To Comfort a Foxx

Story by Redd.Fox on SoFurry

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First: The disclaimer. This is an erotic story so if your not 18 or 21 or whatever you have to be where you live, get the hell out or face the consiquences.

Second: You won't be able to reach me because I'm just gonna toss you all stories and disappear back to my quiet life. Im a fully annonymous author and critic, so if you want to tell me something, post it in the forums!

Third: This stuff isn't entirely fictional; some of it is direct and indirect inspiration from other furry-positive people on the massive multiplayer directory site thingy Battle.Net. (Don't bug us about this story if your on, I'm just doing this cuz you could all do better and Im just giving examples. Oh, and the privacy thing again) Of course, I actually am still waiting for Jess to come back, but Moon didn't really say most of this stuff, I'm just taking what it started to seem like and making it 'real.'

Disclamers accounted for, pre-story pep talk done, let the Foxx tell a tale of tail that will send you yiffing for a week (I hope >.<)

Foxx was reclining against a nearby tree, sketching his friends as they chatted and fought eachother, playing, talking, shouting, laughing, and generally having a good time. But Foxx wasn't.

His mate Jess had been called away for almost an entire month, and even though he didn't get to see her regularly as it was, two dozen days is a long time for a love-smitten vulpine to wait for his soulmate. Tossing the quill aside after scribbling down a short title on the back, he streached, his three tails fluffing out as he stood, the kitsune's jaw popping with a head-cracking yawn. Rubbing his injured face gingerly, he walked off, humming a song hed had stuck in his head for a while.

Turning as someone called his name, he groaned inwardly. Lyaethas. That yiffy human had been after his crotch for a good while, always seeming to appear whenever he found himself most vulnerable to her wiles.

With a devious look, she said in a deadly-soft voice "Hello there, hun." She stuck her hand down his jeans and he pulled away, earning an annoyed look from the femme.

"Give it up already Lyae, I can make it 'till next week. Find some other fur to play with, isn't Fizi up to it?" Foxx strode off purposefully heading for the neighboring town, where many gathered to talk in the square. She grabbed his tails and began playing with them, tickling herself. He blushed furiously and yanked his trio of powerful tails away, eyes glittering faintly, always a sign his temper or patience was waning. She shrugged, ignoring his overt hostility and continued to play with his bushy tails.

She smiled and ran a hand around the bases of them, tugging on the waist of his pants, smiling as he stopped, trying hard to maintain his temper. In reality, she had as usual caught him feeling the full blast of spring again. Fighting to regain control of his mind (which some would claim he never had) he tried thinking of Jess. This only fueled his desire and he dashed off, tears of longing falling to the paved road, causing some to stare as he dashed off to a solitary place.

Speaking to the air, he whined "Oh Jess, I wish you would come back, I can't take much more of this..."

"More of what, exactly?"

Foxx spun around so fast his blue hair obscured his vision, falling out of its usual arc and into his emerald eyes. Pushing it aside, blushing, he saw Jess's 'sister', Moontail. Blushing as the pretty young wolf paced over to him, he turned his head. "Its nothing, Moon, I just miss..."

His words were cut off as he felt her impact his back. He had forgotten she tended to hug most people in a flying tackle, and as he felt the wind rush out of him, her grinning face appeared upside-down as she climbed over his head.

"You miss me, or are you training for football?" Foxx said, chucking weakly "You certainly are alot like Jess, its almost like your related." as Moon laughed appreciatively. They both loved his usually overlooked sense of humor.

"Nah, just bored, I suppose." She sat down next to him, staring into the sky with an almost dreamy expression on her face. Foxx's tails began to twitch on their own accord, to the same music he was humming, that same tune...

With a jolt he remembered why the song was stuck in his head. "I missed Jess too, we had lots of fun together." Feeling the heat rising in his face, he glanced nervously over at his sister-in-law, catching her eye. The same look Lyae had earlier was being broadcast like a signal fire in her face. "We all had fun, actually" she said, chuckling in a much different way. She reached behind herself, and pulled out a pair of cuffs. "She gave me these before she left. Said I should keep you safe from other people so that we wouldn't have to worry about you getting TOO lonely..."

He stood, back turned to Moon, blushing furiously, and walking away slowly. "Um, its okay, I can protect myself, and I'm not bored or anything at all..." He found himself turned around with a click as his handpaws were locked together with metal, and found the same with his feet. He couldn't stop the grin from escaping his muzzle as he found himself pegged to the ground like some sort of sacrifice, the atmosphere becoming more and more excited.

"Well then, I'll just have to make sure!" She unfastened his jeans, exposing his massive 10" shaft to the air, mostly aroused. Moon grinned evily and ran a paw lightly over it, pulling it to full attention. This broke the last vestiges of his restraint and his heat took over, and semi-consiously caused his powers to kick in, burning his clothes away, eyes changing to a deep sapphire blue. She ran her paw over his entire length, teasing his knot and tip, sending his tails twitching and further agitating his member. Moon almost carelessly whipped off her clothing, revealing a spectacularly sculpted figure, also clearly aroused. She ran the soft, fuzzy back of her paw all over the inside of his hips, making him thrash, moaning for her to take him.

She curled her tail around his, pulling them together, her lips parting and swallowing his wide shaft, filling her edge to edge. With a vauge nod he signaled his OK and she began sliding him in and out of herself, actually causing a small ridge of raised fur and skin to protrude. He cried out as she began to hump him, with slightly surprising force, sending him over the edge. He shot a load into her with the force of an exploding tire, as she wrapped her legs around him, continuing to fuck him. She grabbed her brest and started licking at it, falling over as her orgasm weakened her, shoving it in Foxx's half-concious face, and he licked the tender mound like a pup, in huge lapping motions, rubbing the soft, hot surface all over the sensitive tip, causing her to cum again, sapping the last of her strength as her licked mound started to leak her sweet, warm milk. She lay on his warm, furry chest until she regained the strength to swivel around and swallow his still-hard cock. He gasped as her lips enveloped him down to the hilt and past, as her juice-covered cunt slid directly onto his muzzle, her smells driving his passion up the wall.

Foxx buried his long whiskered muzzle into her love tunnel, humming as Jess had told him to, and lapped at the insides, cleaning her until he felt her do the same. This was too much for either of them and they both orgasmed together, filling their partner's faces with semen and cunny. They broke apart, gasping for air, panting for air.

After several minutes, Moon picked herself up and went to unlock her sister's mate, but found him sitting there, out of the cuffs, sleeping against the same tree he had sketched them all in. The melted metal was all that remained of his bonds, and she grinned. He had let himself be taken that way the whole time, that sneaky bastard. She smiled and jumped into a neighboring branch, quickly falling asleap before she could go and get dressed. As she faded from the waking world, she thought to herself, "Its true about our family. We're only innocent when were sleeping."

-Theres all ive gotten from ONE encounter, may be posting another.

-Moon never actually yiffed me, but she did cuff me and hang me in a tree to keep me away from Lyae, which If shes listening, should give it up already.

-Post comments good and bad if you want me to get any better at this, this was my first try at writing most anything!