Can't Escape It

Story by FaolWolf on SoFurry

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Contains, obviously, acts of sex between two males. Normal warnings apply for those underage and those who don't like that stuff, you know the drill.

All characters are copyrighted to me. Do not use without my permission please.

It really shouldn't have surprised to him, to see what he was seeing now as he stood in his bedroom door. In truth, he wasn't surprised at all. The otter's short, brown ears flicked around a little bit as he stood stiffly in the doorframe, staring down at his live-in boyfriend, nude and with another male. It would have made an almost amusing picture; the wolf and coyote frozen in mid-fuck, both staring at him with looks of horror in their eyes, the coyote's length still buried halfway in his lover's ass. The black wolf stuttered slightly.


The otter raised a paw in the air, indicating his want of silence. "Sucks to not finish once you've gotten this far. Finish your little game here love, and then get out. I'll be back around midnight and I expect you and your stuff to be out of this place."

With that, the otter turned his back on the scene and walked right back out the door. He pulled out his car keys and jumped into his old blue sedan, finally allowing himself a quick sob as the door shut behind him. It occurred to him that he didn't know where he should go. His mind drifted a little bit, and he decided that he could use a drink, or three. He checked his wallet and sure enough, he had cash for drinks and a cab afterwards. He didn't worry about leaving the old car that the sedan was downtown overnight. He pulled out of his driveway and started driving towards downtown, towards the only bar he ever went to.

As he drove, he thought. It was a habit of his to do his deeper thinking while calmly driving to work, or home, or in this case, a bar. Yes, he really should have known this was coming. This wasn't the first time a guy had broken up with him and broken his heart in doing so. He wasn't even really sure his heart was broken this time. He had been resigned for quite a while that the wolf was going to leave him, though he had expected him to do it in a nicer manner than fucking around behind his back. He could have had more class than that.

He had seen the signs for a while. The black wolf was hesitant in bed, hesitant to affection, the distant look in his eyes, putting off making some future plans; these were all things the otter had seen before with past lost lovers. Between stress from his job and the illness and impending death of his father though, he had decided to just ride things out, listen to the hollow "I love you's" and wait for the end to come. He was broken from his thoughts as he arrived at his destination, downtown in front of his favorite bar. He drove around a few of the city blocks, searching for a parking space and cursing the lack of parking in the city as he always did when he was forced to find a place to put his car downtown. He finally found an open space and paralleled his car into the space. It wasn't too small, but it wasn't that big a space either. It took the otter just one try to parallel his car into the space. He slid out of the car and went around to the sidewalk, looking down and seeing his tires almost flush against the curbing.

"Snap, check out my parking skills." The otter mumbled to himself, a slight grin spreading across his muzzle at his mastery of the skill.

Laughing and slightly drunk furs passed by him on the sidewalk, the city's nightlife just beginning to kick into gear as he padded towards the bar. It was nothing remarkable as bars go. In fact, it looked like nearly every other bar in the city. The only identifier of what sort of patrons you might find in this place was a small rainbow flag sticker stuck on the lower right corner of the door.

Inside, the bar was just as remarkable as it was from the outside. A wooden bar stretched out along one of the walls, while tables were scattered around the rest of the floor space. The tired-looking otter found an open bar stool and settled into it, crossing him arms and laying his head down on them.

"Dodge!" He heard a call from the other side of the bar. "Long time no see my friend. Where's JC at anyway, I didn't see him come in with you."

"He's busy fucking some 'yote. I'll have a rum and coke, heavier than normal Mitch."

Mitch, a rather tall coon, furrowed his brow slightly as he went to make the drink. "I'm sorry to hear that man. You ok?"

Dodge nodded sullenly. "Yeah, I'm fine. I knew he was going to leave me anyway. I was just waiting on it to happen."

Mitch sighed and finished making the drink and slid it to the otter, who went for his wallet before Mitch put a paw on his arm. "First one is on the house my friend. Now anymore, and you'll be paying, but first one is on me. I'll be around if you need me." With that, the coon turned, his ringed tail swaying a bit as he went about filling other drink orders.

Dodge nursed at the rum and coke, not entirely sure whether he wanted to get drunk, buzzed, or just wanted the taste of alcohol in his muzzle right at that moment. He was unaware of the time as he just sat there, staring at people walking in and out, musing how some walked in alone and out with someone else. He suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder and swung around to find himself staring into the face of a rottweiler, and a handsome one at that, he noticed.

