Zombie Crisis: Chapter One: Streets of the Dead!

Story by DS-Rio on SoFurry

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#2 of Zombie Crisis

I decided to write something different, something that will hopefully take my mind off of Dragon Storm. Dragon Storm has a slow paced progression to it's name. I'm planning on making this story short and slightly faster paced. This story is about Zombies and the like. Just your average "try and survive" genre. One last thing, this story is in NO WAY connected to ANY OTHER story. It is a completely different universe and time line altogether. In other words, the Rio in this story will NOT know anyone he knows in the Dragon Storm story.

Zombie Crisis: Chapter 1: Streets of the Dead!

The golden sun was rising as the sky began blending colors accordingly. The scene would have been nice to take in for once, but as usual something prevented that from happening. As the helicopter flew away from the madness, giving Alaster the peace he had fought for, he gazed endlessly at all he had after his journey. The exhausted Alaster felt as dead as the zombies he had killed and nearly almost looked like one with all the profuse amounts of blood oozing out of his body in various places; his clothes were torn to shreds, leaving only his ripped undershirt and destroyed jeans. His blue eyes never left the gun he now held as if he'd die the moment he let go of it. The pilot, Lazz, never said a word. What could he say? Nothing came to mind. The nightmare was finally over...

* A few hours earlier *

A dark dragon could be seen walking inside of a building with a small envelope of some kind under his arm. His blood-red eyes seemingly flickered when he reached what looked like an office room. Many desks and computers occupied this area. He looked around while using his free paw to adjust his loosened pants, fixing them to prevent them from falling down. He proceeded to look on, making sure no one was around as he took one step forward, his nose twitched. The scent of blood was heavy here. The dragon hissed to himself as he walked up to a desk and placed the small envelope upon the surface. It was then that he nearly jumped out of his scales when he heard a rather loud noise from outside.

One powerful downward slice was all that was needed to cut the metal security door in two, causing the two halves to hit the floor each with a loud metal noise. The pavement was left cracked from the sheer weight of the cut security door. The tall dark dragon smirked upon seeing his own strength and looked over his shoulder at his partner.

"What is it, 004? Did you understand how lonely the door was and think you could help it fight it's loneliness by cutting it in half?" Genji said. He clearly wasn't too thrilled about his partner choosing to act as he did when their commanding officer wasn't around.

"I told you to stop calling me that, Genji. Or do you want to share the same fate as all those who've gotten in my way so far?" Adramelech replied, a hint of annoyance in his face. The strong dragon didn't approve of how Genji did things because of how senseless they seemed to him.

The crazed bear covered his face with his long lab coat and made a creepy face. "There is nothing wrong with 004 as your codename. Also, as 001, it's my job to make sure our rabbits keep popping out of their hats! Now stop being more stupid than a retarded child with ADHD using a paint brush to paint his barn atop his gay ass horse!" Genji exclaimed. Though Genji often abused the English vocabulary, his superiors didn't seem to mind. The only ones it confused or annoyed was Adramlelech and others who didn't know Genji. The grizzly bear smiled and reached his arms up, letting the lab coat fall to his ankles, like the anthro bear he was.

"What the hell did you call me?" Adramlelech replied. Now a deep serious tone in emitting from his cold voice. He turned around just in time to see Genji place his paws in the air.

"What the hell? Mwahahahaha! That was funny, 004! You pretend to act much like a dumb ass turkey keeping it's maw open just long enough to almost drown before spitting out the rain water only to repeat it all over again! Besides, didn't you know? Hell can't make long distant calls for free!" Genji shouted. He was enjoying the little bit of down time he had with his mission partner for the time being.

"Huh? What? And I told you to stop calling me that, ass hole!" Adramlelech shouted back, lifting his blade to Genji's neck. He would kill the damn bear where it stood if he proceeded with his foolishness, of that he'd personally make sure.

"ENOUGH! You fools might as well fire flares in the air while you're at it. If we get caught this early in the mission then we'd all have to hear it from Lord Amat-ki." Ori said firmly. Though normally it was difficult to tell when Ori was being serious with his laid-back monotone voice, it was certainly apparent now. When the matter revolves around his Lord, to him, it was no joking matter.

"Ah! 002!! We waited here as you instructed." Genji said. And rightfully so: Genji was Ori's new right hand. He respected Ori in the sense that they shared common goals.

"Amat-ki is the least of Genji's worries, Ori! And do not flatter yourself like that. I didn't 'obey' you. I just didn't want to do as you had asked... see, I cut down this damn door because you were taking your time trying to take a shit!" Adramlelech replied coldly, taking a step forward to greet the other dark dragon as he exited the building and was still adjusting his pants.

"Mwhahaha! I bet you scared the shit out of him and made him shit faster! Remind me to re name your code name to 'shit shooting shitter' should '002' ever get compromised!" Genji added.

"Hmph. Follow me." Ori said calmly with that laid-back voice again. Leading the others into a dark hallway. Though, that didn't last long when he heard another noise from the rear of the group. "Adramlelech, I swear, if you don't-" Ori stopped mid-way and paused himself in place.

"Don't look at me, dick hole!" Adramlelech snapped. Crossing his arms before motioning his head over toward Genji.

