Tail's of The Crimson Claw- Chapter 3

Story by Nova_lon on SoFurry

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#4 of Tails of the Crimson Claw

The soft furred lady turned over in her bed, pulling her blanket up to her chest with a wide yawn. She was in that perfect place between waking and dreams, that time of the morning when you just don't wish to surrender the peaceful world of dreams, to the harshness of reality. She was having a wonderful dream of a lover between her legs, a skillful female touching all the places she loved being touched. She stirred, the scent of coffee filling her nose, bringing her closer to the waking world. She stretched out in her bed, all of her muscles pulling and contracting, she was sore this morning, but so very contented. She drifted back to the night before, the pleasure of the night filling her mind " mmmmm, that sweet boy." That's when she bolted up right in her bed, the realization coming to her that she had fallen asleep without binding the slave, he could have escaped or..... Her eyes darted about the room fearfully at first before coming to rest on the boy kneeling next to her bed with a serving tray in his hands.

"Good morning, Mistress" came his whispered words, His soft tone and kneeling position serving to set her at ease. He lifted the tray up to her "I hope you had a pleasant sleep and wonderful dreams, Mistress. May I serve you breakfast this morning?"

She looked down and smiled, reaching forward and taking a piece of warm buttered toast from the tray " Thank you, nova. For the food and your most wonderful service last night "

The boy beamed, he had pleased his Mistress of the night and earned her praise, he could hope for nothing more. He poured some coffee into a mug for her as he asked in his soft and timid way "cream and sugar, Mistress?"

She reached out and traced a finger over his cheek as she answered wile bringing the mug to her lips " No thank you nova, I like it black." She then sighed as the warm dark liquid entered her belly " MMMM goddess I needed that this morning. Then she asked as her fingers moved from his cheek to trace throw his hair, a gentle purr on her lips "How long have you been awake sweet boy? "

The boy set the tray on the bed as he glanced around for a clock, then shrugged not finding one he could read " A little over one hour I think, Mistress."

"I have to say, the ones that trained you did a most exhalent job, I cant remember the last time I had breakfast in bed " she told him as she traced a finger back down his cheek. The boy shivered at the warmth of her touch, it feeling good on his cold skin. As a slave it was not his place to complain, but this ship was to cold for him given he was only allowed a loin cloth.

Almost instinctually he nuzzled her wrist before her paw pulled away, just a small show of affection as he whispered "Mistress, May I draw you a bath and set out your clothing for the day?"

Once again the boy surprised her, she had not even thought of that yet but looking at her self, she would surely need one, Her fur was matted from the pleasuring of last night and she smelled very strongly of mating. "Yes you my nova, please use the rose scented fur wash and don't make the water to hot. "

The boy quickly nodded and whispered "yes, Mistress" as he moved to the bath as she slowly got up, looking about the room at her discarded clothing from last night and the disarranged cushions on her couch. Her eyes then fell on his leash sitting on the counter and the shackles on the floor, both of them reminding her she would have to take this sweet slave back to the cargo before her shift. She sighed to herself thinking back to last night and honestly she did not want to send him back to the other slaves this morning, they would surely know what he did for her last night and ridicule him for it. The memory of his tears when they set in on him briefly caused her smile to fade, perhaps a nice warm bath would give her time to think of a way around that.

She was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she did not even notice the boy returning and kneeling at her feet as he whispered "your bath is drawn, Mistress." She looked down to the boy and smiled running her claws throw his hair as she gave him a little busy work to keep him occupied wile she washed. "Sweet boy, I would like you to straighten up my cabin wile I wash and lay out a clean uniform from the closet." As she spoke she pointed to a door on the other side of the room, showing him where she kept them.

The boy nodded and rose to his feet, his eyes still held to the floor as he timidly replyed "Yes, Mistress" and set right to his task. He was picking up some dishes as she entered the bath, a smile parting her lips from his eagerness to obey.

In the bath the water felt good on her fur, washing away the nights fun and rejuvenating her for the day ahead. She wondered about the boy, being raised in a collar and with his training, he would surely bring the slavers of the black rock a very high price auction. She hoped he would find a good home with an owner that would treat him well, heck if the Captain had not forbidden slaves on her ship, she might even have tried to keep him herself. She shook off the thought, he would have to go back with the others soon there was no way the Captain would allow her to keep him. She giggled at the thought of the morning meeting, the look on the Captains face when she told them what she did last night would be priceless. She just relaxed in the tub for what must have been a hour, the water feeling so good she just did not want to leave. With an annoyed sigh of resignation she rose, if she did not get a move on she would be late for the morning meeting. She pulled the drain and pressed a control on the shower panel, a blue force field appeared and 2 small air jets began blowing her dry. The fur dryer always felt so good and it cut drying time down to only a few minutes if not she would be wet for hours. As the drying cycle completed and she stepped out of the tub she decided she would have the boy brush her out, it always felt wonderful when someone ells did it.