The rottie grinned at him as he spoke. "Hey there, mind if I sit here, or is this your mate's seat?"

Dodge was just vaguely aware that the rottie was fishing to see if he was single or not. The otter chose to ignore that for now and waved his paw in the air dismissively. "It's a free country my friend."

The rottie sat down on the stool next to the otter's and raised a paw to the Mitch. "White Russian." Mitch nodded and got the drink ready while the rot turned to face Dodge again. "Name's Ross, and you are?"

"Dodge." The otter replied wearily as Mitch slid Ross's drink in front of him.

Ross stared at the brooding otter for a moment while taking a sip of his drink. "Well, what's a cute guy like yourself looking so glum over anyhow?"

"Buddy, this ain't..." Mitch started but the otter quickly cut him off.

"I can handle myself Mitch thank you." Mitch nodded but gave the rot a quick warning glance as he headed off to deal with other patrons. The otter looked Ross straight in the eye, and the canine shivered a bit at the iciness of the stare. "My boyf...ex-boyfriend cheated on me. I'm just sitting down here until midnight to give him enough time to get his stuff out of our, I mean my, apartment, and then I'm going home."

"I would have just tossed the little fucker on the sidewalk, still naked. Then proceed to dump all his stuff out a window with some gasoline." Ross said with a hint of a growl in his voice.

Dodge was upset, but the otter was certainly not blind. The rot sitting next to him was so cute and more than a bit sexy. He was large, wasn't too built, and had just a hint of fat on him that was just the otter's style. The canine's black fur shined in the light, only adding to the allure. The little growl he gave only added to the effect and the otter could not help but to smile slightly. "Aye well, I mean, I guess I'm not too upset. I knew it was ending anyway. I guess I just had thought he'd be a bit classier about it than that."

Ross nodded solemnly. "I'm errr, sorry I was using lines on you like that. If I'd known..."

Dodge put a paw on the rot's shoulder and chuckled a little bit "No problem big guy. No way for you to know what's going on up here." The otter tapped his brown furred head.

Ross nodded. "How long were you guys together anyway?"

"About six months or so." The otter conceded, almost reluctantly.

"Wow, and you guys were living together already?" Ross's eyes bugged out a little as he finished his drink.

"Aye, that we were man."

"Mind if I ask why?" The rot cocked his head in such a way that the otter nearly laughed at the cuteness of it.

"Well, I'll just start from the beginning then." The otter relaxed a little bit as the rot ordered another drink and began his tale.


Dodge sat chuckling at the bar with Mitch, who was taking a short break from filling drinks to chat with the otter. Mitch elbowed him in the arm suddenly. "Hey man, that wolf is checking you out." The coon winked at him and pointed against the wall to his right.

The otter glanced over his shoulder to spy an absolutely gorgeous wolf standing against a wall. He had a large frame, jet black fur, a beautiful chest that was exposed through an open shirt, and jeans that left very little to the imagination. Dodge had to stop himself from staring too long at him, turning back around to Mitch and blushing a little. "You sure he was looking at me? Do you know who he is?" Dodge whispered to his friend.

"Not a clue bro, but he is definitely checking you out. He's coming over here though. Reel him in dude!" With that, Mitch turned tail and hurried off. Dodge had just enough time to turn around before he saw the mass of black fur standing in front of him, a deep voice rumbling from it.

"Hey man, you mind if I sit here?"

"Go right ahead." Dodge smiled, and tried not to blush or seem too eager. The black wolf seated himself next to the otter, smiling at him as he did so. The otter hunched over a little bit, trying desperately to hide his blush.

"So what's your name cutey?" The wolf grinned at the otter with an almost predatory gleam in his eye as he looked the otter over quickly before looking back at the bar.

"I errrr, I'm Dodge." The otter stammered a bit. Dodge closed his eyes and breathed in and out once, calming his nerves. "And who, pray tell, are you?"

The wolf smirked a bit "Jonathon Cory Hurston the third, or JC for short." The wolf laughed a bit and Dodge chuckled as well. JC's paw moved slightly and landed on the otter's thigh, squeezing just lightly, eliciting a low murring sound from Dodge. "What's say you and me find somewhere a little more, private eh?"

