Tail's of The Crimson Claw- Chapter 13

Story by Nova_lon on SoFurry

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#14 of Tails of the Crimson Claw

With the group now fully assembled Kayla gave her love one last kiss then rose from the couch, the vixen gracefully retrieving a chair from the dining area and setting it at the head of the table. The slave could not help but quirk an eyebrow as the fox took a majestic seat like a queen taking her throne, an aura of power and confidence about her as she pat her knee and tenderly beckoned nova over to her with a warm and caring smile on her muzzle "Please come here sweet boy."

While normally a situation like this would have had the slave worried something bad was about to happen all his fears were held to the back of his mind by the minks paw gently tracing over his head and neck, the touch of bliss implanted by Eshara working perfectly. As much as the slave was compelled to obey the Captain's command nova knew far better then to move an inch without his Mistress's permission, his years of training telling him to silently ask for it by nosing the paw holding his leash.

Feeling her slave nosing at her paw Dana did look down to him, a warm smile on her lips at his submissive act of affection as she unclipped the leash and set it on the table. Yet again she was impressed by her boys training and behavior, not having very much experience with slaves she had expected him just to go right to Kayla when called, she should have known better. With a soft and loving kiss to his forehead the mink pointed up to the snow white vixen and softly spoke, comfort and reassurance in her voice as she said "you may go to her my sweet boy."

With a nod the slave whispered " yes, Mistress " then Obediently moved quickly to the captains feet, his hands upturned on his thighs to show her they where empty with his head lowered and eyes downcast respectfully. Without the reassurance of his owners touch nova could now feel the nervousness building up inside of him as he waited for the captain to speak, the slave wondering what this was all about. The priestess had called it a joyful occasion and she was here to act as a witness, that and with the gifts on the table, it was almost like someone was getting married or was it? Was someone going to ask him to marry them? No that was just plain silly, he was human after all and had known them only a few days. But if that was the case what was this joyful occasion they where talking about???

The slave was brought out of his introspection by Kayla reaching out and tenderly touching his shoulder, the artic vixen tracing her fingers up the nape of the slave's neck and slowly bringing her paw to rest on his cheek, her voice soft and gentle as she spoke "Nova, sweet boy I can see in your eyes that you are confused about what is happening, but you don't have to worry, I am about to explain everything to you, then when I am done, I will have a very important question to ask you, one that I need for you to fully comprehend before giving your answer. Do you think that after hearing what I have to say you will be able to make an informed decision about your own future?"

Nova nodded softly, his eyes still lowered as he affectionately nuzzled in to the fox's paw, the slave hoping to gain her favor as he whispered " Honestly I'm not sure I can Mistress, but I give you my word to try."

Kayla smiled tenderly, she had known even before asking that it was going to be hard for this slave to be able to make decisions for himself, but from what she had learned about this human he was a lot smarter then he liked to let on, it inspiring faith in her that he would be able to make an informed decision. With a very reassuring tone in her voice the captain continued, a warm smile on her muzzle as she spoke " Very good, that's all I will ever ask of you. Now before we get to the question I think you have the right to know there has been a change in your status, as of a little over two hours ago I have taken legal ownership of you from Captain Carnes. After hearing about how that male treated you I have taken you for myself so that you will never have to see him again, someone who would treat another like that does not deserve a slave as good as you."

Kayla could see relief on the boys face but at the same time she could feel him tense up and she knew why, she was not the one he had become attached to, to him it would seam like she was trying to take him away from the mink that he had formed a bond with as well. Quick to reassure him that was not the case Kayla leaned in and kissed him on the forehead as she added "No, no you don't have to be scared little one, I have only done this for your protection, I personally do not desire to own a slave and have no intention of separating you from Dana. As you may have noticed other then yourself and the other black rock passengers there are no other slaves on board MY ship and that is because I personally do not approve of one sentient being owning another. You see even though owning a slave is against my personal principles I have made you mine not only to keep you safe, but because in you I see a special person that I want to keep here with us and I am sure I can confidently state that, everyone here agrees you would be a valuable addition to our family."

That earned an enthusiastic nod from everyone in the room, it even getting a warmly added "Truer words where never spoken" from both of the bears and Eshara at the same time.

All the slave could do was lower his eyes and blush softly at the vixen's kind words, it warming his heart to know that they did truly want him here and found value in his service. As much as he lived for the joy of serving he could ask for nothing more then to know he was needed, the boy very softly whispering " Thank you, Mistress, you are too kind to me."

This is where Kayla's smile began to fade, she had just reached the point where things where about to get a lot more complicated. With her tail now comfortingly brushing back and forth over the boys knees and one of her paws petting his head she continued, her voice very soft and tender as she asked " Now that I have told you of our desire to keep you here with us sweet boy, there is a problem we have to address that might stand in our way, how much do you know about the Anthro system of slavery?"

The boy just shook his head powerless to resist the snow white vixen's authority, his eyes still downcast and his voice very timid as he whispered " My former Master told me a lot of things about Anthros over the years, Mistress, and wile I know its not my place to ever doubt anything my owner tells me, from what I have seen and heard in the last few days I don't know how much of it is true anymore."

Kayla had to fight to keep a smile on her face at hearing that, she could only imagine the kind of vile and hateful propaganda the butcher had filled this innocent boys head with over the years. Then the vixen just looked down to her new slave and could feel an odd sense of pride that she owned a human so loyal that even when he had discovered his owner had lied to him, he was still not able to disrespect them by admitting it to others. Before returning to the subject at paw she made a mental note that she would have to spend some time educating her boy about Anthro laws and customs before he was surprised by some of the same cultural clashes that had caused the war in the first place, the vixen knowing full well that if not done soon their boy being taken off guard by some of them could damage the trust of there developing relationship.

With a smile barely on her muzzle the vixen traced one paw under her boys chin and glanced to everyone in the room before continuing, her tone carrying a much more noticeable level of authority as she spoke " I understand sweetie and we will talk more about that later, but the reason I asked how much you knew is because it directly bears on the problem we need to resolve in order to keep you here with us. You see not all slaves in the Anthro Alliance are treated the same or have the same level of rights, it is part of our cast system and currently you are at the very bottom of it, a prison slave. That does not mean that you are not valuable or that you are a bad slave, it is just because you where captured during a time of war with your people. Also it means that even though I own you, I can't keep you here with us because fleet regulations prevent prison slaves from serving on military ships. Believe me that if it was my choice I would be happy to just free you and allow you to stay here as Dana's den-mate, but if command is not willing to allow a prison slave on one of there war ships, they are even less likely to allow a free human."

Kayla then stopped to draw in a long breath and to allow the gravity of her last statement to sink in, the vixen needing nova to understand that what she was about to propose was the only option they had for keeping him with them. After a few moments when she could see fear starting to build in his eyes the Captain used a single claw tip to force her slave to lift his head, her eyes locking on him to establish her authority as she spoke " Because of these regulations we are left with only one choice my sweet little human and that is for you to become my ship's slave. You see a long time ago captains where not allowed physical relationships with those under their command so they and they alone where permitted a single slave to tend to their personal needs and while I will most likely never require that particular service from you, this will give me the undisputable right to keep you at my side regardless of anyone else's wishes."

Then the slave watched as Kayla shot a quick look to Sasha, the white tiger retrieving the box that had been dropped on the table during the lovers' earlier play and the Captain surgically opening it with one of her needle sharp claws. The boy could not help but shiver slightly at the sound of the paper ripping and the ease at witch it gave to the fox's strength, it reminding him once again how effortlessly any of them could hurt him if they wanted to. His eyes widened as Kayla pulled her surprise from it's packaging, it was a new collar the same soft pink leather as his loin cloth except it was accentuated with the same mettle he had seen on the bears Mate-ship bracelets. On the front of it was two beautifully inlayed golden Anthro symbols that he would later be told was the name "NOVA", it flanked by a set of insignias on either side, one that the slave recognized as Dana's family crest, the other he could only guess belonged to the Captain's. After a moment for the meaning of this to sink in Kayla then set the collar on her knee and then tapped her com unit, the captain speaking in a loud and clear tone full of power and authority " Computer, Deactivate and release Black Rock slave collar 211, authorization White-paw Delta2 Echo2."

