Love in the chaotic world

Story by Demon the WindDragon on SoFurry

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mezzmarr and Maxxor do not belong to me but to chaotic

this soty i made it because there's no story about Mezzmarr if you don't know who he is look him up first thanks and no negative comments please

if you wish to have a second part let me know so i can change the title

i give this story to my watchers and lover

In the world of Perim, a long loud screaming echoes into the still air as birds take flight in fear of danger. The wind blows through the forest that had many trees that one could hide in, in case of danger. Suddenly, a small figure shoots out of some underbrush of a tree and heads towards a rundown path as if trying to run from something. The figure happened to be wearing blue jeans and a beautiful white shirt underneath a blue vest. The figure had long brown hair and blue eyes. The figure turned out to be a girl around the age of 19. The girl's name was Lara but was always nicknamed "Aqua" because of her always using Mezzmar her number one monster during many battles she has at chaotic.

Aqua runs faster while holding her scanner as a blast from behind tells her to run even faster with her lungs burning for air. "Come on little one blurb I could use some one like you for this wonderful gulp fun." Aqua runs faster as another blast hits her left side.Nauthilax laughs before throwing more spheres "Agh!" Aqua flies backwards into a rock cringing in pain. Oh god if that damn bastard gets me I'm toast! Aqua tries to get but couldn't do to her leg being broken. A large Being that was greenish with suckers on the bottom of its feet. "Now my little murph toy. It'll be all over nuff soon enough" oh no this is it! He's going to rape me here and now. Oh how I long to see Maxxor now. Aqua feels tears burn her eyes making her eye sight blurry. After the trees became blurred Aqua closes her eyes waiting for what she was fearing to happen.

But nothing came at all making Aqua very confused. She opens her eyes to see that Nauthilax was off her now. In fact Nauthilax was being choked by a green being. This guy was wearing red clothes with purple markings on his body. He had black hair mixed with white. "MAXXOR!" Maxxor growl before choking Nauthilax harder he has been. "You leave Aqua alone you hear me" "f-fine! L-let me go" Maxxor does by throwing Nauthilax over the tall trees with great strength before he looks at Aqua who blinks seeing him. Her world suddenly became dark because Nauthilax threw a sphere of energy at her. Maxxor yells "AQUA!" before Aqua fall to the ground and blacks out not knowing what was about to happen.

2 hours later.....

Ugh! What happened? Did I actually faint? That's great but huh? Why am I wearing golden armor? Is this a dream? Has to be but then why is that I hear voices all around me? Maybe it's just my senses kicking in finally. But I Open my eyes._Aqua slowly opens her eyes to see a blurry green figure standing beside her watching. "Aqua? You okay?" Aqua tries to speak as her vision becomes better and she feels her limbs. _Huh? What is that I feel? Is that a TAIL? Oh please don't tell me that my dream is actually true! Aqua looks at herself to find it was true she was now Mezzmarr. Aqua looks at herself to see she had a fin on the back of her neck and golden armor on her arms and puffed out chest. Her legs were now a long tail that had a golden spike like thing at the end of it. Her body's skin wasn't peach anymore but blue with bits of black stripes on her.

It only took Aqua three seconds to take in what she felt and was before screaming her head off. "AAAAAIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" Maxxor covers her mouth before she could scream anymore. "Listen your Mezzmarr now and you'll have to get used to it." Aqua's eyes widen trying to take this in. "Mezzmarr died two hours ago from a simple sickness alright?" she nods understanding Maxxor uncovers her mouth very slowly before smiling. "Well welcome to your new world dear your name will be-" "Mezzmarr" "how'd you guess? Never mind I have to go but enjoy your stay." "I will" Maxxor nods walking out leaving Mezzmarr in what seemed to be a large library. There were rows upon rows of shelves that had books on them. There were also desks everywhere with comfy seats to sit in. So what else could she do? Besides look for a book? Mezzmarr looks all over the place for a nice book and finds several to choose from. She finds her pickings in an aisle called "Fantasy for the lonely and love" Mezzmarr finds a desk and sits down and starts reading the books she had picked out.

5 hours later....

Mezzmarr had just finished her large stack of books when Maxxor comes and whistles. "You must really like books don't you?" "Yes I do why? Is that a bad thing?" Maxxor blinks before waving his hands in the air. "Oh no I actually love to read myself. Ah you like the book the hobbit." He nods to the book she was holding in her finned hands. "Yes it's my favorite." "As it is mine too." Mezzmarr seemed to be taken aback by what he said before slowly putting it down. "I wanted to talk to you alone come" he gestures making her wonder but follows him out of the Library. Mezzmar is lead down a series of hallways that lead to different places all around the city that happened to have upworlders all over the place. Finally, Maxxor leads Mezzmarr to a room that was fairly pretty with a large canopy bed that was beautiful white. The rest of the room had a faint yellow from the candles that were lit. On the other side of the room was a balcony that had beautiful angels on the bottom part of the railing. Before Mezzmarr could say how wonder his room was, Maxxor kisses her deeply.

Mezzmarr blinks before kissing back but deeply as Maxxor takes off her top armor so he could lick at her breasts. Mezzmarr moans as he does so but licks her very slowly as to enjoy it. Maxxor stops licking so he could kiss her again. Mezzmarr smiles rubbing herself against him. Maxxor breaks the kiss gently as he whispers. "Mezzmarr I want you please be my mate, I love you." "I love you too Maxxor" the two go back to kiss as they lay down on the bed moaning. Maxxor gets Mezzmarr on her back but has her neck and back arch up to him. Maxxor grins before slowly rubbing himself so his cock slowly became hard. Mezzmarr's eyes widen when Maxxor shoves it into her body.

Mezzmarr yelps and jumping up causing Maxxor to fall on top of her getting himself in deeper until he was in all the way to her womb. Mezzmarr bucks her hips wanting more needing more causing Maxxor to moan before he thrusts into her. Mezzmarr moans as Maxxor goes harder and faster with her inner muscles clutching him. Maxxor goes harder and harder until he grunts Cumming into her fertile womb. Mezzmarr lets out a long moan filling Maxxor fill her up with his seed. Once his last ropes were shot, Maxxor collapses next to his lover exhausted. Mezzmarr snuggles close to him as he asks her. "Mezzmarr? Will you marry me?" Mezzmarr's eyes widen in pure shock as Maxxor pulls out a diamond ring. "Yes I would love to oh Maxxor!" Maxxor grins before slipping it on as the two snuggle down for a long deep sleep while dreaming about their wedding.