Morpheus Fantasy Services: Play Ball

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#3 of Morpheus

Morpheus Fantasy Services

Play Ball

I was speechless... I was dumbstruck...

I had no idea what to think... or what to say...

Keith Towson lay beside me... Our naked, cum-covered bodies pressed up against one another. My nude, uninteresting body pressed up against his muscular, god-like body packed under fur. If that wasn't enough to suggest we had just had sex, then the fact that I remembered we just had sex flooded my mind and filled my whole body with the memory of his body, his voice and his cum inside me.

In a perfect world, I would have lain next to him forever, told him how much I had the hots for him and ask him out to coffee. Then we'd laugh at how, ordinarily, one would ask your potential boyfriend out to coffee before you had sex with them.

But unfortunately, my mind began processing how we got into this position...

It wasn't Keith last night... It was Ken Lawson... and I hadn't been plain, old Drake Somers... I had been Damon Sanders.

What kind of messed up game was this!?

Rage filled me...

I knew I should never have come back to Morpheus Fantasy Services...

"Hey there, handsome," Keith greeted with a predatory grin on his muzzle. "Did you enjoy the ride last night?"

I snarled at him. Maybe there was still a bit of Damon Sanders in me as I shoved him away and hastily got to my feet.

"Drake? What's wrong? Didn't you like it last night?"

Of course I liked it... Of course I loved it...

Hell... I think after last night, I pretty much confirmed that I was gay... But the one thing that sent me back into the closet was the mockery of the situation.

"I loved it," I growled. "But that wasn't me..." I spun around and glared at Keith. "Is that who you wanted me to be!?" I demanded. "Is that who you think I should have been!? Is that why keeps you from going out with me and fondling Conrad outside!? Because I'm not some hot, surfer guy!?"

Keith looked startled and his muzzle hung open in shock. "What...? No! I didn't know it was you!"

"How could you not!?" I snapped. "You must've seen the name on the page!"

"I didn't see any name on the page except for 'Damon Sanders'!" Keith snapped back. He quickly got to his feet and I was reminded that he was much bigger than I was. He seized my shoulders in his vice-like grip. "Why can't you understand that this is what's meant to happen, Drake!?"

"What the hell are you talking about!?" I demanded, swatting his paws away.

Keith sighed heavily and massaged his temples with one, big meaty hand. It took a few moments... then he dropped the bombshell on me...

"I wasn't born Keith Towson..."

I couldn't even muster a 'what'.

"Nineteen years ago, a human kid by the name of Haemorrhoid Virgil Ross..." I had to raise my eyebrows at that if only to keep myself from laughing. I obviously wasn't doing a good job because Keith then said, "It's okay, you can laugh. My dad got it into his head that whenever my mom had her period, she had haemorrhoids and that in 'honour' of my birth, I should be named after what had essentially brought me into the world."

I shook my head. "You're kidding me..."

"I'm serious," Keith answered, his voice grave and a hint of bitterness in his voice. "I still have my birth certificate, my old driver's licence and everything. Hell, I'm willing to wager if you look closely enough, you'll find that 'Keith Towson' didn't exist until a year ago."

Things were beginning to click...

Haemorrhoid - hehehe... I know, it's mean but still - Virgil Ross... was really Keith Towson!

"So what? Did Reaper just poof you a new body and suddenly you're someone else!? What about your family? What do they think!?"

Keith grunted and a bitter smile crossed his features. "My family never cared about me... When they found out what 'Haemorrhoid' actually meant, they made fun of me just like everyone else. I tried making them call me 'Virgil' but every time they sighed a form in my name, it was always 'Haemorrhoid'. You can stop laughing now."

I hadn't even realising I was snickering and I tried to hold my breath to keep it in.

No luck...

Sighing, Keith looked out into the blissful - and still impossible - ocean that lay beyond the patio in front of us. The sun was just rising and it cast a beautiful shade of orange, reds and yellows across the blue ocean. If it weren't for the fact that I was standing naked next to my best friend who was also my hardest crush and who was also telling me he was actually someone else... Well... I could actually like it here.

"When I told them I was gay..." Keith began, snarling slightly. "All the jokes came back again. They kept telling me how many haemorrhoids I'd get after I get my ass torn up enough..." He growled, running a paw down his face. "It never stopped with them... Always with the jokes... I hated it there."

"So what?" I asked, trying to keep serious. "You just moved here, got Reaper to change you and then that was it?"

"Mr. Reaper offered me a second chance," Keith growled back, glaring at me with his blue eyes. "And I didn't move here. My family lives in the suburbs. Half an hour ride from here. When I heard about this place..." The wolf let out a soft chuckle. "I wanted to come here more to spite them than to actually work here... But then..." His eyes grew distant and a smile touched his lips.

"When I first changed..." Keith continued. "It was like I was leaving my life behind... and I felt free of what I had been and the future that I would have been stuck with. Then... When I turned into high school football jock, Keith Towson..."

He grinned at me, flexing his biceps. I think I was already hard at that point but if I wasn't, then that was the instant all the blood rushed to my cock. I was too mesmerised by his muscles to really pay attention.

"It just felt right... Like I was meant to be Keith... It was weird at first..." He lowered his arms and I think my cock dropped as well in disappointment. "But when I came back and changed into someone else, it just didn't feel right... It was like all this time, I was searching for who I really was... and Keith Towson was it... He's me, Drake!"

For emphasis, he pressed his big paws against his huge, muscular pecs. "My performance dropped..." he admitted a little sadly. "Mr. Reaper took notice and we spoke... Then he asked me if I wanted to be Keith... I asked him a whole lot of questions... Like what my family would think and stuff... But he just told me not to ask and just trust him...

"So... I was stuck with a choice... Stay old 'Bleeding-Ass Ross'... or be Keith Towson... I chose to be who I was meant to be in the first place."