Before nova even knew what happened his collar beeped 3 times and fell from around his neck, it bouncing off his knees and coming to rest at the fox's feet. He was completely still as she then reached down and picked it up, placing it on her other knee and directly in front of the slaves face, presenting them both to him as she dominantly looked into the slave's eyes, the vixen speaking again, "Nova, this brings me to the choice I told you that I will need for you to make because even though I promised myself that I would never forcibly enslave anyone for my own benefit, I am willing to set aside my own personal beliefs and accept your willing submission to me. In order to become my ship's slave you must, by Anthro tradition and of your own free will, surrender your freedom and your life to me completely, you must set aside your pride and beg for my collar and my protection, you must admit that you are weak and beg to become my slave for the rest of your life, then and only then I will know that it is your choice to stay with us."

She then picked up both collars and held them directly in front of the temporarily free human, offering them and the different life paths they represented to her boy as she finished her speech "Now as the captain of this ship and your owner I grant you the freedom of choice.

Choose to willingly beg for my collar and with it the position of ship's slave and you can stay with us for the rest of your life, we will love you, protect you and give you the best life we can.

Choose to take back the collar you came to us with and I will arrange for a new owner that will be good to you.

Or you may choose neither and I will grant you freedom, it is not within my power to return you to your home world because of the war, but there are places within the Alliance a free human can live, either way I give you my word that we will not abandon you.

Now nova, my sweet little human I give you the power to decide your own life, I give you the power to Choose."

Nova was just looking up to the vixen with tears starting to drip down his cheeks, the slave not able to fathom the kind of inner strength it had to take for her to set a side her own personal beliefs for the benefit of his mink Mistress or a slave she had known only a few days. If not for the choice just laid out before him he would have been so happy, Freedom, he was being offered freedom. Mistress Keegan had told him one day he would be free and her death had robbed him of that, only to land him in the hands of the most brutal owner he had ever known. This Mistress had just given him a second chance at freedom, a chance he might never have again. His life could be his own, never again having to fear the whip of an owner or being punished for his mistakes, but the price of that freedom meant he would also never again know the joy of pleasing his owner. For any other slave the choice would be clear but for nova the thought just terrified him, the boy only able to think what sane slave would want the horror of freedom. He knew for him it would be a death sentence, he could never survive on his own without an owner to care for him.

On the other hand the alternative being offered to him was perhaps a slaves dream, a life spent serving not one, but a whole group of owners that would not only protect him, but a group that if he took this new collar would treat him as family and he could live out his days joyfully serving each and every one of them, what more could he ask for? Love, love was the only thing he was unsure of, he knew that the mink did care for him, but what of the others? The captain had promised to love him, protect him and give him the best life she could, but with as rare a thing as love had been for him in the past could he really expect them all to open there heart's to him so easily? Very timidly he lifted his eyes to meet the vixen's as if he was searching out her feelings, searching to see if this offer that seemed too good to be true was genuine. With a life time spent learning to read his owners reactions and emotions he could sense a deep feeling of care and affection from her, the slave getting the same impression from each of the assembled group. That was more then enough for him, in fact more then he would have dreamed possible a few days ago.

Although it seemed like he had been silent for hours, in fact all this had gone through his mind in mere seconds, the slave's choice now crystal clear as he took the first step down the path of his new life. Very slowly the boy lifted his head once more and pressed a soft kiss to the new collar he would willingly wear for all his days to come, his soft pink lips pressing first to the captains family crest, then to his mink Mistress's. He was just about to speak, to ask for the new collar when he remembered the captain told him he would have to beg for it, the boy deciding to take it one step further by stroking the vixen's ego at the same time. The slave having learned a longtime ago that most owners truly enjoyed an undeniable act of submission leaned down to all 4's as he kiss the vixens feet, his lips brushing over each of her toes wile he softly pleaded "Mistress, I am small, weak and unworthy of the gift of freedom, I need the safety only your strength and intelligence can provide, Please Mistress, I beg you to take this worthless slave for your own and allow me the joy of spending the rest of my life serving unquestioningly at your feet. Please, please I beg to surrender all that I am to you, please I beg for your collar and for your protection, my Mistress."

At first Kayla could not reply, the vixen stunned into speechlessness by the sheer pleasure of the boys warm lips on her toes and the heat of his breath as he so willingly submitted to her. After hearing about his fear of freedom the other day she had been sure he would jump at the chance to have her collar, but she had not expected such an act of total abasement as he surrendered himself to her, nor had she expected him to accidentally discover her secret sexual pleasure. She had to fight to hold back a shiver of pure pleasure from both the sensual stimulation of her toes and the sense of gratification at having a male so willing to give his whole life to her, the vixen finally understanding what her love had tried so many times to explain to her. For most of her life she had seen slavery as this dirty and dishonorable thing where the slave was being used or forced into such intimate acts or had to be mistreated for them to be this compliant. But now, now she understood that this slave's submission was in fact a gift, a treasure, the only real thing of value someone that had nothing could give to his Mistress and that is where a true slave owner's joy came from, It was in the willingness of there slaves submission, not by forcing them to obey. This shocking realization caused Kayla to understand just how wrong she had been to lump all forms of slavery together, it accompanied by a pang of jealousy that Dana had gotten herself such a perfect lover, one that would do anything she wanted and would comply with eagerness as he fulfilled her every wish, always putting her pleasure and happiness above his own.

It took a few moments after the final kiss to her toes for the vixen to shake off the arousal that had been ignited deep within her, Kayla just taking the time to bask in the sensation of total power that had so unexpectedly accompanied her slaves submission to her. With a warm smile on her muzzle the vixen opened her eyes with one last evil thought running through her mind, perhaps she and her kitten would borrow the boy some time and sample what Dana would soon be treated to every night, Kayla thinking that if her love had been right about the joys of owning a willing slave, there might be something to the Tiger's enjoyment of intimacy with males as well. As the vixen allowed her eyes to glance over the room she noticed all of her friends staring at her with knowing grins on there faces, her kitten with a completely sinister expression on her muzzle at knowing full well her lover's pleasure at having her toes suckled and nibbled on.

The insides of the fox's ears turned bright pink at having been caught in her momentary fantasy, a small motion at her feet drawing her attention back to the slave still on all 4's silently waiting for her answer. Needing to quickly reestablish her authority Kayla rose to her feet and gently motioned for the slave to return to his knees as she placed one paw on top of his head and began to recite the ritual she and Sasha had been researching just before there arrival, an ancient right that she honestly never believed in her life that she would perform." Male the pack has judged you as being weak, vulnerable and in need of our protection so I, as Matriarch now take your freedom from you and mark you as my own. From this day forward all that you are and all that you will ever be now belongs to me and I will accept nothing less then your complete and total submission as I take your life into my paws. Goddess willing you will spend the rest of your life serving at my feet, never knowing a day without the safety of my collar again, obeying me without question as long as you draw breath, welcome to the first day of the rest of your life, my slave."

As Kayla had been speaking she tossed Carnes cheap collar into a nearby trash can as if to wipe away any past owners power over her slave, the Vixen taking a deep breath at the end of her speech before quickly commanding with a voice full of joy and pride " Slave present yourself for my collar." The room was dead silent as nova tilted his head forward so his Mistress could complete the act of taking possession of him, the white furred vixen unlocking the collar and placing it carefully around the boys neck, then sealing it in place with a click of finality, a click that seamed to echo in the stillness of the room.