"Mwhahaha!! Good work acting as my decoy 004! Now with the vending machine 'out of order' because I just smashed it's lights out with my grizzly strength, I can finally enjoy this nice can of Dr. Pepper." Genji smiled wickedly and gulped it down quickly.

"Fuck that! I like blood a WHOLE lot better!" Adramlelech replied evilly. He walked past Genji and cut in front of Ori also.

"You wouldn't understand why a mad scientist like myself would enjoy a soft drink known as DR. Pepper?! Is that not like watching the chicken and the egg cross the street to get to the other side? Gasp! Oh my sweet unholy battery!" Genji yelled as he closed his eyes and began to shake.

"The fuck, dude!? That is the first time I've ever heard anyone actually say, 'gasp,' instead of actually gasping!" Adramlelech shouted.

"I'm requesting some time off from Lord Amat-ki." Ori sighed, placed his paws in his pockets and proceeded down the dark corpse-infested hallway.

* Scene Switch *

Out in the very distant body of water, in the middle of the ocean, one could see a tiny speck of what looked like a whale coming up for air, but the white misty water never faded away like one normally would see. Instead, it appeared to be getting closer. It was a boat with a rather fast speed carrying it along the clear blue waves. The one steering the boat was a red anthro dragon wearing a black leather coat and your average pair of jeans. His black shades reflected the sunlight from his hidden eyes; his black spiky hair bristled through the winds. The setting was perfect for a vacation, but only at first glance. The expression across this dragon's face was telling another story altogether.

'I should have seen it coming... It didn't take long after the fall of PS's, (Power Stone) network for their bio weapons to end up in the paws of anthro terrorists and the like. A new era of bio-terrorism descended upon many vulnerable countries, shifting the balance of power throughout the region. Furs in the destabilized areas soon feared another incident like Power town, a small town neighboring the Power Stone's facility, was inventible. As panic spread, governments of the world turned to the Global Pharmaceutical Consortium, (G.P.C) and a third party Private Military Contractor, (P.M.C) lead by Quicksilver himself, a silver dragon that will stop at nothing to ensure his mission's success, including using his units like expendable pawns in a game of chess. Though his heart was in the right place, he went about doing his things in a way I didn't approve of.' The Red dragon Alaster, thought to himself as he steered the boat over a wave.

The boat was still something Alaster was getting used to. He enjoyed rides, but more so on the ground. He'd normally ride his motorcycle across at least 1200KM before calling it a day. He enjoyed being one with the winds and crossing so much earth in very little time, getting where he needed to go and taking care of business with ease. Alaster climbed another tall, clear blue wave and got some air, landing with a large splash as he jetted towards a sandy shoreline. Up ahead was an island, which housed the world's best forms of amusement. Though the boat was nothing like his bike, he was beginning to enjoy the speed of the boat.

'When G.P.C and Quicksilver's P.M.C. joined forces, they formed the anti-terrorism unit, Omni-Guardians. Operatives of the Omni-Guardians were sent to infiltrate and neutralize bio terrorist hotspots, restoring safety and stability to various regions around the globe. I might not enjoy the idea of risking my life for the world, but at least I can't say I've been bored lately. Though, if this turns out to be anything like Power Stone's bio terrorism, then this should be over faster than it began.' Alaster thought more as he finally reached the shore and halted the boat. He hopped off the boat and landed upon the warm sandy beach of the island, looking around in the blazing sun.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey! Alex, don't leave me behind!" Another red dragon emerged from the bottom of the boat and waved before jumping down and catching up to Alaster. He was wearing a black short sleeve shirt and a pair of cargo pants. This red anthro dragon was smaller in height, but had black stripes along his red scales.

"Rio! I almost forgot you were here with me on this mission. You'll have to forgive me, I've had a lot on my mind lately, sorry about that- wait... my name is not Alex, it's Alaster." Alaster said in an annoyed tone, rolling his eyes (though no one would see that because of his shades) and shrugging his shoulders.

"Wow... really? You forgot about me? I 'love' your memory sometimes. You jerk." Rio replied, checking his sub-machine gun before spinning it on his finger.

"You're one to talk about memory. You forgot how to say my name." Alaster snapped coldly. Though Alaster didn't mind working along with Rio, he could act a little silly at times which put the mission in danger most of the time, but it added that extra spice that Alaster enjoyed. It kept things from getting too boring.

"Ah! You guys finally made it! Alaster and Rio! Your reputation preceeds you both!" A young Tasmanian tiger said as he walked up to the drakes. He had a sandy-colored coat of fur and only wore a pair of cargo shorts and a pair of deep green shoes. Two boomerangs were attached to his belt loops.

"Nani? You know about us?" Rio asked shockingly, accidentally letting the very small amount of Japanese he knew escape from his muzzle.

"Here we go..." Alaster chuckled to himself. He wasn't one for admiring the Japanese vocabulary, but most conversations including Rio's mistakes and his personality were enough to make them humorous in Alaster's eyes.

"Uhh... you lost me there mate. Anyway, my name is Tucker. Quicksilver told me I'd find you both here. He had me arrive here first and scout out the area ahead of you and from what my aussie brain can tell, we got ourselves a nice three man cell, but a very nasty issue, mates." Tucker said. He gestured a paw over to the entrance of the giant amusement park on the island and pointed at the entrance to show how it was blockaded.

