Doctor Klump

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Dr. Klump spun an invitation in his hands, it was red, trimmed with gold, and had golden lettering that scrawled his name across the front. The old rhino sighed softly to himself, and took off his small round-frameless glasses to rub his eyes; those overhead fluorescent bulbs were never kind to him. A knock came from the door, and he set the invitation down on the counter. "Yes?" He asked in a deep, friendly, old voice. The door opened slowly, and a plump russet wolf in green nurses scrubs stepped in. "Doctor, misses Jones is her to see you. She said she has an appointment for herself and her children with you, but I couldn't find anything on record. Do you want me to re-schedule her?" The wolf asked, as her tail gently swished back and forth. Dr. Klump raised one of his grey bushy eyebrows, "No Kathy, send Martha in, and send Daphne and Scott to room two. Have them stripped and ready for me." Klump said in a distant tone as he stroked his chin in thought. Martha wasn't the type to lie. Something was wrong. Kathy gave a knowing smirk, and left with a little lift in her tail. "As you wish Doctor." The wolf almost cooed. Klump rolled his chair over to the sink, and proceeded to wash his hands, before putting on a set of latex gloves. The rhino wrapped his stethoscope around his thick neck, letting the parts dangle around his large man tits. His large body was stuffed into a yellow polo shirt, that made his flabby body look even larger then it was. He looked down past his large outstretched belly to make he'd zipped back up his slacks after his last patient, and his belt was on tight enough. After he'd removed the top button so he could have easier access, the only thing keeping his pants on was that belt. The door creaked open a few seconds later, and the Doctor smiled softly, "Come in Martha." A pathetic looking mare walked in. She had a weak, but somehow happy smile on her muzzle. The horse had a yellow scarf wrapped around her head, hiding the spot where her long flowing golden mane had once been. She was dreadfully thin. She looked like a twig compared to the strong woman the doctor had once known. She was wearing long sleeved shirts trying to cover chunks of fur missing from her once golden brown pelt -that looked more like a shad of dirt now. "Hello Doctor Klump." Klump stood up, and wrapped his arms around Martha hugging her tightly. "I keep telling you, call me Alfred. You're like family to me." He stood back, and he gestured toward the examination table. "Now have a seat dear." The mare smiled, and shook her head no. "Not today Alfred." Dr. Klump looked confused, "What? Why not?" Martha didn't answer right away; instead she riffled through her purse, and pulled out a small envelope. "Because I've come to pay you back for all your kindness." She paused for a second, as tears started to well in the corners of her eyes. "And to ask you for one more." "Martha, I told you

everything was on the house. You're a kind wonderful women, with beautiful children. I can't just let you die." Klump said, a anxious tone to his voice. "Face it Klump," She uncharacteristically snapped at the Doctor. "I'm dying. The chemo has stopped working, I can't keep any food down, and the cancer spreads more and more every day. I've fought the battle for so long, but I've lost the war. I can't thank you enough for fronting the bill like you have, and taking such good care of my children. Feeding them, clothing them, and helping pay for my rent, but I can't do it anymore." She paused for one more moment, and shoved the envelope into Klump's hands. "That's why I hate asking this one last thing." She paused tears starting to flow down her cheeks. "I need you to take care of my children after I'm gone. I want you to be their father. I've already worked everything out with my lawyer, once I'm gone, they'll be placed in your care." "I...I..." Klump stuttered in shock. Martha grabbed Klump's shoulders with what little strength she had left, and squeezed him tight, tears flowing from her brown eyes. "Please Doctor... Please, Alfred. Promise me you'll do me this one last favor." The rhino cupped the side of the mare's face with one of his large cracked and calloused hands, and the cracked corners of his mouth turning into a soft friendly smile, as his own eyes welled up with tears. "I will Martha." "Thanks you Alfred, thank you for everything." As soon as she finished speaking, she collapsed in Klump's arms, as the last bit of her strength faded from her. Klump, pulled her into his arms, and watched as her eyes started to fade. Her purse dropped to the floor, and an empty pill bottle jumped from an open pocket. He'd seen this before, he knew that she over dosed, and she had no plans of walking out of the building today. He could try and save her, he could pump her stomach, or do all sorts of awful things to her already weak body, but this is what she wanted. He held the once strong women in his arms, and squeezed her against his chest. After he felt the tears on his cheeks start to dry up, he checked her pulse to make sure she had passed on. He closed her eyes, laid her on the table, and gave her lips a final kiss goodnight. Klump walked out into the hallway, and closed the door behind him. He took off his glasses from the tip of his blunt snout, and rubbed his eyes, before he slipped them back on. The rhino opened the envelope Martha gave him. Inside was the information to a savings account, written on the back of a print out of how much the account held, 600,000 dollars, more than enough to cover the costs of all her treatments, and help pay for her children's expenses. Along with the account information, were the forms making Klump the children's father if he signed. There was also a set of letters in envelope for each one of Martha's children, to be given to them on their 18th birthdays. Klump

