Almost Perfect - Chapter Four

Story by Torren on SoFurry

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#4 of Almost Perfect

Author's Note: I didn't plan to make it this far, but I don't think I'll get much further lol. This IS NOT the end, however. I have a lot more planned for this serious and hopefully, during my absence you guys don't forget about me. Love you!!!

I'm a super, super star, on Hollywood boulevard, and I can make all of the boys come to my yard, you see Jeffree, I can show you how to do it! Make, make a lollipop squirt, squirt a lot of fluid! My lip gloss, lip gloss, me and all my sick thoughts, I'm such a bad bitch, I get me, pissed off!




"Are you crazy?" Kylie asked in shock. "Nevermind, you're obviously not thinking straight."

"I'm serious, Kylie." The thought would never have crossed my mind under any other circumstances, but Kylie was mine and that's how I wanted it to stay. "I'll kill him and Cigar, if it means I get to keep you."

"Well, it fucking doesn't! So, drop it! Don't even speak again, Tinlen. If someone heard you... we- We're done."

"Kylie, stop-"

"You fucking stop!" He whispered harshly trying to make his point. Having him angry at me was worse than being jealous. Kylie closed the distance between us and shoved me against the wall. "You need too calm down and think, got that?"


"That was an order!" He growled. I barred my fangs at him disapprovingly before he left. I hated the position I was in. I-

"Boys," Cigar's voice came over the intercom systems, "I need you all in the room. We have a potential buyer." We never get a break.

Once the four of us were dressed in our typical combat gear, we entered the room. We stood under the bright lights as we always do and listened to the pacing of Cigar and the potential client. There was a lot more tension between the four of us and I hoped Cigar couldn't sense it.

"So, these are the boys," Cigar introduced.

"Yes, I've heard everything there is to know about them. I'm not new to this game, but I assure you the boys will be pushed to their limits." The voice was female and very mature sounding. She wasn't very keen on letting Cigar get into his speech about the perfect assassins.

"Well, I'm sure they can handle it. What's the assignment?"

"I need your boys to infiltrate a top secret facility in Florida. It's underground and completely hidden. It's simple enough to get inside and kill the target, but getting out... that could be a problem," she warned.

"Ok, noted. Would you prefer them to sneak in kill the target and sneak out or annihilate the entire facility?"

"I'm sure they can decide the best course of action when they arrive. I've sent you all the information on the target, so what's my price?"

"I'm going with three mil. How's that sound?" Cigar laughed.

"Sounds like you're low-balling it, but it's your business. Done." I heard the clicking of heels and listened to the woman leave the room.

"What a bitch. I didn't even get to do my perfect assassin speech," Cigar whined.

"Should we prep, sir?" Kylie asked in his professional voice.

"I suppose," Cigar sighed. Kylie led us out of the light and back into the long white hallway separating our apartment from the business room.

"Ok, I say we do this in stealth. That'd be the easiest, don't you think?" Kylie asked.

"Sounds good to me," Jack sneered.

"Good," Garrett sighed. He was obviously ready for some heavy action. I refused to answer any question Kylie asked.

"Tinlen?" he asked. I stayed silent and simply nodded my head. I could tell my silence was hurting him and Jack shot me a look of disgust as well. Maybe I could hook-up with Garrett and then everything would be even.

No, I didn't feel anything towards Garrett. We didn't even have anything in common. Other than our blood and our professions. "Ok, so we're in two groups again. Tinlen and me, Jack and Garrett." I felt a slight joy that he chose me over the other two and maybe we'd get some more alone time.

"Wait, why you and Tinlen?" Jack questioned in a slightly offended tone. "It's always you and Tinlen."

"It's just the most effective squads, Jack," Kylie explained.

"How do you know? We've never worked together. We might be twice as good if we switched it up a little bit." Anger was starting to boil under my skin again. I couldn't stand Jack blocking my only alone time with Kylie. "I think it's worth a shot. I think-"

"Nobody asked what you think," I growled.

"Tinlen, everybody has an opinion," Kylie warned. His eyes told me to back off before Jack's temper got the best of him. Jack had a short fuse anyway.