She was still pondering that thought as she exited her bathroom and stopped dead in her tracks, she had given the boy his task as busy work, but what she saw was unbelievable. In the hour she was in the bath the boy had cleaned her cabin from end to end, all of her clothing had been cleaned, folded and put away. All the dishes she had allowed to pile up had been washed and put in there places to dry and the boy had changed the sheets on her bed. Her cabin looked as clean as the day she moved into it. And there was the boy kneeling next to her bed, a fresh uniform laid out, with a set of black lace panties and matching bra on top. She allowed herself a small grin, she had not told him to go into her intimate clothing, but she could forgive that small mistake, or was it more eagerness?

She walked over to the boy and gave him a soft pat on the head as she said in disbelief "Nova I am very impressed, thank you for your thorough work." Her eyes then darted over to the clock, it telling her she had just enough time for a nice long brushing. Again she lifted her arm and pointed to a small dressing table on the other side of the room as she spoke " Please retrieve my brushes from the dresser, I need a good brushing after that wonderful bath." Momentarily stunned by this request the boy hesitated a moment before obeying, this Mistress he thought must really trust him, that or she did not understand the danger of allowing a slave that close to her with something that could be used as a weapon. Once he had retrieved the set of brushes and returned to her he went to kneel only to be stopped by one of the minks fingers under his chin and a light hearted giggle "silly boy, if you kneel how will you reach my hair?" She smiled as that cute blush returned to his face and chest, Dana thinking it was just so adorable when he did that.

Thinking about it nova did feel silly for his mistake but being on his knees was just so natural for him that he did not even think about it anymore. He lightly whispered " yes, Mistress, I'm sorry, Mistress" as she lifted her arms. Dana had fully expected the boy to start brushing agents the grain of her fur or to hard, but yet again the boy surprised her. He started first brushing down her back, then to her head hair tending to it carefully. The slave was very careful as he moved the brush throw her hair until he hit a knot, the boy instantly stopping so he could carefully work it out and avoid hurting her. His skill at brushing she quickly discovered was as gentle as his lovemaking, the boy taking the time to smooth out her already soft fur until it shined.

Nova allowed himself a soft smile when her purring from last night returned, it telling him his Mistress must be enjoying this. From ears to ankles he brushed every part of her, the long thick tail being saved for last since he knew it would most likely take the longest. Again he marveled at just how soft she felt, the thick fur just making him want to spend hours doing this. The boy took extra care to get every inch of her tail, being very careful to watch for knots and not hurt her.

By the time the slave reached her ankles the mink Mistress found herself purring, all the places he had brushed still tingling and she knew they most likely would for hours. When the brush started on the base of her tail she could not help but close her eyes, he was touching her special spot again and it quickly started a fire burning inside her. All she could think was " Dear Goddess it felt so good." The mink know there was no way this slave could know just how good it was or that there was a lot of nerve endings in the tail or just how sensitive to touch it was. Normally it took to long for her to brush it all out, so she never bothered with more then a light quick grooming. With all this attention she almost lost track of time, she was just floating in complete heaven. As much as she wanted to let him built her up again she knew there was no time this morning for more play, she would just have to save it for later tonight. She broke contact and turned to face him, her eyes meeting his before he could react.

The sight before her caused her to stop and draw a deep breath, all last night and this morning she had not looked him in the eyes and now she was mentally kicked herself for not doing it sooner. His eyes where a crystal blue, a shade of blue she had never seen before, the kind of eyes you could just get lost in and she found herself disappointed when he reacted and dropped them to the floor. She was tempted to order him to look up again, but she knew slaves where trained never to look there owner in the eyes. Realizing she had forgotten what she was about to say Dana slowly licked her lips, it taking her a few seconds to get her mind back on track. " Please do my front now nova." As she tenderly gave this order her eyes darted back to the clock, it telling her time was running short.

This time the boy started from her feet and worked his way up, the brush moving over her shins and thighs up to her nether regions in very little time, the boy switching to the fine brush here without having to be told. It just seemed right to him on the very thin fur here, and he liked the way it made her pubic fur glossy. She felt every touch as he smoothed out the fur, thinking to herself he is taking a little longer then needed there. She could feel the fire building inside her again and wile he was not touching her explicitly to cause pleasure, the results were no different then if he was purposefully teasing her. She was seconds from a long moan of pleasure when he moved his way up her body again, seaming to know just how long he could linger there before pushing her to far. The brush quickly moved up to her belly, smoothing down her fur and tickling to the point she could not hold back a giggle. By all that is good and right either this slave was working her body like a finely tuned instrument or his natural instants where light years from any other lover she had been with before.

The boy did not spend to much time on her belly, just making sure it was all in place before working his way up to her breasts. Here he was very gentle, switching back to the fine brush on this very thin fur. She just had to close her eyes at the feeling of the soft sensations reaching her skin, his touch here being extremely light. She could not help but murred and tilted her head back at the feeling of the brush skirting just the edges of her nipples, the boy being careful not to touch them directly. She knew then for sure the boy was not trying to excite her, his actions just meant to prepare her for a long day.