"And your family...?" I asked softly.

"They don't even remember having a son named 'Haemorrhoid'," Keith chuckled. "Nearly called the police when I knocked on their door."

So his whole past ended up getting forgotten...

Suddenly, Mr. Reaper's image in my head changed from the Advocate of Death to the goddamn Devil Incarnate. His powers extended far beyond just this club like I had first suspected. Sure he could see things in the future miles away but he had to power to change people's pasts! What was he getting in return?

Maybe as Keith accepted more and more of his new persona, Haemorrhoid slowly died... his soul being consumed by Reaper!?

What if... What if that was our purpose!?

What if he was turning me into some infernal, soulless incubus that would devour the souls of his 'clients' until he turned them into willing puppets and was slowly obtaining control of the world!?

"I assure you, Drake, those are not my intentions."

I spun around and there, standing at the door was Mr. Jacob Reaper... leaning casually against the door with a book in his hand, eyes still hidden by those reflective sunglasses.

"What are your intentions then?" I demanded. "What the hell do you get out of this?"

"Drake!" Keith exclaimed. "Don't talk to him like that!"

Reaper waved him down and regarded me coolly. "You may not believe me, Drake. Circumstances are against me. You can easily speculate that given the circumstances, I may have somehow caused your mother's kidney failure that thereby forced you into my employ. You may speculate as well that I had the foresight to lure Keith here and turn him into an 'infernal, soulless incubus' as you put it so that I can likewise transform you into my 'demonic slave'. Likewise, you can contemplate that I am telling you all this to somehow cast doubt into your resolve and manipulate you into joining me."

He lifted the crystal pen he held in his hand. "But, I will tell you this... My reasons for making Morpheus Fantasy Services are based on an agreement I reached with a friend of mine. He tasked me with finding the people who were dealt a terrible hand in life and fix it. I assure you, every move I've made is heavily calculated and I have attempted to take the best course of action I can to ensure that every possibility is taken into account.

"However..." He lowered his pen and snapped his book shut. "Regardless of my actions, mortal fate shall and always will be in mortal hands. It was Keith's choice to become Keith. I did not force him into that choice. Similarly, it is your choice to return to work for me should you wish it."

"Like I'm going to believe that," I scoffed, crossing my arms across my chest. "I don't know who you are but you've got some weird ability that can change people's worlds! Not only that, but you can rewrite people's memories! How am I supposed to trust someone with that kind of power!?"

Reaper shrugged. "Perhaps the fact that I'm giving you a choice will turn the tide in my favour?"

I wasn't going to buy into that.

"Demons can't take your soul unless you give it to them willingly."


I glared at Keith and took a decisive step backwards away from him. "Look, you may have given up your soul for some petty escape from your fate but my family loves me, I've got a future outside of this club and I sure as hell can find another boyfriend aside from you!"


Oh dang... Did I just say that...?

Did I just claim Keith as my boyfriend...?

Keith's ears drooped... and his tail tucked between his legs. "Oh... Okay..."

I suddenly felt horrible... Keith... Keith wasn't my enemy... I had to save him... I had to save him from Reaper!

But what could I do against an all-powerful reality-manipulating entity?

Nothing right now... But I could get this place shut down... somehow...

"The decision is yours, Drake," Reaper said, stepping aside to reveal the door behind him. "Just be sure to pick up your cheque as you leave."

"I don't need your money," I spat. "I quit."

"Again, the decision is yours."

I stormed past him, not casting a glance back at Keith because I knew if I saw the dejected look on his face, I'd turn right around and go back into his arms. I picked up some spare clothes - an exact replica of the ones I had worn the previous night - from the change room and headed out of the club. I passed Conrad and the tiger looked disappointed at me.

Probably just another lost soul who had succumbed to Reaper's temptations.

I'll save him too.

When I passed Gwen at the entrance, she offered me the cheque but I just ignored her and stormed out of the place. I never wanted to see Morpheus Fantasy Services again until I burned it down to the ground.

Now the terrible thing is, Keith was my ride back to campus...

Since I effectively dumped him... I was left to walk...

And it's a long walk too...

With a sigh, I began my trek. I was probably going to miss my morning classes but right now, saving the soul of my best friend was certainly better than losing a few points in my overall grades.

A couple of plans were hatching in my mind. I knew I couldn't go to the police and tell them the Devil had opened up a club in the Black Light District of the city and was stealing people's souls by turning them into gay, horny servicemen. No, I had to be more subtle than that. Prostitution wasn't illegal... at least not when it's in a licensed establishment and Reaper's place was probably well licensed.

Heck... even if I found some way to get the police after him, what then?

He could alter reality and could see everything... How do I beat that!?

My plan was slowly starting to go down the drain...

In theory, I could just live the rest of my life ignoring all mention of Keith or MFS... I could apply for a room transfer and get out of Keith's fur. I'd never have to worry about him or anyone in that club again.

But could I really live with that?

Could I live with the fact that I had abandoned my best friend in the clutches of the Devil?

Maybe my show of bravado might snap Keith out of it and he might end up breaking free himself and we'll live happily ever-after? Hell... Maybe if I told Keith that I well and truly loved him and kissed him as Drake Somers that might break the spell.

That's how these things work, right?

Oh god... Now I'm resorting to fairytales as my answer...

I was vaguely aware that I took the bus back to campus. An hour or so passed by until I found myself back at my dorm room. I was unsure what to do... and I was unsure if Keith was inside waiting for me. In the end, I decided I'd try to convince Keith to come back with me without Reaper standing there.

So... I opened the door...

And was surprised to find a girl in my room.

Not just any girl...

... my sister... Jenna.

"Drake!" she exclaimed with a big grin. She jumped at me, catching me in a tight bear hug.