With the slave now collared Kayla looked up, her eyes locking on Dana as she pulled the key from the collar and motioned her over, tears already in the minks eyes as she quickly moved to her Captains side. Wile this part of the ceremony was normally optional, they both knew it was the only way to show there slave that Dana was still his real owner, Kayla looking into the minks eyes as she Dominantly asked " Dana of Clan LongTail, I entrust to you the title of protector and second owner to my Slave, do you vow on your family name to ensure the safety of my property during my absence or the times I can not have him at my side?"

Dana, not able to keep her emotions in check like the vixen just nodded, joyful tears staining her cheek fur as she answered " Yes, I gladly accept the slave you have entrusted me with and give you my word to keep our boy safe for as long as I live."

Wile not being exactly what the ritual called for, the minks vow was more then good enough for Kayla, the vixen to symbolize the act of sharing her slave with another placed the only key to novas collar around the minks neck, the chain just long enough for the key to rest between her breasts and over her heart. That left the vixen with only one task left to perform so that no one would be able to challenge her ownership of her slave, by tradition once a slave gave himself to another clan his owner would remove his old name and give him a new one to completely separate him from his past. With a warm smile she looked down to the boy, her tone now very loving as she completed the ritual by taking the slave by his collar and stating "Slave you have given yourself freely and willingly to me and my clan, now accept the name of your new family, you are warmly welcomed Nova of clan SnowPaw." The boy never even got the chance to thank his new owner as she pulled him to his feet by the collar and pressed a soft kiss to his lips, Dana following suit a moment later as they both curled their arms around him in a love filled embrace. A thunderous cheer filled the room as both women held the boy, everyone else joining them in a hug to welcome the newest member of their family.

Before the poor human knew it he was trapped on all sides by an impenetrable wall of fur, the fox and mink in front of him, both bears behind him and the felines flanking him on either side, even a set of bunnies thrown into the mix for good measure. Never had the slave felt such warmth, love and safety as he did in that moment, one that he would always look back on as one of the happiest moments of his life. After a few minutes when the group started breaking up and pairing back off on the couches nova was left red faced in the arms of his mink Mistress, Dana kissing her boy deeply, lovingly and passionately, her arms curled around him in a tender show of her love for her slave. When she finally showed the human mercy and allowed the kiss to break the boy was panting and out of breath, his face flushed red with emotions the written word could never do justice to, the boy just melting to his Mistress's will.

With her boy held close in her arms the mink just lovingly brushed her muzzle over the side of his neck as she tenderly whispered, her voice chocked with emotion "My little blessing I am so happy you have chosen to stay here with us, as much as I wanted you for my own, to know it is what you want as well is more then I hoped for, I love you so much my little human."

Nova just smiled and kissed one of the golden blond mink's ears, the boy softly whispering back " Mistress, over the last few days you have given me so much more happiness then I dreamed was possible, no slave could ask for anything more." That earned him another long, deep kiss from the mink, one that promised so much more when they had a little more privacy.

Just as one of Dana's paws was tracing down the slaves back she was stopped by a yip from her Captain, Kayla playfully teasing " Now, now grease monkey, you will have all night to love our boy, we have a few more things to talk about before it is time for sweet nothings."

The mink just folded her ears back with embarrassment as she gracefully retook her seat, nova quickly dropping to his knees beside her with his head affectionately resting on her lap. Once again Dana's claws started tenderly tracing through his hair as the vixen just smiled at them both, Kayla deciding to pull a still image of this from the security video later as she organized her thoughts. The Captain knew now that her slave had willingly submitted to her and she was able to keep him here it was very important that he understood his new role on her ship and his place among them, the vixen taking a sip of her tea as she began to speak "Nova, I know all this is a lot to take in and I don't wish to overwhelm you, but I think it is important you understand what will be expected of you as my ships slave, both personally and professionally. You see, now that you have willingly given yourself to me you are no longer a prison slave, you are my companion slave and among other things that means the only ones with the right to discipline you is Dana or Myself, so although you must still obey any reasonable order given to you by any member of my crew, if anyone threatens you, you are to contact us immediately. Also, as you may have noticed that of our over 200 crew members there are only 6 males, so you may find yourself with more then just Dana expressing a physical interest in you, I myself will most likely not be one of them, I am very happy with this beautiful kitty here, but If that happens I want you to understand you have the right to refuse intimacy with anyone who asks it of you. However if you do favor some lucky lady with the love making skills Dana has been telling us all about I expect you to do it discreetly, we are a military ship after all and there are codes of conduct everyone, myself included must follow, do you understand?"

Nova turned completely red with untold embarrassment at the vixen's last statement, wile he had known his mink Mistress enjoyed the pleasure of there time together, he had no idea that she was bragging about it to her friends. Even worse he was embarrassed that others on the ship might ask him to betray his owner by giving them the same service, the boy not understanding why the captain had been so obliging about giving him permission to cheat on her and the mink. Not knowing anything about the openness of Anthro relationships he could not even conceive of providing pleasure to anyone other than his owner unless specifically order to, the boy having been taught since very early childhood that his loyalty to his owner must be absolute. In addition to his embarrassment he was also confused by the fact that his owner was giving him the power to decline such requests, while he was happy that he did not have to worry about any random Anthro hurting him because of it, he honestly could not see himself saying no to a free person. Unsure of his feelings or if he even truly understood what he had been told the slave kept his eyes lowered as he whispered " I, I think so Mistress. But I, I would never be unfaithful to my owners, even if someone ordered me to, I would rather be punished then betray the trust you have shown in me, Mistress."

Kayla was not the only one to give the slave an odd look at that, the vixen thinking why would nova consider sex with members of her crew as a betrayal when it dawned on her, this was one of the more serious cultural clashes between her people and the humans, their moral concepts about monogamy to a single lover. How right she had been that their slave would need to be educated about the Anthro culture, he had been hers less then a day and already his lack of understanding was threatening to damage their still developing trust. Deciding now was not the best time to overtax their little humans mind with such alien concepts she just snuggled up closer to her kitten and tenderly replied with a chuckle "O silly boy, neither Dana or myself would give a second thought to you having as many lovers as you wished, but we can speak about that later, for now I think we should address your new responsibilities as my ships slave."

The slave just nodded even more confused now that it was clear his owner was not only giving him permission to cheat on her, but in fact encouraging it. He would most surely take her up on her promise to talk more about this later, for now he just lowered his eyes and enjoyed the minks claws still running through his hair as he answered "Yes, Mistress."

Kayla just smiled warmly even though she could still see the confusion in her boys eyes, the Vixen quickly moving on as her tail entwined with her kittens and she continued " Well I was thinking for your official duties the big bear here would like to keep you as his assistant in the kitchen and I know for a fact you will be in high demand for cub minding duty, it is my understanding that the few mothers we have onboard are already lining up for a shot at you."

That earned a chuckle from everyone in the room and a warm snug from Dana, try as they might to steal her boy away the mink knew her slave's loyalty meant they did not stand a chance. Kayla allowed herself a warm smile as well, she knew how competitive some females could get over a male with child minding skills, the vixen hoping they would be happy just to have use of him and respect this male was taken. With the moment past Kayla took up where she left off, her voice very happy now as she went on " In addition we might have some other small tasks for you to perform around the ship, nothing to complicated and nothing that will be beyond your abilities, just lending a paw here and there as needed. O and that reminds me, even-though you have earned our trust my sweet little human, there will be parts of this ship that are off limits to you, Most of them just because there is equipment in them that is dangerous to those who do not understand it, not that I think you are not smart enough to learn about them, it is just for your protection, we care about you too much to allow you to be harmed. For your safety and to help us keep track of you a com unit has also been built into your collar, so you can contact any of us just by touching it and calling out our names. It will warn you when you are entering one of the areas you are not allowed to be, it will not hurt you, just give you a gentle warning. I know this is a lot to take in all at once my boy and I think we have covered enough for now, but before we call it a night do you have any questions or is there anything you are confused about?"