She felt the brush moving up to her neck, it tracing the bottom of her muzzle in lighter and lighter passes. She could feel the tenderness in his service now, the brush softly running over the edges of her lips before stopping. She had to look down to the boy, puzzled as to why he had not finished the fur on her face. The boy was on his knees again, the brushes on the floor before him and a nervous look about him. She smiled warmly down at him, her lips parting with her softly spoken inquiry "sweet boy why did you stop? you have not finished my face yet."

The boy had his head lowered and his hands under his knees as he whispered "Mistress, I ..... I am not worthy to touch such a beautiful face."

She could feel the inside of her ears turning pink, this slave was just being so sweet and adorable. She reached down and picked up the fine brush, placing it in his hand "No flattery to get out of your work little one, please finish the brushing, I must be off soon." The boy shuddered, he had been doing his very best to please this woman, and his heart sank thinking he had failed her. He quickly lifted up to his feet, moving the brush to her face. His actions here where very slow and gentle, taking great care not to hurt her as he smooth down each hair. He was careful to keep the brush a safe distance from her eyes and nose, bringing it down the sides of her muzzle and over her cheeks. He finished by puffing out her cheek fur in a style he thought gave her face a nice symmetry, the over all effect just stunning to him. The brushing completed the boy stepped back and kneeled down next to the bed, taking a moment to clean out each brush of the accumulated fur.

The golden furred mink had been looking at his eyes wile he worked, goddess she found them so beautiful and haunting. Like 2 ponds of crystal blue water, she found her self transfixed by the light of happiness in them. Once the boy kneeled she turned and looked at herself in the mirror, from head to toe her fur was smooth and silky. She turned side to side, watching how her fur caught the light, giving her face and body a sheen as if it was still wet. She felt she was as beautiful as the boy could possibly make her, honestly not able to remember the last time she looked so good. She turned back and looked down to the boy with a bright smile on her face "I am very pleased with you nova, thank you for making me look so beautiful."

The boy returned her smile, her pleasure with his ministrations sparking joy in his heart.. " May I help you dress now, Mistress? " the boy requested, the hope in his voice clear to her. "

"Yes you may, please the panties first " she spoke in a clear and commanding tone, belied by the grin on her face. The boy quickly obeyed reaching over to the bed and lifted the panties, bringing them to her feet. He had pick this set because they felt just as soft as her fur to him and the dark color would fit well with her blue uniform. She stepped into them and lifted her tail, it feeling good as the slave brought them up to cover her treasure. She gave a small wiggle of her hips as she felt his fingers slip under the edges of her panties, the small adjustment helping them fit perfectly into place. Next the boy rose to his feet and picked up her bra, sliding it up her arms to cover her well formed breasts. She smiled as he stood in front of her snapping the clips into place, it was always such a pain to do with her claws and somehow she always got her fur caught in the clips.

As the Mistress Mink finished the final adjustments to her intimate clothing the boy picked up her top, a pretty blue blouse that seamed to set off her fur very nicely. She lifted her arms up behind her back as he slipped the top into place, it fitting over her torso tight enough to show off her well proportioned curves. The last piece to be picked up from the bed was a set of slacks, it's material not being something he had seen before. He was marveling at how strong it was wile being so soft when a paw touched his head and the mink chuckled " You have them backwards sweet boy."

He blinked and examined them closer, he had expected the opening to be in the front, but to his surprise he found an odd system of snaps where the zipper should be. The Mink giggled, she had expected this, the boy would not have had to help a furry dress before and the tail catch is not something a human was likely to understand. She looked down to the boy and smiled " It is ok nova. Watch, this is something you will need to learn." He watched as she clipped 2 snaps under her tail and 2 more on top of it, sealing the opening around her long bushy tail with a button on the top.

"I understand, thank you for teaching this to me, Mistress " the boy spoke once she had finished locking her last garment into place.

The Mistress mink looked to her clock on the wall, she had 20 minutes to report to the Captains mess for the morning meeting and it never took her more then 8 from her cabin. Had the brushing and dressing really only been going on for half an hour? it felt like much longer and she was still feeling the effects from the boys gentle touches. She blinked as she felt something being set down by her feet, her head tilting down to see the boy placing his shackles and leash in front of them. She had zoned out in her thoughts and not even seen him move, it was beyond her how a human moved that silently. She caught his eyes as he returned to his knees, the happy light having faded some from expecting to be returned to the cargo bay. She felt another pang of pity for this boy, he had been so attentive and well behaved the whole time he was here, there had to be something she could do to reward him for his expert service. She knew she would never be allowed to keep him as much as the thought pleased her, but there was nothing stopping her from enjoying his company until they reached space dock. And to be perfectly honest with herself she did not see him in the same light as the other slaves, he had earned better then to be returned to there taunts and ridicules.

"Nova, I will not be taking you back to the cargo bay right now, you did such a good job attending to me this morning I don't have time or I will be late for my shift." she told him as she took the shackles and leash, setting them down next to the door. She took a set at her desk, silently reviewing something on her terminal. The boy looked at her in total confusion, was she going to take him with her, leave him locked in her cabin all day, or call for someone ells to take him back? He started thinking, he would most likely never see her again once she left and he wanted to thank her for the kindness she had shown him. He was about to speak when her terminal made some sounds and his collar beeped 3 times, this startling him into silence.