How embarrassing is it that my sister is bigger and stronger than I am? She has the same red hair I do but her eyes are sky blue instead of one being red. Unlike my skin which was a sickly pale, she had a healthy tan and firm, fit muscles that gave her nice curves but also showed she could easily take care of herself.

"Jen! What are you doing here?" I stammered, holding her out at arm's length.

"I came to see you, that's what!" she laughed, hugging me again, this time a little lightly. "Huh...?" She began running her hands along my back as if looking for something. "Huh... You're tense..." It was her turn to hold me out at arm's length. "Is something wrong?"


Of course something is wrong!

I just found out that my best friend - and current crush - was in the thrall of a demonic force!

But I couldn't tell her that...

"No... I just think I might need to transfer out of this room," I answered with a shaky smile. "Keith is... uh... Not really the roommate I expected."

She gave me a curious look and pulled me towards my bed, sitting down and patting the space beside her. "What's wrong? He a total slob and a stereotypical jock? You know, you used to be just like him, right? I mean, you used to be our town's best baseball player until that unfortunate... accident..."

Ergh... Why did he have to remind me...?

It was what turned me to medicine in the first place. While playing baseball, I accidentally swung my bat a little too hard and it flew out of my grip. It hit a guy on the head. He was wearing a helmet, thankfully. But there was a moment in time when the guy fell down and didn't move that I thought to myself... 'I killed him'.

Then a doctor came up, acted all professional and had the guy patched up with little more than a mild concussion.

That was my epiphany...

I wanted to be just like that guy... professional... strong... and able to help people.

But thinking about Keith...

"Keith isn't like that," I answered softly. "He's got all the good qualities of being a football player" - nice body, looks to die for and that deep, heartstring-pulling voice, I mentally added - "but without the bigotry and machismo. Instead, he got the gentle soul of a guy that's been through hell and worked his ass off to get somewhere..."


Was Reaper really that bad if he managed to turn Haemorrhoid into Keith...?

"Just... His job..." I said slowly. "He works for this guy that... A guy I don't trust and I don't want him dragging me along to his job or something..."

"That's a stupid reason to move rooms," Jenna said, staring at me bluntly. "What? Did you think he was going to recruit you or something?"

I didn't say anything.

Her eyes widened.

"Oh... So he already recruited you?"

She could always read me like a book... She sometimes knew me better than I knew myself. "Sort of... Just... I don't like the boss... Rather... I don't trust him. He just..." I locked gazes with her. There was no use lying to her. "What if... What if I told you this guy... this guy had the power to change things... change people... change people's pasts?"

Jenna's eyebrows rose. "I'd say you were crazy," she answered with a snicker but that quickly died. "Look, Drake, I don't know what you experienced but by the look on your face, you believe it to be true." She leaned back against the bed, crossing her arms behind her head. "So let me guess... You instantly assume that this guy is some demonic prince or something that's come here to take over the world by stealing people's souls?"

Like I said... a book...

"Yeah..." I murmured softly. Ordinarily, I would have felt like an idiot for admitting that... but she didn't know what I saw... what I experienced.

"Has he ever done anything to lead you to suspect he's evil?"


I caused mom's kidneys to fail...

... or did he...?

She was pushing her late 60's...

Okay... so how about manipulating Keith to become someone he's not? It wasn't a matter of whether or not he was better off as Haemorrhoid or Keith. He was born Haemorrhoid so he should have stayed Haemorrhoid... right...?

Right... with a name like 'Haemorrhoid', it's hard to keep a straight face when saying that.


How about manipulating me to have sex with guys?


But... is that so bad...?

I mean... I guess... I guess I am gay...

He just helped show me I was...

All that aside, he's got to have some sinister plot behind it all, right? I mean, this is exactly what he wanted. He said those things back at the club to make me doubt! See!? He's manipulative and conniving! He's making me doubt, knowing full well I'll go back to him!

Well, it won't work!

"Someone with that kind of power can't be good," I answered gruffly.

"What about God?"

I snorted. "He's no god."

Jenna straightened and smiled at me. "Maybe not... but not all people with power are evil, you know. You're just taking the position most people take because they're afraid of the unknown. They don't know the person so they automatically assume that they're evil. Have you even given him a chance?"

I sold my body to his 'services'...

... but he paid me...

He actually paid for bartending lessons for me...

And it was clear he cared for his employees... He seemed to go to extreme lengths for Keith...

Maybe... Maybe if I gave him a chance, he'd go extra lengths for me as well...

"Can you trust a guy who seemingly knows everything and who can predict things in the future that eventually leads you to rely on him?" I asked softly.

"Isn't that how religion works?" Jenna laughed softly. "There are some prophets or seers that predict something in the future and then some other guy makes those predictions come true. Everyone realises this and suddenly, they all believe." Before I could respond, Jenna raised a finger. "But I think the thing that separates the good deities from the bad... is that the bad will suck up the believers and make them believe even more... but the good will let them continue their lives, giving them their freedom that doesn't circulate around belief in the god."

"I thought religion was all about belief..." I murmured.

Jenna shook her head with a smile. "No... It's about living by the virtues that makes you a decent mortal to others. I don't think whatever God is up there will care whether you believe in them or not just as long as you're good." She gave me a smile and a friendly pat on the shoulder. "I mean, what if the one true god isn't someone that's in the main stream religions? What if they are actually some crazy one-eyed tentacle monster who's so grotesque and monstrous that it is beyond description, but it still created all of us and helped us evolve?

"It would seriously suck if we all went into eternal damnation just because we didn't know the Horrible Tentacle-Monster God."

She did have a point...

I guess it's a little hard to let go of what I was taught to believe... I mean, I wasn't religious or anything but society is so inundated with 'Which religion do you belong to?' forms that it's hard to think that maybe... the religions of Iterion are actually wrong...

