House of Cats

Story by VioletFauxpaw on SoFurry

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#2 of Of Legends and Slaves

Ok, so here's chapter two. I neglected to say this before, but, I do love comments. I did get some, but I'm greedy, so I'd like more. I tried proofing as I went along, but I'm sure there will still be mistakes, I don't pretend to be perfect. I won't say much else, so enjoy!


Chapter 2

House of Cats

The carriage ride to Ouranos's villa was spent in a long, awkward silence. Ouranos simply watched the roadside as they passed along, while Calais sat next to him, his paws nervously cupped together. What was happening? Was he really going to Ouranos's house? Or, was it some joke? Was he really going back to slavery? If he was being given his life back, then he knew it probably meant he was to go back to slave work. However, from what Ouranos had briefly said before they left the Colosseum, Calais did not believe he was going back to the toils of his past life.

Curiously, Calais would look up at Ouranos, trying to figure out an answer to his unasked questions. Ouranos looked back, catching the battered bovine looking at him. Calais turned his head away quickly, but knew he had been caught. He could feel the lion's cold stare stabbing at the side of his head now. Why was he still looking at him? Calais did not like one second of it. What if he suddenly changed his mind and decided to cut off the loose ends of the battle? No, it did not seem to be a death glare, but something else...

Calais looked out at the countryside, trying his best to ignore the eyes that were undoubtably still on him. "Why do you look at me?" Calais felt the words suddenly escape from his lips. By no means did he actually intend to even talk to the lion, let alone ask such a question. His eyes looked over into Ouranos's, afraid that he might have stepped over the line.

"I could ask the same thing. I noticed you looking at me." Ouranos answered, his maw curling into a grin. Calais looked away again, looking in the opposite direction from Ouranos.


"Here we are..." Ouranos broke the silence as the carriage steadily approached his countryside home. "If you choose to stay, this shall be your home... Look on, don't be shy!" Ouranos spoke with a small laugh.

Calais looked at the large house that Ouranos had pointed out. This was no mere villa, but a mansion! It stood one story high, but stretched out for what seemed like a mile across. Surely more property than any one lion could ever use. Calais continued to look at the estate, and noticed several cats of varying species roaming around the grounds. Workers, perhaps. Calais had no idea what to think, and after having heard what Ouranos had said, he was even more flabbergasted. His home?

"It's alright, you do not have to make up your mind just yet. Once the carriage stops, I shall give you a brief tour, then I'll have your answer." Ouranos sat back for the remainder of the trip, his tail swinging idly between his legs.

"Who are... all of those outside?" Calais felt the question slip out before he thought it over.

"Those?" Ouranos looked over at his home, and spied all the cats working outside. "Most of them are my slaves... The ones that are not lions, anyway." Ouranos answered. The carriage now came to a complete stop in front of the mansion, and Ouranos was the first to stand. "Come on, let us finally stretch our legs." Ouranos hopped out of the carriage once the driver came to open the door. Calais stayed inside for another minute, lost in his thoughts. "Well? How about it?" Ouranos held his paw out for the bull that was still inside the carriage.

"Oh..." Calais shook his head as he looked curiously at Ouranos's large paw. Did he intend for him to grab it? "S... sorry..." He blushed as he shyly put the ends of his fingers on Ouranos's palm. So, since most of those outside were slaves, all but the lions, that probably meant he was here to become Ouranos's slave, as well.

"That's it." Ouranos huffed as he grabbed the rest of the bull's paw. Once Calais was out, the driver bowed to the lion and then made his way back to the front of the carriage, and then rode off. "Now, as for that tour..." Ouranos began to lead Calais closer to the front door. "... I think I'll have one of my loyal slaves give that to you... My paws ache, and I need to bathe all this... death... off of me." Ouranos looked over his body, seeing the blood from the many he had killed stained on his fur and clothes. "But as soon as you have finished, I expect an answer. I hope you decide to stay." Ouranos talked as they entered the mansion, cool brisk air slapping against both of their bodies upon entering.

"I.... uh...." Calais muttered under his breath, but still followed behind Ouranos as he took him somewhere inside of the mansion.

"Hilara!" Ouranos roared, his gruff voice causing Calais to jump slightly.

Calais looked around for who the name belonged to. Obviously it was a female, but no telling who. There were women and girls at almost every inch of the mansion, and most of their heads turned when the names was called out. For the first time, Calais felt like he wanted to shut himself alone inside of a room somewhere. All of the women looked at him, questions plastered all over their faces. The lionesses seemed to look at him with judging eyes, probably thinking themselves better than him. The others, the slave girls and children, they just looked at him like he were but another that would be soon added to the mansion's group. However, they were all cats, felines. There was not one male or female of a different group. Calais let his ears fall to the sides as he felt the glances weighing heavily on top of him, and then he saw who the name Hilara belonged to.

Ouranos stopped before a young Leopard that was on her knees next to a bucket of water, her paws wet as she had been scrubbing the marble floor before her name was called. She looked at Calais for a second, but then quickly looked up at Ouranos as she got up to bow. She wore the worker's basic, a loose white stola, the female's version of the toga. It covered most of her body except for her arms and a portion of her chest, leaving just a hint of her bosom bare. It draped over her legs completely, making her look like she were floating more than standing. Her face was soft and feminine, showing that she was not very old, perhaps late teens to early twenties. Her hair was a deep brown, and was all kept up in a ruffled bun, some stray stands falling loose here and there. One long, curly strand of hair was hanging out from the front, falling over her face and being blown every time she breathed out of her nose.

"Hilara..." Ouranos spoke, looking down at the much shorter female.

"Yes, Master?" She answered back, her paws cupped together as she awaited Ouranos's words.

"I'm putting you in charge of him..." Ouranos stepped to the side, showing Hilara Calais. "I want him cleaned up, dressed in some proper clothing, and then shown around a bit. And after that has been completed..." Ouranos looked at Calais now, the bull standing straight and trying not to look intimidated. "I'd like to see him."

"Of course, Master. I'll get right on it." Hilara said, bowing a little as Ouranos walked off, leaving Calais under her watch. "Now... what is your name?" Hilara asked after Ouranos was gone, her soft voice putting some of Calais's apprehensions to rest.


"Calais, pleased to meet you. I am Hilara, as I'm sure you know by now..." Hilara once again bowed, but not as far aw before. "Now, let's get you to a bath!" She huffed after her words as she bent down to pick up the bucket and rag she had been cleaning with. "What has the Master brought you here for, do you know?" Hilara asked as she motioned for Calais to follow her.

"I'm not sure. My guess is to become a slave..." Calais spoke low, not wanting the others to hear him speak.

"A slave? Well, I can assure you that is not the Master's intention."

"What?" Calais was even more confused than before. He was sure she knew what she was talking about, so there was no need to question that. However, what else would he be good for if not a slave?

