Summer with Leomon: Evil Agumon

Story by Nappy on SoFurry

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#8 of Summer with Leomon

Ben ran inside his apartment to find Grandpa sitting on his living room couch. Ben went and sat beside him.

"I just contacted the police and..." Grandpa began to say until he noticed Ben was crying. "We'll find her Ben, don't worry." Ben hugged him tight.

"Grandpa, everything is falling apart in my life. Mom's gone and this is all because of me." Ben sobbed.

"Don't say that son! Your ma will come back! She's alright Ben!" Grandpa started crying.

Both of them sat there crying and hugging for at least an hour. Ben could almost hardly believe his tough old Grandpa was crying like this. After they were done crying Grandpa got up and made Ben and him some coffee.

Ben wasn't really into coffee, but at a time like this he decided to fuck it and gulped it all down. The extreme burning in his mouth was of course painful but somehow refreshing.

How could he say goodbye to Leomon. Despite all that happened he still had strong feelings for Leomon. Yet he had feelings for Renamon too.

Both of them freed Ben from his old self into his true self and now help keep him that way. He was in love with both of them.

Ben started to wonder what would happen if his mom never came back. Where would he go and what would he do.

"Grandpa, if mom was gone would I live with you?" Ben asked.

Grandpa's face darkened. "Ben, please don't talk like that."

"Please answer me" Ben pleaded.

"I hope so"

Then Ben asked something that came straight from his heart. "Could you be my dad?

Grandpa turned and looked at him. "Yes" He went over to Ben and hugged him. "You need to go get some rest. It's very late and all this probably made you very tired."

Ben was tired, but it was only 8:00. He decided not to argue and went to his room. "Are you staying the night?"

"If you want me to son" Grandpa said.

Ben shook his head. "No, that's alright pops" he went into his room.

Ben lied in bed then his Grandpa came in and kissed him on the cheek. "I love you Ben", he said and he left the apartment.

Ben closed his eyes and eagerly awaited sleep but was later disturbed by a knocking on the window. He opened his eyes and looked to see a big yellow dinosaur looking thing just outside his window. He knew it was a digimon.

The digimon made a big devious grin and licked the window.

Ben shivered and asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm Agumon Ben, a friend of your mother. Please let me in Ben?"

"No! What did you do to her you shit head?!" Ben yelled.

"Oh don't you already know Ben. I know what you and your mother did." Agumon chuckled.

"What the hell are you talking about? Where is she?" Ben grew furious.

Agumon growled and broke the window open. Ben jumped out of Bed and went for the door. Agumon got to him first and sliced Ben's back with his claws.

The wound was pretty bad and Ben's blood poured down to the floor. He began to get dizzy and collapsed. Agumon held him down and dragged him out carefully through the broken window.

Ben was already unconscious and Agumon carried him back to his hiding place.

Agumon had found an old abandoned subway earlier and decided that it would be the perfect place to carry out his evil plan.

He tied up Ben to a large pipe and left him there to go and find Renamon.

Meanwhile, Leomon was on his way to see Ben. He had to settle things between them. He loved Ben too much to just let him go.

He was shocked to find Ben's window broken. "BEN!" He roared.

He stepped into his room and found the tall yellow fox in his room, Renamon, the one who stole his love.

"What have you done with Ben bitch?!" Leomon growled.

"I should be asking you the same thing. Who are you?" she asked.

"I'm Leomon, Ben's digimon and mate!"

Fury spread throughout Renamon. This was the one who broke her son's heart, the one she had to kill.

"You broke Ben's heart you fucker! You deserve to die!" Renamon prepared herself for an attack, but Leomon stood clam. Renamon was surprised by the digimon's reaction to what she said.

"I know I broke Ben's heart. Both Ben and I have done wrong to each other and I just want to ask him for forgiveness. It's all my fault Ben hates me and I just wanted to let him know that. I love him." Leomon lowered his head.

Renamon calmed herself and stared at the digimon. She knew this digimon felt terrible for what he did to Ben, but could she let him jeopardize their relationship. She would think on this later, right now she had to find Ben.

"I didn't hurt Ben. Can you tell by the scent?" Renamon said.

"Yes, there are three scents in here, You, Ben, and another digimon. I don't know what digimon though." Leomon said.

"I know who it was. I don't know where he is though" Renamon knew it had to be Agumon.

Leomon started sniffing the air. "Do you smell that?" Leomon started walking towards the smell and suddenly felt a strange area of the floor with his pawfoot. He looked down and saw a bunch of blood.

"Ben is hurt!" Renamon screeched.

Leomon ran out to the balcony and Renamon followed him. He was sniffing the air. It was strange. He could smell Ben's blood going off towards his old subway station, but the smell of the digimon was still around the apartment.

The digimon still had to be there. Renamon could smell it all too.

"I'll go towards Ben's scent. You stay here and watch for the digimon" Renamon said.

"Wait, I think it should be the other way around." Leomon argued.

"There's no time for this! You're a champion level digimon, you can defeat the digimon here" Renamon yelled.

Before Leomon could protest Renamon was already chasing after Ben's scent. Leomon stayed back and guarded the apartment. Renamon didn't know she was being followed.

She reached the entrance to the abandoned subway quick. "Ben!" she yelled. There was no answer.

"Baby Flame!"

Renamon turned and a fire ball struck her. She was knocked out.

Renamon slowly opened her eyes. She was tied with heavy wires to a rusty pipe and was in a dark dome area.

She saw Agumon standing over Ben whose hands and legs were tied up. Agumon had a strong grip on him as Ben squirmed.

"Renamon!" Ben yelled.

"Let him go you bastard! I'm the one you want!" Renamon struggled to free herself, but failed.