Alaster walked over to the blocked entrance and examined it. It turned out to be debris and other various objects used to get others out. As Alaster proceeded to look around, he could still hear Rio and Tucker talking to each other and every time Rio opened his maw Alaster had to resist the urge to smile and take his job seriously.

"Tucker! You are Australian? DUDE!! I've so totally never talked to a real life Australian before!" Rio exclaimed. For some reason or another, Rio enjoyed fooling around with others. He found it to be playful and most of the time it kept things from getting quiet.

"Hey, mate? I get the feeling I'm going to need an amber fluid and soon after that, an ambo." Tucker sighed as he facepawed himself. Tucker may have been only 17 years of age, but he could still handle his own. His thoughts told him that he could either out-mature the red dragon or have fun with him at this point.

*Amber fluid: Beer.

*Ambo: Ambulance, ambulance driver.

"Eh? Amber? Ambo fluids? Nani? Nani, Tucker-kun? It's like I can't understand you or something!" Rio shouted in a panic, he really wanted to be able to communicate with the aussie.

Suddenly, Alaster found a small peak hole through some of the debris and tried to look over to the other side through it. When he did, what he saw was a sight of something of which he could have taken back. A pair of green eyes was glaring back at him through the small space; a low growl followed right behind the glare. Alaster backed away and looked back; Rio and Tucker were still at it, they hadn't heard it or saw it, whatever it was. Alaster looked back through the small space again and this time, the eyes were gone. Nothing was there. Alaster rubbed the back of his head in confusion. Alaster placed his foot back to turn himself around, but the moment he did he suddenly felt extremely light-headed and sick. He fell to the ground hurling blood from his maw and panting heavily. The blood stained the sandy shores of the beach as Rio and Tucker finally noticed in panic and rushed over.

"ALASTER!!!" Rio shouted. Rio reached Alaster first. His speed was unversed. Tucker couldn't have kept up even if he wanted to. "What's happening to you?!" Rio shouted, not knowing what to do.

"Damn it... the drug... I left it in the boat..." Alaster said weakly, his vision getting hazy. He crawled on the sand, trying to reach the boat, but it was no use. It was too far away from where he fell.

"Drug!? What the hell? Oh god... I'll get it!" Rio panicked and dashed off past Tucker and back to the boat.

Tucker was on his way to where Alaster had fallen, passing Rio as he ran for the boat. Nothing but confusion was spiraling around in Tucker's mind. The mission had just started and something had gone wrong already. Suddenly, Tucker froze and stood in place. He quickly took one of his boomerangs and hurled it as fast as he could up towards the tall concrete outside walls of the amusement park. A spark of yellow energy could be seen as it hit and then a loud roar. The creature fell back behind the wall as Tucker's boomerang returned to him.

"What the hell was that thing?" Tucker asked out loud and felt his paws shaking in fear.

"I'm back!" Rio yelled as he dashed over to Alaster who was now coughing up more blood in pain. "Hang on, here!" Rio made it to Alaster and handed him the glass bottle of what appeared to be a light blue powder. Rio was unsure what this drug was, but he hoped Alaster would know what to do from here.

"Ughh..." Alaster mumbled in agony as he took the bottle, uncapped it, pulled a straw from out of his jeans pocket, and snorted the powder. "Huff... huff... oh... shit..." Alaster said in between breaths, finally relieved of his sudden pains.

"What the hell is going on?" Rio asked demandingly. Now upset and confused.

"First, I want to know how Tucker knew that thing was there..." Alaster pointed his Ruger mark 3 magnum at the Tasmanian tiger to show he was not joking.

"What the fuck?!" Rio shouted in fear, backing up a step or two.

"Mate, I don't think that's such a wise idea. I just saved your fucking life." Tucker snapped, now also upset at Alaster's action.

"You didn't save shit! Now answer me!" Alaster shouted as he stood up. He was enraged. It was one thing to be so young and still be allowed within a P.M.C., but another to be so skilled as to sense something's whereabouts. Alaster didn't have much trust with those with such talent. He'd been betrayed one too many times for this mistake before.

"Red, Stop it!! Don't you dare shoot Tucker. I've only known him for a short time, but he feels like a little brother to me!" Rio shouted, letting his feelings blind him from his obligations.

"Huh? Red? That is a name for my friends to call me by, Rio! If you're going to side with him then-" Alaster growled, now pointing his magnum at Rio. His grip was steady and ready to pull the trigger at any moment.

"Don't even say it! You already know how I feel about my little brother! More importantly, you are my best friend! No one will be able to fucking replace you! That is what my heart tells me every waking moment of my life! You know what? FUCK IT!" Rio roared in fury. He dashed past everyone and blasted a fireball at the blockade of debris blocking the entrance. Rio then wiped the embers from his muzzle as the small explosion settled before running inside.

"What? Hey!" Alaster replied, a shocked expression toward Rio's action of choice.

"You fucking happy now, mate?" Tucker added before gesturing his paws out to each side of him in annoyance as he rolled his eyes and ran after Rio, running into the park.