"I'm just saying." Hilara said as she opened a door with her free paw, and then lead Calais inside. She placed the bucket down to the side for the time being as she showed Calais the baths. "Go ahead and take off your clothes, then get in the water and I'll be right there with a rag and soap.

"I can clean myself..." Calais spoke, the shyness in his voice quite evident.

"As I'm sure you can, but I was ordered to clean you, so clean you I shall." Hilara might have been young, and her voice soft, but she was no pushover. "Now, get in the water! I'll be right back."

Calais felt his ears hang limply again as he watched Hilara walk away into another room. The baths were empty besides himself, so at least he would not have to avoid them as he undressed. There was not much that needed to be removed, simply his battle dress and the thong underneath. Slowly Calais slid his hoofed fingers under the belt of his dress, and then slid it down his thighs. Once it fell to his feet, he stepped out and then stood with his fingers gripping the last article of clothing. The thong was not much, but it still covered him, and he was holding onto it like he were stripping in front of a crowd.

Just as he was about to bit his lip and snatch the thin material down, he heard Hilara walk back. She stopped walking once she let her eyes look over the bull's back. Now that she was looking at him while he wore nothing more than a gladiator's thong, she could see he was more attractive than at first glance. His gray fur showed all of his muscles perfectly, and though they may not have been very bulky, they were still nice. She watched his tail swing nervously, back and forth, as he felt her staring at him.

"Phew!" Hilara broke the tension as she walked closer to the bull. "Forgive my prying eyes. I do not see many like you around here." Hilara now stood in front of the bull, her maw curling in a grin as she saw him hide himself with his paws. "You are so shy. There is no need for that with a body such as your's. Now, get in. You can wear that in, if you wish."

Calais stepped into the warm water, his muscles instantly growing relaxed with the heat. Hilara rolled the end of her dress up to her thighs, and then sat down at the edge of the large tub. She stuck her legs in and spread them, telling Calais to sit down between them. Calais sat down, his back to her. The water reached his stomach as he sat at the highest point of the tub. He felt his body tense as he first felt Hilara place her paws on his back. She dipped one of her paws into the water, soaking the rag she held in her fingers.

The only sounds that could be heard in the room was that of the water dripping off of the rag as Hilara squeezed it out. Calais looked down at the water as he felt the wet rag begin to wash over his back. Some steam was hovering over the water. It was more like a hot tub than a bath, really. The water was a little murky, Calais was not able to see his body that more than an inch under the surface. This comforted him slightly. Knowing that she could not see him, he let his paws move away from covering himself and grew into the cleaning she gave him.

"I brought some extra soap for you, so you can clean the areas you wish me not to touch..." Hilara placed a paw in front of Calais's face, holding a bar of soap. "Unless you are no longer shy." She smiled as he took the soap from her.

"If I'm not here to become his slave..." Calais started as he grabbed the soap, and then began to wash his chest. "Then what?"

"I'm not sure... I have never seen him bring someone here before, someone like you, anyway." Hilara now washed under Calais's arms. "But I do know you're not to become a slave."

"How do you know that?" Calais let his ears perk up a bit. His paws now took the soap under the water so that he could clean between his legs.

"He would have killed you back at the games, for one." Hilara said as she dipped the rag back into the water, washing off the soap suds. "He also would not have done several other things, such as this..." Hilara referred to the bath she was ordered to give him. "Slaves, as well, do not dress in 'proper clothing' such as I was ordered to put you in."

Calais listened closely to everything she said. His paws cleaned under his thong, and all over his legs, not missing an inch. Hearing this would explain Ouranos holding out his paw back at the carriage. As he thought, Calais let his paws clean more of his body. Hilara was finishing up, having cleaned all of Calais's back and sides. She quickly cupped some water in her paws and then poured it over the top of his head, jarring him out of his thoughts.

"Alright, I'm done." Hilara pulled her legs out of the water and shook the wetness out of her fur. "Come on out so I can get you dry."

"Right." Calais stood up, no longer caring about hiding himself from Hilara's sights.

Hilara watched the dripping bull as he climbed out of the bath, his fur heavy with water and his thong sticking to his skin. She looked for a second at his wet piece of clothing. It served no purpose now, its being wet caused it to become rather see through. She had no problem making out the lines of Calais's organ, and she had to force herself to look away. She was not given the job to gawk at the bull's meat, but instead to clean him up. She quickly opened up a towel and wrapped it around the bull.

"Dry yourself off, then we'll get you dressed." Hilara left the room again in search of some clothes. She looked through the laundry room for any clothes that would be considered proper. "Here we go..." She said as she pulled out a toga-like outfit that looked like it would fit the bull. He might be a little taller, but it would work.

Hilara made her way back to the baths and gave the clothes to Calais, who had stripped himself of the wet thong during the wait. She averted her eyes after getting a quick glance, and waited for him to cover himself. Once he did, she looked him over, making sure he looked alright. His clothing was a simple white color, and covered his chest halfway, since there was a single strap that rested on his right shoulder. There was a dress that was meant to drape all the way to the knees, but because Calais was of a different build than that of most of the cats, it only reached to his lower thigh.

"Good, that will work." Hilara spoke after observing the attractive male. "Now I just have to show you around some, then I'll take you back to the Master."

The two walked around the mansion, slaves and lionesses looking at the bull the same as before. Calais wanted to ask her about them, but she was busy explaining different rooms to him. There were more rooms than he could count, and even more cats. It seemed each step he took, he saw more and more. There were several kids running around, all lions. The lionesses looked after them carefully, but still looked at him like they would pounce on him at any moment. Most of the slaves inside seemed to be female, while Calais recalled those on the outside were mostly male. There were no lion slaves, no, the slaves were all the others, like Hilara. Leopards, Jaguars, Panthers.... Cheetahs. Calais briefly thought about Aeson as he walked behind Hilara. The sadness slowed him down some, but he shook the disturbing thoughts out of his mind.

"That's the tour. Any questions as I take you to the Master?" Hilara asked as she changed the route, heading toward Ouranos's room.

"Those women..." Calais nodded towards the lionesses. "And those children. Who are they?"

"Ah, those are all of the Master's concubines, so to speak." Hilara spoke quietly, not wanting them to hear her talking about them. "And the children are all the Master's."

"All of them, there must be..." Calais was shocked. He tried no to count the number of children, or the number of women, but he found it hard to resist.

"There are a lot of them. Seems like there are more everyday." Hilara said, turning corners and walking down halls as she came closer to Ouranos's room. "The nation sends them here so that the Master may give them children. I do not know everything about it, but that is the basic knowledge."

"I see..." Calais said softly, still amazed by the news.

