Pay Day

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#6 of Extreme Stories


Again this is a very shocking story, read the tags, you might not enjoy it or you might

More mystery and darkness on the farm. Charn returns to claim his prize on pay day. Enjoy or not, your choice.

Again with thanks to Charn, this was a RP we had that I transcribed into story format.


A month had passed, almost in the blink of an eye; the farm had descended almost into chaos after Aesc distributed the nutrient pills to his herd. It had only gotten worse when the sheep farmer graciously said all the farm hands could partake of the pills as well. Production was up several hundred percent easily, the yield he was taking was amazing and more than made up for what was lost when every virile male on the farm had descended into a week of wild orgies.

Sat under a tree, hat over his muzzle, back against the trunk Aesc was dozing, he was tired after spending all day reviewing the farm and organizing the last of the clean up to get things back on track. The sunshine lancing through the interlocking branches over head was cut off as someone loomed over him. Grumbling the sheep kicked out with one hoof, thumping against the powerful leg of whoever it was, "Shift... blocking my sun, come back later whatever it is."

The deep growl that answered his words made the ram sit up straight, hat toppling off his head, snagging on his horns. Eyes wide he found himself looking into the dark eyes of tiger. His orange and black striped form cast all in shadows as he leant down and gripped the sheep by the throat. "There is no coming back later farmer; I am here for my.... monthly visit. Is Roland ready for me?"

Swallowing heavily Aesc nodded enthusiastically, he gasped when the tiger let him go, rubbing at his throat and swallowing, trying to gather his voice. "He's being going crazy, being on nutrients with that red pouch you made me wrap about his pouch. He can't empty his balls no matter how hard he, all he can do is spray pre."

Charn laughed, one large bare foot lifting to rub over the ram's restrained package, feeling across them as they strained against the farmer's dungarees causing him to shift at the strange, warm sensation from his nuts. "Of course, what is in that sac is mine; at least his pre is almost as thick as real cum. Just... like... yours..." His grin was malicious; he enjoyed the way the ram whimpered in need, eyes wide with fear and lust. "Why don't you go chat with him a bit, make a joke about you cutting his nuts off to help him out."

Charn pulled Aesc to his feet and gave him a shove down toward the enclosure were Roland spent his days working out. The ram whimpered, pausing to adjust his package, glancing back at the tiger, biting his bottom lip.

"Ahhh ahh mffff please why do they feel so hot...." Charn just growled, teeth glinting, Aesc didn't stop to think he just ran down the small hill and hopped the fence, hurrying over to the roan bull.

"Hey Roland... need me to take yer balls off. I hear you've been rutting anything that moves." He tried to make his voice light hearted, smiling even as he adjusted his hat so it sat on his horns properly.

The bull stomped his hoof, his thick long bull dick looking more engorged and fleshy than ever as it swung between his legs. It was drooling, the salty elixir that Aesc had slowly become addicted too over the past month. He could smell it, from every other male on the farm that rich, heady scent had made him a wealthy man over the last month. From Roland however there had been no seed to sell, just his constant heightened state of rut and the denial of true orgasmic relief. Thrusting his hips at the ram he bellowed softly, fat seed-bag swinging heavily between his thighs.

I got to cum, boss, I don't care about the program, you got to help me with," he gestured to his entire crotch, "All this, this isn't what I signed up for boss! I need to be milked today or I quit!"

Aesc let his smile spread wider, hoping to high heaven he was hiding his nerves and making it look friendly. Reaching down he wrapped both hands about the bull's dick, "Well you are in luck Roland it's time, come along," tugging the desperate bull along by his dick, Roland was only too happy to follow the ram back toward the farm houses. Every word out of that slender golden muzzle had him moaning and nodding his head eagerly.

"It's your turn in the milking shed, My specialist is here to harvest what is his and then your turn on the program will be done after a nice..." he stroked that dick, using the copious pre leaking out of it to lube the thick, glistening length. "Long...." Another teasing tug, "Milking."