"Grr...." Alaster growled. He still didn't enjoy being teamed up with a kid. After all, he wasn't here to baby-sit, he was on a mission for the sake of the world. " Rio..." Alaster whispered and then he just closed his eyes from behind his shades as he looked down to his feet. "I'm used to being alone anyway..." He said to himself as he followed Tucker in a slow jog.

Rio ran fast into the amusement park, leaving a trail of smoke behind in his wake. He was a like a red blur zipping down the streets, juking everything that got in his way. He held back his strong urge to cry before stopping at a huge water fountain. Rio gazed into the water, looking at his reflection.

"Why doesn't he realize how much he means to me, reflection-kun?" Rio asked himself in a depressed tone. "He is so cool. Strong, smart, badass. I'm happy to call him my brother even if we're not. He is my best friend, yet... he can act so ruthless sometimes... I considered him a "Multi-talented genius" and a "Jack of all trades", but maybe... It was just wishful thinking..." Rio said as his ears twitched and suddenly found himself in a cartwheel dodge, just nearly evading a claw swipe.

"Nani?!" Rio muttered as he skidded to a halt and pulled out his sub-machine gun in a red blur. Rio was in complete shock, yet he felt excited somehow. His heart was racing fast and felt like it wanted to burst out of his chest. Rio looked on at what he thought was a horse, but it was decayed in various places. 'Zombie...' Was the first thing that came to Rio's mind and it seemed to match the mission reports. "A horse? Yet you have claws?" Rio asked it, trying to communicate before he felt a trickle of blood slide down his cheek.

The Zombie just moaned and then began to walk toward Rio, it's green undead eyes full of hunger. It began to flex it's claws in one paw as it dragged it's claws on the ground with it's other paw, the metal sound flowing through the air as well as the small yellow sparks it left behind. Some of it's rotten flesh began peeling off and landing on the ground with a soft splat, the stench of the undead now heavier in the air.

Rio smirked and fired his sub-machine gun without mercy, unloading a whole 15 rounds into the zombie. With each hit, a golden barrier appeared and sparks flew wildly. Rio stood up quickly in surprise as he reloaded his gun. "Impossible! My Heckler and Koch MP5 sub-machine gun is useless against it?! No, it seems a barrier protects it. The mission reports mentioned a simple shot to the head being enough to down one, but... how can I shoot their head if the barrier is in the way?" Rio asked himself as he finished reloading his gun and looked up in time to see a pair of claws strike out at him. The claws grazed his chest and ripped his shirt some. "Arghh!" Rio yelped as he, out of reflex, punched the zombie in the mid-section. Yet again the golden barrier appeared to protect the creature. Rio then stepped back, but only to find his back up against a wall. "Physical attacks are useless as well!? Damn it!" Rio said, clenching his chest as blood oozed down his clothes.


Just as the zombie was about to strike again with it's fearsome strength, a boomerang smacked the zombie in the head. More golden sparks flew everywhere upon impact. The zombie stumbled back a few feet before it looked up just in time to see Alaster drop down with an elbow drop to it's neck. The massive crash was enough to shake the ground and cause smoke and debris to fly everywhere. The winds and smoke blew past Rio and Tucker as he made it to the scene, the winds being enough to make them both use their arms to shield their faces.

"Guys!" Rio shouted. It seemed that when it came to life or death, Rio was willing to forgive Alaster who had enraged him earlier.

"You can't have a blue without us, mate." Tucker said as he caught his boomerang.

* Blue: Fight.

"RIO! We'll do this together! Ready?" Alaster asked as he appeared through the smoke.

"Yeah!" Rio shouted, tightening his fists. "Careful! Bullets and physical attacks don't work on it!" Rio warned.

"Got it!" Alaster said as he pulled out his Ruger mark 3 and pointed it at the zombie, but he was gone.

"Above you, mate!" Tucker shouted, taking a step forward.

"What the hell?" Alaster said as he dodged the zombie's first strike and jumped back as it crashed into the ground, sending debris flying. Just as it lashed out again, Alaster shot it's claw forcing the golden sparks to fly when his bullet hit the barrier, but also forcing the claw away from him with the sheer force of the hit.

"What was that just now...?" Rio asked himself as he narrowed his yellow eyes.

The zombie stood there for a few seconds before reacting. It wasn't used to being shot at and didn't know how to handle it's issue at hand. It stood up from it's hunched down position and roared. The sound of the roar was high-pitched and sent a ringing sensation in everyone's ears. Just then, two more zombies busted out of the nearby buildings. Now invincible zombies surrounded the team. These two new zombies were in the forms of a cheetah and a German shepherd. They each moaned with lifeless low growls of hunger. The cheetah tried to grab Rio, but he used his speed to perform a backhand stand and escape the zombies reach in the nick of time. As he skidded to a halt, he shot at the cheetah with his sub-machine gun and motioned it across the gap between the two zombies, scoring another few hits with his bullets, hitting each new zombie about five times each as more golden sparks flew off them.

"Oh no!" Tucker said out loud as he ducked under Rio's stream of bullets, but left himself open to being grabbed by the German shepherd zombie. No matter how much Tucker tried, he could not out-power the zombie. He panicked and screamed for help as he bashed the zombie relentlessly with his boomerang.