dropped the envelope off with Kathy, explained what had happened, and had her send all of his other patients away for the day, so he could think about what he was going to do. Klump stroked his chin as he stared at the door to room number two. Knowing once he stepped through those doors he'd have to explain to the children inside that their mother had just died, and he couldn't take care of them like she wanted. Alfred was many things, a doctor, a lover, a friend, a rapist, and a pedophile, but not a father. Not someone that could raise children. If Martha had known the real reason why her treatments were free, she would have most likely killed Klump instead of praised him. Long ago, Klump worked out a deal with her daughter Daphne, that as payment for her mother's treatment he'd get to screw the daylights out of her every chance he got, and as time passed he worked it out so that he got to molest her little brother whenever he could. They'd even had a few close calls, until he put the girl on birth control. He didn't think even he could explain a horse with a horn on its snout. That reminded him, she needed a booster shot. Klump kept stroking his chin, after everything they'd been through. Never having a real father, their mother being sick, and him taking advantage of them. It made the dirty old man that was Klump feel bad for them, which was hard to make Alfred do. He couldn't be their father. The rhino's eyes widened and a wicked smile grew across his wrinkled old face. But maybe he could take care of them. Klump adjusted the growing bulge in his pants, and pushed open the door to room number 2. "Hello children." Klump said with a satisfied smile. The young mare sitting on the examination table looked up from her sleeping younger brother, who's head was laying on her lap. She forced a fake smile, "Hello Doctor Klump, it's nice to see you again." Her words acidic as battery acid. She hated the Doctor, and he knew it, but she knew she had to be nice for her mother's sake. The little colts head turned, and his eyes opened, lighting up as he saw the old man standing before him. "Doctor Klump!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, and jumped off the table, his patient gown flapping behind him, as he ran up to hug the doctor. Scott looked up at the Doctor his face beaming, "Do I get my sucker now?" He asked, his long equine tail flicking behind him. Dr. Klump laughed, and ruffled the colt's head fur. "You like to cut to the chase, don'tcha boy?" The doctor smiled, and reached into his pocket, pulling out a large bright red Lollypop. "I should make you wait for this... but I think today you should get it early. Now go sit down, I need to have a talk with your sister." Scott greedily took the Lollypop, unwrapped it, and started to lick it. He nodded yes, and walked back over to take his seat on the table. His sister raised one of her eye brows, "What's going on Klump?" She asked wanting to cut through the

