Quest for the Lost Empire Part 3 of 3

Story by Sir Magus on SoFurry

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#3 of Quest For The Lost Empire

Part 3 of 3

III - What He Learned

Many of the spells Maxim had been taught were elemental spells. He only knew one instant death spell. This was called the Inside Out spell because the caster could make their enemy's body turn inside out. Their organs would show on the outside of the body instead of being on the inside. After a few minutes they would die. He knew basic spells like how to expel fire, ice, water, lightning, earth, wind, and fog from his hands. He also knew how to make vines grow and obey him with his every command. Overall the Minotaur was very satisfied at what Ra taught him, and he was very happy that Ra knew of his need of physical training.

IV - Present

"Well, I guess this completes both parts of your training." Ra commented to Maxim on the last day of the second month.

"I have really enjoyed it. I had no idea that you could train someone like that, especially a very overgrown Minotaur!" Maxim exclaimed as he motioned his hands over his body.

"Maxim, please stop talking like that. You are not overgrown it is just that you are very different. I mean it is your destiny to destroy The Emperor." Ra explained to Maxim as he looked at the others.

"I guess you are right. I mean you said that I will eat The Emperor and I hope you are right." Maxim commented as he walked outside of the pyramid.

Gaia appeared before Maxim. Maria and the others watched in disbelief.

"I don't believe it. He was telling the truth. I always thought that he was lying about Gaia." Maria stated as she looked at Gaia.

"You two should have more faith in him. I don't think he is worried about cheating on you. He is too worried about Medusa." Homer stated as he commended Maria and CeCe.

V - Gaia Warns Maxim and They Prepare for Battle.

"Well I see your training has gone really good!" Gaia exclaimed as she rubbed the Minotaur's arms, chest, abs and back. She finished when she rubbed on the Minotaur's head and horns. "You have grown real strong, you are a lot bigger and your horns are sharper than ever." Gaia continued as she looked into Maxim's eyes.

"Am I really ready to go defeat The Emperor and the empire? Is Medusa okay?" Maxim questioned as he stared Gaia in the eyes.

"Yes she is fine. I have been protecting her for about five months now. That is roughly about the time you accepted her request to destroy the empire, if I am correct. Yes, you are ready. You are strong enough to defeat him as many times as you want. I must warn you about the fight. You may destroy The Emperor and the empire but you might not come out of the castle alive." She advised Maxim as she stared at him.

The other seven dashed toward Maxim and looked at Gaia.

"What do you mean? I mean Ra told us that he was too strong to die. What is the meaning of this?" CeCe queried as she looked up to Maxim.

"I am just telling you the facts. Most of the people that destroyed the other empires never came out. For example the empire of Ille, the person that destroyed the empire was never heard from again. He was never found." Gaia explained as she looked at the eight of them.

"But I have faith in you, Maxim. You will come out of the castle alive. You will proudly hold up the head of The Emperor and declare the empire to its rightful owner, which of course is no one. I have faith in you Maxim, for all eternity to the very end I have faith in you. You will destroy the empire." Gaia continued as she looked at Maxim.

Gaia and the eight of them embraced in a hug and then looked at each other. Maxim let go of them and looked at each of them with a very determine look. "Let's prepare for the final battle. I will destroy the empire once and for all. We leave tomorrow for the last part of our quest. Gaia, tell Medusa that the last empire will be destroyed. Okay, I need everyone to practice on their skills. It is time that I finish what I started!" Maxim exclaimed as he walked over to a small stream.

His reflection looked back at him as he slowly bought his hands down and cupped some of the water into his hands.

"May, the gods have mercy on their souls! I will kill them all, they will all die." Maxim thought as he licked up some of the water from his hands.

VI - Maxim's Short Speech

Maria, CeCe and Nightseeker walked over to the small stream where Maxim had crouched down.

"Maxim, are you sure that you want to do this? This is Maxim talking; it isn't something else, right?" Nightseeker questioned as she looked into the Minotaur's white eyes.

"Yes I am sure this is me. I have promised Medusa that I will destroy the empire and that is exactly what I am going to do. Besides we need to go ahead and practice for tomorrow. It will be a very busy day." Maxim stated as he stared at the three.

The sun started to set once again as the long day came to an end and the rainforest came alive with the sounds of the many different nocturnal animals. The black sky paved the way for the many stars to show their spectacular light and the full moon also gave off wonderful light which all of them enjoyed. They all decided that they would sleep outside since it was warm and the moon gave off some much light. All of them set their sleeping bags on the ground and got ready for a long good night sleep. The pleasant temperature and breeze gave all of them, except Maxim, an easy mind.