"What a pain in my ass!" Alaster shouted as he tripped the horse-like zombie in front of him and quickly spun around and fired one carefully aimed shot at the canine-like zombie's arm that gripped Tucker, freeing him.

"There was again... that magnum..." Rio narrowed his yellow eyes again.

"Ahh! Thanks, mate!" Tucker shouted as he noticed his wristwatch beeping. He gritted his teeth and covered it up so no one would notice with his paw.

"Hm? That is..." Alaster whispered as he let his guard down and felt the zombie dig his sharp claws into his arm. "Arghh!" Alaster groaned in agony as blood seeped through his black jacket's punctured holes, the torn fabric falling to the ground. Alaster dropped his magnum and tried reaching for one of his combat knives, but before he could reach one, the zombie twisted his arm to an angle where he could not grab one to defend himself. He struggled against the zombie's strength with his own, but to no avail. The zombie then stomped on the ground in rage, curling his maw back to reveal his slimy sharp teeth, smashing Alaster's magnum in the process. "Shit!" He said.

"I won't let you hurt him!!!" Rio shouted, already in an airborne diving motion as he tackled the horse-like zombie, freeing Alaster as he knocked the zombie to the ground.

"Rio! Get away from there!" Alaster said as he reached for his Remington 870 shotgun.

"No, I'm just getting started!" Rio shouted as he let the zombie get up and ducked under it's legs. Rio, being short in height, finally came in handy as he made it to the other side of the zombie and delivered a powerful kick to it's rear, sending it stumbling forward. Alaster then shot his shotgun and pushed it toward Rio again. They repeated this two-fold attack of spread shot bullets and powerful kicks, ping-ponging the zombie until the zombie lost his balance and fell down with a moan.

"Here we go, Rio!" Alaster said as he reloaded his shotgun and placed it on his back before lashing out towards the fallen zombie and picking it up by the neck and performing a 360 spin, tossing the zombie into the air with one paw as he unzipped his black jacket with his other paw. A grenade fell out and bounced upon landing on the ground. The zombie went flying high into the air as Rio ran toward the fallen grenade and lifted his leg behind him. "AAHHH!!!" Rio yelled as he unleashed the power in his muscles to kick the shit out of the grenade, causing it to spin upward and soar through the air. The grenade smacked into the airborne zombie and exploded, pushing the clouds themselves away and filling the air with smoke and golden sparks. The force of the winds were strong enough to force Alaster and Rio's clothes flow in it's gales, flapping about roughly as they found themselves in a massive smoke screen, their team attack obviously dealing wonders in the damage department.

Meanwhile, Tucker reached down and smacked the side of his shoes, forcing the roller-blades out from the bottoms. "Now we're talking, mates!" Tucker said as he skated with speeds that made the zombies groan in annoyance. Both the cheetah and the German shepherd zombies did the unthinkable. They rushed Tucker, almost matching his speed and approaching from both sides of him. "No way!" Tucker shouted as he jumped sideways into a spin, evading both the zombies' respective strikes. The strikes grazing Tucker's various limbs and spilling his blood as the motion of the zombies' strikes continued, each of them hitting the other, golden sparks jetting up and the golden barrier even flickered off and on a few times before fading away. Tucker, still in the motion of his spin, landed a downward kick and an upward kick, one kick to each zombie. Landing two face blows, sending them both flying into respective objects, Tucker landed and held his arm that was spilling a lot of blood. "What just happened?" Tucker asked, confused

"How did you know about that, Tucker?" Alaster asked, now back in his annoyed tone from earlier. The horse-like zombie finally landed on the ground in front of them, moaning in pain; smoke still flowed off of it's barrier; which had protected him from the grenade's blast.

"Earlier when you fired the magnum, I noticed that the knock back was still getting through even though they took no damage. That's why I went for a tackle, even knowing that I wouldn't hurt it. But... I didn't know that if they hit each other, their respective barriers would disable one another's." Rio explained as he spoke in between breaths, panting.

"Are you implying that I was hiding their weakness from you, mates?! I didn't know that would happen!" Tucker shouted in annoyance and mistrust, swinging his arm back.

Suddenly, a pair of claws jetted from the ground and after a short struggle with the earth, a new zombie appeared. It rose from the dead and turned slowly to take in it's surroundings. It being the antrho mammoth it was, strolled over to where the horse-like zombie was now laying, still burned.

"What the hell is it doing?" Alaster asked, taking a step back.

"Nani?" Rio said. He was just as freaked out as everyone else. Though unlike Alaster he was too afraid to move his legs. Rio froze at what he saw next.

The mammoth zombie knelt down and began to viciously eat the horse-like zombie. Golden sparks went everywhere as their energy shields clashed and soon after that blood spurted in every direction. It tore off the horse's limbs as it howled in pain, subsequently attracting more and more zombies. Soon the team was up against a hoard of zombies in a matter of seconds and the only thing they've managed to accomplish was to use up their ammo. They all looked around and covered each other's backs for any sudden attacks by all the walking zombies, all reaching out for them in the forms of various animals. All of which were decayed and rotten beyond medical attention. The smell of death flowed into the air. Their internal organs would, on occasion, spill out, even leaving their barriers. The bugs and maggots crawling over them all was enough to make one gag. Rio couldn't stomach the view any longer, he threw up and fell to his knees, coughing.