dirty old man's games. Dr. Klump crossed his arms, "I guess that cutting to the chase gene runs in your family." He continued "Now stand up and get over here; I'd like to talk to you in private about this." Klump reached in his pocket, and pulled out on iPod. He turned it to a selection of kid's songs, and tossed it to the little colt. "Scottie, listen to that for a while, and let me and your sister have some private time." The colt nodded and did what he was told. Daphne's eyes narrowed as she looked down the end of her muzzle at Klump. She stood up, and walked over to the doctor. "What now?" She whispered so Scott couldn't hear. "I've already told you. You can put that stumpy dick all you want into me, but if it goes near my brother, I'll chop it off. I can get over you touching him. But I think that would scare him for life." Dr. Klump grabbed the mare's muzzled, and squeezed it closed. He turned her around, so the open part of her gown was facing the wall, and her body was blocked from her brother's view. He leaned into one of her brown pointy ears that stuck up from her long golden hair. It was amazing how much she looked like her mother. He'd been fucking her since she was 11, if he'd known she would have turned into such a beautiful mare, he would have made a deal for her with Martha, instead of just working it out so he could fuck her. "Listen girl, and listen girl." He whispered. "Your mother's dead." Klump felt the girl's body start to shake with a combination of sadness and anger, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. "I know what you're thinking, but you're wrong. How ever much you don't want to believe it, I actually liked your mother. We were even lovers years and years ago, if she hadn't of been pregnant with you at the time, I bet I would of been your daddy." He paused. "But that's not important now." His hands ran over the round supple curves of Daphne's rump, to that slot between her legs. Two of his fat stubby fingers found their way past those soft velvety lips, into that warm slick passage that had formed perfectly to the shape of his cock over the years. "What is important," Klump said with a satisfied smirk on his muzzle, "Is that your mother put me in charge of both of you, for all intensive purposes she made me your father, but we both know I'm not the fatherly type." He said as he shoved his tongue into the mare's ear, his fingers wiggling around her sweet soft pussy, his fingers starting to feel wet as her juices started to flow. "I thought about leaving you two out in the cold, but as a favor to your mother I cant. So I'm going to make you an offer, and I very much urge you to say yes." Klump smirked, and pulled her large round body against his. The special food he'd been giving her to eat, turning that once slender body into a plump play ground. "I've always wanted a harem of my own. A group of my own personal sex slaves. One that I can come home to. One that will take

care of my every need and desire, and I think I'm about to have a shot at it. I own you and your brother now. I know you can run away, and take him with you. But where will you go? Who will hire a seventeen year old fat girl, without a penny to her name, and a brother she has to take care of? And what kind of life is that for dear Scottie over there? I can give him everything he's ever dreamed of, all he has to do is be good boy and do as I say. The same goes for you. I'll even put you through school if you want, but..." He smirked and ran his hand over that pump squishy belly. "This is mine. I've always liked the idea of knocking up a fat girl like you; it really gets my pecker going." He reached up, and squeezed one of Daphne's large breasts. Those hormone treatments were working out nicely. "So what's its going to be girl? A life of comfort in my harem or a cold death on the street?" Daphne's eyes were filled with pain and sorrow as her eyes darted between her tormenter, and her sweet incent little brother. She shook in the rhino's arms, everything he said she knew was true, but she didn't want to believe him. But they were all alone, and this was their only hope of ever achieving some kind of happiness. Daphne let out a soft moan as those stubby fingers sent tingles of pleasure running up and down her spine. She cursed at herself as her arms wrapped around the doctor, she hated him so much, but she wanted to feel someone's touch, some form of kindness, just a simple hug. Her teary brown eyes looked up at the good doctor, and she nodded yes. Telling the doctor everything he needed to know. Klump smiled, and returned the young girls sweet hug -squeezing her tightly against him. He laid his chin on the spot between her ears, and whispered. "That's a good girl." Klump cooed. "You're going to make such a sweet little girl for my harem." Dr. Klump gave Daphne a peck on the forehead, before he undid the back of her gown, and pulled it from her, revealing that plump brown body he'd watch grown from a child to the women she is now. "One last thing..." Klump pointed to Scott, a little smirk on his muzzle. "If I want to expand on this little harem of mine, I can't risk that little colt over there getting a surge of hormones and rutting one of my females. So the little boy's going to have to become a gelding." White hot anger started to fill Daphne's eyes, and her fists clenched, she looked about ready to charge at the doctor, but before she got the chance, he held up one single finger. "Now remember your alternatives girl, before you do something stupid." Daphne's ears and tail lowered in submission, and she nodded her head yes. "Yes doctor." Klump smirked, "Call me master darling." "Yes master..." Daphne said in a soft submissive tone. She still wanted to fight, but she knew she had to do what was best for her brother and herself. "Good girl." Klump triumphed. He washed his hands in the sink, and put on a fresh

pair of gloves, before he walked over to Scott. Klump waved his hand in front of the boy's face, getting Scottie to take off his headphones. The little brown haired colt cocked his head to the side, "Is it time for my... pra... pro..." "Prostate," Klump interjected.

