Just One Kiss

Story by FaolWolf on SoFurry

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NOTE: No Yiff in this one, but a kiss obviously b/w two guys, so the normal warnings of still apply of not reading this if you happen to be underage or don't like this sort of thing.

All characters are my property. Do not use them without permission please.

They walked down the street together, side by side, tails swishing in rhythm. A thin, grey, plain-looking wolf looked up at the much larger fox walking beside him and smiled shyly. The fox looked back at the wolf, blushing and smiling back. As they walked, their hand-paws grazed each other, the wolf's grey fur grazing the fox's deep red fur. The wolf ached so bad to take the fox's paw in his, to hold it and feel it against his own. He didn't though. He couldn't, not here, not out in public. It was a dangerous thing to do, for two males to show affection in public. It was not looked on favorablely by the populace, and punishment for such an infraction was often violence.

The wolf however, was not concerned with such things just now. This was a first date, their first date. He and Will, the large fox walking beside him, had met each other online. They had just been friends first, talking to each other on occasion. It was not until one night, when they were just talking, they found their feelings for each other. The whole thought of that night overwhelmed the wolf at times as he thought of the romance of it all. Ever since that wonderful night, the two were nearly inseparable. For eight months, they had kept the relationship together, despite living nearly 2400 miles apart. Finally, the fox had been able to fly up to see his wolf for just a weekend. The wolf had been waiting for this, longing for this, for all those long months. He had gone over this day in his head so many times before, wondering what it would be like. Now that it was here, his heart was bursting for joy.

"Greg, are we getting close?" Will asked softly.

It was a rather simple date really. They were going to a small Greek restaurant. Will had never been to a Greek place before; it was one of the reasons they were going. Greg nodded slowly in response to his fox as they continued to walk along. They chatted with each other lightly. Greg pointed out roads or buildings that had been previously mentioned to his mate online while Will nodded slowly. In reality, they were both quite nervous. Online after all was one thing, but spending time with each other offline, was something else entirely.

They finally reached the restaurant and got a table. The waiter gave them an odd look at first, but the wolf acted confidently enough to deflect that look. They sat down across from each other and ordered their food.

"So how do you like it up here?" Greg had to choke back the word hun, which he almost always used online.

"It's nice, a bit cooler than where I'm from, but I like that." Will still spoke quietly, muzzle pointed downward.

Greg whined softly. Under the table, he used a foot-paw to rub his mate's leg gently. "Relax a little bit Will. Everything will be fine."

A quiet murr escaped the fox's muzzle, which he quickly closed as the waiter came back with their drinks. Greg sipped on his soda and just stared longingly at his mate sitting across from him. He kept his voice low, speaking softly to his mate. "I am really glad you are here."

"I am too." Will quickly let his paw brush past Greg's on the table and looked up briefly into the wolf's eyes. Greg shivered slightly and smiled.

"I have waited so long for this day to come."

"I know. I have waited for this day to. There are many nights I have wanted to have you with me, hold you in my paws."

Greg took another drink, hoping to hide his blushing muzzle. When he looked up, he noticed his mate blushing as well, and he smiled widely. They spent the rest of their wait time chatting with each other, with an occasional brush of a paw on another or on a leg and the subsequent blush that went with it. Finally, their food came and they each ate slowly, glancing at each other and smiling. Both tried to be discrete, but it was obvious that it was becoming harder and harder. As they finished their meals, the waiter brought back their check. Greg reached for it, only to feel his mate's paw already on it.

"I can get this." Greg said.

"No no, I would feel bad if you did. I can pay." Will responded.

"I'm the host here. I should be the one that pays."

"You have already provided so much for me. I want to be able to provide something for you." Will's voice was quiet, his muzzle pointed downward.

Greg smiled and gave in at that point, and let Will put down the money for the meal. Will hastily excused himself to use the bathroom and left Greg at the table to gather the change. The waiter returned and Greg told him to keep the change as a tip. He sat at the table and waited for his mate. His thoughts wandered to later that night, when they would be back at his room. He was planning on just watching some movies, cuddling with his mate, falling asleep together. He murred to himself at the thought of it, his tail wagging behind him. Slowly, the wolf stood and walked to the restroom in the back.

When he opened the door, he saw his fox washing his paws off in the sink, not noticing the wolf. The wolf let the door shut quietly and squatted, making sure no one else was there. He stood again and padded silently over to his fox at the sink. He quickly wrapped his paws around the fox in a hug and chuckled as he felt the fox jolt at the suddeness of it. The fox murred for a moment and then quickly pushed the wolf back, which was fairly easy to do.

Greg whimpered softly and backed away. He hadn't been expecting that reaction from his mate. Will turned slowly and looked down at the sound of the wolf's whimpering.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know if anyone else was in here or not. I didn't mean to push you away like that."

"It's ok, there's no one else in here. I didn't mean to scare you or something."

Will approached the wolf shyly and hugged him. Greg hugged back and whirled when he thought he heard the door squeak. When he realized it was nothing, he quickly tugged Will and quietly pushed him against the door. The fox's eyes widened a little at this brashness coming from the seemingly meek wolf. Greg rubbed his chest gently and then kissed the fox, dead on the muzzle. The fox seemed surprised at first but quickly started kissing back, opening his muzzle slightly. Greg let his tongue into Will's muzzle and their tongues touched, playing lightly with each others. Greg finally pulled back and looked deeply into Will's eyes.

"I know that wasn't very romantic, but I couldn't hold it in anymore." Greg looked down, blushing.

