Mass Of Attraction: Introductory Chapter

Story by Aggregate0072 on SoFurry

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Aarek is a character only seen in this fan-eroticism of COMPLETELY UNOFFICIAL and ANONYMOUS/SEMI-ANONYMOUS CHARACTERS. HumanXKrogan. (I have issues) Cue some of my weird-sometimes writing. ^_^


Aarek entered his one room multi-unit apartment suite- it is 1 A.M. in the morning, a Thursday. He returned from his shift as a street patrol, due to disruptions from Narcoleptic nodding. Aarek silently plopped onto his mattres- which feels unavoidably different. It was Thursday and an hour just above midnight and he did not care or have the conditioning to leave sleep easily. It could be for a whole 9 hours instead of the 8. In his dreaming, Aarek could constantly feel the sensation that his head is bobbing up and down. Add to this things were getting warmer below. Sleep persisted as if there were no disturbance.

It was a half-hour and the blanket fell off of Aarek after the rising/lowering sensation intensified. Aarek felt the chill of the harsh air conditioning on his legs and woke up. Aarek was delirious, and out of that he exclaimed 'I cannot keep bitching like this man...' with a grimace of discomfort. He seen his blanket lying on the floor bunched together weirdly. Aarek walked over and picked up the blanket to hear a faint growling sound coming from behind. "I'm not generating any noise can you please refrain-" Aarek was interrupted at what he seen on his bed after picking up the blanket. With his consciousness recovered, Aarek dropped his blanket and felt his blood pressure rise with a fight-or-flight twitch. The startled adult walked over towards the obviously inhuman being and poked it- feeling a soft, cushion-like flesh.

The being woke up with a deep, roaring yawn which almost knocked Aarek off his feet. It was quite sharp- which implied that whoever this is, is obviously not human or male for that matter, more interestingly. The apartment is pitch dark at night, even the wide window which is a size of a full wall itself does not clear up the silhouette on the intruder. Instead of turning on his emergency flashlight at the being, Aarek just stood still. "Whoever you are, you are large, and have invaded my bed. Get out before I call the police". The creature stopped his/her/whatever breath to a calm silence and sat up. "Put the blanket back on, it's way too cold to sleep like this. Please, sir.....".

It was a Krogan, and by god it was the last thing Aarek expected as an intruder. It could've been a huge ass parasite the size of a dinner table, but no it was a substantial species with an organized basic language understood by human beings. This was more awkward than waking up with a prostitute from a bar- a gay bar. But without the drunk effect this is even more bizarre to Aarek. Current situation is making him unsure if self defense or authorities are enough to justify a motive. "I give up trying to figure this whole crap out, did you come from another planet just to crash in my apartment which you DO NOT OWN?"

The Krogan huffed and yawned. "This is the worst interrogation ever, human, and you introduce a lady that way?" Now she was giving advice of chivalry. A hulking FEMALE KROGAN of all people were giving a bland human as Aarek advice on how to present himself to a lady. She sat up stretching, and series of joint-popping sounds emitted from her. In a strange shift of sides- Aarek wondered if he had done something with HER despite how she reacted to his reaction towards her. Not that it can be helped. Why would a person just right then and there welcome an uninvited guest? But at the right time Aarek wondered if it was a good idea to come off as scared to such a hulking species. Considering she could do different sick acts of dominance towards him. With either a robbery, beating, or even rape at it's worst case scenario. But now she was just sitting there.

Aarek decided to turn on the light. When he looked back at the femme beast- it stunned him how unusual she was to other Krogan. On the top-down, her face was very slightly pointier than the males, not quite as flat either. She had visible ears, they were definitely not the regular physical features of a Krogan. Maybe- not even Krogan females would bare those. "I'm cold, human. Are you just going to stare obliviously all day or get me a blanket- one that doesn't suck." After that, Aarek was sure that he had not only slept with an intruder involuntarily, but ON TOP of the intruder as well. He continued to study her body and stared at her breasts- BREASTS. A look of disbelief and awkwardness appeared on Aarek's face. "Did I sleep on your breasts? I MEAN DID I JUST SLEEP ON YOU?" Aarek messed up his inquiry quite horribly, coming off as a pervert- towards a hulking she-beast alien.

"You rested your head on my breasts? You are quite short, little runt!" She said nodding in embarrassment. "I guess you were the one making them warm after all, that blanket is too puny for a big girl like me." What she said crawled up Aarek's spine, making him blush even more. The way she said it to be exact, not the wording itself actually. It was more or less of a 'Cuddle with me teddy-bear-human boy' kind of pass. She could have made a pass at him. "Jeez you're red in the face, are you having a fever or something? Nah, just kidding, I'm not an idiot you're still looking at my 'good-stuff'". Aarek flinched briefly and noticed her legs were slightly apart, and he could feel a sense of heat coming from the direction of the bed.

"Look- it's completely normal... Whoever you are, if you like what you see, you like what you see. I don't think you can handle a one-night stand with a Kroganess though. But you are welcome to continue sleeping atop of me." Aarek held his poker face still at her. He dropped his underwear to the ground and walked towards her as she laid back down and closed her eyes.

He whispers to her "Hopefully I won't break a single bone...."