Sylvester's Cave of Tentacles Part 1-teaser

Story by GreyWolf19 on SoFurry

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Sylvester the cat awoke, for the third time now, in the grasp of hundreds of unseen limbs...of his new, always pleasurable master...suspended high in the air above a tranquil pool of water, deep in the bowels of the cave which had become his new home. Immediately he noticed that, for the first time in what felt like days, he could see light. He blinked, surprised. A long ray of light extended from a gaping hole in the cavernous chamber's ceiling, bathing Sylvester in the warm glow that only sunlight could provide. His eyes followed it almost all the way down to the water below, where, gradually, it dissipated. There he also spotted a couple of large, smashed rocks, which he guessed had once plugged the hole which light was now pouring through. The cave, apparently, was bigger than the cat had previously thought. He was being held at the center of the chamber, but the light only slightly illuminated anything beyond himself. He could vaguely see the outline of the cavern walls, but nothing more. Still, some light was better than_no_light. Sylvester certainly wasn't complaining. He raised a paw, accompanied by of one of the multliple tentacles coiled around his arm, to his mouth as he let out a long, sleepy yawn. He was thankful that the tentacles allowed him to move about freely, when he wasn't being screwed silly by them. He took advantage of this by stretching his back, like he normally would from a cat nap. The difference being of course that he was lying on a net of tentacles instead of a bed at home. Not that they were any less comfortable than his old bed. In fact, they seemed to support his weight perfectly, allowing him to shift in any position he wanted to, or having them move him around so as to make him as comfortable as possible. The moment he would start to get uncomfortable, his body would be guided to the most relaxing position possible. Not to mention the fact that they gave absolutely amazing massages, usually before or after their "playtime". It was almost as if they could read his mind, with how well they manipulated his body. Sylvester wouldn't be too surprised if that was the case. And speaking of reading his mind...

Sylvester felt his slithering companions shake and vibrate as he stretched and yawned, as if they too were waking up. His tail twitched with anticipation, though it too was being held by a tentacle. He knew what would be coming next...

Sure enough, the tentacles started to shift around, caressing first his legs, then working their way up past his groin, and to his chest. New ones rose up from the pool below, dripping wet with a mix of water, and they're own special slime. Sylvester's tentacle massage was about to begin. And, Sylvester thought with a smile and a swish of his tail, now being restricted entirely by the tentacles, after this comes the fun part. He was placed in his usual position: lying "face down", his arms and legs spread outward, each accompanied by a series of coiling, caressing tentacles. Two more sets of thick tentacles were wrapped around his upper body. One, just above his groin. The second, around his chest. Each adding their own individual touch to the relaxing and...arousing massage his body was receiving. Another tentacle began to coil around his neck, tilting his head upwards slightly. Eager, he opened his mouth wide. He knew what to expect. The first time he had experienced it, he had resisted. Now, with mouth open, drooling, he let a thick, oozing tentacle slide into his maw, and rest gently onto his tongue, which was already licking up and down the foreign appendage. He had gotten used to the taste of the slime. At first, he found it rather hard to swallow. But after probably drinking a few gallons of the stuff over time, he found that it wasn't all that bad. By now he could even detect a somewhat pleasant aftertaste in it. With the cat's mouth taken care of, the tentacles began working other areas of their pet's body. A few of them started rubbing dangerously close to Sylvester's cock, which had already grown half-hard. They danced sensuously up and down his inner thighs and groin, making him utter a soft, muffled moan. Another, slick with slime, began poking at his tail-hole. This was something that he had also resisted the first time, but now he relaxed his muscles, with help from the tentacles, and soon felt the familiar sensation of getting penetrated and filled, making his cock twitch with excitement, and grow harder. Sylvester let out a soft grunt that sounded almost plaintive, yet it wasn't escape that he was pining for, but for the tentacles to proceed, and play with other certain parts of him which were just begging to be touched. Of course, it would be a little while before he was granted such. His body would be rubbed and fucked till he would be humping the air out of the need to cum. Only then would be given what he desired. The whole experience was maddeningly pleasurable. Certainly, the tentacles were good at what they did.

Minutes passed by as Sylvester grew hornier and hornier in the tentacles' grasp. He was now completely filled by the tentacle in his ass, and he knew that soon it would start to fuck him. Slowly at first, then ridiculously fast, like a piston. His eyes rolled from the growing pleasure, and his cock, now rock hard, began to leak pre. This was usually the part when- Again, as if reading his mind, the tentacles took their seductive massage up a notch. Stealthily sliding up his legs, a tentacle coiled around his balls, gripping them firmly, but not painfully. "Mmmfghh...", groaned Sylvester. He had gone through this whole sexual ritual a number of times already, but somehow it never got old. He never seemed to grow tired of the way the tentacles fucked him just how he liked they tugged on his balls they all massaged him in perfect unison, never letting up once. It was pure bliss...and he got to enjoy it daily. He gave his seed to the tentacles, assuming that's what they were feeding off of, or else just being their sex toy, and he got to experience the best sex of his life on a regular basis. Compared to just lounging about at home, napping all the time, he enjoyed being a sexual food source to this erotic creature much more. He moaned once more, even louder, as his balls were tugged ever so skillfully. He couldn't be happier.

Suddenly, he felt himself being lifted backwards. Still licking the tentacle in his mouth, Sylvester had a surprised expression about his face. His body, tentacles and all, was being moved into a reclined position, facing the ceiling now, but remaining upright, as if relaxing on a chair. What's more, his arms were placed by his sides, and were kept there by more tentacles now wrapping around both his arms and his chest. His legs meanwhile were still spread open, allowing for easy access. Everything felt just as pleasurable as before, and it was nice to be in a different position than the other times, was strange. He was always kept face down when getting yiffed, so his cum could more efficiently reach the pool below him. Like this, when he orgasmed, some of his cum would probably end up on him, a waste. It was certainly a curious change of events...something that he would keep his eyes on. Nonetheless, it was also something that he had no control over. All he could do was wait, which, actually, wasn't all that difficult, since it still involved getting fucked and massaged. Sylvester leaned back in his net of tentacles, toes curling from the pleasurable onslaught. Every now and then he would let out a muffled mewl, like that of a kitten. He couldn't help it one bit, though. With the tentacles induging his every desire, his body practically demanded a moan or two...or five. When the tentacles started to double their efforts, Sylvester figured that there wasn't any special reason he was in this new position after all. The tentacles were beginning to get serious in their yiffing. He knew that it wouldn't be all that long now before they started going into overdrive, and then....Sylvester eye's shone with a wanting lust. He knew what would come after that.

Then, like a distant echo, Sylvester heard something. He recognized it instantly...even from way down here. The "echo" he heard was a cry for help, plaintive and panicked. Someone else has found his cave of tentacles, it seems.