Sleepover Saturday pt1.2

Story by MrTibbles on SoFurry

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During David & Sasha's make out session, Granite was in his curiousity mode and searched out where the kissing noise was coming from, after headbutting a few doors in the dark he bumped into David and Sasha in mid-make out, "HOLY SHIT!!!!" David yelled before falling on his ass, Granite had tackled him, since Granite was bigger and heaver it wasn't much of a challenge to knock David clean off his feet, Granite did a roll into Rachel's room and she was stark naked still getting ready for bed, then a scream was sounded and Granite fell forward after being kicked in the head by Rachel, he was up against the wall like he was doing a handstand against it, then he fell onto his front and landed with a thud.

"UGH!!" Granite groaned, luckily enough, no one came out to complain, "You stupid labrador!!" Sasha whispered, before helping him up, "Sorry, I got curious" he replied still dazed from Rachel's kick, "I can't believe she didn;t cave your head in, she plays soccer!" David said before giggling, "I know, I got kicked in the head......moron" Granite moaned "I wanna go to bed"

"Jeez, stop being such a puppy!" Sasha said sternly, before plonking the dog onto his bed, "Good night" she whispered before closing his door and leading David to her bed, where they slept the night together.

(Right, this is like a 'prologue' or a 'sneak peak', but whatever, this is a REALLY short one, don't say that I could have put this in the previous upload because my notepad is being a bitch and I couldn't copy and paste it, anyways, enjoy and NICE comments please ^W^ )

Sleepover Saturdays.txt

Sleepover Saturday It was Thursday and Raquel, the grey raccoon was handing out white slips to her friends, Paul, Granite, Rachel, Sasha, Diamond, David & Static. The boys crowded around Pauls desk, "Whats this Paul?" Static asked, his silver...