Allurian Report - Addendum A

Story by dekumon on SoFurry

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#2 of Allurians

Allurian Report - Addendum A



Allurian Report - Addendum A

Sergeant Bill Jones had spent the last two days escorting Allurian dignitaries throughout the Pentagon, and every time he saw them they still creeped him out. It was bad enough they looked like a mutant crossbreed between a person and a wild animal, but they also constantly flaunted their bodies, refusing to cover themselves. And when Bill saw one of them shift for the first time; he couldn't help but shudder at the memory.

"Are you all right, Bill?" The general whose desk he was standing in front of asked him.

"I'm fine, sir," He replied stiffly, forcing the memories down. "What did you call me in for, sir?"

"Well Bill," he started, "The higher-ups want a detailed analysis of Allurian feeding practices, and for that, we need first-hand accounts and observations. And the generals have volunteered you to be the test subject."

"What!?" Bill cried. "You can't be serious! You want me to lay with one of those... those... aliens?"

"I do, Bill," the general sighed, leaning back against his chair. "I know you aren't fond of the Allurians. To be honest, I don't like them any more than you do. But the decision is out of my hands. Report to interrogation room 23, the egg-heads should be done setting up by now."

"Sir, please," Bill began to plead. He couldn't stand the thought of what he was being asked to do. "There must be someone better suited."

"I gave you an order, Sergeant," the general was losing his composure. "Report to the interrogation room before I have an M.P. escort you."

"Yes, sir," Bill replied.

* * *

After being diverted by a pair of scientists for a complete physical, Bill finally arrived at the interrogation room. Stepping inside, he found that the standard table in the middle of the room had a blanket spread over it, and the chairs had been removed. He saw several recording devices set up along the walls. The realization suddenly hit him; he would be all alone with an alien in this room, completely at her mercy. Oh sure, the egg-heads were just on the other side of the two-way mirror, but he couldn't count on them. They'd be more interested in studying the results than in saving his ass.

"Hello human."

Bill yelped, jumping a foot in the air before spinning around to face the Allurian that had silently entered behind him. She was in her native form; a furred humanoid standing six feet tall on her toes and wearing only a smile, her slender tail waving idly behind her.

"Forgive me, human," she said as she walked to him. "I did not mean to startle you." She tried to wrap her arms around him, but Bill stepped back, keeping away from her. "Why will you not let me embrace you, human?" she asked forlornly, her arms dropping, "You know why we are here."

"I'm only here under orders," Bill replied curtly. "And couldn't you at least make yourself look human?" So I won't have to see myself screwing an animal, he added mentally.

"Sorry, but your leaders have asked us not to change into humans while we are on your planet, at least for now." She stepped back up to Bill and he didn't move away, though he tensed up as she hugged him gently. "Shhh, just relax," she whispered in his ear, "I promise I won't hurt you. I am Reisan; what may I call you?" She licked his cheek, making him shiver at the unfamiliar feeling.

"B-Bill," he replied breathlessly. He couldn't believe how fast she was moving; Reisan already had his back pressed against the wall, kissing him passionately. He tried desperately to imagine that it was a human woman frenching him, that the furred paws sliding under his shirt were gloved hands, that the tail coiled around his leg didn't exist. Reisan growled softly as she explored the man in her arms, pulling his shirt off so she could press her soft breasts into his bare chest before resuming her kiss.

Bill felt her slender tongue slip easily past his resisting lips, lassoing his own muscle and coiling around it. Her tail crept higher, the tip caressing the inside of his thigh. The hard points of her nipples ground into his chest as she pressed forward, keeping him pinned against the wall with her breasts as her paws worked on his pants. After a few seconds she undid the clasp on his pants. She slowly slid her body down, dragging her tongue along his chest until she was level with Bill's hardening dick.