Dana rose from her seat and looked at the boy, he was still on his knees where she had left him and she could tell the change in his collar had frightened him. She walked back over to him and brushed a single finger over his cheek as she spoke " sweet boy I have set your collar to this room and as long as you don't try to leave, It will not punish you, do you understand?"

He nodded softly, her touch and the gentle tone of her voice having set him at ease. He answered her very timidly, his voice just above a whisper "Yes, Mistress I understand."

She smiled, at the gentleness of his tone as she spoke in a more commanding, wile still caring tone "I will return at 1800 ship time and I will contact you throw out the day to check on you. Please have a meal ready for me when I return. I Also wish for you to bath yourself and have a meal." As she spoke she pointed to the food dispenser on the far wall, making sure the boy saw it. "That device is a food dispenser. I don't have time to explain it to you, but I have cleared you for access to it so all you have to do is tell it what you would like to eat and it will make it for you. I have not seen you eat since you got here and I know you must be hungry."

She reached for the door control as she gave him instructions, only to be stopped by a soft whisper from the boy. "Mistress, may I have permission to speak?" he timidly asked.

She blinked and turned to him, he had said so little all this time, she did not expect him to request permission for it now. "Yes, you may nova." He drew a small breath, it taking a few seconds for him to get the words right in his head " Mistress, I wish to thank you for allowing me to serve you last night and this morning. It has been a long time since I was allowed to feel the pure joy of serving and it has made me so very happy."

She was stunned speechless looking down to the boy, she was just about to thank him for his perfect service. It warmed her heart to know she had made him so happy " Dear boy, your service was exemplary. I have been served by a few slaves in my time and if thy had been half as eager and attentive as you I would have bought them. Her smile faded a little, as her claws passed throw his hair " I'm sorry I cant own you myself, our Captain forbids slaves on this ship. " She lifted his chin and kissed him softly on the forehead, this earning her another soft blush " But I have decided I will keep you with me until we reach the star base, I think you have earned better then the cargo bay and the company of those lesser animals." He was still blushing deeply as she touched the door control and stepped out, her voice trailing off as the door closed. " I have to report for my shift now, be good and I will see you soon.

"Yes, Mistress " was all he could say before the doors closed leaving in alone in the chill of this wonderful Mistress home.


The Captain sipped her morning coffee wile leaning back in her chair, she was still so tired and trying hard to get her mind to kick into gear. At this speed they where 5 more days from home and her ship was still badly damaged. Glancing quickly to her data pad on the table one thought made it throw her groggy mind, It was going to be another very, very long day. She gulped another drink of her coffee, all that red on the pad meant hours of work for her already tired and stressed crew. The engineering staff had done a fantastic job, the critical systems where fixed and they fully expected the rest of the key systems to be finished by the end of the day. She was so proud of her crew, they had come throw there first battle in months with distinction and honor agents am enemy they should not have beaten, let along survived agents. Her tired eyes darted over the room from each member of her command staff, her tactical officer was hitting on the helmswoman again. She would have to have a talk with that wolf before his sex drive wrote a check his tail could not cash.

The Bunny seamed to be holding her own, but her eyes where begging the first officer to come over and help get the brute off her. The First was barely awake herself, her fur looking like she had just run a brush throw it before darting here. She giggled to herself thinking about the white tiger lick grooming herself clean like a big house cat. It had been so good to snuggle up with her kitty last night, the long shifts had allowed them very little time together in the last few weeks and after how bad yesterday was the time spent with her lover was exactly what she needed. The doctor was sitting across the table reviewing her notes, how a jaguar could look like such a nerd with a body like hers was beyond the vixen. The female doctor could be hard as nails at times, but most of the time she reminded the captain of a little girl on her first day at school. She looked back to the clock, 2 minutes, where was her chief engineer? The grease monkey was normally the first one here, but given how tired she was last night, the captain could understand if she had over slept. The Mink had been working her tail off tracking down the ships bugs after the refit and she would have a lot more to do after this meeting.

The Captain looked back at the clock, time to start the meeting. She set her coffee down and picked up her data pad as she announced " Alright, time to get this party started." Each member of the command staff took there seats with a drink or some breakfast food in there hands and just as the Captain was about to speak the door opened, the whole staff turning there eyes to the late arrival.

With a collective gasp the Golden furred mink walked in looking like a million credits. Over the last few weeks and all the repairs she had done the crew was used to seeing her half groomed in the morning if she had even gone to bed the night before. This could not be the same woman that slumped off to bed looking half dead in a grease stained uniform that looked like it needed badly to be burned last night. Her fur looked immaculately groomed and she had a glow about her with a bounce in her step. She picked up a blueberry muffin on her way to the table, a data pad in her hand and a smile on her lips as she cheerfully announced in a sing song voice " Morning all, sorry I'm late the lift took forever this morning."