"They all have a special place in this house. But there is one with the highest seat, possibly even right next to the Master himself." Hilara said, looking back at Calais through the corner of her eye. "She's the one that gave the Master his first son. Her name is Hera. Not only does she have the title of being the first to give a son, but she also has the most of the Master's children. A little advice when it comes to her... stay out of her way. She's quick to show others the power she has, trust me."

"She sounds like his wife." Calais said for the sake of conversation.

"She wishes she was. There's been talk that it would be her that he chooses, but we have yet to find out." Hilara soon stopped in front of a large door near the back of the mansion. "This is his room." She opened the door and allowed Calais to slowly enter inside. Once she shut the door behind him, she slyly placed her ear up to the wood, listening for any clues as to what the bull was there for.

Calais walked in Ouranos's room and looked around for anyone that might be inside. The room was massive and dimly lit, a few groups of candles gathered in different areas to bring some light. In the center of the room, perhaps the only thing that was worth mentioning, was the bed. All around it hung curtains that were suspended on bars that ran around the bed in a circle. They were made of a transparent white material that fluttered easily with the slightest breeze. Calais could hear breathing, slight and soft, but breathing nonetheless. It was coming from inside those curtains. He would ask who it was, but he thought he already knew the answer. This was Ouranos's bedroom, so most likely it was going to be him.

"Hello?" Calais spoke, thinking that maybe Ouranos had fallen asleep.

"Hello?" A different voice answered back from the inside of the curtains. "Lord Ouranos?" Out walked a lioness, one of Ouranos's many so called concubines. "Oh, I'm sorry. I was going to meet Lord Ouranos here, I did not think that he might have had other business to attend to." The female sounded older, thirties maybe. She wore the same kind of stolas as all the other lionesses, only she had a few more accessories. She had a few gold necklaces, rings and some gold earrings dangling from her ears. "Who may I ask are you? I have never seen you before. You do not wear the clothing of a slave..."

"I am Calais. I was just asked to meet Ouranos here, I guess he has not finished with what he was doing yet." Calais answered the lioness. She nodded her head down an inch, acknowledging the male's presence.

"I am Hera." She spoke kindly.

"Hera." Calais instantly remembered what Hilara had said. Hera may have seemed nice, but she was bound to be something quite different. "Nice to meet you..."

Calais looked her over. Besides her clothing and jewelry, even her fur seemed to shine more than that of the other concubines. Like all of the others, Hera's stola exposed her chest more than the stolas of the female slaves. Her eyes seemed to stab into his. They were gold, just as gold as the jewelry she wore. Her hair, a deep, red-ish color, was styled in an lavish sort of way, all of it sitting on the top of her head in some complicated design.

"Anyway, I shall leave if he has already made plans." Hera nodded her head again and then walked over to the door. She left the room and watched as Hilara attempted to cover up the fact that she had been spying. "Slave, what are you doing here?" Hera's kind voice grew cold once she closed the door.

"I was waiting on Calais, Miss." Hilara bowed her head, not once looking at Hera in the eyes.

"You were attempting to spy!" Hera came closer to the other female, her chest pressing against Hilara's. "What if Ouranos had been inside? Would you still have listened? I bet you want to hear us..." Hera spoke close to Hilara's face, her breath mixing with the slave's. "Slave filth!" Hera huffed at the other female before slamming her shoulder into Hilara's, then walking off down the hall.

Hilara watched Hera walk away. She was lucky she got off with that. Hera must have been feeling generous. She would normally be a bit more physical than a mere shoulder shrug. Hilara let the thoughts leave her as she decided it was best to leave. Calais could find her if he needed her.

Calais waited in the room for a few minutes. He thought about going through the curtains and looking at the bed, just out of curiosity, but Ouranos would probably walk in right when he did it. Instead, Calais walked around in the dark room, looking at random pieces of furniture that were placed all around the floor. Chairs and small tables. The floor in the bedroom was marble as well, Calais's feet cold on the hard surface. His eyes would still glance over at the white curtains every few minutes. It was a simple little peak, nothing too bad. It was killing him, he just had to go in.

Taking a deep breath, Calais placed his hands on the fabric. His fingers searched the material for any edge so that he may open it and walk inside. Once he found it, he cracked it open and looked in. It was dark, the curtains blocking off the light that the candles gave. He let himself go inside further. There was about two feet from the curtains to the bed. Calais could see the darkness of the bed, and once he sat down on it, he felt like he could go to sleep for days. It was soft, softer than he imagined Ouranos wanting it to be. Then again, what did he know?

"Do I have a decision as to whether you wish to stay?" Calais was shocked as he heard Ouranos's voice echo through the room.

"I..." Calais quickly made his way out from behind the curtains. His eyes gave the lion a fast look-over before looking at the ground. "Sorry I was... being nosey." He heard Ouranos let out a small chuckle, and he found his eyes looking back up just in time to see the lion coming closer.

"Do you wish to stay here?" Ouranos asked again, determined to get the answer out of Calais before the night was over.

"...Yes..." Calais answered nervously. He just signed himself away yet again, and this time he had no idea for what.

"In that case, you may feel free to do whatever it is you please..." Ouranos then bowed down, something Calais never thought he would see a lion such as himself doing.

".........." Calais was lost in his confusion. What was going on? Surely Ouranos did not welcome all of his slaves with a bow such as that! "What will my duties be, Sir?" Calais decided to ask so that he could settle himself with some answers.

"Duties?" Ouranos let his head perk up as he stood upright again.

"Yes, Sir. I am your slave now, aren't I?" Calais said, beginning to believe Hilara when she said he was not to be a slave.

"I have enough slaves. No, you are not to be one of the working class any longer..." Ouranos walked over to a side of the room, one that was darkened from lack of light.

"Then.... what am I here for, Sir?"

"You do not have to call me Sir, in fact, I forbid it! I am not your master, you are not my slave. Such formalities as 'Sir' will be left for the real slaves." Ouranos reached down for something that was hidden in the shadows. Calais strained his eyes to try and see, but all he could see was nothing. "Now, since you've decided to stay..." Calais could hear the sound of some sort of wooden trunk being opened, the door creaking with protest upon being opened. "I have a gift for you."

Calais still had not heard what he was to become now that he had decided to stay. He watched Ouranos walk back towards him, a wooden box now in his paws. There was no telling what was on the inside, or what was to become his 'gift'.

"Many want what I am about to give you, but they shall never have it." Ouranos was now in front of Calais, the tall bull just barely standing above the shorter, yet larger lion. "All those women... those whores that you have seen sprawling themselves across my home, this is what they all want." Ouranos's fingers then pulled back the top of the box, revealing to Calais a pair of golden bracelets. "All those women, they are only here because I've been ordered to give them children. The state wants more like me in hopes of future games. But now..." Ouranos took the bracelets out of the box, and dropped the empty container on the floor. "I am living for myself. No more forced nights with those women, no more children. I want a life that is mine, and this... is the first step." Ouranos held out a paw, waiting for Calais to give him his wrists.