"Yeah that thingy, are you gonna check it with your finger again?" Scott asked, having gotten used to the doctor checking it every time he came in. Klump smiled, "Sort of Scottie." The doctor took the I-pod, and the lollypop away from the colt, and set them down on the counter. "Scottie you know how your mommy is sick, right?" Scott nodded yes, "Yeah, it's why her hair and fur has been fallin' out." "Good. Well your mommy wants me to take care of you for the next few weeks while she tries to get better. I know how much it must suck to spend time at a boring old man's house like mine, so you and your sister are going to play a game with me the whole time your mommy is getting better. Does that sound fun Scottie?" Klump asked with a soft smile. Scott smiled brightly, and rapidly shook his head yes. "Yes mister Klump, it sounds so fun! What's it called? How do you play?" Klump chuckled softy, "One question at a time, boy." Klump smiled, the corners of his mouth wrinkling, like old mens' mouths do. "I'll start with what it's called. It's a game I used to love to play as a kid with the boys my daddy liked to play with. It's called harem boy, and it's real simple to play. All you have to do is what I say, and if you make me happy I make you happy, by getting you an x-box or something, but if you make me mad, you get punished with a spanking, or get set to room without dinner, understand?" Scott nodded his head yes. "Okay mister Klump, I understand. So what'cha want me to do first?" The colt asked with a swish of his long flowing equine tail. "Well first I need you to call me master from now on Scottie, and then I need you to take off your gown and lay on your back..." The rhino paused for a second. "Because If you really want to play, I have to take off those little balls of yours. Harem boys don't have them, only their masters do, and you want me to be your master right?" Scott's eyes widened at Klump's comment, and his hands shot between his legs, covering up his crotch. "B..but you can't take my balls. I need those, only girls don't have balls, and I'm a boy!" He stuttered. "I... I don't think I wanna play if I have to do that..." Klump held back a smirk as he crossed his arm. "That's a shame, if we can't play together, I think I might have to call your daddy to come and pick you up while me and your sister play." Scott started to shiver, and his tears start to fill up with tears. "No mister... master Klump... you can't call him. Please call anybody but him!" Scott whined. Daphne bit her lower lip, and fought back her own tears as she made her way over to her brother. Whispering to Klump, "You're just cruel." She took a seat next to her brother, and wrapped him in a warm hug, his head pushed between her large breasts. She held him close as she started to stroke her little brother's back. "Shhhsh now." Daphne whispered. "Mist... Master Klump would never do that. Besides, do you

remember that promise I made? The one where I said daddy would never hurt you again?" The little colt nodded through his tears. "Well if you want to help your big sister keep her promise, you got to do this one little thing for Doctor Klump." Daphne nuzzled the top of her little brother's head. "And if you do it, you'll still be a boy, no matter what anybody says. You'll just be a special kind of boy called a gelding. Really their better than most boys. Their sweet, and kind, and they like to be best friends with their sisters when they get older, no matter what happens. Wouldn't you like to be my best friend when you get older Scott?" Scott nodded his head yes, and he sniffled. "Is... is it gonna hurt?" He asked as he looked up at his big sister. Before Daphne had a chance to answer, Klump cut in. "The most you'll feel is a little pinch Scottie. Then I'll show you what few little boys like you get to feel. Do you know how good it feels when I have my finger inside you? Well I'm going to show you something that feels a whole lot better. Wouldn't you like that, Scottie?" Scott nodded his head yes, and rubbed his eyes on the back of his arms, wiping off his tears. "Yes, mister Klump." He sniffled again, and looked up at the doctor with his wide brown eyes. "At least we get to play a game together. I always love playin' your games." Klump smiled, and petted the top of Scotts head. "And I love playing them with you, boy. Let's get to it, so we can all have a good fun time while your mom is getting better. Take off your gown, lay on your back, and put your head on your sisters lap." Scott did as he was told, and Daphne began to run her thick fingers through her brother's hair. Klump sat up a metal tray next to Scott's examination table, and laid out all the tools he'd need on a sea foam green cloth. He took out a clear glass jar and filled it with alcohol, and set the lid down next to it. He pulled up stirrups that'd he'd use during a neonatal examination, put Scott's hooves in them, and securely tied them in place. Klump pulled out a large metal cylinder with a blunt head, and a battery pack attached to the base. He smeared medical grade lube over that cold steel tube, and pressed it to the tight anal ring between Scott's butt cheeks. Scott was used to the doctor messing around down there, but not what came next. Klump shoved the lubed tube forward, impaling the colt on the thick phallic tube. Scott whinnied in pain, and he gripped the sides of the table as tears started to well in his eyes. Daphne smiled down at him, "Relax buddy, breath in and out, and let it happen; don't fight what the doctor tries to do." Said Daphne cooed trying to calm her brother. "Listen to your sister, boy." He smirked a little. "She knows how to play this game all too well." Klump flicked a little switch at the bottom of the long tube, and Scott let out a long drawn out moan as a little jolt of electricity shot inside of