The slave, now completely relaxed again by the Mink's tender petting just smiled as he looked to the vixen, the boy actually looking forward to watching the ships children. In his experience the times when he was charged with child care was when he was treated the best by his owners or the ones his owners where lending him to, because it was very rare for one of them to mistreat him in front of their own children or risk leaving marks on him that might cause the young ones to ask uncomfortable questions. Plus he would get to keep helping Master Toby in the kitchen, the only way this could get any better for him was if his Mistress would teach him to read. Wile the translator allowed him to understand them, he knew he would always feel stupid around the crew wile he could not read their language. Feeling as if he had a fairly firm handle on what he had been told he considered using this opportunity to ask about the fidelity issue, but there was one other, more immediate question he decided was more relevant, the boy taking a small breath as he spoke " Yes, Mistress... if, if I may ask, I have never belonged to two owners at the same time before, I'm not sure exactly what that means or witch of my Mistress's have the final word, if your orders where to conflict."

That earned a very soft chuckle from both the Mink and Vixen as Dana's tail possessively curled around her boy as if to silently say " Mine," the thick ocean of fur tickling the slave all over as Kayla answered his question with a warm smile " You know my sweet little human I should have expected that question, thank you for thinking of it before it became an issue, that just shows what a smart and dedicated servant you are. Did you notice the set of family crests on your new collar as I offered it to you? Well one is the mark of Dana's clan and the other is of mine, along with an imbedded identification chip, they tell everyone who even looks at you who you belong to. Even though my crest is in the Matriarch / primary owners place, as I explained earlier I have never personally desired to own a slave and if not for the fact you have to belong to me to stay here I would never have given that collar to ANYONE, that alone should tell you how much you have impressed us and come to mean to us all. As for your question, If anyone ever asks you who you belong to you must answer Captain Kayla Snow-paw of the Crimson Claw, but Dana is your true Mistress in everyway that counts, her personal wishes must come first as long as you respect my ships codes of conduct. You will still live with Dana and tend to her as you have been until the day she leaves us, then I will turn over your title deed to her so that she will be your soul owner."

That was perfect, more then the slave could have hoped for, wile this vixen was willing to own him just to keep him here, his mink Mistress and the one he loved was still the owner that must come first in his heart. He told himself that he would work extra hard to earn his place among this warm family, and maybe, just maybe one day he could find a way to repay the captain for such an admirable act of self sacrifice in giving him a collar she never wanted to give to anyone. With a look of not only respect, but reverence in his eyes the boy whispered back to his vixen owner " I understand Mistress. I, I don't have the words to thank you for this, but I will work as hard as I can so that you never regret allowing me your collar."

Kayla just warmly smiled back as she teased " Of that I have no doubt my sweet little human, in fact the only concern I have in giving you my collar is that it is most likely going to give my mother a heart attack."

Wile it was said in a joking tone everyone here knew of Kayla's strained relationship with her mother and that the vixen's dislike of slavery was largely due to her upbringing by this female that, in a lot of there opinions should never have been allowed to have a child in the first place. Quick to defuse what was threatening to ruin the happy mood Dana added with a giggle " O Tell me about it, when my sire finds out I have a companion slave, a human one at that he is going to shave my tail."

The slave awwwwed softly as he protectively curled his arms around the minks tail and kissed it lovingly wile innocently pouting " But Mistress your beautiful tail is one of the things I love most about you, it would be a true crime to harm a single hair on it." This caused the whole group to brake out into another round of deep laughter as Dana tried to explain that shaving the tail was just an expression.

Once the laughter had died down and before the conversation could resume Toby, who had been all but silent since the hug spoke up, his mate still snuggled up in his arms as he playfully giggled " Captain I know it's getting late but this pretty young male in my arms and I would like to give the boy our gift before we all turn in for the night."

Link purred at his lovers sweet words, the little bear leaning up to lovingly kiss his mate as he whispered " OOO, you big old flatterer, I'm gonna do such evil things to you tonight."

Just as Kayla was about to answer Jessica mockingly covered her ears and pouted as she teased " o you dirty old bear, saying such naughty things around my delicate virgin ears."

Link just stuck out his tongue and grinned as he teased back " virgin bunny? I didn't know there was such a thing."

Everyone broke out into deep laughter again, nova just silently blushing at the groups teasing. It was not often he got the chance to observe the free just playing and having fun, taking this opportunity to learn all he could about the groups dynamics and what was acceptable behavior between them. He was just enjoying the warmth of his owners tail curled around him as the captain got herself under control enough to answer the bear, a warm smile on her muzzle as she said " You surely may big bear, it is getting late and we have an early day tomorrow, we expect to reach home around 0930."

With the vixen's permission Toby carefully extracted himself from his lovers arms, the little bear taking the opportunity to pinch his mates butt with a playful growl just as the large grizzly got free. The big bear decided to let that go for the moment, link had already earned a spanking, Toby would just add it to his lovers tab. With that thought running through his mind the big bear picked up there package and handed it to the slave, Toby allowing him to open it this time if just to draw out the suspense as he said " Me and my love both thought that if you are going to be our ship's slave you should bear the mark of the Crimson Claw, so please except this gift of love from the two of us."

Nova was just stunned, a second gift so soon after receiving the very first one of his life only a few days ago, he just could not understand why this group was being so kind to him. With renewed tears stinging the corners of his eyes, the boy carefully pulled the box open, the sight meeting his eyes at first confusing, then wonderfully heart warming. It was a leather vest the same soft shade of pink as his collar and loin cloth with the pattern of three red claw marks on the back framed by equally beautiful decorative patterns cut into the sides and front, the symbols of both a ships slave and a beloved companion. Nova could not help but pick it up and brush the soft leather over his cheek before lovingly hugging the bear's leg as he whispered " Thank you Master, it, it is so beautiful."

The big bear just smiled and helped the boy to his feet as he gave nova a soft hug, then gently helped him to slip his new vest on, Toby kissing the boy on the back of the neck as he brought it up his arms and buttoned it in the front. The over all effect was stunning, the vest came down to meet the top of his loin cloth and looked as if all 3 pieces where made for each other. For the first time since he had been captured by the black rock nova was now fully clothe, the only thing missing being a set of underwear and shoes, not that he had a problem with not having the shoes, he would surely not need them on the ship and as for underwear, he had gotten used to not being allowed them many years ago. He was just thinking how pretty he must look when as if reading his mind Sasha gave him a wolf whistle, the feline teasingly commenting with a purr " Now that is a perfectly attired ship's slave, if only we could dress all males that well."

Yet again that earned another round of laughs from the females and a mocking look of indignity from the bears before they to joined in, it was one of the sad truths that most Anthro males always looked better with there females dressing them and even then the majority of them still found a way to look unkempt. When Kayla stopped again she pulled her kitten closer and tenderly kissed her love as she added " Well he is the only ship's slave we are ever going to have kitten, It is only fitting that he look his very best wile representing us." Then, as if an after thought occurred to her the vixen grinned and tenderly teased " I cant weight to see your sisters reaction to him, bet you a weeks pay she is going to tell on you."

The White tiger just chuckled with a wide toothy grin, her ears wiggling suggestively as she purred " Not if we beat her to the punch, want to come to the cabin and help me draft a letter to my mother?" Every one in the room, even nova knew perfectly well what the tiger meant was lets go home and make mad love like bunnies, the look in Sasha's eyes and the grin on her lips practically predatory.

That was all the prompting the vixen needed with as tired and turned on as she was, Kayla quickly finishing her tea and setting the empty glass on the table as she murred " On that note Ladies and gentle-furs I think it is time we all got our tails to bed, we have an early morning." Then as she and her love got to there feet the captain looked down to her new slave, her tone softly teasing as she said " And you my sweet little human, don't keep my chief engineer up to late, I have a feeling her day will be busiest of all tomorrow."

