Escape From Death

Story by KajiAldewolf on SoFurry

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Science can be a wonderful thing. And then it can also be a fickle bitch that loves to do nothing other than make peoples' lives a living hell. With life as they knew it becoming so monotonous and boring, they sought to make it more interesting. Granted, with the science that they had possible at their hands; they went a little bit too far.

"Oh sure! Put it into the water system! That's a good idea!" Snarled a voice, a clang of something metallic slamming against something rotten sounded through the air.

"It was to ensure total contamination of the city!" came another voice, rather cheerful infact.

A low scoff came from the first voice as he bolted back around a corner, the hybrid leaned heavily against the wall; the shovel still grasped tightly in his hand as he looked over at the other hybrid next to him. "You know, I'm never letting you near those chemicals again." The draolf was clad in a lab coat; though torn, dirty, and bloody as it was, his legs were clad in his shorts and his chest was bare of clothing.

"Aww!" whined out the foxcat. He was clad in a lab coat as well, though a bit more bloody than his partner in crime. His red banana has some holes in it as well as the edges being frayed greatly. "But I just wanted to make sure that everyone got to get a taste of it!"

"And turn the entire city into zombies?! Great idea!" growled the draolf back before he looked back around the corner and let out a low mutter. "Great, here they come again." His ears twitched a bit at the sounds above him and he tilted his head up. "Amran. I'm going to kick your ass after this."

The foxcat blinked a bit, and looked up as well; a soft laugh coming from him as he brought the two hatchets out of their makeshift holders; which were mainly the slits in the coat at his waist. "I'll look forward to it." He twirled them in his hands as he looked back over at the draolf who shoulders the shovel. "Which way shall we run."

Kaji started to walk to the middle of the alleyway, his tail swaying slightly as his wings flared a bit. "Let's wait a bit."

The low gutteral growl from the roofs and streets started to get louder. Repeating clicks of claws and talons against the ground. The metal fire escape along the two buildings were soon filled with hissing beings. Fur sloughing off of bones as their eyes stared soulless down at the two furs. The two who were the cause of this massive infestation of the city.

A loud screech filled the air as three forms fell down from the sky. Both furs looked up at the sky, weapons spinning in their hands as they watched the beasts fall down.

"Duck." Was all that Kaji said as he pivoted his foot onto the ground, dragging the shovel through the air as Amran dropped to the ground; two blades making contact with the cement with a small spark as metal met flesh once more; flattening it against a wall.

At speeds that only a foxcat could achieve, the hatchets found purchase in and through the rotten legs and then into the heads of the leaping undead. Already up onto his feet; he hopped backwards to get back to back with the draolf; his eyes flicking from either side as he could feel the wings behind him shudder. "Alright. Water system. Bad idea."

"Now you're getting' it." He looked to the side of him, a gaggle of zombies trudged into both ends of the alley way. "Just follow me lead." He gripped the shovel and pressed off of the ground, the foxcat right next to him as he twirled the shovel around; shoving the end through a zombie's head as he flared his wings.

The resulting blast of air gave them ample room to fend off zombies that had grabbed a hold of them, limbs and heads fell to the ground with sloppy splats as they made their way towards an abandoned house.

Kaji let out a roar as he felt one of the zombies clamp down onto his arm; thankfully the scales that lay under the fur protected him from any contamination of his skin. His hazel eyes flashed orange for a split second as a blast of flames incinerated the undead beast before he spun around; the shovel cleaving off the head of a moaning rabbit. An ear breaking in half as he looked behind him. "Amran! Over the fence!"

The foxcat spun around, putting his agility back into use as he weaved out of the way of grasping hands. His hands swiftly gathering the mini axes into one hand as he grabbed a hold of the end of the shovel Kaji had. He was flung over the cast iron fence; landing with a rough roll as he looked behind him.

A blast of light illuminated the gloomy area as flames licked at the sidewalk, bits and pieces flying everywhere as the draolf landed behind the fence with a growl of annoyance. His eyes flicked towards the gate; a jolt of lightning melted the locks and hinges of the gate together; locking the zombies out. "C'mon, let's get inside."

"Agreed," panted the shorter hybrid as he followed the draolf's longer strides into the building after the mutt had opened the door with liberal force. He closed the door behind him, and leaned against it with a sigh. "Well, this has turned out to be fu- Whoa!" He leaped out of the way as Kaji shoved a bookcase in the way of the door; wedging it good and tight against the walls and the door.

