My HighSchool Dream Love -- Part 8

Story by Tyrant Dragon on SoFurry

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"Uh oh." I heard Brad say from the outside.

My parents barged into the room and stood next to me. Brad walked slowly inside but stayed out of the way.

"Is this true?!" my dad said, getting loud.

I hesitated on rather or not to answer this. I took a quick look at Brad and he gave me a soft nod. I nodded towards my parents.

"I can't believe this..." my dad said, shaking his head in disappointment.

There was another for what seemed like a long moment of silence.

"How long have you kept this a secret to us?"

I once again hesitated on rather or not I should lie on how long this has been going on. I gave another quick glance to Brad and he once again nodded.

"It's been almost half a year." I said.

My dad stormed out of the room, pushing Brad out of the way. Brad came up to the other side of me and ran his hand along the side of my face. I grabbed his hand and held onto it looking at my mom.

"Well, are you going to lecture me as well?" I said, begining to swell up with tears.

"Don't worry about me honey. I will accept you no matted what sexual orientation you are. I'm going to go talk to your father and hopefully set everything straight." she said, smiling at me.

I was so grateful at the moment that I developed a really close bond to my mom over the years. She left the room, leaving me and Brad alone. I sighed loudly.

"Listen, everything is going to be ok." Brad said, pulling up a chair to sit next to me.

He leaned in a gave me a soft kiss. I leaned into it and broke it shortly after.

"What if my dad can't accept me?" I said, begining to cry.

"He will. You need to let him adjust to this. You are his only son and he was probably expecting you to continue on the family name." he said slowly.

I simply nodded. That's all I could do. I was trying to think of something that I could possibly tell my dad that will help him understand the situation more. After for what seemed about 15 minutes, both of my parents returned into the room. My dad came down on the other side and sat down next to me.

"We'll need to discuss this later. There has been enough adventure for one night. We also talked to the doctor while we were out there. Everything seems to be fine with you and we can go home." my dad said to me.

A nurse came in slowly after to remove everything that was attached to me. I got up and we walked out through the exit.

"Would you mind if I go with Brad?" I said to my parents.

They both turned around to face me. Brad had his arm around my waist, holding me close.

"Sure." my mom siad.

My dad glared at my mom and the shuddered a little and walked off. My mom trotted after him. I turned around and smiled and leaned up to kiss him deeply on the lips. He smiled back at me and we began walking to his car. He pulled up into my driveway, and shockingly, my parents wern't home.

"That's odd," I said, "They should be home by now."

"Do you want me to stay home with you until your parents get home?"

"I love you so much, Brad." I said, hugging him tightly and kissing his passionately.

"I love you too, hun." he replied, smiling down on me.

We walked into the house and we sat on the couch. I laid my head down on Brad's pec and I felt his heart beating. It was a very slow beat. I will never forget his muscular, comforting body. Brad kissed the top of my head and petted it softly. I murred softly, running my hand along the inside of his thight. After about a half an hour, my parents walked in. My mom came first and then my dad in. My dad caught us cuddling and shuddered.

"I'm going to bed." he said bluntly, going straight to the stairs.

"Good night." I said.

"Ya ya..." my dad grunted out, shutting the door to the guest room.

"We'll get him to understand, don't worry." my mom said, ,shaking her head slightly.

"You better get to bed young man. Brad you're welcome to spend the night here. I wouldn't want you driving out this late on a school night. You can simply get your stuff tommorow morning. I also suggest calling your parents and telling them where you are."

"Thanks. I really appreciate it." he said.

He fidgeted a little bit cause now it seems more weird if he slept in the same room with me.

"You can sleep with Tom." my mom said, practically reading his mind.

Brad smiled and nodded. He went into a seperate room and called his mom. He explained to his mom everything that happened but said it was just a friend that was in the hospital as a cover up. I heard her say that she'll see him tommorow. He hung up the phone and smiled at me. I jumped up into his arms and kissed his neck deeply.

"I want to please you tonight..." I said in a slow, sexy voice.

"I want to fuck you raw." Brad said, murring softly.

He carried me to my room. I could feel his cock rubbing against my ass. I moaned softly, looking foward to the nice piece of meat to be able to fuck me. He threw me on the bed and jumped on top of me, kissing my neck deeply. He got up, his ass grinding against my huge buldge, to take off his shirt. I took the oppurtunity to take mine off as well. He undid his pants, leaving his nice tent-shaped boxes revealed. I grabbed it and jerked off the member through the clothes.

"You want that cock in you baby?" he said, moaning.

"Oh...fuck ya." I replied

He got down, ripping my pants off, revealing my tent-shaped boxers as well.

"You want me to suck your cock a little bit?" he said, jerking it off slowly.

"Hhmph, I thought I was going to please you tonight." I said, arching my back, moaning in pleasure.

"Well, this I'll please me." he said in his sexy voice.

"Alright." I said.

He removed my boxers slowly, revealing my throbbing member to be let out. He kissed the tip and moved down towards the base, kissing different parts along the way. I was moaning and gasping in pleasure. He took in the tip and slide his tongue around it. I leaked out some pre already and he instantly slurpped every ounce of it. He took in about half of my member into his mouth and wrapped his hand around the bottom half. As he went up, he jerked my member with his hand.

"Oh fuck ya baby, that feels so fucking good." I managed to get out.

He continued to do this action for quite some time now.

"I'm going to fucking cum soon baby." I said.

He took my cock out of his mouth,

"Fucking cum in my mouth baby, I wanna taste your seed." he said while jerking off his member.

