TLOS Legend of the black dragon Chapter 2 return to the return journey

Story by Marinus18 on SoFurry

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The legend of Spyro

Legend of the black dragon

Chapter 2 return to the return journey

After Spyro and Cynder used the remaining red crystals to heal his wound they started to wonder who that mysterious black dragoness was.

"who do you think that was?" Cynder asked

"I have no idea" replied Spyro

"But she looked exactly like you when you where under the control of the dark master"

"I know" Cynder said with a dark tone in her voice

After they had scratched there heads for over an hour trying to figure out who the mysterious black dragoness was they dismissed it and continued on there way.

But this time they decided to fly to Warfang instead.

They really wanted to see there friends again and tell them about Ignitus. But also the incident with the black dragoness had broken there peaceful stroll.

"if we continue in at this pace we will reach Warfang tomorrow before noon" Spyro said to Cynder.

"But we will have to find a place to sleep for one night"

"by the way" Cynder said


"what do you think we will be greeted with once we get there"

"I guess by a mass of screaming fans" Spyro signed

"I feared as much" Cynder said while turning her head to hide a smile

In the late in the afternoon it unfortunately started to rain. Spyro was quite fond of water and the rain didn't bother him much.

"I never liked the rain" Cynder complained

"well I think that you looked beautiful with the raindrops on your scales" Spyro said flirtingly

"well thank you" Cynder said sarcastically

In the evening they caught a large swine to eat and after there stomach were full they were beginning to feel very sleepy

"Do you see a place to sleep somewhere?" Cynder asked as they was flying around to see a cave or something that could serve as shelter from the rain.

"Hey look there!" Spyro said pointing his finger towards a face of a wall which appeared to have quite a few cracks in it

"where?" Cynder asked

"there!" Spyro flew towards a large crack with Cynder in tow and they flew through the crack in the wall

The two dragon's entered the cave and shook to remove the water that was still on there scales.

"looks nice" Cynder said after inspecting the cave. It had a lot of dents in it, was large enough for two teen dragons and had low ceiling

"let's sleep here then" Spyro said and Cynder nodded in agreement.

They slept side by side during the night to keep each other warm in the cold cave. Spyro was already sound asleep but Cynder was still awake.

A lot was going through her head with all that had happened

"who was that dragoness and why does she look so much like my evil form?" Cynder wondered.

"if she really took down all those wyvern then she must be very powerful"

"I always had thought that I was the only black dragon in existence" she remembered that it was the first other black dragon or any other dragon that wasn't one of the elements other then the purple dragons: Spyro and Malafor

"if she's a black dragon to maybe there are more dragons like me in the world who survived the onslaught of me"

Then it struck her. "Maybe she is the only one of my kind that I didn't kill already" she sadly thought

"how could I have destroyed my own kind! How could I hav.AAH!" Cynder screamed as Spyro moved in his sleep and one of his back spikes scratched the area below her tail.

Spyro jumped awake, got in his battle stand and immediately observed his surroundings.

But he quickly relaxed and looked at Cynder who had jumped away from him and backed up against the wall of the cave.

"Cynder what's wrong?" he asked surprised by her scream

"ummmm nothing I'm okay" Cynder said blushing heavily

"Sure? it didn't sound like you were okay" Spyro asked sceptically

"It was nothing! Just a nightmare!" Cynder said this time with a bit more force

"um okay then" said Spyro quite surprised by Cynder forceful response.

"let's go back to sleep then" he said looking very tired

"um yeah" Cynder said unsure

Spyro sat back down and gestured Cynder to do the same

Cynder smiled and lay down next to her beloved purple dragon

She was happy to be able to sleep near the one she loved

"his touch did actually feel nice" she thought

Then it occurred to her what she was thinking about when Spyro touched her.

"well I'm glad he disturbs when I am thinking about stuff like that"

"well I better go to sleep, it will surely be a flashy day tomorrow in Warfang" she thought

"good.... Night..... Cynder." Spyro muttered already half asleep.

"good night my love" she muttered before turning her mind at ease and finally allowed her tiredness take hold of her.