Nova just blushed all over and softly whispered " Yes, Mistress" as the two walked out paw in paw, both females tails entwined lovingly. The bunnies where the next to go, fallowed by Toby and his mate, all of them giving good night hugs and warm wishes. That left just the Mink, her slave, the Doctor and Priestess, Dana taking note of her friends whispering in a very conspiratorial tone by the door and the jaguars tail lashing side to side in agitation. The unicorn had leaned in very close to whisper so that only Crystal could hear as she not so timidly suggested " Kitten I know perfectly well you want to take the boy back to medical for the night, but in my professional opinion they both need this time together, even if they don't consummate there new relationship, this has been a life altering change for both of them and they could use the time alone for emotional bonding."

The doctor sighed softly, curling her arms around the unicorn, Crystal knowing perfectly well this was the mares purpose on there ship, to judge the emotional well being of the crew and to offer advice in there best interests. Still as the chief medical officer it was ultimately her decision and as much as she wanted to give the lovers there first night together, her concern for the slave's health stayed foremost in her mind as she whispered back " I know mother, but he is still very fragile from the beating and I am worried about anymore over whelming him, what if he relapses in the middle of the night?"

Eshara just pressed in a little closer, bringing her muzzle right up to the felines ear as she whispered "The mental trigger I implanted will take care of that child, as long as Dana is in physical contact with him, he will remain nice and calm. Just look at them, I have a sneaking suspicion Dana will be holding her new mate close all night, besides what can you do in medical that the portable health monitor is not already doing?"

Wile that was being a little simplistic the Jaguar had to admit Eshara was right, the portable health monitor would alert her to any changes in the boy just as well as the med bay's scanners could, Crystal sighing in surrender as she answered " I guess your right mother, besides if I don't give them this night Dana might never forgive me. I will prepare him another injection of pain suppresser so he will be able to sleep and have my staff monitor his readings over night, honestly I don't know why I even bother to disagree with you, you always win in the end." Then as the two disengaged they turned to find Nova sitting up right on his knees and kissing his Mistress deeply, one of her paws having slipped under his vest to massage his chest lovingly.

That earned a flick of her ears and a shake of the felines head as she pulled the pain medication from her kit, the doctor softly muttering " Yay right, cuddles my tail, she is going to brake that poor boy again for sure."

The priestess's deep chuckle was more then enough to catch both the mink and humans attention, nova's face clearly deep red with embarrassment as they both pulled away from each other and he dropped his eyes to the floor as the jaguar approached. Even as cute as crystal found the humans blushing she had to force a look of sternness on her face as she firmly spoke " Dana, our guiding light here has talked me into allowing you to take your slave home for the night, but I expect you to be very gentle and watch him closely, my staff will be watching the readings from his health monitor and I don't want to have to come looking for him if he starts hurting again, am I clear?"

The mink just got a silly grin on her muzzle as she jokingly curled her arms around her slave's head, pulling him protectively to her chest as she mockingly teased "O you don't have to worry about my little blessing tonight dear doctor, we are going home and right to bed."

Once again the doctor flicked her ears and shook her head as she pressed the injector to the side of the boy's neck, her voice very disapproving as she commented " That is exactly what I am afraid of. "

Eshara just smiled warmly and traced a finger over the back of the doctors ear to forestall anymore comments, the unicorn speaking softly as she started to lead her long time feline friend to the door "have a fun night you two and we shall both see you in the morning." Before crystal could say anything more the mare gently pushed her through the door with a not so innocent wink to Dana, the mink then quickly helping her boy to his feet and leading the same direction with her tail brushing back and forth over his chest.

She was so caught up in thoughts of the much needed intimacy to come with her slave that she was taken off guard when he stopped half way through the door, his hand cupped lovingly in her paw almost knocking her off balance. When she looked back she saw him looking down to the leash still in her paw, both of his eyes full of fear as he softly whispered " Mistress, you, you forgot my leash again, I , I will be punished if I try to leave the room without it."

Dana just chuckled softly and pulled him threw the door, curling her arms around him as she kissed his nose and purred " O my silly little human, you don't need the leash anymore and you don't have to worry about your collar hurting you just for walking throw a door. We trust you to move freely about the ship now, the most your collar will do is warn you when you enter a restricted area, now come along I want some time alone with my male."

Her loving embrace was all it took to clear away his fears instantly, it being replaced by embarrassment at having forgotten his newly found freedom so quickly as he softly whispered " I'm sorry Mistress, I, this kind of trust is going to take some getting use to." O, how Dana found her slaves blush so adorable as she started leading him to the lift, her tail protectively curling around his chest in a very clear sign of affection. It only took a few moments for the lift to travel the levels to deck 2, nova finding himself standing at the cabin door before he even knew it. Thankfully they had only past one of the crew along the way, a gray furred wolffess that was apparently one of the more open minded members of the crew, the female not only giving Dana a not so innocent smile, but in fact fallowing it up with a knowing wink of encouragement. Once inside nova found the cabin just as chilly as he remembered, in fact the room was exactly as he had left it the last time he was here, it leaving him to wonder if his Mistress had even been home since then.

He was not allowed to ponder this thought for long apparently as his Mistress lead him directly over to the bed room and tenderly curled her arms around him, her deep brown eyes gazing lovingly into his as she started to whisper "Nova you have no idea how happy you have made me tonight, it pleases me so much not only to know that you are mine, but that it is your choice to be with me, that you want to be here in my arms." The mink then brushed her muzzle up the side of his neck, her soft fur tickling him before her cold nose moved over his cheek, it stopping on his own as her lips came to meet his in a long, deep, passion filled kiss to her new mates lips. Now this was not the first kiss they had shared, it was not even the first kiss of love, but this time it was different, it was electric for the both of them, as if there very souls where touching. This was THAT kiss, the kiss all lovers waited for, the one that tells them that they will be together forever, it only getting better as Dana dominantly snaked her tongue past her slaves lips and started probing his mouth, the slave instantly reciprocating by closing his lips around her long ribbon of flesh, suckling on it as his own tongue began to dance with hers.

Nova just could not help himself, maybe it was the warmth of his owners fur, the strength of her arms curling around his waist to pull him closer, or the pure dominance of her action, but he instantly fell into the submissive role, the female role he knew she wanted from this as his arms lifted to wrap around her neck, giving himself to her completely, allowing his owner to do with him as she wished. When the kiss finally broke almost 3 minutes later both Mistress and slave where panting and out of breath, nova's face flushed completely red and the inside of Dana's ears tinted pink to match. As what tends to happen with this kind of intense kiss nova fuzzed out for just a few moments, the slave savoring the lingering taste of his owner on his lips before looking back into her eyes, the intensity of her gaze instantly making him feel completely helpless to resist her.

As he was taught all his life he once again tried to lower his eyes, to not meet his owners gaze only to be stopped by one of her fingers under his chin, Dana softly lifting his eyes back to hers as she tenderly asked " My little blessing, before we go any further there is something I must ask you, do you remember when Kayla told you that, as a companion slave you have the right to decline intimacy with anyone who asks it of you?"

Still to flustered to speak and thinking that his owner was about to ask him to make love to her, the slave just softly nodded, it still feeling so odd that she would feel he was capable of denying her. Looking into her eyes, and held to her beautiful body he knew that he would never, could never say no to her, that not only would he serve her because she was his owner, but because he loved her and even the smallest happiness he could give her was his greatest goal in life.