It took the Captain a few seconds to shake off this shocking transformation, looks like the chief had found some lucky girl to blow off some stress with last night after all. There was time to interrogate Dana about that later, right now it was time to start the meeting. Looking over her pad she turned a little distractedly to the tactical officer as she asked " Mr. Ash please give your morning report." Kayla's eyes where still uncontrollably drawn back to the glowing mink, this overnight transformation was just completely unbelievable.

Drake blinked and rose to his feet, he to had been transfixed by the chief as well, her light scent of arousal distracting him. " The ship is still unarmed, we have not been able to manufacture any replacement torpedoes and the test firing of the energy weapons only got us 4 shots before overload protection kicked in again. Scans show no enemy ships within range, but I don't expect any human ships this close to Anthro prime. The shields and point defense systems are the good news, they are both back to 100% and functioning normally." He taped a few keys and frowned.. " The slaves..." he caught himself as the Captains eyes burned into him, as much as he dislike the things on his ship it was not worth the captains anger to openly show his distain of them. "The prisoners are all secure, the posted guards report only a few miner problems over night. They had to shift a few of them around to brake up fights and there was one escape attempt."

The vixen nodded distractedly, her nose had caught the minks state of light arousal as well, that must have been one pleasant roll in the hay. " Very well Drake, please check with the black rock crew, they should know witch of there passengers are most likely to cause us continuing problems."

The vixen then turned her attention to the doctor, her lips parting in a small grin from the amused look on the Jaguar's face. "Doctor your report?"

Crystal blushed at seeing the captains grin, she had been caught starring at the happy mink. She had seen the stress the chief was under the last few weeks and had not liked the toll it had taken on her. In her roll as chief medical officer she had thought more then once about ordering the mink to take a day off, that or to go find a bed mate before she ended up giving herself a heart attack from stress. The doctor had a stray thought about medical orgasms then shook it off, she was on duty after all and needed to be more professional then some yiffy teenager. " All the crew have reported in for there monthly check up, and thy are all in perfect health. I don't expect Lt. long tail to give birth before we reach port, but she is as big as a class 5 probe." This earned a laugh from the room before the Doctor continued on a darker note. "As I expected the black rock passengers with radiation poisoning passed away over night." She could see the sad expression on most of the command staffs faces, everyone except drake, his expression totally neutral.

"Doctor I would like to be kept informed about the other passengers, we are 6 days out and I don't want them getting sick on us." Kayla sighed, the last thing she needed was one of the many human illnesses starting to spread throw her ship.

The Captain nodded and bypassed her first officer, she had already gotten her report wile they got ready this morning and she needed some happy news to off set the doctors grim report. " Dana what about the weapons system, Why are the particle beams still overloading? "

Surprised at having been called out of turn the mink blinked and set down her muffin, her brow furrowing as she swallowed a mouthful quickly. "Captain to be honest I am stumped, the over night staff reviewed the power distribution systems component by component again and everything looks in order. I even set up the computer to run simulations over night and according to the results this should not be happening, it has to be a design flaw in the new array installed during our refit. If it is possible I would like to schedule some time later to take a few test shots, I think it is the only way we are going to track down what is causing this glitch."

The Captain sighed and tapped a few notes into her data pad, then looked over to her tactical officer " Drake, please arrange that at your earliest convenience."

The wolf looked over his data pad, a grin on his muzzle from the thought of blowing something up. " At 1300 hours we will be passing by the zeredem asteroid field, we can use it for target practice." He had been hoping for this, even though they where not likely to run into trouble before home, he hated the idea of his ship being defenseless.

The Captain looked back to her chief engineer with a evil grin parting her muzzle and her ears wiggling as she asked " Anything ells you would like to report Dana?"

A red tint crossed the minks ears as she looked down to her pad, she knew perfectly well what the Captain was asking and was quickly reviewing her notes for something to use as a cover. " It looks like the cargo bay containment fields are draining 2/3 of the ships reserve power, we are going to have to divert energy from a few sub systems to off set the drain. Also I have assigned a few of my staff to reinforce the containment field around the port engine pod, it took some damage in the fight." She looked down, her ears burning at the command staffs eyes on her, and knew she would not be allowed to get away so easily.

The Captain cleared her throat and touched the Minks paw as she softly asked "Dana that is not what I mean and you know it. We have not seen you this happy in ages, who is the lucky girl?"

The Mink slowly lifted her eyes to the Captain as her cheeks burned. It took a few seconds before she spoke again, her answer coming in a half whisper "I took your advise last night, turns out there was a good male to be found after all."

All Kayla could do was gasp with a look of total shock on her face as she exclaimed " Dear sweet Goddess, Dana you didn't."

The mink nodded, her ears folding to her skull as her muzzle parted in a toothy grin. " Well I asked you first, if you remember. But I have to say It turned out wonderfully, being it was your suggestion after all."

The Mink looked up to her Captain and saw the vixen speechless, her jaw working like an engine stuck in neutral and unable to find the words. She had been joking, the mink knew she was joking, she was sure of it and still she took a slave to bed, a human slave at that. Finally the Captain just broke out into hysterical laughter, the mink fallowing suit less then a second later.