him, sending pleasure that he'd never felt before shoot up his spin. Klump chuckled as he saw the colt's stud hood start to work its way out of his sheath. He thought about taking that tonight along with his little boy bits, but this was enough for the boy to process in one day. Klump waited patiently as that little stud cock worked its way out of the boy's sheath, and throbbed hard against his stomach. He grabbed a rub on local anesthetic, and smeared it over the boy's nuts and taint. He knew how much Scott hated shots, and he really needed the colt to stay still, he reached up to stroke his chin as he thought to do what was next, but he stopped remembering his hands were sterile. He'd solved the problem of Scottie not feeling the shot, but not of him not seeing it. He smirked as a wicked idea rolled into his head. Klump gestured for Daphne to lean closer, and she did, he leaned in to one of her pointed ears, and whispered something that Scott couldn't hear. Daphne's face contorted in disgust, and she stared at the doctor. "You can't be serious! I can't have him do that." Daphne spoke in hushed tones. Klump raised one of his bushy grey eyebrows. "You'll do as I say or..." he looked down at Scott, and back up at her. "Or you know what else." Daphne nickered, and bit her lower lip; thinking for a moment. "Fine..." Daphne said in a soft submissive tone. She moved back a little, letting her little brother's head lay against the examination table. She smiled down at him, and ran her fingers through her brother's mane. "Have you ever been kissed Scott?" Scott shook his head no, "Nu uh, why sissy?" Scott asked curiously. Daphne smiled sheepishly down at her brother. "Well I need to know how to tell you how to do something, but I think if I just show you it will be easier." She moved to Scott's side, and placed her hands on his shoulders; holding him down. "Pay attention to what I do, I want you to remember everything I do with my tongue, okay?" Daphne asked her brother. Scott nodded yes, and she smiled softly. "Good boy." She leaned in close, and pressed her lips to her brothers; giving him his first kiss. She forced her tongue into her brother's mouth, and began to roll it along the inside, getting a moan from the squirming colt underneath her. They stayed like that for a few moments, showing her brother all the tricks she'd learned with her tongue from the special group sessions Klump made her attend with the female draft horse about her age. Before they broke from the kiss, Daphne flicked her tongue across the top of her brother's mouth. Daphne pulled back, breathing heavily, and a strange feeling of shame and arousal filling her; the thoughts of what she'd just done racing through her mind. Scott on the other hand, had a goofy smile spread across his face, and he looked happier than he had the whole night. "Wow..." He whispered. "You should'a done that to me earlier sissy." Daphne gave a