Seeing the look in her mates eyes the mink just tenderly brushed the side of her soft muzzle over his cheek as she continued "Well, it made me realize that the times we have been together, I never came right out and asked you if it was what you wanted, please believe me when I say that I honestly thought you wanted to make love to me, you where just so tender and so eager to please, it just never occurred to me that you might feel you where not being given a choice. I just, I have to know for my own peace of mind if you ever felt used or violated, if you felt like I forced myself on you, what ever your answer I promise not to be upset with you." Once she had finished speaking she just held her boy close waiting for his answer, waiting to see if he had enjoyed their lovemaking as much as she had or if he had felt forced, that he would at the very least forgive her for her first true mistake of their relationship. When the slave did not answer right away Dana feared that she had her answer, a feeling of shame starting to crush her heart before her boy pulled just a few inches away, the tender look and warm smile on his face all she needed to reignite the joy in her soul.

Nova himself could not keep a silly grin off his lips as he pulled back just enough to kiss the tip of his owner's nose, as brilliant as she might be with star ship systems, she did not seem to understand him at all. For him she had been his owner from the moment she had chosen him in the cargo bay and as such she did not and would never need to ask his consent, it was her inalienable right as his Mistress to use him as she saw fit. In a way he actually found it kind of cute that his owner was so clueless, it just meant he would have to ever so subtly educate her as to how a slave thought, something he had come to learn over the years that not many free where capable of fully understanding no matter how hard they tried. But for now he knew exactly what this beautiful lady in fur needed to hear, not that he would ever lie to her even to spare her feelings, his words where the complete truth as he spoke " Mistress, I never once felt used or violated as I gave you pleasure, after spending a life time never having a choice in who I was required to serve, it, it warmed my heart and was very much what I wanted when you allowed me the joy of such tender and gentle lovemaking."

As if he had read her mind the slave's words could not have been more perfect to reassure Dana and set her mind at ease, it making her feel so much better to know for sure that she had never forced herself on him. With wet cheek fur and a heart overflowing with love she kissed him lovingly once again then brushed the top of her muzzle under his chin as she tenderly whispered " Thank you my little blessing. I, I know you must be tired but if you feel up to it, I would like the first night of our new lives together to be special, I want to make love to MY slave."

Her reply was a soft kiss between the eyes as her boy's warm breath filled one of her ears while he ever so softly whispered "Tonight my Mistress, only your order could stop me from joining with you, Mind, Body and Soul."

A small shiver ran up the minks spine at not only the warm air tickling the furless inside of her ear, but from the shear romance of the words it carried, Dana's heart skipping a beat as she realized this would be a night neither of them would ever forget. Very reluctantly she released her love and kissed him once more, then playfully licked his chin as she purred " I just need to freshen up first and slip into something a little more comfortable, why don't you get the bed ready and make us a small treat, I think we will need the energy."

The slave did not even get a chance to say, yes, Mistress, before the mink turned and retrieved something from her dresser, then quickly disappeared into the bathroom, nova just not able to help but smile at the sight of her long bushy tail trailing behind her. Once the door closed he set about the tasks given to him, pulling back the covers and fluffing the pillows then starting the walk over to the dispensers to make some small treats. But just as he was reaching for the control something came to him, his Mistress said she wanted tonight to be special and as his first Mistress had drilled into him so many times, when a woman said she wanted special what she really meant was she wanted romance. She had taught him that any male was capable of just sitting back and letting the woman put all the effort into making a evening special, but for him that was not an option, for a slave, like breathing, romance was a necessity to making his owner truly happy.

A smile parted his lips as a plan started to come together in nova's mind, the slave ordering a few small sweets and a glass of ice water because he always hated when he had to take brakes when his owner got thirsty. Thinking back on the last few days he realized that scent was very important to Anthro's, the slave remembering how much his mink Mistress seamed to enjoy when he used her fur wash to smell more appealing. This inspired an idea for setting the mood, he would just have to make sure it was safe before he set off alarms all over the ship. With a small breath he set the treats on the night stand and turned back to the dispenser, his voice very soft as he whispered " Um, Mistress Computer? "

It only took a moment for the panel over the dispenser to light up, it emitting the soft tones nova had come to learn meant the computer was on line and weighting for instructions. Again the slave giggled to himself realizing how silly it was to call the computer Mistress, but with its very feminine voice he found it was easy to forget he was not talking to a real person. With that smile still on his face he leaned in close, whispering very softly so that his owner could not over hear him "Um, Mistress, would it be possible to reset the fire suppression system to allow for a few small open flames, please?"

Oblivious to nova's preparations Dana in the bathroom was just stepping out of the shower, the mink having spent a few minutes in it on sonic mode to purge the last few days neglect from her fur. Wile not feeling anywhere as good as a real shower it was quick and to tell the truth the mink was to nervous to really enjoy it anyway. Now she found herself in front of the mirror in only her panties starring at her reflection as she pondered what tonight would mean, the first two times she had taken the slave into her bed it had been only for pleasure, but now, now it was about to be a lot more meaningful. In a way it felt like her mateship night, her first time making love to her mate, not just being pleasured by her slave. Her muzzle parted in a wide toothy grin as she thought more about that, her mate, her slave, at this point was there really a difference? Even if he was free they still could not be legally mated because nova was incapable of giving her a child, so this was as far as there relationship would ever be allowed to go, he would be her life-mate in her heart and for her, that would be more then good enough. She allowed herself a soft, silly giggle as she pulled on her robe and left it untied, Dana touching up her fur with the brush for a moment before heading back to the bed room, the mink determined to make this first time as perfect as the mate-ship night she had always dreamed of.

Still pondering that yummy thought and more then a little distracted Dana exited the bathroom only to find herself in near darkness, it taking almost a full minute for her eyes to adjust to the new, dim light. Once she was able to see clearly again she found that there where now several candles burning all about the room and her slave kneeling at the foot of her bed, his outfit neatly folded on the floor beside him to leave him completely nude, except for the collar given to him only a little wile ago. She also took notice of some soft instrumental music playing in the back ground as she approached her boy, the scent of wild flowers meeting her nose as she reached out to touch him. To her surprise she found that the clever slave had used over a dozen different scented candles to fill the room with an aroma much like a summer meadow, dear goddess, he had gone and impressed her yet again, she was going to have to learn to stop underestimating her boy. As she traced her paw over his cheek and leaned down to kiss him softly she also noticed that he had arranged his male parts so that they where almost hidden by his closed legs, the slave wile leaving himself completely open to her, had also kept his nudity from being vulgar or disrespectful. As she traced her paw over his cheek the slave could not help but kiss her wrist lovingly, nova nuzzling it ever so softly as he whispered " You look so beautiful my Mistress, my Goddess in golden fur."

Dana could feel the insides of her ears turning pink as she pulled her slave to his feet and held him close to her, her arms and tail curling around him as they both moved in time with the soft music. As his lips met hers in the dim light of the room she could feel her heart actually aching for her human, what female could ask for a better mate then this, he was just so perfect and she was lucky enough to get him all to herself, at least for now. Goddess Dana was in heaven here with her slave, the mink laying her head on his shoulder as nova's lips began to brush over the nape of her neck, the contact reaching through her fur down to the hidden skin below. Wile she was no virgin and had been with her fair share of lovers in the past, none of them had ever made her feel like this before, the mink knowing from the tips of her ears to the bottom of her tail that this could not just be training, no slave would go this extra mile without being told, this was, this had to be love. Needing to know for sure if he felt the same about her she slowly lifted his chin, Dana looking deeply into her slaves eyes, the crystal blue orbs reflecting the candle light in a way that sent shivers down her spine as she whispered " Nova, I, I love you so much." She then leaned in close and gave him a long soft kiss before he could speak, just needing the intimacy of this act to complete her declaration of love.

Still kissing his Mistress nova brought his arms up under her robe, running his hands over her back. He was so soft and skillful Dana did not even notice when he removed her robe, it dropping to the floor as his hand found the base of her tail. She shivered and moaned softly into the kiss as her boy guided her back to the bed, laying her down tenderly and softly, the kiss only braking when one of his hands found her breast. The feeling of the slaves fingers lightly brushing over her nipple was to much for her with as close to her heat cycle as she was, it causing her to brake the kiss with a long needful moan. Goddess he was doing it again, it was like her boy could sense what gave her the most pleasure, it leaving her powerless to his tender ministrations.