"What do you think I should do?" I asked

"I think you should go up to this guy and ask him right out who and what he is. I think even a demon would be willing to admit what he is, right? If he tried posing as God, he'd get smitten, right?"

Heh... I suppose that's true...

I guess if demons exist... so would a god... Whoever that god was...

I made my decision.

I clapped my hands together and stood up. "Alright... I think... I think I know what I have to do."

"If you get into trouble, just give me a call, okay?" Jenna said, slapping my back.

I flashed her a cocky smirk. "So if I end up being sucked down into Hell..."

"I'll come down there, punch out the Devil and drag you back up."

I grinned at that and thanked her. I gave her a light peck on the cheek and hurried back out of my dorm room. I took the bus back to the Black Light District. I ponder what I would say when I got back to MFS and I came up with a general plan.The only hitch in my grand master plan was if Keith was there... I don't think I'd be capable of dealing with Reaper and Keith at the same time.

Between giggling at the fact his real name was 'Haemorrhoid' and the fact that I had an epic crush on him, I don't think I would be able to hold my own.

By the time I reached the club, it was only midafternoon. I entered the atrium and, as always, Gwen was sitting at her desk. This time, the atrium was filled with daffodils. Her eyes flicked up to meet mine and for the first time, she actually smiled at me.

"My, my," she said, her tone suggesting she was impressed. "You have grown in a short while, haven't you?"

"Pardon?" I replied, a little puzzled.

"You know, when Jacob opened this club, I thought he was just out to satisfy his own need to see man-on-man action." Gwen rifled through a few papers on her desk, holding one up with a sigh. "I really shouldn't have doubted him... He really is here to help people, you know? To ensure that he can free people from being trapped in their own miserable existences that was created from circumstances out of their own control."

I wasn't sure what she was talking about... Was Reaper really a god?

"People you might think are 'fortunate' aren't as lucky as you might think," she said. "The rich have their troubles too and the people that Jacob actually contacts are those who would rather have another life than their own..." She began shuffling a few papers a chuckled mildly to herself. "But I'm taking up your time. Jacob is waiting for you at his booth."

"Thanks..." I replied, smiling softly.

I entered the bar and, like before, everyone was preparing for the evening's festivities. Sometimes, I wondered if anyone every actually slept or went home in this club. Conrad was at the bar, setting up a few stools and when he saw me, he had that same... impressed smile on his face that Gwen had.

What did they see?

Did I have something on my face?

I strode up to Reaper's booth and, as always, he was there reading his book.

Must be a really good book.

I noticed there was something else on the small desk at the centre of the booth as well...

An ant farm...

"Um... Sir..." I began.

"You don't have to address me with any particular honorific, Drake," Mr. Reaper answered. "You're no longer my employee. 'Jacob' is just fine."

Still... I didn't feel like I could call him by his first name.

"I'd... I'd like to apologise..." I stuttered. "What I said... was out of line... It wasn't my place to judge you like that."

That... and it probably wasn't a good idea to tick off a demon... or a god... Whatever Reaper was.

"People are free to judge me however they please," Reaper said, gesturing that I take a seat opposite to him. I gingerly obeyed but kept quite stiff. "My actions are questionable at times. I won't lie. There are times that I have hurt people. One cannot make an action in this world without harming someone else. An opportunity gained is also an opportunity lost... for someone else. Rarely is there a truly good action, one that benefits everyone."

"But you can make that happen, can't you?" I asked. "You can make moves where everyone wins, right?"

Reaper smiled but it was one with a sort of devilish edge to it. "If you know when, where and what to move, it's possible for everyone." He lifted a finger at me. "But... despite making the right moves, it is the reaction of others that determines the end result. For example..." He leaned forward and lost his smile. "... did you know that there was a 0.5% that you would have actually accepted Keith there and then and the two of you would officially become boyfriends?"

I tried not to blink too hard as I processed this information. Where did he get these stats? Did he just make them up? Even if he did, it was an accurate estimation of how I felt the chances of Keith and I just hooking up together after that fiasco last night. Maybe about 0.49%.

"Um... No...?" I frowned at him and tried not to sound so appalled. "Then why did you did if you knew I wasn't going to end up with Keith?"

"I never said you weren't going to end up with Keith," Reaper answered with a sly smirk. "I just said that there was a 0.5% you two would have taken that route directly from that event. However..." He leaned back and raised his book to his eyes, hiding the smirk I knew he was wearing. "... there was a 99.67% chance that you would return here afterwards once you met your sister."

I was suddenly getting doubt again... Maybe Reaper wasn't some god or demon... Maybe he was just a really smart guy that found out the 'Formula to Life'. It was rumoured that there was a mathematical equation to all existence. Maybe Reaper found it and because of that, he had the power to alter the world...?

Was that where he was getting all these statistics.

"Why are you telling me this?"

Reaper lowered his book to stare at me directly through his sunglasses. "So that, as of now, you have exactly a 50-50 percent chance to go either way."

I sat back in surprise. "What...?"

"Morpheus Fantasy Services is all about choice," Reaper said calmly. "People choose to accept my invitation. People choose to participate in the back room antics. People choose to subject themselves to the fantasies of others. Similarly, people choose to escape their reality like Haem -" Reaper winced and shook his head. "I'm sorry... Even I can't keep a straight face at that name..."

He shook his head and locked gazes with me once more. For some reason, I no longer felt the intimidating, paralysing stare those hidden, alien eyes provided.

"The point is," he continued gravely, "I am giving you a choice." He pointed at the door behind me. "Walk out that door and leave this place behind. Or... if you so wish, continue your employment here."

"With Keith," I stated.

"That is not the choice you have to make right now," Reaper countered. "At the moment, your are deciding whether or not to continue your employment at Morpheus Fantasy Services."