"This is the part that I hate to do but I must point it out and you must understand this." Maxim stated as each of them turned to face him. "We will be going into to battle as you already know. We will be fighting many people and even fighting old friends. We will be fighting creatures of our own race and different races. You must understand that at least one of us may die. I am not saying that we will die. I am just saying that it is a very good possibility that it might happen." Maxim continued as he looked at each of them.

"Maxim, don't do this. You are losing faith in yourself. This is a very unwise to do." Ra pointed out as the rest looked at him.

"I am just warning you of what could happen." Maxim advised Ra.

"Don't worry about it. We will help you through the long battle. Just get some rest." Ra insisted.

VII - Maxim's Last Dream of The Upcoming Battle

All of them settled their heads on the pillows for a very long sleep.

"We will be getting up earlier. So you better go on and get you some rest." Maxim point out before he fell asleep.

It was not five minutes after Maxim had went to sleep that he started dreaming. He knew that this would probably be his last dream of him fighting The Emperor. He dreamed about meeting The Emperor in his throne room.

"I will kill you and you know it. I am just too powerful. I will destroy you and eat you. It has been a while since I've had some good Minotaur meat." The Emperor stated as he stared at the Minotaur.

"You will not defeat me. I will kill you and eat you." Maxim retorted as he looked into The Emperor's eyes. "For tonight I will defeat and destroy this empire once and for all. All creatures will be free from your terror." Maxim expressed with the intention of destroying The Emperor.

The Emperor realized the burning desire of Maxim and used it as a weak spot. "You have the desire but you are weak in controlling it. If you are going to defeat me, you must have control over everything. You must be able to control your desire and have plenty of strength to go along with it. Why don't you just join me instead? I can really use your help. You are a very strong Minotaur and you have brains to go along with it. I can really use you. What do you say?" The Emperor questioned.

Maxim looked at The Emperor and turned his head in disbelief. He started to snicker quietly as he slowly turned his head to face The Emperor. "You fool! Do you honestly think that I am going to help you? I will die before I help you!" Maxim exclaimed.

"So be it!" The Emperor sharply answered back as he pointed toward the Minotaur.

"Enough talk! If you are going to fight lets get this over with. I am sick of you." Maxim responded as he crouched down low to the ground.

As Maxim crouched down low down to the ground his eyes changed from a pale white to a blood red and the Minotaur's veins popped out and showed all across his skin. As this happen he let out a long, loud hellish roar. The Emperor realized the Minotaur's sudden roar.

"Well I must say I love the change and the war cry was very dramatic. I must congratulate you, but I still have to kill you." The Emperor stated as he laughed at the Minotaur's sudden transformation.

Maxim stared at The Emperor as he sudden disappeared.

"I thought we were going to fight?" Maxim questioned as he got up off the ground and started to look around.

"We are. I am just going to play around with for a little bit. Besides I like it this way. I mean I can fight you and you will not even see me. This is very classical a very easy way to kill something." The Emperor responded as Maxim grew angrier. Maxim suddenly roared and looked around for one last time.

"Well I can see you for I have the power to see invisible things. For instance, watch this!" Maxim informed The Emperor as he swung his axe to the left.

Blood spewed from The Emperor's arm as his dismembered hand fell down to the ground. He suddenly reappeared before the Minotaur grasping his left arm. The blood rapidly flowed from his arm.

"How can this be? You are stronger and smarter than I thought. Well I have no choice. I will definitely kill you." The Emperor exclaimed as he looked at the blood on the Minotaur's axe.

Maxim charged The Emperor and rammed into a wall with a very big impact.

"I have been defeated this quick? How could this be? Just one charge and his horn went right through me. Well I am not going down alone." The Emperor boasted as he looked at the large horn that had penetrated his abdomen.

"What is that suppose to..." Before Maxim could finish his statement he was stabbed in the back. "No. This can not be." Maxim retorted as he tried to pull the knife from his back.

"Oh I can taste this meat now. I am going to have some good meat tonight." The Emperor uttered as he looked over the Minotaur's broad back.

The Minotaur roared and roared in pain as he tried to pull the knife from his back. "Want relief?" The Emperor questioned Maxim in a sarcastic voice.