The mink was rocked by a powerful sensation of pleasure when she felt the tip of nova's tongue tracing down the underside of her muzzle, over her throat, down between her breast and finally finding its perch on the tip of her nipple. The warmth of his tongue sent shockwaves of pleasure threw her in a way she could not describe, it tracing only around the very tip of her nipple causing her to buck and whimper. This was her greatest weakness when she was entering her heat, the hormones causing her nipples to get very sensitive, almost to sensitive and now her boy was using that to push her quickly into a rapid state of arousal. When his lips sealed around the nipple, taking it in to the fur line she cried out, his tongue tracing a slow path in a spiral down from the tip to the very edge of her areola.

Unsure if her cry was one of pain or pleasure and frightened that he might have hurt her, the slave quickly released her nipple, his tongue seaming to take its time pulling away as he tenderly whispered " I'm sorry Mistress, did I hurt you?"

Her reply was not what he expected, Dana, in her building lust just dominantly took hold of his hair and used her grater physical strength to force his mouth back to her left nipple as she almost savagely hissed " If you hurt me I will tell you my love, now don't you dare stop."

Reassured he had not hurt his Mistress and now with her encouragement, no not encouragement but flat out order, he eagerly resumed sucking on her nipple, this time his hand lifting to treat the other ridged mound of flesh to the same pleasures. With the heat of his mouth and the skillfulness of his tongue it was not long before the mink was reduced to inaudible sounds of pleasure, his fingers rolling and pinching the other nipple quickly building her up to am impending release. She could feel a tightness in her chest and a slowly building heat in her loins from her boys attentions, waves of pleasure pulsing from her breasts throw her whole body. It was when his teeth closed around her nipple and pulled on it that she was driven right up to the edge, the waves of pleasure from her nipples and loins drawing ever closer like to unstoppable forces of nature. With out warning he quickly changed nipples, the heat of his tongue lashing the until now only teased nipple causing her to cry out in desperate need of release. Dam this human, Dam his skills at love making he had trapped her on the edge of pleasure and ecstasy again. She was right there, she just needed a little more to push her over, Dana searching for the strength to order him to finish her.

Nova was just reveling in the pleasure of a slaves true power, a power that he knew could be used only in this most special of moments. He carefully, very carefully watched his owners reactions, he knew she was extremely close and that he could only push her a little more before she broke. He had been trained by his Mistress that the female body could only withstand so much delay in its release before it would reset, this being the very fine line between ultimate pleasure and shattering disappointment. With her whole body shaking he brought his lips back to the first nipple he had been torturing, only brushing them around the very tip in preparation for something he knew his Mistress had never felt before, something no Anthro could do with the construction of there muzzles.

With one last lick to the now rock hard mound of flesh to add just enough lubrication, the slave softly exhaled over it, the heat of his breath flushing the skin and opening the pours as he sealed his lips tight in place and started to slowly inhale, drawing air in very, agonizingly slowly. With his lips sealed perfectly in place the air only had one way in, the suction drawing air in at the edges of his lips where the wet flesh's contact with the nipple was weakest. Like sucking in a strand of spaghetti, the sensation sent sharp stabs of pleasure/pain threw her breast, deep down into her chest and even radiating out through her entire body, The vibrations of the air forcing its way in giving the mink exactly what she needed to be hurled over the imaginary pressapas on witch her slave had trapped her.

Like a sun entering super nova Dana's body was rocked with uncontrollable pleasure, it over whelming her mind in a new level of ecstasy she could not have fathomed until now. The mink screamed a deep, throat ripping, ear shattering scream of pure pleasure, never in her life had she reached climax just from having her nipples suckled on, Goddess what had that slave done with his lips? It felt like she had taken hold of an exposed power conduit and had the full force of all 3 of the ships HD cells flood threw her body, it leaving her mind burned and unable to function. How could anyone think in the face of such unconceivable pleasure, she just let the world go and let the waves of pleasure wash over her like the unstoppable tides of the ocean.

Nova seeing his Mistress enter pleasure overload felt deep pride, this was something very hard for any male, let alone a slave to do. This was the goal his first Mistress had always set for him, be it by pleasuring her breasts or any other part of her body, bringing her to this level of bliss was the only way he was allowed to feel like a worthy lover. His heart overflowed with love as he curled his arms around her, his lips releasing there victim only to relinquish the task of tormenting his owners nipples to his tongue. He knew with his Mistress in this state she would not consciously feel it, but he did his duty and kept up the pleasure to her nipples, switching back and forth in alternating laps and deep, love filled kisses.

Laying there between her legs and with his arms curled around her middle he could feel the wetness on his chest, it telling him his owner was far from finished for the night. He licked his lips in anticipation of what was to come next, his Mistress would need one more round before her pleasure was completed. He started slowly kissing down the front of her body, his lips brushing over the silkily smoothness of her fur until he found the source of the dampness. It started at her belly and spread to her thighs, his Mistress silk panties so drenched with her pleasure he could practically see threw them. With his lips touching the damp fur the flavor and scent of his owners release where clear even to his poor human senses and it was like nothing he could describe. It had changed from the other night, sweeter and more flavorful it beckoned him closer, a special treat that begged him to indulge in more of it. When his head reached the place it belonged, the place he greatly enjoyed having it he pressed a long, love filled kiss to her panties, silently cursing this barrier that would remain impenetrable without her express permission. Thinking back to there first night together an idea came to him, wile he had teased her like this before there was another way he knew of skirting this rule without braking it, something he knew that would not only bring her back to reality, but reignite the fires of her need and leave her begging for more.

The mink Mistress's brilliant mind was still gone, pure animalistic lust the only driving force that kept her from the bliss of sleep. When she felt her boy working his way down her body she just shivered again, as much as she wanted, no, needed more of this monsters skills the little piece of intelligence she had left wanted to stop him before he pushed her beyond her limits and into unconsciousness again. She had wanted to make love to her slave tonight, a equal giving and taking of pleasure with her new mate, but it looked like her slave would have non of it. All of his attentions had been focused on her pleasure, taking non for himself just like each time before. She closed her eyes trying to push the pleasure aside long enough to speak, to beg her boy to fill her, mate with her, join with her in the consummation of there new bond but it was lost when she felt her boy blowing a hot stream of air over her nether regions. With her love juices drenching her panties it would have felt no different then if he was blowing on her directly, it causing her hips to buck and the mink to writhe. As if he was blowing on the ambers of a nearly extinguished fire, the heat of his breath reignited the inferno in her loins, that little piece of intelligence that was holding her together lost in a rush of carnal lust that demanded nothing less then total satisfaction. Running on pure instincts her paw shot between her legs, her claws extending before pulling back to shred the fabric preventing her slave from stopping the all consuming desire that threatened to burn her from within. Her back arched when the tip of her claw ran over her clit, the small but intense rush giving her the strength to sensually demand, with a threatening growl "NOW, FILL ME NOW."

Shocked at his Mistress's command and the shredded tatters of her once beautiful silk panties the slave obeyed instantly, his head dropping between her legs. The second his tongue touched her clit the mink bucked, both her paws taking hold of his hair to keep the pleasure from escaping. It was not what she had meant when she cried out, she wanted his penis inside her but with his thick tongue probing deeply into her she was in no position to complain. Nova was just driven to give his Mistress more by the power of her need, the pure dominance of her paws holding him in place and growling in pleasure each time his tongue crossed her sweet lips told him she was no longer interested in tender love making, she wanted to cum and she wanted it now. One of his hands reached down and took hold of her tail root, trying to hold her still as his tongue pushed deeper into her, arching up and forward in search of the little ruff patch he knew would give her what she needed. That was it, his tongue flicking around inside her and her bucking causing him to pull on her tail root was to much, she arched up and gave a half scream again, this time it getting caught in her throat as his tongue found her g-spot. If the orgasm from her slave sucking on her nipples had burned her mind, this second, and then a third climax right on the heals of each other had nearly incinerated what was left of it. Her body then seized up with her back arched, claws extended and pupils dilated, her eyes locked on a point light years away, It taking every ounce of her strength and will to stave off the darkness pulling on her, trying to drag her weakened body into the bliss of sleep.