nervous chuckle, "Well if you liked that, you're going to love this bro." She gave her little brother's hard cock a squeeze, getting a happy whinny from him. "Here's where you use what I showed you, remember everything I did with my tongue? Well I want you to do the same thing, but to a... very special place of mine." Daphne sat up on her knees, and sucked in her gut a little so she could give her brother prime view of the slot between her legs. Scott cocked his head to the side, "Sissy, why do you have a pair of lips between your legs?" Klump let out a loud laugh, "Those aren't the kind of lips you're thinking of, boy. There the lips to her pussy." The old rhino squeezed down on Scott's shaft. "It's like this, but on the inside. It's what girls have between their legs." Klump smirked a bit, "And when you do anything to it, it feels just as good as what I do to you. Now what don't you make your sister feel good like I make you feel." Scott let a soft moan slip from his lips as the doctor played with his penis. He looked from the doctor, and then to his sister smiling. She gave a weary smile back, and moved so that she was cradling her brother's head between her knees. Without so much as another word, the little colt leaned up, and wrapped his fawning mouth around the lips of his sister's plump groin. Daphne let out a soft whinny as she felt her brother's tongue violently push its way inside, almost hungrily lapping at her insides. Klump gave a self satisfied grin, as he watched the insides of Daphne's ears turn a bright pink, and her breath grow heavy, making her large chest rise and fall. "Mmm now why don't you return your brother's favor, girl." Daphne gave a labored breath, and nodded her head yes. She dropped down on her hands and knees, leaving her pussy in the skilled mouth of her brother. "Looks like your brother's good at that. I guess that's good, that's the only kind of pussy he's ever going to get." He teased, as the submissive mare's ears lowered to her head, and she ran her tongue along the underside of her brother's dick. Klump sighed happily to himself as he unzipped his pants, letting his hot stumpy stud stick out into the warm office air; freeing it from its cotton prison. He grabbed the needle off the tray, and made sure Scott's view was blocked before he pressed it into his numbed flesh, squeezed the base, and let the numbing agent flow into the nerve that lead into the boy's precious balls. He waited a few moments, enjoying the show of the two siblings, before giving the boy's balls a little pinch to make sure they were numb. He sat down on his rolling char, grabbed a scalpel and went to work. He grabbed those large equine nuts in his hand, and nursed them down to the bottom of the boy's sac. He glanced up to see Daphne staring down at his hands as he worked on her little brother. He sterilized the area, and pressed the sharp head of the scalpel between those two delicate orbs. He smirked to

himself as he made that first cut, sending a flush of fresh air to a place that it should never go. Klump shoved one of his fat gloved fingers inside of that tight little sac, and fished out the first smaller left nut. His ear's twitched as he heard a soft moan escape from the mare's lips, as she saw her brother's exposed testicle. Klump looked up, and saw that her ear's had turned a bright red from her blushing, and her breathing had only gotten heavier. He leaned in, and whispered into one of those blushing ears. "Looks like your enjoying my little show, girl. You like the idea of me turning your little brother into a little fuck puppet for me? You know... if you're a good girl, I could make sure you have access to that sweet little mouth of his whenever you wanted." Klump paused for a second as he looked down, to tie off the colt's nut, and shove his finger back inside the boy's sac to fish out the second nut. "think about it. He could be your own personal pussy licker. He could be in my bed room watching as I fuck the daylights out of you, then eat you out after, and get you ready for the second go. He could be the pussy licker for all my girls. That little boy will get more pussy then he ever would have with those stupid balls of his." Klump watched as Daphne's whole body shivered above her brother's body, and that's when he knew he'd picked two wonderful starters for his harem. He let Daphne watch as he tied off Scottie's second nut, and brought the scalpel to the long delicate cord that attached what made Scottie male. Klump gave a cold procedural slice with his scalpel severing that colt's nut from his body, before it'd even had the chance to make any sperm in its short life. He held it up for Daphne to see, before he plopped it into the jar, and moved onto the second nut. Klump savored this one. He brought the scalpel to that cord, and whispered so Daphne could hear. "Say bye-bye to your brother, and hello to my little gelding." Klump flicked his wrist, and in an instant Daphne's brother was gone and Klump's new gelding took his place. Daphne wanted to shed a tear for her brother, but the thought of how he'd be using that mouth of his for what it should be for; pleasing her. After all, she'd spent years taking care of him while her mom was sick, giving up, and giving in to so much. It was about time he paid her back for all that she'd done. And now she wouldn't have to worry about him turning into an abusive jackass like her father. He'd always be her sweet incent little brother. Daphne felt Scott convulse underneath her, and a mixture of prostate juice and blood shoot into her mouth. Her face contorted as she tasted her brother's cum for the first time, it would have been sweet if not for the blood. Klump held up a waist basket, and Daphne spat into it. She looked up at him panting. "How did you know?" She asked. "He's not the first little boy I've done this to. That first cum tastes sweet... but not after