He pulled the knife out of Maxim's back and started gloat to his self. Maxim slowly pulled his horns out of the wall and got up to his hooves with The Emperor still impaled through his horn. Maxim pulled The Emperor off of his horn and put both of his hands into the large wound of The Emperor.

"Please don't do this. I can make your wildest dreams come true. Please I am begging you." The Emperor pleaded as he knew what was fixing to happen.

"You should have thought about that before you wanted to make slaves out of people. I am going to kill you, so say goodbye." Maxim harshly explained as he lifted The Emperor over his head.

The other seven sudden appeared before The Emperor and Maxim, only to see Maxim get ready to rip The Emperor apart. Maxim ripped The Emperor apart, devoured the flesh and cleaned the bones.

"Well that was very good." Maxim explained as he smiled to the other seven. His long fangs showed through his lips, they were covered in blood.

"Let's go Maxim." The seven of them told the Minotaur as they pointed toward the door.

Maxim walked outside and held the head of The Emperor up and looked around. "I did it. I have completed my destiny and now I can live in peace." Maxim thought as he looked around at the different people.

VIII - They Leave for the Last Battle

Maxim woke up and looked around at the others while they slept.

"Get up. Let's go now!" Maxim exclaimed in an overpowering voice.

The rest of them looked at Maxim and started to get up.

"Look at the moon! It is showing our victory over Hacotameia! We will defeat the last empire." Maxim explained as he pointed at the moon.

The rest of them looked at the moon and its color. Instead of being normal the moon was completely different. The moon was full and its color was close to a blood red. The others looked at the Minotaur and back at the moon.

"I have never seen the moon like that. I wonder if it is truly depicting our victory." Maria thought as she looked at the moon.

All of them ate some breakfast and started their short travel to the empire of Hacotameia.

IX - They Reach the Empire's Gates

As they walked the sun started to rise and the landscape was provided with generous heat. However as they traveled further the temperature increased rapidly.

"What is with all of this heat? Why is it getting so hot like this?" Maria complained as she walked.

"I don't know but, I am really getting hot." Homer replied as he looked up toward the sky.

"There it is. We are almost there just a few more steps!" Maxim exclaimed as he looked at the big castle.

The castle was extremely huge and the gates and walls that were surrounding the castle were tall.

"Can we please rest for a while? I am so tired." CeCe informed Maxim as they walked up to a small streak of trees.

"Okay", Maxim responded as he motioned them toward the trees.

They rested for about ten to fifteen minutes and just talked about other stuff. They knew that Maxim was probably right, that one of them might die.

"Are we ready? Did we get everything? Are we hungry?" Maxim questioned purposely.

"Oh no, I forgot the inventions." Ra uttered as he looked inside his bag.

"That is okay. We don't need them." Maxim explained as he pointed toward the other seven.

"Besides we have magic and other stuff. The moon has already told us of our victory. Let's go!" The Minotaur exclaimed as he got up to his hooves.

They walked to the gates and looked around.

X - Gentle Army

"This is it, no turning back!" Maxim exclaimed.

"Let's go!" The rest of them yelled as they motioned Maxim.

The Minotaur rammed the gates and they fell back with a big impact. The soldiers stood in formation even though they knew that Maxim and the others had came to fight. The captain walked over to Maxim and looked him straight in the eye.

"Well. You are one well overgrown Minotaur. I have never seen a Minotaur as big as you." The captain explained as he looked over the Minotaur's body.

The other soldiers started to finger their weapons.

"Make your point. I don't have time to play around with you. I am here to kill The Emperor." Maxim pointed out as he looked back at the other seven.

"Yes about that." The captain continued as he stared into the Minotaur's eyes. "He wants to see you. He would like to put an end to all of this. Go ahead and see him. I will escort you. The rest of you don't start a fight. We will fight them as soon as this Minotaur's business with The Emperor is finished." The captain finished as he looked at the Minotaur.

XI - Maxim meets The Emperor

The captain took Maxim down a long corridor full of marble statues. Maxim looked around and looked at the different statues of a figure wearing a robe and looked back at the captain. They reached the end of the corridor and walked into a big stairway.

"He is up that stairwell. He is waiting for you. We will not fight until we hear that you are either dead or that you defeated him. I am telling you this to help you out." The captain warned as he walked back into the corridor.

Maxim walked up the stairway to a very big room full of gold and silver. He looked over and saw the Emperor. The Emperor looked very old possibly late eighties to the late nineties. He wore a black robe that covered his body and he had a cape that covered the robe. In a manner of speaking he kind of looked like the Emperor from Star Wars.