"Whatever. If you two just have to be together, then..." Jack shot both of us a look of pure malice. "I'll just get conversational with Garrett."

"Am I missing something?" Garrett asked.

"No!" The three of us yelped in union. Garrett jumped at the reply. Suddenly, we all realized that we were trapped. Jack hadn't considered that I would tell Cigar about him and Kylie. Now, all the cards were in the open and all three of us were in checkmate.

"I'm just saying, I think it would be appropriate to change up the squads. This is an old customer. What if someone recognizes two of the same huskies?" Jack spoke calmly.

"He has a point, Tinlen," Kylie warned in a low voice.

"Fine," I sighed. I hated this. All of it. I wished I'd never touched Kylie. I wished Jack had never walked in on us. I wish I wasn't created to be so goddamn perfect. I didn't feel perfect on the inside. I felt hollow and cold. Jealous and angry. Alone and fragile. It hurt so bad to be so close to the one I wanted and have him choose someone else right in front of me.

Garrett and I approached the front gate in our casual clothes. To make the secret facility more secret, they did away with any type of uniforms. I made sure that my jeans and t-shirt were presentable enough and pressed the call button at the gate. "So, I kill the guard, let Kylie and Jack in, while you locate the target?" Garrett asked.

"Yeah, pretty much," I said studying the tall black iron gate before us. Beyond the bars of the gate, there appeared to be a giant elevator shaft leading into the facility. At least, that's what the schematics said.

"Password?" A thick voice bargained over the intercom. No one said anything about a password.

"Yes, sir, um, we're kind of new here and we forgot the password," I explained in my best kiss-ass voice.

"You forgot the password? That's the most important part of your job."

"Yeah, I just misplaced it. It won't happen again, I promise." I was trying to mentally reach out and suggest that the guard open the gate. This part always worked.

"What's your name again?"

"Tinlen," I whispered.

"Tinlen... oh, yes! I remember you! You're that guy I met at the party. You drove me home when I was... well, intoxicated." Works like a charm.

"Yeah," I laughed, "that's me."

"Yeah, come on in. I'm sorry dude. And the password is Chosen, by the way."

"Thanks, I got it." The gates opened quickly and Garrett followed me inside. We stopped at the guard house where a lion stood with a wide embarrassed grin.

"Hey, I brought you some coffee," Garrett offered the white Styrofoam cup to the guard. He accepted it without hesitation.

"Thanks, man. You're the best." The lion sipped the liquid quickly.

"No problem," Garrett watched the lion lift the drink a few more times and suddenly, he dropped the beverage.

"What... what's happening?" he choked. His paws locked around his throat in agony as he doubled over inside his booth.

"It's a fast acting poison. It shuts down your nervous system with just a drop, but you must've drank at least ten. Bye, buddy," Garrett laughed and jumped inside the booth as the lion fell to the floor writhing in pain.

"Do you always have to scare them before they die?" I asked.

"He was already scared. His brain was shutting down. I'm sure it hurts."

"Yeah, but maybe next time, don't explain it."

"You're no fun." I shrugged and entered the brown gated elevator. Garrett pushed the buttons at the control and I was slowly descending into a dimly lit elevator shaft. It looked a lot like a mine shaft. Or what I assumed a mine shaft to look like. "Once you're passed all the security checkpoints, let us know. We're looking for a wolf Tom Lennon."

"I'm killing a Beatle?" I asked.

"Tom! Tom Lennon!" Garrett hissed over the earpiece. I knew what he said, but it seemed like a funny joke. I tried to stay focused on the job, but my mind kept drifting off to Jack and Kylie. I wondered what they were doing. What they were talking about.

The elevator stopped and the gate opened to a large white room with various furs running around busily. I wasn't sure how to start with finding my target, but the room was brightly lit and there weren't very many wolves. The room was strangely built. There were a few catwalks, but the bulk of the room was a giant white pit with very advanced computers. I could see how getting out could be more difficult than we planned. "I'm in," I whispered.

"We're on our way down, locate the target and take whatever shot you get."

