Maid of wonder. Chapter 1

Story by Gwen the Maid on SoFurry

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Ok if you are under 18 get out as your a bad bad boy/girl and should not be here. PS, please be gentle this is my first story and I may do a rewrite down the line to make it longer.

Gwen Moonpaw was a young maid working for the Pennyworthing's a rich family with alot of blue blood in them. She walks through the halls of the great mansion dusting here and there, her tail wagging behind her, she really did love her job, she was a Virgo and part of her star sign says she is a neat freak and she is. If it has dust or dirt on it then she would have to clean it right away or it would bug her till she got the nervous twitch in her left eye. Today she had to clean the young masters room, he was sixteen so not so young any more, but she still called him young master and was the only one that could. She was a slightly plump husky and the young master was a slim greyhound, with such a nice smile, she knew he was going to get a wonderful wife someday soon, the way that his mother was showing him off. Gwen finally arrives at the door to the young masters room and knocks.

After waiting for the count of ten she knocks once again a little louder, but there was no answer on her second count. This meant no-one was in or they were sleeping very soundly, either way she was aloud to walk in to do her work. She opens the door, glad she had greased all the hinges last week, the old doors in this place could make the most ghastly racket, but since she had worked on every of the four hundred doors in the mansion they all opened like they were new that day, the Master of the house had not said a thing about it, but she knew he was pleased, as it meant he could sneak out of his room without waking his wife to go after a bit of 'tail'. She giggles as the master had yet to try and bother her, she was to thin for his liking, the master loved to roll with Cook, a rather fat and short rabbit. Gwen was far from being thin but she was skinny when stood next to Cook.

Gwen looks into the room, it was dark as the lights were off and the curtains drawn tightly shut. She could hear the young master breathing, he made the cutest growling as he slept, she had giggled alot at this and now just found it so endearing. She was glad she could see ok in the dark as she did not want to wake the young master, he liked to sleep in on a Sunday. He would eat breakfast at brunch most of the time if he did eat. She walks in, her hips giving that soft sway they always did as she walks over to the curtains opening them just a little so she could get a good look at what needs to be done in the room. But she blinks and looks kind of stunned, the room was spotless, she had not been in her for a good three days and it looked almost untouched. Gwen walks about the room, had someone else come in and clean, no that could not be it, no one but she could clean this well, she thinks for a moment and then she remembers, the young master had gone away for the last few days on a fishing trip, she sniffs and makes a face at the smell of fish. She sniffs about till she finds the source, the young masters clothes all over the floor on the other side of his bed, she sighs and bends over to pick up the things, her rear to the young master, wiggling as she picks up each thing and folds it up. Unknown to her the young master was waking as she bends over, her round rear framed wonderfully by her dress, it was the first thing the young master would see as he opens his eyes. Gwen goes very still as she hears a yelp of shock from behind her.

She stands up turning to looks at the young master, her cheeks flushing red at the shame of being seen in such a way by the young master, but as she looks at him she sees he was blushing too, more than her even, whimpering as he shifts about with his covers.

"I.. young master, I am so sorry I woke you." She says and starts to turn to walk away when she spots how the young master had his covers bunched up over his crotch, did he? No, not the young master, she still saw him as a bit of a pup, she was ten years older than him at twenty six and had used to tease him only a few years ago when they were aloud to play together. She stop leaving and walks back to the bed, the younger male canine looking very nervous, being from such a well to do family his life had been very sheltered and she could tell by the way he was looking about nervously that he had never had a woman about while he had an erection. Gwen starts to grin as she sits on the edge of the bed making the young master even more nervous.

"Young master are you well?" She asks him and looks him over in mock concern. She knew just what was wrong with him, but played innocent for now.

"N...n..nothing, it is fine may llll....llleave now." He stammers out looking away from her, but his eyes flicking to her large breasts.

She smiles all the more at this, the young master had a crush on her, it was so sweet that she could not let this chance go. She moves a little closer, her hand resting right next to his tented covers, making him yelp. "But you are shivering and stammering." She places a hand to his forehead looking him over.

"Well you don't seem to have a fever." She mutters to herself, the hand near his covered swollen shaft moving a little till she sees him blush even more, he was so cute like this that she just had to have him.

"I think that the young master might have a fever here." She says as she reaches under the covers to grip his shaft, they both gasp together, the young master from the pleasure of her touch and her from the fact he was so big, she looks him in the eyes her shock fading to a happy grin as she starts to stroke his shaft slowly.

Her eyes look at his face as he tries to hold back from cuming to soon, but she knew that he would not be able to last long, it was the first time he has ever had anyone else touch him there and he yips as his whole body tenses, her eyes looking at the adorable facer he made as his member spasamed in her hand, the thick seed splattering over the covers and her hand as spurt after hot thick gooey spurt pulses from his thick cock. She takes her hand out waiting for him to open his eyes before she start to lick her fingers clean, the shock on his face was priceless, he had most likely not known that girls did this sort of thing, She murrs as she tastes his virgin seed, sweet and salty and so thick.