"But Keith is part of MFS," I replied. "Whether I work here or not hinges on him too."

"And why is that?"



Because we might not be able to work together after what I did...

... he might be hurt...

... he might think he's some sort of soulless monster...

He's not... I know that...

How I know... I just can't tell you...

... I just know.


"Just 'because'?" Reaper asked.

I suddenly felt like a child being scolded by an adult. "Yeah..."

Mr. Reaper smiled and leaned back against his couch. "Then I believe you have your answer."

Damn... He was right...

I wanted to work at MFS again... if only for Keith.

But there was one question I still needed answered that would determine whether that was enough.

"May I ask you one thing first, Mr. Reaper?"

"Only if you stop calling me 'Mr. Reaper' and start calling me 'Jacob'."

Heh... I could live with that.

"Alright, Jacob..." I took a deep breath, preparing for the inevitable end of the world brought by the wrath of this god who would throw a hiss fit over me asking his nature. Wasn't it one of the divine laws that mortals never knew the nature of god. "What exactly are you?"

I shut my eyes, expecting the Wrath of God to fall down upon me...

... when I wasn't suddenly burning in the fiery pits of hell...

I slowly opened my eyes... Reaper was regarding the ant farm on his table.

"To the inhabitants of this tiny world," he said, tapping the glass lightly, "essentially have power over them. I provide them with food. I provide them with sunlight and water among other things. Even with their simple minds, I am essentially their god. But in reality, I am just like them... a mortal... only bigger and built differently."

Reaper - Jacob - straightened. "Now consider this ideal on a broader scope. Who is to say that we are not mere ants in the eyes of someone that's bigger?"

"So you're saying you're that 'someone bigger' compared to the rest of us?" I asked.

"Let me finish," Jacob Reaper said, holding up a hand. "I never said that. The last thing I want you to consider... is the person who created this ant farm."

"You?" I answered with a little too much bitterness.

He chuckled and shook his head. "Would it surprise you if I said I actually bought this ant farm across the street at a normal pet store? I could've gotten another one for half the price but you'd be surprised how little cash I have on hand." He patted his suit and fingered the breast pocket. "Not real pockets after all."

Was he making fun of me...?

"The point is, this ant farm wasn't made by me," he said, staring at it with a smile on his face. It was a genuine smile as well. I half-expected him to grin maniacally and go on some spiel about how he was a 'god' to the ants and thus he could easily save them as much as he could destroy them.

"The manufacturer of this ant farm built it for the purpose of keeping people entertained," Reaper said. Slowly, he took off his sunglasses and I braced myself to see those alien eyes... I still remembered that feeling of... nakedness when I saw those eight-pointed pupils for the first time. It was like I couldn't hide anything from those eyes.

To my surprise... his eyes were perfectly normal. Sapphire-blue eyes...

"However..." the owner said, "even though he may have built it with that express purpose, who is to say that is how other people will use it? What's to stop the budding psychopathic child from squishing each ant one by one and watching the queen produce more in utter obliviousness to his power just so he could crush them more? What's to stop some activist from destroying the ant farm and letting its inhabitants free?

"Even if the manufacturer made this little world for a purpose... that doesn't mean the one currently taking care of it will fulfil that purpose."

I think I saw what he was getting at...

"So which one are you?"

He smiled at me and slipped his sunglasses on again. "Neither. I am undefined in the grand scheme of things. I am an unknown. A mysterious variable. An enigma. A no one. I can seamlessly be an ant one moment and a caretaker at my whim."

I suppose that was to be expected from a guy who ran a club based entirely on transformation and adopting another persona.

Wait a second...

Reaper's smile told me he knew I had just reached the very revelation he was aiming for.

"You want people to be like you?" I asked.

"Ultimately, yes," he answered. "I want them to be able to control their own destinies but at the same time to be capable of caring for those whose destinies are tied to their own fates. I don't want psychopathic children with magnifying glasses or blind activists who only follow what they've been told and are unable to think for themselves. I want caretakers. People who are capable of taking care of their own ant farm and immersing themselves within it, never forgetting that at one point, they were just an ant to someone."

I couldn't detect any falsehood or deception in his tone... I knew what he said was what he truly believed. He was still avoiding my questions. Nothing specific was given. He didn't tell me exactly who he was... but I guess with that answer, I was satisfied... sort of...

"Just one last thing, if you don't mind...?"


"Can you blaspheme for me?"

He grinned and held up his right hand. "I swear by my honour and my life, that if at one point or another, if I didn't stick my dick up your deity's ass, may righteous indignant fury strike me down from heaven right now."

Wow... that's one hell of a blasphemy...

Mostly because our deity was meant to be married to a mortal woman...

And yeah, he's meant to be a dude.

So... yikes.

I looked upwards and anxiously waited for angels to appear out of nowhere and start the Armageddon or something.

When nothing happened... I gave Reaper a shaky grin.

"Thanks... That sent my mind at ease..."

"Then have you made your decision?"

I nodded firmly and smiled back at him. "Yeah. I'm gonna stay, Mr. - erm - Jacob. I don't necessarily believe what you believe or your 'mission' but I'm going to stay for Keith."

Reaper rubbing his chin thoughtfully and then a smile crossed his features. "Hmmm... Drake... I will let you come back on one condition."

I was taken aback. "What? I thought you were going to employ me again!"

"All I said was that it was your choice of whether or not to come back," he answered with a sly smile. "I never said what you would have to do for me should you choose to return."


He's no Devil but he sure is evil.

"Fine..." I grumbled. "What's the terms?"

He lifted the book in his hands, closed it and pushed it across the table to me. "This is you, Drake."

Okay... add 'crazy' to the list.

I am not a book.

"Uh... Whu...?"