"Got it." I walked down the large white stairs into the pit and pretended to look busy. I caught the attention of one cheetah. "Hey, you must be new here," she laughed.

"Yeah, kind of. I'm looking for someone can you help me?"

"Maybe, who is it?"

"Tom Lennon."

"Oh," her expression changed rapidly. She was cheerful, but when she heard that name it seemed to change into fear. "He's usually in hangar 4, but I wouldn't go in there."

"Why?" I laughed.

"Well, I'm not allowed to release any information, but if you've met Tom, I'm sure you know."

"Yeah, he's um, strange..." She laughed at my comment and I placed a pen on her desk. The pen was rigged to set off a huge explosion, should I need a distraction. There were four large steel doors at the back of the pit. I assumed they were the hangars because they were numbered in black paint. I approached the large metal door labeled with a four as it rose slowly like a garage door.

The inside of this room was absolutely massive. I have no words to describe it. Due to it's sheer size, the walls were fairly bland and colorless. Various furs in white lab coats bustled around the room working with (my best guess here...) parts to a spaceship. I located the black furred wolf almost immediately. "Mr. Lennon?" I asked as I approached him.

"Yes, sir?" The wolf asked in your average nerdy scientist way. Very nerdy, but obviously smart. I noticed Garrett and my brothers were in their positions as well. It should go off without a hitch.

"Hi, would you like some coffee?" I offered him a drink similar to the one Garrett gave the security guard earlier. Tom looked at me questioningly.

"I don't take drinks from strangers. Thanks though." Damn it. Plan B.

"Oh, I see," I tried to work my way in to the next part, "so what are you guys doing at the moment?"

"If you don't know, you weren't meant to." I'm about to use persuasion powers on this asshole.

"Oh, I get it. Top secret. Well, listen, I was wondering... well, you see, I'm aspiring to become a scientist like yourself, and I've always admired your work, so could we-"

"Do you think I'm an idiot?"

"Excuse me?" He was rather blunt with his statement and I was a little off-put.

"Do you honestly think I don't know why you're here?" Surely, he isn't talking about what I think he's talking about.

"What do you mean?"

"You're here to kill me," he said flatly, "I'm no fool. I'm the smartest person in this facility and one lone husky is no match for my security."

"Yeah?" I got a little cocky after his accusation, true as it was. "Well, did you know that I'm ready to stab you in the jugular at any second?" I patted my hip to indicate where a large hunting knife was hidden. He'd be dead in less than a second. The wolf simply laughed.

"Silly boy, you still think this is about me, don't you? You can kill me right now. I won't fight back, but you... you're trapped." I glanced around for a second and noticed that there were no other exits to the room I was standing in. God, how could I be so careless? "If you tried, you'd never make it out in time. The pen you put on that girls desk, it's already gone. The security guard you so effectively poisoned, he's shut down the elevators. Every employee inside this facility is carrying military grade weaponry. Basically, you're fucked."

"Maybe you missed the part where we're perfect. We'll destroy this entire facility within a few seconds."

"Be that as it may, you're still two hundred feet below Earth's surface with no way out. Sounds like Cigar is losing his touch." The wolf grinned at me as I realized he was right. We were trapped. Well, maybe not all of us. I could still save Kylie.

"So this whole assassination was a set-up?"

"Yeah, it doesn't really matter if I die, they're going to hit you with enough volts to put down an elephant. Although, I would love to study you in a lab somewhere." I drew the bright silver knife out and spun it.

"Not happening, buddy," I slammed the blade into the wolf's neck and blood poured from the wound like a fountain. The employees stopped and loud sirens began to ring throughout the facility. And I was half hoping he was bluffing.

The heavy still door was closing, but I thought I could make it under with a slide. I ran towards the heavy gate and saw my brother's fighting their way back to the elevator. Before I could get within five feet of the door, something hit me in the back and my body jerked with an electrical current. I fell to the floor completely paralyzed. I watched Kylie and Jack make it onto the elevator. And just before the door shut, I saw Garrett's corpse drenched in blood and riddled with bullet holes.

Oh god... what am I supposed to do?