He put my dick back into my mouth and simply deep throated it. That's all I simply needed. I grabbed the back of his hand and pushed down while thrusting my hips up. I closed my eyes tight and shot my seed into the back of his throat. About three nice waves of it came out before my intense orgasm died down. He swallowed every bit he could get. He took the member out and continued jerking it slowly.

"You taste so fucking good baby." he said.

"Hmph, that feltl so good. It's now time for your turn. I said, panting.

I got up and my hands and knees, lifting my tail up to reveal my nice tight hole. He took off his boxers to reveal his throbbing member. I could tell he had gotten bigger. At least two inches. I didn't mind it though. I was looking foward to it. He put it at my entrance, rimming around it. He leaked out some pre.

"Don't teasse me. Fuck me nice and hard right now." I aid quickly.

He chuckled slightly and put his tip into me. I burst into ectasy. At that very moment, it felt so fucking good to be able to have his cock into me. To be united as one. He inserted about half of it in. It felt amazing. I was stiff again instantly.

"Nice and tight....just how I like it." Brad said inbetween moans.

He finally began picking up a pace, shoving more and more of it in. I couldn't get over it. This yiff felt so special for some reason. It felt like we hit a next step in our sexual relationship.

"I'm going to cum soon baby. Your tight ass makes me orgasm fast."

"I want to be tied with you Brad, fuck me nice and deep." I said, closing my eyes tight.

"Oh fuck ya, whatever you want baby."

I could feel his knot begining to form which means he is getting ready to cum. It did hurt a little since I was really tight, but I didn't mind it. He inserted his whole member into my ass and I squeezed my muscles around his knot. That's all he needed. He orgasmed inside of me, filling me up with his nice, warm seed. I could smell his musky scent and it smelled so damn good. His knot was fully formed and stretching my hole to the limit. That's all I needed to orgasm again. I let it out all over the bed.

"Brad, your knot feels so good inside me." I said.

He positioned me to lay down in my bed and him right next to me. That knot was still fully formed inside of me and I couldn't get enough of it. He wrapped his arms around me and closed his eyes, begining to fall asleep. I ended up doing the same.

That morning, I got up first. I noticed Brad was still asleep and I could tell Brad member was still in me. It was actually semi-erect. He must have been having some nice dreams. I move up a little bit and I felt it pop out. I took a quick shower and when I came back into the room, Brad was sitting up on my bed, his back facing towards me. He got up and turned around. He jumped a little when he saw me.

"Good morning, cutie." he said, walking up to me and kissing me.

"Good morning." I replied, putting my hands on his chest.

I went to the kitchen and made some breakfast for the both of us while Brad took a shower. Brad came down shortly after with a towel wrapped around his waist. He looked so sexy while he was wet.

"Did I ever tell you you look really sexy when you're wet?" I said, putting a plate in front of him.

He smiled and looked up at me, chuckling. I noticed both of my parents were gone. I didn't mind that. We hung out for a little bit before Brad had to head home. He kissed me good bye and drove off. I went back into the house and sat down on the couch. I began to watch some tv but there was nothing on. I was actually begining to get bored. I decided to call Billy to see if he was doing anything.

"Hey there, what are you up to?" I said when he answered the phone.

"Hola. I'm not doing anything." he replied.

"You wanna hang out?" I said.

"Sure!" he said excitedly.

"Alright, I'll be there in about twenty minutes."

"I'm looking foward to it."

I hung up the phone and got dressed. I was in no rush so I took my time. When I got there, he was the one that answered the door. He gestured me to come in. I sat down on his couch and he pulled out the video games.

"You ready to get owned?" he said, laughing.

"Don't get cocky!" I replied, laughing.

We ended up playing for hours, with a break inbetween to eat some lunch. When it was almost four, I decided that I needed to get home. I got home and I realized that my mom was in the driveway. I walked through the garage door and I saw her making dinner.

"Hey mom, your home early." I said, putting my keys on the counter.

"Yes! I got work a little earlier today so I was able to leave a little earlier." she said, smiling to me.

"Alright then." I said, jumping on the couch.

I began watching tv and sure enough, my dad ending up getting home from work early as well. We all ate dinner and my parents decided that they wanted to go to the casino. They left kind of late so they knew they were going to be late. I didn't feel like being alone so I called Brad up. He actaully plans with other people. It really didn't matter that he did. We've been spending a lot of time together and I felt he should spend some time with his other friends. I decided to play some Xbox Live tonight with some friends. After about an hour, I head the garage door open and someone running through the house.

"Tommy, come quick!" I heard my mom shout.

I ran down the stairs, seeing her in the family room.

"What's wrong?" I said quickly.

"We need to go to the hospital, your dad has had an heart attack."

My Highschool Dream Love - Part 9

"Oh no...." I said quickly. We ran to the car together and I of course started with the 20 questions. "What happened? Is he ok? Is it serious?" I asked, my mouth moving a million miles a minute. She didn't say much. I could tell she was...

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My Highschool Dream Love Part 7

I woke up in the morning with Brad's back facing towards me. I smiled and ran my hand along the back of his head. He moved a little and turned to face me. He smiled, "Good morning baby." he said to me. I smiled and leaned in to give him a...

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My Highschool Dream Love Part 6

One month went by since that last date with Brad. We've been on many more since then. You could consider that we're building a strong relationship. In that period of time, I've given a handjob to Brad at first and then a blowjob a little later on. I...

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