"Rio!" Alaster shouted as he rushed over to his side and helped him up, placing an arm around him to help support him.

"So... weak... s-sorry..." Rio said weakly. Rio whispered as he clung onto Alaster with his life.

"What's happening to him, mate?" Tucker asked in pure confusion.

"Ever since I've known Rio as childhood friends, he's suffered from Demophobia." Alaster explained as he found an opening through the swarms upon swarms of zombies that now gathered.

"Demophobia?" Tucker asked as he skated in front of Alaster as they both made a mad dash down an alleyway, trying to retreat for the time being and escape the crazed zombies.

"Yeah. Demophobia is a social anxiety disorder or a fear of big crowds. Rio normally tries to limit down the amount of furs he hangs with by pushing them away or being unfriendly." Alaster said as he tossed Rio over his shoulder and dashed alongside Tucker.

"R-Red... behind...coming..." Rio stuttered weakly.

"Oh shit!" Alaster shouted as he ducked just in time as another zombie swiped it's arm overhead, the blade at the end of it's arm digging into the building and leaving a hole about 9 inches deep. "The hell? It's different? Are they mutating?! None of the other zombies had blades attached to their arms." Alaster said as he could feel the cold sweat now trickling down his spine.

"This way! Look, mate!" Tucker shouted and led the way to an open building. He skated in first and waited for Alaster.

"R-red..." Rio called out again.

Alaster turned his head knowing that Rio was trying to warn him again. The arm bladed zombie kept pursuing and this time jumped off a wall and came down with a plunge. "Oh shit!!" Alaster shouted as he tripped and fell down, Rio getting hurled forward. Alaster rolled to the side at the last moment and used a knife to lock himself in a blade struggle. The zombie drooled as it pressed down, trying to win. Alaster used his strength to push back, but it was clear that it was winning. Just then, a blade clashed with the golden barrier protecting the arm blade of the zombie and assisted Alaster in his current struggle. Alaster pushed back and together, they pushed the zombie off, bailed for the door and bolted it shut from the inside.

They all waited as they stepped backwards when the sudden pounding of the metal bolted door ensued. It seemed as though the door would break and be busted open at any second, but to everyone's surprise, the pounding stopped and the creature left in a fit of rage, unable to feast upon his pray. Everyone sighed in relief when they heard it leave; they were safe... for now.

"Thanks for the help, Rio. I owe yo-" Alaster stopped mid-way and gave a nasty glare.

"You're welcome. The names Sayaka." The female dragon said as she placed her katana over her shoulder and glared back, winking at him.

"When I ran in, she offered to help, mate." Tucker said as he set Rio down on the floor. Rio whined in pain and agony as he felt ill and curled up into a ball.

The female dragon was blue and wore a half-skirt; which ended at her ankle. Though it only covered half of her waist, the other half was opened. She wore hot shorts under it; which covered her other half. Below it upon her rather thick slender thighs was a revolving holster that could spin upon contact and provide Sayaka with a new gun. There were six holster slots and each slot had a different gun inside, spanning from pistols, uzis, and revolvers and upon her back an assault rifle. Her top piece revealed her nicely toned mid-section and showed a small portion of her cleavage. Her brown hair stopped at her shoulders with only one bang coming down between her amber eyes.

"Whoa... whoa... Sayaka, was it? You sure are packing some heat with those guns." Alaster said as his eyes traversed the female dragon's body. The thing he had to love the most about his shades was the fact that girls couldn't tell when he was looking at them in the face or looking at their breasts.

"Yeah, and lucky I am." Sayaka said as she sheathed her katana on her lower back. "I am all alone here on this island and have nowhere I can escape to." Sayaka said, breathing heavily and trying to catch her breath.

"Apples she'll be, mate, but why are you out of breath?" Tucker asked. He placed a paw over Rio's forehead, wiping off the cold sweat.

* Apples she'll be: It'll be all right.

"I was being chased by a insane dragon." Sayaka replied. She looked away, the look of fear in her amber eyes.

"Hm? Are you sure it wasn't one of those creatures?" Alaster added. It was then that Alaster felt sick to his gut. He knew that urge was filling up inside him again. He had to keep it in check if he wanted to survive.

"I'm sure. It was a tall dragon. He was evil. He stopped at nothing to chase me. I finally managed to get away and hid in here. I was so scared. I'm all alone! These things have eaten my family! I have no one else! I... I..." Sayaka cried, tears flowing down her face.

"Sayaka..." Alaster whispered. He felt a warm feeling in his heart suddenly. Alaster never felt anything like it. The feeling was almost as powerful as the sickness he felt. He too, had no one other then Rio as his best friend. Alaster knew how it was to be alone. His heart pumped harder as he gazed at Sayaka's form. He then felt blood trickle down his nose. He placed a paw to cover it up, but Tucker had already spotted it.