"This can all be yours if you help me out! I will give it to you. Join me!" The Emperor pleaded as he looked Maxim over.

"I will not." Maxim responded.

"You said what?" The Emperor questioned as he started to loose his patience. "You heard me! I will not. I am here to destroy the empire and that is what I am going to do. You think that you can use us as puppets. You tried to recruit us and look what happen. We are hunted down like wild animals. How dare you! Today, we regain our status as creatures on this world. Just set back and enjoy what is fixing to happen! I will kill you!" Maxim finished as he stared at The Emperor. "Ah!" He replied as he slowly started to chuckle.

"Do you think it is funny?" Maxim questioned sharply.

"Yes I do. I mean you act like it the end of the world." The Emperor stated as he got up from his throne.

"I mean really, what do you want? I offered you gold and silver. You don't want it. What do you want? I can get it for you." The Emperor insisted in a negotiably manner.

"Oh that's right, we must introduce ourselves. How are we going to do business without introducing ourselves? My name is Augustus Maximus Julius. What is your name?" Augustus questioned purposely.

"My name is Maxim. I came here to fight. You act like this is a business meeting." Maxim retorted.

"Well you're right. I just wanted you to help me but since you don't want to I have to kill you. So let's go." Augustus told the Minotaur as he looked at the big clock. "That's more like it." Maxim commented as he looked the emperor over.

XII - Doesn't he look familiar?

While Maxim and Augustus were discussing, Maria and the others looked at the soldiers.

"Hey Homer doesn't he look familiar? I mean look at him. Don't you know him?" Maria questioned Homer as she pointed toward the solider in the middle of the formation.

"Now that I think about it, he does." Homer responded as he gradually walked over to the solider.

"Hey! Do you know anyone named Homer?" Homer queried the solider.

"Yes I do. Why do you want to know?" The solider responded.

The solider pulled off his helmet and looked at Homer.

"I don't believe it. Homer what are you doing here?" He inquired as he looked at Homer and embraced in a warm hug.

"It has been a while. I thought you were dead. What are you doing in this army? I mean why did you join it?" Homer queried him.

"Well I wanted to join an army. Besides they have good benefits." Tom explained. "Oh Tom, I see I will have to explain why you don't join an army like this." Homer insisted.

XIII - The Cut

"Don't worry; I will bring a quick death!" Augustus exclaimed.

Maxim chuckle and Augustus looked at him.

"What is so funny?" Augustus queried as he looked at Maxim.

"I will eat you." Maxim insisted as he looked at Augustus.

"I am tried of talking and I am tired of you. Maxim prepare for battle." Augustus stated.

Maxim threw his weapons to the side as he got ready to fight Augustus to the death.

"Let's go!" The Minotaur roared.

Augustus suddenly disappeared as Maxim got a last look of him.

"What are you doing?" Maxim questioned as he looked around for Augustus.

"I like it this way, don't you?" Augustus told Maxim as the Minotaur started to look around. "It is very classical, very similar to an ambush. This battle will not last long, now! I can fight you and you can't even see me!" Augustus finished as he slashed Maxim over his right eye.

The attack happened so fast that it caused the Minotaur to fall down on his knees. He quickly placed his hand onto the cut.

"You, stupid fool!" Maxim exclaimed as he wiped the blood away from his eye. Even though Augustus had cut Maxim on the eye, the cut wasn't that deep and Maxim had been left with just a scar. Maxim got off his knees and back onto his hooves.

XIV - The Mysterious Clock and Mysterious Figure

"You are really stupid, do you know that? Don't you realize that even if you try to kill me, I will always defeat you?" Maxim continued as he still looked around. Augustus appeared in front of him as he heard those words. He looked at Maxim's tail as it rapidly swayed slide to slide, signifying that the Minotaur was pleased by something.

"Yes that's right. You know it and I know it. You are too foolish to realize your own mistake." Maxim added on.

"What do you mean?" Augustus queried sharply.

"Is it not evident? I mean look around." Maxim persisted as he pointed toward the big clock.

Augustus looked at the clock and looked back at Maxim. The clock was gold and had a scythe over center where the hands of the clock met. Roman numerals were the numbers and various designs were underneath the numbers. The designs looked like Magical designations for different things. There were at least three of them underneath one number. They were all different colors and the pendulum swayed just like the Minotaur's tail.

"So?" Augustus answered back.