"There you are," she whispered before giving his shaft a long, slow lick. She sighed in pleasure as her tongue looped around the head, pulling it into the cavern of her mouth. Bill groaned as he watched his dick disappear into her muzzle. His mental image of a human woman was slowly being eroded away as the Allurian sucked on him, her alien physiology and inhuman expertise overwhelming his imagination. She continued to suck for a few more seconds before pulling away abruptly, leaving Bill gasping for breath against the wall. Still smiling, Reisan sauntered over to the table. She climbed up, getting on all fours before looking back at Bill. She licked her lips hungrily, raising her tail and pointing her luscious ass at him. Bill's eyes widened as he took in the view of her soaked pussy, lips spread wide, inviting him within her depths.

"Come to me, human," she growled huskily, wiggling her hips. "Give yourself to me."

Bill approached her exposed behind slowly, apprehensive about what he knew he must do. His hands came to rest on her hips, and she moaned in fulfillment as the head of his dick pressed against her nether lips. Bill felt those lips grasp his cock, drawing him in until his hips came to rest against her soft flesh. Reisan wrapped her tail around his hips, holding him tight.

"Thank you," she whispered, before moaning as Bill began to thrust, dragging his swollen shaft nearly all the way out before plunging back in. He kept his pace slow, fighting back the pleasure as best he could. In his eyes, she was still an animal, and he tried to reassert the mental image of a human woman even as he held himself back. He was able to keep his composure until he felt her muscles ripple. She looked back, smiling at the surprise on his face.

"You will taste pleasures no human woman could ever offer you," she spoke through her moans as her muscles began to move. Bill cried out as her inner walls squeezed and kneaded his dick hungrily, sending shivers up his spine and halting his thrusts.

"Don't stop!" Reisan growled at his lack of movement. Using her tail, she forced Bill's hips to continue thrusting into her, her own hips pushing back and speeding up their coupling. Bill could only moan helplessly as he was used. He did not have the strength to fight the pull of her tail on his hips as she sped up his thrusts.

"Reisan, I... I'm gonna..." he got out breathlessly. The sensations were too much for Bill. His vision was blurring, her tunnel sucking remorselessly on his shaft.

"Yes!" Reisan cried, throwing her head back in ecstasy, "give it to meEE!' Her orgasmic cries echoed through the small room. Bill cried out as was pulled deep inside by her inner walls, his own orgasm making him collapse against her. His cum rocketed up his shaft and into the ravenous pussy that held him. Reisan sighed, her eyes closed in bliss as she milked the still-gasping human for every drop of hot seed she could get. "Mmm, you're even tastier than I thought," she said to Bill, who could only pant in response.

Bill was still trying to understand how he had lost control so easily. Even though he was a trained soldier, she had overwhelmed and taken what she wanted from him, leaving him more tired in a few short minutes than an hour's intense training. His body ached and he was breathing hard even after he had stopped cumming.

"Wow," he breathed, "that was... interesting, to say the least." He slowly pulled out of the Allurian; her inner muscles reluctantly letting him go. He started to step away, but was stopped by her tail still holding his waist. He looked to Reisan, who eyed him hungrily and licked her lips.

"You did not think I would be satisfied so easily, did you?" she teased him. Moving with an unnatural grace, she rolled on to her back while keeping her tail firmly secured around his waist. Bill found himself lost in her eyes as she twined her arms and legs around him, drawing into a passionate kiss while expertly arching her hips to engulf his semi-hard dick in her pussy. He moaned into her mouth as her tunnel welcomed him back, gently stroking him to full rigidity in seconds. Reisan leaned back from the kiss against the table, smiling at Bill as she began to roll her hips, swallowing the human's shaft in her lower mouth again and again. Not breaking stride, she guided his head to one of her breasts.