The first officer cleared her throat, her sharp red eyes falling on the Mink as she asked with her lips turned up in a smile. "Care to share the joke, Dana?"

The Mink looked her in the eye as she stifled her laughter long enough to confess "I offered to tie up our dear Captain and do bad, bad things to her last night, you know just fooling around. Of course she turned me down again, then she suggested i borrow one of the black rocks cargo in her place."

The whole staff drew in a breath of shock as the Captain started slapping the table, her lungs burning from the uncontrollable laughter. The Tan bunny was the first to speak, her fingers twirling her long blond hair as she mused " But...I thought... aren't you a lesbian?"

The mink blushed again and tried to find the words as the first officer slapped her on the back with a congratulatory "Way to go Dana, it is about time you got some of that ruff and tumble."

Dana looked to her first officer and shook her head as she tried to explain "Sasha it was not like that, he was sweet, tender and showed me nothing but total respect, In fact it was the most gentle and tender love making I have ever felt.

"Really??" the tiger asked wit a deep purr "Details sister, details."

The captain was just getting herself under control, she had not had a laugh that hard in so long and the fur around her eyes was wet with tears. "Dana i was joking, I did not mean for you to actually go.."

The mink lifted her paw and cut the vixen off with a softly giggled " I know, I know." She looked into the vixen's eyes, a wide grin on her muzzle " but I have to say for a human, heck for a male that was one skilled tongue. I........"

Her explanation was cut short as she jumped from the black wolf rising to his feet and screaming at her "You...you let one of those filthy, furless things touch you,? That is disgusting.. What kind of a woman are you, you, you whore " he growled at her, his claws unsheathing. At first drake had been laughing along with everyone, but when she told them she had mated with a human, a slave, it just set him off. How could this picture of Anthro beauty dirty herself by bringing a human into her bed. His natural predatory instants finding it so revolting he could not stop himself from lashing out.

The Captain seeing this reaction rose to her feet and slammed her fist down on the table, a savage growl coming from deep in her chest. "Mr ASH" she screamed getting the wolfs attention. She stared him down and pointed at the door, her claws fully extended and teeth bared. " LEAVE..... NOW, I will deal with you after the meeting." Her snarled order came in a tone that broached no argument, and her body language showing she was prepared to attack if he challenged her authority.

Seeing her reaction Drake knew instantly he had stepped way over the line, the wolf opening his mouth to protest with his growl dieing down "But Captain... "

But the vixen would have none of it, shouting "OUT .... NOW." In that moment the wolf backed off to fight every instinct telling him to attack, it would mean the end of his career and most likely a long prison sentence If he did. He turned and stormed out, his lashing tail knocking over a serving tray on his way. The Captain looked to the Mink, the smile was gone from her face and there where tears welling up in her eyes. "Dana I am sorry, I will deal with him and he will apologize."

The first officer was rubbing her back, trying to calm the mink. " Tell us about your Date last night Hun, it will help lift the mood. It took Dana a few minutes for her to regain her composure, much like the wolfs predator instincts had driven him to attack, her pray instincts had invoked a fear response in her.

Once she had calmed down she started to speak again, her pink tongue darting out to wet her lips. " Well like I was saying the captain turned me down and pointed me to our new passengers. After relaxing for a wile and thinking about it I decided to just go home and take a bath, I needed sleep more then sex anyway. " She smiled thinking back to last night, how by all that is good and right did she have the energy not to just pass out sooner. " I got as far as the lift and when the doors opened guess who was there making out in it?

"Shanna and Peggy." The first officer chimed in with a nod and a knowing smugness in her tone.

Dana just looked at the tiger and blinked as she asked in astonishment "By all that's good and right how could you possibly have known that?"

The white tiger just gave a innocent smile, as first officer there was very little that went on aboard her ship that she did not know about. "They where both in heat last night and giving each other that LOOK in the hydroponics bay, you know the one, so I let them kick off early to get it out of there systems."

The Mink nodded and smiled as she continued " Well when I got on the lift there pheromones where so thick you could cut them with a knife. I got about half way to my cabin before they overrode my better judgment." Dana took a long pull from her coffee, using the pause to build dramatic tension." I figured I could just go have a look, maybe one of the male Anthro's would have been willing to help me. I'm not sure why but I did not want them to know I was there to find a bed mate, so I walked around the bay with my scanner pretending like I was working. The male furries where all giving me a look like " I'll kill you the second you take my chains off" or cursing at me. That was discouraging and I almost gave up, but I had gone that far so why not have a look at the human holding area wile I was there? All I can say is ewwww " She shivered softly." I honestly don't see the slavers getting much for them, even for humans most of them are unattractive and there behavior was atrocious. While the male Anthros where just giving me dirty looks and curses, the humans where down right juvenile, spitting, making jesters and hurling insults at me I did not even understand. So I gave up and decided to head home, seeing them and smelling them had quite effectively killed any lingering desires."