Will lifted the wolf's muzzle so that he was looking right at him. "Don't think that. It doesn't really matter."

Greg hugged his mate tightly and then backed away from him. "Well, I suppose you better go. I'll leave a couple of minutes after you."

Will nodded slowly and walked out the door, leaving the wolf standing in the bathroom. Greg padded to the sink and splashed some water on his face, wetting the fur there. He was still a bit surprised at himself for being so brash. He was still a little disappointed that his first real kiss with his mate was in a bathroom, but he shrugged it off and made his way out of the bathroom.

As he exited the restaurant, he saw his mate waiting for him and he began to walk back towards his room, expecting him to start walking beside him. Instead, he felt his mate's paw grab his wrist and he turned and looked up into his mate's sullen face. The wolf whined softly as he looked at the fox, wondering what was wrong.

"It's not fair that we should have to hide like this. It's not fair to you that our first kiss was in a bathroom." Will's voice was quiet, but there was a certain amount force behind it that it did not usually carry. "I don't care what anyone thinks. You are my wolf, and I'm going to show it." With that, Will kissed the stunned wolf on the cheek, right out in the street, where anyone could see.

Greg blushed deeply, but then kissed back on the fox's cheek, taking both his mate's paws in his and holding them. They slowly separated and walked down the street as they had before, but this time, there was a difference. The wolf's paw was firmly held in the fox's. Greg admired the strength of the grip of the fox. He felt Will's pads against his own and murred as they walked together. He could feel the soft fur between the pads and along the rest of his paw. It felt so good to do this. He had been longing for it for so long. Greg couldn't help but sense the looks they got from passers by, but at this point, he really didn't care. He had his mate, and he was happy. The moment for Greg, was perfect.


They both turned suddenly to see 3 dogs standing before, the leader and speaker a tall german shepard with a muscular build.

"What is up with that?" The dog pointed between the mates, where there paws were still entwined. "You faggots! That's just sick!"

Greg let go of his mate's paw and stepped up a little, the fur on his neck bristling ever so slightly. "Just leave us alone. What does it matter to you?"

"Plenty!" The shepard yelled again and swiped a paw across Greg's head and muzzle. Greg felt a searing pain on his muzzle and fell hard to the ground as the dogs laughed. He reached a paw up and felt blood leaking from his muzzle and winced. He was soon distracted from his own injury when he heard a deep throated growl coming from his mate.

Without so much as a word, Will leapt towards the dogs, snarling. He hit the shepard first, tearing into the dog's fur with a nasty swipe from his claws. The shepard yelped in surprise and fell hard to the ground. The two of them tossled for a moment, tearing at each other as they lay on the ground. Quickly, the other two dogs were on Will, tearing at him with their teeth. Greg quickly got up and attacked one of the two dogs on top of Will. He was a golden retriever of medium build, and probably the smallest of the three there. The retriever was yanking at Will's tail and biting his thigh, causing yelps to come from him. The thin wolf was only able to get in one punch before he was easily tossed into the brick wall of a nearby buidling, knocking him out.

When he came to, his mate was laying on the pavement, clutching his stomach. Will's breath was shallow and weak, and he was visibly shaking. The three dogs were picking themselves up and looking at him maliciously. "Alright faggot, your turn." The shepard began to advance towards him as Greg tried desparatetly to scramble away. Suddenly, a light in the buidling behind him turned on and all three dogs swore violently. The shepard gave a look at Greg and flung something at him before all three scurried quickly away, back into the darkness.

Greg yelped loudly as he felt a searing pain in his right shoulder. He looked over at it and saw a knife embedded deep inside it. The wolf winced as he tried to move his right arm and found that he could not. Greg painfully crawled over to his mate to comfort him. As he reached him, Greg felt something wet under his paws. He looked down and gasped in horror when he realized that he was stepping in blood. His mate at this point has ceased moving entirely. Trembling, he removed Will's paw from his stomach, and saw what he dreaded. A stab wound, deep in the fox's stomach was still leaking blood. Greg whimpered bitterly as he tried in vain to make his mate move again. Greg's body shook violently as he let out a howl, the sad sound of a wolf who has lost his mate filling the night air all around them. The battered wolf licked his mate's muzzle a few times, trying to clean the blood off of it. He felt sick to his stomach and howled again, before collapsing on top of his fox, crying and eventually passing out.


It had been a year since that incident on the street. The police had talked to the wolf once about the incident. The culprits were never caught, nor did the police really make an effort to catch them in the wolf's eyes. His friends, online and off, did all that they could to comfort and console the wolf, but it was to little avail. Even when Greg for the most part, acted like his old self, there was always a hint of sadness attached to it. His friends all knew that he would never be completely the same again.

At Will's funeral, held in his hometown, Greg spoke openly about Will. He spoke of how much he loved him, how much he meant to him. He told them all that was good about the fox: caring, sweet, shy, and about the protectiveness that cost him his life. He had cried that day, bitterly. He had wept out of loss, wept out of anger, wept out of love. He wept for his mate, who lay buried in his casket. He no longer cried, his tears spent long ago.

Greg's shoulder never completely healed. Wherever he went, whatever he did, his shoulder had a constant ache in it. To Greg, it was a reminder. It was a reminder of the ache he felt in his heart, that his mate was gone forever. It was a reminder of hate, and what it stole so swiftly from him. It was a reminder of that one kiss in the bathroom, the only kiss of true love that Greg had ever had, or ever would have for the rest of his life.

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