No, she would not surrender yet, she was just not ready, wile thoroughly satisfied, she needed the emotional connection to her slave that could only come through physically joining with him. She needed the final act of intercourse before she could rest, she needed to return at least some of the pleasure her mate had so willingly lavished on her. Summoning all her strength she pulled on his hair still gripped tightly in her paw, pulling him up to kiss him deeply, the flavor of her own love juices being returned to her through the kiss before she rolled him over, pinning her slave to the bed. Knowing he would most likely never be strong enough or dominant enough to penetrate her, the mink took control, taking what she wanted from her mate by reaching under her and guiding his fully erect member to her dripping lips. As much as she wanted to just drop her hips and take him fully in an instant she wanted to savor this first experience with him even more, Dana returning some of the sensual agony her slave had inflicted on her by slowly, ever so slowly easing her hips down to take in his average sized human penis inch by inch.

Nova had been more then a little startled to feel his owner pulling him away from her sweet treasure by his hair, then even more so when she turned the tables on him and pinned him to the bed. Once he found himself on his back with his owner holding him down the slave began to relax again thinking she just wanted to finish the night in a dominant position, then much to his shock she started to take him inside her, the slave honestly having believed his owner was a lesbian thought this was the last thing she would have wanted. With the excess of lubrication from her previous climaxes and the heat of her body it was like his member was being enveloped by warm, wet silk, silk that seemed to be trying to devour him as her passage twitched and spasmed around its invader.

Once she had taken her mates length fully inside her the mink held still for several long, blissful moments, Dana taking the opportunity to savor this sensation that she had not felt in a very long time. Wile the normal human penis was only half the size and length of a male of her breed, having gone so long between male lovers her slaves size was just enough to leave her with a pleasant, if not overly full feeling. After a few moments of just enjoying her mate within her she leaned down to kiss him deeply and tenderly, her tongue sneaking past his lips to share in some small way the feeling of being so intimately connected, no not just connected, joined, bonded, fused with another person. Maybe it was that feeling, or the intensity of her heated state but to her surprised the moment her slave returned the kiss, his tongue curling around hers and his hands lifting to brush over her sides she climaxed again, a smaller, less powerful release this time, but still enough to send a wave of pleasure through her as her inner walls constricted around her mate, milking him and trying to pull him deeper within her.

With a long, needful moan Dana began to slowly move her hips back and forth, grinning down to her mate as she decided to show him that he was not the only one with love making skills, the mink's muscles gripping at his shaft as the kiss finally broke. Having rested enough to regain her strength she now started the predictable, but still pleasurable up and down motion as she began to ride him, her inner walls constricting each time she lifted off him and releasing as she dropped back down. As she did this her tail curled around one of his legs for leverage, it aiding her in adding a back and forth motion as she bounced a little faster on his lap, Dana very careful not to go to fast or to hard and risk hurting her slave.

Nova now totally at his owner's mercy just tilted his head back and moaned with pleasure, the human honestly not able to remember the last time he had experienced this, most of his sex partners opting to use his hands, mouth or rear for there own pleasure, but almost never this kind of mutually pleasurable intercourse. This is why he allowed himself to lay there for a few minutes to savor the sensation of his Mistress's hot, wet passage milking him so deliciously, his hands slowly moving up and down her sides in time with her bouncing to enjoy the feeling of her smooth fur between his fingers. But it was not long before his training kicked in again, the slave not the type to just lay there an allow his owner to do all the work, his fingers slowly moving from her hips, back to the base of her tail. Remembering this spot was one that gave her pleasure he began to softly scratch the underside of her tail root as he leaned up to kiss one of her nipples, his lips sealing tight to encourage her to lean forward and give him more access.

The mink had allowed her eyes to close wile she made love to her human, a mistake she would live to regret as she felt his lips make contact with her still rock hard left nipple and his hand curl around her tail root. Before she even knew it she was forced to lean forward by the suction of his lips as his head almost returned to the pillow, Dana having to grip the head board with both paws for some much needed support. She was just about to pull away and regain control when she suddenly cried out in ecstasy, this new angle causing her to drag her engorged clit over the top of his shaft as she pulled away, it almost tripling her pleasure. In this way his smaller sized member worked to her advantage, it allowed for a greater degree of flexibility that a male of her breed was not capable of matching. Almost instantly she felt her climax building again, her legs starting to tremble as she was forced to slow down her thrusting, forced to try and hold off her release for as long as possible until her slave was ready for his own. But as before it seamed he was not going to allow her that luxury as he began to suckle on the nipple trapped in his skilled mouth, his teeth even closing around it as one of his hands found the other one and treated it to the same attentions.

By the daughter of darkness and all the minions of the dark pit he had done it to her again, robbed her of her power in the bed they shared and left her helpless to her carnal desires, trapping her between love and lust and on the edge of release, a release she knew would be the last she had in her. With his hand holding her tail root, his lips and fingers both attacking her nipples and the feeling of his member inside her it all added up to be to much, Dana knowing if he did not show her mercy she could not outlast him.

What she did not know is that nova was also desperately holding on as well, the tightness of his owners inner walls as her climax approached, the sounds of her pure pleasure and the love he felt for her quickly pushing him to his first climax in almost 3 years, the time between releases having stolen away the staying power he knew, as a slave, he should strive for. In a last ditch attempt to push his Mistress over the edge he lifted his legs to cradle her rear as he started to meet her with thrusts of his own, not as powerful as hers but more then enough to meet her half way and almost double the speed of there love making.

The mink's eyes shot wide open as she felt her slave increase the speed of there coupling and there by negate the little control she was using to hold off her orgasm, Dana cursing in her mind until she felt him suck hard, almost painfully hard on one of her still overly sensitive nipples, the evil slave pinching the other one at the exact same time. After having released to just her nipples being stimulated at the beginning of there play this was way, way to much, It kicking her heart into overdrive and hurling her into one last, powerful release, or so she thought. Not 3 seconds after she let out her cry of climax nova moaned out one of his own as he released his fruitless seed inside her, the extra warmth and the shock of it splattering on her cervix compounding her climax into a mind shattering multiple orgasm like nothing she had ever felt before. Like being bath in the nuclear heart of a star, the heat radiating through her body incinerated Dana's mind, completely burning away all conscious thought, lust and even her carnal desires as she bounced once, twice and failed on the third time, her world going black as she fell limp on top of her slave, her mate, her love.

The slave knew when his Mistress fell limp he had done his job well, the beautiful lady in fur still panting and twitching on top of him. He could not stop himself, he leaned up and gave his beautiful Mistress a soft kiss, just needing to feel her lips in one last act of intimacy before surrendering to the bliss of sleep himself. Once she stopped moving he just held her close until her breathing eventually slowed and she drifted from exhausted unconsciousness, into peaceful slumber, his member still fully erect and held within her twitching treasure. Not wanting to give up that lingering pleasure her body seamed intent on giving him, or brake this most intimate of connections with his owner he very carefully pulled the blanket up over them both, then slowly shifted there position so that she was laying on her back and his head was resting tenderly on her chest, there hips still pressed together and there legs interlaced in a cuddle position known to all lovers, no matter there species. Snuggled up close to his Mistress nova then closed his eyes, a silent prayer on his lips pledging her his life, heart and soul for all the time the goddess would allow them.

More to come...