"....." Calais knew better than to speak. Ouranos had just said so much that Calais had no idea where things were going. He looked at the paw that Ouranos had outreached. Slowly he let one of his arms move up, and then allowed Ouranos to grab onto his wrist.

"With these, may everyone know, that I have chosen..." Ouranos spoke to Calais, not thinking that Calais had no idea what was happening. "And also, may they see that you are now more than they could ever be!"

"I don't understand..." Calais looked down at his new bracelets. He had a feeling that was quickly growing in the pit of his stomach, but there was no way he could believe it.

"Let me remove these slave rings..." Ouranos brought his paws up to Calais's nose and took off the ring that was pierced into it. He then pulled off the single ring on Calais's horn. "May we both be free. Now, it has been a very long day, may we both get some rest. Find Hilara, tell her to put you up in a room for the night."

Calais watched Ouranos walk over to his bed, bowing out of habit. Ouranos nodded his head and then slipped inside the curtains. Calais listened to the sounds of his heavy breaths, and then the sounds of the bed as he climbed on top. Once Ouranos had gone quiet, Calais turned to leave.


The door to Ouranos's room opened slowly as Calais entered the hall. He could feel how late it had become, his body feeling weighed down with fatigue. Calais looked around for Hilara, but she had long since left. The area of the house he was in was secluded from the rest, most of the others staying near the front. Now since it was late, some had probably also gone to bed, making the house feel even more quiet.

Calais walked back the way Hilara had brought him. Soon he came upon a few of the house's boarders. Most the women, the lionesses. They at first just looked at Calais like they had before, but then as Calais continued to walk on, he noticed their faces changing. Soon he could hear them gasping and talking amongst one another as he made his way past them. He had no idea what had changed, or why they were gossiping about him like he were suddenly so very interesting. Calais brought his arms up and covered his wrists, subconsciously trying to hide the discomfort he was feeling.

"Well, Calais!" A female's voice shot out among the crowd. Calais looked in the direction of the call, seeing Hera walk out of a group of concubines. "It's a pleasure seeing you again!"

"You too." Calais nodded his head to her as she nodded her's.

"I trust you talked to Ouranos?" She asked, crossing her arms in front of her chest. She smiled once seeing Calais nod yes. "May I ask what about? If I'm going to be his wife, I should be let in on what it is he talks about."

"I am not sure, really. Really, all he did was..." Calais looked down at his crossed arms, and then cautiously unfolded them. "Give me these." He showed Hera the bracelets on his wrists. Within an instant he saw her face change. The kind, pleasant persona she had suddenly changed to one of bitterness and anger.

"What!" Hera's arms dropped to her sides, her fingers curled as her paws trembled. "I don't understand! Why did he give those..." Her fingers pointed at the gold jewelry, and then came up to point at Calais's face. "To you!"

"What, I don't know! What is wrong?" Calais tried to calm Hera down, his hands coming up in front of himself defensively.

"Shit, that's what this is! Shit, Bullshit!" Hera stormed off, pushing her way through the other women like they did not exist.

The crowds that had formed while the two were talking all looked at Calais. He began to walk again, searching desperately for Hilara. How could he hope to stay here when everyone treated him like they were? Also, what did the bracelets mean? From the way Hera and the others were acting, it could not be very good.


Hera stomped through the house, searching for someone that she could yell at. A slave, another concubine, anyone just as long as she got to make someone's life miserable. Her mind was littered with plans on destroying the bull that had taken from her the one thing she demanded on having. He may not have understood the power of the bracelets he wore, but she did. Those bracelets, once given to someone by Ouranos himself, determined who he was to marry. Not only that, but also got to rule by his side in the lap of luxury. Hera yearned to feel the wealth that sitting in such a position was bound to bring her. How could Ouranos choose Calais, a bull and a male over her!

Hera was the first to give Ouranos a son. She was sixteen when she was given to Ouranos by her family. It was an honor to be given to Ouranos in hopes of carrying on the legend that was his name. Hera had done just that. She was the first to give him a son, and she was also the one that had given him the most children. Her whole life was Ouranos, everything she was revolved around him. Now, he had chosen another. No, never, not if she had anything to say about it. She would find a way to stop the wedding, even if it meant killing Calais.

"Kronos!" Hera's voice yelled, echoing across the halls of the villa.


"Did I not tell you? That Hera is not to be crossed." Hilara spoke to Calais, her eyes cemented onto the gold bracelets he now wore.

"She seemed so nice, but I guess..."

"Nice? Hah, sadly that's not the case. I'm sorry you had to find that out." Hilara said. The two had made their way into a private room after Calais stumbled upon her near the front of the house. "I never would have expected this." She held Calais's wrists in her paws.

"Is this a bad thing?" Calais nudged his paws, still not knowing the significance of the trinkets.

"Bad thing? I would say not! You should consider yourself the luckiest guy in all the world!" Hilara moved away from Calais as she returned to making up a bed for him. "Do you not know that you are to be married? Those bracelets are Ouranos's engagement gift. All of his concubines have been dying to get their paws on those things."

"Married!" Calais felt all the blood rush from his head. How could he be married? Was it even possible? "He plans on marrying me!? How is it even possible?"

"Anything is possible when it comes to Ouranos. Your bed is ready, get to sleep. You have a busy life ahead of you." Hilara spoke softly, trying to ease Calais's distress.

"I don't know how you expect me to sleep, I don't think I can even sit down!" Calais walked around the room, then sitting on the bed.

"Try to." Hilara made her way towards the door, turning back to look at the distraught bull. "Just put your head on the pillow and close your eyes, sleep is bound to follow." With that, Hilara left the room, closing the door softly behind her.

Calais did as she said. He laid back and placed his head on the pillow Hilara had fluffed for him. His eyes stared at the ceiling. So, he was married? He wanted to laugh, he could not believe he had ended up in the place he was. In little more than a day he had gone from slave, to gladiator, to getting married to the most prominent lion in the state. How could he be so fortunate?

The more Calais thought about his situation, the more his fatigue wore him down. Before too long his eyes drifted closed, putting to sleep his worried mind. So fast. Everything was happening so fast.


Hera sat alone inside of her private room. She had been thinking about everything that had happened. The bull had taken her ticket to fortune, and it seemed he did not even want it. That was a good thing, too, because she had no intentions of letting him have it.

The door to her bedroom quickly opened as a young lion stepped inside. "Ah, Kronos..." Hera greeted her son from her position on her bed. He came in farther and sat down on the edge of her mattress. She looked at him for a second before speaking, her eyes staying attached to his.

"You called for me, mother?" Kronos asked, his young, deep voice breaking the silence.

"Son... we have a problem." Hera propped her body up by her elbow as she laid across her bed. "It seems we have a hitch in our plans. Have you seen that bull, Calais?"