Roland just speeded up after that, trotting after the sheep, eyes fixed on the hand around his dick, following obediently. Aesc meanwhile couldn't help but admire his stud's cock. It pure tube steak, oily, salty, slick with pre, hot in his grasp, warmer than it should have been and despite being rock hard it felt almost malleable. Over the last month he had slowly become acclimated to the effects of the medicine he had been feeding everyone on his farm; males seemed to produce an irresistible scent and taste, not to mention the contents of their balls. He was compelled, driven to suckle and let them plunge their needy dicks inside him. He and the farm hands had spent a lot of time on the bottom when the studs first started to go wild. Once everyone but him was on the pill he had been surrounded by dicks he had to suck on, cum he had to bathe in. It was no way to run his farm but the scent was overwhelming, it had been a real effort to get the farm back to some semblance of order. It was about all he could manage right now to not get down and service the potent bull as he dragged him across the farm yard toward the milking sheds.

The only way he could was resist Roland, was the fact he had no way to get off, there was only so much thick pre-cum he could drink without the need to suck down real cum over-came him. Besides if he stopped to pleasure Roland, Charn would get impatient and come for him, dragging the bull into the shed he smiled at bull as he emitted a deep bass groan. "I don't care... what you do to me, just get me off!"

Shuddering at the scent and the desperate begging Aesc started to lick his paw clean, giving the bull a hungry and mischievous smile. He really did feel good. He was used to his own inability to cum thanks to the pouch he was wearing but this beautiful prime bull with his glistening meat just demanding to be eaten it is almost all he can stand. He couldn't put a name to half the desires running through his mind, the urges and ideas some of them horrific, others just downright kinky.

Shaking his head to clear those images he took a deep breath, which was a bit of a mistake in the closed in space of the milking shed, "In... the frame... then... big boy... in the frame now!" His own dick was rock hard, straining against the front of his dungarees. He couldn't believe Roland was obeying him so readily; the snappish demand in his voice enough to get the bull in the frame and tied securely in place without any fuss. There wasn't a male on the farm he'd not allowed to fuck him over the past month. His status as the aloof farmer was all but shot as he rutted with them all like animals. Even his farm hands were in on it but he had established himself as the bottom of the pack. The scent was too much, he sank to his knees and seized Roland's cock, locked his lips around the flaring tip and drank the heavy rush of pre-seed that gushed into his maw.

Lifting his head from that throbbing shaft Aesc licked his lips and pushed himself away, clapping a hand to his ears, blocking out Roland's deep cry for him to return. Staggering out into the crisp cool air he yanked the door shut behind him and hung off the handle. Bleating and scrubbing a paw through his tousled fleece he called out for Charn, a new word for the tiger slipping off his tongue without thought.

"Master... your... your meal is ready."

A bright orange paw rested on the ram's shoulder, the tall figure of the tiger looming out of the shadows by the milking stand. His fingers danced across the metal studs holding his dungarees up. The heavy denim fell to the floor with a thump, exposing the sheep's form, his only garment of clothing now pooled around his hooves.

"Is it now?" His other paw slid up between Aesc's thighs, gripping, kneading the ram warm balls, "Are these the largest your farm has to offer?" his paw closed tugging, playfully, at his masculinity, sharp fangs nibbling along his neck.

Whimpering, Aesc bit back the words he almost spilled, the urge to say yes and let the tiger claim him was strong. The build up of warmth in his balls, the urge to cum was hard to ignore with someone teasing them. Instead he managed to push out the question that had been weighing heavily on his mind al month.

"What will happen to me... if I let you make me a whether? Let me cum one last time? Will I stay here... stay and prepare more meals for you or does my life end?"

Grinning softly, "Why can't it be both?" The paw stroking the sheep's nuts grew gentler, caressing, rubbing teasing. Then a sudden tension, the tiger tugged firmly, the sheep bleated and then clamped his teeth together as the weight between his legs was suddenly gone. Glancing down Aesc stared in shock; the red pouch was gone, his testicles dangling free, heavy furry pouch swollen, heavy, but free.

