive in fact that it brought him to the attention of Serel, the eldest daughter of Baron Galvish, leader of the Temperfield family. Serel saw herself as the eventual successor to her father and did insist that the Red Wolf should be her principle bodyguard. However, many rumours speak of Serel and the Red Wolf having a rather illegitimate courtship, against the orders of her father who did not like the idea of having half-dragon heirs. To prevent this, the Red Wolf was banished from the household.

"However, I find this story to be rather sketchy. The Red Wolf left the Temperfield family compound under the cover of darkness and travelled in secret to the Casper Kingdom, the nearest trade-route to the Blanket passes, and he did this within two weeks of the Temperfields losing their last stronghold in the Blanket passes. Coincidence is a possibility, but he isn't the only Temperfield soldier to be sent to the Casper kingdom. A Red Dragon strike force doesn't simply up and disband in one night."

"So who are you in all of this?" Gabrielle asked, enthralled by his story.

"I am merely here to ensure the Red Wolf doesn't complete his mission, as is my mandate." The tiger ran a finger along Gabrielle's spine. "I think that now concludes business for the time being. Are you ready to get back to why we are here?"

"Your needs still unfulfilled good sir?"

"Oh no, my needs were well and truly fulfilled back in the alley. I am now doing this for our enjoyment."

The sexy tones of the tiger made Gabrielle's tail unconsciously flick aside from his rump, anticipation of the events to come and the pleasures he would experience running through his mind.

As Gabrielle awoke to the sound of nine o'clock chiming, he reached over to where his companion of the evening before lay, only to find the bed empty and the tiger gone. Gabrielle felt his heart droop as he realised his lover had deserted him and probably left him with the room bill as well. Gabrielle sat up, clutching the sheet to his chest, letting out a heavy sigh as he sat in the bed. Regardless of how nice they were, all males he slept with were gone when he awoke in the morning. He now felt like a real fool for believing any male would accept what he did in the morning. With Gabrielle feeling rather disheartened, Gareth returned. He got out of bed and began to get dressed, wondering if he'd have time to get home and have a bath before he went and reported his findings to Felicity. He felt ashamed for falling for another smooth-talking, cheating, two-timing bas...

Before Gareth could finish this thought, he saw a note pinned to the inside of the room's door. With his dress only slung over one shoulder, he went and took the note from the door before reading it.

'My dearest filly,

I am sorry that I am unable to be there when you awake this morning, but I have to run. I have heard some important news that I must immediately follow up on or risk losing the informant. I am so sorry that I am not there to see that intoxicating sparkle of your eyes, so perhaps the best I can do is make sure you do not have to worry about the room. I have paid for it until lunchtime and the owner has instructions that you aren't to be disturbed until then, should you choose to sleep in.

Lots of love,

Your tiger.

P.S. I believe you might be interested to know that the Red Wolf's commander is Halvore and he enjoys frequenting some of the kitten houses in the pleasure district. Perhaps you should go and talk to him some time. I am sure that you could make quite the impression upon that dragon.'

Deep in his heart, Gabrielle smiled as Gareth finished getting dressed, hoping that Kitty wouldn't be around, because if there was one thing she hated more than the smell of sexual revelry, it was the smell of a feline male and currently, Gareth reeked heavily of the night before.

Adolphus was woken from what he could barely call sleep by the sound of a wooden stick being smacked against the iron bars of his cell.

"Wakey wakey bitch," was the unpleasant rousing call he received.

He was startled by this, causing him to raise his head to see what this rude intrusion to his dreams was. He saw Kitty standing there with a wooden truncheon in her paw.

"What?" Adolphus asked, his rather tired state expressed in his voice.

"That is not how you are to talk to me, bitch."

"And what do you intend to do about it?" Adolphus asked as he laid his head back down to try and get some more sleep.

He heard the the door to his cell open and then felt a foot paw press into his back.

"I intend to make you explain to your Mistress why you're brandishing a fresh black eye."

"As if you'd harm that slut's new toy," Adolphus scoffed.

"If my new toy is going to treat one of her best trackers with that attitude, then this slut is fine with the crap being beaten out of her toy."

Adolphus shifted his head as best he could to see Felicity resting against the wall outside his cell.

"Well I certainly have an effect upon you," Felicity said with a smile and a snort. "Now say good morning to me and Madam Kitty, bitch."

"G-g-good morning Madam Kitty," Adolphus stammered, "Mistress Felicity."

"No slut or bitch?" Felicity asked sarcastically before she gave Kitty an order. "Kitty, give him five and make sure he says thank you afterwards."