"Bull? No. I've been out. Why?"

"Don't worry on why, I've got a job for you." Hera sat up and then got off the bed, walking over to her son. "I want you to kill that Calais."

"Kill him?" Kronos leaned back away from his mother. "Why should I?"

"Because, dear, he is what stands in my way, our way, to living the rest of our lives in the lap of luxury." Hera grabbed her son's muscled arm and pulled him up. "I know you want that as much as I do, so you will kill him!" Her grip on her son's arm tightened at the end of her sentence.

"Humpf..." Kronos grumbled, pulling his arm out from her grip. "Where is he?"

"That's a good boy. Try the guest room, he's probably in there." Hera patted her son's back as she nudged him out of her room.

Kronos always listened to his mother, no matter what it was she asked of him. If she wanted him to fetch her some dinner, he would force a slave to bring it to her immediately. If she wanted someone to be punished, he would do that, too. Never, though, had she ever asked him to kill someone. He was fine bashing them until they coughed up blood, but killing he thought twice about. Perhaps it would be fine if he just did that, instead. After all, it was no difference to him if his mother got her seat next to Ouranos. Kronos was already designated to be the next fighter for the games once his father stepped down. Really, Kronos was already looking at his life of luxury, it was only his mother that was out of the loop.

Kronos cracked his knuckles as he neared the guest's quarters. Few were still awake, so his midnight assault was sure to be unheard. Kronos was an expert at getting his job done without anyone ever finding out. He was at a good start for his future as a gladiator. His battle experience was well tuned for someone of his age. He was at an early 22, the same age as his father when he took his job at fighting for the games. He also shared a lot of his father's looks. He had everything from his thick mane to his warrior's body. Though his mane was still short and clear of gray hairs, Kronos was still and intimidating as his father. One roar would make the strongest fighter doubt his abilities.

Like a ghost Kronos made his way into the guest's room. It was dark inside, too dark to see anything. His ears twitched as he picked up the sounds of breathing. Someone was inside, asleep. Calais most likely. He inched his way inside, the door creaking as he pushed it open. He froze in place, listening for any signs that Calais had been aroused. Kronos took the silence as a good sign. Before he closed the door, Kronos took a quick scan of the room. The light from out in the hall gave some insight on the room's layout. The room was rather bare, but the one thing Kronos was looking for was a dresser. In the corner he found it. The dresser was sure to have some candles in it. Kronos looked outside of the room for any spare stick he could steal, and once he found one he made his way into the guest's room.

Kronos padded his way over to the dresser, the pale light of the single candle giving enough of a glow to lead his way. Once his paws reached the top of the dresser, he opened up the drawers until he found some more sticks. He pulled out a few and stuck them into some bases that were already on the dresser's top. It was almost time.

"Eh...." Calais grunted as he slowly came back to consciousness. He saw the lion standing in the corner, a few candles now set a flame. "Ouranos?" His vision was still a little cloudy from the sleep, but a few rubs with his paws cleared them.

Calais watched as the lion turned to face him. He had to strain his eyes to tell the difference between Ouranos and the lion he was now looking at. It was hard to tell, but the first clue was the mane. It was shorter, younger. This lion was much younger than Ouranos. "Who are you?" Calais asked, his voice sounding harsh as he expected the worst.

"I take it you're Calais?" Kronos replied, his voice deep and cold.

"I am. And you?" Calais said as he was still sitting in his bed.

"That is all I needed to know." Kronos said right before dashing towards the bull.

Calais was taken aback by the sudden attack that Kronos had given. He had little time to react, and could only manage to push the blankets off before Kronos was on top of him. The claws of the large feline dug deep into his neck as he was held in a tight strangle hold. "Gah..." Calais choked, trying his best to wiggle his way out of the strong lion's clutches. Kronos sat on top of him, keeping his lower body down as he worked on Calais's neck. Calais grabbed at the paws that covered his neck. His legs shook violently. He tried everything to free himself from his assailant. He could hear Kronos laughing now, apparently pleased with the act he was committing. Calais turned his head side to side, allowing the smallest bit of air to flow down his windpipe.

Kronos let his tail wag back and forth as he played with his prey. There was nothing he loved more than beating up on someone beneath him. Curiously, he let his grip loosen, and not much sooner after did he feel a fist crash across his face. Calais took the momentary opportunity to break the hold on his neck, ramming his elbows into the bends of Kronos's arms, and then hitting him off. Kronos fell to the floor, a paw cupping the side of his face that had just been hit. He could taste blood pooling in his mouth. The bull could throw a punch, that was for sure.

Calais stood out of bed and readied himself for a fight. Someone like Kronos was not going to stop after one simple slap. The lion stood up and brushed his mouth with the back of his paw. The two looked at each other amidst the dark room. It was still hard to see, so that made it harder to read the moves each gave off. Calais squinted his eyes as he focused on Kronos's face. He was not going to be surprised a second time.

Kronos brought his fists up and then came at Calais, throwing punches that only managed to be blocked. Calais followed each of the lion's strikes to the best of his abilities. Kronos was fast, but Calais was sure he could be faster. In a matter of seconds Calais felt his back come up against the wall, Kronos taking advantage by throwing more punches. Kronos brought a fist towards Calais's face, but missed as he moved his head at the last second. His fist slammed into the wall with all the force of his punch. Cursing, Kronos pulled his hand away just in time to feel Calais bring a knee to his stomach. He could hardly breath as the air was knocked out of him. Calais shoved the stunned lion back, and soon brought a few more balled paws to the sides of his face.

Calais stood back as he watched the lion fall to his rump. Kronos did not know which to hold, his battered stomach or his tattered face. It was sad, a few quick hooks from the bull and he was on his ass defeated. Perhaps he was not ready for the games.

"You can fight, I was not informed about that." Kronos rubbed his face as he stayed on the floor.

"Damn it, who are you!" Calais hissed with anger, keeping his paws in fists as a warning. "I demand an answer!"

"Calm down." Kronos started to pick himself up, a bit wobbly at first but then soon gathering his balance. "My name is Kronos. I am Ouranos's son."

"Son?" Calais wanted to let his fists fall, but feared that the second he did Kronos would attack. "Why would you attack me?"

"An order from my mother, do excuse her. I would say she means no harm, but..."

"Your mother? Who is that?"

"Hera." Kronos turned around as he began to walk towards the door.

"Hera? Why would she order you to attack me?" Calais let his fists drop as he walked up to Kronos. He was not going to let him leave without giving him some answers.

"Well, actually, she ordered me to kill you. I just planed on roughing you up a bit, though." Kronos turned to face the bull that was now eye level with him. One thing Kronos had that his father did not was height. Kronos was easily the same height as the tall bull. "She didn't tell me I would fighting someone like you, though."