something like this." Klump replied as he dropped the boy's second nut into the jar, and sealed it with the lid. Klump went about patching up Scottie's wound. Daphne moved off of her brother, standing next to the counter of the small room. She looked over at her little brother, who was too lost in his own world to hear anything she said right now, and then at Klump. "Hey doc..." She said trying to get his attention. Klump looked up from what he was doing, and snapped off his latex gloves. "Yes my new little slut?" Daphne blushed, and started to rub her arm. "Believe it or not I wanted to thank you... Without you we would have ended up on the street, and my brother might have been taken away from me. At least now we can stay together... even if we're your property now." Klump chuckled, "I may be a lot of things, a crook, a leech, a pervert, and a dirty old man, but heartless I am not. It may be shriveled up, but it still gets to me every once and a while. I'm not all those things you used to call me when you were younger, and we first started our deal." Daphne blushed, "Sorry about that..." Daphne forced herself to say, deep down inside she still dint mean it. "Hey did you mean all those things you said about me and my brother?" Klump smiled, the corners of his mouth wrinkling a bit. "Every one, girl..." He stood up, walked over to Daphne, and grabbed her hips. "I think I'll prove one of them to you right now." He slid his hands to her ripe plump belly. "I think I said something about this being mine from now on..." The inside of Daphne's ears turned a dark shade of red, "I know what you said... but why do you want me to have your children?" Klump smirked, and shoved his hand between her thighs; his fingers tickling the lips between her legs. Klump leaned in, and whispered into one of her blushing ears. "I already told you, girl. I want a harem of my own, and I cant think of a better place to get stock then from my own loins." Daphne put her hands back on the counter, and she panted for breath; her brothers teasing and castration having her aroused for the first time in a very long time. "So... So my children will just be your toys?" She moaned. "Every one of them. I'll castrate the boys on their eighth birthday, and I'll make sure the girls have every hole dripping with my cum on theirs. Your just the start to my harem of girls and geldings, soon my house will be filled with the cries of nutless boys and the pitter patter of little feet. All of them knowing they serve their better, a real man, one that fallows the old ways, when a man was a man, and he could take what he wanted; weather that be some lesser males nuts or..." He smirked as he pushed Daphne back against the counter, grabbed her legs, and pulled them apart. "Or the women they desire, claiming her by filling her with their seed." Klump moved between Daphne's legs, and thrust his stumpy cock forward, spearing that