Allowing his fingers to return to the sheep's now free nuts he teased them, smirking as he felt contract. "Tell you what. I'll let you sit in on Roland here. You can cum, now. Do so? And I'll take these fat ram eggs with me when I leave. Don't? And keep them for another month. That puts a little bit of control back in your paws, doesn't it?"

Gasping the ram nodded, a paw sliding down to gather his sac protectively against his body, cock twitching hard at the dark purr in his ear and the promise of what will happen if he gives in and empties them. He bleated when Charn moved away, the bulk of the tiger slinking through the door into the milking shed. Aesc followed, sitting down on a stool, paw cupping his nuts, hiding them from Roland's view as the huge bull lowed angrily tugging impatiently on his restrains, the heavy scent of his over-active potency filling the shed. It was close and warm, every breath a lance to the pleasure centres of Aesc's brain as the craving for the bull's junk came back three times as hard.

Roland jerked against his restraints as a paw pressed against his taut back, the tiger cooing something into the bull's ear. Aesc watched as Roland's nuts slowly sagged, the bull seeming to relax. The paw moved up and down his back, petting through the soft fur slowly. Satisfied that the needy stud had calmed enough Charn took a handkerchief from his pocket and started to tie it around the bull's muzzle, blinding him.

Aesc's maw opened to tell Charn to stop, Roland hated anything constricting his muzzle, he was reluctant enough to get in the restraints most of the time. His teeth clicked back together in shock as Roland just accepted it, snorting through his nose and tossing his head back, impatient for the milking to begin.

Charn's voice was a low rumble as he spoke, "We are going to use a new attachment today," the tiger's voice was clear, strong; he was in charge and expected to be obeyed. When he gestured for Aesc to pull his stool closer the farmer just obeyed, his eyes locked on the bull's twitching log, nose full of the thick intoxicating male scent. The bulls shape was so large... the smell too much, the sheep pulled his stool all the way over. Eyes wide he hugged the huge throbbing dick as soon as it was within his reach. Squeezing it against his chest, nuzzling the slick head whilst he rubbed his own rock hard dick against the bull's sac, letting his balls hang free, as heavy and needy as his studs.

Looking up at Charn the ram licked his lips, "What are we using sir?"

Laughing the tiger made a strange gesture, a twiddle of his fingers and Aesc found he was leaning forward, jaws opening to swallow the end of the throbbing shaft. The ram's brain buzzed as if drunk and the tingling pre-cum sloshed down your throat, gulping reflexively and moaning at the rich taste.

Standing behind the bull the large feline smirked, watching the sheep eagerly guzzling from the hard rod. "I guess you will see, mm? The only thing is you have to say something when you are about to cum, and I need to make sure your load isn't mixed with your juice." Pressing in behind the bull the feline sighed happily, smiling at the way the huge male groaned, his hips bucking another few inches of his dick sinking into the eager sheep's mouth.

"That doesn't feel like an e-stim" Roland managed to groan out between pants, Aesc and Charn both ignored him, the tiger busy sliding his barbed shaft into the bull. The ram was lost to the taste, not just the thick masculine flavour pouring from the shaft. Roland's dick tasted like a cooked hotdog, salty, sexual, saturating his muzzle with a sizzling mixture of tastes.

The tiger's belly was growling, a counterpoint to his deep purring, gently he let his arms slide around the big bull's chest, stroking over a tight nipple before squeezing gently, ignoring the thrashing bull as he complained loudly.

"I can't cum with my sac in this pouch!" Roland continued to squirm, unaware as Charn's fingers laced together with the fur of his arms, merging slowly, arms becoming boneless, transforming into an orange belt of slowly spreading fur. All he could concentrate on was the slick barbed dick rocking in and out of his arse and the ram sucking on his dick. "Can't you take it off? Please... you are meant to be milking me! Cut it off!"

