Keeto's New Place: Chapter 2

Story by Nogard on SoFurry

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After an hour or so, Keeto opened his eyes to find that the TV was still on. He also realized that he was sitting on his couch naked, so he decided to go put on his clothes which were near the bathroom door. He yawned and popped both his back and neck; then he jumped off the couch, landing his right paw squarely on a nice, messy pile of semen.

"Damn it, I forgot about that." He lifted his paw and was about to rip the toilet paper off when he stopped and slowly counted the squares of paper. When he finished counting from the couch to his now sticky pad, he said, "Cool, that's my best one yet. Too bad it had to come with a heavy price." Looking back at the whole incident, Keeto chuckled to himself. That was the first time anyone had walked in on him, and it just had to be his own mother not ten minutes into getting his apartment. He tore the toilet paper off his foot and hopped into the kitchen, putting his paw in the sink. After washing all the semen off, he walked out of the kitchen, grabbing the key and money as he left, and went to the bathroom door to get his clothes. After putting on his pants, he checked his pocket for his phone. When he pulled it out, he noticed that Kay had called earlier. He decided to give her a call considering he was bored. After three rings, she picked up.

"Hey Keeto." she said. "When you didn't answer your phone I called your house and your dad said you finally got moved into your apartment."

"Yeah, I've been here for about an hour and a half."

"Cool, do you have everything unpacked?"

"I think so." The truth was that he had absolutely no idea considering his mom did all his packing and unpacking for him.

"What are you doing right now?"

"Nothing actually. I just woke up from a nap. I was up late last night, and my mom woke me up early this morning so that I could get moved into the place. Do you want to come over and see it?"

"I want to but I can't right now. My parents went to a friend's house, and I have to stay here and baby-sit my little brother. But how about later tonight? I can call you whenever they get home and relieve me of my duties."

"Sure, that'll fine. I'll make sure everything's unpacked, and then I'll go rent a movie. Which one do you want me to get?"

"Can you get 'The Ruby Glass'? It just came out yesterday, and all my friends said it was great."

"That sounds good. Ok, call me when you can get away. Love you. Bye."

"I love you too. Bye."

Keeto hung up the phone and sighed, "damn, I really didn't want to watch another romantic movie. She always starts crying and then she gets upset when I don't cry with her. Well, what can a guy do?"

He went into his room for the first time to find four suitcases on the floor. He opened the one nearest to him to find all his posters and knick-knacks that he kept around his room. At the bottom of the luggage, he found what he was looking for, his VCR. Now he just had to find all the cables that went with it, and knowing his mom (who doesn't know anything about electronics), she probably put all the cords in different bags. After a good half-hour of unpacking and sorting everything in his room, Keeto was impressed with the way his room looked and decided to go pick up the movie; he hoped the store didn't have it so he would have an excuse not to see it. He grabbed his socks and shoes, turned out the lights, and went to the front door. Before closing the door, he took one last look inside, smiling widely at his place.

Sadly enough, the store did have the movie, so he would have to suffer that night. When he got back to his apartment, it was about two o'clock which meant Kay wouldn't be available for at least another three-four hours. He would need some way to pass the time, so he called up some of his friends for basketball. In all honesty, Keeto wasn't very good, but he liked to think he was. His friends agreed, and after dropping off the movie inside, he headed to the park

It was about five thirty when Keeto finally got back to his new home. When he got inside, he took off his clothes, threw them into the corner of the living room, and took a shower.

"Oh crap," he said when he got out of the shower. "I don't have any towels and my fur's soaked." Before he could figure out what he was going to do, his phone rang in his pants which were still in the corner of the living room. Thinking that it had to be Kay, he hurried out of the bathroom, leaving a watery trail behind him, and answered his phone.

"Hey Kay."

"Hey, my parents just got home so if you want, I can leave right now."

"That'll be great. Oh yeah, can you bring a towel with you by chance? I just got out of the shower and I then I realized I don't have any."

"Haha, nice job there kiddo. You need to think ahead more. Yeah, I'll bring one over, but I don't know where your apartment is."

After giving her directions and saying goodbye, Keeto wandered back into the bathroom so as not to get anything else wet. After standing awkwardly in there by himself for ten minutes, he heard a knock at his door. Glad that she was finally here, Keeto went to answer the door. He opened it only to see the landlord.

After the landlord looked at Keeto, he said, "Aren't you gonna cover up boy?"

Keeto had completely forgotten that he was still naked. He blushed slightly and closed the door halfway and poked his head out. "Sorry, I just got out of the shower and I don't have any towels. My girlfriend is supposed to be bringing me one, and I thought she was at the door."

"That makes sense. Well, now that we've been properly acquainted, heh, I've got something to tell you."


"Someone called me not too long ago seeing if I had an apartment for rent. When I told him that I didn't, he asked if anyone would be willing to have a roommate. He seemed pretty desperate. I told him that there was one person who might be willing to take on a roommate. I was of course thinking of you. If you'd like to meet him, I can call him back and tell him you're interested."

"Hmm, I would like to have the place to myself for a little while longer, but then again, it sounds like he needs a place. How about I meet him next week? That'll give me more time alone."

"That sounds like it could work. I'll call him back and tell him you'll call him sometime next week to meet him. Here's his number." The landlord handed Keeto a number on a piece of paper

"What's his name?"

"Come to think of it, he didn't give me one, so I don't know, but I'll find out for you. I need to go now, my wife's made dinner and I'm pretty famished right now. Adios. And put some clothes on."