"I won't go into the details," Reaper answered, tapping the book's cover, "but suffice it to say that this book is a representation of who you are, of your entire existence. Whomsoever holds it, will be granted power over you and all aspects of you. I'm not talking just about your actions or your thoughts. I'm talking about everything about your body, mind and soul. Your past, present and future. If they were to write in this book that you were born with a superfluous nipple, you'd have one and you'd believe it was always there from the very beginning."

Wait... the book... was me?

Then all those books in the pedestals...?

"Correct," Reaper said. "They are the books of the people who my employees service. By signing themselves over to that book, for that brief instant, they are under the power of the client. I never tell the clients this because if they were to know, you can imagine what kind of havoc they would wreak."

Suddenly... 'prostitution' didn't seem to cover what Morpheus Fantasy Services was offering... it seemed almost like slavery.

"The reason I ensure that my employees burn the page of the book they signed after they finished with their client is to ensure they do not fall in the control of said client. I am very meticulous about this aspect of my establishment. I am also very meticulous about which clients I choose and the choice of my employees to enter the world of my clients."

Still... It was a bit... demonic...

But I guess that's just because he was selling us - the employees - for sex. If he was selling his services just to live out a fantasy for someone... maybe marriage to someone that was out of their reach or something, then I guess I would be less appalled.

I reasoned that he was taking care of us... As Keith said before as well, it wasn't always about sex. Sometimes, it might just be for the companionship. I guess it was all part of Reaper's plan to teach people to grasp their own destiny... I suppose if people had the will to realise the differences between real life and the one being shown to them in the back rooms... I guess they would have taken the first step to being 'enlightened'.

Reaper's lips curled upwards in a smile suddenly. "As a term for your re-employment, Drake, I want you to take your book. I want you to do with it whatever you wish but I want you to stop lying to yourself. Stop hiding behind your doubt, your reservations and start being you for once."

"I am me," I answered like a petulant child.

"You and I both know that isn't true." He pushed the book further towards me. "Now take your book. Your first client is waiting in Room 2."

I was just about to ask who my client was and why there was a client when the club wasn't even open yet...

... when I realised I knew exactly who the client was.

I grinned at him and snatched up my book excitedly. "Thanks Mr. Reaper!"

"Jacob, remember? We had a deal."

I stuck my tongue out at him, winked and waved the book in my hand. "So what? I've got my book now! You can't do squat to me!"

He could probably do what he wanted to the people I loved but I don't think he was the kind to do that... I think I had Reaper's measure now... and I think I liked him. I liked him even more when he chuckled and shook his head.

"I hate it when that happens," he said, rising to his feet. He shooed me towards the back rooms. "Go on. Have your fun. I've got a club to run."

Still grinning, I rushed towards the back rooms, passing Conrad as I did so. The tiger gave me a wink and told me to 'go get him'. I guess he along with Gwen was in on Reaper's whole plan. Wouldn't surprise me really. I briefly wondered how many other people in the club were just others that Reaper had given the chance to be themselves.

I didn't have long to reach Room 2 but the instant I passed through that door to enter the change room... I was suddenly lost. There was no book, naturally, except my own. I had to wonder...

Who would I become?

In reality... who was I except for the average, dull-looking person that was staring at me from all sides of the mirrored room?

I set the book down on the pedestal and picked up the pen. As I opened it, I was a little surprised to find the pages were filled with personal details. Some not even made from my perspective. It was like reading a story of my life but not always from my own eyes. There were details that I had often forgotten... Like that night I threw chocolate cake at my older brother... or that day that my sister told me that my older brother was gay and that we had to accept him for who he was because ultimately, he was out brother...

Then, of course, there was the episode of my short-lived baseball career...

And... I think that's where it all started.

I regarded the pages, reading the details about my own epiphany... When I had hit that guy... That was when the doubt started to creep in... I had been so sure of myself back then... so sure that I would be making it to the majors. But then... that accident and even if no one was seriously hurt... I began to doubt myself.

I compared the guy before the accident to the guy afterwards...

... and I saw who I should have been.

The person without doubt... the one who knew who he was... I bet that if that Drake Somers was standing here now, he wouldn't have hesitated to take Keith with him...

Probably that 0.5% Mr. Reaper talked about...

I lifted the pen and pressed the point against the next empty page. It felt sort of stupid to say 'Suddenly Drake Somers changed back to who he was before he gave that guy a concussion' after the artful way the rest of the book was written. I'm a baseball-jock-turned-medical-major! I don't know how to write epic stories!

With a shrug, I wrote 'Suddenly, Drake Somers'...

... the stopped...

I looked at myself in the mirrors of the change room...

Drake Somers...

I dropped the pen and turned towards the door... I pushed the door open and the salty, sea breeze hit me like a familiar friend. Mixed into it was the manly, savoury scent of Keith Towson. The big, black wolf was sitting on the bed with dry cum covering him. The afternoon light did well to accentuate his bulging muscles.

I began to drool there and then.

Gently, I knocked on the doorframe.

Keith's ears picked up and he turned to me, eyes wide. "Drake!" The big wolf - still naked - got to his feet and blinked at me in disbelief. Then he shook his head and growled. "Look... I don't know who you are but I don't want this right now. I appreciate the effort and you can thank Mr. Reaper for me but I don't need my heart broken again..."

I wondered what he was talking about for a second then realised he must have thought I was just another one of Reaper's employees who was trying to 'pleasure' him.

"Keith, it's me," I said, pressing a hand against my chest. "The real Drake Somers."

"I've learned that these things are really convincing," Keith answered, sitting back down miserably. "You become the person... You think you're them... I know who you are..."

Okay... I guess he's got a point. There was no way of convincing him...

... except one...

"Let me take you back home, at least," I answered. "You've been here all day."