slot between her legs, making her whinny out in pleasure and pain. Klump painted, and whipped the sweat from him his brow. "I know you like this, girl." He whispered. "If you didn't would you have ever said yes to anything I ever asked you?" He cooed as he began to rock his cock in and out of that plump pubic mound. "Any other girl would have called me a pervert, and ran out." Daphne grabbed Klump's shoulders, not angrily, just trying to hold on as he worked his magic on her. The doctor always knew just what made her feel good, its like he knew every inch of her in and out. "I..." She moaned. "I didn't ha...have a choice." Daphne moaned as clump grabbed her legs, and wrapped them around his waist, allowing for him to thrust deeper within her. Her body made the counter underneath her creek as the two of they engaged in their embrace. "You always had a choice girl. You could have walked out. You could have told on me. You could of done a lot of things, but you didn't." He smirked. "That's why I knew you'd agree to all this, because of your father you have this need to please men, and your attracted to bigger stronger males knowing what they want, and taking it. That's why you got so wet from watching your brother get castrated. You loved knowing that I was taking what I want, and taking away everything a lesser male had to call his own? Isn't that right girl?" Klump paused as he gave a long hard thrust into that warm wet tunnel between Daphne's legs. "I asked you a question girl!" Klump shouted as he slapped Daphne on the ass, "Isn't that right?" Daphne gave out a long loud whinny, and trembled around the doctor's cock. "Yes doctor!" She shouted. "Deep down inside I always liked it. No matter what you did to me, or made me do, it always felt so good to please you." Klump smirked, reached up grabbing one of Daphne's growing breasts, and squeezed down. He licked his lips, and started to rub his thumb over her pink nipple in small circles; getting a sexual frustrated nicker from the mare. "I bet your going to love watching our son's getting castrated by my hand. Knowing their joining my harem. Knowing their mine to use and abuse as I feel. Knowing they'll become fat little sissy boys that are only good for pleasing others and never themselves. Mmm I bet in a few years I can retire, and open up a ranch for all my harem horssies to play, and for money I'll just whore them out. I bet will have the finest stock, I bet men and women will come from miles around to sample my stock." Klump felt his cock twitch inside of that warm wet passage, and he shivered from his head to his toes. "But first, I think it's time I add the third member to our little harem. I'm sure he or she will just love sucking on daddy's cock when they're a little older." Klump smirked thrusting away inside of Daphne's pussy trying to get his cock as deep in her as he could. He felt his balls starting to pull up close to his body, and he gave out a soft

grunt as he thought about how his sperm would be wiggling their way up his girl's belly, owning it for the next few months, owning her body more then he could ever own her soul. Four months later Klump ran his hand over the large pregnant belly of his prize mare. "You really do look lovely like this, girl." He said with a soft smile. Daphne blushed, her eyes twinkling through her black ceramic masquerade mask. "Thank you master." She said softly. A pair of furry russet arms wrapped around the doctor's neck, and a muzzle nuzzled his cheek. "What? No love for me?" Asked Kathy, with a fake, almost comical frown on her muzzle. Klump chuckled, and turned to put his hands on the small bump in the wolf's belly. "Well your just not as far along. I'm sure when you're as close, you'll be just as lovely." Kathy rolled her eyes, and chuckled. "You're still such the charmer. I still say that charm is what got me into this harem of yours." Klump chuckled, "If I remembered right, you're the one who asked to join." Kathy smiled, "Details. Details." Klump smiled, and took a step back adjusting the sheik on his head. He smiled as he looked over his prized girls, all dressed and ready to go. They were in classic harem girl outfits, something like I dream of genie would wear, but with some special add-ons. The brightly colored fabric was cut away from their breasts, letting them hang out, for anyone to play with, and the fabric around their stomach was cut away, and it was lined with a gold silk that framed both of their pregnant bellies. "I'm coming!" Klump heard a voice shout. He turned his head to see Scottie running down the hallway, the leash attached to his collar flapping behind him. He was wearing a white harness that was made of twisted cloth, and two white fabric rings that went around his inner thighs, drawing your eyes right to his balless crotch. He slid in front of Klump, sliding as his hooves fought for grip on the tile floor. Scott put his hands on his knees, and he panted for breath. "Sorry, master." He panted. "I had trouble finding my leash." Klump smiled, and patted the little geldings head. "It's okay hun. Now you got yourself lubed up? My friends can get a little... rough at these things. They know better than to hurt me or you guys... but sometimes they forget I'm the doctor, and I'm just there to help... if things get out of hand." Klump snapped his fingers, "Oh and before I forget..." Klump turned around and grabbed a little black horse mask from the counter, and he fitted it onto Scott's muzzle. "There you go, now you fit the party theme. And don't forget, if anyone gets rough with you, call me and I'll come running..." Klump smirked. " And fix the problem." Scott nodded, and he hugged the old rhino, his head nuzzling into the silky brightly colored master's outfit the good doctor was wearing. "I am, and I will." Scottie looked up at the bright red and black mask

on the rhino's face. "Thank you for letting me come to the party with you, and thank you for everything you've done for me and sissy." Klump smiled, and ruffled the geldings head fur. "It was all my pleasure... trust me."