She picked up her mug and took a long draw, thinking of how best to explain her change of heart. when Dana did not continue right away the tan bunny piped up looking confused, an ear flopped over one of her eyes "but you said you took one home, or am I missing something?"

The first officer looked at the bunny and brought one finger up to her lips to silence her "Shhh bunnykins let the lady talk, I'm sure she is about to get to that if she knows what's good for her."

The Mink could not help but giggle at the teasing threat as she picked up her story again. "Well I was almost out of the bay when something caught my attention. You know how we had to put several of them per cell because of the space restriction?"

The captain nodded, that was one of the things she was unhappy about but there was no other choice with the size of the cargo bays and the energy drain of the force fields.

"Well there was one cell with a single human in it,. I found that odd and I have to admit my curiosity got the best of me. I just had to ask him why he was in there all alone before heading home. I have to say his answer startled me. He said " The guards told me to Weight here, Mistress." Up to that point all I had gotten was dirty looks and cursing from the others and this boy had just shown me respect. I was going to ask him again when some other human in the next cell started yelling at him and ridiculing him for being respectful to me." She got and evil grin remembering that part as she folded her ears back "I put a stop to that rather quickly, I don't think that human will make that mistake again." She decided not to elaborate on just how she did it, like letting the other slaves beat the lesson into the rude one, it was best to leave it to there imaginations." After that unpleasantness I looked back and saw him crying, the little things tears braking my heart."

With the first officers finger removed the tan bunny awed softly, both of her ears laying limp behind her as she giggled "That's so sweet, so you took him home out of pity? "

Dana nodded " Yes, I knew the second I left the others would start in on him again for being polite to me and he did not deserve that. I decided If anything I could just enjoy his company and some polite conversation or maybe have him clean up my cabin."

The Captain gasped as if shocked, teasing the mink in a mocking tone " You evil monster, making some poor boy clean that mess, he must have been at it all night. "

Dana just stuck out her tongue, her ears flicking tall as she said with slight irritation " For the last time my place is not that bad."

Sasha loudly snorted at that, her lips pulled back in a grin as she matter-of-factly stated " Not that bad? I have threaten to use cleaning your cabin as punishment for crew that are late for there shifts." This caused the whole staff to break out in another round of laughter.

Once Dana had gotten herself under control she continued her story. "Well the walk back to my cabin is not important, but when we got there you know the first thing he asked me?" She weighted a second to tease them before continuing "He asked permission to massage my feet. I set his collar to owner protection mode and let him do it, I have to tell you that boy has some skilled hands, by the time he was done I was floating." Just then she remembered her discovery and decided to inform her captain of it wile it was fresh in her mind. "O that reminds me, he told me something high command is going to find very interesting."

The Captain was caught off guard by this, the vixen asking incuriously "you learned something from a prisoner you think high command would want to know?"

The mink gave a small nod, her lips parting in a knowing smile as she lightly whispered "I am absolutely sure they will, he told me that he was raised as a slave to other humans."

The Captain gave a deep growl at this and Sasha chocked on her coffee. After sputtering and fighting to catch her breath the white tiger asked unbelievingly "He told you what?"

Dana looked down to her coffee, running a claw tip around the rim of the mug. "I was told that the black rock was transporting new, untrained slaves, But from his actions I knew he had been trained and trained well. He always addressed me as Mistress and his eyes never met mine. My curiosity got the best of me again and I just had to ask him about it." Dana looked her Captain in the eyes as she almost whispered " He told me that his mother sold him into slavery to pay off a debt. Apparently there is a secret group of slave owners among the rich and powerful of earth."

The Captain rubbed her chin and smiled. "I think your right Chief, Command will find this very interesting indeed. I would like to speak with this boy, if we can verify this information it could prove very useful in embarrassing the human leadership. When we are done here we will go to the cargo bay to retrieve him then take him to my office for questioning."

Dana just grinned knowingly to her Captain, both of her ears laying back for the shout she knew was coming. "He's not in the cargo bay Captain, I left him at my place to clean up and get something to eat. I told him to make me dinner tonight, instead of dragging him to your office and scaring him, why don't you join me and you can meet him in a more relaxed setting."

The Captain was taken aback at this, she knew Dana to be more sensible then that." You left him alone in your cabin, are you out of your dammed mind woman? You of anyone on this ship should know the damage he could do with access to a computer terminal or if he got louse to wonder the halls."

Dana knowing this reaction was coming quickly reassured her Captain, her tone firm but respectful. " No, No captain, I made sure it was safe. I locked out the computer terminals and set his collar to give a level 5 punishment if he tries to leave my cabin. The only damage he could do is maybe brake my personal things and I trust him not to even try."

Kayla just sighed in exasperation as Sasha wiggled her ears in a suggestive manner wile asking "you trust him that much? and what exactly did he do to earn it?????"

Dana blushed a deep red inside her ears and grinned "Yes that to, but not the way you think." This quite effectively peeked the felines curiosity, how many ways to have sex could there be?