"Who did you steal it from, was it a Minotaur perhaps?" Maxim kept on as he stared Augustus in the eyes.

"You are right; it was a Minotaur that I stole it from. I killed him and his family because I wanted that clock. He was the chief of his village. He was not old at all he was actually very young. His name was Eracimus and he was pathetic. I really enjoyed killing him." Augustus finished.

Maxim ears twitched back as he heard Augustus' words filled his ears.

"Any way, that clock is not your standard wall clock. You have no idea of its magical potential. Watch this." Maxim went on as he walked over to the clock.

He wiped some blood from his cut eye and drew an equal armed cross on the face and closed his eyes. Out of nowhere a strong gale of wind swept the room and the musk of Death followed shortly after it. The room stared to shake violently as a whirlpool appeared in the center it. Gold and silver slowly started to sank in the hole as Maxim removed his hand from the clock's face. Augustus looked at the Minotaur with anger. A human sized figure gradually rose from the pit. The figure had no skin, hair or muscle and it was dressed in a black robe and carried a scythe. It looked like his bones had been brushed because they were so white. The pit quickly closed as the figure hovered over the abandoned pit. "How has it been going Maxim? I see you are in another fight. And look at you I have never seen you like this. What happen?" The figure stated as he looked at Maxim's eye.

"You are so correct and that is why I like you Death. It is called a metamorphosis, and this is nothing compare to when I get angry. They say that I am the one from the prophecy." Maxim told Death.

"Oh! Well Maxim I should have told you about that. You see, you are the one who will kill him." Death explained.

"Oh, I see! But I must ask you something. Do you know a Minotaur by the name Eracimus?" Maxim queried as he looked over to Augustus.

"Why yes. That fool over here killed him and his family while they were asleep." Death answered back as pointed toward Augustus.

"Why do all Minotaurs know Death? I mean do they all have a pact with him or something?" Augustus inquired as his temper exceeded its limit.

"Yes we all know him and we embrace the fact that we could die at anytime. Shouldn't you know him since you will soon be dieing." Maxim coldly answered back.

Augustus mouth hung widely open as he heard those words. "Death I want you to come back when I call you okay. I want you to collect him and burn him." Maxim insisted as he crouched down low to the ground.

"Okay!" Death answered as he disappeared.

XV - And So It Begins

"You fool! You have killed a dear brother for the sake of his clock and you don't even know its true purpose." Maxim stated with a muffled voice as he stayed crouched down like a snake.

Augustus just looked at the Minotaur and sneered. Maxim gently rose to his hooves and tilted his back in a slightly curved shape. The bones in his back crunched under the applied pressure and he the begin crunching the rest of his bones. After he finished, he begin his short transformation. His muscles, hooves, hands and horns grew a little bit larger. A rush of blood caused his veins to show all over his muscles and face. The veins were very thick and they were a lot of them to show up. His eyes changed back to the red color of blood and he roared loudly as he completely his transformation.

Every one of them heard the roar that came from the inside of the castle.

"And so it begins. Well Maxim has just completed his first transformation. I should have told him about the other three transformations." Ra stated loudly as they all looked at him.

"Don't worry about that. Maxim will defeat him with just the first transformation." A mysterious voice told him.

He knew who it was and he just looked off to the side.

"I know Gaia!" He thought.

Maxim anger rapidly rose as he remembered what Augustus had done to his brother. He wiped some of the blood from his cut eye and licked it from his hand. His eyes grew redder as he tasted his own blood. His huge torso rose and collapsed with each deep breath. Maxim's huge hooves pounded the ground as he walked over to the side and picked up his double headed axe. Maxim snarled as he looked to the left at the much pathetic Emperor.

"This is for my brother, Eracimus." Maxim angrier stated.

"I had no idea that he was your..." Augustus tried to state but Maxim cut him off. "Save your pity for your funeral. I will not have your apologies now. As I have stated before I have came here to destroy the empire not to hear your pathetic voice." Maxim retorted in a very harsh voice.

It was so harsh that it sounded like he had been possessed by a demon or something.

XVI - Final Statements

Augustus backed away from the approaching as he realized that he was unprepared for the battle. His back suddenly hit the wall as Maxim loomed over him. Maxim dark red eyes stared into his and his body heat caused Augustus to sweat rapidly.

"Please don't do this." Augustus pleaded as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"All things must come to an end. It is the will of nature and time. But time is not the end, it is just the beginning. The end is just the beginning of many things. This empire will end and I am pretty sure that someone will be more ruthless than you. I think it is time that you see the end." Maxim explained as he raised his axe over his head.

