3)The Fangeary's tale

Story by Inotamira Orani on SoFurry

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Ok Third one and where still going...if the readers interest bar is telling me the truth you guys really liked and I don't intend to disappoint so I'll give it a good haul this time and work hard at it.


In the morning, Sabi woke up with a very strong and delectable smell in his nose. Wondering who was cooking food in his kitchen he carefully got up as not to wake Inara. He walked out of their room, through the living room into the kitchen to see Miaki dishing up some kind of food for what looked like every body and he looked positively chipper.

Sabi cleared his throat causing him to turn his head and he waved. "I made breakfast for all of us...hope you don't mind" said Miaki as he grabbed his plate, sat down and started eating.

"Well actually...I'm just wondering how you're so comfortable with being in some stranger's house like this" said Sabi walking over and picking up one of the plates and sitting down him self and tried some.....it was delicious!

"Oh...well....my people never really lived in one place usually we'd share houses of other species all the time and we where usually so kind to them they never really had an issue with it" said Miaki shoveling another mouth full of the breakfast into his mouth.

"Well if you don't mind my asking what exactly happened to cause your planets destruction...than war I mean" Asked Sabi picking up more food with his tongue instead of using a utensil.

Miaki's ears drooped a bit as he remembered what happened. "Thing is where really not sure exactly what happened....it was perfectly peaceful....I don't really know what happened....but either way when it was all over every one was dead" said Miaki no longer eating just thinking but eventually regained his chipper attitude, "But at least I'm still here".

At this Sabi wasn't really sure what to think. Did he care so little about his own species that he could merely live with the fact that he himself was still alive? "So you mean to tell me that your so self centered that you really don't care that your entire race along with another has been completely obliterated" asked Sabi sounding just a little bit annoyed.

At that, Miaki stared at Sabi for a second then suddenly he started to shake his head and placed his hands over his ears and broke out into astounding sobs. Sabi almost jumped out of his seat with this unexpected reaction as the Fangeary was having an emotional break down right in front of him. "I lost her....I've lost everyone.....Nakara please come back to me...you left me to suddenly" shouted Miaki as he slowly began to fall apart.

Sabi watched almost in horror as Miaki started to admit to every thing. First, he told about his lover, and then told about how he got there and eventually seemed to pass out from emotional exertion. Sabi sat there looking at Miaki slightly glad that he had passed out.

Sabi turned around, as there was a sudden scraping noise behind him, it was Inara shuffling her feet as she walked into the dinning room. "What the hell was all that ruckus? Swore to god you had to of been killing him....what the hell did you do" asked Inara in a less kind tone as she was not a morning person.

Sabi shook his head, then walked over, picked Miaki up, carried him to the main hall, sat him on a couch, and walked back to the dinning room to find Inara already eating. "So what happened" Inara asked a little more kindly than before having gotten some food in her.

"Well we where talking about his world and he said he was happy that he was still alive, I sort of found that to be selfish and voiced my opinion and he suddenly broke down and told me about all sorts of things" Sabi replied sitting back down still a little shaken form what happened.

"Well that was about the stupidest thing I think you've done as far as I know....even dumber than standing on a stump for years on end" Inara said a little testily still slightly irritable. Sabi stared at her not sure what to think but all he knew was that he was blushing very heavily as that was how he'd gotten her.

"Why....why do you say that" Sabi asked still very flustered. Inara looked at him and shook her head disapprovingly.

"Look I'm not a morning person and I know it so I'm a little pissy when I get up in the morning but that still doesn't excuse your social stupidity" Inara replied making it obvious that she knew she wasn't nice in the morning. At that Sabi relaxed a little and his face stopped reddening.

"I know what you mean....it was stupid I know....I just sorta....got mad at him....for no reason I guess" said Sabi bowing his head slightly in shame. Inara finished what she was eating and walked over to him and kissed him deeply causing both of them to murr in pleasure.

"It's ok sweaty you're a guy after all....and you can't be expected to walk the line of social perfection...the line of social stupidity perhaps, but not perfection" Inara said sitting on his lap and licking his neck. Sabi looked at her and noticed a glimmer in her eye and blushed.

"I think I might be a bad influence on you" Sabi said smiling and causing her to blush as she noticed he'd figured out what she was trying to do. Inara sat there, having failed miserably decided to hell with it.

"Well that may be but my pussy feels empty again and I want you to fill it" Inara said lying on the table with her leg spread in a very revealing way. Sabi started to grow hard and his member quickly slid out of his sheath.

She looked down at him smirking a little as she noticed his throbbing member as he sat there dumbfounded. "Well come on I can't do this my self" Inara said murring a little as he started to climb on top of her but he stopped with his member barely touching her slit as he lent close to whisper in her ear.