Dodge grinned wider at the wolf and leaned in close, nearly touching his nose to the wolf's cute, wet one. JC closed his eyes and waited for what he thought would be a passionate kiss, but instead yipped as he felt his muzzle rapped lightly and his paw pushed off the otter's thigh. "You really think I'm that easy wolf? C'mon, I at least need a little foreplay before you get in my pants." The otter smirked and sat back in his stool again, finishing his drink.

The wolf grinned. "I always like a challenge..."

Dodge smirked a little more. "Seriously though, I don't mind some action now and again, as this should be evidence of." He fished into his pocket and pulled out a few condoms and waved them at the wolf. "However, I need a little more than a name before I jump into bed. There's got to be at least a little connection of more than just our sex drives."

JC nodded and sat up somewhat straighter as he looked around to order a drink. "So tell me about yourself then otter."

The next two hours flew by. To the wolf and the otter, it was as if someone had hit a fast forward button and everyone but them was affected by it. They talked about all manner of things, their jobs, their families, likes, and dislikes. They found that they both were near fanatical about hockey, though they cheered for opposing teams in the same division. Dodge was impressed to listen to JC tell tales of when he had been a hockey player, something he had always wanted to do but had never had the skill to do. JC was fascinated as Dodge explained some of the ins and outs of his job as a chemist, something which JC had always found interesting as well, but had never pursued. Before too long, Mitch poked his head in between the two of them, scaring them both backwards until they fell out of their barstools, laughing hysterically. "Hey guys, I don't mean to break anything up here, but it is closing time and I want to go home now. Therefore, get out!" Mitch grinned at the two of them as he wiped down the bar.

"Well Dodge, are we parting ways for the evening or shall we continue this somewhere else?" JC grinned at the otter.

The otter stood up and brushed himself off, in the process, bending over to pick up his keys, giving the wolf a nice view of his ass. "Well, I think my place might do very nicely to continue this rendezvous." The otter bent down and offered his paw to the wolf, who gladly took it and pulled himself up as well. They continued to hold each other's paw while they walked out the door, JC's tail wagging a bit and brushing Dodge's leg.

During the car ride to Dodge's apartment, they kept their paws linked as much as they could while the otter drove a little faster than normal. They kept glancing sidelong at each other the whole ride home as the silence between them grew louder by the second. Finally not able to take it anymore, JC spoke quietly to the otter, his ears laid back against his head a bit. "You know, I'll admit when I came over to you that I was just looking for a little fun. I've never made a connection like this before though. I really like you otter, and not just because you are sexy. We have a lot in common." JC trailed off a bit.

"I know, and I like you too wolfie." The otter smiled warmly at his companion as he pulled into his driveway. "Well, here we are, home sweet apartment building." Dodge smirked a bit as he got out of his car. The pair walked into the building and to the otter's door, all the while the tension between them building. They both knew, on instinct almost, what would happen as soon as that door shut, and both were nervous about it for the first time in a long time. Dodge slowly fished for his keys in his pocket, and upon finding them, unlocked his door, swinging it open slowly and gesturing the wolf inside. "After you."

JC walked slowly through the door, followed closely by the otter, who turned around to close and lock the door. He turned back towards the wolf and barely had time to take a breath as the wolf pushed him up against his door, kissing him passionately. Time froze for just a moment as their lips touched for that first time. Sparks and fireworks erupted in the otter's head and heart as he felt the wolf's soft lips against his own. After only a momentary hesitation, he began returning the kiss, funneling all of his passion and desire into that strong wolf's warm muzzle. Muzzles opened and their tongues intertwined, dancing an ancient dance together that both knew so well. The otter finally managed a little leverage against the strong wolf and pushed himself off the door, walking the slowly back towards his bedroom, running into the wall numerous times along the way. By the time they had reached the bedroom, the wolf had already lost his shirt, while Dodge's pants button was undone.

Dodge pushed the sexy wolf down onto the bed without much resistance from him. He admired the wolf's now completely bare chest, muscles rippling just a bit underneath his jet black fur before pouncing. They resumed their kissing, paws roaming everywhere over each other bodies, the scritches, the kissing, the rubbing, getting more frantic by the moment as they worked each other up even higher than before. JC slowly turned the two of them over, so that now he was the beast on top. He lifted his muzzle off of the otter's with a wicked grin and tugged the otter's shirt over his head and off his body. The wolf gasped a little bit as the otter's thin frame came into view. The fur was brown, melting into a lighter, almost cream colored brown as it went over his chest. He was built, of course, like a swimmer, nearly no fat on his frame, but with a well defined chest, which was heaving up and down at that particular moment. Dodge grinned up at the wolf as he noticed JC's muzzle hanging open and that he was drooling a little. "So, what does my puppy want this evening hmmm?"

