Theo and Amy's Spring Break Part 1

Story by FreakyTy on SoFurry

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Today like most days for Theodus was, or at least felt like a waste of time. He would sail through school barely noticed by anyone outside his circle; especially the girls. When he got home he would spend hours locked away inside his room talking in forums, reading web-comics, and playing video games. He rarely ever saw his family other than at dinner, and even then sometimes he would eat in his room avoiding them all together. His closest, and pretty much only friend didn't even see him more than once or twice a week, and even at the age of 18 Theodus never had a girlfriend. His life one could say was rather boring, until his last spring break...

"Theo, Amy! Come on, dinner's ready!" Shouted Alison, their mother. Quickly they responded, and dropped what they were doing instantaneously. Theodus had missed breakfast that morning, and never ate lunch at school because it was disgusting, so he was in a hurry. Meeting in the hallway he ran right into his sister's side sending them both to the ground, shaking things in the kitchen downstairs.

"Theodus! Watch it! That hurt, I could have fallen down the stairs!" Amy exclaimed.

"Sorry. Cool down will ya? It was just an accident. Need help getting up?" He asked politely, but obviously pissed off. She looked up at him slowly.

"Does it look like I need help?" He just stared at her for a moment before leaving her there sitting in the middle of the hall. Watching him descend the stairs she got to her feet rubbing a sore spot on her butt, then continued downstairs herself. She took her seat next to him, their mother sat next to an empty seat on the other side of the table where their father would sit if he was still alive. He had passed four years previous in a fatal car accident. They ate quietly until Alison brought up the vacation for spring break.

"We're leaving tonight, so be ready to leave in about an hour okay?" She asked. Amy's expression twisted up awkwardly.

"Why do I have to go? I was invited to go to a party with my friends!" Amy shouted. Her mother stared at her funnily.

"You have to go because your grandmother is sick, and your a 18 year old girl that doesn't need to be going to a party like that without my say so." Alison stated blankly. Amy crossed her arms beginning to pout, and one of her slender ears flopped down across her face. "That isn't going to make me change my mind, I don't care how cute you are. Now go get ready." She smirked.

Then the two dashed off back upstairs to finish, or in Theodus' case to start packing. He pretty much stuffed his suitcase until it could barely zip closed. On his way out he grabbed a case with his psp inside fully charged for the trip ahead. As he walked towards the car Amy yelled "SHOTGUN!" with a cute playful voice.

"Whatever, you think I really care where I sit? I'm probably going to sleep the whole trip anyway." He remarked smartly. Amy let out a hmph and took the front seat. The trip like dinner was quiet for the most part, halfway there Amy passed out into a deep sleep while Theodus just played away on his psp. All in all the trip was only about eight hours long, and they arrived at 1 in the morning. Pulling up to the house Theodus kicked the back of Amy's seat to wake her.

"What the hell was that for?" She said jumping up out of shock.

"We're here, so get your bag, and let's go inside. You can go back to sleep in a minute." He laughed. Their mom looked over to them.

"Hehe, there's something I forgot to mention," She looked down to prepare for their reactions, "You're going to have to share a bedroom for the week." Both their ears shot straight up, and their eyes exploded to an unbelievable size.

"What!?" They screamed together. They looked at each other then back at their mother. "We.'re not sharing a room!" Alison's face changed to a puzzled look.

"Last time I checked I was your mother and when I'm around what I say goes. So you will be sharing the room. Besides it's only for a week, you'll survive I'm sure." She said placing her hands on her hips, "Now get in the damn house and deal with it like the adults you are." They hung their heads and drug their feet to the house with their ears flapped down now. On the way in they had to be quiet because their grandparents were sleeping, "Your guys' room is down the hall on the left. I'm going to bed, see you two in the morning. That is if you don't kill each other first." She smiled disappearing down a dark hallway. Opening the door to the room was a big relief. The room was a pretty nice size and the bed was about the size of their mothers back home.

"I'll sleep on the floor for tonight because I'm so tired from staying up the whole trip, I'll fall right asleep." Theodus said, actually being nice to Amy for once. She looked at him oddly.

"That's unusually sweet of you. Thanks" She said softly, a smile breaking across her cheeks. Theodus moved over to the closet and dug out a few blankets to lay on the floor, "You know if you get too uncomfortable down there you can climb up on the bed with me. It's plenty big enough to fit both of us." Something about that sentence made him feel awkward, but he ignored it for the time being, and he laid down on the hard surface to try and sleep. As the night slacked on he found it harder and harder to get comfortable enough to fall into a slumber. Fed up with it he rose up and slyly moved out of the bedroom into the narrow hall. To his left was the others rooms and on his right was the living room with a huge 72" plasma screen currently going to waste. Making way he plopped himself down on to the cool leather couch and switched a small end table lamp on. He quickly spotted the remote and then brought color to the TV, and then shut the lamp off leaving a warm glow emitting from the screen.

Flipping aimlessly through the channels he found even with their insanely expensive cable plan nothing was on even at 3 in the morning, but an idea shot into his head when realizing they wouldn't notice a few extra dollars added to their bill. He turned the volume down really low then got up to check each of the rooms. All of them were sound asleep he concurred as he creaked Amy's door closed. He moved back to the couch and dropped slowly into the cool leather once more and began flipping through the adult section. Some of the titles brought a smile to his face and even a chuckle or two. He went until he spotted a particular one that caught his eye, "Luscious Lesbian Lapines". He clicked it and confirmed the purchase. As it started he paused it to check one more time on all the others and it was clear, but this time he left Amy's door slightly cracked open and he didn't notice.