Moaning in horror Aesc froze, forgetting about the leaking dick stuffed in his maw, all he could do was watch as Charn's arms merged. Eyes wide with fear he tried to pull free but a sharp spurt of pre down his throat made him groan. It was hard to remember why he was afraid; the sight of those arms slowly flattening and spreading across Roland's muscular red chest was rather enticing. He felt his cock jerk, untouched and ignored until now, pre spilling down its length. For a moment he thought about pleasuring himself but then what Roland was begging for penetrated his musk clouded brain and he knew what he had to do. He moved a hand off of Roland's dick, gripping the bull's heavy pouch... squeezing those nuts hard.

Curling his teeth beneath his lips the sheep folded forward, moaning deeply, sliding more down his throat... the urge to bite down was strong, the urge to sever that mighty shaft and swallow it rising. Aesc couldn't explain were the idea came from, why his own need to cum was building, a tightness in his groin building to nearly unbearable levels as he continues to tug on the heavy red latex bound sac.

The band of orange and black flesh thickened, spreading over the bull's powerful chest, engulfing him steadily, rippling over his stomach, over his shoulders. Roland's massive set of jewels tightened, clenching upwards, only to relaxed slowly, clenching again, settling into a desperate rhythm as they tried to blow there load. Slowly the tiger finished wrapping around the bull's torso, as Roland grunted and bucked desperately, fucking his employer's throat as Charn's slick cock slid deeper and deeper, a rogue tentacle that squeezed against the giant stud's prostate, forcing jet after thick jet of sticky liquid to fire into the ram's throat.

Aesc almost bit down on Roland's dick when the tiger's tail curled around his balls, tugging on them slowly, pulling them away from the ram's body, making him whimper as the heavy ache between his thighs grew stronger. The fur was melting off the tiger's gelatine like body turning a dull translucent green. The bull, his bull, one of his oldest studs was going to be eaten while he did nothing but suck his dick.

Shaking in pleasure, in fear, Aesc wanted to scream the slick green tail slowly enveloping his nut sac making him jerk and whimper... moaning in horror and lust. Tightening his grip on Roland's balls he squeezed the neck of the sac tight, pulling the trapped pouch of cow makers away from his stud's body. Instinct over-riding any thoughts of stopping, the ram bucks his head forward next, the last inch of bull cock buried in his throat, his teeth forming a blunt ring around the root of the powerful dick now lodged in his throat.

Slowly he started to squeeze harder on the nut-sac pulling it down slowly, teasing Roland, watching as what was a tiger continued to engulf the bull. Two ripples, like long green lips, slowly engulfed the bulls' body from either side, complete with a fringed ridge of fur, a mockery of fangs. Slowly moving to meet each other, sealing with a wet slurp, arms, legs and chest encased in quivering, gelatinous flesh. Shuddering, teeth teasing the base of that cock the ram flicked his eyes up, trying to see why Roland had made no protest. It was impossible for him not to have noticed what had happened to his body. The sight that met his inquisitive eyes made him groan; the tiger's blobby, misshapen face was super imposed over the bulls. Nostrils flaring, the bull was breathing through the tigers own nose as he was encapsulated, eyes wide in silent fear and lust. Only the bulls heavy junk and heavy sac where left outside of the demonic tiger's shape.

With those huge nuts gripped in his paws, full of the bulls' lust and frustration, a month's worth of denial churning, a lifetimes worth of calves he knew what he was expected to do. The bull's masculinity was in his paw and the tiger was waiting to see what he'd do. Could he do it... could he give in to the dark desires flooding his mind? The need churning in his balls as they were sucked on by the slick tail, tugged and pumped and churned leaving him desperate for release, cock as stiff against his belly as Roland' was in his throat.

Whimpering in indecision Aesc didn't know what to do, this was beyond anything he ever imagined, anything he could believe but his leaking cock demanded attention and the presence of the tiger was waiting... silently demanding him to choose.