"You're bleeding again, mate? What's going on? Is there something wrong with you?" Tucker asked. He glared at the dragon. Tucker didn't like Alaster for keeping secrets from him. Considering that they were on the same team, he thought he had the right to be in-the-know.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I can take care of myself." Alaster snapped back, pulling out his glass bottle and straw and snorting more of the blue powder to calm himself down. "What about you, Tucker? What's with that device on your wrist and how did you know which direction to run in? How did you know about this place? " Alaster asked in a firm tone. He glared back and tightened his fists.

"Here we go again! I fucking told you I don't know!!! Leave me alone!" Tucker yelled back as his eyes flared.

"Why you little shit! I'll fucking kill you!!" Alaster yelled back, rushing Tucker and tackling him to the ground. "Ack!" Tucker growled in pain upon landing on the ground and struggling against Alaster's power. "Now tell me everything you know, you little fuck maggot!" Alaster shouted as he reached for his security six magnum and placed it on Tucker's neck. Sayaka screamed and fell backward. She covered her face the tears quickly flowing from her eyes once again. "I... I... can't... tell... you..." Tucker struggled to say as he closed his eyes and waited for the gunshot. "Ah well, it was nice knowing you, wait... no it wasn't! See ya in hell!" Alaster said upon getting a better grip on the magnum and pressing the trigger. What happened next shocked everyone as Alaster was sent flying off of Tucker and skidded across the ground, hitting the wall. Alaster's gun slid across the floor also, the bullet leaving a nice hole in the floor right beside where Tucker's head was. Rio then recovered from his punch of fury and helped Tucker up kindly.

"I told you... he's like a little brother to me... don't hurt him again, Red." Rio said in a dark tone, never looking Alaster in the eyes while saying it and helping Tucker up followed by brushing him off.

"Rio... how could you side with him? I saved your life!" Alaster said as he reached for his gun and clenched the ground.

"Rio... you... saved me? But... do I really remind you... of your little brother? Tell me what happened, mate." Tucker said in a surprised tone of voice as he placed a paw upon Rio's shoulder.

"Don't tell him shit, Rio! He can't be trusted!" Alaster yelled as he got up and stumbled forward, the drug still trying to take effect.

"When I was young, my little brother died. He was killed right before my dad's eyes and me. He was so young. He didn't deserve it! That murderer... killed him mercilessly. He killed him in front of a large crowd, that's why I have Demophobia. There was nothing we could do. That sinister look in his eyes; it's what inspired my dad to run his own P.M.C. and send me on this mission! We shall get our revenge no matter what the cost!" Rio explained. In hindsight, Rio had wished he didn't spill that last part. He just created an even bigger drama.

"Rio?" Alaster said as he walked forward and then stopped. " Are you saying Quicksilver is your father? Please don't tell me-" Alaster was interrupted and traded expressions with Sayaka who had gotten up from falling down.

"He is! That's the whole reason I befriended you! I wanted to get close enough to you so I could use you to help us in our revenge scheme. Ori will pay for both the murder of my little brother and the acts of bio-terrorism around the globe! I will stop at nothing!" Rio explained, having revealing his dark secrets.

"Oh my god!" Sayaka shouted and staggered back in fear. "You don't mean the internationally wanted serial killer and master mind phantom dragon Ori, do you?! I see reports on the destruction that he leaves behind in his wake on the news everyday. How do you plan on stopping him? The FBI and the International Criminal police Organization, (INTERPOL) as well as several other Law enforcement organizations have tried for years and haven't captured him yet! You can't be serious." Sayaka explained. Taking a paw and placing it on her face, she rubbed softly to dry her tears.

"So our friendship was all a big lie, eh Rio? I should have known all the while." Alaster said as he walked over to stand beside Sayaka and faced her. "If you have nowhere else to go, I'll take care of you. I can't count on them anymore, what do you say, Sayaka?" Alaster held a paw out, his heart racing once again as she took his paw with her own and blushed. "Thank you. I promise I'll make you very happy." Sayaka said as she dragged Alaster behind a wall to the next room over and turned the lights off.

"Tch..." Rio muttered between his teeth. He then looked over toward Tucker and saw Tucker facing the room Alaster and Sayaka just entered in together. Tucker had one paw behind his back; he was holding a dagger. "You were going to stab him..." Rio asked weakly, shaking his head, still a little light-headed from his illness.

"I don't like him. But... I respect your friendship, Rio. If I may... let me be your new brother for a while, until that bloke, Alaster can forgive you..." Tucker said. He didn't know what to do or what to think. He just simply placed his blade away and sighed.

* Bloke: Man, guy.

"Tucker...I dislike being so serious all the time..." Rio said. He closed his eyes and shut his mind to the world. He then opened them and gave that silly smile. "Nande, nande? Why isn't there any milk around here, I'm so thirsty! BAKA!" Rio uttered more Japanese to ease the tension in the room.

"Eh? Milk? Uhhh..." Tucker replied. He clearly had no idea what was going on anymore and just sat down on a wooden crate. No sooner did Tucker sit down did his wrist watch beep again. He tried to muffle the sound being emitted, but failed before Rio could hear it.

"Nani?" Rio said and looked over very slowly. Then lifting up one paw and pointing to Tucker's arm. "So... who's trying to contact you, little brother?" Rio asked, as he began to walk closer to the apprehensive tiger.