Theodus slipped his shirt off and lowered his pants, exposing his decently lengthed cock to the cool air. This time when he sat on the couch the coolness was much more of a soothing feeling that was pleasing to his rear as he relaxed. Resuming play the movie opened into a large room with a large bed containing a figure wrapped partially with blankets. The lights then brightened and the camera moved in closer to a beautiful white bunny slightly moving her hand over her crotch, but it was angled to not show much of what she was doing. She began moaning and the camera moved over to the other side showcasing her magnificent body and now wettened vagina with a finger inserted into it slowly massaging the insides. He became fully erect in a matter of seconds from the sight of the fluids seeping from her hole, but it all came to a stop when the phone on her bedside rang. She answered with her dry hand. From what could be seen it was a friend asking to come over. Soon after it showed another voluptuous bunny knocking at her door, this one was slightly shorter and had numerous spots of black fur and one he found particularly enticing was partially on her muzzle and down to the start of her breast. Slowly moving his thumb across his tip he felt a slight increase in pleasure and decided to fast forward a bit to the good part.

It was about this time Amy had awoken to a faint noise from the living room, and noticed a bit of light shining in from the door. She moved the covers off and slowly approached the crack. Getting closer she could hear the noises more clearly as she noticed her brother was not on the floor, and she defined them as the moans of a pleased woman. She decided to look through the crack instead of barging out in the room. The sight of Theodus bare on the couch slowly massaging his length while his eyes were glued to the TV shocked her slightly because she never had seen her brother naked except a few times when they were very young, and she backed away with a jerk at first, but then moved her eye to the door once more and was suddenly aroused by the sight, and she found her self examining Theodus' nude body and she got to her knees to be more comfortable as she slid a hand down into her heart print panties.

Now on the screen the two rabbits were playing with each others pussies using their tongues and fingers to please one another as Theodus stared at the movements of their flawless bodies. Becoming more into the situation he spit into his palm and lubricated his strokes to slide more quickly along his shaft. As the bunnies on screen brought out toys and began penetrating each other he thought he would lose his mind. The camera shot into a close-up of the full white ones lips grasping the sides of a studded dildo releasing a clear fluid onto the toy with every push from her friend, and again he increased his speed.

In the bedroom Amy had completely removed her panties and was furiously rubbing her slit, and breathing heavily against the door as she peeped on Theodus masturbating. She was so locked in the moment that saliva was beginning to drip from her open and appalled mouth. This sensation of spying made the pleasure of her movements ten times that of when she was alone in her bed, and even better than with a dildo she thought. With her brothers increasingly quick strokes she inserted her middle finger inside herself and quickened the pace along with him sending even more sensations across her pelvic region and to the tips of her toes.

Theodus increased the volume of the TV slightly as the two girls started to moan more often. Remebering something he read online, he licked his index and middle finger to lubricate them. He moved a leg over up on to the arm rest and slowly starting fingering his ass, he squinted one eye with the insertion and unoticingly gave Amy a perfect view of all the goods. The bunny with the black spots was now on the receiving end of their dildo and gave a nice shot of everything from her tail to her face from the front as the other started playing with herself as she thrusted the slimy toy deeper with every push. Spots began panting and groaning louder and quicker as she shook her hips in favor of the direction of the toy, and with one final orgasmic push; she came, spraying a water like liquid from the sides of the dildo onto to her friend and all over the camera. Theodus wasn't there yet, and neither was Amy.

He continued even faster now as the spotted woman began licking and slurping the other in a passionate way as they stared in to each others eyes. He even found himself moaning and groaning quietly along with the buns. Amy was too even quieter then him, but just as meaningfully she went on staring at him fingering himself. One of her fingers slipped out flinging her fluids into the carpet accidentally, and she didn't notice. However she did notice Theodus squinting his other eye and starting to pump his hand down his cock at a fast but, broken pace because he was about to cum. Along with him she stuck another finger inside herself and with her free hand quickly tickled her clit. At nearly the exact same time Theodus and Amy both came. Theodus shot three long lines of his goo up to his mid torso and the rest fell short of his belly button. Right after, Amy pushed her fingers as deep as she could into her cavity and felt her muscles deep within contract and force a slightly louder than expected moan from between her clenched teeth as her tail twitched and her ears fell limp. Theodus glanced over quickly but didn't notice her still, instead he turned his attention to his spunk covered body and shut the TV off.

He made way past the now closed bedroom door and into the bathroom where he cleaned the mess from his fur and he checked himself in the mirror spinning around inspecting his now aching asshole.

"That was fun, I'm gonna have to try that again, heh." He said looking at the gaping hole dripping with his own saliva, "ooohhh, that's kinky." he muttered wiping the residue away with some nearby toilet paper. He flushed it then walked back into the living room and threw on his sleep clothes again. Coming through the bedroom door he stepped on something wet, and he picked it up to inspect it. In the very dark room he still recognized the shape and feel and shot a look at his sister who looked as if she was sleeping. She died inside, "How could I leave those there!?" She screamed to herself inside. Theodus merely laughed slightly and placed them on the end of the bed and laid down with a smile and now clear head he fell asleep almost instantly. Amy looked at him one last time before trying to sleep and pictured her brother naked once more, and they both dreamed of each other that night.