Agumon smiled and began laughing. "Oh trust me Renamon. You'll probably like watching what I'm about to do. You see this is what happens when you fuck me over! Now you must pay with your son's life, but before I kill him..."

Agumon ripped off Ben's pants and tore off his boxers. Both Renamon and Ben knew what was about to happen.

"No please, don't do this Agumon!" Renamon cried.

"Now I'm not really into humans, but screw it because I'm about to screw you." Agumon said.

Agumon's cock was now big and hard. He positioned himself behind Ben and shoved it immediately up his ass. It was very painful.

"Let me go!" Ben screamed and squirmed.

Agumon hated how he squirmed and he punched Ben hard on his back wound. Ben screamed. Renamon closed her eyes and cringed at her son's cries.

Agumon continued to slide his cock further up Ben's ass. His dick was really long and he went severely deep into Ben, so deep and painful that it made Ben scream him self hoarse.

"Ben! I'll save you!" Renamon roared.

Before reaching his climax Agumon pulled him self out of Ben. Ben fell to the ground as Agumon cummed all over his poor body.

Agumon slammed his foot on Ben's face. "Lick it human! Lick it clean!" Agumon commanded.

The ball of Agumon's foot was inside Ben's mouth and it had a sour taste along with a sour smell. Ben began to lick Agumon's dirty and sweaty feet. Agumon wiggled his toes in a humorous way and looked up at Renamon.

He grinned as Renamon's son licked his foot. Renamon gritted her teeth and struggled to free herself.

Agumon took his foot off Ben and grabbed his jaw. He turned Ben's face towards Renamon.

"Doesn't she look familiar Ben? I know you and her had sex. Well guess what Ben. She's you mother!" Agumon began to laugh.

Ben's face froze as he stared at Renamon. Renamon sat still. She never got to tell Ben the truth herself. She began to sob.

"BEN!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.


Leomon landed right directly in the middle of them and growled ferociously.

"Leomon!" Ben and Renamon cheered.

Agumon stuttered. "You must be Leomon" he was afraid now.

"Baby Flame!'

Leomon unsheathed his sword and blocked the attack.

"Oh crap" Agumon thought.

"Beast Sword!"

With only one swipe of his sword Agumon was immediately turned into data.

Leomon ran over to Ben and knelt by his side. "No, go help Renamon first." Ben said.

Leomon nodded and went over to Renamon. With his sword he easily cut off the wire that held Renamon.

They both went back Ben. He lied on his belly as Renamon stroked his hair and Leomon nursed his wound.

"Are you alright Ben?" Leomon asked.

"Yes... Renamon are..."

Renamon put her fingers on Ben's lips to hush him. "We'll talk later." She said.

Leomon carried Ben back to the apartment as Renamon rushed behind him. Leomon stretched Ben out on his bed. It didn't take Ben long to fall asleep.

Leomon and Renamon stood over Ben as he slept.

"I'll stay with him tonight Leomon" Renamon said.

Leomon wanted to disagree, but didn't want to cause a raucous that could wake Ben. He bent down and licked Ben on the cheek.

When Leomon was gone Renamon sat beside Ben on the bed. "Now that he knew the truth how could they be together? What will he say tomorrow?" she thought.

The next morning Renamon woke up early and made breakfast. She was startled when Ben walked dizzily out of his bedroom.

"Good mornin' honey" Renamon said. She was trying to seem motherly in a way.

Ben smiled and sat at the table. He winced because of his hurt back.

"Are you alright Ben?" Renamon asked very concerned.

Ben simply nodded and viewed he nice breakfast on the table.

There was a stack of freshly cooked pancakes, scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, and a bowl of oatmeal. Ben had no idea how he could eat all this.

"How did you make all this Renamon?" he asked.

"What! Did he forget last night?!" Renamon thought.

"Ben do you remember anything Agumon said last night?" she asked.

"Oh man! Don't even remind me of last night! I threw almost all of those memories away in my dreams."

Renamon began to think that he really did forget almost everything. She wondered if she should just not tell him.

Her thoughts were clouded by this subject as they ate their breakfast.

"Ben, do you feel awkward around me right now?" Renamon asked.

"No, why? Do I seem that way?" he replied.

"No not at all", Renamon dropped the subject.

Ben ate one last pancake and then leaned back in his chair. "Oh man I'm stuffed." He said.

Renamon chuckled at him.

Ben suddenly stood out of his seat. "I have to go to the bathroom! Excuse me." He ran off to the restroom.

Renamon couldn't take it anymore. She had to tell Ben the truth or it would drive her insane.

When Ben came out of the restroom she stood out of her seat.

"Ben, we have to talk."

"About what Renamon?" he said.

Renamon walked over to him and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Is something wrong?" Ben asked.

"Yes, Ben you see..." Renamon choked.

"Renamon, what is it?"

"Before I tell you, I just want you to know I love you and those nights we've had together were wonderful. I love you more than anything and never want to loose you." Renamon's heart started beating rapidly.

"Renamon, please tell me what's wrong?" Ben pleaded.

"Ben... I'm you mother" Renamon felt relieved that the truth was finally out. In fact she felt happy and smiled.

She looked at Ben and was suddenly saddened by the look on his face. His eyes were huge and his mouth wide open. He wanted to speak but couldn't get the words out and he was even sweating.

"Ben, I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I really am!" Renamon's heart rate increased.

"So... that means that I... had sex with my mo..." Ben collapsed onto the floor and was unconscious again.

"Oh my god, Ben!" Renamon shouted.


Okay, I know this chapter isn't so glamorous, but I still hope you all liked it. Sorry I posted this one late you guys. I've been working a lot and I did this chapter at two o' clock in the morning. My next chapter will either be up early or maybe late.