"Gonna cum..." he mumbled around the dick lodged down his throat, his balls clenching inside that teasing, suckling tail, "Gonna cum!" His scream was muffled as his body bucked and he sank his teeth into the root of Roland's dick... moaning at the taste, the hot warm, almost cooked flesh of the heavy bull dick... closing his jaws with difficulty, teeth sinking part way into that meat. Even as he struggled to close his jaws he started to pull on the hot sac trapped by his fingers. Tearing it inch by inch from Roland's body, cords tearing free with a pair of wet slurps as the sheep used his sharp nails to slice the heavy pouch free. It came off almost instantly, like it was just waiting for him to pull, his nails shouldn't have been able to slice it so cleanly. Suddenly he found himself holding three pounds of raw, unused bull scrotum, Roland's cock flexing hard as the bull was unmanned, the huge beast emasculated by the horny ram. A month of masculine seed fresh and uncontaminated for the feline's pleasure locked within the heavy red pouch, the slick latex slithering over the top, sealing it all within.

Shaking with pent up lust, a powerful aftershock at what he had just done Aesc screamed again, trying to bring his teeth together. Something cool and wet suddenly engulfed his dick, the sudden sensation, so different from the heat of the pulsing shaft in his throat made the ram's body buck, his teeth clicked together. The still twitching meat of the bull slid down his throat, dumped into his first stomach leaving him free to sit back and watch as the last of the bull was consumed.

Even as he finished his meal he felt something clamped around the neck of his own sac, a familiar squeezing sensation as his balls were forced down once more, release denied. Glancing down Aesc saw what he feared; a familiar red latex pouch clung to his sac, imprisoning his load once more. The tiger slowly reformed, occasionally twitching in one spot or another as the trapped bull inside thrashed but as Charn shrank and his covering of orange and black fur returned a series of odd gurgling noises and sharp cracking sounds heralded the end of the squirming bulges. He had a speculative look in his eyes as he watched the sheep, reaching down to pry the heavy bull scrotum from unresisting fingers, a faint smile dancing on his lips as he lifted the heavy pair of orbs up and licked over them, his grin turning wicked as the sheep bleated in fear and desire.

"Master.... please let me cum...." he fell off his stool, landing on his knees, head dipping forward so he could lick at the tiger's dick, worshipping as eagerly as he had worshipped Roland's. The hunger inside him, the urges had been sated but the heavy weight of a full meal in one of his stomachs was only keeping it at bay, it would return stronger than ever, he just knew it. "Please..."

"I'm sorry; I can't let you cum until I harvest another male. And you were Very close to being harvested, a few more seconds and you'd have gone off." Grabbing the back of Aesc head he casually speared the pre slick and stretched throat of the farmer with his own tiger shaft. The farmer just sucked obediently, a bit surprised at the lack of pre-cum but the sharp, peppery, eye-opening musk more than satisfied his desires not to mention Charn's deep, rich, powerful voice purring in his ears. "You missed your window by only a few seconds."

He let the ram enjoy his flavour for a few minutes, watching with satisfaction how the sheep just accepted the reality of his situation. The corruption was deep within him now; it wouldn't be long before the farmer was faced with his final test. He'd either prove himself a valuable asset or Charn would harvest him and put someone who could embrace the darkness in charge. Pulling free he left the ram on the floor and casually pulled his clothes back on, tucking the heavy, full sac into a pocket so he could enjoy it in private later.

"Have a nice month, Aesc. I'll be back to claim our next one soon enough. You probably won't even realize it's been four weeks." He chuckled at that, knowing full well that the burning need in the ram's loin would not diminish. Pausing by the door Charn glanced back at the horned sheep kneeling on the floor then turned and made himself scarce, the next move was up to the farmer, he would just watch. Would he embrace his new purpose in life or would he be just another horny male destined to feed Charn with his self and not his livestock, the next few days would decide one way or the other.

~ fin