"......" Calais looked to the side as he heard what Kronos said. Hera wanted him dead? He looked down at the bracelets on his wrists and silently cursed them. "All for these?" Calais said as he looked back up at Kronos. He was stunned to feel a fist smash across his face and then to have Kronos grab him from behind.

"I must always have the last hit!" Kronos held onto Calais as he brought his lips to the bull's ear. "Why has my father chosen you? What can you do for him?" Kronos took in a deep breath as he smelled the bull's scent. "He must be becoming senile in his old age. You seem too young, you smell like your still a kid, possibly 20..." Kronos let his rough tongue slip out from his mouth. Calais closed his eyes as he felt the moist muscle cross over his cheek. "Even I'm older than you, so that means... I'm sure my mother wouldn't mind if..."

Calais let out heavy breaths as he felt the lion's tongue continue to lick over his fur. There was no telling what Kronos was planning to do, that is until he felt something begin to shift under the dress of Kronos's clothing. Panic began to crawl over Calais as was Kronos intended to do dawned on him. All day long it seemed like he had been pulled from one thing to another too quickly for him to react. He had gotten engaged to the most prominent gladiator in all of the lands, and was now being held up by that same gladiator's son who had his own plans. Calais could feel his mind grow crowded with thoughts. Why could he not just think for two seconds before something else happened? Too much, everything just seemed to be too much.

"Off! Get off of me!" Calais barked as he thrashed about violently.

"Calm down... it won't be that bad..." Kronos continued to hold strong onto the bucking bull.

Calais blew hot air out of his nose as he brought a foot up and then sent it crashing down into one of Kronos's. The lion growled as the pain shot up from his bruised toes, and loosened his hold as he stumbled back. Calais wasted no time in elbowing the other male in the chest. Kronos coughed as he was hit back, his paws clutching at his chest as more pain made its home in his body. Calais watched and waited for Kronos to recover and come back, but before he could the sound of the bedroom door being opened caught their attention.

"Calais?" Hilara asked, worried by the sounds she had heard coming from inside. "What's happening?"

"I was attacked in my sleep!" Calais said to the leopard, who had now walked inside the room, a lit candle in her right paw. "By him!"

"Master Kronos?" Hilara spoke softly, clearly not understanding what had really been going on.

"Do not worry, everything is fine now." Kronos said as he patted his lips with the back of his paw. "I'll be leaving now..." Kronos gathered himself and stood straight, ignoring the pain of his injured foot. He walked past Calais as he left the room, and smiled at the bull as they crossed paths.

"......" Hilara watched as Kronos left, and then stood silent at the door for a few minutes after everything went quiet. "What was..."

"He said his mother sent him, Hera sent him, to kill me. For these." Calais held out a paw, showing Hilara his gold-covered wrist once again. "Why the hell do I have to have these? Why can't I just go back to being a slave?"

"Hera. Now you see who she is. Bitter and cruel." Hilara walked into the room and up to Calais, putting a paw on the wrist that he had extended. "As for this... You won it, don't let those like Hera make you think different. These bracelets are your life now."

"Might as well be a slave. Not like I decided on any of this for myself." Calais calmed down, letting his arm fall down to his side.


Calais found it hard to wake up the next morning, his head feeling heavier than the planet he lived on. His head perhaps was giving him a message, that he had the whole world on his shoulders. Unfortunately, Calais could not call himself the next Atlas, so he easily buckled under the weight. He must have stayed in bed for a hour after waking up, just laying there staring at the ceiling. The emotions he had felt before finally getting to bed had long since passed, sleep was good at washing away stress.

A sudden throbbing made its way through Calais's brain, causing the bull to bring a paw up to rest the back against his forehead. His eyes were closed throughout the duration of the painful stinging, but as soon as it stopped his eyelids slowly broke open. The first thing he noticed was the gold bracelet on his wrist. For the first time since he had been given the piece of jewelry Calais was not disturbed by the mere sight of it. He simply looked at it, took a deep breath, and let his arm fall back down on the bed, like he were more annoyed by having to do a chore than having to get married. Perhaps this was just a chore, this getting married with Ouranos, a long chore that would last the rest of his life. Strangely enough, the idea of it all being nothing but a chore made everything weigh easier on his mind. If he just pretended he were doing his job, like he were back at the slave grounds, then maybe he could get through the marriage without much of a problem. Maybe.

Still, though, Calais worried about other things, Kronos, for one. What happened last night was so utterly random that Calais would sooner believe it were all a dream. The pain from the few bruises in his muscles from the fight was proof that last night was not a dream, but Calais still wanted to pretend. If it was not enough that he had so suddenly taken the fancy of Ouranos, but now his son as well? Never before had anyone ever really paid him that sort of attention. Calais let his mind wander, trying to think of any instances where someone had shown any attraction to him. The only cases he could recall were all recent. Ouranos and Kronos, of course, but then the tiger guard back at the slave grounds, and maybe even those guys back at the gladiator's house. Random, each and every one of them. Perhaps, however, that was how the game of attraction was meant to be played. If that was the case, then Calais could understand, but still he wished he could have had a little warning.

A light tapping at his door caused Calais to drop his thoughts. "Come in," Calais said as he sat up, grunting as he pushed through the pain. The door opened slowly and Hilara walked in. She held a bowl of water in both of her paws, with a rag placed over the edge.

"Good morning. Glad I did not wake you." Hilara said as she walked over to a bedside table, placing the bowl down on top. "Here is some water to wash your face. I'm sorry to be in here so early, but Lord Ouranos has requested your presence..." Hilara took the rag and soaked it in the water, then handed it to Calais after squeezing out the excess. She noticed the slight furrowing of the bull's brow as he took the rag. "Is something the matter?"

"My head hurts a little." Calais said as he rubbed the rag over his face. "Nothing serious, it's just annoying."

"I see..." Hilara took the rag back once he finished. She dropped the cloth back into the water and then put her paws over Calais's head. "Lord Ouranos would always have migraines after his battles. I know a little when it comes to aiding the pain. Give it just a second..." Hilara used her thumbs to press down on the sides of Calais's temples. She heard a small breath escape the bull and smiled as she continued to rub. "...and the pain should go away."

Calais closed his eyes as he felt Hilara's paws work their magic. He could feel the pain quickly drain out from his skull, and soon he was left rejuvenated. "Thanks." Calais said as he felt Hilara remove her paws.

"That's what I'm here for. Now hurry on to Ouranos. I do not want him thinking I ignored his requests." Hilara walked towards the door, leaving the bowl of water behind. "Clean up some more if you wish, just do it quickly." With that Hilara took her leave.

Calais quickly got out of the bed, stretching once he was on his feet. Ignoring the water, Calais decided to hurry up and get things over with. Once leaving his room, he made his way to Ouranos's room. It did not take him long to reach it since he easily remembered its location from the night before. Since it was still early, few were awake, leaving the halls empty and cutting down Calais's travel time in half. Who knew why Ouranos insisted his presence at this time, but one was better off not asking questions. Calais knocked lightly on Ouranos's door and then pulled it open slightly, peeking inside for permission to enter.