The landlord snickered and waved goodbye. Keeto waved back and closed the door. He put the number on his refrigerator using one of the magnets his mom gave him. He started thinking about what this guy might look like, and why he would be so desperate for a place; but before his thoughts could wander too far, there was another knock at his door. He went to the front door saying, "Kay is that you?"

"Who else would it be silly?"

"Oh, do I have a story for you."

When he opened the door and Kay saw him, she said, "Wow, you weren't kidding. You're pretty wet... and naked, hehe."

Keeto smiled at her and said, "Did you bring the towel?"

"No, I thought you were joking. Only an idiot would do what you did."

"You're joking..."

She laughed and threw a towel at him which he graciously accepted. "Let me give you a tour of the place. It's not the big, but hey, it's mine."

After Kay had seen the apartment, and Keeto had gotten his clothes on, they went to the couch and watched the movie. As was always the case, Kay began to get teary eyed while Keeto just longed for it to be over; and, as usual, when the movie was over, Kay got upset that Keeto didn't think more of it. But, she quickly got over it as Keeto led her into his room.

"So, what did you want us to do?" Kay said with a smile. She was only 18, and her parents thought she was still a virgin. Boy were they wrong. She did have some morels though.

"You know what we should do," Keeto said as he began to strip naked

"You got any condoms?"

He stopped undressing as he realized that he didn't. Considering his mom packed for him, he knew she wouldn't pack any, and Kay would not have sex without one; he didn't blame her, and he wasn't willing to take the risk either.

"I don't have one..."

"That's ok, I'm sure we can do some exploring," she said while winking

"I like that idea."

Kay went over and finished stripping Keeto of his clothes. She then undressed herself. By the time she had finished taking off her clothes, Keeto already had the stirrings of an erection. She told him to sit on the bed, and he quickly obliged. By the time he spread his legs, he had a full hard-on, throbbing with need.

Kay waltzed over to him and took a single finger and circled around fleshy head. Keeto knew what was coming, she always did this before she started. Kay took the finger away and knelt down, lowering her head toward his cock. She stopped about an inch away, and flicked her tongue out, slowly circling the end of his penis, gradually slipping farther down. By the time her lips had enclosed his head, Keeto was already leaking precum into her mouth. Kay began to bob her head up and down on Keeto's foxhood. Keeto was in heaven, and closed his eyes, moaning very erotically. His hands gripped his new bed covers, squeezing them every time Kay went down on him. Kay started using her teeth to gently scrape the fleshy goodness. Keeto was very close now, and it showed by his cock's small spasms. Kay took note of this, and lifted her head off his cock. Keeto, stopped moaning and looked down at his lover, wondering why she stopped.

"You can't cum just yet. I'll make you a deal, make me have an orgasm, and I'll finish you off."

Keeto's jaw fell. He didn't know if he'd ever actually made her orgasm before. Whenever they had sex of any kind, it was always for him; at least that's what he thought. Kay went over to the other side of the bed and lay on her back, spreading her legs so that Keeto could get a good look at her cunt. This only tortured his bodily urges more, and he was tempted to just grab his cock himself and finish off because he was so close. But, he knew Kay wouldn't appreciate that very much, so he sighed, and went over to her.

He took his first two fingers, and slowly slipped them into her vagina. Kay just smiled and leaned her head back, closing her eyes, wondering what Keeto was going to do. Keeto used his fingers to circle around the walls of her vagina, causing Kay to murr slightly. He then thrust his fingers into her, trying to reach the deepest spot possible. He then pulled his two fingers out, and bent his head down and started licking the opening. This caused Kay to squeal unexpectedly. He pushed his tongue into the opening and began licking the walls, tasting her juices for the first time. He liked the taste, and kept going back for more. Kay started to moan, but other than that, she wasn't making any movement. Keeto decided to try two at once. He brought his fingers up to her cunt and pushed both of them in while his tongue came out. Then the pushed his tongue in while pulling his fingers out. Kay's legs began to shift uncontrollably, and Keeto knew (or at least hoped) that she was close. After about a minute more, Kay had her climax, shooting her vaginal juices all over Keeto's face and hand. When Kay finally came down from her orgasm, she smiled big at Keeto.

"That was wonderful. Thank you. Now let me take care of you."

Keeto's boner was still rock hard and needed to be serviced. He and Kay swapped places, and she began pleasuring him again. Since he was lying down, he couldn't help but buck into her mouth every few seconds. Kay didn't mind, as she was used to his doing this. Keeto wrapped his legs around Kay's upper back. His hands were still clenched at his side, and the covers became more wrinkled the closer he got. Then, suddenly using his legs to force her down, Kay's nose slammed into his groin and his cock tensed, and shot his second load of the day down her throat. Kay swallowed all of it and kept her head on his cock, even when he relaxed. She pulled her head off his penis with a slurping sound, and crawled over to lie down next to him.

Kay said, "Haha, your face is still messy from me. You should go wash that off. I'll be here waiting for you."

Keeto kissed her and went into his bathroom, and he washed his face and dried it using the towel that she brought him. When he came back into the bedroom, he said, "Well, looks like I'll need new bed covers. You kind of stained these."

Kay didn't hear him as she had fallen asleep, making sure to use all of his pillow. Keeto sighed and lay down next to her. He kissed her again and, while cuddling her close to him, fell asleep in a few minutes.