"That should keep them out for a bit," muttered the draolf before he looked back over at his companion. "Fun?" He barked out a laugh as he wiped the spade of his shovel off with his coat. His muzzle split into a slightly manic grin. "Only kind of fun that you and I can get into." He let out a chuckle before he rested the shovel between his wings, sliding it into the holster that sat just over his shoulder.

The foxcat could only chuckle and smile as he listened. "This is true." He looked around the building, looking back at the draolf who'd flopped down into a chair to rest his legs. He flicked his ears a bit, blinking softly as he looked over at the fireplace. "Odd," he mumbled, heading towards it as he ran a hand along the edge of it.

"Hm?" Kaji lifted his head up and looked over at him. "What's up?"

"I can feel a slight gust coming from here. But... it's not from the chimney."

"Oh?" He stood up, heading over towards the fireplace and he blinked. "You're right." He ran a hand along the edge of the fireplace as well before he nudged Amran with his hip. "Scoot over a bit."

Amran let out a grunt at the nudge before he complied and stepped to the side; leaning over to watch on the other side of the draolf. Claws pierced into the cement of the fireplace as he watched the hybrid yank the fixture from the wall. Releasing the smell of chemicals, and very high powered cleaner. The both of them went silent before Kaji looked back at Amran; a grin on his muzzle.


The two of them peered down the passageway, the smell was enough to make them think of what was down there. But it was Amran who started to head down it; Kaji following soon after he reached back out and pulled the fireplace back into its original position. A small flame floated in front of the foxcat to illuminate the path in front of him. "Oh... thanks."

"Don't mention it," chuckled Kaji as he came up right behind him and started to push Amran further down the path. "It's got to end sometime." He took a whiff of the air, and let out a grunt. "Even though it's heavily laden with cleaner. I can smell some traces of blood. It's up and down this corridor." He glanced behind him before he nearly tripped over the transition from rocky ground to paved floor. "Whoa!"

Amran hopped to the side to stay out of Kaji's fall, and he let out a laugh. "Watch that first step! It's a doozy." He grinned wide for a second before he looked around him, blinking a bit as he headed over towards an operating table. His eyes moving up to the array of surgical tools hanging from a round holder. "I've got to wonder what happened here."

"Looks like either a doctor. Or a mad scientist. Or just someone with a really sick hobby." Kaji walked up and tapped a claw against one of the tools laying along a table nearby. "Some of these look more like weapons than surgery utensils." He picked up one of them, spinning it in his hand as he watched the two blades glisten in the light. He let out a chuckle. "Stock up. I think we might be able to make good use out of this stuff."

He turned around, and spotted Amran already up on the table underneath the holder; taking tools off and slipping them into the pockets of his labcoat. He let out a chuckle, starting to do the same thing before he stopped and looked up at the ceiling. He slowly put a knife into his coat pocket as he watches dust fall from the ceiling; the lights swaying above him. "Amran. We gotta move."

The chemical that they had put into the city's water system had turned the entire city into zombies. That much was already known. But what they didn't count on was the fact that the mutagen had gone further than that. Causing mutations within furs that had caused them to become stronger than the norm. It just so happens that these stronger zombies had an even stronger taste for blood. Most particularly, the blood of Kaji and Amran. A taste so strong, that they could pinpoint them. Even under ground.

An explosion of dust and rubble rocketed from the tunnel's exit it, a roar burst forth as it shook the steel tables where they stood. "And move now!" yelled Kaji as he leaped over one of the tables. Amran falling in line next to him as they both looked over their shoulders. A giant hulking beat of a zombie, its specie unrecognizable due to the grotesque proportions of its mutation. All it knew was that Kaji and Amran were food. Good food.

Both of them tripped over their own feet as they stumbled around the corner, ducking down to the ground as a light crashed into the wall above them, causing shards of glass to rain down upon them. The scrambling of claws and pads along rock and the two of them were up and running once more as the entrance to that hallway just got a good bit wider.

"Give! Me! More!" The thirst for the chemical drove the hulking monstrosity towards them, knowing full well that the two had pumped themselves full of the cure for the mutagen. Making sure that they would survive.

"Cant' you just blast the damn thing! Fry it! Shock it! Anything?!" yelled Amran as he skid around another corner.

"Do you remember what happened in the lab last time I did that?!" Kaji leaped up off of the ground, leaping to another wall before he landed back down on the ground; a bookcase crashing where he just was. "A shock drove them to the point that even decapitated, they'd regenerate and come after us! Flames did nothing to them when they were like this!"