"I want you to turn around and bend over for me" Sabi said almost laughing as her eyes bugged out but obediently complied. Sabi then lifted her tail and pressed against her tail hole causing her to whimper a little.

"Sabi....won't that hurt though" Inara asked a little concerned but slightly wanted to feel him inside her there. Sabi shook his head and then forcefully thrust himself inside her tight tail hole causing her to shout in pleasure but also slightly in pain as her ass wasn't yet used to this kind of abuse. Sabi then began to pump her tight ass as Inara took her paw and started to rub it along her slit moaning in long wanting pants.

Sabi then began to shove him self in deeper and deeper causing Inara to almost scream in ecstasy as her ass quickly got over the new experience and she began to enjoy it fully. "OH...SABI....THAT FEELS SO GOOD" she shouted rubbing her self faster and faster as Sabi pumped harder and harder. Sabi pulled out of her and noticed her gaping hole, he then got in front of her, laid down and slid under her to where her slit was and started to lick her slit as she quickly grabbed his member and started sucking him bobbing he head up and down as they both moaned against each others sex.

Sabi licked in and around her sex constantly teasing her clit as she moaned louder and louder with each pass. Sabi also moaned loudly as she sucked on his large throbbing member deep throating it causing him almost to climax but he held back waiting for her to cum first. Inara shouted Sabi's name as her juices started to flow heavily into his mouth as she came all over him. Sabi let him self go as he lapped up her juices and came in her mouth hard shouting in pleasure

Inara's flow slowed and eventually stopped but Sabi didn't stop Cumming as she kept drinking in his sweet seed. Sabi panted and laid his head down and just came inside her mouth until he finally stopped and Inara nuzzled up against him and they both slowly fell asleep together. "I love you Inara" Sabi said sleepily as he slowly drifted off.

"I love you to sweetie" Inara replied and they both fell asleep not noticing an extremely embarrassed Fangaery standing at the kitchen entryway. Miaki had woken up a while ago and accidentally walked in on them in the middle of Sabi pounding Inara's ass. He wasn't really sure what to do as he had wound up jacking him self off to them as they had seemed completely oblivious to the fact he was there in the first place and had made a mess on the floor long before they had finished.

Miaki swore to him self as he finally recomposed him self and sought to clean up his mess except it was already gone. "Seems Sabi's thought of every thing for this house" Miaki said clearly impressed as he straightened out his robe getting it back on correctly as it had been slightly mussed up from his..."ordeal". Miaki wasn't exactly sure he felt ok with what he did as his memory's drifted off to his home planet and his love that he had lost.


Miaki was standing in a huttish type of a home with no windows, as the sun would have roasted most who had been out during the time of day heat. Inside there where three children and Miaki nuzzling with Naraka as they used there temporary residence to enjoy them selves before they tried to get to the large city as every one was.

"Sweetie do you ever think we'll be apart" Naraka asked looking at Miaki. Miaki smiled as he always did and shook his head.

"I do wish you'd stop asking that. I have more magic than I think is needed...so I'm sure I can keep us together no matter what happens" he said nuzzling his face into her neck causing her to giggle a little. A little while after there was a loud booming noise off in the distance, they peeked out the door, almost fell through it as Miaki, and his whole family saw a huge green transparent after math of a corrosion bomb.

"What's happening daddy" one of Miaki's children asked as he shook his head and looked back out and saw an army heading towards them. Miaki stepped out of the house and headed towards the army at a semi fast pace.

"Miaki what are you doing" Naraka shouted not sure what her husband was thinking. Miaki turned around and cast a force field around the hut.

"No matter what happens, DO NOT, leave that hut" Miaki shouted as he ran at the army heading for battle, holding two fire balls in the right hand and a lightning bolt charge in the other. He threw a few charges at the closest in the army as they started closing in on him and the hut. Miaki kept fighting take out well over 500 of them but eventually was over powered and forced to use a teleportation in the end and wound up in a void.

Miaki had then traveled through dimensional rifts searching for his home dimension for almost 10 years sure his family had made it out safe and alive, until he finally came to his dimension and found nothing but asteroids left as he traveled trough his universe funding nothing of either planets left and broke down crying for having lost every one. He then traveled from universe to universe. He found the secret to eternal life and quite a few other secrets along the way and eventually came to where he was now.

Miaki finally came back from his reminiscing to find that they where both still asleep and it had been about an hour. Miaki then got up and headed back to his room to sit in peace and to wonder if there was something more he could have done to save his family.


Poor Miaki...so tortured XD ah but I like torturing my characters but hey I might have to stop writing this....being gay makes it harder XD.