In the next room, Alaster was eager to get to know Sayaka A LOT better. He placed a paw upon her shoulders and rubbed them gently. "You're okay, Sayaka. I know how it feels to be alone too. And you will never be alone again, not as long as I can help it." Alaster expressed as he leaned in. "It means more to me than you know, Alaster." Sayaka whispered as she too leaned in and gave a passionate kiss. It didn't take long before Sayaka's musk filled Alaster's nose with an inviting scent. It drove Alaster to the peak of no return as he grabbed the back of her head and gently laid her on the ground, placing himself atop her as he took his jacket off, his eyes never leaving Sayaka's body.

"His name is Sam. He's my informant, mate." Tucker explained. He didn't know if telling Rio his secret would lead to Alaster finding out, but he trusted Rio himself after he saved his life earlier.

"Answer it. He may provide useful information." Rio said as he climbed up a flight of stairs and looked out a window.

"Alright." Tucker said, pressing the button on his wristwatch. "Sam, come in." He said. "Tucker! I found out about the zombies you asked me to look into. Apparently, some mad scientist by the name of Genji, was in charge of a pseudo-zombie program. Hiding his research lab there on an amusement park island so no one would ever notice it or suspect it of being there. It's disguised as a restaurant not too far from your location. If you can get in, you may be able to find out more about the 'blue prints' behind how the zombies came into existence and possibly find a weakness for them." Sam explained over the wristwatch communicator. " Thank you, Sam. Over and out." Tucker replied and stood up. "I think we have a new lead. We should check it out."

"This is bad. Take a look at this!" Rio said as he motioned Tucker over to the window.

What Tucker saw made him drop his jaw in disbelief. He stepped back feeling sick to his gut. He didn't know how one could, but he knew his eyes were not lying to him. The zombies outside were eating each other like the mammoth they encountered earlier. With each zombie eaten, seemingly more and more zombies appeared to take their place. This point must have surrounded them; it would only be a matter of time. "Notice how they mutate when they're done eating? In this way... they continue to evolve while we sit here and hide." Rio said and placed a paw upon his chin to think.

Alaster was now in his under garments as he fondled Sayaka's brown hair and removed one of her bra straps. She blushed deeply and moaned lightly as she slid her paws up his chest to feel his muscles. Alaster had to resist the urge to forcefully spread her legs as he groped her breasts and moved his paw along her back to potion her differently. Alaster felt something out of place. The room might have been dark, but he could still feel. He felt a strange device on Sayaka's back. He got up and turned the light's on. "What the hell is that?" Alaster pointed in confusion at her back. A device was attached to her back with a sharp blade pointed to the back of her head, covered up from view by her brown hair. " I don't... have much time... the blade will pierce me if I don't get off this island." Sayaka explained, covering her face in shame. She didn't want to lose Alaster's trust. "I..." Alaster said, but was cut off by a massive shaking of the earth. They both traded looks and quickly got their clothes back on again.

After everyone met at the window, they all looked outside. There was a nearby volcano that had erupted and lava was spewing everywhere. Molten volcanic rocks were smashing various buildings and lava was engulfing the streets of the island. The lava headed right for the building they were hiding in. They all gasped and began to panic wildly. "This way!" Sayaka shouted as she kicked the back door open and dashed outside. She must have gotten chased in the building through that door, she seemed to know where she was going as everyone else traded looks of anger and rage before following.

"Let me lead the way! I know where we need to go, mates!" Tucker said. He skated past Sayaka and led everyone around many streets and turns. "How the hell are you so well informed about where we need to go, Tucker!?" Alaster shouted as he pulled out his Remington 870 shot gun and fired at a nearby zombie, the barrier protected it, but the knock back was enough to push it back into the lava. The creature's barrier still never let up as it emerged out of the lava and roared with that high-pitched volume again, signaling the other zombies to help it. Soon, the team found themselves cornered between a massive pool of lava and a hoard of invincible zombies. They all looked around for a way to escape the pinch they were now in, but they were trapped. "AHHH!!! This is your entire fucking fault, Tucker! I can't take this anymore! You just killed us all!!!" Alaster shouted as he punched Tucker in the face, kneed him in the gut, forcing him into the air and then kicking him in the chest, sending him skidding across the pavement and crashing into a dumpster. Sayaka screamed when she got grabbed by a zombie and cried out for Alaster's help. Alaster gritted his teeth and whacked the zombie off of her. He was so enraged that he proceeded to beat the shit out of the zombie with maximum fury even if it took no damage. "Never touch her again, fucker!!" Alaster shouted as a massive shadow swept over the group. Alaster slowly looked up in horror. "Red! WATCH OUT!!!" Rio yelled as he reached out, his eyes getting watery. A giant flying-type zombie with massive wings swept down and opened it's maw, aiming to bite Alaster and infect him forever. The sound of flesh being torn and fabric getting shredded and blood spilling and spurting was heard. Everyone stood there in a moment of silence and complete shock.


It began to down pour rain, hitting the lava and forming a misty view. The steam was thick and visibility was zero. The zombies gathered around and moaned, slowly closing in and reaching out for whomever they could; the giant winged zombie flapping it's wings and letting out a massive roar.

To be continued...