Both of them looked in front of them, and they took off into a dead sprint. A ladder up to the surface! Where they could deal with what was behind them. The draolf's wings flared as he took off up the ladder's hatch; a blast of fire erupting it off of it's hinges into the sky.

He burst up into the valley, zombies had already gathered there. Called by the hulk's roar. He landed on the ground with a blast of heat to knock them back, pulling a weapon out of his vest as he started to blend through the zombies around him. Aiming to get himself away from the hole in the ground before it came back up.

Amran pulled himself up to the surface, launching himself into the air to land nearly behind Kaji as they both spun around. Panting heavily as they watched the hole in the ground start to dome upwards. "Oh don' tell me," groaned the foxcat.

With an eruption of rock and steel, the monster emerged from the ground with a ground shaking roar. It hurled itself towards the two furs, his hands splayed out as he reached for the shorter of the two. A flurry of metal and the resounding clang of steel against bone; the hulking zombie was pushed back as the crack of wood echoed through the air. A few fingers landed on the ground in front of Kaji as well.

"Dammit. Broke my shovel," growled the draolf as he looked around him. He pulled out a few knives out of his body and he looked down at Amran. "Ready to get up close and personal?"

The foxcat laughed, pulling a hatchet out of the head of a zombie. "When aren't I." He looked back at the behemoth and took off at a run; the draolf right next to him. Amran dropped into a slide, his coat giving good aide in the effort as he slashed at the legs of the beast; actually making it buckle and fall to its knees.

The draolf leaped to the side, and then pushed himself up into the air. He landed on the shoulders of the hulk, and put gashes into its arms, causing it to yell out in anger and in pain. "Oh shut the hell up!"

He rammed two blades into the stunted neck of the beast before he was grabbed by the torso and thrown off; crashing into the ground and rolling for a good several yards before he lifted himself back up. "Now you're asking for it," groaned Kaji before he took off once more. Flames erupting from his hands, a blue glow emanated from his hands before it turned into a pure white flame.

Zombies reached out, trying to grab at the hybrid; but with a touch of the flames; they were incinerated within seconds. Kaji's wings tucked behind him as he sprinted towards the behemoth; Amran already struggling in its large grasp.


The behemoth let out a low growl, turning its head to look behind him. To see what had decided to interrupt its meal. Only to see Kaji leaping up into its view with a snarl formed on his muzzle.

"Let go of him," growled the hybrid as he shoved his hand into the zombie's face, grabbing onto the spinal cord as he felt the teeth of the zombie press against and crack the scales on his wrist. Its hands wrapped around him and started to squeeze at the same time he applied pressure onto the bones within his hands. "Let's go out with a bang," coughed the draolf.

As a bright light formed on the ground beneath them; Amran scrambled to get away from the two of them. Putting himself behind a rock, even though he knew that probably wouldn't do much. He could feel the heat pulsing off of the flames as a pyre of fire erupted into the sky. The agonizing roar of the monstrosity echoed in the plains; causing him to cover his ears with his hands. It sounded in the distance even after the source had became a pile of ash.

A few moments passed, and he uncovered his ears; peering out around him as he reached for the hatchets next to him. He let out a gulp as his ears picked up the sound of something shuffling through what grass had remained. He let out a yell and leaped up to his feet, a blade lashing out to cut off a zombie's head!

Only to be caught by Kaji, who let out a bright laugh. His vision froze, and then digitized. He shook his head a bit as he flipped the visor up; looking over at the draolf who was leaning back against the couch. "Finally get tired of it, I take it?"

"Hah!" He pulled his helmet off and set it onto his lap. "Not even. The game learned from what we could do and I basically did what I knew the game didn't know." He grinned wide before he looked back at the screen in front of them; whistling a bit. "Seems ya beat me again. Guess that means I owe ya dinner."

The foxcat beamed brightly and hopped up to his feet. "Lucky for you, I'm cheap to pay for."

Writer's Challenge: Artie

A soft hum floated from a fox laying down on one of the long couches that resided within his friend's house. He had let him come over for lunch, but then he left to do some errand. So Artie just snatched up a random book and plopped down onto the couch...

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There isn't anything more annoying than being woken up by the doorbell when you're trying to sleep. Well, it's not really anyone's fault but Kaji's when he's trying to sleep during the afternoon and someone's trying to get his attention. _Ding...

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WoW: Furry Style

Wintergrasp. A zone within Northrend that Alliance and Horde fight to the death over the control of the fortress. A meager 30 minutes is all that they get to storm it and grasp control of the Relic hidden behind the very last door. As you can probably...

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