"Kiss it," her voice dripped like honey from her lips. "Lick it, suck it, worship it." Bill obliged, his mind overwhelmed by the pleasure of her body. He could no longer see this female as a simple animal; she was a deity, clothed in fur. He gently took a nipple into his mouth, making Reisan's moans grow louder and encouraging her to hump him faster. "Yes, that's it!" she cried out, driving her breast into his mouth as he sucked. Her pussy sucked hungrily on his cock, playing it like a finely-tuned instrument, drawing him inexorably towards a second climax.

Reisan could feel that her male was close, and she licked her lips in anticipation of a second creamy load from this tasty human. Bill suddenly cried out as he came, a second load of hot spunk pumping into the beautiful Allurian. "Good human," she purred, holding Bill tight as he shook from the force of his orgasm, drinking up his cum and essence. Bill collapsed, trying to catch his breath as he rested his head on her breasts. His limbs felt so heavy, and he felt Reisan shift under him.

"Just let me rest he- whoa!" Reisan suddenly rolled over on the table, pinning Bill and keeping him trapped within her. As he looked up in surprise she spoke a single word:


She squeezed her pussy muscles, making sure he was still hard before starting to hump the poor man under her. Bill gasped and moaned as his already-sensitive shaft was ridden by the lustful Allurian. "Reisan, please stop!" he pleaded, but she simply closed her eyes and kept thrusting. He tried to push her off but she grabbed his hands and kneaded her breasts with them, moaning.

"Feed me, human," she growled. Bill suddenly realized he might be in mortal danger. He'd read the historical reports on the Allurians and he knew they could kill through sex if they wanted. He turned to look at the two-way mirror on the wall. Salvation was on the other side if he could just signal them. His hands were still pinned on her breasts, but maybe he could call to them.

"He-mmpp!" His cry was cut short as she bent forward and kissed him, moaning as she suddenly clamped down with her pussy. Bill screamed into her mouth as he sprayed his cum for a third time. Reisan's insatiable cunny gulped down every drop of seed, milking his shaft dry. Bill's arms fell uselessly to his sides as he struggled to remain conscious.

"Relax, Bill," Reisan whispered into his ear, "Give yourself to me once more and I'll let you rest."

"I don't know..." Bill was completely exhausted; he'd never felt so tired before. "...if I can, Reisan."

"I know you can," she finished before pulling back to look into his eyes. She started rocking her hips slowly, making Bill whimper. Every gentle hump felt like a miniature orgasm to his over-stimulated nervous system, driving the breath from his body. Reisan worked her inner muscles, expertly driving Bill to his final climax. She loved watching the expressions of pleasure on his face.

Bill's vision was fading, blurring at the edges. The world was growing faint around him, leaving only Reisan's face in focus. He fought at the darkness that pulled on his mind, trying to last. He saw Reisan smile as she felt his impending orgasm. "Reisan, I..."

"Shh, I know," she whispered, giving his cock one final squeeze to set his climax off. He didn't have the strength to cry out, instead giving a few raspy gasps. Reisan sighed as she sucked the orgasm out of her male. Bill gave one final gasp before passing out.

* * *

"My God," the general said to himself as the Sergeant fell unconscious under the Allurian. He had no idea the Allurians could be so dangerous. He turned to the scientists, who were furiously scribbling away on their clipboards. "You recorded everything?" he asked them.

"Of course, sir." One of them replied.

"Good. Forward the results to my office as soon as you have them."

"Yes, si- sir, look!"

The general watched as the Allurian subject wrapped the Sergeant in the blanket before picking him up. She walked through the door a scientist opened for her.

"He needs rest. May I take him to your medical bay?" she asked the general.

"Follow me."

* * *

Bill slowly awoke to the familiar surroundings of the infirmary. As his eyes adjusted to the light, he saw Reisan sitting in a chair beside his bed, reading a book. She smiled when she saw him awaken.

"Took you long enough," she stood and walked to his bed, before setting down next to him. "You've been sleeping for nearly eight hours. Your military demanded you stay in quarantine for the next two days, so I decided to keep you company." She got an evil glint in her eye as she leaned in close.

"Any ideas to pass the time?"