The wolf smirked, reaching down to his pants and popping the button. "Puppy wants to stick his meat in the otter's ass."

Dodge nearly giggled at the sound of the reply. It was sexy and at the same time cute as anything he'd ever heard from a bed partner before. "Well, puppy's meat better have some clothing on it before it goes looking down strange holes." Dodge grinned and reached into his pocket quickly, pulling out a condom and tossing at the wolf.

JC laughed as he caught the little square, tearing it open carefully. "Ok, that's possibly the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard from someone I was about to fuck. It's so damn cute though, just like you."

The otter blushed under his fur. "Awww, thanks wolfie, you are pretty cute yourself you know." He reached down to rub the wolf's crotch lightly through his pants. "Sexy too. Should we get started?"

"Thought you'd never ask." JC grinned and rolled off the bed, standing himself up and dropping his pants and boxers in one swift motion. The otter stared, muzzle agape, at the wolf's length as it came into view. It stood out from his body a good 8 inches long, the shaft thick and pulsing as it hung there. The bright red color stood out in sharp contrast to the wolf's black fur. Little shots of pre spurted out from the tip of it as the wolf reached idly down and gave it a few strokes. "Like what you see otter?"

Dodge nodded his approval fiercely, reaching out to rub the lupine's cock a few times, shivering inwardly at the feel of it, and the idea of where it would go next. The otter hurriedly undid his pants, pushing them and his boxers off in a rush, eager to begin. The otter's own length was already throbbing hard as it popped out of the confines of his pants and boxers, but the otter was wholly ignoring it at this point as he got on all fours, waving his brown-furred ass towards the wolf as he moved his muscular tail aside just slightly to reveal his tailhole. "And how about you, do you like what you see puppy?"

The wolf's only response was a low growl as he approached the bed again, smearing a bit of pre on Dodge's ass fur. He quickly finished opening the condom that he still clutched in his paw, pulling the rubber sheath down over his length, covering it nearly completely. He approached the otter again, lining up the throbbing tip of his cock with the otter's waiting hole. He pushed lightly, hearing a small squeak and seeing a nod of approval from the otter below him before pushing hard enough to force his length into the otter's backside.

Dodge yelped and bit his lower lip as he felt the wolf push in and then hilt inside of him. The pain wasn't anything he hadn't felt before, indeed, it was actually a little less painful than normal, but it still hurt. He let himself relax a bit as the pain subdued and turned into that wonderful bliss he always felt when he was being filled like this. He felt the wolf begin to pull back out and push back in at a rather steady pace and he moved his hips in time with him, almost begging the lupine to take him faster. JC for his part, obliged, beginning to pound his length into the otter. Dodge saw stars in front of his eyes as the rutting continued. He couldn't remember the last time a cock had felt this good in his tailhole. The entire world was bliss to him as he felt the wolf slam against him. He was completely lost in the whole feeling until he cried out suddenly as he felt the wolf's paw roughly grab his length and start stroking it, jerking him off in time to his thrusting. Dodge entered a whole new world of feeling and pleasure as that hunk of a wolf used his velvety paw to stroke off his sensitive length. He could feel his whole body shaking as he closed his eyes, the bliss overtaking his very soul. He cried out, louder than he ever remembered doing, as he hit his peak, his scalding hot seed shooting and hitting his own muzzle a few times as his body shook with pleasure. He felt as though his whole soul was in that climax, every essence of who he was. Vaguely, somewhere distant, he heard JC's howl as he released himself into the rubber sheath around his length as he pounded it into the otter.


"To this day, that was some of the best sex I've ever had." The otter smiled just a little, remembering that special night.

The rottie grinned stupidly. "Sounds like it. You speak of it so fondly."

"Aye, I know." The otter sighed just a little bit. "Well, as you can imagine, we decided to be boyfriends after that night. About a week later, I found out he was having issues with his folks, so I invited him to stay with me." Dodge quickly raised his paws a bit defensively. "I know how it sounds, but despite what he's just done, I know he wasn't using me just as a place to crash. We really did have something..."

"Yeah, the fuck you did..." Ross wobbled a bit as he spoke, clearly a bit drunk at this point. "I think I need to get my arse home, you know?"