"Come in!" Ouranos's deep voice rumbled from somewhere Calais could not see. Most likely behind the curtains of his bed. "Make sure to lock the door behind you."

"Yes, Sir." Calais complied, entering the room and locking the latch on the door. A chill worked its way up Calais's spine, causing his short fur to stand. "So early in the morning, locked door, I'm no idiot..." Calais was sure he knew correctly the purpose of his being there.

"Come into the curtains, and don't bother with the lights." Ouranos spoke, the last bit of his command referring to a few candles that were giving off light.

"Yes, Sir." Calais said as he walked deeper into the room, and then inside of the curtains. "Alright, let's just get this over with..."

"And Calais..." Ouranos spoke once the bull was inside the curtains. "Enough of that 'Sir' shit! I am not your master, and you are not my slave, you know?" Calais sat up from his position on his bed. The covers were over the lower half of his body, while the upper half was left bare. His golden fur and brown chest fur glowing darkly in the little bit of light.

"Right..." Calais looked down at the sitting lion. His eyes roamed over the naked upper half of the feline, his muscles hidden by his fur. Calais even found himself looking at each of the lion's erect nipples that poked out from his brown-haired chest. "It's a job, just think of it as a job..."

"Now, get in." Ouranos said as he lifted the blankets with his paw, uncovering a spot for Calais to climb in. Ouranos watched as Calais crawled in without saying a word. He let the blanket fall over Calais once he let his head rest on the pillow. "That's better... Sorry it had to be so early, I just did not want someone coming in and disturbing us..."

"I figured that, already. Now, make your move before I lose my nerve..." Calais spoke to himself while looking up at Ouranos who was steadily placing himself over the laying bull. "Just a job."

"I also couldn't wait any longer. It feels like I've been waiting for my whole life..." Ouranos stopped talking long enough to place his lips against Calais's, the two closing their eyes as heat rushed to their faces. "No more living my life for others, it's time to look forward to waking up in the mornings..." Ouranos kissed Calais once again, this time breaking into the bull's mouth with his tongue. The cat felt his cock grow and then thrust himself between Calais's thighs, his crotch resting over Calais's.

Calais listened as best as he could to the lion, finding it hard to concentrate after retrieving the first kiss. Then as Ouranos slipped his tongue into his mouth, and his hips between his legs, Calais quickly found himself forgetting about the 'job' aspect. He let his legs spread farther apart, and then with a hungry paw he grabbed onto Ouranos's ass. He felt the older male jump a little at his abrasiveness, but then quickly warm into it, grinding his hips into the other male's.

Calais threw his head back into the pillow, giving Ouranos access to his neck. Taking his opportunity, Ouranos stuck out his tongue and licked the growing sweat off of the bull's throat. He was surprised at first to see Calais react so strongly to his advancements, but now he was well into the moment. As he continued to feel the young bull gyrate underneath him, Ouranos could feel his heavy boner itch for attention. He tried to ease it by ramming it against Calais's clothed crotch, but satisfaction was not so easily achieved. He pushed himself up onto his paws, and looked down between himself and Calais. He watched himself thrust at Calais's hidden erection. Slowly his eyes looked back at Calais, and he saw the bull in the same agony.

Calais looked down as well, seeing the lion's hard cock slip across his own. His lap was a fiery combination of carnal lust and hormonal passion. This nearly overwhelming sensation left Calais a weak mess beneath Ouranos's heaving body. His legs were spread as far as they could go while his paws were now wrapped around Ouranos's bulging arms. He could feel the temperature rise steadily, and if Ouranos did not stop his thrusts soon, Calais would be coming without ever having touched himself.

Ouranos felt Calais's grip tighten on his arms, and he heard the desperate whimpers escaped his lips. Enough teasing. Ouranos let himself down gently on Calais once again, and placed his lips over the quivering bull's. Then he sat up on his knees, looking down at the soft, muscular body strewn before him. How he wished he could stretch this moment on forever, but he knew if he did not hurry up, he and Calais both would go crazy. Ouranos let his claws scratch slowly down Calais body, leaving small lines across the bull's skin. In a few places where Ouranos had pressed to hard blood began to dot the edges of the scratch. Calais simply moaned with the slight pain, and Ouranos hungrily licked his lips.

Calais bit his bottom lip as he felt the claws rip tenderly at his body. He felt somewhat like a scratching post, but for the most part he felt undeniably horny. His legs shook as he fought to spread them wider, offering himself completely to the lion. His arm moved over his head, and joined together at the wrists like he were bound by rope. He cock jumped inside of its confines, feeling like it could very well tear through the material of his undergarment. The thong did feel awfully binding, and he could only hope Ouranos would shred it off with his claws.

Ouranos looked down at the clothing that was still on the bull's body. The small battle dress that was bunched up around his navel, no longer covering anything, and the thong that he wore underneath it. Ouranos could have removed it gently, or ripped it off, but he instead decided to keep it on. Ouranos placed his paws behind the bends of Calais's knees and gently lifted his legs up. "Hold these, dear." Ouranos said, giving the legs to their owner. Ouranos now looked down at welcoming, yet covered, opening of the bull's. Slowly he let his body crouch down enough so that his nose was level with Calais's ass. Taking a deep whiff, Ouranos groaned as he breathed in the smell of his lover. With a deep exhale, Ouranos let his tongue lick at the fabric. With a thumb, Ouranos moved the fabric out of the way, revealing to him the hole he had been desiring. Such a delectable taint was meant to be delved into, and with no more wasted time Ouranos dug in.

Calais held hard onto his knees as he felt Ouranos eat at his hole. It tickled horribly, but also felt better than he could have ever imagined. He huffed out a breath each time Ouranos pushed his rough, wet tongue past his muscles. He wanted to scream obscenities, demanding that Ouranos knock off the games and fuck him right, but he held his tongue. He bit down on his lip harder as he closed his eyes, basking in the pleasure. He could feel Ouranos using his thumbs to spread him open, as well as his tongue digging deep into him.

Ouranos pushed himself up, licking at his wet maw as he did so. He took his paws and placed them back into the bends of Calais's knees, and pushed his legs down next to his head. Calais rubbed his hoofed fingers against Ouranos's chest, occasionally pinching at his nipples as he awaited the elder male's next move. Without much warning Ouranos shoved his massive length into Calais's bowels. He could hear Calais protest in pain, but he knew better than to stop. Pulling out and starting over would only prolong the discomfort. So Ouranos shoved himself in as deep as he could, and stayed while Calais got used to it.