Keith mumbled something but I took that as an affirmative. Despite him being twice my size, I somehow managed to haul one of his massive arms around my shoulder and drag him towards the door. I briefly wondered how I'd take a naked wolf back to the dorm. No doubt I'd get a lot of questions. Not to mention I can't drive and taking Keith on the bus would be a nightmare...

I decided that once Keith realised that I was me, he'd probably snap out of his daze. He had this lost, empty look in his eyes. I had seen that look before in movies. It was that look people got after their hearts were broken. They were still in shock.

He really loved me... didn't he...?

Damn... I've been such an idiot...

I managed to bring him to the door with a lot of effort and swung it open.

To my surprise, instead of the mirrored change room, I found our dorm room instead. For a second, I though Keith had somehow managed to collapse over me and given me a concussion. I turned around to head back but instead of the beach house, I found our dorm hallway... and Mr. Reaper standing there.

"You going to need these?" he asked, holding up a pair of extra large condoms.

Why did I suddenly feel like a child being asked by his parent to have 'safe sex'? It wasn't one of those rhetorical questions like, 'You're going to use a condom, right?'. It was more like a question designed to guilt you into using the condoms.

And I guess I realised that was who Reaper was in the grand scheme of things... He was a parent... His actions and motives may be questionable... but in the end, he only wants the best for us.

I grinned at him and shook my head.

Reaper shrugged and grabbed the doorknob and pulled the door shut, plunging us into near darkness. I stumbled over to Keith's bed where I lay him down on his back. I was tempted to fall onto his chiselled chest and rub myself all over his hot, muscular body... but decided against it. Instead, I just sat down next to him.

"You okay there?" I asked.

"We made it back...?" Keith murmured, his eyes still glazed over. "Huh... I didn't notice..."

"Me neither," I sniggered. "So..."

"I never knew the transformations lasted outside of the club..." the wolf sighed. "Guess Mr. Reaper is a lot stronger than I thought..."

"He's way stronger," I answered with a grin. "You sure you don't want my services even if it's just for a little while?" I asked, deciding to be a little mischievous. "I mean from the sounds of it, you just had a nasty break up with this 'Drake' fellow. He your boyfriend or something?"

"I wish..." Keith murmured, rolling onto his side, away from me. "I mean... I would have loved him to be my boyfriend... Last night, we had sex... but we weren't ourselves... I can see how Mr. Reaper tried to make us come together... but I guess it didn't work out..."

It did... Just not in the way either of us expected...

I gently rested a hand on his shoulder. "Keith... If I were really Drake... What would you tell me right now?"

Keith turned his beautiful, blue eyes towards me. I saw him slowly sliding out of that daze... instead slipping into a love-filled haze that warmed my heart. He looked at me adoringly and even if there was this tiny veil that guarded him from me as he still thought I was an impostor, I could see and feel what it would be like if he aimed that gaze at the real me.

He was in love...

_...I_was in love...

"I love you..." he whispered.

I never realised just how close our lips were until his breath from his words washed over my face.

My heart was pounding in my chest... and I could feel his beating in tandem with mine as I pressed my hand against his massive pecs. I saw him hesitate... I almost cried as he pulled away just a bit... Then he seized the back of my neck and -


Pulled me deep into a loving kiss!

My mind instantly went haywire with all my senses!

He felt like steel... He smelled like a real man mixed with a bit of wet dog... He tasted like juicy meat... He sounded like a ravenous animal hungry for his next meal... and he looked angelic in the scant light filtering through the closed blinds.

I wrapped my arms around his massive body, pulling him closer to me until our chests were pressed against one another. Even through my clothes, I could feel his heart pumping... With each beat of that mighty heart, I felt his love pouring into me, filling my veins with an intensifying heat that only left me yearning for more.

Suddenly, he pulled away from our kiss and I was left chasing his lips, desperate for more... I felt his eyes on me... and I looked back up at him...

"My god... Drake... It is you... isn't it?"

I grinned at him and kissed him once more. "For the first time ever... yeah... It's me."

He pulled back from our kiss again. "So does that mean...?"

"Keith," I sighed, resting my head lovingly on his chest and just listening to his heartbeat. "I've had the biggest crush on you from the first day I saw you. It wasn't until I talked to Mr. Reaper that I realised who I was..." I pulled myself up and licked his furry chin. "And who I am... is nothing without you..." I quickly seized the massive bulge in his pants. "Now fuck me you stud!"

The big wolf grinned at me in a predatory way and said, "Yes sir!"

Our lips met once more and his dexterous tongue slipped down my throat and curling around my tongue a little. He suckled on my lips as he rolled us over so that he was on top. I had imagined this day in private for so long... and now that it had come... I just wished it wasn't a dream.

Keith deftly pulling my pants down, letting my eight inch cock bounce up to my belly. He grinned and gently lifted my legs up to expose my rear. I felt a cool breeze brush against my exposed hole, making me shiver. Keith reached forward and squeezed the head of my cock, making me wince and throw back my head into the pillow.

Suddenly, I felt something hot, wet and slimy brush against the ring of my ass.

"Ooooh!" I moaned, arching my back in pleasure. "Don't stop... Ah!"

Keith pressed his tongue against my ass ring... pushing it into my hole. I felt his hot breath brushing against my sensitive flesh. His gentle, methodical, rhythmic licks slowly opened my up and bit by bit, covered my asshole in his saliva.

He pulled back for a second and then drew one long lick that took him from the base of my spine, over my exposed hole, under my churning balls, over my scrotum, to the base of my cock and slowly dancing along the veins of my pulsating cock. I could feel my cum bubbling up the length of my dick parallel to his tongue.

It was all I could do to stop from blowing my load when he kissed the head of my cock!