"Aye, you do." Mitch said suddenly, coming up from behind. "It closing time guys, hate to say so, but get out!" Mitch stuck his tongue out at the otter who giggled.

"Well, I only had one drink, so I should be fine. Think the rottie here might be a bit drunk."

"Hell yeah I am!" Ross shouted as he fell on the floor laughing.

"Guess I need to call a cab." Mitch sighed a bit.

"Don't bother Mitch. I'll take him to his place, no trouble."

"Alright Dodge, just be careful alright?"

"Always am Mitch my friend, see you later." Dodge helped the giggling rottie to his feet and walked slowly out of the bar with the big dog leaning on him lightly now and again to keep his balance.

The night had gotten cool in the time they had spent in the bar. A few, lone, stars shone through the light pollution of the city on the cloudless night. All over, furs of all shapes were stumbling out of bars, either hailing cabs or weaving their way to the remaining open bars. As they headed towards the otter's car, Ross leaned in and licked Dodge's cheek softly.

"You know, I think you are cute and sweet Dodge. JC is a bum and bitch for leaving you. He didn't know what he was throwing away." The rot slowly leaned in and kissed the otter lightly on the cheek, causing Dodge to blush just a little and turn his head away.

"My car's right here." He opened the door rather quickly, ushering the stumbling canine in. He walked slowly around the car and stopped before getting to his door, breathing a bit heavily. He knew Ross was drunk, he knew what Ross would try to do. He wasn't sure if he really wanted sex tonight though. Was it too soon, or would he just be doing this in retaliation? He wasn't entirely sure of the answer to either of those questions, but upon looking down and noticing a slight bulge in his work pants and looking in his car's window to see that handsome rottie sitting in his passenger seat, his beautiful black fur reflecting the city lights, the image in his mind of the brown fur covering his sure to be sexy chest, he decided he deserved, and could use, a good lay this evening, if the rottie offered of course.

Dodge smiled as he hopped into the driver's seat and started the engine after a couple of tries, causing Ross to giggle. The ride was rather quiet and uneventful, the only real conversation being Ross's slightly slurred directions to his apartment. The rottie seemed to have regained some of his balance as they got out of the car and walked slowly to the apartment. Ross fumbled a bit with his keys as Dodge watched him. "God, it just makes him even cuter..." He thought to himself as Ross pushed open the door.

"Thanks for driving me home cutey. Real nice of you and all. You...wanna come in for a moment, or something..." The rot rubbed the back of his head and blushed a bit, cocking his head just a little bit.

"Sure, just for a little while. Delay me having to go back to my place for a bit, it will." Dodge stepped inside the apartment. It was rather simply decorated and sparsely furnished. He noticed a football pennant pinned up on one of the walls and a pretty seascape on another one. As he was staring at the seashore, he felt a pair of large, warm paws wrap around his midsection. He smirked a bit and leaned back into the rot, rubbing his ass just slightly against the bulge he felt growing in the dog's pants.

"You know," the rottie started, "I wasn't expecting this to happen tonight."

"Neither was I sexy." The otter grinned bigger still, placing his paws over the rot's and rubbing lightly.

"I didn't mean that babe." The rottie smiled. "I mean, I feel, I don't know I..."

"...never felt this way before." JC whispered in Dodge's ear as they lay together in the afterglow, nearly asleep. "I've never had this..."

"...sort of connection with somebody." The rottie leaned down to nuzzle the otter's ear. "It's as if..."

"...we were meant to be otter." JC licked his ear just ever so lightly. "I know it's soon, but..."

"...I think I may be in love...what's wrong hun?" The rot questioned as he felt the otter stiffen in his grasp.

Dodge's mind kept switching between the present and the past, and he suddenly felt very scared, and very wrong. It was too soon, he just couldn't do this. He couldn't put his heart on the line again. It only led him to heartache again and again. His mind reeled as he quickly pushed the rottie back, a tear rolling lightly down his cheek. "I think it's time I go."


The otter turned back around, sending back that same icy glare that he had had when they had first seen each other. "Don't waste your breath rottie. I know you mean well, but it won't last. Besides, I'm not worth it, and you know it. My fire is gone anyway; there's nothing left in here." With that, Dodge turned rather stiffly and walked out the door, leaving the stunned canine staring after him as the otter broke into a run, getting into his car, and driving away back to his lonely apartment.

Author Contact: You may either leave a comment here, or email me at [email protected]