Dana was about to explain when Crystal cut in, the jaguar's own curiosity pushed into overdrive by this subject. "So you did not have sex with him?"

The mink blushed all over again and started describing how the boy had continued the massage on her bed and how good it felt, making sure to go into detail about how good all his touches and actions where. She could see the others getting very interested in her story, There questions stopping to give there full attention. She talked about the skillful way he teased her nipples and worked his way down.. Her mind kind of drifting back to his skillful ministrations as she talked. When she told then about the way he teased her and worked her up to the point she was ready to beg she could see jelicey in most of there eyes. "With him bringing me to a second climax so quickly after the first i passed out with his head still between my legs. I have to tell you, male or not that boy was trained to use his tongue as a deadly weapon, if he had gone 10 more seconds I am sure he would have killed me."

It took a second before the group realized she had finished, the doctor's mind having returned to her idea about medical orgasms. "O my goddess your saying you passed out with him unbound and able to move freely around the room?"

All Dana could do was nod as she stated with a grin "What can I tell you, the pleasure overwhelmed me."

The first officer, having slipped into her own fantasy from the minks story looked over to her Captain and mate with a wide toothy grin, one that only a feline could have pulled off as she purred "Captain, permission to accompany you to the chiefs cabin tonight." She had slowly traced her tongue over her lips as she asked, her expression saying she wanted very much to sample the skills of a slave that could send a female into a screaming duel orgasm.

"No my love, we cant have you abusing and traumatizing the poor boy until I have talked with him, now can we?" The Captain chided with a smile on her face as she pinched her kittens nose playfully. Kayla then turned back to Dana and asked the Mink point blank "So the point of that rather stimulating and drawn out story is he was louse all night and he did nothing to hurt you, so you think that means he can be trusted? "

She nodded as she prepared to give the finishing shot she knew would have them all hating her later. She gave a lop sided grin as she teased " Yes captain, that and the fact he served me breakfast in bed, groomed me after my bath this morning and even helped me get dressed. I swear he was more attentive then most girlfriends this morning, every time he touched me it was gentle, every time he spoke it was quietly and full of respect. Heck he even thanked me for allowing him the joy of serving me." As expected this earned another round of jealous looks from the group and a particularly evil look from Sasha, it saying flat out, you lucky bitch.

Dana allowed herself to think for a second about what it would be like to own a slave like this boy before turning her attention back to her captain with a soft sigh. "Captain I know you dislike the very idea of slaves, but with this boy I could tell serving made him truly happy. I can see why people keep slaves if they are half as obedient and attentive as he was with me last night. I hope the next one to own him appreciates how sweet he is, I can see him being a companion to some lucky woman for many years to come." The Mink sighed and picked up her data pad, pressing a few keys to review her over night simulations. "Now if he could solve this over load problem with the energy weapons I would buy him myself and hide him under my bed." She half heartily chuckled, hoping the captain would take that for the joke it was.

Kayla just slowly shook her head and looked Dana in the eyes as she spoke in a flat and even tone. "I know you believe that Dana, but i have had this conversation with my kitten here until she was blue in the face. Wile I don't think for a second you had to force this boy to serve you or that you are mistreating him in any way I will never believe that any living, free thinking bean wants to be or enjoys being a slave. I do however think you are right, if just taunts and ridicules from the other humans where enough to make him cry then it might be best to question him in an environment he feels more comfortable and safe in."

It was true, Sasha had tried so many times to explain to her lover that there where some very rare people that not only enjoyed being a slave, but in fact thrived on it. The white tiger came from a long line of slave trainers and even to this day her mother and her youngest sister still owned one of the finest and most well respected slave training academies on Anthro prime. Just from hearing Dana talking about this boy she could tell he was most likely one of these very rare people, one that gained real joy and self-worth from pleasing others and making them happy. Sasha could not help but think that if her love was to meet someone like this boy and see with her own eyes the kind of joy a natural slave got in there actions then it might be enough to show her that slave was not a dirty word, but in fact a joyful existence for the right person. She decided right then and there she would get herself invited to dinner tonight, it would allow her to evaluate this slave for herself and perhaps help guide the dinner into an educational experience for the vixen she loved so much.

All the mink could do was look at her data pad as if she was studying it, it would be foolish to push her captain about this given her strong beliefs on the subject. All she could hope is that the dinner went well and the captain would allow her to share the rest of the trip with this boy. With a soft sigh she forced a small smile on her face and looked up to the group, time for a subject change. "I understand captain, but now if you are all done picking my love life apart I have work to do, this ship is not going to fix itself."

The Captain nodded and looked at the time, they had been talking about this boy for more then an hour and they all had to get to there posts. Happy for the subject change she gave the meeting notes one last review then spoke "Very well, we all need to get to our stations as well. It is going to be a long day and I think we all have more important matters that require our attention."

With that all the women headed off to start there days, the vixen the only one lingering behind. Kayla could not help but grinned to herself, she had a wolf to put in his place. With final resolve she cracked her knuckles, finished her coffee and set off to the bridge to box the wolf's ears and teach him why he would never use the word whore on her ship again.

More to come