XVII - The Death of Augustus

It was like Augustus had lost his determination to fight the Minotaur. Maxim swung the axe and decapitated Augustus. Augustus' eyes still stared at the Minotaur as his head fell to the ground. His body fell down to its knees as blood gushed from its empty socket. After a few seconds it fell to the left side of the Minotaur in a slightly fetal position. Maxim kneeled down and grabbed the body by the arms and legs. A loud freakish roar came from the Minotaur as he ripped the body apart. Blood gushed from the body as everything was pulled apart. A horrified sound filled the room as his body was pulled apart. A puddle of blood laid below the body where his torso and legs had been pulled apart. The gold and silver had been tainted with the blood. The captain and the other seven walked into the room only to see Maxim devour the body.

XVIII - Time of Peace

"And so it ends." Ra exclaimed in relief as he watched Maxim devoured the heart.

"Incorrect. It should be, and so it begins." Maxim stated as finished and corrected Ra.

Ra looked at the Minotaur as he got up to his hooves. Maxim walked over to the clock and placed his right hand on it and closed his eyes again. The room rumbled and the same pit appeared again. This time all of the gold and silver disappeared into the pit.

"So you have finished the battle, eh?" Death questioned as he looked at Maxim and the pit disappeared once again.

"Yes I have." Maxim replied.

"So this is what you look like when you get mad. I must say that I had no idea that you would look like this. You are the ultimate Minotaur. I have never a Minotaur as big as you or as muscular." Death commented.

Maxim looked at him and smiled. Death gathered the headless body and disappeared. Ra and the others looked at Maxim and gave him a puzzled look. Maxim picked up the head of Augustus and walked outside to confront the army of the empire.

"Go home! It is finished. This empire belongs to nobody. So go home!" Maxim exclaimed in an overpowering voice as he held the head of Augustus above his. "Watch your back!" A voice exclaimed.

"No, this can not be." A solider stated as he shot an arrow toward the Minotaur's back. The arrow hit the Minotaur in back and he let out a long hellish roar. Blood started to pour out from the wound.

He roared again as he pulled the arrow out.

"You fool!" Maxim retorted as he looked at the solider.

Maxim exhaled deeply as he threw the axe toward the solider. The soldier's torso separated from the lower part as the axe came back the Minotaur. Maxim grabbed the axe and threw his head up toward the sky. He laughed loudly as he watched the soldier's torso fall down to the ground.

"Now we can live in peace." Maxim thought as he stopped laughing. Ra looked at the Minotaur's back and the blood that gushed from it.

"Nightseeker do you want some blood?" Maxim queried as he kneeled down to his knees.

Nightseeker approached Maxim and started to lick the blood from his back. Maxim gave out a long sigh of relief as her tongue licked the blood from his back. Gaia appeared out of nowhere as she looked at Maxim and his wounds.

"Well I guess this is it then, huh." Gaia told the Minotaur.

"I guess so. I have defeated the Emperor." Maxim continued.

Gaia rubbed the Minotaur's muscles and rubbed his head and horns.

"I told Medusa that you were going to defeat the Emperor and she said that you would destroy him. What Death told me made me wince at the sight of his body. I mean you really did a number on him." Gaia kept on.

"Very easy because he lost the will to fight. I really enjoyed his heart. It tasted wonderful." Maxim insisted.

"Well I guess it is over. This news will spread fast and you will be a hero." Gaia persisted.

"Oh well." He thought.

"We can finally live as creatures on this planet. In fact we can finally live as equals towards human and it is about time." Maxim told Gaia.

"You're absolutely right and now I will be leaving." Gaia finished. She disappeared back into the dirt and Maxim looked at everyone.

XIV - What Happens to Them

Well the news did travel fast and all of them were regarded as hero to every city on the planet. Maxim married CeCe and Maria, Homer found the love of his life, and Shirley married Amicus. Ra became a greatly inventor and they all spread out. Even though they lived far apart, they would always meet up again and talk about the battles and different stuff. Maxim found his brother's family's grave and paid his respect to them. The Clock was given to him because he was his brother and Hacotameia's castle was burned and destroyed. Unfortunately, many events happened that caused many sorrows. A few years pass and the Clock is destroyed by Maxim because, of its rarity and Ra and his people decide that they should leave the Garden of Eden. Still they all lived out the rest of their lives in peace and happiness.