Kiss by agonising kiss, Keith peppered my chest with his lips, pulling himself up closer and closer to my neck. I found myself yearning for his lips and I whimpered, impatient. Then I felt the hot tip of his cock pressing up against my ass and I gasped at the dual sensations bombarding me!

My body shivered in delight as his pointed cock slipped inside me. The overwhelming heat shooting out from that member poured into me, building on the already incinerating heat that was overtaking me. Sweat covered my entire body as I heaved and puffed. Every second his flesh touched me filled me with so much joy, so much passion that I felt like I was going to explode!

I suddenly felt his cock reach a barrier in my ass... Like it wouldn't go any further. I whined, I wanted him more in me!

Then he began thrusting... thrusting deep... Oh god yes!

With every thrust, he pushed that barrier deeper and deeper into me... I felt more and more of him inside me! It was total and absolute bliss!

I was gasping... panting... grunting... Somewhere in between each, I was begging for him to go deeper... to go faster...!

His lips suddenly met mine. The sensations were becoming too much! My eyes felt like they were burning and I was forced to shut them. My sense of touch intensified all of the sudden. I could feel the veins of his cock as it slid in and out of me... I could feel every strand of corded muscle on his huge chest as it rubbed against me with every thrust!

With my eyes shut, I pictures his angelic face kissing me...

... my heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest...

It was pressing hard against my ribs... pounding against my flesh like it wanted to get to Keith...

... it was really starting to hurt...!

Oh shit!

I pushed Keith away suddenly. "K - K - Keith! S - Stop! I - I - I..."

Blinding pain suddenly shot up my entire spine, forcing me to clench down hard on Keith's cock with my ass. Spasms wracked my body. I felt my bones gain a sort of rubbery feel to them as my body just seemed to flop against the mattress and my limps flail about with the quakes that hit me. I managed to force my eyes open and Keith tried to hold me still but my whole body was just shaking too much!

I felt all the heat in my body suddenly pour down into my feet. A scream build in my chest as I saw my rather small, flat feet twist and curl. My individual toes became stumpy and covered in thick, brown fur. My toenails vanished beneath the coat and black claws jutted out against my toes. They grew in length and width, thick veins pressing up against the fur and sticking out even underneath the thick coat.

The heat suddenly began working their way up my legs! It built in my calves, pumping them full of blood and increasing their size while burning all the excess fat. They became big, bulging muscles covered by the brown fur. My new feet and calves felt like they were pulling at me legs, forcing them to lengthen as the heat pushed into my thighs and knees. The fur followed their path and my thighs widened, grew and bulged beneath Keith's astonished paws.

I desperately tried to grab my thighs in a vain attempt to stop the transformation but all that heat suddenly just transferred to my hands. That scream died into panicked wheezing as he fingers twitched and grew. My palms widened as my fingers shortened. Black, leathery pads appeared against my palm as my nails were replaced by the same black claws my toes had. I scratched at the fur, trying to stop it from spreading -

Then two, black paws seized my wrists...

I stared into Keith's eyes...

... saw his smiling face...

... and all my worries faded away.

The heat pulsed into my forearms... causing them to bulge out with thick veins criss-crossing their length. My biceps bulged with new shape, fresh blood pumping into them. I felt invigorated... alive... Right! The wonderful, arousing power pushed into my shoulders, broadening them to the same width as Keith's and slowly worked their way down my torso and head. I felt my spine lengthened and I deftly curled my legs around Keith's waist as my head came at level with his muzzle without him having to lean forward. I felt the overwhelming heal pulse into my face, pushing my nose and lips forward and pulling my ears to the top of my head.

My tongue slipped out between my lips and Keith was quickly to catch it in a kiss.

I was in heaven again...

The heat pulsed through my entire body... pumping my muscles and pushing my flat chest into a massive, defined, set of pecs. My abs pushed out to meet Keith's as a thick layer of fur covered it. I had to roll to my side as a thick, fluffy tail erupted from my rear, wagging excitedly as I began grinding into Keith's cock once more.

Finally, I felt the powerful heat gather all at once towards my cock.

Keith's thrusts spurred on the transformation, pushing my cock upwards and outwards! I could feel the tip quickly tampering to a point as it slid between our chiselled abs. I was to captivated in our kiss to really measure but I could feel it rising up to the base of my pecs. It had to be just a little over a foot!

Suddenly, Keith slammed himself into me and I felt my ass stretch wide as his knot slipped into me!

Some canine instinct hit me hard...

One word...

One word that sent me completely over the edge and to the new life of Drake Somers.


I let out a triumphant howl as my cock jerked violently and spilled my molten seed in between myself and Keith. I felt my mate spasm inside me and his cock twitched. His seed spilled into me, filling me... making me feel complete!

I arched my back as a second wave of pleasure shot through me and more of my cum spilled between us, leaking in between our defined, chiselled bodies. Keith and I rubbed it all into one another's fur as our tongues brushed against one another, exploring each other's muzzles... he found new territory in my muzzle... and I simply explored.

Finally, I had to come up for breath.

Panting... I managed to see my reflection in his eyes...

My hair had turned blonde again... and I had that goatee once more... A quick examination of my body revealed that I had the features of an Alsatian... but I wasn't that surfer dude from before...

I was Drake Somers...

A 6'9'' muscular, baseball athlete making his way through college with the body of a canine god and the brain of a soon-to-be doctor.

Oh... and I was mated to Keith Towson...

I grinned and nuzzled my mate lovingly. "I love you, Keith..."

He licked my ears and chuckled softly. "I love you -" He paused... and I felt his paws searching at something underneath the pillow his head was resting on.

Slowly, he pulled out a red book...

"What's this?" he asked.

I grinned and took it from him. I kissed him lovingly and tossed it over my shoulder.

As I pulled away, I said, "The story of our lives, hun."