Calais had never felt a fire so intense, so earth-shattering as the one he was feeling in his ass. Not only was Ouranos well-endowed, but Calais had also never had anything more than the size of his finger inside of him. So those two factors put together met for one hell of a muscular retaliation. He heard Ouranos hissing through his teeth at the shear tightness of his unused hole. "Bastard... he get's all the good stuff while I'm left here with.... eh... hot coals in my ass..." Calais groaned to himself, laughing silently at his situation. Even with the pain, he could still feel his cock throb with excitement, so at least the pain was not enough to turn him off.

Ouranos, no longer able to keep still, drew his hips back slowly. The feeling of tight heat all around his dick was the best thing he could ever hope to feel. Those females he was forced to reproduce with were nothing like Calais. They were all loose, broken by childbearing, but Calais was a tight as a python. Once his tip reached the opening, Ouranos crammed himself back in, bringing more moans of agony out from the bull. He knew he was hurting him, but he could not feel remorse. Even though he loved Calais, he was too drunk with his need to care about anything else. He could only hope Calais would come into pleasure soon. Ouranos pulled out and pushed back through every fighting muscle in his way. The sounds of their sex echoed heavily through the room as Ouranos fucked Calais raw. Deaf to the whimpers and blind to the contours of the bull's face, Ouranos pushed on, determined to reach his end.

This careless disregard for his well-being is what drove Calais deeper into the moment. He was being ravaged, and he loved it. Who would have guessed that he would have been the kind of guy to take it like that? The pain was still there as Ouranos continued to force his way in and out of Calais, but Calais was far over the discomfort. The feelings of his prostate as it was being prodded helped to numb out the withering pain in his bowels. He could not help but moan with pleasure, and with every noise he made Ouranos reacted with a heavy thrust. Even though Calais still had not touched himself, or even taken himself out from his clothing, he could feel his climax quickly approaching. The attention to his prostate was more than enough to replace the lack of attention to his crotch.

Ouranos let up slightly as he leaned back, removing his paws from Calais's legs and placing them on the bed behind himself. Calais let his legs drop and wrap around Ouranos's waist, locking the cat close. Ouranos rocked his hips back and forth in his laid back position, huffing as he forced the welling sensations in his body to subside. With one paw still holding his body up, Ouranos brought the other to Calais's rock hard mound. He gently touched it with one finger, toying with it through the clothing. Calais's legs writhed around him at his touch, and squeezed him tight once he stuck a finger under the fabric and moved it aside. Ouranos took the gorged flesh in his paw and massaged it till it stood up on its own. Once it stood in the air Ouranos let it go. He looked at it as he continued to buck his hips. It swayed back and forth with each thrust he gave. Every now and then Ouranos would tap it, playing with it like he were a kitten with a ball.

Calais was lost in himself. With his paws now free, he used them to squeeze at his nipples while he felt Ouranos toy with his member. He was so close to blowing his load now that if Ouranos were to hit it the right way he would be shooting streams. Drool ran down his face as he watched Ouranos fuck him. If this was what awaited him after getting married to the lion, then he was more than prepared.

Ouranos brought his paw to his lips and licked his thumb. Now wet, he let back down and rubbed it gently against the slit on Calais's cockhead. Calais flexed himself at the touch, and as Ouranos ran his thumb down the shaft Calais got off. Several squirts of his hot load came flowing out of his tortured member faster than either of them expected. Shooting all over the bull's body, Ouranos was mesmerized by the sight of the other male's climax. He wrapped his paw around Calais cock and helped the rest come out, licking his lips once again as he imagined its taste.

Calais rocked his body roughly on Ouranos's dick as he felt his climax hit. It had been long awaited, and it seemed with the little attention given to himself made it all the more powerful. Once his milking begin to end, Calais breathed heavily as he was slapped with the after effects of his orgasm. His eyelids weighed heavy and his muscles grew tired. Still, though, Ouranos had not gone over the edge himself. Now spent, it grew difficult for Calais to keep his eyes open. If he were to be able go to sleep he would have to end things soon.

Taking a deep breath, Calais unwrapped his legs and pulled himself off of the lion's hot meat. Ouranos was confused at first, but began to understand once he felt the hoofed fingers on his chest urging him to lay on his back. He did what was asked, laying down with his thick cock stabbing the air. Calais then moved over the other male, straddling his hips before skewering himself on Ouranos's experienced sex. Calais hissed through gritted teeth as the thick mass once again forced his ass to open up. Ouranos's paws clutched at his ass cheeks, his nails digging deep and piercing the skin as he held Calais in place. He humped up as Calais rode down. Calais's paws rested on Ouranos's chest and once he sat completely on the lion's length he let his fingers moved towards the pink nipples of the lion. He pinched hard. Ouranos roared deeply inside of his throat as he felt Calais teasing him. It was the right thing to do, since this sent Ouranos's head flying back into the mattress as he came. His maw opened wide as he bared his slobbery fangs in a silent scream.

Calais watched Ouranos as he felt the cat explode inside of him. He rode the lion for all he was worth, lifting his hips and slamming them back down as he drained Ouranos of his life seed. The claws that were stabbing at his ass were now scratching down his thighs, leaving long trails of blood as Ouranos split his skin. It hurt, but Calais ignored it. Perhaps he was a bit masochistic, because the pain even helped to cause blood to fill his dick once again. Once Ouranos looked up at him, with his maw opened just enough so he could breathe, Calais bent down to place his lips against the lion's. Ouranos ran his claws lightly across Calais's back as they kissed, his cock still embedded deep inside of the young bull.

Once the two broke apart, Calais laid down next to Ouranos, breathing heavily. Ouranos looked at the mess he had caused. Not only had Calais sprayed his seed all over his body, but Ouranos had also cut him several times. The blood from the cuts still flowed in some places, and it was all beginning to stain the bed. Mentally he was cursing himself for having been so brash. He knew he hurt Calais with his fast-acting ways, forcing him to accept his large size. Not only that but he had to claw him up, as well.

"Forgive my bestial behavior, I'll try and simmer down from now on." Ouranos said, bending down to lick of a dollop of come from Calais's chest.

"Don't. I think I rather like the way you act when you let go..." Calais felt his face blush as he looked into Ouranos's eyes as he licked him clean.

"I do not think I deserve you after all!" Ouranos was delighted in hearing that he could be himself. He knew he liked to scratch, so it was only the best of luck that he found someone who liked to be scratched.

Ouranos continued to lick Calais, cleaning him of his seed and blood alike. Closing his eyes as he let the older male tend to him, Calais began to feel himself slip. Maybe it was not really a job, but something he could live with. This could be his chance to have something new, and if he woke up and found out it was not a dream, then he would continue on from there.


Yeah, it took me a while to update. Sorry about that. I hope that you all still like this, though, and perhaps its getting better? Maybe a five? I'm not going to beg. Reward me with comments and rate as you see fit.