"Oh dear." She says after cleaning her hand. "look at the mess!" She rips off his covers to look at his young naked body.

"Well it is my job to clean this up." She adds with a smirk as she moves down, the young master was to stunned to move as Gwen's lips descend on his shaft, she kisses it on the very tip, getting rewarded with a little spurt, of sperm that was left in him, over her face. She giggles licking it off her lips and muzzles. "Mm." Was all she says to her young master as she moves her lips down to kiss his cock once again, she eyes the shaft, it was a good ten inches long and as thick as her wrist.

"Young master, I am very sorry for making such a mess, I will get you cleaned right up." Her long tongue snakes out to lap over his hefty shaft making him moan and grip the bed sheet, he must be very sensitive as he had only just cum.

Gwen's ears flick as she hears the young masters moans of pleasure, she looks up at him as she wraps her tongue about the head of his shaft and pulls it into her mouth with the most lewd slurp she could. He tasted so good to her and she grips his ball sack in her hands, giving it a soft squeeze as her head starts to bob over his member, she looks at him and grins in her mind, he seemed to want to cum, but his body was not ready yet.

"Aww my poor young master." She says to him as she sits back leaving him there to whimper, he liked what she was doing.

"Gwen...please don't stop." He begs her.

"It is ok young master. I am not stopping. Just moving to the next stage." Her hands had been undoing her dress as she spoke, she grins at him as she lets it fall to uncover her breasts to the young masters virgin gaze. Gwen was finding all this so exciting and she moans as the cool air of the room makes her large pink nipples pucker up. Her furry mammaries bounce and jiggle as she moves to bend over the young masters throbbing red cock. She does not say a word to him as she starts to wrap her silky breasts about his shaft rubbing them and pinching her own nipples as she moves her large tits up and down his hot cock. She loves the way she was making him moan, the fact she was the first to do any of this to him was the biggest turn on she had ever had, she was dripping wet between her legs as she tries to rub her thighs together for a little relief as she rubs her breasts about the young master's hard cock lapping at his tip each time she squeezes out a glob of pre-cum, her eyes close as she could not take this any more.

"Young master, do you know what sex is?" She asks and giggles as he shakes his head, poor thing must be about to pass out with all the new things she had been doing to him. She gets up off the bed letting her dress slip to the floor, her wide hips and round rear teasing him all the more as she slowly turns, the fur about her crotch matted with her juices.

"Well young master I think you are really going to like it." She climbs up onto the bed to straddle over his cock, her hands moving down to her cunny lips as her juices drip out of her and onto his shaft, making him moan each time the warm liquid lands on his shaft. She moves down till her cunt lips kissed his cock head.

"Mm, I know I am going to really enjoy this." She tells him as she starts to push down against him, the thickness making it hard at first for her to take him, her hips wriggle and roll as she starts to work his fat dick into her small body.

"Oh fuck!" She cries out, it was almost to much for her to take, she felt the young master give and involuntary buck of his hip plunging the head of his member into her with a loud pop. She goes very still having never had something so huge inside her before her hands move to place his on her hips.

"This...this is sex, now thrust in and out of me with your cock young master till you get it all the way in. She moves so that as he would thrust in he would have to lift his ass off the bed, but as he pulled out the head of his cock would still be inside her.

Gwen cries out as the young master starts to thrust as hard and fast as he can, hurting her but at the same time his eagerness was so wonderful. She places her hands on his shoulders and grips them tight as she felt her own climax growing deep inside her as he gets closer and closer to filling her will all of his shaft, she felt it then, his knot slamming against her, the feeling driving her over the edge as she arches her back and scream. "Oh god young master!" At the top of her lungs, the inside of her pussy gripping the thrusting shaft tighter.

The young masater did not stop during her orgasm, he just kept fucking her not sure what was happening to her, all he knew was how good this felt.

Gwen's cunt was trying to milk his thrusting shaft and she screams as her juices spray out over his shaft, the young master giving a sort of whimper as he crams his cock as hard onto her as he can, his knot popping in and locking them as the feelings get to much for him and he cums inside her, not knowing the risks of what he was doing right now, it was a good thing Gwen was on the pill or they might have just made a bastard child. She felt him filling her with his seed and moans, her climax almost over as he pops into her and locks them together. The last few drops spew out of him and into her and they both slump to the bed, she pants as she nuzzles close to him.

"Wow." She says and wishs she could marry the young master, but it would not be right, she was just going to have to be his mistress, that in itself would give her alot of power in the house, but she had not done this for just that reason, but she really did love the young master. He whispers in her ear.

"Sex is great." Before falling asleep under her.

Gwen lays there and giggles a little as she kisses him and after about twenty minutes she was able to pull herself off of his shaft giving him a little tongue cleaning as she moves about putting fresh sheets on the bed and getting dressed before covering the young master once more knowing he was going to be chasing her tail from now on, but so what, she was going to love teasing him and leading him along, by the time she was done with him, his wife will get the best wedding night of her life. She kisses his lips as he sleeps and leaves as quietly as she came in. She had to clean his things and then herself, she wreaked of sex and that would never do in such a well to do house hold. [The End]